How to equip ventilation in the kitchen: ways for apartments and private houses. Kitchen ventilation system: requirements, features, rules of arrangement Installation of ventilation in the kitchen

Probably, you have repeatedly come across the fact that a foreign smell is felt in the entrance of your house or even in your apartment. This means that ventilation in this house is either absent or is in a very poor state.

The kitchen in your apartment (or house) is the record holder for the production of various smells. Due to constant cooking, boiling, frying and other gastronomic processes, a lot of burning, heat and steam are released into the air. Therefore, ventilation in the kitchen is imperative.

It will provide you and your home with special protection, because it is extremely important to breathe clean air. Since natural ventilation for the kitchen does not cope with the rapid elimination of odors, you need to make sure that air exchange is artificially increased.

The main types of kitchen ventilation

If your kitchen has only one ventilation hole, then this is a serious oversight for builders and designers. According to all the rules, there should be two such holes. But the search for "unoccupied" ventilation ducts is also undesirable, because they may already be muffled from above or your neighbors from below may use them.

This will lead to the fact that you will only add another source of extraneous odors to your apartment. Since the disadvantages of natural draft have already been mentioned, it is worth noting that it makes sense to connect additional exhaust devices to the ventilation ducts.

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General ventilation for the kitchen

A fan for a conventional hood is installed directly into the duct. To make it work, you just need to additionally put a switch and provide the device with a wire for on / off. Among the standard sizes of nozzles for such a fan are 100, 125, 150 mm. You will need to prepare a special hole for its diameter. When all the finishing work is finished, a fan is installed and connected.

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Local ventilation for the kitchen

Such ventilation is extremely appropriate in the main cooking area and the accumulation of all kinds of odors and various substances. This special device is called a kitchen hood. By design, hoods are classified as follows:

  1. Built-in (or built-in) hoods are perfectly combined with any kitchen furnishings and are suitable for all interiors. They can even be installed inside the table (although usually in some of the wall cabinets). The connecting pipe is easily hidden in the furniture, if suddenly the hood installation axis itself does not coincide with the ventilation hole.
  2. Standard (flat) hoods are suspended structures that you attach between the wall cabinet and the stove.
  3. Corner (with fixing at the corners) hoods.
  4. Wall-mounted hoods require installation on the wall, directly above the hob. You will find a huge selection of a wide variety of proposals for this type of design.
  5. Island hoods are fixed to the ceiling. Their main advantage is their free use in all premises. Most often they are installed in a kitchen with an island.

All, except for the built-in hood, are of the outdoor installation type. According to design features, there is a wide variety of shapes: telescopic, domed, inclined, retractable and many others. The classic design is dome devices, the more advanced version is vertical or inclined. But the principle of their work is the same.

The body (with the presence of an engine and an exhaust hood) is at the bottom, and the pipe itself, covered with a decorative casing, goes up. Therefore, in the case of installing such structures, it is necessary to match the opening of the ventilation duct and the axis of the hood.

Needless to say, this often does not happen in kitchens, because the stove is mostly located somewhere in the middle of the room, and the exhaust duct is located somewhere in the corner. To hide the connection pipe, you can make a special plasterboard box on the ceiling, since there is no way to hide it in the wall.

You can also highlight a small classification according to how the devices work. They are either flowing or circulating. The former are considered to be more effective. They absorb odors and discharge polluted air through the shaft (air duct).

For the operation of circulating hoods, the installation of special carbon filters will be required. Air will be passed and cleaned through them. There is one nuance here. At least once every six months, it is imperative to change these filters, because the operation of the device directly depends on their quality.

Regardless of which model you choose, the main thing is that the hood functions correctly and efficiently cope with its tasks, providing full ventilation. To do this, it is worth considering that you need to carefully select the device, calculate its correct power, and then install it, following all the rules and regulations of SNiP.

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How is the required power calculated?

If the power of the future hood is incorrectly calculated, then it is unlikely that ventilation for the kitchen will work fully and effectively. It all depends on the size of the room. There is a certain calculation formula that will definitely come in handy when planning ventilation in your kitchen. This is how it looks:

P (which means power) = S (meaning the area of ​​your room) * H (multiply by the height) * 12.

Experts advise adding 30% on top to the final figure. This will give you more objective metrics. It is worth making a small allowance for the fact that power is lost due to the curved shapes of the ducts.

