What documents are needed to pass the MSEC first. IV

In order for a person to have the opportunity to register a disability, he must undergo an examination, during which doctors confirm the existence of a disability.

The examination, or, as it is called, medical and social examination (MSE), is carried out in a manner strictly defined by law and has a number of nuances. It is for this reason that every interested person should know how the VTEC commission (medical labor expert commission) proceeds.

Why is expertise needed?

The examination is carried out to perform several tasks:

  1. Determining the presence of disability.
  2. Belonging to a specific group with a disability.
  3. Study of connections, factors preceding disability.

The examination is regulated by Russian legislation.

Determination of disability

Within the framework of Russian legislation, the procedure and conditions under which a person is granted a disability group are clearly regulated. Those individuals who are encountering this procedure for the first time have to deal with many unpleasant nuances.

You can count on getting a group only based on the following facts:

  1. Impaired health status due to persistent impairment of the functionality of his body. For example, the reason for receiving a group may be injuries or illnesses.
  2. Obtaining disability is necessary to obtain social income for a citizen who is unable to work.
  3. Limited life activity. For example, partial or complete loss of the ability to care for oneself independently, to exercise control over one’s actions, behavior, and communication.
Attention! Obtaining disability is possible only if a citizen has at least two of the above characteristics. Recognition of a person as disabled is possible only within the framework of the ITU. Download for viewing and printing:

(on establishing disability)

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Re-examination of disability

According to Russian legislation, disability can be granted for a limited period or on an indefinite basis. Then the citizen needs to undergo regular examination.

Attention! In April 2018, the procedure for passing the ITU was changed in order to confirm permanent disability. Now it can be installed after the 1st examination without the need for a second application. Moreover, this can be done even in absentia and in relation to persons under 18 years of age.

If we consider the procedure for undergoing a medical examination in order to confirm the disability group, then there will be no differences in it from a regular examination, with the exception of time.

Frequency of re-inspection of VTEK:

  1. Disability group 2-3 - once a year.
  2. Group 1 - every six months.

In addition, the package of documents must be accompanied by new tests, results of repeated examinations, and a conclusion issued as a result of the previous VTEC examination.

Determination of disability group

During the medical examination, members of the commission determine the possibility of establishing one of the disability groups:

  1. . This means that the person actually has health problems, which means that it is difficult for him to perform his basic functional duties and meet the qualification requirements.
    The presence of this disability group indicates that a person cannot continue to perform his work duties due to the intensity, volume and severity of such activities.
  2. means that a person has health problems that do not affect his ability to work, but taking into account the use of auxiliary aids.
  3. can be assigned only to those citizens who have been confirmed to have a complete loss of ability to work, which means they cannot work.
Attention! Obtaining one of these groups is possible only during an examination in strict accordance with legal norms.

Instructions for passing the ITU

To obtain disability, the person concerned must go through a number of mandatory steps.

Getting directions

To receive a referral for medical examination, a citizen must contact his attending physician. At the appointment, you must inform about your desire to register a disability.

The attending physician records all the data in the patient’s medical record and issues a referral for an examination. After this, the person is sent for an inpatient examination, during which he must tell about all his illnesses and injuries.

All information is recorded in a card, which also includes data obtained as a result of inpatient treatment. In turn, a citizen can be sent to a hospital only after long-term outpatient treatment. In the absence of one, a person may be denied even a referral for an examination.

Drawing up an application for an examination

The application is drawn up by the applicant personally and entrusted to a representative. This document states:

  1. Name of the medical institution.
  2. Information about the applicant.
  3. Request for examination, purposes.
  4. Date of application.

The recipient of the document must affix his signature, which is proof of acceptance of the application.

Documents for conducting a medical and social examination are drawn up at the clinic at the applicant’s place of residence. Responsibility for drawing up documents rests with the chairman of the medical commission.

Receiving an invitation from the ITU Bureau

After receiving an application to undergo a medical and social examination, a citizen must wait to receive an invitation.

Notification of this can be made either in writing or electronically; in the latter case, the invitation is published on a special Internet portal.

