What to wear to school for a 16-year-old boy. Dress up a teenager: mission accomplished

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If you are in high school, it is very important to look attractive and dress well. However, it can sometimes be difficult to do this, especially when you have little time to pack in the morning. With this guide, you can look great every day. Always try new things, create your own style, but do not forget about the rules of your school.


    Shower regularly. Do this with a scented shower gel and a soft sponge. Wash thoroughly with warm water to get really clean. You should always be neat and smell good when heading to school; remember to use deodorant. When you shower, shave your armpits and legs (if your parents allow you), wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Use a loofah with a little soap or shower gel and rub thoroughly all over your body. Use a comb (not a massage brush) to comb through damp hair to help dry it out. Try to shower every other day or every day, but don't wash your hair every day - wear a shower cap. After showering, you can apply a detangler or leave-in conditioner to your hair if your hair tends to frizz.

    Cleanse and moisturize your face. Wash your face with a face wash, then apply a light moisturizer. A gel, mousse or special wash soap can help remove dirt, grease and makeup from your face, making your skin less prone to breakouts. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the foods you use.

    Brush your teeth. Do this every morning and evening. Choose a good toothpaste and remember to use a mouthwash to keep your breath fresh and your teeth crisp white. Try not to use whitening gels and strips - they damage the enamel of your teeth and are harmful to your gums. If you've used whitening toothpaste before, start brushing your teeth with a toothpaste that protects the enamel. Apply lip balm to keep your smile flawless. If you wear braces, brush your teeth as thoroughly as possible. Your smile may not be perfect (yet!), But at least you won't have food particles stuck between your teeth.

    Smell good. You sweat more as you get older now, so wear deodorant. Alternatively, you can use a little perfume with a delicate scent.

    Choose the right outfits. When choosing clothes, always try them on and look in the mirror. If the item looks good on the hanger but doesn't suit you, discard it. Choose clothes that match your color and fit well. If the outfit looks good on you and is comfortable for you, don't look for another. Keep in mind that you are going to school, so choose something that is comfortable and modest yet cute. Be bold and try new styles. If you've never worn skirts in elementary school, try heading to skirt lessons one day to see if you like it. You might be surprised! Shorts have always been and will be in fashion, so be sure to get a few. Be aware that many schools have a dress code - it must be secular and comply with generally accepted norms of business style.

    • Don't wear see-through shirts. Sometimes, when you are wearing a white or light-colored shirt, your bra may show through the fabric. Try wearing a jersey underneath to avoid this. Under white blouses or shirts, it is best to wear not a white, but a nude bra.
    • Don't try to look sexy; you are still in high school, so revealing clothes can give people the wrong idea of ​​you. Dress modestly to avoid entering the principal's office. For example, if you are wearing a low-cut shirt, wear it with a matching top to avoid exposing too much of your body.
  1. Add accessories. Accessories are always great, they will emphasize your style and add variety even to such a boring outfit as a school uniform. Accessories can be combined in color with clothing or, conversely, be contrasting to add a color accent. Try wearing bracelets, pendants, rings, earrings, or necklaces; see which one you like best.

    Experiment with your hair. Just blow dry them, curl them, straighten them, fluff them, braid them. Remember to use a special heat protection spray to protect your hair when exposed to high temperatures. If you have thick or dry hair, use a leave-in conditioner to style it. Finish off with a scent-free hairspray. Add a subtle touch, such as a cute hairpin, headband, crab or flower.

    • Do different hairstyles. For example, braid a French braid instead of your regular ponytail. If you're ready to make a radical change, get a completely new haircut or even side bangs. You can start with a side bang, which will give you a completely different look, but if you don't like the result, you can always pin it or put it under a hoop.
  2. Try makeup. Being in high school does not mean that you must do makeup. However, if you want to use makeup, remember that there should be very little cosmetics on your face. Make sure your makeup looks natural. A little mascara and balm or neutral lip gloss is enough in high school. Only paint your nails and pluck your eyebrows if you think you can't do without it.

    Smile and be sure of yourself . A smile always beautifies. No outfit will make you charming if you are gloomy and dissatisfied with yourself. Try to be different, but remember that you will only be respected if you respect yourself. Self-esteem will help you become truly happy and attractive. Don't lose confidence in yourself and don't let others hurt you. There are people who just love to say or do unpleasant things, so ignore them.

