Country decor: what can be done from a dead tree. What to do with an old tree in the garden

I would like the site located next to the house or cottage to look like a piece of paradise. For a city dweller, this is, after all, more a place to relax, although, if there are beds, this vacation is very peculiar)) Nevertheless, decorating the site - summer cottage, garden, backyard - worries all owners. The range of possibilities is wide. There are even different styles so they all look different, expressing the owner's personality. True, this is the case if you decorated it yourself, on your own. Let not everything be according to the canons of landscape design ... But it is precisely such areas, decorated by amateurs, that are somehow more comfortable.

Plot layout

The first thing to do when getting a plot is to think about what and where you will have located. Splicing is determined where the house will stand - at the beginning of the site, in the middle, closer to its far edge. Then you “arrange” the rest of the planned buildings. If you plan to build, determine a place for a bathhouse, then place outbuildings - a shed-hozblok, a chicken coop, garden beds and greenhouses, decide where the garden will be. Next come the places of rest - these are sheds, gazebos.

There are main buildings on the plan, now paths are being laid between them. Straight tracks are needed only in one case, if the section is long and narrow. In this case, a smooth path to its far end will visually make it closer. For all other objects, it is better to make them sinuous, with smooth bends.

Site plan - we place the house and the main buildings

Now it's time to think about placing decorations for the yard. First of all, this. They are built quickly, planted with annuals already in the first season, they will delight you, while everything else is still in the process of construction and beauty is still far away. A longer matter is the arrangement of rock gardens and rockeries. To drag and lay a couple of tons of stones is no joke, besides, they are planted mainly with perennials, they take their final shape only after three to four years. And then, only on the condition that you immediately chose and planted all the plantings correctly, that without experience is an unprecedented success.

Do you want to impress your friends and neighbors? Paint the flowerpots with fluorescent paint. At nightfall, they will glow, giving your lawn an unusual look.

The second option for turning ordinary things into extraordinary is the use of car paint with a chrome effect. Paint several stones or the same pots and get mirror stones ...

Mirror balls are balls painted with chrome effect paint.

Another traditional type of jewelry is. Very small ones are built quickly - from a tire, so generally in a couple of hours. Larger ones may take a couple of days to complete. But it is not worth arranging reservoirs before the house is built and paths are laid. Save this decoration closer to the finish line. Also, after the main construction, it's time to put, arches, canopies. And already at the very end, they begin to play with backlighting, although there are very simple and original ideas. For example, take a tin can, make holes in it, but not just like that, but according to the scheme, creating a pattern. Inside, you can start an ordinary low-power lamp, and if there is no electricity yet, put a candle and put / hang it near the house.

A completely unsightly jar turns into a flashlight of marvelous beauty ....

Such decoration of the site can be hung in the garden or on the veranda. It is not difficult to make, it looks great, however, only in the dark))

A little about styles

Our most common nature garden style, although many owners are unaware of this. These are the areas where there is everything at once - the entrance-ceremonial zone, the garden-garden, the recreation area. Moreover, the areas are small and all, or almost all, of the zones are visible. Natural style allows, focusing on the existing relief and soil, to create sites with any landscapes. Is there a swampy lowland? Arrange it lightly by adding a pond or making a swamp, leaving natural plantings and adding decorative ones, ennobling the banks. You can make a dry stream or build a natural one. Is the area flat? Organize the site according to the type of meadow, you can - alpine lawn. Put up a gazebo, plant ivy.

For romantic natures, the same style is closer. It is characterized by rose-covered, well-groomed lawns, flower beds, which are adjacent to thoughtfully overgrown secluded places.

Cozy places and arches, pergolas, flower beds, climbing roses are signs of a romantic style in the design of the site.

Country style easily recognizable by the characteristic "household" decor elements. Internal fences - or pickets, flowers - in tubs, cans, carts. and garden furniture are deliberately rough, if painted, then with a dark tinting composition, and not with covering paints.

English style amateurs can choose. Any free area is sown with lawn grass. This type of gardens can be summed up in two words "all in a bunch". In English gardens, everything can really be mixed up: a garden / vegetable garden is a single concept, flowerpots are also placed everywhere, all free places are occupied by grass. Another feature is the ivy-covered walls, a large number of roses, figurines and funny figurines placed in suitable places.

