The cheapest place to rent. Inexpensive rent from the owner: how to rent an apartment cheaply without intermediaries

This material was written by Igor Tyulkanov, a practicing realtor. You can ask your questions in the comments, Igor will answer them.

Beware of scammers

Fraud is gradually losing relevance due to the ease of identifying scammers, but still some fall for their tricks.

The most common method of fraud mainly works with visitors who do not understand the peculiarities of the real estate market and want to save money on finding an apartment. You pay money in advance to receive “information” about new apartments appearing, or, as an option, to get the number of a grandmother who rents out an apartment in the center for 20 thousand rubles, but in the end the “grandmother” is either sick, or tired, and leaves meetings with you within a couple of days, but no one provides you with information. When trying to return money, scammers refer to an agreement that states that they do not owe anything) The easiest way to deal with such fraud is to write a statement to the police.

The second most common option is renting out an apartment to several tenants at once. It is easily calculated by the fact that you are asked to leave a deposit/make a deposit/pay money in advance, without drawing up an agreement or a security receipt, motivated by a “queue of people” standing behind you and waiting for the opportunity to withdraw).

Knowing how the Moscow real estate market works, such scams are easy to spot. For example, greatly reduced offers without good reason (sale, short-term rental) are a bait for scammers, or an attempt by the agency to attract attention and force you to call. Which brings us to the next point.

Know the prices

The main resource for finding an apartment in Moscow is the Cian website ( With its help, you can easily determine the price range in the area of ​​interest.

Also, knowing the market, you can easily filter out inadequate offers that are higher than the market, thereby a couple of hours on the Internet can save you several tens of thousands of rubles in the long run.

Find out details by phone

Once you know the prices in your search area, you can start searching for suitable deals. Be sure to check with the agents all the details regarding the apartment, because... data may be out of date or inaccurate.
Don't forget to check the price. Due to the current situation (when the owner works with 5-10 agencies, trying to deliver faster), many agents reduce the cost in order to be higher in the search, and, for example, in the elite segment the spread can reach tens of thousands of rubles.

Check the amount of the agent's fee

After calling the options that suit you and making sure that the information provided in the advertisements is true, do not forget to clarify the amount of the agent’s fee. Many of the agents, trying to earn as much as possible, set an unreasonably high percentage. If the apartment you are interested in is offered by several agencies at once, choose the 2 lowest percentages (if any), and focusing on the fact that you can go to a competitor and ask for a discount. It is likely that you will receive it.

In the elite segment, agents are increasingly refusing commissions from clients because... expensive apartments are rented out much less often, and it is better to rent out an apartment after receiving a commission from the owner than not to rent it out at all due to an unreasonably high commission.

Working with an agent

Finding an apartment with an agent is not a method for everyone. Be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to save money. The main benefits for you are saving time, access to the agent's knowledge, assistance in drafting contracts, advice on negotiations and advice on issues that arise along the way.

There are two options here - ask an agent you know to give you advice, and then search for options, schedule meetings, prepare a contract and negotiate yourself. Or, if you value your time and nerves, hire a realtor. Often, at the end of the entire process, the value of the time and nerves spent exceeds the commission that agents ask for their work.

Finding an apartment without an agent

In short, searching for an apartment without an agent follows a simple scheme:

  • Selection of options, calling information that is suitable for relevance (it is advisable to keep in mind all the important issues for you - availability of a parking space, dishwasher, proximity to the roadway, availability of parks, schools, etc.).
  • Assign views to those that suit you best.
  • Views.
  • Selecting the most suitable ones.
  • Negotiation.
  • Conclusion of an agreement.

Features of the Moscow market

The Moscow market is characterized by a strong variation in demand depending on the price of the apartment. An apartment on the outskirts, costing 20 thousand the same evening after its appearance, may have a queue of 10 people, while an apartment costing 80 thousand may remain on the market for several months. This variation is due to the fact that Moscow has a very large number of visitors in need of cheap housing, but as costs rise, purchasing power decreases greatly.

The quality of service increases in proportion to the cost; in the segment of cheap real estate, it is not uncommon to encounter rudeness on the part of both the realtor and the owner, but as the cost of apartments increases, this disappears.
In cheap apartments, the owner does not need to look for clients himself, so the owner never pays a commission to the realtor; the realtor’s work is paid for by the client renting the apartment; bargaining on the commission is much more difficult, because There may be another 5-6 people breathing down your back, ready to rent an apartment by paying the entire commission. In the expensive segment, on the contrary, for every 5-6 available apartments there are one or two clients who can afford to make a choice and bargain for weeks.

