Raspberry growing business plan. Raspberry growing as a profitable business

At horticultural forums, you can often find complaints about the raspberry stinginess in terms of productivity - the horticulturist supposedly gave half of the plot for this crop, and the liter jar does not pick up berries on the floor either. However, he usually blames anything - weather conditions, soil, variety - and not his own ignorance or negligence.

But in order to increase the productivity of raspberries, it is enough just to satisfy its most basic needs and regularly perform a number of elementary agricultural techniques. And then the raspberry bushes will cease to play the role of a living decorative fence and will thank the caring gardener with many liters of fragrant honey-sweet berries.

Let's get acquainted with nine simple rules, compliance with which will allow you to collect good raspberry crops year after year.

Rule number 1. Only place the raspberry on a well-lit place.

Raspberry is a very sun-loving plant, which also does not tolerate the slightest thickening. If you grow this berry in an ordinary way, then leave a distance of at least 1.5 meters between the rows, and at least 70 centimeters between the individual seedlings. In this case, you will minimize the number of pests and pathogens due to better ventilation of the bushes. It is also advisable to tie raspberry shoots to the trellis.

Ideally, between single raspberry plants in a row should be at least one meter, and the row spacing should be about two meters. It is also advisable to fence off plantings of this crop from other garden plants with a slate fence buried in the soil by at least 25-30 centimeters.

Rule number 2. Do not allow the formation of shoots

Timely cutting of prolific branches and removal of the shoots at the very beginning of its appearance is a prerequisite for high raspberry productivity. Keep in mind that the growth takes away the vital forces from the mother bushes, as a result of which they leave for the winter weakened. To combat extra shoots, it is enough to regularly cut them with a sharp shovel at a depth of 7 to 8 centimeters. And after fruiting is completed, the old shoots should be removed as soon as possible.

Rule number 3. Raspberries must be formed

A correctly formed three-year raspberry bush should have from 7 to 8 shoots of substitution and reach a height of 1.3 to 1.8 meters. It is also recommended to leave a couple more safety shoots in case the main ones break. Injured and twisted shoots cannot be used as substitutes.

Rule number 4. Regularly process raspberry bushes from diseases and pests.

It is better to use periodic treatment of plants with decoctions and infusions of plants with insecticidal properties as protective agents against harmful insects and pathogens.

Rule number 5. Take time to properly prepare raspberries for the winter

Leaves - a hotbed of disease and pests! In autumn they need to be removed.

For your plants to successfully winter, they need to create the appropriate conditions. First things first, in early October, remove all the leaves from the bushes. Green and slightly lignified shoots bend slightly to the soil. I do not advise delaying this work, because lignified branches bend poorly, tend to crack and even break. The shoots drawn to the ground need to be crushed by some heavy object (for example, a log or a board) or to pin down with metal or wooden hooks. Avoid laying bricks on top of shoots or sprinkling them with soil.

Throughout the winter, you need to ensure that the thickness of the snow over the bent raspberry shoots is at least 40-50 centimeters.

Frost-resistant varieties do not need additional shelter, but raspberries that are less resistant to frost need to be insulated for the winter (for example, burlap, matting, spruce branches, corn stalks, etc.).

Rule number 6. Do not regret raspberries for organic fertilizers

In early spring, it makes sense to mulch the soil in raspberries with a layer of rotted manure with a thickness of 2 to 3 centimeters, on top of which put another 10-12 centimeters of humus or ready-made compost. In the first half of the growing cycle, raspberries need higher doses of nitrogen for the development of the aerial part, and organic mulch generously supplies plants with all the nutrition they need. In this case, ammonia does not evaporate from the soil, since it is covered with a dense layer of humus.

Rule number 7. You can not dig the soil in the raspberry

Periodic digging causes damage to the roots of fruiting bushes, because of which their productivity is severely affected. It is possible to suppress weed growth, reduce the need for watering and eliminate the need for loosening and digging the soil with regular mulching of the soil in the berry.

