Safe protection of plants from diseases and pests in July and August. Daffodils planting and care in the open field, when to transplant and dig up daffodils? Reproduction of daffodils

The homeland of the daffodil is Southern Europe and the Mediterranean countries.

In the CIS countries, wild-growing narcissus is represented by narrow-leaved narcissus, which grows in the Carpathians. As soon as the valley of daffodils blooms in the first half of May, tourists come to Ukraine to admire the beauty of this marvelous flower. Fields of wild narcissus can be found in the Balkans, in the Alps, in Great Britain, in the mountains of Romania.

Narcissus has long excited people and left few indifferent. Legends were dedicated to him - what is the legend of the beautiful young man Narcissus, who died of love for his own image, in China, the daffodil is considered a symbol of good luck and wealth in the New Year, in Japan it is a symbol of purity.

Narcissus belongs to the genus of perennial bulbous herbs of the Amaryllis family. This is an early flowering flower.

The narcissus attracts special attention to flowers that have a different size, shape and color of the crown (it can be yellow, white or two-color).

According to the structure, the narcissus flower consists of a tubular perianth with six lobes (terry varieties have many lobes), a crown is located inside the perianth, and there are six stamens inside the crown.

Narcissus flowers are simple or double, located on leafless peduncles.

The basal leaves of the plant are dark green in color, they can be of different widths and lengths - it all depends on the variety.

The elongated, pear-shaped narcissus bulbs have two renewal buds - this is their characteristic feature.


Thanks to the efforts of breeders, different varieties of daffodils have been bred, among which the following groups are most common (description + pictures):

Tubular daffodils.

Terry daffodils.

Poetic daffodils.


Forcing daffodils suggests that conditions are created for the plant under which it blooms at an uncharacteristic time for them. Small-flowered varieties are suitable for growing daffodils at home.

To grow a daffodil in a pot, choose adult, healthy bulbs, whose weight is at least 60 g. It is better to take a wide pot, at least 10 cm high. A bulb planted in the ground must be planted in such a way that at least 1/3 of it is on the surface. After the bulb is planted, it is crushed and watered.

A pot with a bulb is kept in complete darkness at a temperature of + 5-7 degrees, so the plant is provided with a dormant period.

As soon as the plant sprouts, the pot is moved to a warmer room that is well lit, but at the same time they are looking for a place where the sun's rays do not fall.

With the advent of buds, a pot with a plant is placed in a room with an air temperature of up to +20 degrees.

If you carry out timely watering, then soon the daffodil will delight you with its flowering.

With the end of flowering, the life of the plant continues, you are required to cut off faded flowers, fertilize, and continue watering. As soon as the leaves dry up, the bulbs must be dug up, dried and stored. In autumn, these bulbs should be planted in the garden so that they take root and continue to please with their flowering. The next year, the bulbs from the forcing pot are not used.

daffodils. LANDING.

For planting plants in the garden, use sunny places, protected from strong winds.

Since narcissus belongs to bulbous plants, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil and this is a fundamental condition when choosing a place for planting.

In order for the plant to take root, planting the bulb should be done from mid-September, from early October, but before the onset of cold weather. If, nevertheless, the cold has come, the sowing of daffodils is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of leaves. Usually, the rooting process lasts 20 days. If you plant the bulb in the spring, then the rooting process goes worse, and flowering does not occur at all.

Bulbs with a diameter of 10-15 cm are chosen for planting. They are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm with a distance between plants of about 10 cm, and between rows - 20-25 cm.

daffodils. CARE.

With the onset of spring, it is imperative to inspect the plants that have undergone wintering and remove the sick and weak. During growth and flowering, the land where the narcissus grows is loosened, watered, and cleared of weeds.

For the normal development of the plant, even before planting the bulb, decomposed humus is introduced into the soil, and under each bulb - bone meal, thanks to which the root system of the plant will receive phosphorus. Top dressing with bone meal is also done when re-digging the earth at the rate of 60 g per 1 sq. m.

Already in the process of growing narcissus, the plant must be fed: first, while the snow has not yet melted, they are fertilized with mineral fertilizer, where 2 parts are nitrogen, and one part is phosphorus and potassium (100 g are applied per 1 sq. m.); before flowering, the proportions in the composition of the fertilizer change - here already 2 parts are allocated to phosphorus and one each is potassium and nitrogen; during the flowering period, mineral fertilizer, which includes phosphorus and potassium in equal parts, is applied in smaller doses - 30 g per 1 sq. m.

