House in the English style: an overview of the design for suburban and urban buildings (80 photos). Cozy English houses: history and traditions Interiors of English houses

Today's trends in the development of society and technology have certainly left their mark on the modern English house. But, in fairness, it should be said that their influence on the conservative by tradition and way of life of the British is very small. It is enough to look at the traditional and typical dwelling of the village.

Classic modern city and country house

Great Britain has been an industrial country for several centuries. In this country, the urban population prevails over the rural. And if so, then there should be more city dwellers. Indeed, in our understanding, a city dweller necessarily lives in an apartment. But in Britain this is not the case at all.

The majority of the United Kingdom population prefers to live in their own homes. Of course, as in many other countries, not many can afford to pay for the construction or purchase of a private house. Therefore, the vast majority become home owners, paying the mortgage for twenty to twenty-five years.

But, to say the majority is to say nothing. Therefore, it is worth clarifying that the majority in British reality is about 80 percent. That is how many inhabitants of foggy Albion live in their own homes. There are cities there too. And there are a lot of them. But in the cities and in the countryside, conservative Englishmen prefer a private house.

What does a modern home look like in England? A typical English house is a two or three storey building. Moreover, the understanding of the number of storeys is somewhat different from ours. The locals consider the first floor to be zero. And only that which is above the level of the earth's surface is considered the first and next floors.

The house is usually built of red brick. Moreover, no external wall decoration is provided. This is a fairly durable and beautiful material. And the houses from it in the conditions of the island and mild climate have stood for centuries. This is why the ground floor is built at ground level. The foundations are not high here. And you won't see any porch or terrace at the front door.

And in these conditions, a deep and heavy foundation is not needed. The soil does not freeze at all, even in severe winters by local standards. For reference, it is worth mentioning that on the territory of Russia, the depth of soil freezing can reach several meters. A significant part of the country is generally located on permafrost.

As already mentioned, there are no porches as such. But the canopies and awnings over the front door are striking in their variety. This is also due to the traditions of the British. They love to diversify their homes. So much so that with a general similarity of projects, houses can turn out to be completely different.

This is facilitated not only by the canopies and awnings over the entrance doors. Each house must have a small lawn where you can make a flower bed or flower garden. And the buildings themselves are often decorated with climbing plants. At the same time, it happens that the house is almost invisible through the plants. And of course, the house is decorated with numerous decorative elements. The design of English houses is diverse.

Old English village house

An old English house can be seen in the countryside. And really old houses are protected by law. They can be purchased and lived there. But it is forbidden to radically rebuild or change the appearance of such a building. Moreover, inside such a building can be made completely modern.

The concept of countryside and countryside is somewhat different here. Villages are essentially small towns. The roads are asphalted, the territories are ennobled. You will not see vegetable gardens with potato plantations in them. The villagers do not grow vegetables and fruits. They are engaged in the cultivation of flower beds and lawns. Therefore, any English village is cozy and clean.

Farmers who do not live in villages are engaged in growing vegetables and fruits. They live on the outskirts, or as we say in a settlement or a farm, that is, separately. Most of the villagers only live in the village and work in the city. Fortunately, Great Britain is famous for its roads. Every British family has a car, often more than one.

A house in an English village is located along the street. Often the front door opens directly onto the sidewalk, if there is one. Sometimes there is a flower garden or small lawn between the wall of the house and the road. There are no vegetable gardens, as mentioned above. But there is always the pride of the owner behind the house - his lawn and flower beds.

In the village, the houses are a little simpler than in the city. Here you can often see dwellings made of stone. An old British country house is usually smaller than a town house. And the second floor is often attic. But in the village you can see the roofs made of reed and grass. They look very original and beautiful.

In ancient times, a roof covered with reeds or grasses spoke of the owner's poverty. But times are changing and today few wealthy homeowners can afford such a roof. Nowadays, the presence of a cane roof speaks of the wealth of the home owner.

The interior of the dwelling of the British

Usually on the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen and an office, if any. The bedroom, bathroom and other rooms are located on the next floors. The kitchen used to be small. Today, they are trying to make it larger so that the whole family can fit at the dinner table.

