Silicon - for health at any age. The benefits of silicon for the human body

Silicon plays an important role in ensuring human health and longevity. This chemical element is involved in a variety of processes in the body. The state of many tissues, organs and body systems depends on it.

Silicon Description:
  Silicon is a chemical element, non-metal. Pure silicon is not found in nature, but it is the second most abundant substance in the earth's crust. In its pure form, silicon was first bred in the early 19th century. Currently, silicon and its compounds are used in many industries for the production of machinery and electronics, plastics, cement, glass and much more. A special role is played by this chemical element for the normal functioning of the human body. Silicon enters the human body mainly with plant food.

Why does the body need silicon:

  • Silicon is necessary for the formation of bone, cartilage and other connective tissues.
  • The strength and elasticity of blood vessels also depend on the sufficient supply of silicon in the body, therefore this chemical element is very important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Silicon is involved in the assimilation of many micro and macro elements by the body. And also enhances the properties of some.
  • A sufficient amount of silicon in the body contributes to increased body resistance.
  • Silicon is involved in the nervous system.
  • Good condition of the skin, nails and hair is impossible without the necessary amount of silicon in the body.
  • The lack of silicon in the body can be one of the causes of premature aging of the body and the early manifestations of external age-related changes.

The daily body's need for silicon:
An exact recommendation on the amount of silicon does not yet exist. Different experts talk about the need for the body from 5 to 100 mg per day. But at the same time, most experts agree that the body fully satisfies the need for silicon.

Products containing silicon:
Since silicon is abundantly present in the earth's crust, plant products are also leaders in terms of silicon content. Silicon is found in cereal products (wheat, brown, barley, oats, etc.), root vegetables (and others), berries, and greens. At the same time, more silicon is contained in the skin of vegetables and fruits, as well as in bran.

The lack of silicon in the body:
  The lack of silicon in the body can be caused by several reasons:

  • Improper diet, namely a small amount of plant food in the diet.
  • Increased consumption of silicon by the body during growth or heavy physical exertion.
  • Diseases causing silicon metabolism disorders.

Silicon deficiency can lead to very serious diseases in adults and children, since immunity is reduced without silicon, metabolism is disturbed and many minerals are not absorbed. In addition, without silicon, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, and bone tissue weakens, which can lead to injuries.
  As a rule, silicon deficiency is eliminated by normalizing the diet.

The excess of silicon in the body:
  An excess of silicon in the body, as a rule, develops among people employed in hazardous enterprises of the mining, construction and chemical industries. Increased intake of silicon in the body can lead to various broncho-pulmonary diseases, urolithiasis, and also increases the risk of oncology.

Take care and be healthy!

Silicon helps to strengthen connective tissues and bones, and is also useful in caring for nails, hair and skin. It plays a vital role in the prevention of atherosclerosis, insomnia, skin diseases and tuberculosis.

Silicon is the second most common element found in the Earth's crust, and it is also one of the most important elements used in high-tech devices and semiconductors. Silicon is a vital trace element necessary for the body to strengthen the joints and their flexibility, skin beauty and strengthen bones. This substance in the human body is mainly present in the form of silicic acid. In addition, the presence of silicon is extremely important in the diet, because it enhances the beneficial properties of vitamin D, glucosamine and calcium.

Symptoms of silicon deficiency

Symptoms of a lack of silicon in the body are very obvious, as they are closely related to the connective tissue of the human body. Along with poor bone development, a lack of this mineral also causes thinning hair, brittle nails, wrinkles and accelerated skin aging.

The most important sources of silicon are apples, cereals, raw cabbage, peanuts, carrots, onions, cucumbers, pumpkins, fish, unpeeled grains, oats, almonds and oranges. A large number of them are found in hard water and relatively less in soft water.

Useful properties of silicon

After oxygen, silicon is the most common element present in the earth's crust. It is present in clay and sand, and is also found in significant amounts in rocks such as quartz and granite.

Earlier in the history of mankind, silicon was not considered as a physiologically important element due to its significant presence in the tissues of animals and plants. However, the health benefits of silicon have been clearly demonstrated in ongoing research.

Prevents bone deformities

It has been found that silicon plays a vital role in promoting calcium to grow and maintain joints and bones. It promotes the flexibility of bones by increasing the amount of collagen, which is the protein component of bones. Silicon also increases the rate of healing of bone fractures and dislocations.

Prevents baldness

Alopecia or thinning hair occurs due to an unbalanced diet, which results in a lack of nutrients, particularly silicon, in the human body. The presence of a sufficient amount of this mineral stimulates the growth of thick and healthy hair, and also makes it shiny and shiny.

Skin health

Silicon prevents premature aging of the skin (its flabbiness and the appearance of wrinkles) and restores its natural appearance. It also helps to remove bags under the eyes, and prevents the development of some serious skin problems.

Accelerates wound healing

Silicon plays a key role in protecting against many diseases, such as tuberculosis and others related to the mucous membranes. It also helps in increasing the rate of healing during fractures and various kinds of wounds.

Prevents aluminum toxicity

It has been found that a large amount of aluminum is present in the affected areas of the brain in Alzheimer's patients. It has been found that silicon, by combining it with aluminum, prevents absorption of the latter in the gastrointestinal tract, and can reduce the signs and symptoms of aluminum poisoning.

Restores mucous surfaces

Silicon helps to restore the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract if the body suffers from dehydration.

Prevents nail brittleness

Silicon plays a very important role in maintaining healthy nails. It helps to improve the appearance of nails and protects them from some infectious diseases, making them attractive and strong.

Strengthens bones

Silicon is necessary to maintain the health of the skeleton. It increases the degree of deposition of various minerals (such as calcium) in the bone tissue.

Prevents atherosclerosis

The formation of hard cholesterol plaques in the arteries causes atherosclerosis. In addition, it leads to obstruction of blood flow, since scar tissue and oxidized cholesterol interfere with blood circulation. Recent studies in rabbits have shown that silicon supplements reduce the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of arteries, thereby reducing the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes.

