The correct warm floor of the soil cake. Correct Paul Pie on the soil with insulation

As you know, in the premises of a certain purpose there is no need to lay an expensive and aesthetic flooring. It happens that enough and a rough version, which will be simple in terms of technology and sufficiently affordable in its price category. The optimal option in this case is the concrete floor of the soil. The technology of fillings of such a coverage is as simple as possible and does not require any specific skills in construction, nor the involvement of the team of people, no rental of specialized equipment. Meanwhile, you are interested in the high quality and longevity of the surface, it is necessary to work in accordance with the recommendations of professionals.

A little about the properties of the coating

Structurally concrete floor surfaces of this type resemble the most ordinary puff pie. It is very important to correctly organize the heat-insulating segment. Actually, precisely because of the heat-insulating ball, the design of the coating and looks like a cake. It is worth noting that the characteristics of the soil and its specific features must be taken into account at the stage of planning construction work. The key criterion to which the soil must match, a certain depth of groundwater flowing. It is assumed a minimum level of about five meters. Meanwhile, the soil, which is located over groundwater, in no case should be loose.

How is heated insulation?

In order for the concrete heat insulation measures to be implemented at the required level, you need to adhere to a certain number of recommendations from professionals. Masters of construction business call such requirements for the installation of the heat insulating layer:

  • elimination of risks against heat loss;
  • complete isolation from the destructive effects of groundwater;
  • ensuring the proper level of sound insulation;
  • elimination of the possibility of vaporization;
  • organization and subsequent maintenance of a comfortable microclimate in the room.

What are the stages of work?

The project of warm concrete floors on the ground in a private house or in any economic room is implemented in a certain order:

  • removal of soil from the poor-quality top layer and subsequent alignment of the surface obtained;
  • falling asleep by sand, as well as its rambling, which is to use certain equipment and water;
  • the gravel cushion or mound of rubble is installed on the aligned and the rammed sandy layer, due to which the risks of the level of groundwater are eliminated at the database, and the surface is once again aligned;
  • the next layer is a mesh from the reinforcement, which will subsequently help securely fix the cement surface, and will also serve as a place of fastening of pipes from a metal;
  • after all preparatory work, it is necessary to mix cement mortar and pour a layer of about five centimeters in thickness, after that it is necessary to give the resulting "pie" some time for recreation, hardening and acquiring the necessary strength characteristics;
  • after a few weeks, it is possible to start the installation of the waterproofing membrane, due to which the coating obtained as a result will not absorb moisture from the environment;
  • on top of the obtained segment, the film is stacked;
  • now it is necessary to start laying the insulation ball, which can be represented by polystyrene foam material or polystyrene with increased density indicators, and if a sufficiently large load is assumed to the surface in the future, it is better to give its preference to laying the plates;
  • at the last stage, the waterproofing ball and the rubberoid surface is installed, as well as the construction of a housing type, which in turn will serve as a foundation for applying the finish ball.

Advantages and disadvantages of this decision

Before making a choice in favor of concreting outdoor type in accordance with the above technology, it is necessary to think about which prospects provide such a decision and, together with what its disadvantages are. This can significantly affect the functionality of the room and if you can ultimately use it in the previously conceived directions.

First about the pluses

Discussing the positive and negative sides, we usually strive first to get acquainted with the best characteristics. This makes it possible at the stage of familiarization with disadvantages to understand whether the advantages of the victims who will have to bring. So, experts call such advantages of concrete sex on the soil:

  • ensuring the maximum level of protection of the base from the harmful effects of temperature regime drops;
  • the temperature of the soil hidden under the coating is never dropped below the set price in zero degrees Celsius;
  • it is not necessary to leave the concrete surface in a naked form, because thanks to the absence of irregularities and at least a minor relief, the widest possibilities are opened in terms of finishing work;
  • there is no need to spend precious time on the implementation of calculations to determine the load on the soil;
  • due to the special combination of layers, the floor perfectly retains heat in the premises of any type, in addition, it is worth noting that, if necessary, heating space does not need a lot of time, and the heat will disperse in the space as much as possible;
  • at the coating of this category, remarkable sound insulation features;
  • due to the double waterproofing of the coating, the perfect is terrible neither dampness nor the bacteria of mold.

