Interior discovery. Ways to arrange door opening without doors

Depending on the dimensions and planning of the apartment, the doorway can be arranged with the door or arch without the door canvase, which will look at the kitchen and dining room, between the living room and the corridor. In any case, the passage between the rooms plays an important role in the interior, attracting attention to and adding, in some cases, convenience and functionality.

Door openings without familiar doors are surprisingly transformed by the room

If for a number of reasons you decided to leave the door opening open, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The advantages include the following items:

  1. All will allow the functionality of the adjacent rooms. The most appropriate is the option of such design between the kitchen and dining room.
  2. There are no loops and fittings in the open arch, so nothing will fail.
  3. The daily opening finish will be carried out without difficulty, as in construction stores a wide range of facing materials.
  4. The decoration of the open opening does not require major financial investments, efforts and, in most cases, time costs.
  5. You can perform work yourself.
  6. The open arch harmoniously flies into any style of interior and design. Its form can be any - square, triangular, curved, arcuate.

The absence of sufficient noise insulation and free penetration of odors can be attributed to minuses, which is particularly relevant for the kitchen.

Earl without doors - a win-win solution for the visual association of adjacent rooms: living room and hall, corridor and dining room, kitchen and living room

All doorways can be divided into several basic types:

Registration of doorways, depending on the destination, has some features. In particular, bedrooms and children's rooms should provide peace and silence, so it is not desirable to leave them without a tightly closing door canvase. Kitchens, libraries and living rooms, on the contrary, can be equipped with the help of an open doorway - it will add convenience when moving, will expand the space and allow the sunlight to freely fall into small rooms.

Easy doorway decor will emphasize the beauty and complexity of the room interior

Wide edging, on the contrary, allocate the complex form of the opening and will make a visual accent on it

In small-sized apartments with low ceilings, arched openings will look at the best possible. Such a type will visually expand the space and add heights. At the same time, the arch should be a canopy and have a large radius.

How to arrange a doorway?

Popular options for design:

  1. Decoration with curtains or drapery. It will serve as an ideal option for the passage between the bedroom and the loggia. We recommend using high-quality dense textiles that prevents the passage of sun rays. For a easier option, the curtains of beads and beads are suitable.

    For bohemian style, curtains made of thick-colored material

  2. Also, various vertical blinds are suitable for designing doorways. Their range is widely represented in construction stores. You can use folding wooden, glass, fabric or plastic partitions.

    Vertical blinds in the role of decorative partition

  3. A more classic option for decorating open doorways - facing by plasterboard and wood. The convenience of the first is that from it you can build almost any shape and cover the finishing material - decorative plaster, paint or wallpaper - the choice is yours. On decoration made of wood, you can cut patterns and ornaments. The tree will look more "gorgeous" and will serve a long time. When changing the color gamut room, a wooden finish can easily be repainted in another shade.

    The trim tree will be a good solution when it is required to highlight edging on the wall background

  4. The classic interiors harmoniously flies a small decorative eaves, which is called "Sandrik". It may consist of a column or lepnin, contain elements of statues.

    Decoration of the doorway in the classic style

  5. If the interior is made in the Renaissance style, Gothic or Baroque - should look at decorative strata and columns. This technique will definitely add chic and aristocratic room. They are not suitable for rooms decorated in High - Tech and modern styles. The surface of the lepnin can be painted in different colors, decorated and apply gilt. It is not necessary to use natural natural materials, a polyurethane can cope with this task. It is much easier and stronger than gypsum. In addition, with its help you can simulate the finish with natural stone and marble.

    Decoration of the opening of the stucco will make the room sophisticated

The glass door will have to taste those who do not want to fully separate and isolate the space. You can use stained glass, matte or darkened glass. Apply an ornament on it or leave completely transparent.

The door from the glass is relevant when it does not need complete visual insulation, but it is necessary to stop the noise and smell

The coupe doors will fit the owners of large rooms with the ability to equip a wide opening. Convenience of them in multifunctionality. If you need to distinguish the space - just close the doors.

Door coupe can be chosen under any style of the interior

The door will be the perfect and convenient way to make up doorways in small apartments. It may be a glass, plastic or wooden. Absolutely does not take place and does not require free space.