    Apply body lotion. Apply it on hands, feet, and if necessary, on the whole body. This will leave your skin looking clean, velvety and healthy.

  3. Be yourself! You need to be self-confident! If you feel insecure without makeup, wear it, but try not to overdo it. Remember, you always need to be yourself. The original is always more valuable than the copy. Be natural and you will find yourself complimenting you more often.

    • Choose an outfit in the evening before school so you don't have to stand in front of the closet for an hour in the morning.
    • Don't let other people pressure you. You are you, and this is the best that can be!
    • If you are not a fan of accessories, then you don't have to wear them. You can do without them and still look absolutely great. Just wear attractive clothes that suit you, style your hair and you will be perfect!
    • Experiment! Don't limit yourself to one style. And if you always go shopping in one particular store, try visiting several others.
    • Never worry about what others think, because this is only your life. If people judge you by your clothes, don't let that bother you; the main thing is to remain confident.
    • Shower the evening before school.
    • Brand names aren't everything. Be yourself and smile.
    • If branded clothing doesn't suit your personal style, don't buy it. If other people don't like it, that's their problem; let someone else wear such clothes, do not let others make fun of you or something like that for the reason of abandoning such brands.
    • If you need more time to tidy yourself up, get up earlier than usual.
    • Try on your chosen outfit and show yourself to someone before putting it on to school.
    • Ask your friends for honest advice.
    • When wearing a uniform, choose the prettiest option.


    • Do not pluck your eyebrows in the morning before school, they will turn red! If you need to, do it the night before.
    • If you're happy with yourself, don't turn your nose up. Keep it simple.
    • Don't be influenced by the crowd - be yourself!
    • Shave your legs the night before school or get up early to do this.
    • Don't overdo it when choosing an outfit for school. Any girl is always beautiful in herself.
    • If you wax your legs in the morning, they will be red at school.
    • If you don't have shaving cream, use a lather or lotion such as cocoa butter. Shave gently!
    • If you've shaved in the evening, make sure you haven't missed anything in the daylight.
    • Be confident all day because there is nothing worse than self-doubt!
    • If you don't know how to apply makeup, don't do it. Don't risk your self-esteem!
    • Ignore what others say; if you like your outfit yourself, that's enough.
    • Never do not shave without water or shaving cream. You may cut yourself and the skin will be irritated.

If in the past the question of fashionable clothes arose at the age of sixteen, today children from the first grade begin to worry about their appearance. Modern trends, social networks and the environment promote fashion and style for the little ones and older. As a result, the question of how to dress fashionably for school becomes acute.

Junior classes

At such a young age, children still cannot choose for themselves how to dress for school. Photos in magazines and shop windows attract them with bright colors rather than style. But at the same time, children strive to be like their parents.

Since the school is an educational institution, the child should be dressed well, but not like a birthday cake. Pretty cute babies look in reduced versions of adult clothes. The presence of fabulous or cartoon characters in the form of a picture on a T-shirt will cheer up the kid and his friends. Sundresses are a fashion trend for girls. If you put on white tights under it, this look will create a festive mood every day. Boys look like gentlemen in vests that match both jeans and tailored trousers.

Clothing quality

First of all, you need to pay attention to what the clothes for children are made of. Competitions "who will dress the child best" most often ends in failure for the latter. Clothes and footwear should promote proper development, which means they should be comfortable and made of natural materials. If the jacket "pricks" the child, there is no need to force him to wear it.

By the way, a backpack can also be attributed to a wardrobe item. And you need to choose it carefully. The load on the student's back should be uniform, then it will be possible to minimize the threat of scoliosis.


Any teenager doesn't want to look worse than others. Attempts and endeavors are aimed at showing their advantages in all ways, no matter how. It is impossible to dress stylishly for school if the imposed school uniform does not correspond to the concepts of fashion. A patterned cut and not always a pleasant shade can ruin the mood and make you feel insecure. In this case, there is a way out. In specialized stores, there are a lot of options. True, you need to choose outlets that do not offer "China" and guarantee the exchange and refund of funds in case of force majeure.

If the educational institution does not provide for a school uniform, then he himself chooses how to dress for school for a teenager. And since there are many ideals now and they are not always successful, the simplicity of choice sometimes turns into a problem of consequences. If the form is nevertheless necessary, another problem arises - a categorical refusal to wear shapeless clothes that do not correspond to the modern trend. But there is always a way out, and we will describe which one below.

