Dream interpretation to see clean windows. Why is the big window dreaming

If in a dream it happened to climb out of the window, then in real life you show excessive curiosity, trying to find out what is superfluous or forbidden. Sometimes this same vision symbolizes self-knowledge. The dream book will explain in detail why this plot is still dreamed of.

Miller's caveat

Had a dream that you entered the house through the window? Miller's dream book claims: the intended goal is far from noble. Moreover, using prohibited methods to achieve it will lead to failure.

Be smart!

Why dream if there is no other way out but to climb through the window opening? The image hints that you have only one chance left and you need to use it wisely and carefully.

Seeing that you had to climb through a broken window means that a wave of melancholy and disappointment will overtake you. At the same time, the desire to enter the room through the window in a dream, according to the dream book, reflects a carefree and frivolous period in life.

Do not hurry!

Had a dream that you had a chance to climb through a shuttered window? The dream interpretation believes that you are trying to win the favor of a certain person by deceit and flattery.

The same plot in a dream hints at excessive persistence in spiritual development and warns that such an approach will only cause stagnation.

Seeing how you break glass in order to climb somewhere means that you will find an unusual way out of this situation, or you will carry out your plan in a very non-trivial way.


What else is dreaming about if it happened to climb out the window? In a dream, this image reflects the beginning of something new and hope. If at night you managed to get into the window, then in reality an excellent opportunity to realize yourself will suddenly appear.

In dreams miraculously managed to climb through the window? You will find a loophole to help you improve your financial situation. To see that a lady is climbing into the window opening - to a future novel.

More details

The interpretation of sleep directly depends on the characteristics of the dream window.

  • Illuminated - hope, end of separation.
  • Dark - uncertainty, isolation.
  • Curtains - the need for privacy.
  • In the web - an attempt to escape from loneliness.
  • With a lattice - separation.

Had a dream that you had to climb through a window with clean and transparent glass? The dream book predicts imminent happiness and good luck. If the glass is dirty or broken, then you cannot retreat from the goal, even if you are deprived of the last strength. In a dream, an opening without glass symbolizes ridicule and deception.


Why dream if it happened to climb into the attic window? A failed business will turn into a grandiose victory. A basement window in a similar plot marks an attempt to escape poverty.

Did you manage to get into an oval or round window at night? You have the gift of clairvoyance. If it was obstructed, then the dream book believes that this talent is still dormant and needs to be intensively developed.

What are you afraid of?

Why dream if you had to climb out your window? In a dream, an attempt to unnoticeably enter your own house symbolizes the disclosure of deception.

Fenestra, chimney, chimney, chimney, chimney

Window in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • Closed - courage will lead you to the goal
  • Climbing through an open window is an untimely undertaking
  • Look out - get news
  • A skylight is well-being.
  • Interpretation in Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit Sleep Window:

    Window - melancholy, boredom - closed - the road will lead you to the goal - climb through an open window - untimely undertaking - look out the window - receive news - a window on the roof - well-being

    What is the dream of Window in Freud's dream book?

  • Breaking a window in a dream - a dream means that in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life and you will face a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve overnight.
  • If you dreamed of looking out the window, this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner, isolate yourself if something did not work out the way you wanted. This way, you hope to keep your relationship intact. Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to these very relationships and your role in them, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and transfer all responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep the relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.
  • IN Esoteric dream bookif dreaming Window:

  • The windows are round, oval, semi-oval - you have a "channel" of clairaudience. We must use it.
  • There are many windows from the inside - the world of the soul and its high spaces.
  • The view from the window is what happens in a subtle plane.
  • Fenced off are hidden spiritual secrets, an effort must be made to reveal them.
  • Looking out the window from outside - looking into the depths of consciousness, you will see what is related to the subconscious, the psyche.
  • To climb out the window is to show self-will and excessive perseverance in spiritual knowledge.
  • Widely open - an invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the "heavenly" world.
  • To break a window is to break through the line between the thin and dense world, to break out into the open space of the soul.
  • If you dream about the Window? IN Ukrainian dream book:

  • Open window - guest; you will regret for something; look out of the window - there will be news; illuminated - sum.
  • Sleep interpretation Window in Modern dream book:

    Open window - boredom; closed - boredom

    See a Window in a dream in Dream interpretation of Yuri Longo:

  • If in a dream you watched something from the window, then in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life becomes more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in oneself, to learn to value oneself at its true worth. If you neglect this advice, others, noticing your "spinelessness" and desire to "go into the shadows," will use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble purposes. As you understand, it is difficult for you in this case. If in a dream you washed a window, it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. Probably, the dream warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends - perhaps among them there will be your own Judas. Jumping out the window - someone else's point of view is not at all important to you; only what you think matters. On the one hand, this attitude towards yourself and life in general is very good, but on the other hand, are you not afraid to fall from a high pedestal erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really hit hard, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, oddly enough for you, are not always wrong. Trying to open a window for fresh air in a dream - you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes evil fate interferes in your affairs - so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can give your soul "first aid" - read any conspiracy against the evil eye and corruption.
  • What does it mean to see in a dream Window in Miller's dream book?

  • Looking out the window, passing by, and seeing strange things - portends that you will fail in your chosen business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.
  • Seeing windows in a dream is a herald of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise collapse, leaving you in despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.
  • Seeing closed windows is an image of abandonment. If they are broken. You will be haunted by pathetic suspicions of infidelity.
  • Running through the window means that you will get into trouble, which will squeeze you mercilessly in its grip.
  • Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness. Entering a house through a window means that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal.
  • What does Window mean in a dream Dream interpretation of Loff?

  • Windows often show us the world as it could be, but do not allow us to experience it. Windows can be tricky, misleading. It can mean disappointment, protection, or illusion. In a dream about imprisonment, a window can symbolize a desired person or an environment in which you cannot find yourself now. This is a common phenomenon in life.
  • Do you open a window in a dream, walk past it without even looking, or close it?
  • If the situation outside the window looks hostile, and you find yourself on the other side of the window to be convinced of this by experience, then you find that you have been deceived. Sometimes you can see in the windows what is, in fact, not there. Perhaps the time has come to overcome your UNSUCCESS and feel the rhythm of life on your own skin, and not watch how it passes by. If the opposite is true, and the pastoral scene outside the window turns out to be a disturbing reality, then perhaps you feel that life is deceiving and does not always fulfill its promises.
  • A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who are engaged in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from the bustle of the world. Windows of this kind can open you to realities that you can potentially immerse yourself in.
  • Are the images on the other side of the window clear or blurry, as if in fog?
  • Window in a dream in Dream interpretation of Azar:

  • A closed window - you will achieve the goal thanks to courage and courage.
  • In a dream, see the Window. IN The newest dream book:

  • Watching from O. - to the expectation of important news; to peep into O. - to the possession of someone else's secret. A knock on O. is a possible surgical disease.
  • What does Window mean Family dream book:

  • They looked through someone's window, passing by, and saw strange things - you can fail and lose the respect of others.
  • Closed windows are an image of abandonment.
  • Climbed into the house through the window - you will be caught in a deception.
  • If in a dream you were sitting at the window, then you can become a victim of stupidity or recklessness.
  • They ran through the window - as if trouble had happened.
  • The window is usually seen as a harbinger of the end of bright hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected results.
  • Broken windows herald a pitiful suspicion of infidelity directed at you.
  • See a Window in a dream. IN Eastern dream book:

  • Closed windows in your house dream of confusion in the soul and bouts of self-criticism; to open the window from the room to the street - to a quick meeting of unexpected, but pleasant guests.
  • What does Window mean Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov:

  • expectation;
  • to knock out and go outside - the fulfillment of desires.
  • wide open - regret;
  • What does the Window mean in a dream, in Noble dream book?