Rule number 8. Double pruning is the main secret of raspberry high yields

To implement this method of pruning in practice, raspberry seedlings are arranged in one row with a width of 70 to 80 centimeters. On all sides of the garden beds, boards are made of slate pieces, then low mounds of a mixture of humus and garden soil taken in equal parts are poured along their perimeter from the inside. Plants are planted in recesses formed by such rollers. This greatly simplifies watering, as it prevents uncontrolled spillage of water.

The bushes are placed at a distance of 1.2 - 1.5 meters from one another - as they grow, they should not interweave and interfere with each other. In April, the soil on the plot is covered with a 15-20 cm layer of mulch, which includes completely decomposed manure, foliage, compost, peat, etc.

In principle, under a generous layer of organic matter, the soil rarely dries out, but during the summer period it may be necessary to carry out one or two irrigation. There is no need to loosen or dig the soil between the rows; it already has a super soft and lumpy structure.

The most juicy and fragrant berries are formed on the tops of raspberry shoots. In general, the shoot can be divided into three segments: from the top we get the highest yield, a fewer berries are formed on the middle segment, but in the lower tier there are almost no berries, no matter what variety you grow.

At the end of spring, when the branches grow from 80 - 120 centimeters, you need to shorten their tops by 5 - 10 centimeters. With this technique, you will limit the development of shoots in the vertical direction and stimulate the formation of buds in the sinuses of the upper leaflets.

After three months, at least 5-6 lateral growths are formed on the trimmed shoots. For the winter, each shoot needs to be squeezed to the ground and fixed with hooks. In the spring of next year, when the leaves are fully opened, the side shoots are also shortened by 12 to 15 centimeters.

Double pruning of raspberries stimulates the formation of new high-yielding shoots on both the main stem and its branches. And since lateral shoots do not appear at the same time, the fruiting period stretches for a whole month, that is, on average it continues until the beginning of autumn.

And to further extend the fresh berry picking season, you can use a slightly modified version of double pruning. In this case, early in the spring, distribute all of your bushes into two groups: in some plants, trim only the tops of the branches, and in others, remove 1/3 - ½ of each shoot. And cut some bushes altogether most radically, leaving only 10 - 15 centimeters on each shoot.

You will remove the first berries from easily trimmed plants, then bushes with branches shortened by a third or half will enter the fruiting phase, and by the end of summer the crop will ripen on radically trimmed bushes.

All the nuances of double cropping are well described in the video - I advise you to definitely watch it.

Rule number 9. Regularly rejuvenate old raspberry bushes

With age, raspberries gradually decrease the ability to form new shoots. And finally, the moment comes when the twigs and berries become ridiculously small. However, there is no need to uproot old bushes - you can simply rejuvenate them.

To raspberry again pleased with good yields, it is necessary to get rid of decrepit rhizomes. Thus, due to a change in the ratio between the aboveground and underground parts of the plant, raspberries will be easier to extract nutrients from the soil.

Of course, you have to work hard, because the powerful roots of this culture occupy a very large area below the surface of the earth. But if you make proper efforts, then subsequently, even from 7-year-old bushes you can pick up a very decent amount of berries.

Keep in mind that the greatest effect of such rejuvenation can be obtained if significant doses of both mineral and organic fertilizers are introduced into the soil at the same time.

These are the main methods for increasing raspberry yields used by many generations of gardeners. Dear readers, how do you care for your raspberries and what tricks do you use to ensure its abundant and long-lasting fruiting?

It is quite possible to collect a crop of 5-6 kg from one raspberry bush. Now we will talk about this in more detail and find out how to achieve this.
  To achieve this is not difficult, it is only enough to properly care for the plant. Firstly, in order to prevent protruding single stems, it is necessary to properly prepare raspberries for winter.

Usually the tops of the bush are bare, and from below there are a lot of young shoots that always freeze in winter. And this means that you can’t wait for a rich harvest this year.
Secondly, it is necessary to plant raspberry seedlings, making the distance between the bushes at least 1-1.3 m, and between the rows 2-2.5 M. There should be from 5-8 shoots in the bush.