Construction operations

As you know, construction operations suggest a clearly regulated sequence of actions, which is prescribed in specialized regulatory and technical documentation and government standards. In the construction of multilayer concrete gender in the premises of any destination, such types of work are assumed:

  • the implementation of measurements of the elevation of the floor and its corresponding markup;
  • removing an unsuitable upper ground ball and a thorough tamper of a sandy base;
  • falling asleep balls from gravel or rubble;
  • work aimed at ensuring the waterproofing and heat-saving properties of the object;
  • reinforcement of a concrete screed;
  • installation of formwork design and subsequent pouring of a special concrete solution.

It is necessary to strive for such a variant of building a multilayer design so that it exceeds the doorway in height. In addition, experts recommend not to be lazy and competently produced the placement of the room. In this case, you will have to install special signal tags on the walls, the location of which is at the level of the extreme lower point of the doorway and is removed from it to one meter. Such meters are located on both sides of the doorway.

Having said about the importance of murdrating work, it is impossible not to mention that it is necessary to observe the strict horizontality of each subsequent layer of construction. It is also important that by pouring the finishing solution, it is necessary to install special lighthouses. If you are engaged in construction yourself and cannot boast of extensive experience in this industry, then a small thermal type clearance is allowed, which will not give to form cracks on the screed. However, for professional workers, such a decision is not permissible. Calculate the level height in accordance with the degree of insulation of the base. Actually, if insulating work in relation to the base had a place, then the kind "zero" is allowed to have a deviation from the foundation level. However, the base base will not be insulated, then with a similar solution, the so-called freezing zones will arise.

  1. Introduction
  2. Varieties and device "Pie"

Good heat insulation in frequent houses is the key to saving heating and prevent the appearance of moisture, mold. If the house does not have a basement, then in this case the concrete slab or the screed must be layered separately from the walls on the ground. In order for the cold to do not pull out of the soil, the floor must be insulated using special thermal insulation on the soil. However, it should be noted that in those places where the high level of groundwater is not suitable, because in this case the loose soil will begin to swell.

Technologies of insulation and thermal healing of floors

Floors on the soil "Pie" have a multi-layer structure, which may differ depending on the type of underlying layer and other materials selected.

Concrete layer

As a rule, such a cake is the most optimal and main, which consists of the following layers:

Compacted soil

All soil with the exception of peat and chernozem, which is digging in the process of preparing a place for the foundation, fall asleep back. After each 200 mm layer, it is carefully tamped, which prevents the appearance of cracks on the future floor.

Trambed rubble

They fall asleep rubble, fired with a 50-70 mm fraction with a fraction of 60-70 mm, thoroughly leveling and the trambus throughout the perimeter. Crushed stone helps to compact the top layer of soil.

Layer bedding

Concrete and wood floors should have a layer of concrete litter, which is considered to be technological, serving for a waterproofing basis. As a rule, the layer thickness is approximately 70 mm. For the underlying layer, concrete brand M100 is used. The concrete layer is laid neatly, without drops, to properly put waterproofing. The difference in height should not exceed 2 to 5 millimeters.


As a layer of waterproofing of the cake, a special rubberoid applied, PVC membrane, two-layer polyethylene film, polymer-bitumen coating are used.

The insulation layer is carefully laid horizontally on a dry surface. It should be followed by the integrity and quality of the underwent insulation so that there are no junctions between the plates and sheets. In order to do not flow from the foundation wall, it is necessary to lay an additionally seal vertically by 40-60 mm, which is fixed by dowels. Warm must be placed directly at the level of the waterproofing layer of the horizontal foundation.


The polymer-bituminous membrane is an optimal material for vapor barrier, which is based on fiberglass and polyester. The PVC membrane is considered more durable, which does not rot, and retains its properties for a long time. However, such material will be much more expensive for the price. A two-layer polyethylene film can be used as vaporizolation, but it is a very fragile material that is easily damaged in the process of filling concrete.