  • Watching him and hitting him is a sign of inner, hidden despair in relations with the world.
  • The wind opens the window during the day - something new enters life, but you do not notice.
  • The window in your room seems too big - to feel insecure, afraid of someone.
  • To see scenes of love in the window - to feel your spiritual coldness and suffer from it.
  • To look at an abandoned room through a window is to feel unnecessary.
  • To see animals instead of people - you are tormented by passions and taken away from the right path.
  • To see someone else's family is to yearn for peace and quiet.
  • The view from the window, a blizzard outside the window, to see the storm - the storms of life will pass by.
  • To get into it is a careless interference in other people's affairs / a secret that can easily be discovered / a desire to return “into oneself”, to become the same, to forget something; family secret / incestuous attraction.
  • In a dark room outside, breaking a window - to lose innocence / and for some reason you will have to remember about it.
  • A man falls out of the window at you - to suffer for another / be guilty without guilt.
  • Outside the window, to see a strange perspective of buildings, directed straight into your window - to completely immerse yourself in the life of your body / rob yourself spiritually.
  • To see how dinner is being prepared outside the window - depending on the circumstances: something pleasant or evil is being prepared for you.
  • Heavy rain is something good, joyful.
  • Green glasses - something urgent and disease-causing comes from the outside into your soul.
  • Looking through the broken, fractured - we must continue the struggle, despite the failure.
  • Behind him is darkness and monsters - you live, turning your face exclusively to your inner world.
  • Destruction, ruins outside the window - something to destroy in their relationships with people / remain alone.
  • Outside the window to see a window with an empty room - to experience a strong longing for another person.
  • With yellow glasses - irritation and envy prevent you from seeing things correctly.
  • The wind blows something away - new will invade life and confuse all your plans.
  • Fixed faces - someone is watching you intently.
  • The skull looks out the window - to be aware that there are no people dear to you in the outside world / to yearn for the deceased.
  • To see stained-glass windows in your windows is in vain to try to lock yourself in the world of beauty or religion.
  • To see an empty window frame - a mockery / your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.
  • If you are sitting there with them too, leave it on your own.
  • A thing, an animal or a bird that has flown in, thrown into your open window are messengers of the future, they speak of its character.
  • To see a bright window with tulle curtains - the harmony of the outside world in your spiritual life.
  • A ghost sticks out in a white window - you cannot recognize yourself, be surprised at your thoughts or actions.
  • To see the big river outside the window is to live away from the flow of life and yearn for the bustle and noise.
  • Looking out of the dormer window is hope.
  • To see the landscape open to the horizon from the window - its details symbolize your worldview.
  • Seeing unusually lighted windows, a ball outside the window - all kinds of trouble / something is being started against you.
  • Breaking a window is a nuisance.
  • To put grates - out of fear of life to deprive yourself of joys; abandon interesting businesses.
  • The sea outside the window - you must strictly control your actions.
  • They scare you from behind the window - to have an interest in someone else's life.
  • Locking shutters in a dream is a futile precaution.
  • To glue the window for the winter, to draw a dense curtain - a premonition of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.
  • The desert is to take an irreconcilable, uncompromising position in relation to the outside world, try to subordinate it to your will and suffer from it.
  • In an apartment, to have a window only between rooms - to be locked in the world of your family and this is burdensome.
  • To be at the open window in the room and be afraid that someone will fit in - to experience fear of the future.
  • Someone in the dark knocks - an obligation that conscience does not allow to fulfill.
  • Teasing faces - someone wants to force you to act according to his will.
  • The wind opens the window, and you try in vain to close it - to experience fear of the world.
  • Pink glass in the window - you impose on yourself other people's ideas about the world.
  • Peering into a dark window from the street is in vain to try to understand someone else's soul and someone else's life.
  • With a room where people walk - yearn for a person who does not need you.
  • The pork snout protrudes - this is your home and your image / blame yourself.
  • The pot is poured or the slop is poured on you - you have to experience the good from someone else's family.
  • Murder, to see a fight - discord within your self / misfortune in your environment.
  • Opens up at night - something new and important is clearly entering your life, but the consequences of this are still unclear.
  • If it is peaceful - great happiness, joy.
  • Close the window carefully - unclear concern / some damage.
  • Garden, trees outside the window - live immersed in memories / perceive the world through the eyes of another person / not have your own opinion.
  • With blue glasses - melancholy and sadness.
  • To see your family, sitting peacefully through the window, is a premonition of separation.
  • Too small - choking, heart attack, bondage.
  • The enormous darkness outside the window is an unknown future, an incomprehensible present to you / you are turned to the world of magic and dark forces.
  • The staircase leading upward, from the window to see - the hope of relief, deliverance, release.
  • To see the deceased in it is to live automatically, without putting inner fire into your actions.
  • The curtains on the window are burning - a kind of rapid turn of events.
  • Opening is an expectation that seems hopeless to itself.
  • They knock on him, and who is not visible - a warning of misfortune / imperious demand to fulfill his duty / greetings from the afterlife.
  • With red glasses - hatred and vindictiveness dangerously distort your ideas about the world.
  • The unbearable light outside the window is an invasion of unknown forces into your life.
  • Throwing a net at you from the window is fear of addiction.
  • A pole sticks out of the window - to quarrel, they will refuse you from the house.
  • There is another room right outside the window - love and consent will replace the whole outside world for you.
  • To see the lattice on the window - separation.
  • And extinguishes the candle - the news of death / thoughts of suicide.
  • To get out of it or fall out of it is a failure from a frivolous venture, a quarrel.
  • A full-wall window, behind it light and green - the harmony of the external and internal world.
  • Out the window woman breaks in - a new hobby.
  • Insert glass into the window - take precautions.
  • Hanging them is to embellish your ideas about the world for the sake of peace of mind.
  • Outside the window, a burning house - peace and happiness.
  • To climb into a dark room through the window is a passionate desire to experience.
  • Someone breaks through the window - an important acquaintance for your future / dark forces awaken in you.
  • Look out the window - peace, peace, a safe situation.
  • To see demonic hari outside the window - your passions close the world from you, you only see them.
  • A window in the cobweb, in the cracks; to look out into the shutter - to feel mental stagnation due to a closed lifestyle.
  • Outside the window, a road stretching beyond the horizon hangs in the air - to be weighed down by oneself / strive to escape from everything familiar.
  • A blank wall of another house outside the window - someone influences your fate, tries to drive it into a certain framework.
  • To be in a room without windows and doors is to look in vain for a way to people / to yearn alone.
  • The street outside the window - trouble is hanging over you / seeing the world from the outside.
  • Meaning of Sleep Window in Schiller's dream book:

  • open - longing; closed - boredom.
  • Window in Old Russian dream book:

  • expectation; wide open - regret.
  • Interpretation in Italian dream book Sleep Window:

  • It means an open situation in which a person can still realize himself.
  • What is the dream of Window in Mayan dream interpretation?

    IN Folklore dream bookif dreaming Window:

  • A bird knocking or beating on the window is a big trouble.
  • If you dream about the Window? IN Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Seeing a window - to the need to look at the world with different eyes; An open window - to a possible illness, often infectious; for men can mean reciprocity women in a sexual feeling, especially if she is in the window.
  • Why is the window dreaming

    Miller's dream book

    Seeing windows in a dream is a herald of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise collapse, leaving you in despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

    Seeing closed windows is an image of abandonment.