Silicon and silicon water

"No organism can exist without silicon"  - Academician V.I. Vernadsky

Silicon treatment

According to modern studies of the biosphere of our planet, the most common in it, and therefore, the most important elements for our health are oxygen (47%), silicon (29%), aluminum (8%), iron (4.7%), calcium ( 2.96%), sodium and potassium (2.5% each), magnesium (1.9%). The rest accounts for less than 1%.

Silicon is the most important element after oxygen distribution.

Silicon in humans

What is the role of silicon in the human body, if nature has given it so much space? Fundamental research on this problem was carried out in our country at the Institute of Silicon. The works of D. G. Zvyagintsev, M. G. Voronkov, I. G. Kuznetsov and other scientists have shown that the causes of many of the worst illnesses lie in the lack of silicon in the body,  caused by its lack of water and food.

It turned out, for example, that silicon is the main element collagen fibrils, determining the elasticity and flexibility of the connective tissue of the tendons, articular cartilage, blood vessel walls and intestines, the valvular apparatus of the cardiovascular system and the sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, almost all diseases of the skin, hair and nails also speak of a lack of silicon.

The champion among the products by content silicon  is an jerusalem artichoke . The amount of silicon in the dry matter of Jerusalem artichoke reaches 7-8%!

Silicon and body systems

Silicon  - the main structural element that provides clarity and coherence in the management of the work of all organs of the nervous system. By reducing the level of silicon in the blood, the elasticity of the blood vessels and their ability to respond to commands from the brain to expand or contract are reduced. In this case, silicon is replaced by calcium in the vascular wall, which makes the vessels rigid. When cholesterol is deposited on calcium spikes, there are prerequisites for the development of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and its terrible consequences - heart attack and stroke. This is confirmed by the experiments of French scientists M. and J. Lehpher. They proved that the introduction of silicon compounds into the body stops the development of atherosclerosis and helps to restore the function of the vascular wall.

Silicon is involved in the metabolism of more than 70 mineral salts and most vitamins. When its deficiency decreases the absorption of calcium, iron, cobalt, manganese, fluorine and other substances and metabolism is disturbed.

In recent years, arthritis has become significantly younger; the number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin in children has increased. All this is due to the lack of silicon in the body due to the shift in nutrition towards refined products. The deficiency of this substance, for example in children, today is 50 percent or more.

Silicon against diseases

Due to its chemical properties to create charged colloidal systems in solutions, it provides invaluable assistance to the normal intestinal microflora in maintaining the internal purity of the body. Silicon colloids  have the properties of "sticking" to themselves pathogens: influenza viruses and rheumatism, hepatitis and polyarthritis, pathogenic cocci and trichomonas, Candida fungi and yeast, forming with them complex compounds that are removed from the body.  In contrast, the beneficial intestinal microflora (lactic acid bacilli, lactobacillus bifidus) with colloids do not "stick together" and remain in the intestine.

By the way, antibiotics that are now widely used contribute to the change in the electrical potential of the cell membranes of normal microflora. As a result, it becomes susceptible to gluing with silicon colloids, therefore, instead of normalizing the microbial landscape of the intestine, an even more severe form of dysbacteriosis develops with the use of antibiotics.

Silicon in nature - where it occurs? ..

Where does silicon contain in nature? This is indicated by its name. Silicon, or "silicon", in Greek means "rock", "cliff". Its oxides are the main element of the crystal lattice of more than 400 minerals. Silicon compounds are found in sand, clay, soil. It is silicon that makes the earth fertile: if there is little silica in it, then it is not able to accumulate the energy of the sun. Such soils are barren.

Among the plants, champions in silicon content are oats, barley, field horsetail, knotweed, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, comfrey, cereals. But, unfortunately, the majority of modern processing technologies for fruits and grains are aimed at cleaning them from food “ballasts” - shells and rinds, along with which silicon is also removed.

Silicon water

A simple means of replenishing the deficiency of this vital substance in the body is silicon water. That is, water infused on black flint, the healing power of which has been known for a long time - to improve the quality of water, for example, the bottom of wells was laid out with flint.

Flint  - it is a mineral formation that includes silicon dioxide (dioxide). It was formed in warm water bodies during the Cretaceous period at the death of living organisms, and retained the chemical composition of their shells and skeletons. More than 60 amino acid residues in flint are unique biocatalysts for redox reactions occurring in our body fluids.

Flint structures water molecules, which as a result acquire the ability to displace pathogenic microorganisms, protozoa, fungi, toxins and foreign chemical elements from the formed liquid crystal lattices. In the process of preparing silicon water, they precipitate contained in the lower layer of water.

Silicon water  it has a special taste and freshness, has all the healing properties of thawed and bactericidal silver water. In terms of pH and other biochemical criteria, it is akin to intercellular fluid and human plasma.

Get home-activated silicon water (AKB) is very simple. To do this, you need to insist on water from any source (tap is better to pre-settle or pass through the filter) on the pieces of flint, which are sold in health shops.

It is better to insist on water in an enamel or glass dish with a lid at room temperature in a shaded place. After 3-4 days the water is cleaned and becomes suitable for drinking, cooking, canning, watering plants, washing. It is also good to use for cleansing enemas.

To get water with pronounced healing properties, you need to insist on it a little longer than 7-10 days. The finished water is poured into another container, but not completely. The bottom layer with sediment thickness of 3-4 cm is not suitable for use. Drain the water, flint pieces are cleaned with a soft brush, freeing from layers and mucus, and the AKV preparation process can be repeated.

Black flint

Black flint  - natural "doctor", the possibilities of which are practically inexhaustible. He will "work" for your health constantly, without requiring replacement, rest and regeneration. The resulting AKB retains its healing properties in an airtight container for up to one and a half years.

Drink AKB unlimited. The use of activated silicon water is an excellent prevention of many ailments: atherosclerosis, hypertension and urolithiasis, skin pathologies and diabetes mellitus, infectious and oncological diseases, varicose veins and even psychological diseases. In addition to blood purification, wound healing, choleretic and bactericidal properties, silicon also has a pronounced immunostimulating effect.