Lush vegetation punctuated by manicured lawns - signs of an English garden

classic garden draw up strictly according to the plan. This is the option when everything is clear, borders, shapes, height of bushes and borders. Everything is lined up and straight. In strictly designated places, elaborate benches are installed, next to which they arrange, install decorative flowerpots with flowers, statues and columns.

Clear geometry in everything is a sign of a classic garden

Fences and fences

First of all, the area is fenced off. It is understandable: it is necessary to start building materials, but how to protect them? Beyond the fence is easier. If possible, it is better to immediately put up a beautiful, capital, reliable fence. Not all of them cost a lot. Budget options can also be very attractive. The main thing in this case is the idea, and they are in the photo. So from a combination of long and short boards, you can get an interesting fence, more transparent on top and almost without gaps on the bottom.

If the boards are placed edgewise, the effect is even more interesting. If you don't see it, you won't believe it...

With thin fresh boards, you can make a beautiful fence that uses the principles of wattle making. Boards are passed between posts and bent.

A slab fence is cheap and cheerful, however, there is a lot of work ...

If funds allow, you can put up something monumental, such as a stone or brick fence. It will require a lot of work and money, but it will also stand for a long time.

My home is my castle…

For the internal division of the site, such solid fences are useless. For a garden-garden, you can put a lattice made of a thin bar, weave.

If you are “lucky” and a blank wall enters your garden, you can also decorate it with a kind of fence along which climbing plants can be planted. An interesting option is presented below. When the ivy grows a little it will be very beautiful. Instead of ivy, you can plant clematis. In winter, the view is over, worse, but in summer ...

How to decorate a garden plot with flowers

This part of gardening brings the fastest results. Annual flowers bloom within a few weeks after planting, perennials are also pleasing, growing more and more every week. Oh, and here we will post some interesting ideas that can give impetus to the choice of garden style.

The decoration of the site often consists of little things. For example, an ordinary wooden box can easily be turned into a garden decoration - interesting coloring and custom installation - hang on ropes that are designed like hands. The pole is used as a base for hanging flower pots.

Sculptures are made from ordinary pots. They pick them up in different sizes, fasten them with wire, add a little paint or plants - everyone has their own fantasies ... marvelous figures are obtained.

Even leaky rubber gloves come into play. It's good that the colors are bright, and the base is dense. Soil is poured, annuals are planted, tied to trees or ropes, nailed to fences. Fun and bright.

Highlights of our garden: ponds

Perhaps the second after the flower beds, the favorite decoration of the site is. The picturesque combination of water and plants fascinates, gives coolness in summer. The design of reservoirs is a creative process and there are many styles here too. You can make around the flooring of the boards. And in order not to suffer with their painting and impregnation, they may not be wooden, but composite - there is such a new material that looks very much like wood. The only difference is that it does not rot, does not change color. This material is called decking. It can be used for flooring an open veranda or terrace, near the pool. You can see an example of its use around the pond in the photo.

Flooring around the pond - it will be convenient to walk even after rain

You can lay out the space around with stone slabs. This arrangement will take more time, but many people like this option more. So that the whole finish does not “float”, you will have to remove part of the soil, fill in crushed stone, tamp it down, and a layer of sand on top. You can already lay slabs on it. The gaps can be covered with a mixture of sand and cement, carefully sweep the excess, and then either wait for the rain, or pour the blind area - the cement will grab, fixing the plates. The coverage will be reliable.

Using the same technology, you can lay out the edges with boulders collected on the banks of the river (or bought at the garden center).

Boulders are a great way to decorate the shore of a pond

If they are made of paving stones, it makes sense to arrange the shore of the reservoir as well. The technology is known, only the material is different.

Paving stones - you don’t need to look for anything, everything is in the store

Decorating a garden or cottage with improvised materials

As you probably understood, you can make a garden decoration from any object or thing. The main thing is the idea, then a little imagination and work, and the decor is ready. For example, around a tree, you can make a table, a small terrace, and use this corner for relaxation.

Stumps often remain on the site. It takes a long time to uproot them, in the process they trample everything around ... They stick out until they become rotten and crumble themselves. And from stumps you can do very interesting things. For example - use as a flower bed.

And even a stump on a spring day...

Or make an interesting figurine out of it for the garden.