In order for the bulbs to gain strength, it is necessary to dig them out no earlier than 3 years after planting. They do not need to be transplanted within 3-5 years.

It is necessary to dig up daffodil bulbs only when the leaves turn completely yellow and dry. After that, the bulbs must be laid out in one row to dry in a room with a temperature not lower than +20 degrees.

But first, the bulbs need to be cleaned, inspected: the sick should be culled. If you find children next to the mother bulb, do not rush to separate them. When the time comes, they will separate themselves. Before planting, the bulbs are stored in a room with an air temperature of + 16-18 degrees.


For distillation, it is better to use early-flowering varieties. After the bulb is dug up, it is dried for two weeks at a temperature of +30 degrees, then the temperature is reduced to +17 degrees and the bulb is kept for another three weeks, after which the bulb must be kept indoors at a temperature of +9 degrees. Humidity in the room should be at least 80-85%. The bulb aged in such conditions is ready for planting. After “hardening”, the bulb is planted either in boxes or in a greenhouse. Garden soil mixed with sawdust or sand is suitable as soil.

When planting, the following rules are observed: the upper part of the bulb should rise 1/3 above the ground, the bulbs should not touch each other and should not touch the walls of the box. For at least a week, the temperature of the seedlings should be +9 degrees, and the humidity should be about 100%, then the temperature should be raised to +17 degrees. To make flowering last longer, the temperature can even be lowered, but not by much.

daffodils. DISEASES. PESTS.

Daffodils suffer from diseases such as fusarium, gray rot, spotting. Diseases appear as a result of high humidity content, with a lack of lighting, with an excess of nitrogen. In order to avoid these diseases, bulbs are treated with fungicides before storage, and just before planting, with foundationazole or another systemic drug.

Little secrets of growing daffodils
Once, when I saw a photo of spring thickets of daffodils and tulips in Holland on the cover of a magazine, I thought that if I draw a dream, it will look exactly like this riot of colors and tenderness...

The spring flower narcissus, like the sun, illuminates with its presence any day. Therefore, other flowers come to life next to him in a sunny way, even if the day is gloomy. In a bouquet, a narcissus looks ...

Daffodils: varieties with photos and names

The variety of varieties of daffodils is amazing. To navigate, look in the catalog of daffodils and select the variety you like

People remember the phrase of Magomed, in which he advises those who have two loaves to sell one of them and acquire a wonderful creation of nature daffodil flower. He gave this advice not in vain, because bread is considered food for bodies, and this flower is a product for souls.

But it’s true, if you think about the essence, this work of flora is unrealistic to compare with anything. daffodil flower photo looks amazing. No wonder it means in Greek - intoxicating.

But in fact, everything is so, daffodil spring flower not only amazingly beautiful, but also chic, it smells incomparably. He was sung by poets of many countries and, of course, deservedly so, because one has only to look at him, as a person is enveloped in fantastic euphoria.

According to an ancient legend, this name appeared in honor of a young man who loved no one but himself. His name was Narcissus. He liked its image reflected in the water to such an extent that he could not tear himself away from it.

And so the handsome man died on the shore of the reservoir, without stopping admiring his features in the reflection of the water. It was on that territory that this amazing one grew up with his head down. Since then, it has symbolized death and has been used to decorate the deathbed.

In Eastern mythology, the data was compared with the eyes of a beloved. In European countries, he acted as the personification of love and marriage bonds. Italians can declare their love without words. To do this, they only need to give a bouquet of these flowers.

Description and features of the daffodil

Narcissus refers to bulbous, herbaceous flowers. Its linear leaves beautifully depart from the root. And the flowers are located on a leafless, semicircular peduncle, its height is from 40 to 50 cm.

This representative of the flora is round, solitary, very pleasantly smelling, slightly drooping. It happens simple and terry. small parameters. Its diameter is from 2 to 6 cm.

Flowers come in white, yellow, and a mixture of the two. As a result of long and painstaking work of breeders, a large number of varieties with the most diverse colors were bred. Delicate white-cream, lemon-yellow, pink and orange daffodils have been added to the usual colors.

This same-sex plant from the Amaryllis family is one of the very first flowers, symbolizing the arrival of spring. In nature, there are more than 60 species of daffodils and 25 of their hybrid forms. These 25 representatives have one name for all - “hybrid”.

For a long time, daffodils have been indispensable in the perfume and medical industries. In some cases, the heady aromas of this flower can even trigger a migraine. Their bulbs have poisonous properties, and the oils of the plant have a narcotic effect. The alkaloids contained in the bulbs save the plant from rodents.