AKV also displays its medicinal properties when applied externally in the form of lotions, rinses, compresses during diathesis, furunculosis, youthful acne, burns, psoriasis, and dandruff. When articular pains, it is good to do warm compresses with silicon water, with conjunctivitis - to rinse the eyes with it, for sore throat and periodontal disease - to rinse the throat and mouth, for rhinitis - to flush the nose.

The absorption of silicon by the body

At low acidity, silicon is absorbed worse, as well as when eating food, depleted in plant fiber. Then bitterness will come to the rescue: wormwood, dandelion, primrose, yarrow and other medicinal plants whose decoctions and infusions are used to stimulate gastric secretion.

The path to health is very simple, not requiring the use of expensive drugs and complex technologies. And you can see for yourself by starting to constantly drink "live" water created by pieces of silicon. Already during the first month you will feel the healing power of silicon: strength and vigor will increase, well-being will improve, which will indicate the beginning of the process of restoring health.

Oleg Zemskydoctor

(“Bless you!” No. 11, 2001)

A lot of materials on silicon water can be found at   in the section Kinds of water (there is a large subsection - Silicon Water).

    staff of the Institute of Radioecological
    nASB problems found that flint water
    increases the sorption of radionuclides. So,
    marked increase in sorption of Cesium-137
    silicon water up to 90-98% and Ceria-144 about 75%,
    which was higher compared to the widely
    sorbents used in radiochemistry:
    cationite KU-2 and sedge peat.

    in the laboratory of physical chemistry of biological
    membranes of the Institute of Photobiology, NASB prof.
    Chernitsky received an increase of 25% from
    flint water red blood cell resistance.

    Since I do not have the opportunity to make silicon water myself and knowing about its beneficial properties I found a good alternative, the mineral water Sulinka silicon. Very pleasant to the taste, has natural gasation. Water from Slovakia, the price is acceptable. For not long use of this water, the condition of the skin and hair and well-being have improved. My little daughter also drinks it with pleasure.

It is contained in all plants as silica (polymorphic silica modifications). Plant roots absorb this compound from the soil to build cells. The strength and elasticity of their stems are due to the content of silica in them.

Human health and energy are directly dependent on the state of the spine and bones. During the periods of embryonic development, childhood and adolescence, silicon in bones prevails, therefore they are flexible and elastic.

In an embryo, the development of limbs begins at the periphery: first the hand is formed, then the forearm and shoulder. The legs are also developing. This is due to the presence of silicon. Hardening, mineralization and fragility of bones occur in the second half of life - hence fractures.

In case of bone fractures, our body increases the silicon content in the bones by 50 times compared with the normal state. As soon as the bones grow together, the silicon level returns to normal.

This process develops in reverse order: from the center to the periphery, that is, from the shoulder to the elbow and the hand. On its feet, this destructive process goes from the hip bone to the lower leg and foot. Most often, the bones of the hip joint spontaneously break and this is due to the presence of calcium and fluoride in the body and osteoporosis develops.

With age, if we do not get enough silicon from food, it is washed out of bones, calcium takes its place. From calcium, bones become stiff and brittle, and the body becomes tired and weak.

Silicon is extremely necessary for our body to maintain health and youth.

Obviously, calcium deficiency is not the cause of osteoporosis. How can bone tissue, gaining hardness, remain elastic?

Osteoporosis develops in the bones of the skeleton, but not the skull.

The cause of this disease is a lack of organic matter and silicon, which give elasticity to the bones, and hence, increase their resistance to fractures. Silicon is actively involved in the formation of connective tissue and is especially necessary for cartilage. It is not the dominant part of the bone mass, but is responsible for shaping it. Silicon prevents excessive accumulation of calcium: calcium and silicon are antipodes.

Fluoride contributes to the formation of bones, therefore it is necessary in the treatment of osteoporosis. But fluorine blocks the enzymes, which leads to hardening of tissues. There is a definite relationship between the content of silicon, calcium and fluoride in the body. Fluorine is an element that causes hardening of the bones, atherosclerotic changes in the vessels. For example, in the aorta, its content is inversely proportional to the silicon content. The incidence of myocardial infarction in the population increases with decreasing silicon content in drinking water. That is, silicon has long been known as an anti-sclerotic element!
  The fragility of the bones prevents and silicic acid.

Not enough silicon - calcium is not absorbed.

Flint in translation from Greek - a cliff, a rock. In foreign languages ​​it is called silicon or silicone (from the Latin silex - flint or silicium - silica).

If there is little silica in the ground, the plants get sick. If there is little silicon in seawater, the algae stop multiplying. If there is not enough silicon in the human body, his eyes get sick, the enamel is erased from the teeth, the nails become thin and brittle, the skin and hair deteriorate - baldness can begin.

The trace element silicon is present in all tissues and organs, ranging from hair, ending with blood cells. Silicon compounds are necessary to preserve the strength and elasticity of connective tissue and epithelial structures. The elastic properties of the skin, the walls of blood vessels, tendons are mainly due to the silicon compounds contained in them.

In humans, silicon is involved eight times in the processes of life. Violation of silicon metabolism leads to anemia, osteomalacia, hair loss, joint diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, erysipelas of skin, stones in the liver and kidneys.

The normal silicon content is 4.7%, the silicon content is reduced to 1.2% for stroke and heart attack, to 1.4% for diabetes, to 1.6% for hepatitis, to 1.3% for cancer.

With a lack of silicon, the blood supply to the organs deteriorates, leading to angina, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmias, stroke, heart attack, and mental disorders.