On the prosaic, but necessary - toilets

These buildings sometimes appear before the fences, because without them - trouble. Builders will master all the nearby nooks and crannies, and who, interestingly, will like it. So the most necessary, perhaps, building. And why are we talking about toilets, in relation to decorating the site? But because this building can be made in such a way that it will not necessarily be hidden. Putting it on display is also not an option, but you don’t need to mask it either. For example, a standard birdhouse can be made from logs. Get a mini hut.

Little cost, looks good...

Plant around the plant, make it pretty, and this corner of the garden will also be attractive. For example, such as but the photo below.

A few more variations on the same theme. One and the same uncomplicated design can be designed in different ways. Choose the style depending on the style in which the cottage or garden plot is framed.

Well, if you need a stone toilet, then why not decorate it in the style of a medieval castle. Only crowds of tourists will need to be driven away ...

Photo Ideas for Garden Decoration

There are many ways to make your garden or summer cottage bright and beautiful. A few of those who liked the eccentricity were collected in a photo gallery. Maybe some of them will help you decorate your corner.

Unusual gazebo - lawn grass is planted on the frame Swing made of large stones Cozy corner for relaxation - wooden benches, covered with colored leatherette Even stumps can be useful in the household - they made a bench out of them

All the owners of a summer house once think about decorating it, bringing something special into the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their place of rest to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make decorations with their own hands. Jewelry made by yourself will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

We choose original ideas for giving

Each owner of a summer house, if desired, can find a lot of different ideas for decorating his site. For the manufacture of most scenery, only improvised means and minimal costs will be enough. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often, seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and utensils, car tires, leftover building materials and much more.

Not a single summer cottage is complete without intricate interesting flower beds. You can add uniqueness to flower arrangements by planting them in old containers. It can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various fences for flower beds.

Cosiness will always be added by original paths at their summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And the rest of the materials can always be used for the construction of the next composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular with country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build a lot of interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

Be sure to place a bird feeder in the country. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a bird feeder, birds will be a frequent guest at their summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, and from an unnecessary block of wood, and from twigs.

Without much difficulty, you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the country atmosphere. For their manufacture, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, remnants of mounting foam, gypsum and other building materials. One has only to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised means

The most popular among improvised materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think over the details so that the result is really beautiful, and does not resemble a bunch of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut, it is easy to give them the desired shape. And if you cover the result of the work with suitable paints, you get bright, unique decorations for giving. For example, you can make figures of animals (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale characters. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will be more and more perfect. With a large amount of unnecessary plastic, not only crafts are made from it, but also pieces of furniture.

If there is a glass cutter among the tools, then you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle holders can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use chocolate egg toy containers.

The remains of natural stone are perfect for decorating a pond in the country. A small pond will bring a unique comfort to the atmosphere of the cottage. Around will look good flower beds, crafts or a recreation area. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist will always have old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed out of them, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area in the country

While landscaping and decorating a summer cottage, do not forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of all ages love swings. They can be made from ordinary boards and ropes, or you can use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. From improvised materials it is easy to build slides, swings, rocking chairs. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

Toddlers will definitely need a sandbox. Her borders will look interesting from multi-colored bottles or wooden log cabins. The sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will certainly enjoy having their own playhouse in their summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. Everything depends on fantasy. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the guys themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence in the country

The fencing will best emphasize the uniqueness of the suburban area. The fence is not only the protection of the territory, but also the so-called calling card of the owners.

A simple wooden or iron fence is commonplace. It must be decorated. You can decorate the fence with a variety of materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything that is enough for imagination. For example, unnecessary bright-colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old discs. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any light. Different patterns can also be applied to the discs.

The fence made of wooden round timber, painted “under colored pencils”, looks spectacular. With such a fence, you can also fence off the children's territory in the country.

Any fence will look cozier if some climbing plants grow along it. There are various types that grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. Beyond comparison in this case, wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until the frost. It looks original when the "grape fence" turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an old look.

Flowering shrubs planted along it will become beautiful decorations for a low fence. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering time.

In the evening, different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It is also possible to make them yourself from improvised materials. Or you can simply place candles in painted glass jars attached to the fence. The main thing is that the flame does not fall on the fence.