Required documents

It is better to start preparing all the necessary documents even before receiving an invitation to undergo the examination. Only in this case can a citizen be sure that he has collected all the necessary papers:

  1. Passport of the subject.
  2. Referral for a medical and social examination.
  3. Medical documents that reflect the patient’s health status.
Important! If, when submitting documents, the applicant does not have any paper left, it will need to be submitted within 10 days.

Conducting an assessment of the body's condition

The examination of the patient's health status is carried out at his place of residence, or, if there is a corresponding application, at home. In addition, the commission has the right to conduct an examination in a hospital setting in absentia.

During the MSA, the main task of the specialists present is to conduct an examination of the patient, study all the documents provided and make a decision on the need to grant him the status of a disabled person, a disability group.

Since May 2019, medical and social expert research can also be carried out in a medical organization at the place of treatment of a citizen, in a correctional institution, and in absentia - subject to a decision of the relevant ITU bureau.

Issuance of the ITU act

Within 30 days from the date of registration of the examination, the patient is given a decision by the VTEK commission.

All documents issued as a result of the examination must be entered in the person’s personal file. He can receive copies of these papers upon submission of the appropriate application.

Since May 2019, electronic document management has been introduced.

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Actions in case of refusal to conduct an examination

Cases when a person is denied registration for disability occur quite often. The VTEK expert commission can make such a decision for many different reasons.

for medical and social examination

15. A citizen is sent for a medical and social examination by a medical organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, by the body providing pensions, or by the social protection body with the written consent of the citizen (his legal or authorized representative).

The citizen’s consent form for referral to a medical and social examination is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

16. A medical organization sends a citizen for a medical and social examination after carrying out the necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation or habilitation measures if there is data confirming a persistent impairment of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects.

(see text in the previous edition)

A citizen undergoing treatment in a hospital in connection with an operation for amputation (reamputation) of a limb (limbs), having defects provided for in paragraphs 14 and (or) the appendix to these Rules, in need of primary prosthetics, is sent for a medical and social examination on time, not exceeding 3 working days after the specified operation.

In a referral for a medical and social examination, a medical organization indicates data on the citizen’s health status, reflecting the degree of dysfunction of organs and systems, the state of the body’s compensatory capabilities, information on the results of medical examinations necessary to obtain clinical and functional data depending on the disease for the purpose of conducting medical treatment. -social examination, and rehabilitation or habilitation measures carried out.

(see text in the previous edition)

The form and procedure for filling out a referral for medical and social examination by a medical organization is approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

The list of medical examinations necessary to obtain clinical and functional data depending on the disease for the purpose of conducting a medical and social examination is approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

17. The body providing pensions, as well as the body for social protection of the population, has the right to refer for a medical and social examination a citizen who has signs of disability and needs social protection, if he has medical documents confirming impairment of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects.

The form and procedure for filling out a referral for a medical and social examination issued by the body providing pensions or the social protection body are approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

18. Medical organizations, bodies providing pensions, as well as social protection bodies are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information specified in the referral for a medical and social examination, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

19. If a medical organization, a body providing pensions, or a social protection body refuses to send a citizen for a medical and social examination, he is issued a certificate, on the basis of which the citizen (his legal or authorized representative) has the right to contact the bureau independently .

(see text in the previous edition)

The bureau's specialists conduct an examination of the citizen and, based on its results, draw up a program for additional examination of the citizen and implementation of rehabilitation or habilitation measures, after which they consider the question of whether he has any disabilities.

(see text in the previous edition)

19(1). Medical organizations form a referral for medical and social examination in the form of an electronic document in the medical information systems of medical organizations or state information systems in the field of healthcare of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and if the medical organization does not have an information system or access to the specified state information systems - on paper.

(see text in the previous edition)

19(2). A referral for a medical and social examination, issued by a medical organization, and information about the results of medical examinations necessary to obtain clinical and functional data depending on the disease for the purpose of conducting a medical and social examination, within 3 working days from the date of registration of the referral for a medical and social examination the examination is transferred by the medical organization to the bureau in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, using the information systems provided for in paragraph 19(3) of these Rules, and in the absence of access to such information systems - on paper.