The main action of silicon:

Vital for bone formation and maintenance of normal bone structure - silicon is necessary for the formation of the main component of cartilage and bone tissue, for the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, and also important for the process of bone tissue mineralization, as it is required for calcium adsorption, prevents osteoporosis;

Preventing intervertebral disc degeneration;

Essential for proper and quick healing of bone fractures, torn and damaged tendons and ligaments;

With injuries and bone fractures in humans, the level of silicon in the bones rises 50 times or more  compared to a normal, healthy state. As soon as the bone tissue grows together, the silicon content becomes the same;

Improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails - the greatest amount of silicon is contained in human skin and hair. In order for the skin to be smooth and elastic, the hair did not become brittle and thin, did not lose luster, and the nails did not exfoliate and did not break, sufficient supply of silicon in the body is necessary;

Normalizes metabolism - silicon is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improving the absorption of more than 70% of chemical elements by the body;

Increases immunity - silicon stimulates phagocytosis, participates in immunological processes, improves the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases;

Silicon oxide interacts in the body with heavy metals (lead) with toxic properties, forms with them stable compounds that are excreted from the body by the kidneys;

Strengthens the vascular wall - silicon is necessary for the formation of elastin - a substance that makes the walls of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract, the valves of the cardiovascular system strong and elastic;

Silicon reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, reducing the symptoms of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, vasculitis;

Silicon interacts with vitamins C, A, E and enhances their antioxidant properties, consisting in the fight against free radicals, which initiate the development of cancer diseases;

With silicon deficiency in the blood, its content in the walls of blood vessels decreases, and silicon, which provides elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and is able to respond to commands from the brain to expand or contract blood vessels, is replaced by calcium.

It is the replacement of silicon with calcium in the tissues of blood vessels that makes them rigid, and they “do not hear” the disposition of the brain because only silicon can capture and convert electrical impulses from the brain. Calcium is introduced into the walls of blood vessels, and cholesterol begins to settle on the hard spikes of calcium inclusions in the walls of blood vessels.

Interestingly, the silicon content in the atherosclerotic artery can be reduced by 14 times compared with healthy.

Due to the lack of silicon, cholesterol is not absorbed and is not used to create new cells.

Sources of silicon

We need silicon, it is already clear - so give silicon, give! ...

The element silicon is the most common element on earth after oxygen.Silicon in abundance is around us - please: sand, rocks, quartz rocks, quartz watches, - take it if you can. But we can not! A person is not able to assimilate silicon in its inorganic state and we can only assimilate the organic form of silicon - from plants accumulating it in themselves. Plants act as an intermediary between man and inanimate nature - they process inorganic silicon into an organic form. The substance Silicon is present in the "living" world in three forms - associated with protein, fat, and in a water-soluble state. It is important not only the amount of silicon, but also the correct balance of these three forms, therefore it is very important to take properly balanced formulas of herbs, which allow one to fully assimilate and properly distribute silicon.

Silicon is called the "beauty mineral" because it is extremely important for skin, nails, hair, ligaments and connective (including bone) tissue.

The maximum amount of silicon is found in unpolished rice, oatmeal, and millet. Wheat bran and wholemeal bread are also an affordable source of sufficient silicon. Including in your diet spinach, onions, celery, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, a person receives this trace element. Milk, meat, eggs and other animal products serve as full-fledged donors of silicon.

Important: meat food prevents the entry of silicon into the body, despite the fact that it itself is a good source of this trace element.

Vegetables and fruits that contain fiber in their composition, improve the absorption of silicon. The carbohydrate and refined food does not promote increase of content of silicon in blood serum.

Conclusion: silicon is the main trace element of life, without which the optimal functioning of the human body is impossible.

Nauchfilm. Chemistry series. Silicon

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Why silicon is the cornerstone of human health?

Why silicon is the cornerstone of human health?

No organism can exist without silicon.

VI Vernadsky wrote: "No organism can exist without silicon."
  For many years in Russia there was an institute of silicon. Scientists M.V. Voronkov, I.G. Kuznetsov, A.M.Panicheva, L.Sh.Zardashvili, P.L.Dravert and worked here left unique works.

Until recently, official medicine paid little attention to the role of silicon in the body.

Back in 1912, a German doctor, Kyun, established that silicon prevents the development of atherosclerosis. In 1957 French scientists M.Lepger and J.Legger confirmed the conclusion of Kühn.

It is now known that silicon is involved in the body's metabolic processes. Silicon is used in the human body eight times, and only after that is excreted from the body.

If silicon enters the body is not enough, life in it gradually fades away. It is believed that if there is no silicon in the body or there is not enough of it, then the person already has or will soon have: angina, heart attack, stroke, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmia, mental disorders, kidney stones, bile and bladder, eczema, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus , scleroderma, etc.

The lack of silicon causes ..

Violation of silicon metabolism in children leads to anemia, softening of bones, hair loss, joint diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, hepatitis, goiter, encephalitis, dermatitis, erysipelas, kidney stones and liver - all this against the background of dysbacteriosis. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children especially need silicon. The need for silicon in them is three times greater than in an adult healthy person.

Many scientists claim that silicon is involved in the metabolism of calcium, chlorine, fluorine, sodium ,. sulfur, aluminum, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and other elements.

The lack of silicon in food and water is the main factor for the development of atherosclerosis. So say MG Voronkov and IG Kuznetsov. In the human body, silicon is contained in flexible structures: in the connective tissue of the tendons, periosteum and synovial fluid of the joints, in the elastic mucous tissue lining the inner surface of the intestine and blood vessels, in cartilage, in the intervertebral discs, in the blood, in the skin, pancreas, in the connective tissue, which occurs at the site of injury or inflammatory tissue changes. Silicon compounds can stop internal bleeding in the kidneys, bladder, intestines, lungs, uterus, without changing blood pressure. They are able to strengthen blood vessels, and, above all, capillaries, reducing their permeability, also have anti-inflammatory effects, improve the regenerative processes in the body, various organs and tissues, which are brought to the bloodstream.

Chemical properties of silicon

Due to its chemical properties, silicon creates electrically charged colloidal systems. They have the property of sticking on themselves viruses, pathogenic microorganisms, unusual for man, and remove them from the body. At the same time, normal microflora, for example, such typical inhabitants of the intestine as lactic acid bacillus and Escherichia coli, do not have the property to stick together with colloidal silicon systems and remain in the intestine. The selective "sticking" ability of colloidal silicon systems turns out to be unique: harmful microorganisms stick to silicon systems and are eliminated from the body, while the ones needed by the body remain.

Cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which is unnecessary for the body, is also glued to silicon systems and excreted.