The most fashionable were daffodils at the end of the 19th century, since that moment they have not lost their popularity. In eastern countries, they are bred to obtain essential oils.

The people of China give each other this divine flower on New Year's holidays because in that country it is a symbol of wealth and good luck. And in England, he is even more revered than the rose queen of flowers.

The bulbs of these flowers are flask-shaped, perennial, rounded or ovoid. They have a somewhat special structure because they consist of 2 renewal buds. These two kidneys have two different stages of development. Scales membranous, brown. Narcissus root is annual, string-like, unbranched.

Planting and propagation of narcissus

This wonderful is comfortable in fertile soil. Its swampiness and the predominance of limestone have a detrimental effect on it, this should be taken into account when caring for narcissus flower.

If the number of flowering shoots decreases in a daffodil, this indicates that the bulbs of the plant need to be replanted. As soon as the leaves of the flower turn yellow, its bulbs should be removed immediately.

Delay in such cases is highly undesirable, the bulbs can take root again. Also, if daffodils are dug up later than the required time, their quality may gradually deteriorate.

Not all dug out bulbs of this plant are suitable for long-term storage. Those that are affected by disease and pests are best put aside. The most favorable time for planting daffodils is September.

Subject to these terms, rooting of the bulbs can be expected before frost. As for the site for planting these, it must be prepared in advance, so the soil will have time to subside. It is recommended to plant these flowers asymmetrically. If they are grown for cutting, it is advisable to plant their bulbs in a row.

The depth at which they need to be planted depends on the size of the bulbs, the climatic conditions for their planting and the soil. This figure ranges from 10 to 20 cm, sometimes up to 25 cm.

An important role is played by the choice of a place for these wonderful. The main rule is the absence of drafts. Daffodils reproduce well in places with diffused light. But especially their increased yield is observed with good lighting.

The most favorable temperature for daffodils is + 17 + 20 degrees. This is a fairly moisture-loving plant, which especially requires watering during flowering and within a month after it. Spraying daffodils do not need.

Like all other plants, the daffodil needs constant feeding. It will bloom and fragrant as a token of gratitude if it is fed once every 14 days with mineral and organic fertilizer.

In winter and autumn, these do not need additional feeding. It is undesirable to fertilize the soil on which it is planned to grow daffodils with manure.

To propagate these flowers, a vegetative method is used. Only during breeding work is the seed method of reproduction used. In some cases, valuable varieties of daffodils are propagated by particles of bulbs.

On average, one bulb can be divided into 4-6 such particles. They are treated with a stimulant, dried and planted in boxes containing a sterile substrate. From such reproduction, color in children appears in the third year.

Daffodils are among those flowers that are not unsuccessfully distilled. This is one of the techniques in floriculture, which helps to make the flower bloom at the wrong time.

So you can make it bloom flower home daffodil both in the flower bed and in the pot. Early-flowering varieties of daffodils are most suitable for this role.

For distillation, it is necessary to subject the bulbs of daffodils to several periods of storage. First, the bulbs must be dried for 2 weeks at a temperature of +30 degrees.

After that, they need to provide a temperature of about +17 degrees. In such an environment, the bulbs are aged for 21 days. Then the temperature drops further to +9 degrees and, at high humidity, the bulbs remain until the very landing.

In order for the distillation to succeed, garden soil diluted with sand and sawdust is used. Narcissus flower at home also growing is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to make sure that the bulbs are not only large, but also healthy.

After the daffodil has finished flowering in a pot, it is not worth getting rid of it. You just need to cut the flowers that begin to dry out, constantly water and fertilize the soil, then dig up the bulbs, dry them and send them to storage.

Of course, these bulbs are not suitable for re-growing in a pot. But they will perfectly give roots and will delight with the advent of spring in the garden.

Types and varieties of daffodils

Amateur gardeners know about a thousand varieties of daffodils and 25 species. If we consider them according to the garden classification, then there are 12 groups of daffodils:

    The tubular ones are daffodils with a long, tubular crown, which is usually longer than or similar to the petals.

    Large-crowned daffodils are those with a tube-like or funnel-shaped crown, in which the height is equal to the leaf or slightly greater than the length of the leaves.

    In small-crowned daffodils, the height of the crown reaches no more than a third of the length of the petals.

    triandrus daffodil was obtained by crossing a three-stamen flower with a garden flower. These are small in size, in each of their umbellate inflorescences there are 4-5 flowers.

    The group of terry daffodils includes a variety of flowers, with their own structure. One thing unites them - the presence of double flowers.