For guys

Guys and girls need to keep in mind some rules to help them avoid getting screwed up over their clothing choices. Colored trousers and a jacket in tandem with a plain shirt of any shade will always look chic and will be an excellent replacement for the standard school uniform. You just need to adhere to a certain range when choosing a suit.

Very short shorts on the figure of a teenager look like underwear, so they are not recommended to be worn. Bright colors in large quantities, and even mixed, can provoke ridicule of the guy. It is best for boys to stick to more subdued color schemes in schools.

Stylish, youthful

Knowing how to dress fashionably for school and choose high-quality things, you can provide yourself with 100% comfort. For example, choosing a stylish shirt with a print or inscriptions, a T-shirt or a T-shirt to match your jeans, but without provocative pictures. A fashionable tie will be a great addition to any shirt and any trousers. A sporty style can also look dignified if you approach the choice not impulsively, but with taste. Sweatshirts made from natural fabric will help you create a complete look without sacrificing comfort. Restrained, preppy clothes are always more stylish than lurid elements of an extravagant wardrobe.

For girls

How to dress a girl for school to be on top? The question has simple answers. If an educational institution requires a school uniform, then it will not be difficult to find a similar suit, but only within the framework of the basic requirements. Blue skirt and jacket - please. We open a magazine about style and look at the answer to the question of how to dress fashionably for school - trendy things from fashion shows will suggest ideas. After that, it remains to find a similar one on sale, which is not difficult. Don't require a school uniform? You can not puzzle yourself how to dress stylishly for school without breaking the rules.

Why is a mid-length skirt attractive?

Girls want to look the way they want to hear at least a couple of compliments in their address during the day. This is normal for women of all ages.

A skirt is feminine. The classic pencil skirt, designed by Christian Dior, will accentuate the girl's figure and highlight the waist. Curvy schoolgirls can safely choose this style - it slims perfectly. The top can be anything you want - a blouse, a shirt, a fitted T-shirt with rhinestones, sequins or a turtleneck. A jacket will also come in handy.

Sometimes attempts to attract the attention of peers end in embarrassment. A skirt that is too short can lift up at the most inopportune moment. Deep neckline - to become a topic of discussion with far from positive reviews. High heels not only spoil your posture, but also create the image of a frivolous girl.

Jeans and trousers

Jeans are the classics of the centuries. There is such a variety of them that there is always something that will definitely fit. The practicality of this product is irreplaceable, it is always comfortable in them and you do not need to worry about tights that break at the slightest carelessness. Moreover, you can choose the top according to your mood - literally everything will do, from T-shirts to strict blouses. In order to complete the look, it will be enough to use a suitable accessory.

Trousers will undoubtedly suit both important dates and everyday wear. The color can be completely different, and a small heel will not be superfluous, but will only add sophistication to the image.

How to dress fashionably for school? This is a question that never loses its relevance. And in order to always stay in trend, it is enough to follow the fashion and not try to stand out by reducing the length and number of clothes. After all, if you want to make a good impression, then you should remember that this approach will create the opposite effect. And after communicating with a person, only those who like him not because of their clothes remain.

Dear mothers, our girls are growing up and, of course, their wardrobe must also undergo changes and "grow up" with them. A teenager's wardrobe is different from a child's or an adult's. And this must be remembered when buying clothes for a girl.

In adolescence, girls are most sensitive to their appearance. For many of them, it is very important what impression they make on others.

After all, it is often at this age that self-esteem is formed, and unnecessary complexes are also "drawn".

What should be the clothes of a teenage girl?

Therefore, clothes for a teenage girl should be:

Comfortable and convenient - i.e. fit the girl's lifestyle.

Fashionable, beautiful and, most importantly, modern!

And since at this age girls themselves do not really understand how to make their image stylish, fashionable and interesting, we, parents, should help them in this and, thereby, develop a sense of taste in our daughter. Do not persistently and obsessively dictate your vision of the "beautiful", but playfully, offering various options, consulting with the child, finding compromises.

So, our task is to make a high-quality wardrobe base so that by purchasing some ultra-fashionable things that are relevant in the current season, the girl's image turns out to be stylish and interesting, does not look boring and gray, or vice versa, "I will put on all the best at once."