View apartment

When viewing, you should definitely pay attention to the condition of the plumbing, household appliances, and furniture. Be sure to check that the property documents match the passport data, find out if there are still owners, how many people are registered, if there are several owners, if there is a power of attorney, where they are, how long it will take them to get to the apartment. If you like the apartment, then you should find out in advance the basic conditions under which it is rented - cost, payment terms, additional conditions, cost of utilities in the house.

Choice of options, bargaining

After looking through all the options, there are usually only one or two that are most suitable. Call them, make an offer that you think the owner will accept, but you should understand in advance that the owner may not agree to your terms and either make a counter-offer or refuse completely. In this case, it is worth asking what concessions he can make, and under what conditions. It is likely that he will meet you halfway.

Agreements, documents

While still viewing, you can ask the agent to provide you with a copy of the contracts under which the agent is currently working. In general, the contracts of large agencies are similar to each other, differing only in formatting and wording, but it is worth asking the agent (or the owner) in advance about the special conditions that they would like to stipulate. Often, only at the negotiation stage, it turns out that the conditions offered by the owner are absolutely not suitable for the tenant (for example, payment in dollars, double deposit, visits more than once a month, etc.)

Also, ask the agent about the standard conditions used in their contracts - some of the agencies by default stipulate penalties in the contract for those moving out of the apartment before 6 months; agents know the company's contract by heart, and can tell in detail what exactly is described in it .


I would highlight as a separate item the inventory made after the signing of a lease or rental agreement.
By leaving a deposit, you thus guarantee the safety of the furniture transferred to you by the owner, so treat the inventory with all attention, and be sure to check that all possible comments have been made. By agreement with the owner, you can take photographs and send them to him as well.


Having received the rental agreement signed by the owner, all you have to do is pay him (usually the first month of rent and a deposit are paid). In this case, you can ask the agent in advance to bring a form of receipt for the money you paid to the owner.

You give money, they give you a receipt, keys, instructions for household appliances and contacts for maintenance personnel and services.

Now you are the happy owner of a rented apartment in Moscow!

This is a brief description of the rental procedure.

If you have any questions, you can always contact me, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Summer comes, people go to their dachas and so that square meters do not stand idle, they are rented out for a period of time of his absence.

Such apartments can be rented for a period of 3 to 6 months, if you're lucky.

Pros: the apartment is in normal and good condition, because the owners live here themselves, and the price is 10-15% lower than the market price.

This is due to two factors: the short rental period and the very seasonality, because there are more apartments on the housing market, competition is increasing, and prices are starting to slowly fall.

There are two disadvantages:

  • You may not be warned that the housing is seasonal. You will sign an agreement for six months, and after the expiration you will be asked to vacate the living space, under the pretext of the sudden return of the owners.
  • Frequent visits from apartment owners. Since this is not an apartment for rent in pure form, but their own living space, the owners will worry about it more, and may irritate the residents with frequent visits and checks to see if everything is in order with their precious square meters.

Who should consider such housing: applicants, those who want to have an interesting vacation, those who want to quickly make repairs in their own home and not overpay for rent.

Rent an apartment for the price of a room

It sounds like a fairy tale from a good fairy. But this happens. Moreover, there are 5-7% of such apartments on the market.

How to rent such housing?

Important! Ads with such low prices are a favorite bait of scammers. The most common scam is the sale of a phone database of supposed apartment owners.

They are sold by “information agencies”; after receiving the money, they will give you a database in which all the apartments have either already been rented out, or they simply do not exist.

Inexpensive, but without amenities

What can make rent cheaper?

Square meters in exchange for services to the owner

If you are short on funds, then you can try to rent housing from older people in exchange for help. Go to the pharmacy, to the store, get an injection. Sometimes, in exchange for caring for sick or small children, as well as animals, people rent out their accommodation for a purely symbolic amount.

But here you should be very careful, especially young girls.

Attention! Often men who advertise for housing in exchange for services imply the provision of sexual services.

There may be confusion even at the first meeting with the owner of the property.

Repair for free accommodation

When you see an advertisement for renting an apartment in a new building “without renovation”, but for a minimum amount, or for renovation, then this is your option.