It is also worth paying attention to the permissible noise level. Remember that the limit is 50 dB. Anything above will become an additional source of discomfort for you. Carefully study all the technical characteristics before choosing a hood.

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Methods for checking the operation of the built-in ventilation system

Do not forget: it is necessary for the natural kitchen ventilation to function well, in addition to additional devices. How can this be verified?

  1. You can attach a piece of paper to the opening of the hood. It should stick to the ventilation grill. This means that there are no complaints about ventilation.
  2. There is another option. Bring a lighted match there. You should see the system pulling the flame inward. This will be an indicator of its correct operation.

Otherwise, the ventilation of the kitchen is in poor condition. You can try to remove the ventilation grill yourself and clean the channel - it will turn out to be done at arm's length. You will not get much result. You can contact special services, whose representatives have the necessary equipment and tools. Although it is very expensive.

You can also contact housing and communal services or another management company that is responsible for the safety and integrity of your home. Sometimes it happens that at the exit from the pipe there is a bird's nest or other unpleasant parts that can affect the operation of your ventilation. Also, negligent neighbors, who, during the repair and redevelopment of their apartment, unintentionally removed the "extra pipe" can contribute to improper work.

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Kitchen ventilation in private houses

The optimal ventilation system for private buildings is a supply and exhaust system. The scheme of its work is that special equipment is used, which drives the air received from the street into the internal premises and then brings it out. This system is from the category of volatile, it is quite expensive. But there are also many advantages. For example, the complete absence of odors and musty air.

Special filters constantly purify the air that comes from the street. And there is also the presence of heaters to heat it up if necessary. Already purified and warmed up, you can direct the air to any room in your home. The main thing is the correct installation according to a clear air duct distribution scheme and the correct connection of all components of the system.

The equipment has an automatic mode. Without outside interference, the system monitors both the humidity of the air and the temperature indicators in each room. If there is any deviation, the mode is changed. There are no vibrations or noise during its operation.

The kitchen, like no other room in the house, needs effective ventilation. After all, here not only does the level of humidity rise due to cooking, but also gas emissions occur. In this article, we will consider what ventilation should be in a kitchen with a gas stove, options for different air exchange schemes and their features.

General information

If there is no ventilation in the kitchen or does not work efficiently, this can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  • As a result of increased humidity, mold will start to appear on the walls.
  • Fat and soot will settle on the surface of the decoration and furniture, respectively, the room will quickly lose its attractive appearance and become unusable.
  • The smell of food and burning during cooking will be carried throughout all areas of the dwelling.

In addition, as mentioned above, during the operation of gas burners, gas emissions occur, which have a toxic effect on the human body. Thus, effective ventilation is, first of all, the safety of the residents of a house or apartment, as well as the durability of kitchen furniture and furnishings.

Therefore, the requirements for ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove are the most stringent - standard air flows here must be at least 70 cubic meters per hour.

Ventilation device

The construction of any house implies a ventilation device, which is planned at the stage of its design. As a rule, ventilation holes are located not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, as well as in the toilet. However, during the operation of the house, the system becomes clogged and the efficiency of air exchange decreases.

Therefore, residents have to think about additional measures that will ensure the flow and outflow of air. To do this, first of all, you need to figure out what kind of ventilation systems schemes exist. In fact, they can all be divided into four types:

Natural ventilation

This scheme is found, as a rule, in old houses. With such a system, it is necessary to regularly check the thrust c.

This can be done in two ways:

  • There is always a grill under the ceiling for ventilation in the kitchen. You need to attach a piece of paper to it. If it is stuck, then there is traction and ventilation is working well.
  • You can bring a lighted match or lighter to the grate. In the presence of a draft, the flame must deflect into the interior of the system.

If such a check showed that the ventilation is faulty, you can try to remove the grill and clean it of dirt and dust, as well as clean the air duct, which is located in the access area. If these actions do not help, you need to seek help from specialists.

Often there are cases that, if there is traction in the system, the air exchange in the kitchen is still insufficient. In this case, it is necessary to equip the room.

Advice! To prevent reversal of the air flow, a check valve should be used to ventilate the kitchen. This device will also allow you to shut off the system if necessary and adjust the flow rate.


