Installation of furniture hinges: step-by-step instructions for the correct marking, installation and adjustment of a piece of furniture fittings (80 photos). How to install door hinges and how to hang a door on them? How to attach hinges to a door

As a rule, when buying a door, you get it ready-made with hinges already hung. But if you purchased the structure in disassembly, then you will have to embed them yourself. If you insert the hinges incorrectly and allow at least a slight distortion, this will lead to unnecessary consequences in operation: the door will not close tightly or the lock pawl will not reach its place.

In order to carry out the replacement work correctly, you need to know in what sequence the door hinges should be installed with your own hands, in the future this will help you avoid problems in operation.

Hinge selection

Before buying hinges, you need to decide which of them will suit your door, they are conventionally divided into three types.

  1. Brass. Such hinges are widely used, because brass, due to its plasticity, is easily processed: it is chrome-plated or polished.
  2. Brass plated. As a rule, such hinges are made of various alloys, and are coated with brass spraying, as well as other compounds that imitate the similarity: chrome, bronze or gold.
  3. Steel. These are the most reliable and high-quality hinges, because, unlike brass, from which hinges are grinded over time, steel hinges are not subject to such a process, and therefore they can be considered as eternal.

When choosing loops, you need to take into account some factors on which the duration of their work depends.

First, the weight of the door. Usually, two hinges are enough for one door, but if the door is made of solid wood, then it is accordingly heavier, which means it is better to embed three hinges.

Secondly, the bearings are in the hinges. This hinge design will not creak after long-term use.

Secondly, depending on the side of the door opening, the hinges can be left-sided opening and vice versa.

What you need for self-installation

  1. Hinges.
  2. Chisel and hammer.
  3. Screws and screwdriver.
  4. A pencil for marking.
  5. Wooden wedges.
  6. Level.

We do the markup and cut out the seats

It is necessary to install the hinges correctly with an indent of 20 or 25 cm from the bottom and top of the door. But at the same time, carefully inspect the surface so that there are no knots or chips in the places of the proposed installation. If you screw a screw into such a place, it can split the box or go awry, which will prevent the hinge from being properly secured. If there are such places, then the mounts need to be moved a few centimeters up or down.

First, we make pencil markings on the door. We apply the loops to the places of the proposed attachment and circle them. Then we apply a chisel to the markings and gently tap with a hammer throughout the markings to cut the loop outline. After that, you need to make several cuts along the length and knock with a chisel from the side to make a depression.

If you make a depression larger than the thickness of the hinge, then when you close the door, the other half will rest against the box, which will subsequently lead to deformation and upholstery of the door.

The same procedure must be done with the second seat. Then, we attach a loop and fix it with self-tapping screws. That's it, the door is ready, now you need to cut the hinges into the box.

How to mark up a box

Here, it will be a little more difficult for you to map out the location. To do this, we install the door into the box and use wedges to fix it in the intended place of closing. If a lock is embedded on the door, then it will greatly facilitate the work, it can be closed and the door adjusted. We substitute the wedges under the bottom and use the level to bring it to the line.

It is necessary to adjust the door in the frame both horizontally and vertically. If it is incorrectly positioned horizontally, then the door will be set up sideways and will not close well. And an incorrectly installed door will open vertically on its own.

Having aligned all the corners, we make notes with a pencil in the places where the hinges are in contact with the box. Here it will not be possible to completely mark out and therefore it is better to unscrew the hinges from the door again, outline their outline on the box and screw them into place.

After that, you need to cut grooves for them in the same way as you did on the door. The rules are the same - the main thing is not to overdo it with depth. When you have everything ready, we put the wedges under the bottom again, bring the door to the box and fix it in place with self-tapping screws. Everything is ready, we check it for the quality of opening and are happy with the result.

To prevent the door leaf from cracking during fastening with screws, you need to make holes in the screw-in points with a thin drill.

If you do not have the necessary tools or do not have the skills for such work, then you can purchase butterfly loops. They belong to the class of "harmless" and anyone can install them. The principle of operation lies in the fact that in the closed state the cards (the sides of the loops) enter one another. Due to this, such hinges do not require a tie-in, and the gap in the closed position is small.


