Dream interpretation apple orchard with apples. Apple tree with ripe apples according to the dream book

The tree is a symbol of life in esotericism. In mythology, it personified the connection of a person with the past, with his ancestors, with his family. The fruits of the apple tree indicate the dreamer's achievements. Famous soothsayers give various interpretations. The answer depends on the emotions and actions of the sleeper in a dream. To avoid inaccuracies in interpretation, one should remember the details of the dream: the color, appearance and condition of the tree and its fruits. They point to the future of man.

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    Apple tree in a dream: general interpretation

    A blooming apple tree is a bright spring image. It is associated with the beginning of a new life. Based on this, the seers attach particular importance to the dream in which the apple tree was dreamed.

    Apple tree in bloom - to rapid changes in life. If the sleeper saw a lush tree strewn with flowers, a happy period will come in his life. A tree with fallen leaves without apples symbolizes missed opportunities.

      Eating apples in a dream is a good sign. The sleeper will have a bright period in life. Success will accompany all his undertakings.

      In order for the interpretation to be objective, it is worth considering the personality of the sleeper, his age and occupation:

      • For a businessman, a dream promises success in professional activities. He will have the opportunity to conclude a lucrative contract.
      • For a family man, sleep is for harmony and well-being in the house.
      • A successful career awaits the student if he makes an effort in his studies.
      • If a lonely girl had a dream, her personal life will improve in the near future. She meets a young man, they start a stormy romance. A similar interpretation will be if the dreamer is a guy. He also expects a meeting with the second half.
      • Did the child have a dream? His creative success will delight parents. The main thing is to find a worthy application for such abilities.
      • For older people, an apple tree in a dream is a symbol of a strong and friendly family.

      Dream details

      An apple tree with large fruits is a symbol of fertility and motherhood. The fruits indicate a person's achievements. Variety of apples White pouring dreams of unexpected news. Sleeping they are taken by surprise.

      If in a dream a girl, walking under an apple tree, picked a fruit and bit it, then in reality she will succumb to temptation, will not be able to resist the temptation. The dream book advises you to think about the consequences of your actions.

      Raise a large fallen apple - to pregnancy. If it turned out to be wormy, the woman will be anxious about the upcoming birth. Anxiety is unreasonable, the pregnancy will pass without complications, a healthy baby will be born.

      Hugging an apple tree - to a quarrel with family members. The sleeper will have to face its consequences. It is important to make an effort to resolve the conflict situation. A beautiful apple orchard is a sign with which the subconscious is trying to push the sleeping person to take action. The time has come for decisive change. You can safely take risks, success is guaranteed.

      Fruit condition

      If you dream of an apple tree with apples, it is important to remember what the fruits of the tree looked like. This will help the sleeper to unravel the signs of the subconscious and understand their meaning.

      Green apples reflect the emotional state of a person. The dream interpretation indicates that the person who dreamed of green fruits is lonely in real life. He needs companionship. Soon he will meet a man who will change his life. Relationships may end in marriage. The red apple tree is a lucky sign for lovers. The sleeper can be sure of his chosen one. It's time to openly admit your feelings and legitimize the relationship.

If you dreamed of an apple tree and were impressed by the events of the dream, then you willy-nilly reach for the dream book, wanting to know what the apple tree is dreaming of.

Meanwhile, the apple tree enters the dream book as a symbol of fruits. It can be the result of work, the fruit of relationships, learning or projects.

An apple tree, apples - all this has a sacred meaning since biblical times, it is impossible to pass by such a dream. This tree represents everything that a person aspires to. Any fulfilled goal is the fruit of efforts and aspirations.

To find out the nuances of moving towards the goal, what can be expected along the way, there is a need to identify individual details of the dream. Based on the remembered trifles and details of sleep, it is possible to make an interpretation that can give wise advice.


1. Watching in a dream an unusually large and ancient tree

The giant apple tree is a symbol of the tree of life. The roots of the tree go into the layers of a forgotten history, and the shoots stretch to an unknown future.

Why the apple tree of life is dreaming is not difficult to understand. This is a symbol of not just an ordinary change in life, no, this sign announces the coming change of eras. Seeing such a dream is like learning about your own exclusivity.

2. To dream about how an apple tree is bathed in bloom

A blooming apple tree is always a symbol of spring, the birth of some undertakings. It is possible that for a long time there were no major changes in your life. And now the subconscious feels the favorable wind of Fate. For success and luck, you just have to pick up the right wave.

3. Watch in a dream an apple tree with large ripe apples

Fruit poured without a wormhole is a very good sign. "Apples" dream denotes the imminent fruits of your endeavors.

It does not matter what kind of activity you were engaged in: sports, art, training, mental or physical labor - in any of these cases, you will soon expect a decent reward.

4. Seeing in a dream a tree with unripe apples

The green apple is a symbol of unfinished business. A tree with unripe apples in a dream book means that there are many such unfinished business.