Just get ready to live among bare walls, and then among endless construction debris. The main thing in such accommodation is to discuss with the owner who purchases the building materials, and for how long your accommodation will be free if you undertake the repairs.

It is important to specify all the nuances of the lease in the lease agreement. for repairs. So as not to end up on the street immediately after the completion of repair work.

Budget real estate search technology

Cheap housing exists, you just need to learn how to look for it. And even if you find an apartment that is slightly beyond your financial capabilities, it is worth fighting for.

Find the disadvantages (poor infrastructure, house without an elevator, first or last floor, lack of renovation) and voice them to the owners, perhaps they will drop not the very 10-15% that you needed to be happy.

Every year thousands of people come to Moscow in search of their happiness. At first, everyone faces the same problem - where to live.
Relatives and friends are a lifesaver at first. However, even the most patient of them will sooner or later ask you to move out. Then, you will have to face the problem of finding rental housing.
Renting an apartment in the capital is not a cheap pleasure. A one-room economy class apartment will cost you 20-25 thousand rubles. A “kopeck piece” can be rented for 27-35 thousand rubles. But if you know how to rent an apartment in Moscow at rates below market rates, you can save a decent amount. We will tell you what cheap rental methods exist.
Option one. Seasonal.
These properties appear on the market in early spring. It is at this time that apartment owners leave for the entire summer and part of the fall outside the city to their beloved 6 acres. In order for the apartment not to be empty, enterprising owners rent it out.
“Now there are already enough people who have apartments or houses abroad, for example, in Bulgaria. They can spend their holidays there. The average rental period for such apartments is 3-4 months, and the amount of rental payments is, as a rule, 5-10% below market prices,” notes Maria Zhukova, first deputy director of the MIEL-Arenda company.
Option two. Apartment for the price of a room.
Those who often move from place to place know that attractive options periodically appear on the rental real estate market. For example, you rent a room in an apartment where the second room is locked and, in fact, it turns out that for the cost of the room you are renting an apartment.
Maria Zhukova notes that “there are few such proposals, no more than 5% of the total volume. At the same time, the cost of renting a room in a two-room apartment is comparable to the cost of a one-room apartment, two rooms in a three-room apartment is comparable to the cost of a two-room apartment. Since the tenant receives the use of the entire remaining area of ​​the apartment.” But sometimes the owners rent out a one-room apartment for the price of a room.
For example, the owners of an apartment moved to live in another house, but there is nowhere to move the furniture and it’s a pity to throw it away. As a result, the second room serves as a kind of storage for things, and tenants have a great opportunity to rent an apartment cheaper.
“I would like to note that such offers are often found in non-professional databases, when a room in a two-room apartment is offered to rent at a price significantly lower than the market price,” says Maria Zhukova. “Such advertisements should alert potential tenants; such techniques are often used by “black” brokers in order to attract attention and hook a client, or even simply as a fraud scheme.”
Option three. No amenities, but cheap.
Another way to rent an apartment much cheaper in Moscow is to give up amenities. Convenience can mean different things. For example, an apartment may not have a bath or shower, then the cost of monthly rent for such an object may be reduced by 20-30%.
Option four. Living space in exchange for services.
Often, older people prefer to rent out an apartment because it can provide them with some useful services. For example, if you are a health worker, then pensioners will be happy to rent out their apartment or room to you at rates that will be several times lower. In this case, older people will be confident in timely medical care.
Also, you can rent housing cheaper if you take care of a sick person who lives in an apartment or walk animals.
Option five. High-quality repairs and free accommodation.

In realtor databases you can find offers to rent apartments for 10-15 thousand rubles. Such cheapness is not accidental, since in this case the tenant must make repairs to the apartment. Thus, the owner kills two birds with one stone. On the one hand, the apartment in the new building is not empty, but is working at a profit. On the other hand, the apartment will be renovated.
These are the TOP 5 most popular ways to rent an apartment cheaply. There are many more options for finding housing at rental rates below market rates, but these options are rare. Advertisements can be placed not only in the realtor database, but also in various communities and social networks.
For example, a family is leaving for another country for a couple of months and it is necessary to look after the apartment, water the flowers and feed the animals. In this case, the apartment owners can offer the person free accommodation, or they can rent out the living space. If a person pays for two months of living at once, the monthly payment for the apartment will be greatly reduced.

"to understand how to rent an apartment in Moscow cheaply and safely.