The harmonica door is compactly folded, so it is very relevant in small rooms

Decorating door opening stone

Facing door openings with decorative stone will like the connoisseurs of natural materials. This kind of decor is quite expensive and time consuming. It is not difficult to choose a stone, because the palette of flowers, shades, the textures are very wide - from smooth gray, black to the embossed elements of a brick color. This material may occur in various sizes, forms. With the help of an artificial stone you can imitate the shell, malachite, sandstone or any other.

If you chose a natural stone finish, remember that the idea should be really standing and reinforced with similar details in the room design.

Facing a doorway with "torn edges"

Usually use elements of a small size by placing them along the edge of the opening, creating either even, or torn edges. The stone is allowed to use both in one color range with the interior and allocate the finish, using contrasting shades. It combines stone, both with textiles and a tree. Fully durable, unpretentious way in the care of the design of the doorway. Since the decorative stone is heavy - it is important to attach it to the wall. To do this, take advantage of specially intended compositions based on glue, liquid nails.

Often instead of decorative stone use brick tiles. This material is moisture resistant and refractory. It is able to serve several dozen years. Also, as in the previous embodiment, it is laid out in the dispensing of the circuit of the opening or form smooth edges. It is well combined with both plaster and wallpaper.

Option design Arches Tile under the old brick

And here the doorway laid out the real brick

What to prepare a section of the wall to layout the tile, you need to remove all previous finishing materials, degrease the surface. If the wall has rough irregularities, cracks - it is recommended to align it with a putty or plaster. Mandatory stage - primer in two stages.

At the end of the drying process, proceed to the installation of "clinker". To attach tiles to the wall, tile adhesives are used, liquid nails. It is important to prevent the manifestations of glue in the seams between the elements. So that the joints were perfectly even recommended to use special cross. They can be found in any construction store. The last step will be the use of grouting, which can be similar by shade or contrasting to the tile.

How to arrange a doorway with plastic

Fast and budget versions of the doorway. The process of its installation is simple. You can do yourself. Quite durable, plastic and uncomplicated in care. Under the material you can conduct wiring and make the backlight with small luminaires. Fasten plastic with glue for plastics.

Before the sticker of the plane panels should be aligned with putty and primed

For sealing slots between panels and walls, angular elements are used

With the help of an open doorway, you can drastically transform the room. It will add space, light and ease. In case the apartment is small - this option is simply indispensable, as it will save the useful area. It will be a win-win option for combining a kitchen with a dining room, a bedroom with a loggia, a library with a living room, a hall with an entrance hall.

A wide range of finishing materials, a variety of forms will allow you to choose the design of the doorway for any room - from country cottages and huge mansions to modern apartments in new residential complexes. If you are going to combine sleeping space with loggia - do not forget about various ways to block sunlight, such as curtains, curtains or blinds.

Arch original shape in the bedroom

Door opening wooden colon

Whatever option you choose - decoration with decorative stone or wood, plastic, brickwork, wallpaper or plasterboard - it is important to observe the balance. All elements of the interior must be harmoniously combined with each other.

Original solution - built-in open shelves

Video on how to arrange a doorway stone

With overhaul or construction site, it is necessary to take into account everything - even the width and height of the doors. Dimensions of doorways, of course, may be arbitrary, but then you will have to always make doors under the order. It is easier to observe the standards - less costs and problems. Standard dimensions of interior doors are spelled out in Guest. Let him and the old one, but most of them are built on them.

Standard Dimensions of Door Operactions

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is still a standard of the USSR times, describing the requirements and dimensions of doorways, interior doors. There are a lot of TU and DSTU, but they have a distant relationship to standards - each manufacturer writes them to themselves. Buy doors made by technical conditions can be if the quality of them is height. But the doorways should do exactly standard dimensions.

Why better to do them according to the standard? Because then there will be no problems with replacement. Almost all manufacturers make doors with GOST. After all, the high-rise buildings are built, taking into account all the requirements (or should be so built). If the opening has special sizes, the doors will have to be ordered only. And these are high costs, and there is no guarantee no one that you will like it in the finished form.