If you had such a dream, then it's time to do something with the "tails". Some critical limit has been passed, then a wave of serious problems may begin if you do not change your attitude to business.

5. To dream of a broken branch of an apple tree

  • If the branch is blooming, then a dream to change plans.
  • If the branch is with green apples, then the failure of the transactions started.
  • If there are ripe, juicy and beautiful fruits on the branch, then this dream means that you will have time to complete some business on time.
  • The branch broke naked and dry - this dream is good, you will be freed from the fact that you were wasted "pulling juices".

6. Plant an apple tree in a dream

A very good dream, saying that you will do some kind of good deed, without a second thought about profit. But subsequently, the work you have done will bring a lot of good to people.

Of course, the fruits of the "apple tree of sleep" will be universal recognition and respect. The main thing is to do good, without thinking about the benefits.

7. You are given a flowering branch of an apple tree

Someone will soon offer you a new relationship or a work project. Agree or refuse a tempting project - it's up to you. Just make sure you really want it first.

8. A tree is being cut down before your eyes.

Of course, such a dream is a nuisance. In a general sense, it means unfulfilled hopes. The dream interpretation recommends not to despair, but to prepare to protect your own plans.

Surely you have something that you pin your hopes on. So you know what you have to defend, and this is equivalent to half the victory.

9. Pluck fruit

There is such an expression "dream in the hand." This can be said with some courage about a dream where you pick apples. Fruit picking dreams of the imminent implementation of your projects. In principle, a positive dream, you just need to prepare to keep the fruits of your labors intact.

10. The wind breaks the color

If a flowering apple tree is exposed to strong gusts of wind, and all the color is torn off it, then the dream turns out to be an unpleasant sign. When an apple tree blooms in a dream, it means that you have ideas of some kind of plans.

When the color is torn off by the wind, then some force (for example, Rock or a strong person) will interfere with your plans, which you are not able to prevent. There is only one conclusion: what you have in mind is under threat. Think about what else you can do.

11. Support branches heavy from apples

The dream clearly indicates that the results of your activities will exceed all expectations. A very positive interpretation.

12. Spray against insects

13. Whiten tree trunks

Bring to light. A dream about whitewashing apple trees suggests that you are starting to clarify who is who about your environment. If you think about such a dream, you will be able to discover the unexpected sides of those with whom you constantly communicate.

Dreams about an apple tree are always simple. But the meaning is unambiguous and does not tolerate different interpretations. Author: Igor Vaskin

All the trees seen in a dream are a symbol of life. The tree is an ancient mythological symbol, representing a connection with the past, with one's family, with the family and with the roots.

Pay attention to such a dream - it will give clues and help you look in the right direction. So, why is the apple tree dreaming?

A blossoming apple tree is one of the most poetic images, bright and spring, symbolizing the beginning of a new life. If you just dreamed of an apple tree in bloom, then soon expect extraordinary and rapid changes in your life.

A very good sign if the apple tree is beautiful, lush, with spreading branches and strewn with flowers. Change will make you happy.

  • For people involved in business - to prosperity and success.
  • For family people - to harmony and well-being in the house.
  • For students - to a promising career.
  • For girls - a happy marriage of love.
  • For young people - a good bride who will be a faithful and good wife.
  • For children - the discovery of talents and development in the right direction.
  • For the elderly - a strong and caring family, the care of children and grandchildren.

Take a closer look at the apple tree - does it bloom from all sides? As the dream book suggests, if an apple tree in a dream blooms only on one side of it, and the rest is not covered with flowers, then your undertaking will only be half successful.

We saw a beautiful apple tree, but came closer and noticed that the flowers are actually dying or covered with worms - beware. Or in your affairs, someone is putting up an obstacle for you, or the matter that you consider important and reliable will not justify the time and effort put into it. But since you have already been warned, you can certainly turn around in the right direction.

Seeing an apple tree blooming in winter in a dream - some kind of surprise awaits you. Whether this surprise will be pleasant, the surrounding objects and phenomena will tell.

  • Around pure white snow - everything is fine, expect a sudden favor of fate.
  • A lot of black, dark around is a warning sign: some suddenness will please you, but its consequences are unpredictable.

tree with fruits

Why dream of an apple tree with ripe apples? It is a symbol of fertility, motherhood, reaping the fruits of one's efforts. So a girl walks under an apple tree, pick and bite off from it - to temptation, to pick up a fallen apple from the ground - to pregnancy. If there is a worm in such an apple - to unjustified fears about pregnancy.

Hugging an apple tree with apples in a dream means suffering from the consequences of quarrels with your mother or with your family in general. Do your best to restore the peace in your home, and you will see how your world will be magically transformed.

With green apples

When such an apple dream was dreamed by a suffering person who is lonely, he is destined to meet an important character for the fate. You can lead a happy life together.