The correct placement of the doors on the furniture ensures a long service life and ease of use. From time to time it may happen that the doors are chamfered or do not open well. At such moments, the mood deteriorates sharply. That is why it is worth taking a much closer look at the correct installation and design of the furniture hinges. Installation must take place in accordance with the rules, because all subsequent use depends on the quality of the installation.

In modern conditions, there are a great many varieties of furniture hinges, each of which is popular with buyers in its own way. So, for example, in more modern lockers, a four-hinged version of the hinge is used. In Europe, such loops are called "hidden".

What are the steps involved in installing a furniture hinge?

Many home craftsmen are interested in the question of how to properly install furniture hinges. During the installation of the hinges, it is recommended to proceed in the described order:

  • The most basic thing is how to mark the location of the furniture hinges. The loop itself, as you know, consists of a couple of main parts. This is a cup and a bar. They, in fact, are mounted initially on the door and directly on the cabinet or cabinet box. So the markup must be done on both parts of the furniture. In order to measure the distance for furniture hinges and calculate the location of the planks, you can use a special template;
  • Next, you need to drill a recess for the furniture hinge. To do this, it is best to use a drill with the correct drill bits of the correct diameter;
  • After that, a cup is inserted into this recess, the striker is fixed. All that remains is to adjust the loop in three directions. And you're done.

It is not at all difficult to figure out how to hang furniture hinges.

Can you do it yourself?

Even a novice home master can do this work. Even a teenage boy can install furniture hinges with his own hands with a strong desire. Of course, under the close supervision of adults. The main thing is to do everything in accordance with the provided algorithm and to be accurate in marking. Further, all these details will be sorted out in more detail.

Layout for the loop

An important part of the correct installation of any furniture hinge is, of course, the most accurate markings. If it is done poorly, this will certainly affect the functionality of the door. The correct markings for the furniture hinges will help you find the right center for making the indentations.

It is necessary to "move away" 7-12 centimeters from the edge. The number of hinges is standard two, but it can fluctuate depending on the type of furniture. A specific distance between the eyelets must be observed. It is equal to fifty centimeters. The door parameters depend specifically on the number of awnings.

When you have finally decided on the number and all the required dimensions of the furniture hinges are installed, you can mark the central holes in relation to the width of the door. The distance from the side should be approximately two centimeters. Also, one cannot ignore the fact that the mount should not fit where the shelves in the closet or cabinet should lie.

After making all the necessary measurements, make notes. Remember to keep the padding in relation to the width, mark the placement point. At the intersection of these marks it is necessary to make a "hole" with a nail or a self-tapping screw. If the facade is taller than a meter, make notes every half a meter.

For more precise markup, you can use a special template called.

Drilling holes

Installation is carried out with all the rules:

  • The depth of the hole for the furniture hinge must be about thirteen millimeters. The cut-in of furniture hinges, if possible, should not be deeper, otherwise the front side of the canvas may crack;
  • The hole diameter depends strictly on the hinge cup. Tools must be fully aligned with their axis to prevent surface damage;
  • A sharpened cutter will help protect the blade from damage and chips;
  • You should not rush during drilling, otherwise there is a risk of doing it inaccurately;
  • It is worth paying attention to the dimensions of the cups, their dimensions during the installation of furniture hinges;

Having drilled one hole, proceed to the next and so on, until all the holes for laying the hinges have been prepared.

What tools to use for this?

The bowl must be fixed to the facade, and the bar - to the body of the bedside table. The furniture hinge must be inserted into the hole, which must be made in advance. The shoulder of the loop becomes a kind of bridge, now connecting both parts. To make holes for such loops, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • special drill-cutter;

The diameter of the cutter for the hole for the furniture hinge is 35 millimeters or 25-26 mm. It is selected depending on the size of the hinge cups. To create holes for such hinges, it is allowed to take a simple drill.

A drill for such work is quite suitable and multifunctional, with nozzles that are easy to replace.

The middle spike must be placed in the center of the circle outlined by a specially prepared gauge. On the corresponding machines, automatic calibration is used, but at home the master cannot do without a specialized electric tool.