As soon as the shoots reach 110-130 cm of the apex, it is necessary to trim a little by 8-12 cm. It is advisable to trim at the end of spring. After pruning, after 5-7 days, young shoots from 4 to 7 cm appear, and after a while they will turn into shoots. Typically, by August, these shoots will be 30 to 80 cm long. Thus, you will have correctly formed a lush and powerful bush.

And for the winter, he bends closer to the ground and is under the snow, and therefore does not freeze.
  It is necessary to bend every bush to the ground, crushing it with a log or a board, but it is better to do this with metal hooks. It is desirable that the snow cover is a layer of 40-50 cm.

If raspberry made a wintering, then you did everything right and in the spring you need to cut the shoots to 6-8 cm, which were formed additionally. The second pruning is considered important, because usually after it additional shoots grow along the entire trunk and to the root neck. By the end of the summer, from 14 to 28 of these shoots appear.

Accordingly, the entire bush will be covered first with flowers, then with ovaries and, of course, with fruits. Such a bush cannot but please the gardener's eye.
  During the growing season during two-time pruning, from the beginning of summer to mid-autumn, it is important that frost does not occur, the raspberry bush bears fruit and continuously forms new flowers, ovaries and fruits. And it is not necessary that raspberry varieties be remodeling.

It is worth remembering that raspberries love light, space and air, as well as timely watering. In the spring, it is important to leave only the most powerful and strong shoots, replacing last year's old shoots. It is also important to leave at least 3-4 of the strongest shoots, this is in case the rest of the young freeze in the winter.

Raspberries are very fond of moisture, so regular watering for it is simply necessary. In order for moisture to be retained in the soil for a long time, raspberry bushes must be fenced and sprinkled with humus. It also serves as an excellent fertilizing plant. Starting in spring, fresh manure must be regularly added.

If the bush has grown greatly, then it must be tied up. You can tie the shoots to the wooden railing. For example, a bush has 6 large shoots, which means 3 pieces must be tied to one railing on one side and 3 pieces to another railing on the other side.

Usually young shoots will grow between them. Do not use metal wire or rope as a support.

More and more people are beginning to prefer the agricultural and horticultural business. Today, consumers put food quality on the first place, which is why fruits, berries and vegetables grown by amateur gardeners are in constant demand in the markets.

The profitability of the horticultural business is quite high. For example, raspberries are a very healthy, tasty berry, so the demand for it is year-round. In addition, it is a perennial plant that produces crops several times a season. Investments are minimal, precisely because of this, this business is profitable and practically win-win.

Cultivation in industrial nurseries

Using this technology, raspberries are propagated by the root method, sprouts are planted in special mother liquors. Root sprouts are laid in the fall, taking into account the area, soil preparation and the quality of planting material. Landing ends about 20 days before the frost. An ideal scheme for planting would be 1.5-2 sprouts for every 0.5 meters to a depth of 20 cm. When the seedlings have taken root, their entire ground part is cut off to form more shoots.

In the spring, before the start of growth, all last year's shoots are cut again. This stimulates the growth of many new shoots and interferes with flowering prohibited by phytosanitary standards. After the growing season, part of the shoots is mowed so that their height does not exceed 35 cm. Then they dig up seedlings, the mother liquor can be used for 3 years.

If you follow the entire technology, from 1 ha of mother liquor you can get up to 120 thousand healthy seedlings. For elite varieties, propagation is used by green micro-livestock with cuttings from 3 to 6 cm in the period May-June.

Greenhouse cultivation

Greenhouses close in early spring, rain protection reduces the risk of gray rot and fungal diseases on the shoots. Growth accelerates, the number of ovaries, and therefore berries, increases. Thanks to protection against frosts, the fruiting period increases, and harvesting continues until November.

In the summer, the tunnels are left open at the ends and on the sides. This provides protection against ticks and fungi.

In order to harvest in winter and early spring, it is necessary to heat the greenhouse. Today this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness is gaining more and more popularity.

Agrofibre Shelter

If you cover raspberries with agrofibre in early spring, fruiting will begin 2 weeks earlier. It is necessary to remove the shelter when the shoots grow to 30-40 cm.

Company registration

You can register your business as a "Gardening Nonprofit Partnership" or "Summer Nonprofit Partnership", in abbreviated form SNT and DNP.