Basic wardrobe for a teenage girl

The basis of any wardrobe, including a teenage one, is basic things. By the way, if you open the closet now and look at your daughter's things, then most likely you will find them there. You just didn't know about it :-) And this is absolutely logical, because just the basic things are responsible for comfort, convenience and warmth (see item 1)

But so that you and I speak the same language, let's talk about what the basic things are.

Basic are things that:

Have a simple, laconic cut

They lack any decorative elements

As soon as something was sewn to the thing, they cut it off asymmetrically, draped it, i.e. a complex cut or decorative elements has appeared - it automatically loses its "basicity" and goes into the category of things belonging to a certain style. Let's call these things "raisins."

The most important feature of basic things: all basic things are combined with each other!

Namely, this is what our child needs. She must pull things out of the closet with her eyes closed and know for sure that they fit together!

And also basic things are painlessly combined with the same "raisins". While assembling the "raisins" together is not an easy task and requires certain skills and knowledge in the field of stylistics.

Basic teenage wardrobe items have to be colored!

But a blue or burgundy laconic jumper with rhombuses is not a base? And one of the reasons why our girls' wardrobes are filled with black and gray things is the inability to correctly complement colored things.

How to put together the perfect wardrobe for a teenage girl?

So, in the right teenage wardrobe, about 70-90% of things should be basic. It is they that will allow the child to feel comfortable, it is these things that are completed with each other with "closed eyes" and it is with them that you can fearlessly complete things of a complex cut that have a certain style. And this property makes it possible to get the maximum number of different sets of clothes from the same things.

But even when choosing seemingly such simple things as basic ones, you need to pay attention to their relevance and modernity (see clause 2).

The right jackets

For example, the “today's” correct jacket for a girl does not look short, tight-fitting and fitted, but on the contrary: it is straight cut, often elongated, has a narrow collar (lapel) or a collar may be completely absent, double-breasted models are also very relevant and modern.

If the girl likes to emphasize the waist, put on a strap on top. An additional accessory will never be superfluous in this case.

Correct pants

Actual youth trousers are now generally tapered and cropped.

Such models of trousers are the most versatile, because allow you to wear almost any footwear under them: ballet flats, sneakers, loafers, sneakers, pumps with and without heels, etc.

If the girl does not have any features of the figure, then there is no need to purchase straight long trousers. You can no longer wear more sports shoes for such models, and the correct length of these trousers must be strictly observed: you can no longer wear the same pair under flat shoes or under a small stable heel.

Correct cardigans

Another example is cardigans. Tight models made of thin jersey with small buttons are no longer relevant.

Straight silhouettes are in fashion now, maybe a large textured knit, again, you can fit a cardigan using a narrow belt to match, or vice versa, with a contrasting belt.

I have given you just a few examples to clearly show what the relevance and modernity of things is.

Of course, in the outdated styles of simple basic things, the girl will feel “out of place”, so be sure to flip through youth magazines or youth street style photos. So you will be aware of the current youth styles, as well as be able to get ideas for completing such things.

Pictured Annabelle Fleur

List of things for a basic teen wardrobe

Now let's put together a rough list of basic things a teenage girl should have in her wardrobe. I cannot advise a certain number of things, because everyone represents their own necessary minimum for themselves, based on the lifestyle and hobbies of a teenager. Remember that all these things should have a simple laconic cut and be colored!

By the way, I wrote about for a teenage girl in one of the previous articles, in the same place I gave an approximate list that a girl needs for school.

Therefore, here we will make a list of the basic things you need in everyday life.

  • Short Sleeve White T-shirt
  • Colored short sleeve t-shirts
  • Long Sleeve T-Shirts
  • White shirt (straight cut is actual)
  • Denim shirt
  • Plaid shirt
  • Jumper straight cut or oversize
  • Sweater (printed, chunky knit or bright color)
  • sweatshirt
  • Straight cut cardigan
  • Jacket
  • Jeans (skinny, boyfriend, straight, frayed or ripped, blue or colored - it all depends on taste, needs and preferences)
  • Trousers with arrows
  • Sweatpants (note urban models, not fitness models)
  • Shorts
  • Dress (straight cut, oversized or fitted, depending on preference)
  • Sweater dress or tunic dress, very relevant now. Can be worn with leggings, tight tights and rough boots or jeans.
  • Dress shirt
  • Sundress
  • Trench coat
  • Leather jacket (can be made of eco-leather)
  • Denim
  • Bomber
  • Down jacket
  • Demi-season coat
  • Sneakers
  • Ballet shoes
  • Shoes
  • Sandals
  • Boots
  • Boots
  • Crossbody bag (over the shoulder)
  • Backpack
  • Cap
  • Gloves

Having a "solid foundation" in your wardrobe, you can buy, at your daughter's request, some ultra-fashionable things of the current season - the same "raisins", fearlessly complement them with a "base" and be sure that such a wardrobe will always be functional, interesting and variable ... The girl will always have something to wear and she will look different every time.