    Cyclamenoid daffodils have a long crown and strongly curved back leaves.

    Joclinia are distinguished by small, fragrant flowers, on each peduncle there are 2-3 of them.

    Tacetaceae are medium in size, they exude a pleasant aroma and have about 12 flowers on peduncles.

    group representatives poetic daffodils can be distinguished by white, fragrant and solitary flowers. They have a short crown.

    There are wild forms of daffodils.

    In split-crowned, the division of the crown into lobes is clearly visible.

    This group includes all other daffodils that are not included in their external signs in any of the previous groups.

Diseases of daffodils and pests that cause them

With proper care for these delicate creatures, problems usually do not arise. But sometimes unpleasant moments can still happen and the flower gets sick due to circumstances beyond the gardener's control. Therefore, it is better to be prepared for this moment.

Most often, this flower can be subjected to fungal diseases. Each of these diseases has similar symptoms. The main and most common ailment is furaziosis.

Its damaging effect begins from the bottom of the bulb. Then the fungus rises higher and higher, thus reaching the very top of the flower. Damaged bulbs become soft, a white-pink bloom forms on them. And their leaf tips are noticeably yellowing. After a while, they become brown in color and eventually dry out completely.

There are times when daffodils are attacked by gray rot. Its symptoms are visible on the leaves, which are covered with a gray coating with black dots. There are light brown spots on the leaves. The stems and buds of daffodils rot. Sometimes daffodils get penicillosis. This rot inhibits the germination of the bulbs.

Basically, all types of fungal diseases spread to these flowers due to excessive moisture. To save these bulbs, they must be soaked in Maxim's solution for 30 minutes before long-term storage, and it is advisable to spray the sprouted flowers with Bordeaux liquid.

These flowers can also get sick with viral ailments - yellow or white striping, mosaic virus, ring spot, etc. All these ailments have almost the same symptoms.

On the flowers, the appearance of streaks, spots and strokes of various sizes and shades is noticeable. Bulbs and flowers at the same time noticeably lag behind in development. Often, all diseases are transmitted through contaminated garden tools, soil, pollen and insects.

In order to avoid these problems, only healthy bulbs should be planted in the ground, which have previously undergone appropriate treatment with special disinfectants. It is also desirable to fight insects, which are the direct distributors of viral diseases of flowers.

If you notice one or another ailment on a narcissus in a timely manner and separate it from all the others, then it will be possible to avoid infecting everyone else. There is such an unpleasant disease as a nematode.

To avoid it, you need to hold the bulbs for a couple of hours in well-heated water before planting. For the treatment of infection, nemaphos and carbation help.

Buy narcissus flower possible without problems. It won't hurt your pocket. Their cost, depending on the classification, starts at $ 0.22 per bulb. It is possible to write them out in the online store.

Narcissus, or Narcissus, belongs to the genus of monocot plants and is a member of the Amaryllis family. Features are the presence of bulbs and ribbon-like leaves of different widths. The flowers are located on top of leafless stems, which are covered with a membranous streak.

Features of daffodils

Flowers can be single or arranged in several pieces at once. The perianth is petal-shaped and looks like a tubular funnel, which passes into a straightened limb. It consists of six identical parts. The appearance of the flower is a solid or lobed bell with six stamens and a trihedral lower ovary.

The presence of a strong, intoxicatingly sweet smell, made it possible to use narcissus oil in perfumery in ancient times. Narcissus is very common in Europe. Especially often it is grown in the Mediterranean countries. There are varieties and species that grow in Asia, Japan and China.

  • Trumpet
  • small-cupped
  • Triandrus
  • Jonquilla and Apodanthus
  • Poeticus
  • Split Corona: Collar
  • Miscellaneous
  • Large-cupped
  • Double
  • Cyclamineus
  • Tazetta
  • Bulbocodium
  • Split Corona: Papillon
  • Species

Photo gallery

Varieties of daffodils

In nature, there are about 60 species of these flowers. In addition, it was possible to bring out a huge number of different varieties and hybrids of this magnificent flower. The narcissus selection has been replenished with 35,000 new varieties.