During the installation process, the hinges need a high level of accuracy and precision. The chance to fulfill exactly the required niche is the main plus of the so-called Forstner drill. It is able to provide a stop that will prevent you from penetrating further than required. And the drill teeth do not allow it to deviate from the intended "course". In the end, the hole is almost perfect. And due to this, the cup fits into the recess quite tightly.

But the aforementioned drill also has one significant drawback, which manifests itself in the course of working with a solid piece of wood. This is a low quality to be expected if the instrument was not manufactured in the factory. That is why you should choose tools exclusively from official companies. And, of course, don't forget about warranty coupons.

Depending on the type of panel with which the work is being carried out, the cutter can warm up quite strongly. Due to this, it can burn the edges and wood that is selected from the recess. That is why, in the course of working with such a framework, do not forget about work breaks. So that the drills have time to cool down at least a little. Working three or four sets would be ideal. Particular attention should be paid to breaks when working with MDF sheets. If the activity is carried out with chipboard sheets, parts made of strong alloys can make recesses for the hinges really quickly and without much stress.

Installing the hinge on the door

Loops must be placed in the grooves made. Then correct their position in relation to the facade. All awnings should fit snugly against the façade. And if their position is not corrected, the door will start mowing very quickly. After aligning the hinges, you need to use a pen or ordinary pencil to mark the points for fixing the screws.

  • Carry out a marking of points for the installation of looped pads;
  • Attach pads for mounting the installed hinges;
  • Attach the door to the side of the cabinet;
  • Connect the loop;
  • Correct the doors with a standard screwdriver.

It is better to hang the doors on a smooth surface. The side of the cabinet where the hinge strip is attached must be horizontal. This will make fitting and connecting the door more comfortable. The door can be adjusted in a vertical position.


Correction (or adjustment) - the final stage of the installation of furniture hinges. It must be performed in several planes at once - along the vertical, along the horizontal side, and in relation to depth:

  • The depth adjustment will help to push the door closer to the body, or release the pressure. It is necessary to tighten the oval-shaped hole.
  • On the vertical side - will help to move the facade. It is done by twisting oval holes.
  • On the horizontal side - provides free movement of the door back and forth and back. The purpose of this adjustment is to avoid cracks between the cabinet and the door. This method is great for rooms with uneven floors or walls.

Now you know how to fix furniture hinges. As you can see, this is not so difficult to do. You don't need to have any special skills or abilities. Such work with your own hands will become another reason for a little pride.

A complete set of interior doors is not complete without appropriate fittings. Along with handles, chains, eyes and various inserts, manufacturers attach loops to the sets. Perhaps this is the main element of the door set, on which the quality of fixing the canvas in the opening depends. Usually, traditional models of hinges are used, the device of which involves cutting into the array - for this, a special groove is formed.

The development of technological methods for the manufacture and installation of doors has led to the development of a butterfly hinge, which does not require a tie-in. The new fittings also have other fundamental differences, which are characterized by both pluses and minuses. Correct installation will preserve the advantages and minimize the disadvantages of the finished door structure.

Design features

The main difference between butterfly hinges, which also affects the features of installation with further operation, is the adherence to the door surface. Such fittings do not require the creation of grooves for insertion - the loop card is applied to the surface and also twisted. The sides of the fastening are arranged in such a way that when the doors are closed, one part is built into the other, which is the reason for the name "butterfly". The number of self-tapping screws differs depending on the set, but on average corresponds to the classic sets of mortise hinges.

Installation process

To understand how to install the butterfly loop correctly, you need to take a closer look at its design. The technology for installing overhead models, as noted above, is due to the specifics of their work. The absence of the need to form grooves is a significant advantage of such hinges, otherwise the installation process follows the usual method.

First, the location of the loops is marked. It is advisable to apply them with the inside, and then fix the drilling points. The gap from the edges of the canvas should be at least 200 mm - the average offset not only for the butterfly hinge, but also for conventional versions of this hardware. Then neat holes are made for self-tapping screws, which are usually supplied with hinges. The final touch will be the direct screwing of the sides of the "butterfly" to the canvas.