The exhaust ventilation system in the kitchen is one of the most common. First of all, it should be said that it is of two types:

  • General - instead of a ventilation grill, a fan is installed, which pumps air flows into the air duct.
  • Local - an exhaust device (hood) is installed above the stove, which, with the help of a fan, draws out all emissions of fat, steam and gas, preventing them from spreading throughout the room.

The most effective is ventilation in the apartment in the kitchen with an extractor hood. Most often it is a dome-shaped structure that is connected to the general ventilation using an air duct.

The section of the duct for ventilation in the apartment in the kitchen can be square or round. The most common is an air duct 130x130 mm. If its axis is offset relative to the axis of the ventilation hole, then the connection is carried out using a corrugated pipe. The hood itself can be attached to a wall or to a wall cabinet.

In order for the polluted air to leave the room, clean air must come from somewhere. If plastic windows are installed in the kitchen, then there are probably problems with the flow of clean air.

A supply valve, which can be installed in the wall with your own hands, will help to solve this problem.

In addition to providing fresh air access to the room, this device, like a check valve, also performs some other functions:

  • Allows you to adjust the intensity of the incoming air flow.
  • Filters incoming air.
  • It allows you to close the ventilation in the kitchen if necessary.

After installing such a valve, the air exchange efficiency will increase even more.

Advice! If the apartment has a kitchen with a ventilation protrusion, you can visually hide it using a cabinet. The best option in this case is custom-made furniture.


Fresh air ventilation by itself is quite rare in kitchens. As a rule, it works in conjunction with an exhaust hood, resulting in a supply and exhaust system.

If there is no hood, before installing the supply equipment, you need to make sure that there is good draft in the overall system. Otherwise, polluted air will mix with clean air and be carried to other areas of the house.

If the air outflow is well organized, then the easiest way is to provide a forced air flow using a special fan. This device looks like a supply valve.

The most advanced models of fans are equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, so they can work automatically. Some of them even have an air heating function. Despite the fact that the price of such devices is higher, they are a profitable purchase, since they allow you to reduce heating costs in the winter.

Installation instructions for such fans are quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to determine the place where the fan will be located, and drill a hole in the wall along the diameter of the device pipe.
  • Then you should install the device in the hole and foam the space between the wall and the pipe.
  • A protective grill must be installed on the outside of the wall.
  • After that, according to the instructions from the manufacturer, the device is connected to electricity.

This completes the installation of the device. The most difficult part of this operation is to drill a hole of the required diameter.

Advice! The ventilation of the kitchen in a private house, as a rule, is planned at the stage of construction. In this case, the best option is a common supply and exhaust system. The project of such ventilation must be carried out by specialists.


There are many ways to ensure efficient air exchange in your kitchen. The most common option is an exhaust system with a local exhaust above the stove. Subject to all the conditions for its implementation, such ventilation will ensure the comfort and safety of being in the kitchen during the cooking process.

From the video in this article, you can gather some additional information on this topic.

The supply of fresh air is necessary not only for living rooms - the kitchen must also have properly equipped ventilation. If we are talking about an apartment, in fact, most owners do not need to do anything extra: a ready-made system is already there. Another option is that it may not work, or work, but it is bad - then you still need to act.

In private houses, the arrangement of the ventilation system is done in the same way as in apartments - however, there are more convenient options (especially if the house has not yet been built). Below we will deal with the basic rules and methods of organizing normal air exchange.

Features of the kitchen microclimate: why is proper ventilation important?

worry about proper ventilationfor this roomit is necessary because:

  • food is prepared here, the smell of which can "eat" into interior items (especially textiles - curtains, towels) and spread throughout the apartment if it is not quickly removed;
  • the kitchen is often used as a "smoking room" and the tobacco smoke must be quickly removed;
  • due to the increased temperature (during cooking) and humidity, condensation forms faster on the windows in winter;
  • due to high humidity and heat during stagnation of air, it can appear, in the corners of the walls, in cabinets with dishes (if you put them wet), with food.

Also, it is in the kitchen that ventilation shafts are almost always located. Ventshakhta serves to remove "exhaust" air from the apartment - and therefore its work should not be disturbed.

How to check the operation of the ventilation mine?

Very often, ventilation in the entire apartment is seriously disturbed precisely because of the common (for the riser) shaft - in case it clogs up, or if the draft in it is broken for other reasons. In this case, the air removal system will not function normally.

Projection of a ventilation shaft with a hole covered with a grill

Therefore, first of all, you need to check that the ventilation duct is working properly.