The following types of daffodils have the greatest popularity and demand among flower growers:

  • Tubular, or trumpet. It is distinguished by the presence of large, single flowers, which have a crown in the form of a bell with a very long tube. The color scheme is represented by white, yellow, less often two-color flowers.
  • Large-crowned, or large-cupped. The special sizes of a single flower and bract are characteristic. A short crown occupies a third of the perianth. The color scheme is very diverse.
  • Small-crowned, or small-cupped. This group of daffodils closely resembles natural and wild varieties. The flowers are quite small in size. Most often they can be seen in the photo of wildlife.
  • Terry, or double. This group of daffodils contains several subgroups at once. They come with additional perianth segments; with a terry tube or crown; with terry perianth; have several flowers on one peduncle. A photo of terry daffodils most often adorns calendars.
  • Triandrus, or Triandrus. This species belongs to the multi-flowered daffodils, in the breeding of which the three-stamen daffodil was involved. The color scheme is white or yellow.
  • Cyclamenoid, or Cyclamineus. It is distinguished by the presence of characteristic drooping, solitary flowers, which, with their length, have a narrow tube and bent perianth lobes.
  • Jonquilla, or Jonquilla. Low stems are equipped with a significant number of small, strongly smelling flowers. A very decorative daffodil.
  • Multi-flowered, or Bunch-flowered. The name of this type of daffodils speaks for itself. The peduncle may have more than eight flowers. Photos of such daffodils can often be found in magazines.

Interesting combinations of daffodils with other plants

Daffodils are flowers that look great in combination with other plants. An interesting and bright floral ensemble allows you to get a combination of daffodils and tulips. Suitable neighbors for daffodils, with which you can decorate a modern flower garden, are hyacinths, crocuses and.

Rules for planting daffodils

Daffodils are perennial flowers. They are shade-tolerant, but at the same time they are light-loving plants. Daffodils are unpretentious, planting does not take much time and effort. These hardy flowers prefer regular garden soil and moderate moisture. The best places for planting are loamy soils with medium shade. A month before planting, fertilizer should be applied to the soil, as well as sand and peat.

Landing takes place at the end of September. This period allows the bulbs to take root even before frost. You can grow daffodils in a pot. Healthy daffodil bulbs should be treated with a disinfectant solution. The pot is filled with a light and nutritious soil mixture. The optimum temperature for growth is 20°C.

Transplantation of these flowers is not required for several years. It is recommended to grow them in one place for no longer than six seasons.

Care for daffodils

Daffodils and their planting require careful attention. Basic care and feeding must be carried out three times per season. The first feeding is carried out immediately after the emergence of shoots. The second - during the budding period, and the third corresponds to the flowering stage. Daffodils do not need top dressing after flowering. You can learn about by reading an article posted in one of our previous publications.

For bouquets, flowers should not be cut, but broken out. This method is less traumatic for a flowering plant.

For reproduction and wintering, only healthy and high-quality planting material should be left. Bulbs of daffodils should be elastic and large. The covering scales should have a healthy white or yellowish color. Peeling scales can be a sign of various fungal diseases.

The flowering period of daffodils is relatively long and stretches to April-June. In the northern regions, which are characterized by severe winters, daffodils must be covered just before the onset of stable frosts.

Diseases and pests

Like other plants and flowers, daffodils are prone to various diseases, and also often become an object of nutrition for some pests.

  • Fusarium okusporum f. narcissi causes the severe Fusarium disease in daffodils;
  • Sclerotinia narcissicola infects daffodils with sclerocial rot.

Daffodils are susceptible to viral diseases and attack by the following pests:

  • root, bulbous and stem nematodes;
  • narcissus and bulbous flies;
  • thrips.

Variety daffodils (video)

Reviews and comments

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Marina 14.04.2016

Recently I bought several narcissus bulbs already with sprouts, but without roots (although I found the beginnings of roots in one). I want to put it on the run. I plan to do this: hold for 30 minutes in potassium permanganate, then soak in the root for several hours and plant in a pot. And what to do with them next? What is the best way to root? Put in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment or put on the windowsill, and after rooting in the refrigerator? I don’t know if they were kept in the cold before, but I want to try, suddenly something will work out. Do daffodils, like tulips, need a period in the cold to lay buds?

Elena 04/17/2016

I prefer to plant daffodils in the spring, because. you can immediately see where which bulbs grow and where to dig them out. Otherwise, then some of the bulbs will be lost and remain in the ground, and some of the varieties will be confused with each other. The main thing is to carefully dig with a pitchfork (grab deeper so that the roots are less damaged), it is advisable to do this not on a hot sunny day (so that the roots do not dry out) and plant as soon as possible after digging.

Julia 17.04.2016

I have a problem with daffodils in general - they don’t want not to grow, not to bloom. The plot is sunny, bright, the soil is loose, there is no groundwater and I water it, but they rest and that’s it. And those that planted three leaves in the fall showed, but there’s nothing to dream about flowers. Probably I will need to transplant them, how best to do this advise.