GOST Sizes

So, even with the overhaul or construction of your own house, in the construction of interroom partitions in a new building - in any case, doorways are laid standard. GOST provides such parameters:

  • Width:
    • Single 700 - 900 mm (with 100 mm increments) and 1200 mm. In such doorways, it is recommended that the installation of doors with one-bedroom canvases is recommended.
    • Under bivalve (in the standard, the term two-fledged canvases is used) make openings 1300 mm wide, 1500 mm and 1900 mm.
  • The standard doorway height can only be in two versions: 2100 mm and 2300 mm. The minimum permissible height is 2071 mm and 2271 mm, respectively.

These are the dimensions of standard doorways. No others. As for permissible deviations, the doorway can already be standard by 20-25 mm. In this case, too, you can install the standard door block. Only the mounted gap will be less than the work will not facilitate. That is, the narrowest door opening can be 675 mm (instead of 700 mm). In the same way, the principle can be counted the permissible deviation relative to each standard width. It can be slightly reduced, but not more than 25 mm.

What to do if real dimensions do not meet the standard

What if a few millimeters do not have enough to standard? Depends on the material of the walls, as well as from the real width of the passage. If the walls are mechanically handling, you can remove several missing millimeters. Sleep, cut down, cut down. An ax, a chisel, chisel, a brine with a disc on concrete / brick, etc. Usually interferes with a pair of protrusions or curvature on some plot. If it is aligned, you can get closer to the desired size.

If the walls are composed of a very durable material, there is the only way to adjust the opening under the standard - to reduce it until the next standard value. There are two ways: lay the brick, slices of building blocks, shook out. The second option is to establish a mortgage bar (processed by the antiseptic and dried), which, again, coat with plaster, aligning into a plane with walls. In general, you understood the idea: non-standard dimensions are practical to lead to the standard.

Convenient dimensions of interroom doors

With the height of door openings, it is easier to decide. It is tied up everything on the ceiling height. Yes, and the choice is small - only two options - 2.1 m and 2.3 m. But how to be with a width? There are more opportunities here. Generally, there are certain recommendations that relate to the minimum dimensions of the doors. It is the doors, not openings for them. The opening should be 70-100 mm wider. So, the dimensions of interior doors should be at least the specified width:

  • In the technical premises (storerooms, bathrooms, baths and toilets) The recommended web width is 600 mm.
  • For kitchens minimally - 700 mm.
  • For residential rooms recommended at least 800 mm.

Of course, you can increase the size of interior doors, if it allows the doorway. Reduce - at its discretion. But the most narrow door canvas, which can be found on sale - 550 cm and then with it uncomfortable people. In the kitchen and room where gas equipment can stand, the width of the doorways is dictated and controlled by the fire safety service. So do it will not work. Wider possible.

As for the residential premises, you can make openings in them and under bivalve doors. That is, 1.5 meters permitted as possible in Guest. There may be more broad, but it is already non-standard. In a wide opening, not only ordinary swing models can be installed, but also or. But large and wide doors look good in the premises of a large area. So the recommended dimensions of interior doors are not just like that. They took into account not too large premises in our dwellings.

How to determine which width door leaf need to be installed

If the doors simply go under the replacement, the easiest way to measure the canvas, which is already worth it. So definitely not mistaken. If you install the doors for the first time, you need to measure the doorway and select an option that will require minimal effort during installation.

How to measure the doorway

To properly select the size of the door or the door block, you need to know the exact dimensions of the opening in which they will be installed. Measurements are carried out using a conventional construction roulette. Any parameter is measuring at least two points. If the difference is visually visible, you can measure more times, adjusting the position of the roulette at its discretion.

The height of the doorway is measured in one and in another jamb, the width is at the top and below, at about a distance of 30-50 cm from the floor and the perts. You can conduct measurements and in the middle of the height. You still need to measure the thickness of the opening (the thickness of the wall). It must be checked at least two points on each side.

All measurements are written. It is better to do this on the doorway diagram. If there are deviations, we look at how serious the situation is and is it possible to fix it. If the most "narrow" place corresponds to the minimum possible standard impact, you can leave everything as it is. Otherwise, it will be necessary to try to correct the situation. Above already described as.