For any type of registration, it is necessary to collect a package of documents: documents on the right of ownership or lease, guarantee letters of property owners for a legal address, full passport details of all founders and the head, etc.

Purchase of seedlings. Varieties of raspberries

The growing process is quite laborious. It’s important to plan ahead. The foundation of a successful business depends on the effectiveness of economic investments.

In general, raspberries are divided into two types:

  • ordinary;
  • remontantny.

Ordinary two-year-old raspberries begin to bear fruit in the second year and yield 1 time per season. Such berries are very juicy, incredibly sweet and fragrant. But these varieties do not tolerate frost and are prone to many diseases.

Removable raspberries yield equally well in the first year and the second. Fruits in summer and autumn. Such varieties are frost-resistant, little susceptible to various diseases and pests. This berry does not require additional processing with chemicals and therefore environmentally friendly. Its cons include whimsical recharge, and this requires additional costs.

Varieties of plain raspberries

Lyashka(Lyachka, Lashka) is a Polish variety that ripens early, so when choosing this particular species, you can count on a leading position in the market.

  • berries are large, each weighing from 5 to 10 grams, reach a length of 4 cm;
  • frost resistant;
  • high fruitfulness - up to 20 tons of berries per hectare;
  • berries are elastic, do not crumple during transportation.
  • requires careful processing from fungi;
  • at very low temperatures, freezing of the kidneys is possible.

Characteristic features of cultivation:

  • gaps between the bushes in the same row - 0.5 m;
  • the gap between the rows is 2-2.5 m;
  • between the shoots there should be a distance of 20-25 cm;
  • must be placed on a two-lane trellis so that new and old shoots are tied from different sides;
  • in the spring, the upper quarter of the shoot is necessarily cut.

Octavia  - not common variety on domestic counters. But quite promising when organizing a business.

  • large red berries, each from 6 to 8 grams;
  • appetizing look and pleasant taste;
  • high productivity - up to 25 tons per hectare;
  • excellent resistance to frost;
  • well transported;
  • resistant to diseases;
  • even with bad weather the berries do not crumble.
  • very low ability to reproduce.

Varieties of remont raspberries

Shelf - selective Dutch variety. It stands out for its taste and aroma. When freezing and processing does not lose its properties.

  • berry size - from 4 to 8 grams;
  • fruiting to the very frosts;
  • yield up to 10 tons per hectare per season;
  • well transported;
  • can be grown without trellis;
  • it multiplies well from root shoots.
  • does not tolerate drought;
  • susceptible to root diseases.

Joan G  - berries are dark red, juicy.

  • resistance to drought;
  • easy separation of berries from the stalk;
  • yield up to 19 tons per hectare;
  • the weight of each berry is about 6 grams.
  • high probability of damage during transportation;
  • garter on the trellis is required.

Feature - no spines.

Himbo Top -variety of Swiss selection. Very popular in European countries, has a high resistance to disease.

  • "Giant" among other varieties - up to 10 grams;
  • excellent taste;
  • perfectly stored;
  • high productivity;
  • easy to take root;
  • good stamina.
  • problematic transportation;
  • it is difficult to distinguish ripe from unripe berries;
  • ripe berries showered from the shoots.

Zyugan  - a universal variety, highly promising for business.

  • resistance to drought and heat;
  • excellent transportability;
  • even without a refrigerator is stored up to 7 days;
  • excellent yield;
  • large berries, up to 12 grams each;
  • strong root system;
  • no garter required.

Having decided on the variety, you can begin to purchase. Today, there are many companies and sites selling raspberry seedlings, both wholesale and retail. The average price of a bush is about 100 rubles.

For some reason, it turns out that now people who are quite far from this are actively interested in this business. Those people who finally came to the idea (that treasured light bulb with the inscription "EUREKA" flashed in my head!) That it was time to plant something other than potatoes.

Everyone has different reasons why they opted for raspberries. But the main thing is nothing to do, worked a couple of weeks and earned a million. This is what will be discussed ...