Where to look for an apartment and how much
She is standing

Currently, renting a one-room economy class apartment in Moscow costs 28–30 thousand rubles per month. For that kind of money, housing is offered with standard renovation and all the necessary furniture. The most affordable apartments in the south and southeast of Moscow. You can rent a one-room apartment there for an average of 28 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment for 38 thousand rubles. The cost in the eastern district is slightly higher: 29 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, 40 thousand rubles for a two-room apartment. The low rental rate is mainly due to poor environmental conditions. Nevertheless, their infrastructure is developed and they have everything necessary for living.

In the northeast, a one-room apartment costs an average of 32 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment costs 40 thousand rubles. In the north-west: 33 thousand rubles and 43 thousand rubles, respectively. In the north the figures are the same.

The most expensive districts are Southwestern, Western and Central. In the first two, the average rental price for one-room apartments is 34 thousand rubles, two-room apartments - 45 thousand rubles. In the most expensive, Central, district, a one-room economy class apartment is rented for an average of 37 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment - for 48 thousand rubles.

When to look for an apartment

Traditionally, the hot season begins at the end of summer and autumn, at which time demand grows due to those who enter universities and come to Moscow to work. As a result, cheap offers are washed out, which leads to higher rates. But this year the situation is conducive to bargaining. There are now a considerable number of competitive offers on the market, and owners are ready to make concessions. Some tenants decide to look for a new apartment because similar offers have appeared, but at a better price. This situation is especially noticeable in the expensive segment, where high demands are placed on housing.

The most suitable time to look for housing is spring and summer until mid-July. During this period, there is a lull in the rental market, so owners often give up the price by up to 2-3 thousand rubles, and sometimes the cost can be reduced by up to 15%.

But in any season there are offers from owners who, due to the urgency of the transaction, are ready to concede the cost of the rental rate (for example, if you need to go abroad and rent out housing in a short time).

How to check the owner

To avoid scammers, tenants need to ask for title documents for the apartment. You need to make sure that the person renting out the property has the right to do so. It is also worth requesting receipts for payment for the apartment and checking how many registered persons are indicated there. If the owner claims that he lives alone, but the receipt indicates the opposite, you should be wary.

Before moving into an apartment, you need to check everything: furniture, appliances and plumbing. If the owner has thrown a blanket over the sofa, take the time to check the upholstery. It happens that some imperfections are covered with a blanket.

What to write in the contract

The lease agreement must specify the property being leased. It is better to indicate the apartment address in full. In addition, you need to record key issues: the rental period (accommodation), the amount and procedure for payment, the frequency of payment revisions, at whose expense the repairs will be carried out, as well as the possibility of keeping pets.

It is quite possible to download the contract on the Internet and do without the help of a realtor. But to choose a normal sample, you need to follow the rules.

It is advisable to watch primarily specialized legal resources.

Not bad to rate relevance of the document. If it mentions, for example, the Civil Code of the RSFSR, it’s worth thinking about.

Skim through the text. Just because it's too "legalistic" (long sentences with too much technical terminology) doesn't mean it's right for you. It is better to use a sample that can be understood.

With some legal skill, it is possible to prove the existence of an oral lease agreement. In support of this, we can refer to the behavior of the parties: if one gave the other the same amount every month on the 5th (and, of course, can prove this), then the court may well agree that this is not a mere coincidence. But resolving issues through the courts in such a situation is the path of persistent and passionate people. At the same time, we should not forget that in the situation under consideration in court it will not be possible to refer to witness testimony - only to written and other evidence.

Who does the repairs

Typically, the costs of routine repairs (replacing a light bulb, painting a wall after children's drawing exercises) are borne by the tenant. You can only demand compensation for such repairs if this is expressly stated in the contract.

By default, major repairs must be done by the owner of the apartment. If the tenant had to do this, he may demand compensation for expenses. But it is advisable that this be stated in the contract.

If some equipment breaks down, then you need to look at whether the tenant is at fault for what happened. If you can prove that the chair fell apart because of termites, and not because your sumo wrestler friend sat in it, you will not have to pay anything to the owner.

Hello to everyone who visited the website of the popular business magazine HeatherBeaver! This is the permanent author of the resource - Denis Kuderin.

The topic of the new publication is rental housing. If you want to rent an apartment, a dorm room, a mansion on the seashore or other real estate, then our article will help you do this as quickly as possible and at minimal cost.