    If they are broken, you will be haunted by pathetic suspicions of infidelity.

    Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness.

    Entering a house through a window means that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal.

    Running through the window means that you will be in trouble, which will squeeze you mercilessly in its grip.

    Looking out the window, passing by, and seeing strange things - portends that you will fail in your chosen business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Freud's dream book

    If you dreamed of looking out the window, this means that in reality you often isolate yourself from your partner, isolate yourself if something did not work out the way you wanted. This way, you hope to keep your relationship intact. Understand that by doing this you are causing irreparable harm to these very relationships and your role in them, in particular. You cannot bear the entire burden and transfer all responsibility for what is happening. If you want to keep the relationship harmonious, divide everything in half and solve all problems together.

    Breaking a window in a dream - a dream means that in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life and you will face a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve overnight.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    The window is closed - courage will lead you to the goal; getting in through an open window is an untimely undertaking; look out - get news; roof window - well-being.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Family dream book

    Window - usually dreams as a harbinger of the end of brilliant hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected results.

    Closed windows are an image of abandonment.

    Broken windows - portends a pitiful suspicion of infidelity directed at you.

    If in a dream you were sitting at the window, you can become a victim of stupidity or recklessness.

    Climbed into the house through the window - you will be caught in a deception.

    They ran through the window - as if trouble had happened.

    Looked in someone's window, passing by, and saw strange things - you can fail and lose the respect of others.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

    A window in a dream - symbolizes contact with the outside world. Most often, such dreams indicate that some extraneous events can distract your attention or even throw you off balance. Looking out of the window in a dream and observing certain events or objects is a hint of circumstances that may interfere with you or force you to switch to other things.

    A bright light outside the windows in a dream is a sign of very bright events.

    The darkness outside the windows usually suggests that you are too withdrawn in yourself and your problems.

    To see a glance directed at you outside the windows portends someone's interference in your affairs, which can confuse your plans.

    Looking into other people's windows yourself is a sign of disappointment. Perhaps you will find yourself drawn into other people's problems, or your plans will lead to a completely different result than the one you expected.

    Getting into someone else's window means the opportunity to get involved in an unwanted story.

    Getting out through a window in a dream means that extraneous events can completely confuse you, putting you in an extremely difficult and dangerous position.

    Why is the window dreaming

    The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

    Open a window - to a surge of new strength.

    Looking out of the window means waiting for important news; to peep out the window - to possession of someone else's secret.

    A knock on the window is a possible surgical disease.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Spring dream book

    Looking out the window - to the guests.

    A cross-clogged window - to death.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Summer dream book

    Seeing a lighted window in a dream is a sign of hope.

    Looking out the window is to wait for the children to return from school.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Autumn dream book

    Seeing the opening of a window in an apartment - to the openness of your soul.

    Looking out the window - to the return of a loved one (beloved).

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    Seeing closed windows in a dream - you will achieve your goal in a roundabout way and not always in honest ways. Opened windows - they say that you will soon receive an invitation to the house where you have long wanted to go. An open window in the window portends an unexpected danger that cannot be avoided.

    Entering the room through the window means a sad outcome of your business, when expenses significantly exceed income.

    Entering a house or leaving through an unclosed window - gathering your courage, start all over again.

    If in a dream you wash the windows, then you will lose by rejecting a profitable offer, which at first seems hopeless to you. Sitting on the windowsill with your legs hanging outward - in reality act stupid and reckless, trying to look independent and independent.

    Leaning out of the window - portends the receipt of long-awaited news. Fall out of the window - you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

    A dream in which you are fleeing through a window - in reality you will be caught in illegal actions to achieve a goal that seems quite decent at first glance.

    Dark windows mean that you will get into trouble and will not receive the support promised in case of failure of a risky venture, which you decide to go for the money you need so much.

    The light in the windows is a sign of hope for a better future that is not far off. Shuttered windows - you will be suspected of infidelity.

    Boarded up windows of an abandoned house mean an interrupted romance and parting due to circumstances beyond your control.

    Looking into someone else's windows in a dream - they will no longer trust you, because you will compromise yourself with a dishonorable act.

    A dormer in the attic - means the successful completion of an unsuccessfully started business.

    A window from a semi-basement room - you will experience hardship.

    Seeing curtains on the windows in a dream portends an unexpected visit that will cause you a lot of anxiety; curtains are a nuisance from people to whom you have done a good deed.

    A Broken Window is a threat that can be implemented pretty soon and at its worst.

    To insert new glass into the windows is a bright change in life.

    Making window putty is an annoying surprise.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

    Window - Longing, boredom - closed - the road will lead you to the goal - climb through an open window - untimely undertaking - look out the window - get news - a window on the roof - well-being

    Why is the window dreaming

    Esoteric dream book

    Many windows - from within the world of the soul and its high spaces.

    Fenced off are hidden spiritual secrets, an effort must be made to reveal them. Widely open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the "mountain" world.

    The view from the window is what is happening in the subtle plane.

    Looking out the window, looking outside into the depths of consciousness - you will see what is related to the subconscious, the psyche.

    The windows are round, oval, semi-oval - you have a "channel" of clairaudience. We must use it.

    To climb out the window is to show self-will and excessive perseverance in spiritual knowledge.

    To break a window is to break through the line between the thin and dense world, to break out into the open space of the soul.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    A window in a dream - foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an important enterprise for you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

    Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment.

    If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.

    Sitting on a window in a dream means in reality to become a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Azar

    Window - to news from afar.

    A closed window - you will achieve the goal thanks to courage and courage.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

    Window - waiting; wide open - regret; to knock out and go outside - fulfillment of desires.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Modern dream book

    A dream about windows is an unfavorable omen. It portends the collapse of cherished hopes, and your innermost desires will be replaced by despair. Fruitless aspirations will become your lot.

    Seeing closed windows in a dream is a symbol of abandonment.

    If the windows are broken, you will suffer from low suspicions of infidelity, which those you love will pursue you.

    Sitting on the window - portends that you will become a victim of your envy and reckless behavior.

    Entering the house through the window is a harbinger of the fact that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve goals that seem noble to you.

    Escaping through the window means that you will be in trouble, which will ruthlessly drive you into a corner.

    If you dream that walking past the windows, you look in and see strange figures - in reality you will fail in your chosen profession and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

    Look into the windows of someone else's apartment and see absolutely incredible things there - portends that you will fail in some business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Eastern dream book

    Closed windows in your house - dream of confusion in the soul and bouts of self-criticism; to open the window from the room to the street - to a quick meeting of unexpected, but pleasant guests.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy

    open - longing; closed - boredom.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    Look out the window - peace, peace, a safe situation.

    Breaking a window is a nuisance.

    To see the lattice on the window - separation.

    Insert glass into the window - take precautions.

    Looking through the broken, fractured - we must continue the struggle, despite the failure.

    To see an empty window frame - a mockery / your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

    To see stained-glass windows in your windows is in vain to try to lock yourself in the world of beauty or religion.

    Close the window carefully - unclear fears / some damage.

    Opening is an expectation that seems hopeless to itself.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    Window - a look at the world or another person, a situation; expectation; the condition of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side to look, external or internal).

    To climb through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge.

    Getting out, getting out of the window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation.

    Open - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret.

    Break the window and get out - the fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse.

    Looking out of the window is a life perspective and plans, upcoming events, what the landscape is that matters.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream book of the healer Akulina

    You dreamed about a Window - Reach your goal. Imagine that you are opening a window and letting fresh air into the room.