Numerous stones - gems: amethysts, lapis lazuli, turquoise, jade, carnelian, topaz, selenite, rhodonite, etc. - these are silicon compounds.

Mud therapy and erytherapy is nothing more than a treatment with silicon compounds.

V.M. Travinka and Dr. Yotov, the popularizers of clay therapy, cured pneumonia, sinusitis, gout, arthritis, arthrosis with the help of clay, removed wrinkles, etc. VM Travinka cured dysbacteriosis with clay. In her practice, she used white, pink, blue, greenish and gray grades of kaolin clay. Clay is considered food if the content of SiO2 in it is 45% or more. If the clay particle size is less than 2 millimicron, then silicon is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract with the participation of the natural enzyme silicosis. In the clay should not be large cellulites and radionuclides. In a day, you can eat clay as much as table salt.

Products containing silicon

But the best option for the use of silicon in various diseases is the use of plants rich in silicon compounds. Silicon is present in the skin of the seeds of all the cereals, as well as in some plants. For various diseases, the cause of which may be a lack of silicon in the body, traditional medicine recommends replenishing its reserves with the help of such products and medicines:

1. Beans, red pepper, Bulgarian pepper and pumpkin porridge to eat more often - all of them have silicon compounds in their structure.

2. Eat bread with bran - in the bran are just silicon compounds. If there is a problem with such bread, then use an infusion of any unrefined grain inside. The most rich in silicon are oats and barley.
Oats inoculum. Infusion of the crude grains (70: 400) to accept inside on a half-glass 4 times a day to food.
  Infuse barley in the same way.

3. Corn. Corn oil taken orally on 1 st. Spoon 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. For the year to take 3-4 of these courses.

4. Stinging nettle. Infusion of leaves (2st.l.: 200) orally half a cup 3 times a day before meals.

5. Silicon can be introduced into the body through silicon water. To do this, in a three-liter jar with water, throw 100-150g of black silicon stones. Insist 7 days. Use water for drinking, cooking and enemas.


In addition, silicon is available in such food and medicinal herbs: comfrey, Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, sage, shepherd's purse, horse sorrel seeds, nuts, caviar, honey.

2.In a small amount of silicon is available in such foods: asparagus, cucumbers, celery, leek, potatoes, radishes, strawberries, turnips, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, beets, parsley, wild strawberries.

3. There is a theory that states: in an organism in which there is a sufficient amount of silicon, there is no oncology and there cannot be. The theory has not been confirmed by scientific research, but it has not been refuted either. Therefore, it should be given special attention. And silicon is better to use more than the norm, because excess silicon does not harm the body.

4. The brother of silicon is germanium. They are rich in soybeans, garlic, seaweed, green tea, aloe, lichens.

5. The human body needs 3.5 mg of silicon per day.

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Is calcium harmful to the body? Excess calcium is harmful to someone?

Is calcium harmful to the body? Excess calcium is harmful to someone?

Calcium is harmful when it cannot be absorbed by the body — as a rule, this is the usual slagging — when calcium goes not into the bone, but into the kidneys, laying aside with stones. Or, at best, it goes out together with the urine, without having assimilated and without benefiting the body, however, like most of the vitamins and supplements that the average citizen consumes.

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Silicon water purification - myth or reality?

Silicon water purification - myth or reality?

Water activated by flint has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, suppresses bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation, it actively precipitates heavy metal compounds, the water looks clean and pleasant to taste, it does not spoil for a long time and acquires many other healing qualities. is silicon water? Silicon water is a tincture on dark brown flint, which is used inside and out.
According to scientists, silicon is a really powerful water activator and has significant bactericidal properties. The water does not deteriorate, it remains for a long time, it is purified. But you need to use it as medicine with great care. Doctors have noticed that those who have a predisposition to cancer, it is better to completely abandon it.

Silicon water has unique properties and can be used as a therapeutic agent.
Silicon water can be treated for pressure sores, burns, wounds, diaper rash, acne, boils, runny nose, sore throat (like rinsing). Such water is very useful in cosmetics: cleanses the skin, eliminates dandruff, promotes hair growth. However, while there is no reliable scientific evidence to confirm its therapeutic effect on the body, this water has contraindications, and it should be handled with great care.
Silicon water is prepared very simply. It is necessary to lower the silicon in a glass or enameled container with raw or boiled water. The amount of silicon should be based on 1-3 g per 1-5 liter jar. To protect against dust and natural air exchange, cover the container with a clean gauze cloth and place it in a room with room temperature and daylight, protecting it from direct sunlight. After two or three days with water, you can wash, gargle, lubricate wounds.

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what products contain silicon?

what products contain silicon?

A large amount of silicon can be found in cereals and cereals. Buckwheat, rice, millet, wheat, oats, millet, oatmeal, corn, and others. Eating croup will not only help replenish silicon reserves, but also fill the body with other beneficial substances. Silicon is found in bread, such as bran or wheat flour.

  • salad;
  • radish and turnip tops;
  • celery;
  • spinach;
  • spring onions;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion;
  • horseradish;
  • parsnip root

A small amount of silicon contains all vegetables and fruits.
  Some berries can replenish stocks of silicon. For example, strawberries and strawberries.

Legumes contain a large amount of silicon in their composition, but for them to be a significant benefit, you need to use them at least 2 times a week as a side dish or as an independent dish.

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Silicon will make LEDs cheaper

Silicon will make LEDs cheaper

Researchers at the University of Washington (University of Washington) have developed a silicon-based cheap nanomaterial that can replace expensive and environmentally harmful substances.

The outdated incandescent light bulb consumes energy inefficiently, but emits light that does not harm the human eye, since it most closely matches the spectrum of daylight sunlight. Fluorescent lamps consume energy more economically, but contain mercury harmful to people and nature.

The most efficient light emitters available today are semiconductors. But they emit hard blue light, which has to be converted using expensive phosphors consisting of rare earth elements. These substances are expensive, their reserves on the planet are limited, and mining and production is associated with environmental pollution.