Cement strainer

The next layer is performed from the M100 brand solution, which is necessarily reinforced by a mesh with a wire diameter of 4-6 mm. It is worth considering that each cell size should be 100x100 mm.

In the process of laying the screed, it is necessary to capture by 10-15 mm foundation, which will avoid the appearance of cracks on the wall.

Pillow of sand

In this case, there is no need to make concrete preparation, instead of which the sand pillow is used on a layer thickness of 150 mm. However, in this case it is difficult to achieve an ideally smooth surface of the base.

Varieties and device of floors on soils like "Pie"

In addition to the above-described main method of heat insulation of sex on the ground, there are other no less effective varieties of "cake":

First option

  • 4-40 cm clamzite layer;
  • Cement screed - 3 cm;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Screed concrete 6-10 cm;
  • Floor coverings.

In this case, the ceramzite acts as an excellent heat insulator, which has a granular and porous structure. It is best to use the grazit of the average fractions of 8-16 mm. If the ceramizite layer is thick, then it is possible not to use waterproofing in the "cake". Since the ceramzite replaces the heat insulator, tie, gravel. Each 15 layer of clay must be carefully compacted. The upper layer is poured with a concrete thin layer.

There are several technologies Paul in soil depending on the operational conditions, the owner's preferences. Flooring can be laid on a wooden cauldron or on a concrete tie, plate. In the latter case, the slab is either attached to the ribbon foundation, or use a floating screed (bulk, dry).

To save the budget of construction, the building base is most often overlapped by slabs of overlaps, which automatically become the base of the floor. The monolithic design is located above the non-freezing soil in the strongest frost saturated with groundwater radon. Without high-quality natural ventilation, the concrete slab begins to collapse, the health of the tenants deteriorates with an increased radiophone.

Therefore, ventilation openings are created in the ribbon foundation or base, which cannot be closed even in winter. In the projects of cottages with a low base for natural ventilation, there is not enough space, the holes in winter are covered with snow. In this case, the only method of the floor device is the technology of soil.

Communications traditionally come together through the lower level, therefore, to ensure maximum maintainability, it is wiser to lay back the duplicate sleeves, to carry out additional water supply systems, gas pipelines, sewage systems. When clogged the main pipelines during operation of the house in this case, it is not necessary to open the plate / tie, it suffices to shift the risers into the duplicate life support systems.

What you need to know the developer about the structure of the floor on the soil

This technology has a high operational resource only subject to the requirements of the SP standards from 2011 per room (previously SNiP 2.03.13-88). To understand the design of the "Pie" Paul on the ground floor of the building, it is necessary to consider the factors acting on the flooded slab:

  1. The powers that are usually scared by individual developers, do not arise under most buildings. Cottages, based on plates, ribbon bases, painters, resting on Earth or beweded into it, allocate some heat to the lower level. With the normal insulation of the foundations (the sealing of the outer walls of the base with extruded polystyrene foam) under the sole of the house, geothermal heat is always maintained.
  2. In any project should be presented with drainage and / or landing, from the power structures of the cottage, flood, soil, melting water are removed. Therefore, the high moisture content of the Earth under the house is most often aggressive advertising that calls for the developer to increase the construction budget to combat non-existent danger. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that in the absence of a lavety and / or drainage system, the ground under the building will be really wet.
  3. Even in the absence of powder forces, the land under the house in 90% of cases during operation will see. The base plate tied to the belt foundation will be hanging on it, which is not particularly scary in normal reinforcement. The floating screed in this case drops down together with the floor, which will require dismantling and re-manufacturing the plates. Therefore, the reverse fusion is used not to be extracted at the stage of the pitted ground, but by non-metallic materials with a mandatory layer-by-layer seal with a vibrating plastic or a manual tamper every 20 cm of sand, rubble.
  4. Recommended by many companies in the layer of geotextile under the pillow of backfill in this case, not only is not needed, but also harmful. The soil will not be compacted, the screed / plate efficiency will be reduced to zero. Nonwoven material is used only in the manufacture of pillows before laying outdoor engineering systems (sewage, water supply), paving parking paving, paving slabs. In this case, filtering, drainage properties of geotextiles are relevant.