The living room often has a fireplace, which is found in almost every British home. Opposite the fireplace, by tradition, an armchair or sofa is placed. Near it, a tea table, which is covered with a tablecloth, will also be appropriate. In the office, they usually put a table and an armchair, and shelves for books or a cabinet for the same purpose.

The bedrooms have the usual set of furniture - a bed, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. In general, in the home of the British there is a minimal set of furniture. There is never anything superfluous in them. Only the most necessary things and items.

Despite the stiffness and external closeness of the British, curtains on the windows or curtains are rarely seen in English houses. Windows are usually made quite wide. Rectangular and square in shape, they are often divided into small pieces.

English house traditions

When they talk about the house of an Englishman, they always remember about the fireplace. And although the fireplace is rarely used for its intended purpose, it is an integral part of the interior. On the mantelpiece are photographs, small figurines, vases, clocks. And in front of the fireplace, like hundreds of years ago, they arrange tea parties.

10. Living room with fireplace and aquarium

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the living room with an aquarium

And this living room with a fireplace in a laconic white portal and a pair of classic green armchairs could be an example of pure English style, if not for a bright modern aquarium. Thanks to the appearance in the interior of this "piece" of the underwater world, as well as the hearth, the room even more resembled an area for relaxation. But it is precisely this effect that the English style always achieves, for which it is important to create the most cozy and comfortable environment.

English style in the interior of the study and armory

A bias towards the English style is made by many cabinet owners. Respectable furniture with a "coach" tie, massive built-in wardrobes with bookshelves and pilasters in decoration, wall panels made of wood - it would seem that these attributes of the style trend that appeared in Great Britain were simply created for the arrangement of office spaces. It seems to us that only a serious and self-confident person will choose the English style for the interior of the office. Therefore, such office spaces always look very respectable and inspire confidence in their owners.

11. Cabinet-library in coffee and chocolate colors

All photos In the photo: Cabinet design in chocolate and coffee shades with a library

An English-style cabinet always serves not only as a workspace, but also as a library. Of course, not every room will make it possible to equip entire galleries for book shelves, as it was in the film "My Fair Lady". But there is always room for at least one bookcase in the office.

12. English study in the attic of a country house

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the office in the attic

The design of the English study in the attic appeals to classic solutions. So, a chair with "ears" and armrests may well resemble the models named after Voltaire. The classic composition is emphasized by the pilasters used in the decoration of the bookcase.

13. Armory room with wood trim

All photos In the photo: Armory room with wood trim

Wood is considered the ideal finishing material for an English-style interior. And the presented design of the armory room, which is dominated by polished wooden textures, is the best confirmation of this. The English classics, with their respectability and sense of their own worth, are expressed primarily in the wood paneling. And curtains and sconces assembled in a somewhat theatrical manner seem to be so out of history that, thanks to them, it is difficult to say exactly which century the composition belongs to.

English style in the interior of the kitchen and wine cellar

14. Black and white monochrome in the interior of the kitchen-dining room

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of a monochrome kitchen

The design of the kitchen-dining room in the English style is usually built on a monochrome basis. It can be black and white monochrome, as in the photo above, or beige. You can diversify the monochrome palette by using natural stone with its unique pattern in the decoration.

15. Shades of coffee with milk in the interior of the kitchen

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the kitchen in shades of coffee with milk

The shades of coffee with milk in the kitchen interior in the photo evoke pleasant associations with an invigorating aromatic drink and desserts. This palette is unobtrusive and versatile: it is combined with most other colors and accents of color.

16. Motives of country music in the interior of English cuisine

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the kitchen with country motives

The English style in the interior of the kitchen in a country house has the charm of a quiet village, lost among the picturesque hills of one of the counties of Great Britain. This effect is largely due to the country elements used in the project in the form of masonry and floral curtains. As a result, we get an interior that is close in its atmosphere to cozy English houses from the time of the action of the novel "Tess of the D'Urberville".

17. Kitchen-dining room with an island

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the kitchen with an island

English kitchens are no less versatile than minimalist interiors, in which entire storage systems can be hidden behind laconic cabinet facades. An island is one of the most affordable and obvious ways to improve the functionality of a kitchen space. In the example shown in the photo, the island structure serves as a work surface and storage system. But many islands are also used today as bar counters and zoning elements.