Basic wardrobe examples

Now I will show you clearly the variability of the basic wardrobe. And believe me, these are not all combinations that can be made from this set of things. And if you combine the same "raisins" with these things or complement each set with different accessories, which I wrote about in the last article, then the number of combinations increases simply exponentially!

Basic wardrobe

Now look what this little wardrobe can do

Well, did you have a desire to revise your daughter's wardrobe? :-) Then go ahead, dare with her! And if you need professional help, come and study at the Shopping School :-)

How to dress stylishly for school, so that it is comfortable and fashionable? Despite the fact that in most schools in our country the school uniform has been canceled, there is still a certain dress code and it must be observed. But nevertheless, schoolchildren so want to dress very stylishly for school, since they spend a lot of time there.

Unfortunately, many teenage girls dress for school quite freely: tight jeans, short skirts and dresses, T-shirts, T-shirts and sports sneakers, which are suitable only for youth parties. But this is not at all correct. Dressing so simply is unrealistic to look stylish and feminine.

How to dress stylishly for school if only uniforms are allowed

If suddenly a school uniform was introduced at your school, then you should not be upset about this and give up.

After all, even in a school uniform, you can look just fine, the most important thing is to choose the right outfit for attending school. By the way, the school uniform has a lot of advantages.

For example, you don't have to wake up earlier in the morning before school to find the right clothes, you will have time to repeat all the assigned lessons or sleep longer in the morning.

So, if your school does not have strict dress requirements and is allowed to wear a dark bottom and a light top, then you can buy tight pants in a dark color that will visually make your legs look slimmer.

A white golf shirt or a shirt that can be worn loosely or tucked into trousers is perfect for trousers. This way you can look very beautiful and elegant.

In addition, recently it has become very fashionable to wear a high skirt, which should start from the belt itself.

A white shirt will also look great with a skirt, do not forget to tuck the shirt into the skirt. The rest of the tops of a light shade will also look great.

How to dress stylishly for school? It is not advisable for girls, schoolgirls, to wear clothes that are too saturated and acidic, outfits made of translucent materials, clothes that are too tight, styles with open body areas, as well as short shorts and miniskirts.

Also, for more suitable occasions, you will have to reserve wide trousers with patch pockets, leather trousers, tracksuits.

More restrained colors and a style that is close to business will become a suitable option for school clothes.

In all other respects, the choice of suitable clothes for school is quite large: it can be jeans, trousers, skirts, shirts, blouses, turtlenecks, sweaters, as well as dresses and sundresses.

Jeans as school clothes may also work well, but in this case, try to get by with classic styles and restrained colors.

Low waist, too vulgar decor in the form of holes and iridescent rhinestones will be inappropriate.

If suddenly a school uniform has not been introduced at your school, then you may not think for a long time about the question of how to dress stylishly for school.

The most important thing here is to stick to one rule all the time: wear classics.

If, while attending school, you want to be fashionable and the most stylish, but at the same time remain a business lady, then you probably do not need to explain at all that the classics are the most important and must be present in your wardrobe.

The strict style of school clothes must be given your preference, since modern psychologists have also found their explanation for this.

As psychologists explain, in classic clothes, everyone is more in tune with a working mood than in home or ordinary clothes.

Therefore, in order to do well in school and focus on your studies, try to stick to the classic style.

Your school wardrobe must include the following outfits: several plain blouses and shirts, formal shorts, a pair of classic high-waisted skirts, black tight or straight trousers.

As for high school students, they must wear high or medium heels.

In order not to seem too boring to others in such clothes, you can add suitable accessories to your image.

It can be a beautiful belt, a stylish silk scarf, a beautiful handbag, which will make any even the most strict outfit sparkle with new and more attractive colors.

And to add more charm to your classic style, adding a different color will help you, for example, it can be a turtleneck, blouse or shirt in terracotta, yellow or pink instead of the usual white colors.