Thus, when selecting technology, the floor is in the soil, especially on the tape base, it is necessary to correctly position each layer of "cake". This will provide a maximum resource, convenience of operation, high construction maintenance.

What layers are needed and their mutual location

With a limited construction budget for a bulk screed / floor slab on the ground with minimally necessary layers are (from top to bottom):

  • reinforced railway screed - you can put the majority of floor coverings on it (linoleum, laminate, carpet, porcelain stoneware, gender, cork, tile) or cauldron for parquet (multilayer plywood);
  • the insulation - reduces heat loss and operational budget (you can use a smaller amount of heating registers);
  • waterproofing - does not allow moisture to penetrate the heat insulator from the ground;
  • posnova (concrete preparation) - Films, rolled materials, membranes, which are easily damaged during reinforcement, pouring the upper screed, builders' shrews when laying the heat insulator, is often used;
  • pillow - when the vibration absorption of the nonmetallic material, the stability of the geometry of the lower layer is achieved, to which the floating screed will be rejected.

Polyethylene film between the screed and insulation is not required.

According to the provisions of the joint venture for residential buildings, it is enough to 60 cm pillows (3 layers of 20 cm). Therefore, with a significant depth of the pit, which is manufactured for a ribbon foundation, it is advisable to fall asleep with it with the same soil before the design mark also with layer-by-layer seal.

The building on the slab foundation has the structure of the gentle by default. Therefore, before filling the plate, it is enough to perform activities:

  • provide duplication of engineering systems - additional sleeves with a piece of sewage + water pipe;
  • make a pillow - recess 80 cm of soil with 60 cm inverse filling;
  • perform waterproofing - film or runner;
  • to lay thermal insulator - usually 5-10 cm of polystyrene foam, preserving properties, even during wetting, immersion in water.

Planting the construction budget for the cottage is possible only at the project manufacturing stage. Therefore, the floor on the soil must be embedded in the documentation at the initial stage.

Floor construction technologies

If there is no blocking plate due to the above reasons for the above reasons for fixing the floor facing of the first floor, several options for the installation of the basement are possible. At the same time, the fill with low-strength concrete screed is recommended in all, without exception. It will later subsequently be based on the main stove or adjustable lags necessary when choosing a parquet or geepboard.


Scheme of concrete floating floor on the soil

The maximum design resource provides a bulk floating screed on a tape building foundation. The technology is as follows:

  • filling with sand - periodic belling with a seal every 10 - 20 cm;
  • the black screed - reinforcement is not necessary, under the M100 brand concrete (5-7 cm layer, the filler of the fraction 5/10 mm) can be laid with film waterproofing;
  • hydro-eyed membrane, film or rubberoid in two layers with a running on a monolithic ribbon foundation for 15 to 20 cm;
  • insulation - preferably extruded polystyrene foam, preserving characteristics even in water;
  • the pure screed is reinforced by the mesh (cell 5 x 5 cm, the wire is 4 mm), is poured with concrete M 150 (rubble fraction 5/10 mm, the sand is river or a washed career, without clay).

Also, in the design of the bulk gender, it is easy to arrange a warm floor, for this it is necessary to put polyethylene or metal-plastic pipes for the coolant in the upper screed. Each loop circuit should be inseparable, i.e. Connections of pipes in a concrete screed are not allowed.

Scheme of concrete floating warm floor on the soil

At the level of the coving below 2 m, according to the experience of the site from 3 years, the lack of lower waterproofing is allowed in the ground design, the reduction of the thickness of the sand pillow to 15 to 20 cm. It should take into account the maximum level of corner, according to statistical data on the region . Any facing materials can be laid on the screed.