18. Stone decoration in the interior of the kitchen

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the kitchen with stone trim

Stone decoration adds a little brutality to the interior of the English-style kitchen. Thanks to her, the space also acquires a certain historicity, transferring us to the Victorian era. Deliberately rough stone textures look especially impressive in combination with classic furniture made of noble wood species.

19. Wine cellar with stained glass ceiling

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the wine cellar in the house

Some English-style country houses provide wine cellars that can store both Burgundy and cider and ale. Of course, wood is considered the ideal material for decorating such premises. You can also add masonry to the interior and illuminate the suspended ceiling with stained glass. And the stained-glass insert on the ceiling will help to give the space an artistic sound.

English style in the interior of the bedroom

English bedrooms may not be as ornate as French sleeping rooms, with their canopies and thin carved furniture legs. But they are very cozy and comfortable. If in French bedrooms there is a desire to please, then English lounges are more intimate, they are guided not by outsiders, but by their owners.

20. Bedroom in light colors

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the bedroom in light colors

The bedroom interior in the English style is almost monochrome. The space is decorated with wood panels. Inserts with floral wallpaper framed by moldings help to diversify the composition, the unobtrusive bluish pattern of which brings a little spring colors into the room. A built-in mirror cabinet helps to visually increase the space.

21. Wood carving in the decoration of the bedroom

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the bedroom with wood carvings in decoration

The English style in the interior of the bedroom provides for the use of a large number of wooden textures. Thanks to wood, the space looks more comfortable. One bedroom can combine polished and matte wood textures. And the artistic value of the composition can be increased by using elements made using the woodcarving technique. In the design of the bedroom in the photo with light green wallpaper with a pattern close to damask, carved wood inserts are used in the design of the headboard area.

22. Wooden furniture and pilasters in the interior of the bedroom

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the bedroom with wooden furniture

The English-style bedrooms have wooden furniture. But it is important to understand that this style direction does not accept fakes. Therefore, the furniture here must be made of solid wood. In this example of the interior of an English bedroom, a wooden bed, a coffee table and bedside tables serve as a complement to the unusual wall decoration with pilasters and carvings.

23. Textured finishing of the headboard in the bedroom

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the bedroom in light shades

Bedrooms in the English style can be decorated with art deco elements. For example, in the finishing of the headboard area, you can often see upholstery with a "carriage" tie. In the example shown, such a textile textured panel with a diamond layout is "supported" by a corresponding white back with "ears".

24. English bedroom with fireplace

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of a bedroom with a fireplace

In the interiors of English bedrooms, a fireplace can be seen as often as in living rooms. It uses both classic fireplace portals with stucco moldings and more laconic modern fireplaces powered by biofuel.

25. Classic armchairs for the English bedroom

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the bedroom with classic armchairs

As we mentioned above, the English style of the interior "seeks" to fill all the voids. Therefore, there is often at least one cozy armchair by the fireplace. In the presented example of the interior in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hearth, there is a whole area for rest and reading. Designer Angelica Prudnikova decided to furnish the fireplace area with a pair of classic armchairs with a screed in the finish and mother-of-pearl poufs that can serve as footrests or coffee tables.

26. Bedroom with truffle accents

All photos In the photo: English style in the bedroom interior with truffle accents

Truffle accents in the form of a pouf with a "coach" tie and upholstery in the headboard are perfectly combined with the mother-of-pearl palette chosen as the main range. This coloristic solution reminds of desserts with the addition of cocoa, as well as aromatic glaze with chocolate ice cream.

English style in the interior of the nursery and other rooms

The English style in the interior of the children's room usually exploits typical British themes. As a rule, these are motives for travel (after all, England has always been a sea power and a major colonizer). When decorating bathrooms in English style, designers strive to create a very cozy composition. Therefore, textiles are often seen here. As for the hallways, in their design, the English style remains true to its principle of equipping the space with objects as much as possible. Therefore, in the halls, we can often observe islands for relaxation with armchairs, poufs or soft benches.

27. Children's room for twins

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the nursery for twins

The English style in the interior of the children's room for twins manifested itself in the choice of theme. Models of aircraft, posters depicting details of aviation equipment add to the room and motives of travel and, at the same time, remind of the exploits of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. As a coloristic basis in the presented example, the shades of Bondi Beach were chosen, the dark turquoise depth of which is set off by sky-blue textiles.