But the dimensions are not all. It is necessary to test if there are no deviations for geometry. The side walls of the doorways must be vertical, and the pendant is horizontal. You can check the correctness of the form using the usual construction level (bubble), but more accurate and more accurate with. You can check the side walls to check the usual construction plumb. If the deviations are large, you need to correct them. If their value within a centimeter - can be compensated for when installed using mounting plates and construction foam.

We select the size of interroom doors and blocks

As already spoke, the size of interior doors is determined based on the dimensions of the existing opening. Doors are sold by the unit assembly with the box or only one canvas. It is more convenient to take the unit - it accelerates the installation. But buy separately the cloth and collect the box will be cheaper. Here you choose, or pay less, but spend time and attach additional efforts, or save time, but spend more money.

If you decide to buy the door block, see that its width (on the outer dimensions of the door frame) was slightly smaller than the width of the opening. The minimum mounted gap is 10-15 mm, optimal - 25-35 mm.

When buying only the door canvases, they proceed from the fact that it should be 80-100 mm already opening. It will be necessary to add two jacocks, and this is at least twice 25 mm, plus the mounted clearance of 10-15 mm, plus the gap on the sides of the door leaf - 5 mm. Total we get: 25 * 2 + 15 + 5 \u003d 70 mm. This is the minimum value that needs to be added to the width of the door. The resulting digit should be equal or less than the width of the doorway, to which it will be installed.

Sizes of entrance doors

The dimensions of the entrance doors are also normalized. They are described in GOST 6629-88. If you want to install standard products, make openings on recommendations. If you build your home, the minimum width of the entrance doors is better not to lay. And the point is not only difficult to find the right dimensions of the canvas. The fact is that the likelihood is very high that you will force you to redo the fire or gas service.

Firms have their own standards on

So, the standard dimensions of the entrance doors can be:

  • width of the canvas
    • for single-channel - 900 mm, 1100 mm;
    • for bivalve - 1400 mm (700 mm + 700 mm); 1800 mm (900 mm +900 mm).
  • the height of the canvas is 2300 mm.

If we talk about what is available on sale, that is, any doors. Moreover, you can order - iron or wooden any thickness. But it is again, non-standard. Although the entrance is changed much less frequently interior.

A few words about what should be the doorway under the entrance doors. In the same standard, it should be wider than 70 mm cloth for single-widths and 72 mm wide for bivalves. These are minimal values. Wider opening can be less not. In the height of the doorway under the installation of the input door should be more than 71 mm. That is, under the entrance door with a width of 900 mm wide, we need an opening of at least 970 * 2371 mm. With the rest similarly.

Approximately 10 years ago, doorways were included without windows. Whether people are tired of the doors, and she wanted something new in a residential space, whether the constrained living conditions were affected, where there is no place to be broken door canvases, but the openings became very popular. In this article, we will talk about how to arrange a doorway without a door.

How to separate the doorway without door photo

Advantages and disadvantages of free space

From the disadvantages it should be noted the absence of the door in the premises where they are needed. For example, sometimes you want to retire and be in silence. Without the door it will not work. Also, if we are talking about the doorway to the kitchen without a door, the sounds and smells of preparing food will be distributed throughout the residential space even with a good hood.

About what is the ways of design of the opening without a door, see this video.

We are determined with the form of the opening: a rectangle or arch

Since into our lives, the word burst into our life, such as plasterboard, the design of any form is no longer a problem. Rectangular and radius, symmetrical and asymmetric forms are embodied easily and simply, because the plasterboard is a malleable material, and with its help you can solve a lot of design ideas.

As for the form of the opening, everything depends on personal preferences here - someone likes square forms in the interior, someone prefers rounded corners. And you still need to pay attention to the interior styles and coordinate them with the future design of the opening.

Of course, not every room can be arranged with a doorway without a door. For example, in the bedroom or in the nursery is extremely desirable. But if you wish to give up at all from the door in the entire apartment, I will come to the aid of curtains and shirms. Sound insulation from them, of course, do not wait, but they will be able to cover the contents of the room.

How to separate the opening without a door: choose materials

The most important thing is why you need to strive for, it is to the harmoniousness of this element of the interior with the rest of the design. Of course, it is possible to decorate the opening of the main type of finish, how to make it a continuation of the walls of the room, but it is better to highlight a little along the contour. If the opening does not arrange in any way, it will seem unfinished, transferring this message to the entire room.