Wooden lagows

The budget variant of the floor technology on the soil is the design of the adjustable floor:

  • on a pillow from a nonmetallic material (layered seal of 20 cm), covered with waterproofing, a concrete screed is poured;
  • lags are exhibited on adjustable supports, the upper part of which is cut after installation;
  • inside laid thermal insulator (basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam);
  • flooring or laminate laminated directly to lags, a layer of plywood is needed for facing the parquet.

Supports can not be mounted on a soil or nonmetallic material. However, the screed of concrete without reinforcement costs cheaper any other technologies.

Dry screed

Paul in the soil can be manufactured using a dry screed technology. At the initial stage, the design is similar to the previous case (pillow + black screed + waterproofing). After that, the sequence of actions is changing. Manufacturer Knauf offers the finished solution of the dry screed of the following type:

  • positioning of beacons - special slats or profile from GLC systems fixed with a spacchal solution;
  • flooding of crumbs of clay - gaps between beacons are covered with this material in the waterproofing layer;
  • laying of GVL is special two-layer plates that are fastened to each other with glue and self-drawing.

Dry floor scheme on the soil using Knauf technology

The company ZIPS offers the original solution of a dry screed on a tape base of another type. The ceramic crumb here is replaced by the Minvata glued to the GWL (as well as two-layer). After mounting the gypsum-bone panels, 12 mm of plywood is stacked on top of them, on which it is also convenient to mount any floor covering.

These technologies are successfully used, both for the first floor and for any next overlap in a multi-storey building. In both cases, in addition to thermal insulation, the soundproofing of the premises is provided.

Features of the technology of a filling tie

During the construction of sex on the soil, it is necessary to take into account several nuances:

  • the roots are removed inside the ribbon contour, the fertile layer is removed, not suitable for the mumbling;
  • polyethylene film passes radon, so it is better to use polycarbonate, vinyl acetate, PVC modifications stacked in two layers;
  • it is necessary that the waterproofing does not miss steam, i.e. was hydrotherapy (or simply vapor barrier), because moisture in the soil is both in a vapor state, including;
  • the launch of the film on the ribbon base around the perimeter is 15 cm above the designed screed (subsequently clipped with a knife);
  • the insulation is started at the height of the flooded plate, the damper tape applies above this level, which provides sound insulation from structural noise.

Floating screed of each floor in the house is created with several goals. The cut-off of the walls from the walls allows you to compensate for the internal stresses inside it, prevent cracking from a possible shrinkage of wall materials, isolate the noise transmitted on the power frame of the cottage by generators, compressors, boilers, other power equipment.

Tip! If you need contractors, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the works that you need to perform and offers to you in the post office with prices from building brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.

Outwardly similar to slab foundation floor design on the soil is less massive and cheaper in the manufacture. Instead of two reinforcement grids, one wire is applied, the ribs of stiffness are necessary only under heavy partitions. Paul in the soil is not a supporting structure, it is created exclusively for the installation of floor coatings.

Layered floor scheme on the soil.

In the classic scheme of concrete floor on the ground, the correct and full pie of several layers with insulation is laid:

  • sand;
  • geotextile;
  • layer rubble 0.4 m;
  • concrete;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • concrete screed with wire mesh in its lower third, separated from the base, woodwork or foundation by a damper ribbon around the perimeter.

Depending on the layout of the building, the ground conditions and compliance with the technologies, the composition of the ground may vary. For example, on a coarse ground, sand and geotextiles are not needed.

Populate can be replaced by the leveling layer of sand over rubble. To reduce the construction budget under partitions, the foundation is often not poured, so in the floors on the soil, reinforced reinforcement ribs of stiffness appear. In any case, before the start of making a floating screed, it is necessary to prepare an existing basis and plan it in a single horizontal level.

Preparation of the foundation

Despite the fact that the concrete is the most durable structural material, the scusing is dangerous to swelling soils and base drawdowns. Therefore, the arable layer in the building stain should be completely removed: the chernozem or seroz is saturated with an organica, which will overtake, after which, the entire pie will seek, and, unevenly in separate areas, cracks will open in the screcity or the concrete sex will be destroyed.