Today’s call of one of the potential customers prompted me to write this article. The man was looking for a supplier of seedlings for planting three hectares of raspberries. As you already understood, a person does not really have knowledge.

I’m not saying that they don’t need to do this (on the contrary, I welcome this), it’s just that many people want to earn money on such people, and there is no one to tell them in time.

So, what is the danger in this case of the Internet?

Now many sites in the descriptions of varieties present them as super-mega productive, unpretentious and so on. At the same time, such a crazy yield is indicated that only the most notorious idler will not want to grow raspberries. Simply buy raspberry seedlings from them and you will be happy.

The whole point can be expressed with one saying:

That the cow would give more milk and eat less - it needs to be fed less and milked more!

But the trouble is - having invested considerable funds (as for beginning farmers) in our time, people are waiting for the ball to come. It doesn’t work for some reason 25 - 35 tons  yield per hectare. And then people’s eyes light up as soon as they multiply the "yield" by the cost of berries in the market. The reality is somewhat different: people, having received 6-8 tons of berries, begin to gradually become disappointed in this lesson. In addition, the wholesale price differs significantly (2 times) from the retail price.

The reason is that sellers of raspberry seedlings almost a single expense item in the process of raspberry cultivation present the purchase of planting material.

And here I see two options for solving the problem:

  1. Or not to do this without having enough knowledge, which is what I, in fact, are inclined to. For everyone should do what he knows best. You can’t be "a little pregnant." A market that, by the way, is now (in my opinion) entering the phase when, in order to stay afloat, it is necessary to ensure product quality and low cost (and this requires high productivity). People are already less and less willing to buy, as they say "abi sho" in Ukraine, because now they have plenty to choose from.
  2. Or roll up their sleeves, get to the truth and accumulate this same knowledge. Fortunately, they are now in the public domain, only you need to move the mouse - and Google will tell you everything.

So, let's, nevertheless, figure out how to get high raspberry yields per hundred square meters, raspberry yields from a bush, raspberries yields per hectare.

Nutrition (raspberry fertilizer)

The raspberry yield indicated in the description of the varieties is achieved only against the background of a full nutrition culture. What is meant? After reading our article on this topic and making simple calculations, you will receive an amount approximately equal to 1500-2000 cu per hectare. These are the approximate money that needs to be invested in fertilizers applied during the cultivation of raspberries.

Watering raspberries

Another important point is watering raspberries.Moreover, this expenditure item 3 in the total estimate takes 20% or more of the total cost of plantation bookmarking.

There are such clients who ask: - "Well, what else should be watered? Without this, nothing?". I'm not joking, there have been such!

Raspberry variety

Also, one of the factors determining the profitability of raspberry cultivation is the choice of raspberry variety. As you know, high-yielding large-fruited varieties did not appear immediately. They are bred by crossing their less productive ancestors. Therefore, in most cases, new varieties also have better characteristics.

A description of the varieties can be found in the "Description of raspberry varieties."

The soil

The process of preparing the soil, breaking down and selecting the site itself is also very important. Any gross mistake made at this stage may result in crop loss in subsequent years.

More details about the preparation and selection of soil in the article "Planting raspberries: choosing a place."

Agrotechnology of cultivation

Cadres decide everything

Agree, having decided to grow raspberries in serious areas, it’s foolish to expect that you yourself can serve all this. And here the notorious human factor makes itself felt! This is where the words of one well-known person come to mind. And sometimes it turns out to be a whole problem. This is due to the mentality inherent in all post-Soviet countries, instilled in us during the union: - "Do not steal - you will not live!".

Therefore, you have to put all kinds of GPS trackers, locks on tanks, etc. Means of protection and fertilizers also tend to migrate from the warehouse to the gardens of the villagers and relatives of workers.

Quality of planting material

And finally, the most important thing is raspberry seedlings. Rather, their quality. Indeed, according to my observations, it is precisely unscrupulous sellers who sell frank rubbish that often lure buyers with imaginary quality and a guarantee of high yields.

Therefore, if you want to buy raspberry seedlings, treat this as an investment. After all, this is your means of production. You have to understand one thing: you cannot blind a bullet of ... clay).