Milena 19.05.2016

I have been planting my daffodils since the beginning of August, although the recommended time for planting is the second half of August and the beginning of September (this is for purchased bulbs). If you are growing your own daffodils, then first dig up the bulbs, separate the children and immediately plant them again.

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  • If you want to breed unpretentious, spring, bright and delicate flowers, then replenish your flower collection with daffodils.

    To grow daffodils outdoors, choose a location and prepare the soil.

    Daffodils grow in one place for 4-5 years, then the area thickens greatly and the number of flowers decreases. It is preferable to choose a site that is well lit and sheltered from the wind, but shady areas for narcissus are also suitable: a flower bed, a lawn, an alpine slide, a mixed border, the edges of paths, and more.

    Daffodils go well in composition with, primroses and forget-me-nots. The groundwater level in the selected area should not exceed 60 cm, otherwise the tips of the roots will die off, which will affect the quality of the flowers, i.e. stagnant areas are not suitable.

    For growing daffodils, a plot prepared with an excellent mixture is better suited: soddy land, 3-4-year-old rotted manure, coarse river sand and deep peat - all in equal proportions. Determine the acidity of the soil, if less than 6.5, then add chalk.

    How to prepare the soil for planting daffodil bulbs

    The soil can be any, but give preference to loam. Clay soil should be well drained. A year before planting, carry out liming of the soil, then annually add wood ash 1 tbsp. per 1 sq. m to maintain a neutral soil pH. Increase the amount of nutrients in the soil with compost or humus. Manure can feed the soil only rotted. In the summer, dig the site onto a shovel bayonet and add 1 sq.m. 3-4 kg of compost with peat (for heavy soil, add another bucket of river sand and humus). Fertilize with mineral fertilizers (2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and Agricola per 1 sq.m.). Then dig or level all the fertilizers with a rake to a depth of 10-12 cm. Now do not touch the site until autumn, let the earth settle. If in the summer it was not possible to do these “procedures”, then one month before planting the bulbs, still take time for this.

    How to plant daffodil bulbs

    It is necessary to plant bulbs of daffodils at the end of August, capturing the whole of September. Before planting, inspect the bulbs for damage, leaving only healthy ones. They should be heavy with a whole bottom, the diameter of the bulb is not less than 5 cm with 2-3 peaks.

    Treat with the Hom fungicide of choice, a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate or a Whist smoke bomb. In general, processing with a smoke bomb protects any bulbs from rot.

    Put the flower bulbs in a plastic bag, remove 0.5 g of powder from the checker onto paper and set it on fire right above the bulbs. The bag will fill with smoke, leave it for a day.

    Depending on the size of the bulbs and the condition of the soil, their depth during planting is chosen, it can vary from 12 to 25 cm. For an average narcissus bulb, when planting in heavy soil, deepen by 12 cm, with light ones - by 15-17 cm. Bulbs for children are planted 10 cm from the bottom. To get large bulbs, the distance when planting between them is 10-12 cm, if you do more, then there will be many children, and the narcissus bulb will become smaller. The distance between the rows is 60-70 cm. Now mulch the soil with peat with humus with a layer of 3-4 cm. When the ground freezes up to 4-6 cm, the flowers are covered with leaves or straw (10 cm layer). As soon as the snow melts after winter, remove the leaf cover and loosen the soil.

    How to care for daffodils

    If it is rainy in early spring, then fertilize daffodils with dry fertilizers: 1 tbsp. ash and 1 tsp. superphosphate, Agricola-7, urea and potassium sulfate per 1 sq.m. Watering in dry weather is necessary for the entire period as necessary until the end of the roots (about 30 cm). Feed 2 times: when buds are formed, fertilize with a solution: 1 tsp in a bucket of water. superphosphate, urea and potassium sulfate, at the rate of 5 liters of solution per 1 sq.m. The second time when flowering begins: 1 tsp. Agricola-7, nitrophoska and Effecton in a bucket of water.

    Loosening, weeding and clearing of weeds is constant.

    Narcissus bulbs are susceptible to attack by daffodil flies, onion hoverflies and root mites. Of the diseases - various types of rot and fusarium.

    From pests, spring spraying with Fitoverm can be advised (20 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water per 10 sq.m. 1 liter of solution).

    For the prevention of fusarium, before planting, the bulbs of daffodils are treated for 20 minutes in a solution of 0.2% foundationazole or topsin.

    If the bulbs were damaged by pests, then add 0.2% karate with decis, dry and plant.

    It is painless to transplant daffodils in the spring with a damp clod of earth.