For communication, it is necessary to dig a trench with a slope, bring them outside the foundation and near the walls inside the house.

Wiring engineering systems.

Important! The right floor of the soil is made in the form of a floating screed separated from the elements of the foundations and the caps of the damper layer. It is forbidden to describe the slab on the protruding parts of the specified structures.

Separating layer

In order to avoid mutual mixing of layers of floor cake on the ground with the base ground, the pit is lined with nonwoven material (geotextile or Dornit). The edges of the canvas of the separation layer are started on the side surface and pressed with brick, wall blocks. The additional function of geotextile is to prevent the germination of the roots of weeds through the concrete floor of the soil during operation.

Tip! A geotextile with a density of 100 g / m 2 can be laid under a floating screed, as the design is considered not responsible, in contrast to the slab foundations for which the needle-free material is required by the density of 200 g / m 2.

Locking layer

The concrete floor cake on the ground is obliged to rely on the hard layer in order to avoid soil sidets. Therefore, depending on the primer conditions, nonmetallic materials are used:

It is less likely to use natural soil (large sand or gravel soil). If the developer remained a clay after dismantling the building or this material is cheaper than rubble in the region, this material is as suitable as the underlying layer.

Tip! Mandatory condition is a qualitative seal of every 15 cm of the underlying layer by vibrating or manual traam. Spring sand with water is not recommended, the material should be moistened from the watering can be in front of frustration and seal.


The classic cake of the floor on the soil of concrete includes a screed-sweeping of a skinny mixture of B7.5. It is necessary to solve several tasks:

However, to reduce the construction budget, the concrete concrete is replaced by other technologies:

Important! The sub-concrete is not reinforced, but necessarily separated from the elements of the foundation or base around the perimeter by the damper layer (slices of polystyrene foam on a rib or special tape).

Waterproofing and insulation

At the next stage, the cake must be isolated from moisture, prevent heat loss in floors and maintain geothermal heat under the building. This uses waterproofing and insulation. Their mutual location inside the design cake the following:

The main error of developers is the laying of vaporizolation over polystyrene:

  • the air temperature in the room is always higher than in the ground under the tie (valid for heated premises);
  • therefore, when laying an outdoor coating that does not have vapor insulation properties (floorboard, parquet, cork coating), steam direction will always be top down;
  • the vaporizolation membrane will accumulate moisture on the surface, inside the cake, on the border of the insulation / concrete;
  • the screed will be collapsed, and the wire mesh is subject to corrosion inside it.

In addition to the unreasonable increase in the construction budget, this scheme does not provide any advantages. The accumulation of harmful gas - radon under the floors is impossible, since there is no underground in this design.

Materials can be used as waterproofing:

  • claimed rolled - technical, hydrohoteloisol, bikrost or rubberoid;
  • film - from polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene;
  • membranes - have high density and strength, can fit without concrete products.
  • a mixture of admin - additive is added to concrete when kneading, the design material becomes moisture refractory;
  • Penetron - Paul in the soil is processed after concreting, the effect is similar to the previous one.

For these waterproofing materials, the subsemore is also not needed.

Of all the existing insulation, the optimal option for the floor on the soil is the high-density polystyrene foam extruded grades of XPS or EPPS (for example, Penopelex). The layer thickness depends on the climate of the region of operation, is 5 - 20 cm. Sheets are stacked with mixing of joints in neighboring rows, large slots are filled with close by the properties of the mounting foam.

Dampfer layer

The floors on the ground is forbidden to rigidly bind with the elements of the base or the foundation, so around the perimeter it is necessary to install on the edge of the polystyrene strip, pressing them to vertical enclosing structures. However, a special damper ribbon from latex, rubber or foamed polymers with a sticky layer is pasted on the walls.

Important! The height of the cutting layer should be slightly higher than the thickness of the floating screed. After hardening the concrete, the material is cut by a knife, adjoining nodes are decorated with a plinth after laying the floor covering.