  1. At a minimum, it needs to be born - this is the simplest decorative design of the opening of the planks installed on its perimeter. The platbands can be made of wood, MDF, plastic - choose any option that has enjoyed and be sure to relate it to the texture and color with the design of the room.
  2. A rock. If you are thinking about the question, how to reflect the doorway without a door, then feel free to choose a stone. The second most popular method of decor is the use of natural or artificial stone. It is perfectly combined with almost any material: a tree, plaster, putty and even wallpapers will make a beautiful tandem stone. The only thing he will look is not very good, it's with plastic.

    How to improve the doorway without door photo

  3. Stucco. The classic of the genre for luxurious and spacious interiors is classic, baroque, rococo and the like. And for small-sized, unfortunately, it does not fit. Along with the natural stucco of plaster, imitation of polyurethane or foam is now used. The last material for registration of rich interiors is not necessary. And the polyurethane stucco today is a competition of plaster - it is easier, cheaper and in appearance is practically no different from the original.

    Finishing of the opening of the stucco photo

  4. Tile. The discovered tile lumen has a number of advantages - the edges are obtained resistant to mechanical damage, it is also possible to choose a tile with imitation under stone, brick, wood, etc., which expands the possibilities in design. The size of the tile is chosen depending on the dimming dimensions, but the medium-sized material is most often used.
  5. Wood. For the design of the opening, it is better to use the wood of valuable breed or veneer. Wood is suitable for decor of rectangular openings. It is possible to bend it, of course, but it will not be easy. If you need to make radius surfaces, it is better to use the composite material "under the tree", for example, MDF.

    Wood door finish

  6. Laminate. This material has long been used not only as an outdoor coating. It successfully prescribed on the walls and even on the ceiling. If you do not know than to separate the doorway without a door, but I want something original, then you feel free to choose a laminate. It also imitates the wood well.

    How to separate the opening laminate photo

  7. Decorative plaster. Also an excellent option for the decor, especially since now the market presents a wide range of decorative plaster, and it can be chosen for every taste. The same applies to the color range - it is very wide, and you can pick it up on the basis of the main finish or play in contrast.

If you definitely decide to refuse one or more doors when repairing, then the options described above will help you issue a doorway without a door and choose such a finish method that is suitable for your interior 100%.

Doorway, which is not equipped with a door, is an original and aesthetic solution, often chosen by the owners of apartments. With competent design of such structures, it is possible to significantly transform residential space and free the useful area. In the apartment of small dimensions to get rid of the excess doors - a rather easy way to make space visually wider. Finishing the doorway without a door is a successful and stylish solution to the problems of a small space.

Features of opening without doors

Door openings without doors are successfully drawn up in public buildings, in spacious cottages and small housing. Such a decision is win-win when combining the living room and hall. With open passes, small kitchens and hallways are often combined.

Situations are quite often found when the door turns out to be unnecessary. She prevents moving around the apartment and creates extra difficulty. Doors should be installed in the bedroom, office and children's room. This is explained by the fact that such rooms are designed to create a personal space.

Sometimes without a door to the kitchen, too, do not do. Foreign smells do not fall into residential rooms. The smell of the prepared meal is a very strong irritating factor. Therefore, in the absence of a normal system of outputting smoke and gases from the kitchen, install the door necessarily. A photo of doorways without doors will help to understand what to choose for their apartment.

To perform decorative design of the opening, it is not always necessary to invite professional builders. Such work can be performed independently. However, it should be found with the peculiarities of the process and the main errors. It will not hurt to look at the photo of ready-made projects.

Attention! Sometimes the design of the room involves the same finish of all openings in the room - both door and window. Traditionally, lamps are mounted in the aisles. They are built up around the perimeter of the passage. Other popular options - curtains, shelves, other decor details.

Opecha form

The design of the opening without a door can be performed any configuration. Basic condition - the form must correspond to the size of the room and its style. It is necessary to take into account the skills of the internal finishing of the worker. With their absence, one should not be taken for a complex project.