Today you will learn:

  • How to rent a one-room apartment or room without intermediaries, so as not to be deceived?
  • Is it possible to rent an apartment for a day, hour or night?
  • How is the contract concluded if I rent an apartment daily from the owner?

An additional bonus for those who read the article to the end is an overview of the most reliable and inexpensive real estate offices that will help you solve your housing problem competently, quickly and safely.


  1. What is the best way to rent an apartment - through a real estate agency or on your own?
  2. How to find an apartment without intermediaries - 4 proven methods
    • Method 1. Via the Internet
    • Method 3. Through ads
  3. How to rent an apartment from the owner - step-by-step instructions for beginners
  4. Who can help you rent a good apartment - review of the TOP 5 real estate agencies
  5. How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers - 4 useful tips for renters
    • Tip 3. Don’t pay a deposit before the transaction is completed
  6. Conclusion

1. What is the best way to rent an apartment – ​​through a real estate agency or on your own?

Almost every adult has rented an apartment at least once in their life. Personally, I did this four times before I got my own place. Twice I rented living space on my own and twice through intermediaries. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

The main advice I can give to beginners is that if you need to rent an apartment urgently (for example, the owners ask you to move out of your previous living space within a few days), go through an agency.

No matter how many sites you crawl, how many newspapers with advertisements you read from cover to cover, companies still have a larger database, and most importantly, their information is systematized.

But if the deadlines are not tight, and you can start searching efficiently and carefully, look for housing yourself. The only condition is that you must have at least minimal experience in matters of this kind. There are a lot of scammers in the housing market, as well as those who simply want to push stale or substandard goods to dummies.

The rental process has many nuances. Only an experienced, sensible and reasonable person can take them all into account. The average tenant does not always fit this definition. Therefore, he often overpays rather than renting housing to benefit his own budget.


Each property owner understands phrases like “apartment in good condition” or “apartment after renovation” in his own way.

For some, a good condition is the absence of leaks in the plumbing system and holes in the ceiling, and such little things as the lack of sockets, a faulty shower and wooden windows with cracks in the finger can not be taken into account. Some people believe that the “after repair” period lasts 5-10 years. Or vice versa, the work has just been completed, and the new residents will have to do the cleaning.

Therefore, each apartment needs to be worked out at the “telephone” stage. Otherwise, all your time will be spent exploring options that will seriously damage your faith in humanity, human reason and justice.

However, cooperation with an agency does not always guarantee the highest quality. Real estate offices are different. They should be chosen carefully and wisely as a future life partner. There are companies for which client satisfaction is a matter of prestige, and there are those that don’t care where and how you will live, the main thing is to get a percentage for intermediary services.

The best way to rent an apartment is to rent living space from people you have known for a long time, but this opportunity is not always available and not everyone has it.

I will voice three main criteria when choosing rental housing: comfort, safety, clear terms of the rental agreement. If you are able to get such an object without involving intermediaries, good luck.

If you doubt your abilities, look for a reliable, decent, proven realtor. Don’t smile skeptically after reading the last phrase - such specialists really exist, you just need to know where they live.

Read a detailed article on the topic of choosing an intermediary - “Real Estate Agency”.

The table presents the main pros and cons of housing search methods in a visual form:

A few words about short-term rentals. Today in large cities there are practically no aunties and grandmothers offering inexpensive housing at train stations to visitors and out-of-towners. This niche has been completely occupied by real estate offices.

True, there is a way for the advanced - short-term rental of private apartments via the Internet. On a special website you book accommodation in advance for a specified period, pay a fee and arrive at the place at the appointed time. The apartment can be rented for weeks, days, hours.

Sometimes such issues are dealt with by professional private realtors. You can easily find the specialist you need online. Just first check the qualifications of this person through all possible channels.

2. How to find an apartment without intermediaries - 4 proven methods

If you have chosen the “lone gunman” path and do not need helpers, first decide how you will search for the object you need.

There are 4 proven methods - I will describe each of them in detail.

Method 1. Via the Internet

Almost everyone today has a computer or smartphone with Internet access. The network has a sufficient number of free resources on which everyone can publish their advertisements for the sale, purchase and rental of housing of any size, type and price category.

You need to study the offers and choose the appropriate options. True, it is necessary first to separate the “wheat from the chaff” - to exclude advertisements from intermediaries.