Researchers at the University of Washington, led by Dr. Chang Ching-Tu (Chang-Ching Tu), have developed a way to remove expensive and harmful components from LED production. It turns out that rare-earth elements can replace ordinary silicon, which in bulk on any sandy beach.

Using silicon, as with the use of rare-earth elements, the blue light of the LEDs can be converted to green, yellow and red, to then form a spectrum that resembles daylight from all colors.

The conversion process is based on the fact that under the action of blue light the phosphor emits light of a different wavelength, such as red or green. Normally, silicon does not possess phosphor properties and emits nothing. However, its nanoparticles less than 5 nanometers in size are capable of more. If you treat the semiconductor surface with them, the hard blue radiation becomes softer and changes color.

“The beauty of our technology lies in creating a highly efficient fluorescent material with silicon instead of rare earth elements and other types of heavy metals,” says Dr. Chang Ching-Tu. "The production process can be debugged in a basic laboratory setup and easily expanded."

For further development of the project and commercial use of technology, Chung Ching-Tu together with doctoral student Ji Hoo founded LumiSands, a company that received grants from the National Science Foundation (National Science Foundation) and the Washington Research Foundation. Scientists are planning to develop a commercial technology of red-light-emitting diodes based on silicon, which could be expanded to other colors and create white-emitting diodes without the use of rare-earth elements.

Researchers hope that their low-cost technology can be implemented at minimal cost. “Let's hope that manufacturers could replace traditional rare earth elements with our material with minimal additional effort,” Zhi Hu said. “It should be cheap and give consumers high-quality lighting.”

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The role of calcium in the human body

The role of calcium in the human body

Why is calcium extremely important for the human body? What role does it play, and in which processes does it take part ?

In count, calciumranks fifth among the mineral components present in the human body. About two percent of adult body weight is calcium. Thanks to an advertisement dedicated to calcium, there is hardly a person who is not aware of the fact that this mineral substance is essential for healthy bones and teeth, and its main source is dairy products.

This is the most well-known role of calcium, but, in fact, calcium performs other roles in our body.

Bones and teeth

So, it is known that calcium plays an important role in the development of bones and teeth. This is especially true for babies, small children and teenagers. However, a regular daily dose of this mineral is required for people of all ages. If at a young age, calcium is necessary for proper and healthy formation of both bones and teeth, then when the body gets older, calcium is needed to keep bones strong. Pregnant women   - Another category for which calcium is extremely important, since their unborn children receive all the useful elements from their mother, including calcium.

Heart and muscle

Calcium plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health. It helps regulate heartbeat. Therefore, for all, without exception, it is vital to receive the correct amount of calcium, because the heart is an organ on which the rest of the other parts of the body are dependent on blood. When this function is violated, unfortunately, very undesirable consequences can occur. Mineral is also used by our body to help muscles move properly and smoothly. Without it, muscle work will deteriorate. Blood pressure is directly related to the heartbeat. Calcium is known to lower blood pressure.


Calcium also plays an important role in ensuring the proper functioning of the nervous system. This mineral nourishes the nerves and helps them to conduct impulses. With a lack of calcium, the nerves can begin to use the emergency supplies of the body, which provide bone mass density.


There are several types of cholesterol that the body produces: “good” cholesterol (HDL) and “bad” (LDL). Calcium - refers to a number of elements that reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL).

Calcium Required

The amount of calcium a person needs a consumer every day depends on age and lifestyle. Infants should receive about 400 mg per day, and about three times more are required for adolescents from puberty. Over time, a person needs a more stable amount of calcium in the body so that this trace element is enough to fulfill all the roles that he plays.

The consequences of a lack of calcium in the human body can also be growth retardation (in childhood), dementia, heart rhythm disturbances, tooth decay, muscle spasms, tingling in the limbs, stiffness.

Regularly, we naturally lose calcium when we sweat and empty our bladder and intestines. Calcium reserves can be replenished by securing a full-fledged diet and consuming foods that contain this element. It is necessary not only to take care of securing a daily rate of calcium, but also to take into account the factors that affect its absorption.

What affects calcium absorption?

For effective absorption by the body of calcium, vitamin D3 is needed. Vitamin D3 is naturally produced when exposed to sunlight. If you can’t spend at least 15 minutes in the sun a day, you should take care to provide your body with vitamin D3.

Magnesium is also required for calcium absorption. It is found in legumes, black bread, oatmeal, nuts and bran.

The factors contributing to the loss of calcium include smoking, drinking alcohol, salty foods, some vegetables with a high content of oxalic acid.

Interfere with calcium loss exercise.

Calcium protects against colon cancer

High doses of calcium can reduce the risk of developing precancerous conditions of the large intestine. However, we are talking about people who are at risk.

There are many different foods that contain calcium. The most common of these are dairy products, cheese, yogurt. In addition, calcium is found in dark green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, as well as beans, soy, tofu, fish, and nuts. Nowadays, many combines of the food industry saturate cereals, juices and many other products with additional calcium. Such products can be an indispensable choice for those people who do not consume foods that contain natural calcium.

Calcium Dietary Supplements

Unfortunately, calcium supplements are not a panacea. And even on the contrary, they can cause significant damage to the body. Recent studies have shown that use of calcium supplements increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. A sharp increase in the level of calcium in the blood caused by these drugs contributes to the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and / or their increase.

Therefore, before taking any dietary supplements containing calcium, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Why do you need silicon?

Why do you need silicon?

Perhaps few of you have asked such a question. But so much depends on silicon - healthy skin, hair, teeth and nails, clarity and brilliance of the eyes. Silicon is also needed for the strength of bones, the mobility of joints and the elasticity of blood vessels. It is especially important not to experience a shortage of silicon in the body of elderly people. Silicon tablets do not exist, so do not look for pharmaceutical preparations. The only possible source of silicon for us is proper nutrition. So take care to include foods rich in silicon in your diet.

Most silicon in the horsetail. Silicon-rich whole grains, various types of onions, roots, nettles and mushrooms. When eating foods that provide us with silicon, you need to know that the body is well assimilated by cold-pressed olive and sunflower oil.