    Why is the window dreaming

    The window is a feminine symbol, like most parts of the house. For a man, it can also mean a desire to win.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Vrublevskaya

    Window - a look through the window from inside the house reflects a view of the world, outlook, search for opportunities. Looking through the window of a house from the street side shows a desire to get to know someone or something better.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of yogis

    The window is one of the channels connecting the crown of the head with the higher planes. You saw what was happening at this level.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Folklore dream book

    A bird knocking or beating on the window is a big trouble.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Modern dream book

    Open window - Boredom; closed - boredom

    Why is the window dreaming

    British dream book

    Window - Windows let light into the room. They also allow us to look outside and people from the street to look inside. Why dream: Windows can indicate vision, looking outward or inward, trying to become invisible. They can mean importunity or the habit of spying on others. See also Eyes,; Vision,; Curtains, curtains, blinds

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Artemidor

    You dreamed a Window - For a woman - A dream that you dreamed on Monday night means that a pleasant and useful acquaintance awaits you; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will find out good news; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - he is to receive a gift or money. For a man - A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will learn a lot of news from a not very reliable source; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, a dream warns that you are too distrustful; and on Saturday or Sunday night, he says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision. Close the window. For a woman - A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will refuse to do something that you do not like; having a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, a dream means that you will not pay attention to the timely warning of the danger that threatens you; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, he will refuse by mistake from a favorable offer. For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you have taken reasonable care; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that someone is watching your actions; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream advises to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days. Look into other people's windows. For a woman - A dream on Monday night means that you will learn other people's secrets; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he warns that you will have to go to a place that you have never been to; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, this dream says that you are going to take on a difficult business, without sufficient preparation. For a man - A dream that dreamed on Monday night - to the troubles of your good friends; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, a dream means that you will have to turn to someone for help; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - a dream means that you accidentally learn things that will bring you nothing but worry. To see something unusual in the window. For a woman - A dream that dreamed on Monday night means that you will become a witness of an inexplicable phenomenon; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, heralds an acquaintance with an unusual person; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night - to the expectation of imminent changes. For a man - A dream that you had on Monday night means that you will witness a strange incident; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you are overworked and need rest; seen on Saturday or Sunday night, this dream advises to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days. Throwing a stone at the window For a boy - trying to free himself from the power of parents, teachers or someone else. For a grown man - to decide on a risky business. For a girl - to experience resentment and humiliation. For a grown woman, trying to find protection and support.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

    You dreamed of a Window - you see a window in a dream - you can be sure after such a dream: your hopes will never come true. You dream of a closed window - any business that you start, you can barely bring it to the middle and abandon it - either you will grow cold, or circumstances will force it to do so; your usual state is boredom. You dream of an open window - you will feel regret. You see a broken window - you will actually be tormented by jealousy. It is as if you are sitting in the window with your legs dangling from the windowsill - you have never looked so much like a clown as you will soon; you will either commit stupidity yourself, or others will commit it, but in any case, you will be the victim of stupidity; someone through thoughtlessness will put you in an ambiguous position. It is as if you climb into the house through the window - you will be caught in something unworthy or caught for some dishonorable action; the best way out for you is to drop everything and be at least a little alone. It is as if you are running away through the window - some kind of trouble will happen to you - it will directly relate to the business in which you are busy.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    What does Window mean in a dream. Windows provide different ways to see the world we live in and how we perceive reality. Looking out of the window means that we think of ourselves as extroverts and try to pay attention exclusively to external circumstances. Looking out the window at what is inside means that we are looking inside, at our own personality and, possibly, at the motivation for our actions. The interpretation of the window opening depends on whether we do it from the inside or. outside. In the first case, we are dealing with our inner feelings, which may need to be avoided. In the second, with a reaction to opinions from outside. To break through a window (through a glass door) means the first sexual experience. Stained glass window glass due to its association with churches, as well as a stained window can be taken as a religious belief (see also Colors).

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

    Window - Looking from the window of the house - looking at the outside world, looking for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and longing will take over you.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Russian dream book

    What does Windows mean in a dream - the size of the windows shows the breadth of your horizons and openness to the outside world (if the windows are open).

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of E. Erickson

    What does it mean in a dream? A window is waiting for a decision, an open window is news from afar. Opening a window means using numerous possibilities. To climb through a window is to perform an amazing act, unexpected for everyone. A window open in the window means trust in a person who does not know how to keep secrets. Seeing a silhouette in the window from the street is a future acquaintance. Talking through a window is a rare communication with other people. Close the window - be careful while reaching the goal. Look out of the window - receive news. The roof window is the future well-being.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Women's dream book

    Window - A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an important enterprise for you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors.

    Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity.

    Sitting on the window in a dream means in reality to become a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness.

    Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal.

    Running through the window - to the impending disaster, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip.

    Looking out the window, passing someone's house, and seeing strange things there - to failure in an important matter for you, to the loss of the respect of others, for which you risked your health and well-being.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of a housewife

    The window is a look at life. Looking out of the window is an attempt to find a solution to the problem; getting out of the window - a desire to avoid difficult experiences; looking out the window - self-esteem or the assessment of others; climbing out the window - inner feelings; open a window - show your feelings; lack of windows - unwillingness to see what is happening around; self-focus; entering the house through the window is an unconventional solution to the problem; to climb into someone's soul; entrance to other worlds; closed windows - do not let anyone into your inner world; feeling of abandonment; sit on a window - go with the flow; uncertainty; the situation outside the window looks hostile - the confidence that life will deceive you and your desires will not be fulfilled.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation Dashka

    in the subconscious mind the window is associated with a way out, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window, a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; a window with broken glass, a symbol of emotional melancholy and disappointment.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

    In the subconscious of a person, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol.

    The dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes changes and the beginning of a new life period.

    If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.

    Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window is an unforeseen expense due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin.

    Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that an unexpected obstacle will be encountered on your way.

    The dream in which you wash dirty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity.

    To see a silhouette in the window means that in real life something mysterious or mysterious will happen to you.

    If you are trying to get into the house through the window, in reality you will spend your time cheerfully and carefree.

    Talking in a dream with a loved one through the window is a sign that you cannot find mutual understanding with a person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Psychotherapeutic dream book

    To see a window in a dream is a symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to get away from the situation. Waiting for changes and cleansing. Female genitals, so the interpreter tells about the essence of the dream that you dream.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Mayan dream book

    Good value If you dreamed of a closed window, at the moment you are completely safe. To make this period last as long as possible, put a small pebble near each window.

    Bad meaning If you dreamed of an open window, then someone brazenly wants to break into your life. Keep your windows and doors closed for the near future.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of winged phrases

    WINDOW - "a window to the world", "to cut a window to Europe" - to go beyond the limited; "Wait at the window."

    Why is the window dreaming

    Italian dream book Meneghetti

    It means an open situation in which a person can still realize himself.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

    It symbolizes the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (to shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to convince from an unsuccessful situation (to escape through the window), to relieve oneself of guilt. The window is also a symbol of the situation when you still have opportunities for self-realization, they are not closed, and you can have time to use them for your own good.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Old Russian dream book

    expectation; wide open - regret.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of the future

    The window is open, or you open it - sadness, longing, or a harbinger of the fateful end of brilliant hopes; the window is closed, or you close it - to an imminent illness.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Idiomatic dream book

    "Window to the world", "to cut a window to Europe" - to go beyond the limited; "Waiting at the window" - waiting for something in reality.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

    Window - can be interpreted in terms of the window function in real life. A symbol of the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (to shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to escape from an unfortunate situation (to escape through the window), to relieve the feeling of guilt (to purify the air).