Well, something like this. And the final choice is always yours. So success to you and high yields!

Believe me, my goal is not to scare you away from this business. After all, I, nevertheless, have a material interest in what you would buy seedlings. I just want you to realize what you want to do and what to expect from it.

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Any copying of materials from the site is allowed only with the consent of the author and subject to the placement of an active link to the resource.

You have heard a lot about the profitability of the raspberry business. Do you still believe in 100% higher profitability of raspberry cultivation, 144% payback and other couch theoreticians populist slogans discussing agribusiness behind the screen? Then this article is for you.


  • Berry business

If you are interested in the profitability of raspberry business, get ready for the unexpected. What is included in the prime cost and where is the catch, secrets, pitfalls of agricultural technology and marketing - personal experience and experience of farms producing raspberries.

Over the past 5 years, I have been cultivating berries for sale - raspberries, which our family has not too many - 15 acres, and strawberries and currants, I want to give the reader a real picture. What an inexperienced gardener will face when he decides to take up the raspberry business seriously, what harsh realities of the sun berry are waiting for, which can be a disappointment and lead to a fiasco.

Raspberry profitability - why numbers do not work?

In many articles, the so-called business plans for raspberry growing as a business in Ukraine, Russia, in Europe and Poland, in particular, provide stunning yields. So, 50 t / ha supposedly at the request of the originator.

Let's be realistic: there are no such crops. And even the variety declared in the description of the variety, even if not exaggerated by an enterprising seller, was achieved on experimental fields with the highest level of agricultural technology.

  • Much depends on the characteristics of the culture, as well as on the density of planting, agricultural technology - rationing, trimming, fertilizer and protection.
  • Prices and sales method - percentage of sales for the fresh market, either for processing, wholesale or retail.
  • Unforeseen circumstances: weather conditions. You can’t argue with them. Infected planting stock, poor survival rate, frost and lunges, rainy year or drought - everything should be taken into account when calculating the profitability of raspberry.
  • The human factor is the most important. No comments, but you need to consider.

What yield should be expected - we divide by 2 all the calculations, then we get a more or less true picture. Do not rush to be disappointed in the article if you were expecting pleasant tales of superprofits - but you will not have to be disappointed in your own actions.

Important: in such sofa calculations, where the yield from the bush is 10 kg and the cost of 1 kg is 10 kopecks, many items of expenditure are missing. So, often do not take into account or partially materials for supports and garters, downplay the proportion attributable to feeding.

And they forget about the main thing - about implementation. Starting with packaging, storage, transportation, payment of a trading place (documents, rent, etc.). And if we still pay for our working hands, the picture is not at all as rosy as it is usually painted in business ideas.

Getting started: the main costs

The first thing I’ll disappoint: I won’t give figures, only a percentage. Why - yes, prices simply jump year after year, and on the Internet, we are all residents of different countries, where prices are different.

In addition, it is impossible to give the absolute cost of production and not to use specific figures, to position your story about the activity as a business plan, not knowing what expenses the reader is planning and which article will cross out, what is the real cost of planting material in a particular market, fertilizers - and even combustible -Lubricants and covering film, and what kind of finished product.

That is why, raising my notes and eyes to the ceiling, I will cite the percentage ratio of costs, having done some simple calculations, I will present the profitability of small-scale production of raspberries, what are fashionably called small and medium-sized farms. No, I won’t take the numbers from the ceiling - I’ll just be thinking :)

It’s worth adjusting yourself to the idea that we will get the first profit from the business for 3-1 years. The planned yield is about 3 t / ha for early (summer) varieties. Implementation - 23-25% for the fresh market, 22-25% - for the fresh market in bulk, 50% - for processing.

Costs of raspberry: without cuts

  • And how many raspberries do we have on a site for industrial cultivation, cost-effective to start? Take not a spherical horse in a vacuum, but a specific area of \u200b\u200b10 acres. With a planting pattern of 0.7-1 m in a row, depending on the variety and 2-2.5 m in row spacing, we have 10 rows in a row of 50 m long. There are about 60 bushes in the row, 60 x 10 \u003d 600 bushes in total.
  • And what crop was taken? With an average yield - take really the average value of 3 kg from the bush \u003d 1800 kg.
  • What is the average raspberry yield? In productive, good varieties - up to 400 c / ha, i.e. 400 kg per hundred square meters, 4 kg per m2.