Rectangular openings

Often the doorway is left to the same form as it was before dismantling the door canvase. Work on his finishing will be able to fulfill even a master with small experience. Rectangular designs are perfectly finished. In addition, when they are facing, you can embody a wide variety of ideas. Usually, they are separated by plasterboard panels to create a harmonious look.

The most affordable option is the staining of the opening of the wall surface. Rectangular arches are often made in the form of arches with facing stone.

Designer arch

Arched passage is also a classic option. However, the variety of forms provides ample opportunities for the embodiment of original fantasies. How to separate the arch without having special skills? The easiest solution is to buy a finished vault from the tree. Such products typically perform standard dimensions.

For those who love to experiment, such solutions can be suggested:

If you choose the arch of the original form, you can experiment with the visual perception of space. With the original form of the arch, the design must have a strict look.

Materials for finishing

Different materials can be used for registration of doorways without doors. They usually have different shades, texture and price.

Decorative rock

The appearance of stone elements is always distinguished by nobility and respectability. Different types of its species have their own installation features. Their durability will also be varied. The main difference between the natural stone from artificial - it is much more expensive. It should be remembered that artificially created minerals can also be a variety of colors and textures. One of the main advantages of such products is lightness.

The stone will look good at the entrance, in the premises of a large square and in rooms where few furniture items. The opening, which is made in such a material, will ideally look indoors with a fireplace.

Quite often, parallel with the open opening the same styling is carried out and around the window. Thanks to this reception, the design becomes completed and more cozy. Therefore, such a solution for the design of the openings is very popular among apartment owners.

When independently performing work, it is necessary to observe certain subtleties of technology:

  • Before working around the opening, mark the markup. It should be noted the form of masonry.
  • Experienced masters recommend before performing such work, first decompose all the stone elements on the floor in the order in which they will be fixed on the opening.
  • Starts laying from the bottom angle.
  • Plates should be laid symmetrically on two sides of the opening. In its lower part, the masonry must have a more massive view. All sharp corners of the masonry must be processed.
  • After the end of the work, the mineral should be treated with a special solution that gives the surface natural shine.

To qualitatively arrange a doorway with a stone, you should put it so that it is in the contrast with a shade of the wall. It is better not to combine stone and plastic.

MDF panels when finishing opening

Such plates can perfectly imitate natural wood. They are pretty durable and at the same time are suitable for finishing both interroom and inlets. This is explained by the versatile properties of the material. It is light enough and attractive.

Mounting technology MDF panels is simply simple. They must be attached using special adhesives. Liquid nails can be applied. All joints are closed using platbands. By cons of such products, only the boundedness of the color palette can be attributed.

PVC panels

Plastic panels are selected virtually any shade. At the same time, they can have any texture. More popular plastic that imitates the tree. Even inexperienced homemade master can cope with the installation of PVC panels. The material has a small weight, which does not slip when installing on glue.

Caring for plastic elements is fairly simple. These opening lamps are drawn up. The disadvantages of this design of the opening include the fact that it is possible only for interior space.

Clinker tile

In its appearance, such a facing material resembles a brick. It is produced by various colors and shapes. Typically, the tile is used for the external cladding of houses. However, material is often used and when creating open door passes. This is explained by the simplicity of its installation.

Depending on the characteristics of the surface of the surface, the clinker elements are mounted on liquid nails or tile glue. The tile is placed asymmetrically.

Hyposkarton and Lepunin

Plasterboard plates are flexible and ease. Such material allows you to execute the design of the doorway of the most original forms. Minus such a solution is an increased fragility of the material.

The stucco is products performed from polyurethane or gypsum. They are traditionally chosen to create beautiful openings. Such a material presents some difficulties in the installation. The master will need to have a good taste and experience of such work.

Ready decorative parts from polyurethane can be bought in a construction store. When using molding elements, one rule should be performed - the smaller the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the smallest it is necessary to choose decorative parts.


Often the arch is decorated with curtains. This method is most common. Thanks to this solution, a special comfort and completion is created. It is better to choose the curtains that will be combined with the curtains.

With this solution, a decorative composition of various tissues should be used. An original canvas can be applied. You can choose curtain curtains from bamboo. When hanging the curtains, it will not interfere with free movement. Usually the curtain is performed with side mounting to the wall.

Open opening, which is decorated in the overall stylist of the room, can transform any room.