    The window is often a symbol - situations are still open for self-realization.

    Very often, the window symbolizes the female genitals and therefore it is possible to interpret this image in connection with the fear of sexual interaction. The appearance of this image is significant even on a metaphorical level.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of relationships

    The dream in which you are looking out the window speaks of an attempt to isolate yourself from your partner. You think the relationship will last longer if you don't talk to your partner if you fail in sex. However, this opinion is wrong. The fact is that omissions can cause irreparable harm to a relationship. You take full responsibility, however, if something goes wrong in your intimate life, both partners are to blame. Solve problems not separately, but together.

    The dream in which you break the window symbolizes problems in your personal life that will affect parties not related to intimate relationships. Dealing with troubles will be very difficult for you.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation horoscope

    The light in the window is the end of a long separation from a loved one.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Online dream book

    According to the dream book, the window is a sign that your plans are not destined to come true, which will make you pretty upset.

    If it is closed, you will feel lonely and unclaimed.

    It opened under a strong gust of wind - quite significant changes are taking place around you, but you seem to be indifferent to it.

    To see a lighted window - you are optimistic about tomorrow, and there is every reason for that.

    Dreaming of a window without glass - now you especially need the care and assistance of family and friends, alone you cannot withstand the onslaught of piled up problems.

    If it is tightly shuttered, you will be accused of treason.

    You pass through it into the premises - in order to carry out your ambitious plans, you will resort to dirty methods, for which you will pay later.

    A dream in which you see a broken window - due to unreasonable attacks of jealousy of your chosen one, you will be thrown into despair.

    You break into someone's house - you will be involved in a very dubious adventure, the consequences of which will be dire for you.

    Sitting on the windowsill is a warning that you should control your emotions so as not to become their hostage and not make yourself into trouble.

    If there is no light in them, in order to improve your financial situation, decide on desperate measures and suffer a serious failure, the consequences of which you will have to cope with alone, although you were promised assistance.

    If it is in an abandoned building, and is packed with boards, it is a harbinger of the end of your current relationship for some objective reason.

    The window that you open is a symbol of your faith in positive changes that should occur in the near future.

    Window frame - portends that you will become the object of universal ill jokes, especially your qualities as a lover will be discussed.

    To insert new glasses into the frames is the beginning of a new life stage, in which there is only place for joy and happiness.

    To paint frames - you have to show someone the dust, hide the truth behind some fictional story, wake up to live under the motto: not to be, but to seem.

    According to the dream book, to climb out the window - be careful, think carefully about your every step, otherwise you will make an unforgivable mistake.

    According to the dream book, new windows portend events that will transform your life, joy and success await you.

    If in a dream the window is open, you have to go on a very exciting journey that will give you a lot of pleasant impressions and new acquaintances, you will also never be left without support, there will always be reliable and trusted people nearby.

    A dream in which you saw a broken window warns that someone will slander you, and this will give your soulmate a reason to accuse you of infidelity, you will have to prove that this is not true.

    If in a dream you look out the window - this is a reflection of your desire to hush up problems, avoid their solutions, believing that this way your couple will avoid quarrels and parting, but in fact this only alienates your chosen one.

    If you dreamed about dirty or faulty windows, this is a bad omen that promises you despondency, dreary loneliness and retribution for your mistakes, so try now to do everything possible to prevent this from happening.

    Washing windows in a dream - know that sudden difficulties will prevent you from realizing your plans, but do not doubt your abilities, you will cope with everything in the best possible way.

    If in a dream you close the window - to the forced rupture of the once very sincere friendly relationship, which you will miss.

    Accidentally falling out of a window in a dream - soon go on a trip that someone else will organize for you, and which will become a turning point in your life.

    Jumping out of a window in a dream - in the near future your life will change dramatically, you will achieve everything you can only dream of, your abilities and merits will be appreciated.

    In a dream, you knock on the window - be prepared for the fact that a lot of rather serious problems may fall on you, which will affect your health, but do not despair, but accept this challenge with dignity.

    If you dream that you are trying to climb out the window, something will happen before your eyes that will radically change your worldview and lifestyle.

    Change windows in a dream - try to find some new, non-standard solution to the problems that have arisen, otherwise you will not cope with them.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Universal dream book

    Window - if someone tries to impress you without much effort, is that person throwing dust in their eyes? Perhaps there is an indecisive person in your environment who is superior to you only because he knows how to look at things from all sides.

    To see things from different angles and have a complete picture of what is happening, it is better to take a seat by the window.

    Why is the window dreaming

    American dream book

    Window - a look into the future or the past.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream Interpretation of Health

    Seeing a window - to the need to look at the world with different eyes; an open window - to a possible illness, more often an infectious one; for a man it can mean the reciprocity of a woman in a sexual feeling, especially if she is in the window.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

    If a person sees himself in a dream looking out the window, it is good, this means that his call will be heard by his god.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of lovers

    If you dream about windows, this promises a fatal end to the outbreak of feelings. Perhaps the chosen one will leave you or you will be separated from your beloved.

    Closed windows - dream of loneliness and infidelity.

    The dream in which you enter the house through the window means that you will try to trick your loved one into favor.

    Sitting on the window in a dream - portends the commission of a stupid act, because of which you will lose the love of your chosen one.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Russian dream book

    Window - nice dates.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Russian dream book

    In the subconscious mind, the window is associated with a way out, sometimes with the last hope.

    Standing in front of an open window is a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are less and less opportunities to change the situation; a window with broken glass is a symbol of mental anguish and disappointment.

    Why is the window dreaming

    The interpreter of 1829

    To see an open window is a sign of a bad state of family affairs; a closed window to see - means a good state of affairs; getting out the window - portends bankruptcy; falling into it - portends an unprofitable litigation.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Psychoanalytic dream book by V. Samokhvalov

    A window is a symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to get away from the situation. Waiting for changes and cleansing. Female genitals.

    Open a window - providing an outlet for passion, escape. Female genitals.

    Breaking a window or glass door is a loss of virginity.

    A stained-glass window is an event in life.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation for bitches

    Window - business started brilliantly will not lead to anything.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation of the XXI century

    Seeing an open window in a dream is a gift or profit.

    To fall out of it - to a major quarrel, before a fight; a closed window is a harbinger of boredom.

    If in a dream you look out the window - such a dream promises you peace, peace, a safe situation; you crawl out or fall out of it - to failure from a frivolous venture, to a quarrel, careless interference in other people's affairs, a secret that can easily be discovered.

    To see the lattice on the window - to separation.

    Putting glass in the window is a sign that you should take precautions.

    If you see a window frame in a dream - to mock you, your intimate life will become the subject of gossip and gossip.

    If you dreamed that the wind was opening the window during the day, this means that you do not notice the changes in life.

    The curtains on the window are on - to a rapid turn of events.

    Sealing the window for the winter, pulling it with a thick curtain is a harbinger of everyday storms, the need to take precautions.

    If the situation outside the window looks hostile, and you find yourself on the other side of the window to be convinced of this by experience, you will find that you have been deceived.

    Sometimes you can see in the windows what is actually not there - perhaps it's time to overcome your insecurity and feel the rhythm of life on your own skin, and not watch how it passes by.

    If the opposite is true and the pastoral scene outside the window turns out to be a disturbing reality, you may feel that life is deceiving and does not always fulfill its promises.

    A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who are engaged in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from the bustle of the world.