You can wear a colored sweater or vest on a white shirt.

Don't forget to match your school outfit with the right bag. Stylish clutches are perfect for the classic style, but, unfortunately, you cannot always take them with you to school, in this case, an elegant small handbag that should match your school outfit or shoes in color is most suitable.

We hope that we answered the question of how to dress stylishly for school, and now you know how to dress fashionably and beautifully when going to lessons. Heed our recommendations to be the most stylish and elegant girl in school.

During my school youth it was customary to wear a uniform. I still remember those creepy brown dresses and awful black aprons, as well as inconceivable collars and sleeves. Only when I entered the 7th grade was this terrible duty removed from us. And the era of anarchy came - rubber jeans, bright leggings and Chinese long T-shirts. I must say that both were extreme.

Today the Stylish Thing website will tell you how to dress stylishly for school without going over the edge.

Modern canons of school style

Why was the idea of ​​returning to school uniforms repeatedly raised by our politicians? Not only because they have absolutely nothing else to do. The absence of strict rules and canons led to complete confusion and vacillation on the issue of school style.

In addition, the issues of social inequality have suddenly become sharply aggravated. If earlier everyone dressed the same (equally badly), then with the abolition of the school uniform, the simplest instrument of competition appeared - with the help of clothes.

No, of course, we do not believe that all children must be dressed according to the principle of "white top - black bottom". School is still not Sberbank. However, the school is an official institution, whatever one may say. So adhere to certain clothing standards going into it is worth it.

- The classics are always relevant. And for schoolchildren too. Jackets, trousers and skirts were, are and will be the most suitable clothing for official events (to which lessons can be conventionally included). And many schoolchildren in business clothes are attracted by the fact that they allow them to look a little more mature.

Of course, strict gray, brown and black suits look a little boring, and youth does not tolerate this. Then bright accessories will come to the rescue.

- The key to a variety of images is the presence of a large number of turtlenecks, T-shirts, blouses and shirts. They can be combined with a variety of things and look fresh and new every day.

- A great alternative to a business jacket - a vest. In it, the child will be comfortable, light, not hot and not cold. At the same time, he looks quite strict, but not too formal.

- A sundress is a practical solution for every day, thanks to which you can create a lot of wonderful sets. It can be worn as an independent product, combined with jackets, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks. Sundresses always look very stylish, relevant and feminine.

- For the cool season, you should get cardigans and jumpers.

- A schoolgirl's wardrobe should certainly be enriched with several practical dress models - sweater dresses, a simple plaid preppy dress, a sheath dress, a robe or a trapeze.

- Jeans are traditional clothes for schoolchildren, and you can't get away from them. And you don't need to. You just have to choose a model of jeans so that the school class does not look like a team of dock workers. Jeans should be of a classic color and silhouette, without the abuse of rhinestones, appliqués, and even more so holes - these models should be left for a disco or a party.

- Don't underestimate the importance of sleeveless jackets in school wardrobe. Knitted sleeveless jackets are a "unisex" thing that helps to create cozy and comfortable looks.

- If your child is a steady fan of sports style, then you can build it on the basis of jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks and comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers, moccasins). Just do not overuse purely sports paraphernalia. Leave tracksuits and sneakers for physical education lessons. Alternatively, perhaps your child will be carried away by the military style.

In general, American students and schoolchildren prefer standard sports uniforms - jeans, sneakers, T-shirts. In it, they go not only to school, but also on dates, parties, walks. However, Americans can hardly be called trendsetters, so this is hardly the case when they should be imitated.

School accessories

It is worth mentioning this separately - after all, it is in this field that schoolchildren have where to roam.

By far the most typical school accessory is a bag or briefcase. The difficulty is that a student, as a rule, does not have too many of them, but they should be suitable for everything. Therefore, it is advisable to choose combinatorial universal model... In this case, one should not forget about posture. Backpacks provide an even distribution of the load on the shoulders, therefore they are considered the most suitable bag for schoolchildren. In any case, make sure that the weight of the bag itself is minimal.

Original belts, cute hairpins, hoops, headbands - all this allows you to make the image brighter and more individualized.

Don't forget about practical accessories - hats, scarves.

As you can see, school fashion canons today are quite democratic and allow any child to dress tastefully, stylishly, and not lose their individuality.