Preparation of opening

Before starting finishing works, the passage is aligned. This can be done using:

  • plasterers;
  • hyposphate sheets.

Watching the opening without a door - this method of finishing is one of the most common. However, with his choice, a lot of dirt and dust is formed. For this reason, many choose plasterboard for finishing the passage without a door.

Depending on the execution of the passage without a door, it can be made a bright element of the interior, or practically hide, remove attention. After plastering, the opening can be asked to the tone with the wall, and put the panels of the decorative stone.

When covering the opening without a door plates of drywall, the surface becomes as smooth as possible. Any elements of the decor are glued to it if you want to pay attention to it. If you wish, leave the opening without the door is inconspicuous, it is just necessary to paint it.

Unlike plastering, drywall is easier to handle when construction of opening without a door. When working with it, garbage and dust is not formed, and the slabs are quite simple. With plasterboard, it is easy to equip the passage without the door of any configuration. It attracts many apartment owners.

After completing the plastering or clamping of the opening of the plasterboard sheets before finishing works, it is necessary to clean the treated surface from various contaminants. You can then start decoking.

Sophisticated openings without doors

If the considered options for the opening of the opening seem too simple, you can experiment with the finish. It is necessary that this is possible at a certain ceiling height and room dimensions. For example, in the upper part of the opening without a door, you can create a design of a complex shape. In such cases, plastic elements, colored glasses and lamps are often chosen to finish the passage without a door.

For most modern interior styles, resetting in the opening without a door of point diodes. They will look very stylish.

The opening can be performed by any form if you use the plasterboard panels. Pretty fashionable are shelves that are installed on the wall near the openings. Perfectly look at the openings, including bar racks. Thanks to them, a successful zoning of the territory is carried out.

Make such work with your own hands is quite difficult. Therefore, when deciding to create such an opening, you must invite specialists. They will help to draw up a project and calculate how much materials need to finish the passage without a door. Installation work when calling professionals will be fulfilled in the shortest possible time.

If the doorway is not installed in the doorway, the room can be transformed in a cardinal way. At the same time, the space will visually expand. If the dwelling is presented by the studio, the arches of a complex form will look original. Equip rough and simple openings without doors follows in the hallway.

Registration of the doorway in the kitchen without a door is a popular designer reception, which implies not only savings, but also the original look of the interior, as well as the lack of need for complex care.

In the case of the kitchen, the latter is especially important - a room in which it is cooked, a long amount of time is filled with ferry and smells of food, in it increased humidity.

It makes the room quickly polluted. Just imagine how the burdensome will be the care of the door, if they are completed, for example, from valuable wood rocks.

To the issue of saving money joins the issue of saving space - why reduce the already small area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, installing the door in it. Especially a lot of space "East" Standard Swing Design - Professional Designers argue that about one square meter.

Then the free doorway will visually expand the room and unite functionally separated space: for example, a kitchen and a living room or a kitchen with a dining room.

Consider more details and disadvantages of the kitchen doorway without a door, what materials you can use, finishing options and some features of decorating.

The main advantages of open doorways:
Cash savingsRegardless which materials and which finishes will be used, they will cost cheaper than the installation of interroom doors
Visual association of adjacent spacesIf there are such rooms like a toilet or bathroom, it is extremely important to separate from other premises, then the kitchen from the absence of the door will not suffer. Especially there are others.
Aesthetic attractivenessNon-standard appearance of open doorways with proper decoration looks extremely effectively and original.
Wide selection of materials and decor methodsThe design allows you to use almost any materials for design and decoration. Plus, the geometric shape of the opening is also limited to your fantasy exclusively.
Good ventation roomThe absence of obstacles in the form of the door leaf will allow free to circulate air.

5 best materials for the design of the doorway into the kitchen

In solving how to make a doorway to the kitchen without a door, the method of finishing is of great importance. Theoretically, you can use almost any material. But the practice confirms that the selection of finishing should be agreed with the rest of the interior.

If the design of the opening will not harmonize with the general design of the room, the perception of the room will be irrevocably spoiled.

Another important nuance is not to forget that the kitchen is the kingdom of high humidity and temperature. Plus, the doorway is a place of increased risk, it is often subjected to friction and shocks. Therefore, it is wiser here to use wear-resistant high strength materials.