    Windows of this kind - can open to you realities in which you can potentially plunge. Do you open a window in a dream, walk past it without even looking, or close it? Are the images on the other side of the window clear or blurry, as if in fog?

    Why is the window dreaming

    Aesop's dream book

    In the subconscious of a person, a window is associated with the exit or the beginning of something.

    In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope.

    Window - the birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol.

    A popular omen says that a bird beating through the window carries with it the death of the owner of the house. In the old days, when children had toothache, their parents warned them: "Don't spit out the window - your teeth will hurt."

    The dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes changes and the beginning of a new life period.

    If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation.

    To dream of a bird knocking on the window - to unexpected news.

    Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window is an unforeseen financial expense due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As the saying goes: "Will you stand under my window."

    Broken glass window - symbolizes mental anguish, illness and disappointment.

    Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that an unexpected obstacle will be encountered on your way.

    A dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity.

    To see a silhouette in the window means that in real life something mysterious or mysterious will happen to you.

    If you are trying to get into the house through the window, in reality you will spend your time cheerfully and carefree.

    Talking in a dream with a loved one through the window is a sign that you cannot find mutual understanding with a person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected.

    A dream in which you open a window in the window means hope for better times.

    Why is the window dreaming

    Dream interpretation Longo

    If in a dream you watched something from the window - in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life becomes more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in oneself, to learn to value oneself at its dignity. If you neglect this advice, others, noticing your "spinelessness" and desire to "go into the shadows," will use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble purposes. As you understand, it is difficult for you in this case.

    If in a dream you washed the window, it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. Probably, the dream warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is; you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends, perhaps among them will be your own Judas.

    Jumping out the window - someone else's point of view is not at all important to you; only what you think matters. On the one hand, this attitude towards yourself and life in general is very good, but on the other hand, are you not afraid to fall from a high pedestal erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really hit hard, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, oddly enough for you, are not always wrong.

    Trying to open a window for fresh air in a dream - you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes evil fate interferes with your affairs so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can give your soul "first aid" read any conspiracy against the evil eye and damage.

    Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another.

    A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle.

    A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and longing will take over you.

    The feasibility and meaning of dreams

    Sleep from Sunday to Monday

    The dream is associated with the dreamer's state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises a solution to problems, a frightening one - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.

    19 lunar day

    Dream pictures reveal the secret facets of the sleeping person's personality, which he had not previously suspected. Most of these dreams cause a feeling of dread that persists after waking up. Their interpretation is the work of professionals, not amateurs.

    Waning moon

    A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of purifiers: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry good meaning.

    March 25

    The dream can hide an ambiguous context. It is better to forget it and do not rack your brains over its interpretation: there is a high probability that you will not be able to do it correctly.


    Dream Interpretation Window Seeing a window: to the need to look at the world with different eyes an open window: to a possible illness, more often infectious for a man can: mean the reciprocity of a woman in sexual feelings, especially if she is in the window. Dream Interpretation of Health

    Dream Interpretation Window Seeing windows in a dream is a sign of the futility of your illusions. Your chosen one will not justify the hopes that you placed on him, will cause in your soul a feeling of resentment, hopelessness and despair. Closed windows are a symbol of desolation and loneliness. Even if there is a loved one in your life, he does not understand you, your aspirations are alien and indifferent to him. A broken window is a sign that you will be pursued by humiliating allegations of treason, which are based on gossip. Intimate dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window A look at the world or another person, a situation; expectation; the condition of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side to look, external or internal). To climb through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Getting out, getting out of the window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation. Open - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret. Break the window and get out - the fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse. Looking out of the window is a life perspective and plans, upcoming events, what the landscape is that matters. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    Dream interpretation Window A window in a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an important enterprise for you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Closed windows are a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken, you will be suspected of infidelity. Sitting on the window in a dream means in reality to become a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness. Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal. Running through the window - to the impending disaster, which will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip. Looking out the window, passing someone's house, and seeing strange things there - to failure in an important matter for you, to the loss of the respect of others, for which you risked your health and well-being. Modern dream book

    Meaning of Sleep Window Dream about windows: an unfavorable omen. It portends the collapse of cherished hopes, and your innermost desires will be replaced by despair. Fruitless aspirations will become your lot. Seeing closed windows in a dream: a symbol of abandonment. If the windows are broken: You will suffer from low suspicions of infidelity, which will be haunted by those you love. Sitting on the window: portends that you will become a victim of your envy and reckless behavior. Entering the house through the window: a harbinger of the fact that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve goals that seem noble to you. Escape through the window: means that you will get into trouble, which will ruthlessly corner you. If you dream that walking past the windows, you look in and see strange figures: in reality you will fail in your chosen profession and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. Look into the windows of someone else's apartment and see absolutely incredible things there: it portends that you will fail in some business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. Modern dream book

    Dream Window In the subconscious of a person, a window is associated with an exit or the beginning of something. In some cases, a window appears in a dream as a last chance or hope. The birth and death of a person are associated with this symbol. A popular omen says that a bird beating through the window carries with it the death of the owner of the house. In the old days, when children had toothache, their parents warned them: "Don't spit out the window - your teeth will hurt." The dream in which you are standing in front of an open window symbolizes changes and the beginning of a new life period. If in a dream you are trying to find a way out and see only a window, this is a sign that you have less and less chances to change the situation. To dream of a bird knocking on the window is to unexpected news. Seeing yourself standing at someone else's window is an unforeseen financial expense due to the treachery of your imaginary friend, whose goal is to bring you to complete ruin. As the saying goes: "Will you stand under my window." Broken glass window - symbolizes mental anguish, illness and disappointment. Seeing a closed window in a dream is a sign that an unexpected obstacle will be encountered on your way. The dream in which you wash dirty and dusty windows means that your hard work will bring you success and prosperity. To see a silhouette in the window means that in real life something mysterious or mysterious will happen to you. If you are trying to get into the house through the window, in reality you will spend your time cheerfully and carefree. Talking in a dream with a loved one through the window is a sign that you cannot find mutual understanding with a person with whom all your feelings, hopes and thoughts are connected. A dream in which you open a window in the window means hope for better times. Aesop's dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window Window - in the subconscious mind, the window is associated with a way out, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window, a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; a window with broken glass, a symbol of emotional melancholy and disappointment. Russian dream book

    What is the dream of Window Window: means your position in relation to the outside world. If the window is open: it means that you are characterized by openness and gullibility. If the window is closed or curtained: you tend to be secretive and self-absorbed. If the window is dirty, dull: it means that you are looking at the world "through dark glasses": your anger or bad mood prevents you from seeing the world as it really is. If the glass is transparent and clean: it means that you are looking at the world and are aware of what is happening, circumstances and momentary moods cannot mislead you about what is happening Children's dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window Window: Can be interpreted in terms of the function of the window in real life. A symbol of the desire to get a solution to a certain problem (to shed light on the problem), the desire to wriggle out, to escape from an unfortunate situation (to escape through the window), to relieve the feeling of guilt (to purify the air). The window is often a symbol: situations are still open for self-realization. Very often the window: symbolizes the female genitals and therefore it is possible to interpret this image in connection with the fear of sexual interaction. The appearance of this image is significant even on a metaphorical level. Italian dream book Meneghetti