To do this, after selecting an offer, use the option “other apartments of this user.” If the system gives you another 10-20 options, it means that you are dealing with a typical intermediary.

Other methods to distinguish the intermediary from the owner:

  1. Owners usually list in detail the requirements for tenants - how many people and what nationalities can live in the apartment, whether they can have children or pets. Agents are not interested in such nuances - the main thing for them is to quickly rent out housing to anyone.
  2. Owners prefer to rent out apartments for a long term.
  3. The owners know exactly what condition their apartments are in, where the windows in the kitchen face, how long ago the renovation was done, and the names of the neighbors on the site.
  4. When you first call, agents are usually interested in your personal information - they need to expand their client base.

More details about the principles of work of intermediaries can be found in the article “Real estate services”.

Method 2. Using newspapers and magazines

Not everyone has switched to digital format yet, but paper newspapers and magazines are still popular among certain categories of the population. Older or conservative homeowners often advertise in paper newspapers and newsletters.

Method 3. Through ads

If you are looking for housing in a certain area or even in a specific house, it is worth wandering around and reading advertisements at special stands, stops, or even directly at the entrances. This method takes a lot of time, but sometimes it helps to find really inexpensive housing in the area you are interested in.

Method 4. Among friends and acquaintances

A good option for those who have many friends and acquaintances. Renting living space from those with whom you are constantly in contact is a nice thing. I myself rented an apartment from friends, and it was easy, pleasant and cheap. But I want to warn you – you shouldn’t abuse your friendliness: pay on time and monitor the condition of your home.

3. How to rent an apartment from the owner - step-by-step instructions for beginners

And now - a step-by-step guide for those who have never rented a house on their own in their lives or have forgotten how to do it.

Step 1. Looking for suitable options

I talked above about how and where to look. Here I would like to note that potential tenants need to decide in advance which apartment and in which areas of the city they would like to live, and look for offers according to the intended parameters. This will reduce the number of unnecessary calls and search time.

Step 2. Contact the author of the ad

In a telephone conversation, immediately clarify important points, if they were not in the text of the ad: what is the condition of the housing, is there internet, who will pay for utilities, what furniture and equipment is in the apartment, what kind of tenants do the owners want to find, for how long will it be rented out? living space.

It’s okay if you seem like a bore to the owner - the more details are clarified during the telephone conversation, the better. It is also advisable to immediately find out whether the person who is talking to you has documents confirming ownership.

Step 3. We arrange a meeting and inspect the property

Inspecting the apartment is the most important stage of the process. Don’t be shy - look into all corners and ask questions: you live here, and you pay for it.

Check how the plumbing works - you can even ask permission to use the toilet and find out if the toilet is working properly.

Check if the kitchen stove, refrigerator and other appliances are working. If they are faulty, immediately indicate this fact to the owner, or better yet, include it in the lease agreement.

Step 4. Conclude a lease agreement

The culmination of the procedure. Surprisingly, a huge number of adults sign the lease document without reading it. This is a fundamentally wrong position. It is imperative to read the agreement – ​​and not diagonally, but point by point. Ideally, the contract should be shown to a qualified lawyer, but this is a paid service, and not all tenants have extra money.

Therefore, I will tell you what you should pay attention to in the document:

  • items relating to prepayment, deposit and payment - how much, on what date, to whom, in what way;
  • clauses regarding late rent - insist that you will be responsible for late payment only if it was your fault;
  • points regarding the responsibilities of the parties - it is always useful to know who is responsible for what;
  • items regarding living conditions;
  • clauses on payment of utilities;
  • clauses on early termination of the contract.

Negotiate in advance the procedure for increasing the rent if you are renting for a long time. For example, the owner has the right to increase the rent no more than once a year and by no more than 10%.

Even if you rent an apartment from the owner for a few days, an agreement is needed - to pay exactly as much as you intend and not be responsible for what you should not be responsible for.

Read about the specific features of renting luxury housing in the relevant publication.

Step 5. Record the meter readings at the time of conclusion of the contract

Be sure to record the electricity and water meter readings at the time of signing the contract. You don’t want to pay off the debts of past tenants, do you?

If there is a utility debt, the contract must indicate the amount that the owner undertakes to pay out of his own pocket.

If some points are unclear to you, you should clarify them in advance. To do this, take advantage of free legal consultations on the website Thousands of professional lawyers, including specialists in housing issues, cooperate with this resource.