A referral for a medical and social examination, issued by the body providing pensions or the social protection body, is transferred within 3 working days from the date of its registration by the body providing pensions or the social protection body to the bureau in the form of an electronic document signed by an enhanced a qualified electronic signature, using state information systems in accordance with the procedure for information interaction for the purpose of conducting a medical and social examination between the body providing pensions or the social protection body and the bureau approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, and in the absence of access to such information systems - on paper.

Formation and transfer of a referral for a medical and social examination to the bureau, transfer of information about the results of medical examinations necessary to obtain clinical and functional data depending on the disease for the purpose of conducting a medical and social examination to the bureau, as well as the formation and transfer of information about the results of the medical and social examination in the form of an electronic document or on paper are carried out taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data and compliance with medical confidentiality.

19(3). A referral for medical and social examination in the form of an electronic document, generated in accordance with paragraph 19(1) of these Rules, is transmitted to the bureau using medical information systems of medical organizations, state information systems in the field of healthcare of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a unified state information system in the field healthcare, federal state information system "Unified automated vertically integrated information and analytical system for conducting medical and social examination" in accordance with the procedure for information interaction for the purpose of conducting medical and social examination between medical organizations and bureaus, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Paragraph 2 clause 19(4) in the part concerning the submission by a citizen of an application for a medical and social examination in electronic form using the EPGU, comes into force on 10/01/2019.

In these cases, the citizen (his legal or authorized representative) submits to the bureau an application for a medical and social examination on paper or electronically using the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)".

Medical and social examination (MSE) arose in November 1995 on the basis of the adopted Federal Law No. 181-FZ, which in Art. 7 gives its direct definition within the framework of general trends in activities to protect disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Until this moment, the functions of examining the disabled were carried out by the Medical Labor Commission (VTEK). The principles of its activities were practically no different. Respectively, ITU expediently replaced it in the system of social relations.

Such a replacement was logical, since in this case the question is not only about persons who have lost their ability to work, but also about young disabled people who have not reached the age of legal capacity. This also applies to those who are disabled due to congenital or acquired disorders at an early age, falling into the category of “disabled since childhood.”

Significant differences between these institutions are expressed only in the development of the technical and social capabilities of the state. This is natural, since the progressive development of medical science and the institution of social relations expands the range of state and legal support for people with disabilities and provides more advanced ways of their rehabilitation.

Now let's talk more specifically about how to pass the examination.

Algorithm for preparation and completion

The initial stage of preparation depends on the state of the citizen. In any case, the procedure begins with collecting available medical information:

  • certificates;
  • acts;
  • extracts from the medical history.

They are completed by submitting them to the bureau at the place of residence, they are assigned to areas of residence. The following is the process:

  • Records with the appointment of the date of examination.
  • Direct examination by the commission.
  • Receipt of assignment of disability or refusal of a request.
  • Within three days, he receives an extract and transfers it to the pension fund, if the decision is positive.
  • Receives assignments for rehabilitation and carries them out, also uses possible benefits to receive free treatment, surgery, etc.
  • In case of refusal: we take all additional documents (you need to do it a month in advance) and submit. Or we write an application to the head of the district bureau about transferring the papers to the main bureau (you need to have time to transfer them three days in advance).

How to pass VTEK: overcoming difficulties

Problems can arise already at the stage of collecting certificates; this is the longest process in the entire examination procedure. Each situation requires a specific approach. The options may be the following:

  • A seriously ill patient is in the intensive care unit of the hospital or is in a position prohibited for transportation. In this case, all documentation is prepared by hospital doctors. If necessary, relatives bring the required documents, or a request is made to the production where the person worked. These papers are transferred without the participation of the patient, accompanied by a special certificate stating the impossibility of his personal presence.
  • A similar process occurs when it comes to a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

In these situations, close relatives or other interested parties act as representatives, acting under a power of attorney certified by a notary.

The notary is called to the department, and he certifies the admissibility of the representation. In critical situations, a certificate from the chief physician is acceptable.