    Dream Interpretation Windows Seeing closed windows in a dream - you will achieve your goal in a roundabout way and not always in honest ways. Opened windows indicate that you will soon receive an invitation to the house where you have long wanted to go. An open window in the window portends an unexpected danger that cannot be avoided. Entering a room through a window means a sad outcome of your business activity, when expenses significantly exceed income. Entering the house or leaving through an unclosed window - gathering your courage, start all over again. If in a dream you wash the windows, then you will be wrong by rejecting a lucrative offer, which at first seems hopeless to you. Sitting on a windowsill with your legs hanging outward - in reality act stupid and reckless, trying to look independent and independent. Leaning out of the window heralds long-awaited news. Fall out of the window - you are in danger of being robbed or robbed. A dream in which you flee through the window - in reality, you will be caught in illegal actions to achieve a goal that at first glance seems quite decent. Dark windows mean that you will get into trouble and will not receive the support promised in case of failure of the risky venture that you decide to go for the money you need. The light in the windows is a sign of hope for a better future that is not far off. Shuttered windows - you will be suspected of infidelity. Boarded up windows of an abandoned house mean an interrupted romance and separation due to circumstances beyond your control. Looking into someone else's windows in a dream - they will no longer trust you, because you will compromise yourself with a dishonorable act. A dormer in the attic - means the successful completion of an unsuccessfully started business. A window from a basement room - you will experience hardship. Seeing curtains on the windows in a dream portends an unexpected visit, which will cause you a lot of anxiety; curtains are a nuisance from people to whom you have done a good deed. A Broken Window is a threat that can be implemented pretty soon and at its worst. To insert new glass into the windows is a bright change in life. Making window putty is an annoying surprise. Dream interpretation from A to Z

    Dream Interpretation Window Window: a symbol of a situation in which self-realization is possible. The desire to get away from the situation. Waiting for changes and cleansing. Female genitals. Open the window: providing an outlet for passion, escape. Female genitals. Breaking a window or glass door: loss of virginity. Stained-glass window: an event in life. Psychoanalytic dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window WINDOW - waiting; disclosed - profit, gift, guest // bad thing, trouble, regret, sadness; closed - good // boredom; with broken windows - losses, poverty; with whole and clean glass - happiness; looking out of the window is news; getting out the window is ruin; knock it out and get out - the implementation of the plan; fall through the window - a quarrel, an unprofitable litigation; to hang the window in black - sadness due to illness in the family. Small Velesov dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window If you dream of windows, this promises a fatal end to the outbreak of feelings. Perhaps the chosen one will leave you or you will be separated from your beloved. Closed windows dream of loneliness and infidelity. The dream in which you enter the house through the window means that you will try to trick your loved one into favor. Sitting on a window in a dream portends the commission of a stupid act, because of which you will lose the love of your chosen one. Dream interpretation for lovers

    Dream Interpretation Window Looking out the window of the house: looking at the outside world, looking for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street: a desire to better understand oneself or another. Nice view outside the window: something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window: loneliness and longing will take over you. The ABC of interpretation of dreams

    Dream Interpretation Window If in a dream you watched something from the window: in reality you value yourself too little, because of this your life becomes more and more gray and uninteresting. It is necessary to develop a sense of confidence in oneself, to learn to value oneself at its dignity. If you neglect this advice, others, noticing your "spinelessness" and desire to "go into the shadows," will use these qualities of yours for their own, not always noble purposes. As you understand, it is difficult for you in this case. If in a dream you washed the window: it means that you need to pay all possible attention to what your friends are doing. Probably, a dream warns of danger from some person, but it is difficult to determine who he is, you will have to limit yourself to this vague warning and try not to be too frank in the presence of friends, perhaps among them will be your own Judas. Jumping out the window: someone else's point of view is completely irrelevant to you, only what you think matters. On the one hand, this attitude towards yourself and life in general is very good, but on the other hand, are you not afraid to fall from a high pedestal erected with your own hands? This is worth thinking about, otherwise you will really hit hard, which will happen sooner or later. Be more attentive to other people's opinions, which, oddly enough for you, are not always wrong. Trying to open a window in a dream for the sake of fresh air: you urgently need to get rid of the harmful influence that someone has on you. Perhaps you yourself have already felt that sometimes evil fate interferes with your affairs so many unexpected troubles happen to you. Your biofield should be dealt with by a specialist, a professional, but it is not always possible to communicate with a real magician. Then you can give your soul "first aid" read any conspiracy against the evil eye and damage. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

    Dream Interpretation Window Window. Seeing windows in a dream is a herald of the fatal end of brilliant hopes. You will see your most wonderful enterprise collapse, leaving you in despair. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Seeing closed windows is an image of abandonment. If they are defeated, you will be haunted by pathetic suspicions of infidelity. Sitting on the window means that you will be a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness. Entering a house through a window means that you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a seemingly noble goal. Running through the window means that you will be in trouble, which will squeeze you mercilessly in its grip. Looking out the window, passing by, and seeing strange things - portends that you will fail in your chosen business and lose the respect for which you risked your health and well-being. Big dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window The window is usually seen as a harbinger of the end of bright hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected results. Closed windows are an image of abandonment. Broken windows herald a pitiful suspicion of infidelity directed at you. If you yourself broke a window in a dream, then in reality, intimate affairs will someday greatly complicate your life. You will face a whole bunch of problems that will not be easy to solve. In a dream, you were sitting at the window - you can become a victim of stupidity or recklessness. Looking out the window - in reality, you often fence yourself off from your partner. If something doesn't work out the way you wanted, you withdraw into yourself. By doing this, you are causing irreparable harm to your relationship. Learn to divide all problems in half and solve them together - then there will be harmony in the relationship. Climbed into the house through the window - you will be caught in a deception. They ran through the window - as if trouble had happened. Looked in someone's window, passing by, and saw strange things - you can fail and lose the respect of others. D. Loff interpreted such dreams in an interesting way: “Windows often show us the world as it could be, but do not allow us to feel it. Windows can be tricky, misleading. It can mean disappointment, protection, or illusion. In a dream about imprisonment, a window can symbolize a desired person or an environment in which you cannot find yourself now. This is a common phenomenon in life. If the environment outside the window looks hostile and you find yourself on the other side of the window to be convinced of this by experience, then you find that you have been deceived. Sometimes you can see in the windows what is not really there. Perhaps the time has come to overcome your insecurity in your own skin, to feel the rhythm of life, and not to watch her pass by. If the opposite is true, and the pastoral scene outside the window turns out to be a disturbing reality, then perhaps you feel that life is deceiving and does not always fulfill its promises. A window can be the beginning of a passage from this world to another. Dreams of this nature are common among those who are engaged in astral projection or develop a sense of detachment from the bustle of the world. Windows of this kind can reveal realities to you that you can potentially immerse yourself in. " Large universal dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window There are many windows: from the inside, the world of the soul and its high spaces. Barred: hidden spiritual secrets, an effort must be made to reveal them. Widely open invitation to break away from earthly affairs and turn your attention to the "mountain" world. View from the window: what is happening in the subtle plan. To look out the window, from the outside, look into the depths of consciousness: you will see what is related to the subconscious, the psyche. The windows are round, oval, semi-oval: you have a "channel" of clairaudience. We must use it. Climb out the window: show self-will and excessive perseverance in spiritual knowledge. Break the window: break through the line between the thin and the dense world, break out into the vastness of the soul. Esoteric dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window Window: waiting open: profit, gift, guest / bad thing, trouble, regret, sadness closed: good / boredom with broken glass: loss, poverty with whole and clean glass: happiness to look out of the window: news to get out the window: ruin to knock it out and get out: the implementation of the plan to fall out the window: a quarrel, an unprofitable litigation to cover the window with blacks: sadness due to illness in the family. Small dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window WINDOW - a look at the world or another person, a situation; expectation; the condition of the sleeper's eyes; premonition, intuition (depending on which side to look, external or internal). To climb through the window is excessive curiosity, knowledge of something (possibly illegal) or self-knowledge. Getting out, getting out of the window is a disaster, a way out of a difficult situation. Open - the soul is open to the world and other people; regret. Break the window and get out - the fulfillment of forbidden desires; way out of life's impasse. Looking out of the window is a life perspective and plans, upcoming events, what the landscape is that matters. Dream interpretation master of dreams