    When to dig and how to store corms

    Around June, when the leaves dry up, daffodil bulbs are dug up.

    After harvesting the bulbs, they must be cleaned of earth, easily detachable roots and leaves. It is desirable to dry in windy weather and a temperature of 17 ° C, process for half an hour in the Hom solution (50 g per bucket of water), dry, separate the baby and plant. Do not forcibly separate the baby from the mother bulb, it will separate well after 3 years. Store the bulbs for 10 days in containers at a temperature of 20-25°C, then until planting at a temperature of 18°C. If daffodils are left in the ground in summer, then the dried leaves are cut off, the soil is loosened and in August, when the roots are growing, they are watered.

    Reproduction of daffodils

    • Seed daffodils are usually propagated when breeding new varieties. In autumn, sow the seeds in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. In the first year, the seedlings do not dive. Keep at a temperature of 17°C for 15-20 days, then transfer the containers to a room where the temperature is 12-15°C.
    • Daffodils are propagated vegetatively after 2-3 years, when the bulbs already have more than one top. Babies are tied to the mother's bulb on only one side. Separate only those that easily depart on their own or cut off with part of the bottom.

    You can increase the multiplication factor as follows: Make shallow longitudinal cuts at the ends of the bulbs, lay in a ventilated place where the temperature is 18-20°C. In the cuts, after 2 months, small bulbs will appear, which after 3 years will be able to bloom.

    • Bulbs of daffodils can be propagated with paired scales. Select large bulbs, dry for a week at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Remove roots and scales. Disinfect for 30 minutes in a solution of 0.2% foundationazole or benomyl. Remove the top of the onion and cut vertically into 8 pieces. Now divide each part into paired scales with a common bottom. The approximate weight of a pair of scales should be 1 g. Disinfect paired scales in a solution of foundationazole, mix with peat and put in a plastic bag. Tie up and store at 18-20°C. After 3-4 months, bulbs of daffodils will form. In October, separate the new bulbs from the scales, treat them in a solution of 0.2% benlat and plant them in a container with peat and sand, taken in a 3: 1 ratio. In winter, store in a cool place (5-10°C). Next year, the mass of onions will already be 12-20 g. Ready for growing in open ground.

    The experience of a summer resident in growing daffodils

    For many, tulips or snowdrops are the symbol of spring among flowers, but for some, these are delicate daffodils. In March, they already release green sprouts - so it's time to transplant them to a new place. We recommend dividing and replanting daffodils every 3-4 years, then the flowers will remain large and bright.

    With the advent of the first sprouts, you need to calculate how many daffodils you want to keep and how many to transplant. You can remove about half of the plants. Before transplanting, a flower bed with daffodils should be covered with a film for 1-2 days so that the soil warms up. Then carefully dig up the flower bulbs with a damp clod of earth. Put the sprouts on a piece of film and, if necessary, separate them with your hands into several parts.

    For planting dug daffodils in a new flower bed, it is necessary to make holes 20 cm deep. At the bottom of each, pour a handful of ash, 2 handfuls of humus and crushed eggshells. Put the bulb on top in a coma of earth, add the soil from above and carefully spill everything. For the next 2 weeks, do not water or spray the daffodils, and carry out the first top dressing with dry fertilizers as soon as the buds begin to form. For top dressing per 1 sq. m will need 1 tsp. superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea.

    Narcissus is an early spring plant. Its flowers are the first to please with their beauty, freshness and aroma.

    Narcissus flower: what is it

    Flowering begins in May, lasts about a month. Bright, bell-like flowers sway among thin leaves.

    The flower consists of 6 leaves of a simple perianth, the outgrowth of each forms a crown, inside of which there is a style and 6 stamens. The diameter of the flower is from 2 to 10 cm. Flowers come in 2 forms: simple and double.

    The culture grows in the Mediterranean, Asia, southern Europe. There are more than 60 species. In addition to 25 natural ones, a huge number of hybrids are also grown.

    flower narcissus

    Narcissus is a plant suitable for forcing, decorating, cutting into a bouquet.

    Interesting! The name comes from the Greek "narcao", which translates as "intoxicating".

    It has been cultivated for centuries for use in medicine and perfumery. The intoxicating notes of the fragrance can trigger a migraine attack. The alkaloid contained in the bulbs is poisonous to rodents, which makes them invulnerable.

    In the countries of East Asia, non-terry varieties are commercially grown for the manufacture of essential oil. The fashion perfume is called Black Narcissus.