28. Bathroom with partitions and columns

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of a bathroom with columns

With the help of partitions, the bathroom space with mosaic tiles in the flooring is conventionally divided into three areas. In the center of the room is a bathtub with a window fitted with a white printed curtain. Our designers have decorated the partitions with columns of dark chocolate shade.

29. Black and white hall with a facet

All photos In the photo: English style in the interior of the hall in the apartment

The interior of the hall in the English style in the photo is "woven" from details: statuettes in the shape of a white horse, a decorative lantern, a panel with butterflies. And the beveled mirrors in the finish, "supported" by the diagonal arrangement of the stained glass inset on the ceiling, add the compositions of the glamorous shine characteristic of Art Deco.

England itself is characterized by small in size, but at the same time cozy cottages and townhouses. That is why the English style can be used both in the interiors of huge country houses and in small apartments. This style direction is very close to Russians, since it also has something of the Soviet Empire, for which many are still nostalgic. At the same time, the English style always reminds us of our favorite characters from childhood from books and films about the good old England.

The classicism of the English style for the decoration of country houses attracts both designers and ordinary people with its functionality, severity and ability to well demonstrate the taste and character of its guests. Photos of houses in the English style show the external roughness of uncladded facades with low-lying window openings and a bright red tiled roof.

Distinctive elements of the exterior of the English apartments are:

  • wall surfaces lined with natural stone elements or bricks;
  • lack of carved parts;
  • asymmetry in the location of the exterior composition;
  • the presence of columns;
  • narrow color palette;
  • gable roof;
  • the area near the house is planted with a garden and flowers.

Types of English country buildings

The architecture of the English building is recognizable all over the world. There are three main architectural and construction directions with their own peculiarities and features.

Tudor brownie style. Visually, such buildings resemble fabulous village houses. However, the appearance is a little rough.

The main architectural features of this type are:

  • the presence of high gables on the main front part;
  • a roof with a steep slope and uneven edges;
  • a large pipe and miniature dormers;
  • the general outline of the building is asymmetrical;
  • the entrance has an arched structure.

Georgian architectural style. For the modern English world of development, this direction is the most popular. The buildings in the Georgian direction look magnificent and simple at the same time.

The direction is characterized by the following features:

  • symmetry;
  • window openings of the same size, which have the same location;
  • lack of all kinds of decorations;
  • the main facade of the building is decorated with five windows;
  • the front door is very low;
  • low roof.

Victorian direction. It features decorative cladding and contrasting color combinations.

Its features:

  • asymmetrical arrangement;
  • overall area of \u200b\u200bthe veranda;
  • decorative finishing of wall surfaces with stone or siding;
  • ornamental and stucco elements.

The main feature of houses made in the English style is the construction of a building of red bricks. Thanks to this material, which has a very reasonable cost, the life of the house is increased.

Another advantage is the high soundproofing qualities inside the premises.

The English apartment project is characterized by the presence of two full floors and, in some cases, an attic. The entrance to the room is located in the middle.

Architectural features

The foundations of a typical English residential building are very low, so the floor surface is almost flush with the ground. You won't be able to meet the usual basements and garages in the house, since the English style does not imply this.

Sometimes the owners can equip a small cellar or storage room in the dwelling. The external facade is not decorated or revetted in any way, so it looks rather rough.

Window openings of a rectangular or square shape of the first level are located low. The roof of the house is covered with red tiles, its shape is sharp, and the structure is very high. In recent years, the roofs of English houses have been made of straw or reed.

The porch is attached to the house only if the building is located on a plot with a slope. But entrance doors and windows are often framed by awnings.

The ivy curling around the canopy brings a special luxury to the design of the house in the English style. It is customary to plant small gardens and picturesque flower beds next to the English residential building.

Layout inside the house

The main living area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor is represented by a spacious living room, which, as a rule, is combined with a dining room, corridor sections and a hall. The guest room is necessarily made light, since there are many window openings in the room. Another room on the first level is a study.

The second floor is considered a sleeping area. There are three bedrooms in total, one of which is a bathroom and a wardrobe.

Interior composition of the house

The main conditions for creating an internal English interior for a private house are comfort and coziness. The living room is equipped in such a way that it would be convenient for all guests and households to be here.