    Dream Interpretation Window A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and longing will take over you. Dream interpretation of Medea

    Dream Interpretation Window Window in a dream: foreshadows the collapse of hopes, despair as a result of the death of an important enterprise for you. Your lot will be fruitless endeavors. Closed windows: a symbol of abandonment. If they are broken: you will be suspected of infidelity. Sitting on a window in a dream: means in reality to become a victim of stupidity, thoughtlessness, recklessness. Entering a house through a window means being caught using dubious means to achieve a supposedly noble goal. Run through the window: to the impending disaster that will mercilessly squeeze you in its grip. Looking out the window, passing someone's house, and seeing strange things there: to failure in an important matter for you, to the loss of respect of others, for the sake of which you risked your health and well-being. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    Dream Interpretation Window Open the window: to a surge of new strength. Looking out the window: waiting for important news to peep out the window: owning someone else's secret. A knock on the window: surgical disease is possible. The newest dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window Dream Interpretation Window - In the subconscious mind, the window is associated with a way out, sometimes with the last hope. Standing in front of an open window, a symbol of changes in life; if you are looking for a way out, and there is only a window in front of you, then there are fewer and fewer opportunities to change the situation; a window with broken glass, a symbol of emotional melancholy and disappointment. Russian folk dream book

    Dream Interpretation Window A look from the window of a house is a look at the outside world, a search for opportunities. Looking out the window from the street is a desire to better understand oneself or another. A beautiful view outside the window is something good next to you, but separated by some obstacle. A blank wall outside the window - loneliness and longing will take over you. Window - a look through the window from inside the house reflects a view of the world, outlook, search for opportunities. Looking through the window of a house from the street side shows a desire to get to know someone or something better. Self-instruction manual interpretation of dreams

    Dream Interpretation Window Window: Usually dreams as a harbinger of the end of bright hopes. No matter how your wonderful enterprise collapses! At the very least, be prepared for the fact that your endeavors will not bear the expected results. Closed windows: an image of abandonment. Broken windows: portends a pitiful suspicion of infidelity directed at you. If in a dream you were sitting at the window: you can become a victim of stupidity or recklessness. Climbed into the house through the window: you will be caught cheating. They ran through the window: no matter how bad things happened. They looked through someone's window as they walked by and saw strange things: you can fail and lose the respect of others.

    The window is a symbol of new horizons and beginnings, however, for a complete interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to take into account all its nuances. Read the interpretations from the most authoritative dream books in the world. What does it mean to see a window in a dream?

    To chenmu see a window in a dream

    Russian folk dream book

    This is the interpretation of the dream book of an open window: if you stand in front of it, some life changes are coming.

    An attempt to find a way out in a dream through the window in front of your gaze will indicate that there are much fewer opportunities to direct the state of affairs for the better.

    If you dreamed about a broken window, you will have to be disappointed in something and experience mental anguish.

    Modern dream book

    In the dream book, an open window promises to receive money or a gift.

    Face a new hobby - this is what the window is dreaming about, where the lady is trying to climb.

    If in a dream you saw that you fell out of the window, expect a big quarrel or even a fight.

    The dream of a closed window portends boredom.

    Parting is promised by the lattice that dreamed on the window.

    Had to insert glass into the frame - in reality, be sure to take precautions to avoid trouble.

    Seeing the window frame is a general discussion of your intimate life.

    Window curtains burn in a dream - get ready for an exciting turn of life events.

    In a dream, you had to feel fear that someone would climb into a window that is closed, which means that for some reason you are afraid of the future.

    When in a dream the window is covered with a cobweb pattern or you have to look out into the street through the shutters, in reality you can overcome the feeling of loneliness due to isolation.

    When you knock on the window, there is a high risk of developing an ailment that can be treated surgically.

    And when in a dream you had to see yourself on the windowsill - in reality you will face recklessness and punish yourself with your own envy.

    Small Velesov dream book

    When the window is open, you can wait for guests or gifts.

    Closed can dream of boredom.

    The windows in the window are broken - the threshold of poverty and loss.

    In the dream there was a window with clean and intact glasses - in reality this portends great happiness in life.

    In a dream, look out of the window - news will come. Fell out of the window - to the development of a quarrel.

    The process of getting out of the window may dream of ruin. The window, curtained with black cloth, dreams of sadness due to the illness of a loved one.

    To see an open window - in reality, prove yourself an open and trusting person. On the contrary, a closed window indicates an inward orientation.

    In a dream, they looked into a clear window - it means that you perceive everything in the world around you as it is and do not allow yourself to be misled.

    A dream about a dirty window indicates a bad mood and anger.

    Women's dream book

    The unsuccessful completion of the most important matters, the loss of respectful attitude of family and friends - this is what windows dream about, where you try to look in a dream while passing by.

    A window seen closed means abandonment.

    Had to break the window - wait for accusations of infidelity.

    When you entered through the window into your home, you will be caught using dubious methods, allegedly used in order to reach noble goals.

    In a dream, I had to run through the window - misfortune is approaching.

    Family dream book

    The dreamed window heralds the end of hopes. Broken window promises suspicion of infidelity.

    I dreamed of how you settled down on the windowsill - in reality, show all your recklessness.

    If in a dream you managed to get through the window into the dwelling, you will be caught cheating.

    In a dream, you had to look out the window and contemplate something strange - in reality you can stop being a respected person and meet with failure.

    If you had to run away through the window - be careful, because it's not far from trouble.

    Wanderer's dream book

    If you climbed into the window in a dream, you are too curious and get to know yourself and the world around you.

    In a dream, you climb out of the window - there is a high probability of trouble or find the right way to solve the problem that has arisen.

    When there was an open window in a dream - you are a person open to people, or you feel regret about something.

    In a dream, you crawl out of a broken window - solving a difficult life task or fulfilling exciting desires.

    The dream, when you look out of the window, prophesies life prospects or such a turn of events, which is worth interpreting from the view that opens from this window.

    Freud's dream book

    Symbolizing the genitals, the open window promises the joy of available sex.

    To see a dirty window is to meet genital health problems.

    When a woman dreams that she is opening a window, this indicates that she has a desire for sexual relations with another lady. When a man dreams of a window opening, he wants to have sexual contact.

    Washing windows is a desire to have children.

    You have broken the window - to face the reality that intimate adventures can be a big problem.

    Aesop's dream book

    Standing in a dream in front of an open window means in reality awaiting changes and choosing a new path in life.

    If a bird knocks on the window - to receive unexpected news.

    Standing at someone else's window - to face unplanned expenses because of the desire of your supposed friend to ruin you.

    A dream of broken glass predicts illness, longing in the soul and disappointment.

    To see a closed window is to face an unexpected obstacle in reality.

    To wash a dirty window in a dream - in real life, for your hard work, you will receive prosperity and success.

    A dreamed silhouette at the window promises to face something mysterious.

    An attempt to get home through the window predicts a fun and carefree time.

    An attempt to open the window in a dream promises hope for a brighter future.

    Also interesting: what is dreaming about