From time to time it is reasonable to arrange a "silicon" lunch. But what could be the approximate menu of such a dinner:

Salad of radish, carrot, green onions and sunflower oil

Fresh nettle soup

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms and green salad.

Tea with the addition of horsetail. Bon appetit and be always healthy and beautiful!

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What is silicon for and what products does it contain

What is silicon for and what products does it contain

Silicon is an amazing substance. According to studies, the earth’s crust and atmosphere contain much more than other elements, except, of course, oxygen. Therefore, silicon deficiency is a rare occurrence. A person per day often consumes a sufficient amount of it, even without having an idea about what products contain silicon.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. Modern ecology is the cause of many diseases, some of which are the result of a lack of silicon in the body. It is enough to find out which foods contain silicon, instead of visiting the pharmacy and purchasing medicines.

When we need silicon

  1. In case of acute diseases, tuberculosis, diseases of the endocrine system, oncological pathology. Knowing where silicon is contained, in which products its necessary minimum is present, allows us to restore mineral metabolism in the body, to stimulate the immune system. In addition, silicon neutralizes toxic metabolic products and free radicals.
  2. At an early age when bone mineralization is underway. Silicon is extremely important for a young, growing body. It is worth paying attention to pregnant and lactating mothers.
  3. In the prevention of atherosclerosis, it is necessary to use products that include silicon. It contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism.
  4. If you have problems with hair and skin. To strengthen the hair structure, take care of the smoothness of the skin and its healthy appearance, the beauty of the nails, use more silicon in the composition of natural products.
  5. With the normalization of the nervous system. Stress and depression - the scourge of humanity, which leads to disastrous consequences. The use of products containing silicon makes it possible to optimize the process of repolarization of nerve cells and the conductivity of nerve impulses. This will avoid neurological disorders.

What foods contain silicon?

First of all, you need to understand that we are talking about natural products, and not processed ones, which are sold on the shelves of stores in bright packages. Pay attention to the oatmeal, millet and unpolished rice. It is interesting that a lot of silicon is contained in bamboo stalks, but this will not be useful to us.

Eat as much greens as possible. Celery, parsley, rhubarb, spinach, onions are excellent sources of silicon that can be added to salads, hot dishes, used as a snack. Vegetables are also a source of this beneficial substance, for example, radishes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, turnips, carrots, and tomatoes, which are easy to buy, and even better to grow yourself.

Meat, sea fish, as well as dairy products also contain silicon. From the exotic products can be distinguished coconut. Also, do not overlook the legumes, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Silicon - for health at any age

Silicon, silicon dioxide, silicic acid are present in many of our organs. Most silicic acid is found in the epidermis. A small amount of silica is contained in the blood. However, we are acutely aware of the decrease in its content. We react to weather changes, we feel apathy, hair becomes thin, I start to fall out, skin loses elasticity, nails become brittle, inflammations, pressure sores, dandruff, herpes, fungal diseases occur, old wounds make themselves felt.

A lack of silicon can cause acne. There are cases when this disease has been unsuccessfully treated for years in a variety of ways. And the use of silicon preparations helped to cope with the problem in a few weeks. Silicon is the main component of zeolite and clay. Therefore, their use is so effective in the fight against acne and to relieve inflammation, redness on the skin.

Practicing dentists testify to the soon cure of ulcerative inflammation of the gums with silica.

Silicon is an integral part of connective tissue, which is necessary for the maintenance of vital activity of the whole organism. In addition, silicon reduces capillary permeability, preventing their fragility. If the body lacks silicon, the capillaries weaken and so-called bruises easily appear.

With age, the content of silicon in the body decreases. This, along with calcium deficiency, explains the fragility of bones in the advanced age. Silicon promotes the formation of bone tissue, regardless of vitamin D. Therefore, it is necessary for people at any age. Silicon also has a beneficial effect on the heart and organs of vision. The lens of the eye and eye cataract contain silica.

Homeopaths believe that one of the types of cataracts can be treated with preparations containing silicon.

The role of silicon in the human body

"According to the spectral analysis: in daily products isolated by a healthy human body, the silicon content is 4, 7%. In the human body, silicon participates eight times in the life-support processes. Therefore, the hidden percentage of silicon participation in the life-support processes is 4, 7x8 = 38%. T about 38% of our health is based on silicon (according to M. G. Voronkov). "

Silicon provides the normal synthesis of the basic protein of the connective tissue, thanks to which individual fibers of collagen and elastin are held together. This gives a variety of connective tissue strength and elasticity. Thus, the normal level of silicon is a necessary condition for the functioning of all organs and systems.

Its use as a homeopathic remedy gives positive results in the treatment of more than 50 diseases, including: diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract (including colitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis), as well as migraine, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, stones in kidney and gall bladder, respiratory diseases, in particular tuberculosis, diabetes, hepatitis, diseases of the eyes, teeth, nervous disorders, osteomalacia (softening of the bones), skin diseases psoriasis), immunodeficiencies, and many others. others


However, modern dietetics does not care about saving silicon in food. The technology of industrial processing is aimed at refining food, disposing of it from the so-called ballasts, as a result of which silicon-containing parts of products are released.

For example, the natural “silicon shell” is carefully removed from wheat for the production of semolina, which is intended for baby food. Chlorinated water, dairy products with radionuclides, refined food - all this aggravates the deficiency of an important element, its deficiency begins to manifest itself from the first years of life.

This is all the more dangerous because children need silicon 5 times more than adults. It is thanks to silicon and only to him: the child's body normally absorbs calcium (and thereby stimulates the growth of the skeletal system), increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels, cartilage and tendons, quickly heals wounds and scratches, increases appetite, normalizes growth and overall development of the child.


The famous silicon researcher A. D. Malyarchikov describes his first impressions of acquaintance with him: “At the bottom of this lake, a lot of silicon was found, and it seemed strange to people all its life ... the water in it is clear, like a baby’s tear, is visible to the whole 10 meters depth (...) We boys bathed in it, drank spring freshness of water and paid little attention to how wounds and abrasions instantly heal and hair and nails grow quickly ... "


Therefore, it is essential for the normal construction and development of the bone skeleton and the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Scientists conducted a curious study in which rabbits were prescribed a diet devoid of organic silicon. This caused an intense decrease in the level of calcium in their bodies, which caused sudden fractures in animals. At the same time, the level of calcium increased in the group of experimental subjects to whom the additional intake of organic silicon was prescribed.