1. Leping

Unfortunately, not very popular, but extremely attractive and original material for finishing. You can use both natural gypsum and polyurethane. The second has a number of advantages - it is not heavy, unlike plaster, easy to glue and firmly holds on any surface. Initially, polyurethane stucco has a snow-white color, but it is easy to stain in any selected shade.

This design is perfect for Venetian style, baroque, rococo, classics or similar stylistic solutions. In the case of the selection of restrained decoration styles, it is better to abandon the stucco.

2. Artificial or natural decorative stone

With natural stone it is more difficult to work as with artificial, and in value it is much higher. Artificially produced from natural breeds, but with the addition of various dyes and polymers.

Shades and texture of this material are quite varied - you can choose the option for almost any interior. To finish the doorway, it is better to select small elements from the stone.

The decorative stone is perfect for the kitchen in the style of Provence, Country or Oriental style. The design of the doorway can be organized both in the form of smooth borders and in the technique of "torn edge".

With your own hands, the non-professional execution this type of finish is quite difficult - the stone is quite capricient in the laying. To ensure the strength of the clutch of stone with the surface, the walls are pre-treated with several layers of primer coating. Each item follows some time to hold while gluing for stronger attachment.

The tree does not lose its popularity due to its environmental friendliness and relative cheapness. Inexpensive wood can be treated in such a way that you can not distinguish between expensive breeds.

Selecting the shape of the doorway - Eternal Classic or Original Bending?

A classic shape for the design of the doorway is a regular rectangle. But since the door does not need, you can beat this moment more original.

At the peak of the popularity of the arched type design. They are universal, and they are enough just to adapt to any interior style.

Oval, trapezoidal, domed, triangular arch - a choice for you. Arched structures are usually made from drywall, under which a metal base is hidden. We should not forget that the arches with a rounded or oval arch require a partial dismantling of the wall.

For other complex forms of the Arch, there is also a plasterboard. In open openings of this type, even shelves, rods or other decorative parts can be organized.

The primary principle, which should be followed when choosing a shape of a doorway for a home or apartment is a combination with a common room style:

Combatability of finishing with a common room style
Baroque, Rococo and AmpireSymmetric lines, replete decorative elements. At your service are gilt, stucco, complex reliefs at the top of the arched type openings.
Classic styleIt implies the use of the arches of a three-center, semi-round or oval form.
East styleIts favorites are the arches of the most unusual and original form: Cyle-shaped, in the form of arrows, hearts, etc.
RomanticChooses the restraint of materials and forms: gentle or semi-round arches.
Techno, High-tech, minimalismGeometric and strictly symmetric lines.
Modern, pop artPrefer more vivid and discrepancies and winding outlines.

Another important nuance when choosing a form of opening is a record of features and shortcomings of the room:

  • For low ceilings, the option is more profitable when the angle radius of the arch exceeds one second doorway. Thus, the ceiling will visually look higher.
  • If the ceilings are high, then the best solution for the design of the "door without doors" will be the use of arches, the radius of which is equal to half the doorway.

Design of door opening textile

As an finishing stroke, you can make a doorway without a door with shirms or curtains. This will give the room with a hob of comfort and completeness. Plus protects the space from other people's eyes, completely sweening the doorway, if necessary.

If there is no need for an insulation of the room, you can fix classic tissue curtains with beautiful ribbons, hairpins or special cords.

Textiles looks equally well both on the classic opening in the form of the letter P and on the arched construction. Curtains that replace the door must stylistically correspond to the curtains on the kitchen windows.

Interesting reception - use instead of tissue products curtains. They can be purchased in the finished form or make their own hands from the following material:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • beads;
  • shells;
  • pebbles;
  • bamboo;
  • cords, including hand-related;
  • sequins;
  • wooden elements.

Do not try to introduce curtains in the kitchen decor with vertical closure of the type of Roman, French, Japanese or English. They will prevent the free passage from one room to another.

There is a huge number of diverse versions of the doorway without the presence of the door themselves. You can arrange such a design both independently and trusting a professional designer. The main thing is that the doorway does not violate the overall style of the interior, and organically fit into it.