Installation nuances

The external ease of the installation process and, in particular, the absence of the need to create niches in the array captivates many. But all the advantages that a butterfly has, this is where it ends. Only after installation can you assess how ambiguous such fittings are.

The fact is that to get the proper effect from using hinges without a tie-in is possible only if they are installed perfectly. Compared to traditional models, butterflies do not provide a wide field for revision. Firstly, the sides must fold perfectly, otherwise an unevenness will form - the door will spring or, at least, fit loosely. Secondly, you will have to come to terms with a small gap, which, of course, is formed from protruding looped cards. And another unpleasant moment, which also characterizes butterfly door hinges and the structure without a tie-in, as such, is the impossibility of removing it without unscrewing the screws.

How do I resolve errors?

It is impossible to get rid of all the listed consequences of using such original loops, however, it is possible to minimize their effect on ease of use. Among the most important tasks that the masters solve during the installation of butterfly loops is to ensure uniformity when converging cards. Usually, inconsistencies are corrected by creating backings. For this, cardboard, thin chips, paper and similar material are used - it must be placed in the part opposite to the side that does not overlap.

In addition, the butterfly, due to its design features, does not provide a high degree of reliability. Of course, it all depends on the product, but they are significantly inferior to mortise-type hinges. Therefore, it is important to carry out the fixation itself with screws as efficiently as possible - the absence of peeping heads and slopes during insertion will be reflected in reliability.

Another questionable feature is the location of the screws on the map. On one side they are located closely, and on the other - at some distance from each other. The configuration cannot be corrected, but the possibility of damage to the door on which the butterfly hinges are to be attached can be ruled out. Installation is carried out in solid and secure areas - that is, suitable for screwing in.

What doors are suitable for?

It is possible to determine the segment of the most suitable doors for the design of butterfly hinges based on the strength of the fastening. This nuance has already been considered, and it is quite natural that it is undesirable to supplement heavy models with such systems. Still, the operation of insertion into the array adds reliability to the fastening, while external fixation without insurance seems to be very risky when installing a 40-kilogram canvas.

Conversely, butterfly hinges, which are installed as smoothly and cleanly as possible, are ideal for lightweight doors that require little installation effort. In particular, representatives of the veneered category are combined with "butterflies" not only technically, but also visually. Models made of solid wood are recommended to be equipped with mortise fittings - the complexity of installation is compensated by their reliability.

Decorative effect

The overlay fastening system for the butterfly loop is also due to aesthetic considerations. No matter how neat the inset may be, the master will not be able to preserve the integrity and decorative completeness of the door to the same extent. Bypassing all the difficulties of installing such loops, you can achieve an unsurpassed result. Since there is no need to interfere with the capricious laminated surface, doors with butterfly hinges should be considered as the best option for living rooms, bedrooms, offices and other areas where stylistic harmony is important.


It is difficult to call the best choice for amateurs and beginners who can count on simple installation without creating a frame. Some risks are eliminated, but others arise. Nevertheless - subject to strict markings and verified convergence of cards - butterfly hinges will provide the result in the form of aesthetic interior doors with an original fastening configuration.

Finally, it is worth turning to mortise models, which still remain the most popular solution for fixing doors. This choice is worth making if you need a solid and reliable structure, however, you will have to sacrifice decorativeness. Nevertheless, the clumsy principle of introducing such hinges is incomparable with a delicate lining without damaging the wood.

Usually, door structures are purchased with hinges built into them. However, collapsible options are often found that require self-assembly. How to install the hinges correctly so that later you do not have to see the skew of the entire structure? Studying the sequence of installation of these elements will greatly help in solving the problem.

List of required accessories for work:

  1. Hinges.
  2. Chisel and hammer.
  3. Screws and screwdriver.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Wooden wedges.
  6. Level.

The basics of making door hinges

Any canvas has door hinges. Their quality influences the process of opening and closing the sash. These small parts carry a tremendous amount of stress. Their correct installation will determine the further operation of the door.

Such structures are based on materials such as steel and brass. The first version of the raw material is distinguished by the nobleness of the coating, but some softness of the base is inherent in it. Over time, such substances easily lose their shape. Brass door hinges are suitable for interior fittings.