But perhaps you are not ready for this or were disappointed earlier, so you are looking for a catch in every meeting. Don't close your heart to love. Take advantage of the happy chance of fate.

With red apples

Congratulations, as the dream book says, an apple tree with red apples is a sign that your chosen one has finally turned out to be next to you. Both of you are ready to enter into an alliance, it will be strong and indestructible, extremely favorable for both of you. The point is small - tell about your feelings and get ready for the wedding.

In terms of work affairs, such a dream may also indicate that the business in which you have invested all your strength and good soul is bearing fruit. Success and luck, as well as material profit, will overtake you in the very near future.

With small apples

This is an indication that you were expecting more. Probably, your undertaking did not justify the investment in it. The result is there, but you are not satisfied.

The same can be said about love or family matters. It seems to you that you were worthy of more, and a significant part of your efforts went to waste. But it's not! You just do not notice the happiness that is already in your hands. Learn to accept the events and conditions in which life puts you with dignity and gratitude, and you will be awarded a valuable gift in the future.

With rotten fruit

This, of course, is a dream about disappointment, something went wrong. But you should not despair. Evaluate your behavior - there were mistakes in it, which did not lead to the most positive result. Remember that a lean year is usually followed by a very fertile one. You just need to adjust your further actions on the right path to achieving a clear goal, and next time everything will work out.

With magic apples

It is not for nothing that magic apples are so often mentioned in fairy tales - rejuvenating, golden, bulk. If you remember, they always have some kind of magical power - they revive, rejuvenate, give strength and immortality.

Why dream of red apples on an apple tree ▼

I dreamed of ripe, red apples on a large apple tree - immediately begin to implement the plans conceived some time ago. The most favorable moment has come for the realization of your dreams. will be provided.

I dreamed of green apples on a tree ▼

What kind of apples did you dream about?

Seeing big apples on a tree in a dream ▼

Why dream of big, huge apples growing on a tree? You expect success, recognition, honor and respect from others and colleagues. portends an unexpected and amazing discovery in any.

I dreamed of an apple tree with ripe apples ▼

An apple tree with ripe apples on a tree is defined by Felomena's dream book as the fulfillment of all desires. The time has come for the implementation of plans and hopes. The main thing is not to, act boldly, stubbornly moving only forward. The fruits hang very high - your ideas are difficult to implement.

Why dream of a lot of apples on a tree ▼

I dreamed of a lot of apples growing high on a tree - the goals and plans set by you will soon be realized. To do this, you will have to overcome a huge number of difficulties and. Everything can only be achieved through hard work.

What did you do in your sleep?

Shake an apple tree in a dream ▼

If in a dream he shakes an apple tree, trying to get a ripe fruit, this indicates the imminent completion of long-started affairs that have been put off for a long time.

An apple tree in a dream can have a variety of interpretations. Why such a dream is dreaming and what portends, you can find out by looking at various dream books and comparing the details of the vision, the appearance of the apple tree and your own feelings from what you saw.

To see a blossoming apple tree in a dream

Summer dream book

If you dreamed of an apple tree, then in speed you will hear the news about the love relationship of someone close to you. Blooming apple tree - to profit, good harvest, win.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

to see is good news;

blooms - to the successful completion of a long-standing business;

on fire - new feelings will flare up with renewed vigor;

in the distance - news from afar.

Family dream book

Why an apple tree is dreaming can be interpreted by the appearance of the fruits on it. If the sleeper sees red apples, it means that the sleeper will be lucky in reality, and spoiled apples - to chagrin, trouble, litigation. Those who see apples in the foliage of an apple tree need to think about the future. Such a dream warns the sleeper that his future depends on the choice he makes at the moment.

Small Velesov dream book

apple tree in the wind - troubles will be fleeting and will not bring much damage;

blooms - good news;

dry, without leaves - to bad news;

plant an apple tree - get or increase housing;

uprooting from the ground - you will make a big mistake, other people will suffer through your fault;

cut down - to the dead.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

To see an apple tree in a dream - to find out that someone has broken his promise, to be disappointed, to lose faith.

picking apples from an apple tree - to the loss of money, poverty, financial difficulties;

2 apple trees of different heights - there will be quarrels, disagreements, chips;

eat apples - to joy;

for family people, a blooming apple tree in a dream - to a long, happy life, harmony and happiness;

to see ripe apples on a tree - to commit an act, for which you will be ashamed later.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

apple tree alone in the field - to loneliness, difficulties, lack of help;

apple tree without branches - to illness, death;

apple orchard - the support of loved ones will come in handy;

blooming apple tree - you have a long way to go;

apples fall - the birth of children.

The dream book about the apple tree also says that if 2 apples fall from the tree at once, then such a vision portends the birth of twins.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Apple tree - fortunately. The interpretation of the dream should be based on the appearance of the tree. If it is strong and flowering, then everything in life will turn out well. A cut down, withered apple tree portends a series of troubles, misfortunes, misunderstandings.