Selling at 0.8-1.5 cu per kg, we get a profit of 2160 cu - round. If we sell cheaper, we hand over for processing, wholesale 2000-2100 cu

And how much do we have seedlings? And they cost 0.4 cu apiece on average, total 0.4 x 900 \u003d 360 cu we spent on planting material.

Summarizing all the costs listed below for irrigation systems, protection and fertilizer, mulch, film, packaging and transportation, we come to a stunning conclusion: we all paid for it and even earned a couple of hundred!

And where are all these people who talked about the 100% profitability of the raspberry business!

The profitability of planting early raspberries in the first year of full-fledged fruiting will not exceed 35%, no matter how hard you try - for a higher one you don’t need to water or fertilize, and the product will go to the market.

About prime cost - what is the prime cost of 1 kg of raspberry? According to estimates, an average of up to 0.2 dollars or 4 UAH (for Ukraine). Higher cost is justified at a higher price for products, with more sales).

About expense items in detail

Recall in this article we are talking about the profitability of early varieties.

Plantation Bookmark Year:

  • purchase of planting material (seedlings) 65-70% of the budget;
  • fertilizers for planting 10-15%;
  • covering material (during autumn planting, in regions with harsh winters) 5-10%;
  • payment of labor (if used) 5-6%;
  • transportation of seedlings, etc. 1-2%.

Cost items in year one:

  • Drop watering of 50-55%;
  • Mineral fertilizers, organics (if used) 7-10%;
  • Remedies (antifungal, insecticides, etc.) up to 7%.
  • Mulching material (agrofiber) - subject to use, depending on the type, quality, etc. up to 25%.
  • Plant mulch 5-7%.

Costs for the second year:

  • Mineral fertilizers + protective equipment up to 10-12% in total;
  • When the plantation enters full fruiting, the expense items will change dramatically.
  • Collection of products (using labor) 50-70%;
  • Tare (containers, blisters, boxes, etc.) 2-2.5%;
  • Transportation (fuels and lubricants, etc.) up to 7%.

The costs of cooling and storage are not included (stationary refrigeration units, refrigerated vans, etc.).
  Also, soil cultivation was not included - plowing, cultivation, cultivation or harrowing, cutting ridges - depending on the task.

The average situation: all capital investments are beaten off - sorry, pay off, after 3.9 years - for the second year of full-fledged fruiting, taking into account the fact that we are waiting for a full-fledged crop for 3 years after planting. This is true for early varieties, with repairing situations the situation is somewhat different - we will consider it in another article. Let us say briefly - its production is more cost-effective due to a larger gross yield.

Not a lot, right? But it’s not empty: we are leaving for a full payback, of course, in the third year. If you have not recaptured the costs, it’s okay: next year you won’t have to spend money on landing.

We examined this on conditionally approximate values \u200b\u200bof the profitability of early raspberries. Recall that its percentage is directly proportional to the volume of landings. If on the fingers: theoretically, it would be most profitable to steal 1 seedling from a neighbor, rain and fertilize with fallen leaves, remove a glass of berries and sell for 5 cents - no cost to the person, no costs. With a larger shaft, the costs of planting material and other expense items are more likely to be beaten off - whatever one may say, but the difference is small - we carry an estimated 100 and only 20 kg of raspberries: gasoline costs the same. And when buying fertilizers in bulk - cheaper, and covering material, and even containers sometimes.

But the figures will be slightly different when calculating the profitability of remont raspberries, fruiting for more than 2 months, until the frosts. Due to a larger gross harvest, a higher yield, even if the seedlings are at a higher price, in the end we will achieve a profitability of about 60-65% - and this is a big difference. The calculation includes the same articles, only the numbers will be different: about 80% of the budget per bookmark year will be spent on seedlings, the cost price is lower. However, this will be a completely different story - I will tell it next time. A generous harvest to your raspberry!