To check, tear off a thin strip of soft paper (toilet paper will do). Then open a window in any room, open the doors between that room and the kitchen, and hold the paper strip to the vent.

If the strip is noticeably attracted to the ventilation grill, everything is in order: the system is working. If it does not attract at all, or weakly attracts, the exhaust shaft either does not work at all (does not create thrust), or it works, but badly. In this case, you need to contact the housing office (or the organization that maintains ventilation in your house), to solve the problem - the channel will need to be cleaned or repaired.

An important nuance: if your kitchen has a hood that is directly connected to the ventilation shaft, and the shaft opening completely blocks its outlet, this is also a problem. In this case, the air will only be removed when the hood is running.

In order not to disrupt the operation of the system, the kitchen hood outlet must be connected through an element that has a grate below the air duct opening, with a non-return valve. In this case, air will escape naturally through this grate when the hood is not working. When the hood turns on, it removes air from the room, and the check valve prevents it from flowing back.

Checking the operability of the ventilation mine (video)

Arrangement methods

If we are talking about a kitchen in an apartment or a private house, there are a small number of ventilation schemes. Below we will look at each method in more detail.

Natural system

The simplest option, but also ineffective. The air exchange of such systems depends on the weather (wind speed, pressure, temperature), the total number of storeys of the house and the floor on which your apartment is located.

The circuit itself looks like this:

  1. The inflow is carried out in other rooms - through open windows / vents, or through micro-ventilation (if any), or through valves (or).
  2. The air is removed through the kitchen vent (i.e. through the ventilation shaft).
  3. In order for the air to freely pass through the windows / valves into the room, from there it enters the kitchen and then is removed through the ventilation - it is necessary that there are cracks under the door. If they are not there (now some people put interior doors with thresholds, without gaps) - either you need to put them in the door leaf, or you need to keep the doors open.

In principle, if the house is new, and / or the ventilation shaft in the building is working as it should, then this method is quite enough for normal air exchange. However, in practice, in buildings that were built 10+ years ago, ventilation mines may be in poor condition and not properly maintained.

Arrangement of such a system is either free (if you have micro-ventilated windows), or it will cost up to 10-15 thousand rubles. This amount is enough for the purchase and installation of 2-3 supply valves (which is enough for a 1-3-room apartment). If we also take overflow grids - 1 piece will cost several hundred rubles.

Forced system

A more efficient way is when both the inflow and the removal of air (or only the removal) are carried out using fans. The performance of such a system can be adjusted: if you need to quickly ventilate the room, just turn on the fan, or turn on a higher speed (if it is already running). In addition, forced ventilation does not depend on the weather or the number of storeys.

Operation of the hood + natural ventilation with and without a check valve

How such a scheme looks and works:

  1. Air is supplied inside by the air handling unit. In fact, it is a pipe that is inserted into a hole drilled into the street. There is a fan inside the pipe, which will supply air to the inside of the room.
  2. Air removal is carried out through the hood in the kitchen (either above the gas stove or in the wall - we will talk about this in more detail).
  3. The overflow is carried out as in the natural system - either through the cracks under the doors, or through the overflow grates in the doors.

In fact, installing air handling units in each room is worth it only if it is a large room (relatively speaking, from 15 "squares"), and / or if 2+ people live in it.

In most cases, it is sufficient to install supply valves or micro-ventilated windows in the rooms, and put the kitchen hood. That is, we will not get a completely forced system, but a naturally forced system: air will not be supplied inside by fans.

If we compare the cost of systems - this option will be more expensive. The cost of a kitchen hood starts at an average of 5,000 rubles. The approximate cost of 1 supply unit is about 10 thousand. Roughly speaking, for a "odnushka" you can keep within 20 thousand, if you take into account the cost of services for the installation of these devices.

An example of a diagram for a private house, with an exhaust hood and an air vent (video)

Where to take the hood out?

The options are:

  1. Connect the hood to the ventilation shaft - this is exactly what they do in most cases.
  2. Direct the outlet of the cooker hood towards the outside, through the wall.
  3. Install an exhaust fan into the wall.
  4. Install an exhaust fan in the window.