    Why is the flower named so? The ancient Greek legend tells all about Narcissus, a handsome but selfish young man who did not respond to the feelings of the mountain nymph Echo. He was punished by the gods for his coldness. The young man fell in love with his reflection in the water. Self-admiration at the stream led the young man to death. A beautiful flower grew in that place, which people named after him. This is a myth, but the narcissus flower still pleases everyone with its delicate beauty.

    Narcissus flowers (Latin name narcissus) are representatives of the perennial bulbous genus, belong to the Amaryllis family. Along with flowers similar to narcissus: crocuses, hyacinths, refers to early plants.

    Narcissus and Echo

    The variety of how daffodils look is created by the size, shape, color of the crown (one-color or two-color).

    Characteristics and description of the narcissus flower

    Height: 0.1-0.5 m. The arrangement of the leaves is basal, tufted. Quantity - from 2 to 4. Form - narrow-linear. Length and width depend on the cultivar.

    At the top of the peduncle, a flower grows, which consists of 6 petals (more for terry ones). The arrangement of flowers occurs solitary or umbrella, straight or drooping. At its base there is a crown - a tubular, cup-shaped or bell-shaped crown.

    Bulb - perennial, dense, scaly. Shape - elongated, oval or rounded. Distinctive feature: two kidneys of renewal with varying degrees of development. Roots straight, annual. Propagated by baby bulbs.

    You can admire how it blooms from the beginning of May. Among house flowers bloom like daffodils - zephyranthes. In the people, their flowers are called domestic daffodils.

    Types of daffodils

    In the garden and for distillation at home, hybrid forms are popular, combined in appearance into 12 groups. Consider some of the types of narcissus flower:

    • Narcissus yellow: a low, tubular, single-flowering flower with a light yellow perianth.
    • Daffodil terry: petals, flower crown terry. There are both single flowers on peduncles, and with several. The size, shape, color are different because the group unites everyone with a single feature - terry.
    • Narcissus jonquilla - peduncles with several flowers, cup-shaped crown no more than 2⁄3 of the length of the perianth.
    • Pink daffodils. The Englishwoman Backhouse developed a special shade of the crown of the narcissus flower - pink. It became the starting point of many species belonging to different classes: terry, tubular, jonquill.
    • Narcissus white: single flower, crown small, bright, perianth white.
    • Sea daffodil can be found on the sea coast. Lily-shaped white flowers with a vanilla aroma.
    • Bush daffodils. Tacetoid form up to 20 fragrant flowers collected in one brush. They have rounded perianths.
    • Peruvian daffodil: unusual, very large white flower. It looks like a lily or a spider.
    • Red daffodils: Variety Verger, Queen - a red crown flaunts inside a snow-white large flower.

    Features of planting and care

    Growing a daffodil flower is not at all difficult. Any garden soil will do. The main condition: good drainage, fertility. Manure cannot be used for fertilizer. The optimal landing time is August-September.

    Daffodils are quite shade tolerant. Tatset varieties love the sun. Hybrid with a crown of red, orange shades are best grown in the shade.

    peruvian daffodil

    Planting depth 5-15 cm (depending on the type of soil): on heavy soils they are buried less than on light ones. The row spacing is about 30 cm, in a row the distance is 15-20 cm between the bulbs. Placed in groups or rows.

    The plant is well watered. The soil is regularly loosened, weeded from weeds.

    The daffodil flower needs to be fertilized. It is better to use mineral supplements in liquid form:

    • after the appearance of sprouts - fertilizing with nitrogen;
    • at the stage of budding - potash.

    Important! Manure cannot be used for fertilizer.

    The main diseases and pests of the crop

    If you follow the right agricultural practices, there will be no problems.

    Pests dangerous for flowers:

    • mite;
    • nematode;
    • daffodil fly.

    Plants are susceptible to the following diseases:

    • sclerotinia;
    • fusarium;
    • mosaic.

    Important! To protect against fungal diseases, planting material is soaked in a fungicide solution. Hot water will help against narcissus fly and nematode (soak for several hours).

    Growing daffodils at home

    A flower loved by everyone can be grown at home. For distillation, the type does not matter - most will do. Large bulbs are picked in autumn. The flower pot is filled with soil. The bulb is buried in such a way that the neck protrudes above the ground. The soil is watered. The bulb is provided with rest (temperature + 5-7 ° C and complete darkness) until the sprouts appear, then the pot is placed on the windowsill. Care comes down to regular watering.

    Knowing the features of agricultural technology, you can easily grow it in your own open field, as well as admire the forcing process on your windowsill.