You can contact them directly through the website or at the numbers listed below.

You can get qualified legal support right now - the resource operates around the clock. To order services that go beyond the scope of consultation, choose paid legal assistance from the company’s specialists.

If you do not want to rent, but rather quickly sell an apartment, it is useful for you to read the article “Repurchase of real estate”.

4. Who can help you rent a good apartment - review of the TOP 5 real estate agencies

If you don’t have time to search on your own, professional real estate agents will do it for you.

We have selected the five best real estate companies with an impeccable reputation and favorable terms of cooperation.

The Best-Real Estate group of companies has been operating in the housing market since 1992. This is one of the leaders among real estate agencies in the capital. The company has branches in dozens of cities in the Russian Federation and is engaged in any real estate transactions, including renting out apartments to individuals for any period of time.

The company employs only experienced agents with a large number of successfully closed transactions. Our specialists will help you quickly find the right accommodation on your terms. The agency's database contains hundreds of options in all areas of Moscow or the city in which you live.

The Moscow City Real Estate Service has 20 years of experience in the housing market. This is a universal agency that works with all types of real estate and provides qualified intermediary services in any housing transactions.

Do you want to rent an apartment for a day, six months, 5 years? At your service are free consultations, quick selection of current options, professional preparation of a lease agreement, and legal support of the transaction at all stages.

The Miel holding was founded in 1990. It is the oldest real estate company in Russia. The organization’s employees will help you rent, buy and sell living space in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation on the most favorable terms for the client. The company has the largest real estate database in the country and 120 offices in the capital alone.

Agents will help you rent an apartment in the city, suburb, or in any area. Each transaction is reviewed by the company's internal legal department. In addition to ordinary apartments, the office's database includes luxury housing, cottages, and VIP apartments.

4) Inkom

The largest real estate company in the Russian Federation with more than a quarter of a century of experience. Leader of the Moscow real estate market. In addition to intermediary services, it provides assistance in expert assessment of properties and mortgage lending. The staff consists of exclusively professional agents, each of whom specializes in a specific area of ​​real estate services.

Those wishing to rent housing through Inkom do not have to worry about fraud or pitfalls: the company works only with “clean” properties and closely monitors the legal integrity of the rental agreement.

The basic principle of the organization is responsibility to each client and full satisfaction of his requests. In its activities, the company uses the most current methods and technologies. Each Alma employee is well versed in current trends in the real estate market and has more than one successfully closed transaction to his credit.

Company advantages:

  • extensive database of objects;
  • mandatory consideration of the interests and wishes of clients;
  • support of transactions at all stages;
  • instant acceptance of the application;
  • guarantee of results.

The site contains detailed material about the methods and principles of real estate agencies.

It doesn’t matter which way you look for an apartment - on your own or with an intermediary - you are not immune from deception. There is a lot of money in the housing sector, which means there are more than enough people who want to make money at someone else’s expense.

Some useful tips for those who care about their own financial security.

Tip 1. Be sure to check the availability of documents for the apartment

The advice is obvious, but for some reason many people neglect it.

And then it turns out that the person who rented the apartment to you and received money for it is not the owner of the apartment at all, but his second cousin. Or a complete stranger who somehow gained access to the object.

Tip 2. Cooperate with the landlord only through an agreement

Any real estate transactions are documented. Even if you rent housing for just a week or a day, this must be recorded in an official document.

If the agent or apartment owner delays drawing up the contract, citing unclear reasons, look for another landlord.

No contract - no transaction, prepayment, advance payment and depositing funds into someone else's deposit. No verbal agreements, no “let’s pay now and sign next week.”

The keys must be handed over to you directly at the site. At the same time, immediately check whether these keys fit the locks.

Tip 4. When collaborating with an agency, be sure to check it

The nicest looking person - even if it is a pretty young girl who smiles at every word you say - may turn out to be a fraud.

If you work with an agent, be sure to check him out - call the office he represents and ask directly if they have such and such an employee on their staff. It's better to be safe than to become a victim of a scam.

To consolidate the material, watch a short video on the topic of the article.

6. Conclusion

Let's summarize. Renting an apartment is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To rent housing on favorable terms, you need to study all the nuances and features of the procedure in advance. And if you don’t have the experience, time, or desire to do this yourself, hire an experienced and reliable agent.

The team of our magazine wishes our readers success in any real estate transactions! We would be grateful if you rate and comment on this article. See you again!