A lot of room for imagination will open up to those who like to draw. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, plots, cartoon characters, ornament, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It is easy to draw on any fence, but it is easier on a corrugated fence.

Compositions of caps, shells, stones, dishes look original. It is easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We make flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform the summer cottage and bring color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, be sure to take into account their individual characteristics. First of all, it is worth deciding on the flowers "soloists", that is, the main plants in the flower bed. The choice can be stopped at three or four types.

The design of flowers with ornamental herbs and leaves of an interesting shape looks beautiful. With them, the flower bed will be original, even when the flowers do not bloom. But do not try to place a lot of different plants in the country. The territory of the site should look holistically and harmoniously.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. The flower beds also decorated around look more original. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article has already said that it is easy to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, a cart, an unnecessary beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done neatly and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flower bed. For its manufacture, it is possible to use plastic bottles or cups, a fence made of tyn, stones. The flowerbed smoothly turning into a lawn looks beautiful.

Setting up a recreation area

At the cottage, a comfortable place for outdoor recreation must be equipped. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. It can be just a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

At any summer cottage, a gazebo will look spectacular, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Arbors look beautiful, the walls of which are decorated with climbing plants. Bright soft pillows or blankets look cozy as decorations.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build a wide wooden swing for relaxation or make hinged ones somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

In the recreation area, you will definitely need a barbecue. It can be made, for example, from an old barrel. Flashlights can be provided for the evening and night time.

When making and decorating a summer cottage, it is worth remembering that a summer cottage is a place of rest from everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the territory with crafts or some kind of design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

Decorating garden trees

In order to revive the decor of the garden a little, you need a desire and some free time. Garden trees can be decorated with almost any improvised items, while material costs will be minimal. With the help of a few ideas, you can perfectly decorate the trees in the garden or in the garden. Such trees will not go unnoticed and will become the pride of the owners of their summer cottage.

Paintings on the trees

If you have artistic abilities, a tree trunk can be turned into a kind of canvas on which a picture painted by yourself will look good. This type of tree decor is becoming more and more popular. Some owners of a summer cottage deliberately dig dry tree trunks in the garden to make such fakes out of them.

In order to create a picture tree, you must first clean the bark of the tree. This is best done with a metal scraper and preferably after rain. Since wet bark is cleaned much easier. If it has not rained long enough, the trunk can be well watered. Then the barrel must be cleaned with a metal brush, and then with an emery. Small defects in the tree trunk should be puttied. If there are significant cracks or cavities in the trunk, mounting foam can be used to eliminate them. Then rinse the barrel again and leave it to dry. After the trunk dries, a layer of primer is applied to it. Now you can start painting the tree. When the finished painting dries, it must be covered with two layers of waterproof, frost-resistant varnish.

Tree - "planter"

From an ordinary garden tree, you can make a beautiful exotic plant. To do this, you just need to hang a few pots with flowering plants on its branches. Such a tree can delight the eyes of its owners from early spring to autumn. For such purposes, pots with petunias are best suited.

Houses for fairies, elves and gnomes

For those who love fairy tales about gnomes, elves and fairies, the best way to decorate the trees in the garden will be houses for these fairy-tale characters. Moreover, it is very easy to make such an element of garden decor with your own hands. At the roots of the tree, you can make a small door - the entrance to a fabulous house, or supplement it with various windows, steps, paths, balconies and even a small garden.

To make a small door located at the roots of a garden tree more noticeable, it can be painted red, orange, yellow, blue or green. The door will look more magical if you make it not the traditional rectangular shape, but round or oval. If the composition does not seem to be fully completed next to the door, you can install several small windows made in the same style with the door. Wooden or stone steps can also lead to the door. You can lay out a narrow path of small pebbles. In order for the fairy house to be more visible, the doors can be installed not at the roots of the tree, but a little higher. In this case, the trunk can be decorated with a small balcony and steps that wrap around the tree. And around you can make a mini-garden of small things and flowers.

The fairy house can be stylized as a birdhouse and installed on a stable tree branch. In this case, the fake will look like a real home of fairy-tale characters. A tree decorated in this way will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Feng Shui wind music as an element of decoration of garden trees

Such a Feng Shui talisman as wind music, which is also called a windmill or wind chimes, is perceived by some simply as an element of the decor of garden trees or house interiors, and some sincerely believe that it can attract good, positive energy to the house. In any case, wind music will never become superfluous elements in the garden. Moreover, you can easily make wind chimes with your own hands from almost any materials that are at hand. If you connect your imagination, you can create original Feng Shui elements and decorate trees in the garden with these fakes.