In other cases:

  • A patient receiving treatment in a hospital can receive a referral from the hospital if his case qualifies as eligible for receiving social support.
  • A citizen receives inpatient, outpatient, private clinic, etc. treatment for a certain period of time. Having collected extracts from the medical history and certificates with an established diagnosis, he turns to the therapist at the local clinic. The doctor gives a referral for specialists and prepares an extract. It is certified by the head of the clinic and gives the right to apply to the ITU.
  • After an injury, a person collects all the papers at work, from the hospital where he was treated and sends them for examination.
  • At the clinic, the citizen was refused a referral. He requires form No. 6, independently goes through the specialists, collects the necessary certificates and applies to the ITU with an application.

The referral for examination must be signed by the head of the institution and at least three specialists, with obligatory certification with a seal.

When registering for an examination, you may be required to bring additional certificates from specialists. This is legal, this requirement should be fulfilled. It is often necessary to bring additional certificates or characteristics about working conditions.

Experts should be provided with originals, as well as copies of basic papers.

If you called an ambulance, it is advisable to take the call slips and file them with the documentation.

The main stage of the entire examination procedure is passing the commission. All specialists who are authorized to resolve the issue of your disability will gather here.

For a positive decision, they will need to conclude that the treatment, and upon re-examination, the rehabilitation program, did not bring lasting positive changes in health.

When you find yourself in front of specialists who examine the patient independently of each other. Everyone draws conclusions regarding his state of health.

After examination by all doctors and answers to their questions, the examined citizen is asked to go out the door. The decision is made by voting, which does not allow the personal presence of outsiders. Everything in your power should be done at the time of inspection.

Do you think that an examination by a specialist who is not related to your disease does not play a significant role? It's a delusion.

Every vote in your favor will guarantee the successful completion of the examination. This suggests that each of the commission members should be aware of your problems not only with health, but also with the possibility of self-care.

For example, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to remove socks. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is being done to examine your feet.

The doctor observes how difficult your movements are and how much pain they cause. Therefore, it is worth showing everything as it is.

For hypertension, you should keep a diary of pressure drops, indicating the name and dose of the medications that were used to reduce them. This will allow doctors to further verify not only the development of the disease, but also your responsible attitude towards maintaining your health.

How to behave at ITU to get a group?

First of all, doctors pay attention to the motives for examining citizens.

If the basis of the application is the desire to receive pension benefits, completing the procedure will be difficult. Psychologically, the patient will not concentrate on demonstrating the true state of affairs, which will reduce his presentation abilities.

When passing, you need to focus exclusively on the health disorder, and be able to show yourself as a person who really needs government subsidies. The goal of receiving retirement benefits should be put on the back burner.

Keep in mind that your documents do not play a significant role in establishing the group, although examination without them is in principle unacceptable. The main decision will remain with the commission members. You should behave kindly with them and do not be offended by incorrect questions and requests.

For example, patients with hyperthyroidism, while maintaining intelligence, often feel offended when they are asked to show their tongue.

Doctors check for characteristic bite marks if the tongue involuntarily falls out.

There is nothing offensive about this, it is a common diagnosis. But resistance on the part of the patient speaks volumes. In particular, that he is extremely adaptive and tries to lead. Keep this in mind. Such characteristics will lead to a refusal to establish disability.

Basic things you need– is to show a low level of survival without outside help. These are the characteristics of a person claiming to be disabled in life processes. Feel free to share the most unpleasant details that confirm this.

If you have severe lameness, come to the commission with a badik, even if in ordinary life you can do without it. Well-groomed women who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, regardless of pain, should not:

  • apply makeup;
  • dress up beautifully or brightly;
  • come in shoes with heels.

You need to show doctors your weakness and helplessness (but not go too far). The ITU is the only place where such behavior is appropriate and even useful.

In addition to the above, try to prepare for answers to the most unexpected questions of a medical and social examination.

Set yourself a task: if you cannot answer a question, it is better to react with embarrassment than with aggression. At the same time, try to give a precise answer rather than vague reasoning. Questions asked may include the following:

In addition to the above, they ask questions related to the immediate characteristic manifestations of the underlying disease.


People often assume that doctors should get answers to all their questions from medical papers and certificates. In this case, doctors are interested not only in the opinion of their colleagues, but also in the subjective idea of ​​the situation of the person being examined.



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Medical and Social Commission on Disability ITU (VTEK) - what documents are needed?