Connecting the exhaust outlet to the ventilation shaft is a common option, but not always convenient:

  1. Sometimes the stove is far from the vent. Because of this, you will have to pull the air duct far. It is not difficult and realizable, but such a pipe will ruin the interior, and it will take up space (which is often not enough in the kitchen).
  2. Sometimes there is simply not enough space in the kitchen, and in order to save money, you can not hang the kitchen hood.

Withdrawing the pipe from the hood through the wall (directly to the street) - it is more convenient if the stove is closer to the wall than to the ventilation shaft, and to pull the air duct closer to it. However, this method is more expensive and more difficult, because you have to drill a hole in the wall, which you cannot do with your own hands. Also, it is not suitable if an adjacent balcony is located next to a suitable place (for output), or there is a neighbor's inlet valve nearby. In this case, the smells from your kitchen may enter their apartment - which they are unlikely to like.

Installing an exhaust fan into the wall is relevant if there is very little space in the kitchen. This method is especially suitable if the stove is located next to a street wall - in this case, the fan will immediately draw out the smells from the cooking food. The appliance itself will cost less than a “regular” cooker hood.

Installing an exhaust fan in a window is a relatively old method and is now rarely practiced. To put the device in a modern plastic window, if it works, it will be difficult to do it.

Should I put a supply in the kitchen?

In most cases, an exhaust hood is installed in the kitchen, and the inflow is provided from other rooms.

Installation of a supply valve in the kitchen is allowed, but it is not recommended to do this: because of it, the draft from other rooms may deteriorate. Moreover, if necessary, you can simply open the window through which fresh air will flow.

This may be required when in the kitchen:

  • smoke;
  • preparing strong-smelling food.

If there is an inflow point in the kitchen through which air from the street will flow, then the room will be ventilated much faster (than if air comes from other rooms).

A couple of decades ago, the ventilation system in the kitchen performed the functions of an orderly and a cleaner in one device. First of all, it was necessary to deal with odors, a hot air cloud that surrounded the stove, and dust and fat deposits on furniture, without which no cooking process can do. Already a modern version of ventilation for the kitchen is mainly aimed at effective and complete protection against toxic carbon monoxide vapors and gases, saving heat and electricity.

The main components of ventilation for the kitchen

The normal state of the atmosphere in a room where a gas or electric stove is periodically operating, a large number of odors and vapors are generated, it is possible to maintain thanks to three main components of kitchen ventilation:

  • Forced ventilation, usually a hood in the form of an umbrella or a horn, installed above the hob. For a large kitchen, there may be several points for introducing a polluted stream or simply windows in the ducts. The exhaust ventilation system accounts for up to 90% of the load for cleaning the atmosphere of the kitchen, and sometimes the entire apartment;
  • Natural supply and exhaust ventilation based on ventilation ducts built into the building structure. A simple and reliable way to remove air flow due to natural draft in a brick ventilation shaft of a high-rise building. Provides 20-25% of the maximum fresh air demand. This is enough to create a comfortable atmosphere in the apartment, but clearly not enough for a full-fledged fight against gas combustion products and vapors.

It is imperative to remember the window ventilation transoms and supply valves. As a rule, they are not mentioned, considering them simply as a way to ventilate the kitchen and apartment. But it is the supply devices that allow you to effectively control the flow of fresh air into the apartment and the kitchen, ensuring minimal heat loss.

The method of planning and building a ventilation system in the kitchen largely depends on the layout and condition of the apartment. In new apartment projects, natural duct ventilation may be absent, but in this case, a forced air flow removal system must be present.

Soviet-built apartments, as a rule, were equipped with small kitchens with mandatory ventilation outlets, most often without umbrella hoods. The owners installed horns or umbrellas and connected them to the exhaust ducts for the most part on their own.

This does not mean that the natural ventilation in the kitchen in an old-style apartment does not cope with its functions. The simplified ventilation system of the kitchen provided sufficient power, but its configuration and location did not save from the deposition of grease and dust deposits on the walls and furniture of the kitchen, and sometimes the apartment.

Ventilation system with natural air flow

The ventilation system of the kitchen in an apartment of a multi-storey building has certain advantages in comparison with the working conditions of ventilation in the kitchen of private housing:

  • The cut of the ventilation pipe that rises from the kitchen to the roof is located at a height of at least 16-18 m. A decent height provides two to three times the level of natural draft than in the pipe of a one or two-story house;
  • The ventilation shaft of the kitchen is combined in one package with ducts from other apartments, the entire shaft is closed and isolated from the outside atmosphere. As a result, the polluted air remains warm for a long time and is guaranteed to overcome the rise to the point of emission on the roof.