Floating screed

The main nuances of floor concreting on the soil are:

  • it is recommended to fill in one app;
  • sections are more than 50 m 2 (relevant for the studios, barn, barn and garages) should be separated by a special corner to create temperature seams;
  • internal bearing walls and severe partitions must be erected on a separate foundation;
  • glk / Gvl partitions must be taken partially so that the moisture of the screed is not absorbed into the drywall or a drywater sheet, destroying these materials;
  • it is preferable to fill in plaster beacons or installed in a single horizontal level for quick-drying putty solutions to the profiles for GLC systems;
  • the screed thickness is 5 - 20 cm depending on the operational loads and the planned flooring, as well as the need to embed pipes of the warm floor.

Partial construction of plasterboard partitions is carried out by technology:

  • installation of racks and horizontal jumpers;
  • their covering in the nodes of the floor adjustment on the soil of drywall strips with a height of 10 - 20 cm over the entire length.

For the floor of the soil, you can use commodity concrete B12.5 and higher, the filler serves gravel, dolomite or granite crushed stone. Reinforcement of the screed is made in the lower level with a wire mesh.

Important! If the technology is broken, heavy partitions are planned to be capped on the screed, in the locations of their passage, the ribs are needed, which are created by analogy with the UCP slab (insulated Swedish foundation floating plate).

Floor reinforcement

The industry produces a wire mesh Welded BP according to GOST 8478 of 5 mm wire with a square cell 10 - 20 cm. An independent bunch of the place is more expensive due to the high flow of knitting wire and increased labor intensity. Grids are stacked by technology:

Unlike reinforcement grids, wire cards have much smaller rigidity, walking on them when laying the mixture is prohibited categorically. Therefore, the following methods are used:

  • frames - half the bricks are stacked in the grid cells, which are based on boards moving along with gaskets as the design is readily;
  • "Tracks" - concrete is poured from the inlet of the room to the far corner, after which, on these paths you can walk without a mesh offset.

Small rooms are usually used grid cards of suitable size. If the room has a complex configuration, you need a cut of additional pieces. In this case, and during the reinforcement of large sections of the nastybest of cards / rolls, it is at least one cell.

Ribs under partitions

To create under partitions, stiffeners are used intermittent laying of extruded polystyrene foam or its top layer. The reinforcement frames of square clamps are fitted with the voids (fittings smooth 4 - 6 mm) and longitudinal rods ("Riflenca" 8 - 12 mm).

The contours of the warm floor

To reduce the energy consumption in the heating boiler and enhancing the comfort of living, warm floors are used. Their contours can be impaired into the screed, setting the pipes directly to the reinforcement grid.

To connect to collectors of a heat-mall pipe collector, outward near the wall. In this place they must be saved by a damper ribbon. A similar temperature seam technology is needed for all communications passing through the screed (heating, DHW / HPV).

Thus, the composition of the floor on the soil can be modified depending on the budget of construction and specific operational and primer conditions.

Tip! If you need repair masters, there is a very convenient service for their selection. Just send in the form below a detailed description of the works that you need to perform and offers to you in the post office with prices from building brigades and firms. You can see the reviews about each of them and photos with examples of work. This is free and does not oblige anything.

Concrete floor of the soil in a private house is a long-known universal way to arrange a reliable and warm base. Due to the use of new types of insulation, we obtain good thermal insulation of the entire floor, which leads to a decrease in utility costs. As well as the insulation is an obstacle to penetrate moisture and the appearance of fungus and mold.

And the most important thing is that this type of gender you can build your own hands. In this article we will analyze all the advantages and disadvantages. Consider the floor arrangement in detail on the soil.

Paul by soil: pros and cons

Let's start with the fact that this type of floor is a "puff pastry". And each layer has its own functions and its purpose, due to such a device, the floor on the soil has several advantages:

There are not many shortcomings, but they are all, they are:

Cannot be used on wicked soils.