It has been proven that in the case of bone fractures, our body requires silicon 50 times more compared with the normal state. Therefore, in case of diseases of the joints, bone fractures, it is important to care not so much about providing the body with calcium, as about enough quantity in the food silicon.

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Recently, they are increasingly talking about the role of silicon in the human body. This substance is necessary for normal functioning of the immune system, improvement of the skin and bones, normalization of blood pressure and other important processes in the body. Silicon for human health is extremely important. Food - the main source of microelement in the human body.

Biological significance

Silicon in humans is the main trace element responsible for fat metabolism. Without his participation, there is no splitting of lipids to fatty acids, from which newly synthesized new chemicals that are necessary for the human body. It is this effect that determines the anti-atherosclerotic value of silicon. As a result, the wall of blood vessels is maintained in a normal state.

If the level of this microelement is reduced, lipid metabolism is disturbed. This will lead to the formation of a large number of lipoproteins, which damage the vascular wall, contributing to the penetration of "bad" cholesterol into it. In parallel, the formation of high-density lipoproteins is suppressed, which normally should protect the inner lining of the vessel from atherogenic particles. These two processes and lead to damage to the arteries and their subsequent blockage due to malnutrition, accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to the organs.

The trace element is part of the enzyme systems that are responsible for the synthesis of connective tissue. The resulting collagen forms an organic bone matrix. Therefore, silicon is responsible for the strength of bone tissue, which prevents the rapid and easy occurrence of fractures.

Vitamins and foods high in silicon help lower blood pressure. This is due to the direct vasodilator action, since silicon is part of the enzymes that form nitric oxide. This substance causes relaxation of smooth muscle cells.

The immune system also requires the presence of a sufficient amount of silicon in the human body for normal functioning. This chemical element activates both cellular and humoral immunity, contributing to the rapid suppression of the development of infectious diseases.

Silicon in products improves the absorption of iron and calcium, which enhances its biological effect on the body. Iron is a necessary trace element for the formation of hemma entering the red blood cells. Gemma is a part of hemoglobin. Every cell of the human body receives oxygen, which is necessary for obtaining energy from hemoglobin.

Calcium together with phosphorus is involved in bone mineralization. If there is enough calcium and phosphorus, then the bones are strong, which prevents the appearance of fractures, especially dangerous in old age. For the elderly is extremely dangerous fracture of the femoral neck. A dangerous injury leads to prolonged immobilization of a person. As a result, conditions are created under which the likelihood of secondary pneumonia (pneumonia) is high. This disease in a weakened patient can be fatal. Without a sufficient amount of silicon in the body, the minilization of the bones worsens, increasing the likelihood of fractures.

What products contain

This trace element is contained in the following food:

  • Barley groats
  • Buckwheat
  • Beans
  • Honeysuckle
  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Corn
  • Pistachios
  • Wheat and flour
  • Oat groats.

Also read:

It is important to remember that there are some factors that reduce the amount of trace element in foods. Refining food leads to the destruction of silicon compounds, which fall into waste products.

Also factors that reduce the amount of this substance are:

  • use of chlorinated water for cooking and washing products
  • excessive consumption of dairy products
  • radionuclides.

Therefore, it is recommended to wash the products with filtered water or bottled water. This will save silicon in them. However, using for example well water, it is necessary to be sure that its microbial contamination does not exceed the permissible limit. This does not relate to bottled water, as it undergoes thorough control of microbiological contamination.

Table of contents in products

Per 100 grams of product Silicon content mg
Pic 1240
Oats 1000
Millet 745
Barley 600
Soy 177
Buckwheat 81
Beans 92
Rye 85
Peas 83
Lentils 80
Corn 60
The nuts 50
Sago 50
Crackers 50
Oatmeal 43
Grapes 12
Peach 10
Honeysuckle 10
Rye bread 7
Manka 6
Pear 6
Apricot 6
Pasta 4
Flour 3

Deficiency in the body

Human need for silicon ranges from 20 to 30 mg per day. If the products where it is contained enter the body in a reduced amount, symptoms of deficiency develop. Such symptoms are directly related to its biological role:

  • Increased hair breakage
  • Nail stratification
  • Hair loss
  • Meteozavisimosti, a person feels any changes in the weather
  • Poor tissue repair after injury. Long-term non-healing wounds are a source of secondary infection and a significant reduction in the body's defenses.
  • Increased psycho-emotional irritability
  • Depressed mood
  • Reduced appetite
  • Itchy skin
  • Early appearance of wrinkles and their rapid progression
  • Increased vascular permeability, which leads to easy bruising. In addition, there is bleeding gums, which leads to a violation of the condition of the teeth.

Normally, the body should contain approximately 7 grams of silicon. In some situations, the need for silicon may increase.

This happens in the following cases:

  • Fractures
  • Decreased bone mineral density
  • Nervous system disorders.

In these situations, silicon consumption increases as it is necessary for the formation of bone tissue. Without silicon, osteoblasts cannot function normally. It is these cells that are involved in the formation of an organic and inorganic bone matrix. If microelement deficiency is observed, the bones become fragile and brittle.


It should be borne in mind that if silicon enters the body in large quantities, an excess of this substance develops. The organs of the urinary system are the first to suffer, as they are involved in the removal of surplus, which leads to the formation of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys.

In vitamins

Vitamins that contain silicon are quite diverse. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces various vitamins and complexes that contain sufficient amount of silicon in it, since the trace element enhances the effect of other active substances in the body.

Examples of vitamins with silicon are as follows:

  • Multitabs
  • Alphabet
  • Doppelgerts asset
  • Vitrum
  • Duovit
  • Biovital
  • Centrum and druie.

However, before you start taking any of these drugs, you must carefully study the instructions and consult your doctor, as the vitamins have their own contraindications.

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