Tall pipes provide a sufficient level of vacuum in the kitchen ventilation system, but this is not enough. In itself, the presence of traction is always welcome, but you still need to be able to correctly adjust the operation of natural ventilation.

Improvement of the natural ventilation system

As a rule, the natural ventilation receiving window in the kitchen is always located on the main wall - the partition separating two adjacent apartments. The distance from the air intake grille of the ventilation duct to the supply valve or window transom is only 1.5-2 m. With this layout, all kitchen ventilation is reduced to a powerful draft between the window and the grill of the ventilation duct. The rest of the room is filled with gas combustion products, hot and humid air, which spread throughout the apartment. There are several ways to fix the ventilation in the kitchen with your own hands.

The most efficient way boils down to the following:

  • Along the perimeter of the kitchen ceiling, a closed or horseshoe-shaped duct of ventilation pipes with several air-intake lattice windows is mounted;
  • Outlets from the air ducts are joined with the intake window of the kitchen ventilation shaft;
  • Fresh air supply valves are installed in the window frame above the window sill;
  • To capture hot air, the plates are installed with a conical or umbrella air inlet with an individual air duct leading directly to a common ventilation duct.

In order not to introduce dissonance into the interior of the kitchen, ventilation pipes are usually hidden under the lining of the false ceiling, for example, made of PVC or MDF boards.

Important! Between the ventilation on the ceiling in the kitchen and the umbrella air duct, a bypass valve must be installed to block the flow of hot air from one pipe to another.

If, according to the conditions for installing ventilation in the kitchen, the ceiling height is clearly not enough, then the air ducts are masked with material to match the finish of furniture cabinets, and the receiving windows are transferred to the back or side wall of the ventilation duct.

There are also projects for sealing boxes into the walls of the kitchen, but such a solution is only possible if washable wallpaper or wall tiles are used in the kitchen and apartment.

Solving ventilation problems in the kitchen

A distinctive feature of the above diagram is the unusual location of the supply valve. Setting the ventilation flow in the kitchen at a height of 100-110 cm is considered too low. For normal fogging of windows, supply valves are installed either above the window frame, or on the wall above the heating radiator. In fact, similar rules apply to living quarters of an apartment where there are no powerful heat sources in the form of an electric stove, and the intensity of air movement is 2-3 times lower than in the kitchen.

If an electric hob or oven is installed in the kitchen, the air is dried so much that in cold weather you have to install containers with water on the windowsill or use a special factory-made humidifier.

The problem with condensation in the ventilation system is possible when using gas stoves or an oven. On average, for an hour of operation of a powerful gas device, 1.5-2 m 3 of water vapor is formed, falling out in the form of condensate on the walls of the ventilation pipes.

To avoid such a problem, it is enough to wrap the pipes in fiber insulation, which, moreover, will perform the functions of sound insulation. In a situation where an abnormally large amount of condensate falls out in the pipes, it will be necessary to equip a liquid drain.

Most often, this situation occurs when the ventilation is incorrectly installed in the kitchen adjacent to the bathroom, for example, if the common duct pipes are laid on the wall with a slope towards the kitchen room. In this case, you have to redo all the ventilation of the apartment or use forced ventilation in the kitchen.

Often the problem is with condensation falling out around the ventilation grill in the kitchen, even when there are no duct pipes in the room, and the air flow is through a valve on the opposite wall.

In this case, there is only one way to deal with condensation - by installing a low-speed electric fan with a low air flow pressure on the grill. This will allow, firstly, to remove condensate from the adjacent surface of the walls, and secondly, it will not interfere with the operation of the ventilation duct, and at the same time annoy it with the noise emitted by rotating blades.

Increasing the effectiveness of a natural-draft umbrella

In a relatively small kitchen, ventilation is often equipped according to a simplified scheme. A horn or umbrella air inlet is installed above the stove or hob with their own hands, and the outlet through a flexible pipe is connected to the ventilation duct.

Most odors and polluted air are removed without much difficulty, but the efficiency of the system, especially in summer, remains average at best.

To improve the performance of a design, you can use the following technique:

You can select the model of the supply valve, retrofitted with a carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide sensor. In this case, the system will start automatically when the hob is running for more than 10 minutes. Due to the overpressure in the kitchen room created by the supply fan, almost all hot air will be forced out into the horn air receiver or accelerated throughout the apartment.