How to make the right floor design on the soil

We will consider the right classic floor structure with you, which will consist of 9 layers. Each layer will understand separately.

Immediately it is worth saying that every wizard and specialist the number of layers can change, and the materials may also differ.

This type of floors is ideal for the ribbon type of foundation. The average thickness of the "Floor Cake" approximately is 60-70 cm. This should be considered when the foundation is erected.

If you do not have enough foundation, we choose soil, to a given depth. Running the surface and tamper. For convenience in the corners around the perimeter, a scale should be made in increments of 5 cm. It will be more convenient to navigate in the layers and levels.

It is important that the soil is best to rent a vibroplite, since a manual way will take a lot of time and will not give such results as a special device.

Clay. If during the sample of the Earth you reached the clay layer, then you should not fall asleep a new one. The thickness of the layer must be at least 10 cm.

Clay is sold in bags, it is pouring it out and wetted with a special solution (4 liters of water + 1 teaspoon of liquid glass), and we carry out the tamper using vibratinglitis. After tamping, shed a layer of clay cement milk (10 liters of water + 2 kg. Cement).

Make sure that there is no puddle. As soon as you spend this composition of clay, the process of crystallization of glass begins.

The day should not be done, it is worth waiting for the crystallization process to grab, and it will end in approximately 14-16 days. This layer prevents the main flow of water from the soil.

Layer of waterproofing material. The task of this layer, protect the insulation from moisture. You can use runneroid, polymer-bitumen materials, PVC membranes and polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 0.4 mm.

In the case of the runner, it is preferable to put it in two layers, on liquid bitumen. Put the waterproofing of the mustache between themselves and on the walls.

Between themselves 10-15 cm, and on the walls on the height of the floor level. Suts are definitely sick by the construction scotch. Waterproofing material should be walking in soft shoes.

Insulation + layer of vaporizolation. The best insulation material is extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS). For an EPPS certificate, a thickness of 5 cm. Can replace 70 cm. Layer of clay.

But so, you can use pelitobetone and opilk concrete. The insulation sheets are laid without junctions, so that one plane formed.

Thickness is determined depending on the region, the recommended thickness of the insulation is 5-10 cm. Some uses mats with a thickness of 5 cm. And two layers are placed, with shutter offset, and the upper seams are sinking with special scotch.

In order to remove the bridges of cold from the foundation or base, the insulation is placed vertically and fasten with a dowel from the inside. Experts recommend to insulate the base and outside, with one sheet of insulation and also fasten with dowels.

From above the insulation, it follows, lay a layer of vaporizolation. PVC membranes are best used as a vapor insulation material, they are not amenable to the process of rotting and have a long service life. The minus of this material is the high cost.

The main task of a vapor barrier material is the protection of the insulation from the descending alkaline effect of the concrete solution. The material is placed on the bracket 10-15 cm. And sample the construction scotch.

Smoothing We produce using the rule or vibration. As soon as the solution serves, the beacons should be removed, and the cavities are filled with mortar.

All concrete floor should be covered with a film and water periodically. A month later, concrete will take full force. To pour concrete with your own hands, make a solution of the following composition: cement + river sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

In the case of the use of warm floor, water or electric technology. Must be mounted using a black screed of the floor on the soil.

After laying the insulation, a laying of pipes or wires. Then poured the cavities with concrete, we put the reinforcing elements and continue to fill the concrete to a specified level.

Floor floors can be used not only in brick and stone houses, but the same, in the houses of wood. With the right approach and correct calculations, the layers do not harm the wooden elements.

Finish flooring. The resulting concrete surface is suitable for any kind of pure flooring. It all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

As it was above the combination of components, and the number of layers may be different. It all depends on your finances and opportunities.


As we all know that through the floor can leave from 20 to 30% of heat. In cases where there is no "Warm floor" system, the floors should be as thermally insulated, and this in turn increases the energy efficiency of the whole house.

The owner of a private house receives comfort, comfort and savings on payments for utilities. Floor floors with insulation are a highly efficient and long-term choice of each owner.