To decorate the autumn garden, wind music made from dry leaves and various beads is perfect. Wind music from shells will look original on garden trees, which will remind you of a past vacation at sea. Chinese mascots made of cutlery, flower pots, coins and banknotes, tin cans, various beads and metal sticks look interesting. For those who are fond of Chinese philosophy, it is better to decorate the tree in the garden with classic versions of a windmill made of bells or bamboo.

That's where you can show all your creativity, so it's in the decor of the garden with the help of old, it would seem, no one needs gizmos. You can experiment with such consumables as much as you like, they will always be found on the farm.

Everything is useful in the decor!

1. Inventory in a new role

Do you have shovels and choppers of “advanced age” lying around on your farm? Find a new use for "honorary pensioners": for example, decorate a garden gate with them.

True, there is one caveat: to protect the inventory from further corrosion, the tools must be varnished, resistant to adverse weather conditions, or painted. Old garden shears, sickles and hand shovels, hung on wardrobe hooks, will come in handy for decorating the wall of the hozblok.

Other ideas for non-standard use of garden tools can be found in the selection:

2. Here life is in full swing

An old galvanized one that has served its purpose can be turned into a mini one in no time.

Mini watering can fountain. Photo by Elke Borkowski

To do this, you will need an electric one, which is usually installed in. Water will be supplied by a pump through a hose stretched through a hole in the bottom of the watering can to the sprayer.

Advice: It is more convenient to turn the fountain on and off using the remote control. For the winter, the pump must be removed from the water, rinsed thoroughly and brought into a dry, frost-free room (more on winter storage of tools and equipment told in).

3. On a new path

The old ones don't have to be thrown away. They, or rather their fragments, can be a concrete walking path. To make it easier to work with the mosaic, the fragments can be laid out in a row and a strip of adhesive tape can be glued on top (to fix the pieces). Flip the "tape" over and apply metal and ceramic adhesive to the back of the mosaic. After you have glued the tiles to the concrete base, remove the adhesive tape and fix the mosaic with mortar.

Mosaic garden path. Photo by Marion Nickig

Important: Walking slabs must be at least 4 cm thick, otherwise they will break quickly.

Tired of the old gray slab track? Make creative "blotches" of herbs - resistant to trampling pupavka noble "Treneague" or grassy.

Path with herbs. Photo by Marion Nickig

And for those who have a garden path still only in the project, a master class on.

4. Firewood, get on the line!

If you like to sit by or a fire, then your site probably has a supply of firewood. Most often, the logs are simply piled in a pile, which, of course, takes up space and spoils the overall look of the garden property. Let's fix this and make a woodshed (a frame filled with logs), for example, in the form of a covered semicircular rotunda.

You can also build a remarkable landscape object - a woodcutter with a window.

Advice: the structure is not stable enough, so do not use glazed frames.

You will find other options for unusual solutions in the selection. And the article will tell you what is important to consider in order to fold the logs not only beautifully, but also conveniently.

5. Pictures-flower beds

young ( Sempervivum) is so unpretentious that it grows without problems even on a vertical surface.

Painting - flower garden

  1. Take a wooden frame and attach a coarse mesh instead of glass on the back side.
  2. Then nail 4 strips along the perimeter of the frame - these will be the walls of the box for the substrate.
  3. Line the mesh with moss so that the earth does not wake up through the cells.
  4. Pour the substrate to the very edges of the planks, tamp and nail a solid board - you get a box with earth in a frame, “glazed” with a grid.
  5. Turn the picture upside down, water the substrate and plant young in the cells.
  6. Hang your masterpiece in a sunny spot and water your plants with a spray bottle.
And a few other great posts on the subject:

You can choose planting material for succulents in our catalog, which combines offers from large garden online stores and collection varieties. .

8. Doorknobs aren't just for furniture

Use ceramic door handles to make an accessory for a flower garden or an ornament to support herbaceous perennials.

Attach the handles to the bamboo sticks, making sure that the circumference of each stick matches the hole in the thread of the handle. However, since this is still an interior accessory, you should not count on the fact that such crafts will last you a very long time.