Steel variants are characterized by an incredibly strong coating; parts of this kind are characterized by the highest quality and reliability.

Such elements can be seen on the entrance structures. Zinc alloy door hinges can be considered as intermediate examples of door hinges. They are much stronger than brass elements and can support significant weight.

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Various hinge options

The samples under consideration differ in materials of manufacture and design capabilities:

  1. Screw-in ones have the form of two wings, which are attached to the box and the door.
  2. Mortise allows you to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons into the room. Such specimens cannot be cut. They are characterized by a long period of operation and are equipped with a bearing mechanism.
  3. Overhead.

To correctly install the door hinges, it is necessary to clearly determine their number. The dominant importance in this matter belongs to the weight of the structure.

So, if earlier, when installing doors, 2 elements were used, nowadays, to increase the reliability of fastening, 3 hinges are installed. Massive samples of canvases involve the use of four or more components.

To understand how to install door hinges, you need to understand some important points. Thus, the standard design assumes the use of two such elements. 3 hinges are installed on heavy metal and wooden molds. Before starting work, the canvas is laid on the edge: in this way, installation can be significantly simplified. And it is known that inconvenience in work may not have the best effect on its quality.

Not the last place in the process of installing hinges is occupied by tools. On the eve of the work, the chisels should be well sharpened, and they should be of different sizes. They can carefully cut out the grooves for the hinges.

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Insert hinges, the main stages of installation

You can install door hinges by strictly adhering to certain rules.

So, focusing on the door leaf, it is worth noting that these small elements should be located at a distance of 20 or 25 cm from the borders of the leaf. Particular attention should be paid to its surface: the presence of knots, cracks and breakaway elements is not allowed. A screw screwed into such a base will finally destroy the box and lead to its distortion. It will be impossible to properly insert door hinges into the deformed coating. The presence of such places on the surface makes it possible to fix them in a slightly shifted plane, for which the standard distance moves slightly up or down.

In order for the interior door to be installed securely, it is necessary to mount the hinges according to the rules. Many professionals use raised or deep nesting.

For the correct installation of the hinges, it is necessary to make a recess in the canvas, equal to the thickness of the element itself.

Traditionally, inserting loops begins with marking. As mentioned above, the distance from the top and bottom of the structure corresponds to 20 cm. You should also set arrows that will determine the direction of the hinges. In this way, confusion can be avoided.

The loop is applied to the marked points, aligned along the edge, with the help of a pencil, its outlines are outlined. Precise marking of the contour will allow this part to be deeply anchored in the hole.

You can avoid sliding the hinges by attaching them to the door leaf for a while using two self-tapping screws.

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Sampling for installed loops

The use of a router, a conventional chisel and a hammer will help to carry out this stage. Borders are cut with a wallpaper knife. Next, a chisel makes a recess of the given dimensions, usually it corresponds to 2-3 mm. A sample is made along the marked contours to the same depth.

Using a sharp knife involves cutting the wood along the grain. The transverse position involves gripping a thin veneer layer. A small scratch appears on the base. The sharp edge of the chisel is inserted into it and a blow is carried out on the handle.

In the process of cutting the grooves, the door hinges are applied to the finished place. An awl marks the points for drilling. For this, drills with a diameter of 3 mm are taken. This way you can achieve the preservation of the integrity of the canvases. Then the hinges in the finished hole are fastened with self-tapping screws. Their caps should protrude somewhat above the surface.

Once the hinges are in place, the door is leaned against the base of the box. The outlines of the hinges are dragged onto the door leaf. Then the set of works is repeated. As soon as the system for installing hinges is mastered, you can safely proceed with the installation of door closers.

At the final stage of furniture assembly, it is necessary to fix the front part. Further operation will depend on the quality installation of the hinges. How to install furniture hinges correctly so that when the door is opened, there is no creaking and the facade is not skewed?

Correct installation of the hinges

Consider detailed instructions for installing four-hinge type hinges.

Their design includes two parts:

  • The fastener is mounted in the main body. When fastening, the markings should be strictly observed so that the door is not skewed;
  • The main part with a hinge is installed in the factory hole on the door.