Natural wood is chosen as the finishing materials typical for work in the English style. The floor surfaces are covered with a noble parquet flooring.

The chosen direction is characterized by large spacious areas for the living room, however, with the help of design techniques and in small rooms, it is possible to create a project that is distinguished by its showiness and style.

An obligatory element of the interior decoration typical for the English direction is a fireplace. It acts as the center of the entire interior composition in the guest area.

The fireplace can be clad with various materials in the form of marble, wood or lime panels. It is customary to display clocks, bronze sculptures, flowerpots with flowers, and snuff boxes with cigarette cases on the shelf above the fireplace.

The English stylistic direction is perfect for decorating a private country residence.

Photos of houses in the English style

The fact of a harmonious combination of old English traditions and modern trends does not escape the observant person. Agree that if you skillfully combine tradition and modernity in the interior, you can achieve special uniqueness and originality.

Features of the English interior

Anyone who is familiar with English interiors knows that a characteristic feature of such living quarters is restraint, calmness, and reliability. No wonder that only natural materials are used in the English interior. Here we mean austere, massive solid wood furniture. Moreover, the tree must be of expensive species.

Paper wallpaper - certainly with a traditional English pattern. A special feature of British interiors is the sophistication and sophistication of the colors. Usually, in the houses of the British, everything is thought out deeply to the smallest detail - from the shade of the wallpaper, which will be pasted over the walls, to the upholstery of furniture that will be in the rooms. All color schemes should be laconic and sophisticated.

If we talk about English interiors in other words, then their entire furnishings testify to royal sophistication, grace and aristocracy. Actually, the interior that the owners of their own houses or apartments choose can say a lot about their character. We can say with confidence that lovers of English motives are reliable and phlegmatic people, that they are adherents of comfort, solidity and consistency.

The next feature of the English interior is some conservatism.One can hardly imagine an Englishman's house without a fireplace. It doesn't matter what kind of fireplace will be, electric or real, which needs to be heated with wood, it is important that there is one in the interior. In addition to beauty, a fireplace is able to give precious warmth on chilly days.

English living room

The arrangement of the living room of an English house, like everything in England, has its own traditions. The living room must be elegant and comfortable.

It is in this room that there should be a fireplace, comfortable deep armchairs with a high back, opposite him and always a small coffee table on which a fresh newspaper should lie. An English fireplace is a large, most often solid stone structure with an indispensable marble mantelpiece, on which the mantel clock is located. Often, the mantelpiece is decorated with austere, laconic candlesticks, graceful figurines and boxes.

An English living room cannot be imagined without expensive wood trim... The most commonly used are walnut, oak, mahogany, wenge. The floors in the living room, designed in the English style, must certainly retain the color of natural wood, so they are polished and covered with several layers of transparent colorless varnish. Sometimes a parquet board can be used in the living room, but it must imitate a structured tree. It should be noted here that the colors of the floors, walls and furniture in the English living room should be combined with each other.

The interior of the apartment in the English style

Needless to say, an English-style house is the perfect solution. But those who prefer living in the city, in a separate apartment, can also reproduce the "island" of real England. It is important to remember that an English-style apartment does not tolerate a variety of colors. Basically, for the device of the English interior, several shades of any one color are used. It is important that these shades flow smoothly from one to the other.

Particular attention is paid to the British interior the ceiling. It must necessarily contrast with the general color scheme, if the living room or offices and bedrooms are made in light, pastel colors, then the ceiling can be the color of chocolate. Moreover, it should be decorated with a luxurious chandelier. The main task of the chandelier here is not lighting, but making the room spectacular.

As a rule, a crystal chandelier is hung low enough. And the main function of lighting in an apartment in these cases is carried by floor lamps, table lamps and sconces.

On the issue of furniture in the English interior, it should be noted that, first of all, it must be made of solid wood - yew, walnut, oak. This furniture is massive and reliable. Be sure to use natural materials as upholstery - leather, wool, printed linen, tapestries.

English style windows are decorated with massive blackout curtains made of natural silk with lambrequins and draperies. Naturally, the color of the curtains should be combined with the general color scheme, but at the same time it should not be too contrasting.

English interior - photo