9. Vertical gardening

To, it is not necessary to buy hanging planters. There are many other interesting options. For example, you can hang a wire basket filled with plants from a tree branch. All you need for this is a thick branch and a strong rope. Just remember to line the container with non-woven material so that the earth does not wake up through the cracks.

Another non-standard solution is to hang plastic basins between tree trunks dug in a row (be sure to dig the supports deep).

You can hang plastic basins between tree trunks dug in a row

Important: do not forget to make drainage holes in the containers.

10 Rustic Pallet Furniture

Previously, they were used only for transporting goods. Now creative designers are increasingly making all kinds of furniture out of them. One of the options is in the photo.

Fasten two pallets, cut out one of the boards and insert the back pallet - you're done! Do not forget to impregnate the "chaise lounges" with special wood preservatives, since euro pallets are usually made from soft woods. Paint your newly made furniture in a bright color, and it will become even more attractive.

You will find other variations not on the theme of pallets in the selections.

Wood is a unique material, so it is widely used in the manufacture of art products. Thanks to the natural warmth, it brings warmth and comfort to the house. It is pleasant to look at it, it warms and soothes, sets in a calm mood. This review describes how to make simple crafts from wood cuts, gives examples of work and indicates the necessary tool.

Preparation of material for crafts

Often in gardens and parks you can see fallen trees. At the dacha, you have to regularly prune trees. When walking through the forest, fallen trees are sure to be encountered. Therefore, there will never be any problems with the preparation of material. Almost any material will do.

Depending on the size of the branch or trunk, you can implement various ideas for decorative crafts. From thin branches, you can make small small crafts. From small trunks you can make small interior decorations. And from the trunks of large trees you can make large interior items: tables, chairs and even beds.

Any material can be used: both recently harvested and lain in the forest for several years. When choosing a material, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to its safety. Has the process of decay begun in it? If the tree has not begun to deteriorate, or these processes have been stopped, then you can make a wonderful decoration out of it.

The uniqueness of the tree lies in the fact that its cross sections are very beautiful. Therefore, various photos of crafts from a saw cut of a tree are so mesmerizing. This is widely used in art.

Having cut the tree trunk, the tree rings will be very well and beautifully visible annual rings. Cuts in the area of ​​knots have a very beautiful texture.

simple crafts

In order to make the first simple wood craft with your own hands, you must first read the simple instructions on how to make it. Cutting wood requires a tool. Of course, you can use a hand tool, but the cut will turn out with an uneven surface. It is better to use an electric tool: a jigsaw or a circular saw.

Sliced ​​blanks are processed with sandpaper to eliminate irregularities. From the prepared blanks, you can immediately start doing something.

First of all, small saws are used to make coasters. They can be glued together, grouped together. Such boards are used as coasters for mugs, teapots and other hot items.

A large number of sawn tree trunks can decorate rooms, create interior items. For example, you can make a base for an analogue clock, candlesticks, decorate paintings, decorate walls, and make picture frames from a cut.

Sliced ​​​​cuts of trees can be used as blanks for further creativity. A variety of toys and figures of animals (all kinds of foxes, ducks, bears, dogs, birds) are very successfully obtained from them.

The scope for creativity is limitless. Such products are best made with children. The manufacture of small items is also possible at home, apartment conditions. At the same time, the child will develop useful skills.

complex crafts

From large wood blanks, various more complex crafts can be made. Some of them do not require serious carpentry skills and physical strength, while others require special knowledge and skills to make.

Having made an overview of the most beautiful crafts from a saw cut tree, you can choose a direction for creativity in accordance with your skills. From sawn trees, you can make a variety of garden furniture, put animal figures in the garden, or lay out a garden path from cuts.

From logs you can make a very beautiful rustic well with a roof. But this is already a subject of serious carpentry work. From tree trunks you can make beautiful flower beds. Such work will be quite easy.

The tree trunk will lie on the ground, and flowers will grow in its cutouts. It should be remembered that products that are planned to be used outdoors must be coated with protective paints or antiseptics.

Entire master classes on making crafts are devoted to the manufacture of such items. Their visit will be very useful for children. Such classes develop creative potential, accustom to work, give the first experience of pleasure from creativity.

Photo of crafts from wood cuts