Organization of kitchen ventilation systems in a new apartment

Over the past twenty to thirty years, nothing fundamentally new in the construction of kitchen ventilation systems has been invented. Everything is the same as before, air contaminated with vapors and products of gas combustion is displaced by a fresh air flow, then collected by air inlets and removed outside the kitchen.

A novelty can be considered the use of a new type of ventilation devices of the recuperative-absorption type, capable of purifying and renewing the atmosphere of the kitchen with a minimum inflow of fresh air. But such absorbers are used only in a limited number of cases and cannot replace full ventilation for the kitchen part of the apartment, especially if gas appliances are used in the room - stoves or ovens.

When do you need to install forced ventilation?

The answer sounds more than simple, the larger the size of the kitchen room and the amount of equipment in it, the greater the chances that ventilation should be only supply and exhaust, forced type.

Modern ventilation in the kitchen in the apartment more effectively copes with the tasks of purifying the air due to the rational organization of the process of collecting polluted air:

  • Zoning of the ventilation system of the kitchen and the entire apartment as a whole;
  • Flexible adjustment of the performance of both the supply and exhaust parts of the ventilation system;
  • The use of modern cartridges that absorb water vapors, fatty vapors, blocking the noise emitted by fans and air currents;
  • Reduced energy consumption, avoiding excessive heat loss with removed air.

In modern apartments with a new layout with high ceilings and a kitchen with an area of ​​12-15 m 2, the issue of saving heat and electricity is especially acute. With the existing requirements and standards of SanPiN for ventilation and ventilation of a room of 45-50 m 3, fans with a power of 700-1200 W would be required. In addition to energy costs, a large kitchen in an apartment with conventional ventilation constantly loses heat, becomes cooler and damp.

The ideal ventilation unit for a modern kitchen

The most preferred scheme for any kitchen in a modern apartment is a ventilation network with a central filter ventilation unit.

The ventilation system can be connected to the common distribution of pipes and fans for the entire apartment or supplemented with an individual fan monoblock.

Such a unit is equipped with a system of filters, valves and fans, at least three landing flanges, to which several ventilation pipes are connected.

Forced ventilation arrangement

The main elements of the ventilation system of a full-size kitchen today are horn and umbrella air intakes. First of all, an air inlet is installed above the hob, regardless of what type of equipment is used, electric or gas supply.

Gas stoves give out a large amount of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, an electric and even an induction panel burns a lot of oxygen, so the air intake above the stove must be selected with two fans and a built-in dust and grease filter.

The smaller air intake horn is installed above the sink and oven. Based on the preferences of the owners, umbrella ventilation with fresh chilled air can be displayed on the ceiling in the center or above the dining table.

In addition, individual elements of the ventilation system can be installed above the cutting area on the countertop. Most often it is a filtering unit with a carbon or zeolite cartridge that actively absorbs odors and volatile substances.

In the sector where the dining table is located, in addition to the absorber, a ceiling or wall unit can be installed, connected with a separate air duct to the supply valve. As a result of the zoned supply of fresh air and the selection of the polluted stream, it is possible to achieve savings in heat for air conditioning of the room by almost 30%.

Where to install the central unit

Unlike offices and private houses, there is not much space in the kitchen area of ​​an ordinary apartment where a central unit could be installed. Most often, the fan equipment is hidden in wall cabinets, for example, above the sink or above the cutting area of ​​the countertop.

In this case, you have to sacrifice part of the usable space of the cabinets for the installation of the fan system, control unit and air ducts. By the most conservative estimates, the built-in ventilation system takes up 10-15% of the useful volume of the cabinets, which is not always convenient.

If the height of the ceiling permits, then it will be more practical to install the block and pipes behind the suspended cladding. It is very convenient, but for installation you have to use a reinforced metal frame and a removable panel that provides periodic access to the ventilation equipment.


One of the kitchen ventilation schemes in an apartment, which, perhaps, will become the most popular option in the future, involves the use of thermal energy from heated air. The hot steam-air flow rising from the surface of the heated plate transfers most of the energy to the built-in heat accumulator. Heat can be stored from 3 to 10 hours and can be used to obtain hot water, heating the atmosphere of any living space in an apartment or house.