If the door is large, which contains at least three leaves, then they should be evenly distributed over the entire distance. It should be taken into account that the fasteners do not rest against one of the shelves.

At the edge of the front part, a standard indent of 10 cm is made. For overhead sashes, 98 mm are retreated, and a point is marked, which is the center for drilling a blind hole in the bowl.

What is the scheme for calculating the number of loops

It is difficult to say how many leaves will be required for one swing door. It all depends on the recommendations of the furniture manufacturer and on the specific model. To calculate how many hinges are required, you need to find out how much the door weighs and what its dimensions are.

The higher the door height, the more anchoring points there should be. If there are few flaps, then after a while the door and the hinges are deformed. It is recommended to avoid façades that are wider than they are high.

Weight plays an equally important characteristic. If the swing door is made of laminated chipboard, and a mirror is fixed on its surface, then additional fasteners are simply necessary. Installation of the front part with the usual number of sashes will not withstand the load. Heavy weight can tear or deform fasteners. Additional hinges will add rigidity to the structure.

On the Internet, there is a photo of a table on which schemes and rules for a high-quality installation of swing doors are calculated. It is used if there are no installation notes from the manufacturer.

Overhead hinges: marking and installation

For each type of furniture, its own sizes of furniture hinges and markings are determined. Usually, manufacturers themselves mark the necessary marks for fasteners. But if there are none, you need to mark them yourself.

There are ready-made templates for installing furniture hinges with your own hands, if they are not at hand, then the markup is done using a ruler and a pencil.

Consider the following:

The swing door cannot close the main body from edge to edge. In this case, the clearance is taken into account. For example, if a kitchen cabinet has dimensions of 720X400mm, then the size of the facade will be 716X396mm. Therefore, the distance from the edge on the body for the fastener is 100mm, and the distance from the edge of the front is 98mm.

The hinge of the four-hinge type must have a technological blind hole of 11 mm. To do this, install a Forstner cutter on the drill, and start drilling.

The procedure is carried out on a solid foundation so that the front part of the facade is not pressed through. Experts can advise on special milling drills. They are made with a limiter, this will help protect the facade from marriage. But, only if it has a sufficient thickness of 16 mm.

The fastening element is located in the depth of the cabinet from its edge at a distance of 37mm, and the distance between the marks for the screws is 32mm.

Installation of internal hinges

Inset-type furniture hinges differ in the installation of fasteners to the side of the cabinet. If the facade thickness does not exceed 16mm, then the indentation is 54mm. Features of the markup are obtained by adding the usual indentation to the thickness of the facade.

Varieties of loops

Manufacturers produce different types of hinges, and each of them has its own installation methods:

  • Overhead type. It is most often used in furniture in which the front part covers the sides of the body;
  • Semi-overhead type. If several doors lie on one sidewall of the case, then this type of sash is used;
  • Internal type. It is used if the door goes inside the niche;
  • Corner type. The fastening of the facade can have a certain angle, then similar sashes are used.

Self-adjustment of the hinges

The installation of the sashes and the fastening strip is carried out on self-tapping screws. Each piece takes 2 pieces. Their dimensions are 3X16mm. Swing doors are installed last. The first step is to assemble the main structure and install it in the prepared place.

In order to secure the facades with high quality, attach the sash with the bowl to the mounting plate. A special screw is provided to fix them.

To properly adjust the mount, do not press down firmly on the screws of the mount. Unevenness in floors can affect the adhesion of the façade to the main structure. Furniture sashes are equipped with an adjustment mechanism that will allow you to change the depth of their location. Therefore, you can safely adjust the tightness of the door.

Also, the horizontal adjustment of the sashes will help to position the swing door more evenly. The main thing is not to overdo it with tightening, otherwise you can rip off the caps of the adjusting bolts.

Lateral adjustment adjusts the gaps between the end part of the main body and the front part. The correcting mechanism will remove the squeaks that occur when the door moves.

As in any other mechanism, screws and screws should be periodically tightened in furniture sashes. Under the weight of the door, and with frequent opening, their fixation weakens. A photo of the installation of furniture hinges will help you better understand the sequence of steps.

Photo of the installation of furniture hinges