Issues of obtaining disability are of interest not only to the patients themselves. Points on how to make the procedure for passing the commission more objective are actively discussed at meetings of interdepartmental and government commissions. Thus, the usual decoding of the abbreviation VTEC - medical and labor expert commission, has today been replaced by a new name - MSE - medical and social examination. But changing the name of the commission did not change the essence of the procedure. It still deals with issues of disability assignment. Thus, the disability commission - VTEC was systematically replaced by ITU. This is due to the fact that VTEK resolved issues of disability of working citizens, and children with disabilities, by definition, did not fall under its competence. The Medical and Social Commission on Disability has an expanded range of powers and accepts all sick disabled people for examination.

Competence of ITU

The range of issues that the ITU or VTEC studies and makes decisions on are:

  • In carrying out procedures for examining citizens in order to study the prevalence of disability and its structure;
  • In determining her group affiliation;
  • In the study of causal factors that precede disability.

Medical and social examination and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the current legislation and special instructions and information letters of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population. The orders and instructions of these departments determine the procedure for referral for medical and social examination.

Preparation and passing of the commission

Any expert medical examination involves the collection of relevant documents. Information about what primary documents are needed for VTEC can always be obtained from the attending physician who is referring you for a socio-medical examination, including:

  • Certificates about diseases;
  • Reports of surveys and previous examinations;
  • Extracts from medical documents and outpatient records.

The attending physician must provide a sample application for a medical and social examination, as well as prepare extracts from medical documents and outpatient records.

The question of how and where VTEC is performed is decided in the medical institution at the place of residence or where the patient is undergoing treatment.

A referral to undergo an expert examination is issued by two bodies:

  • A medical and preventive institution that observed the patient and established the facts or disease in connection with which the disability occurred;
  • Departments of the pension fund and social protection.

The medical commission for determining disability no later than 30 days (calendar) from the date of submission of documents and application is obliged to conduct an examination and make a decision on assigning one of 3 degrees of disability or submit a refusal to assign disabled status in writing.

Certain difficulties arise in deciding how to undergo VTEC for a bedridden patient. In this case, all necessary documents are submitted without the presence of the patient, and the fact that it is impossible to transport him to the place of examination and examination is confirmed by a corresponding certificate from the attending physician for the head physician of the hospital.

Terms of re-examination

Disability can be established for a certain period or be indefinite. In the first case, there is a need to repeat the examination procedure. In general, the procedure for re-passing the VTEC for disability is practically no different from the first procedure for passing the commission; the only thing that should be taken into account is the timing. The frequency and timing of the repeated procedure depend on the disability group:

  • Disability group 2-3 – 1 time per year;
  • Group 1 – 1 time every six months or 2 times a year.

Documents for VTEK are prepared again in the same way. New tests, examination results and conclusions issued by the previous VTEC medical commission for the disability group are attached to the existing one. Otherwise, the procedure for re-examination is identical to the initial procedure.


This is not a rare procedure. But there is also a re-examination. It is not needed in all cases. The reasons for this are:

There is a certain list of diseases, on the basis of which the group is established indefinitely. In this case, re-examination (re-examination) is not required; all benefits are retained until the end of life.

In cases of a temporary period, when an improvement occurs, the group may be changed or deregistered.

What laws govern the procedure?

The re-examination is regulated by the following Resolutions, which are associated with this group:

As well as the following regulations:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2015 No. 1024n approved a special List that displays all types and categories of diseases and which disability groups they belong to.
  2. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 247, dated 04/07/2008. all diseases related to permanent social security and benefits are taken into account.
  3. Health disorders acquired after being injured in a technological environment are provided for by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 5 of January 30, 2002.

In addition to the above provisions, there are a lot of orders, regulations and legal acts regulating various types of documents. Official forms of acts and certificates are also provided, based on which it is not allowed to carry out examinations in any form.

Step-by-step instruction

Where to start?

The most common reason for re-examination is confirmation or removal of disability registration. Let's look at this example step by step.

  1. When assigning a disabled group, a certificate is issued that clearly indicates the validity period. During this period, the patient is prescribed a periodic course of treatment or rehabilitation.
  2. At the end of the established period, the commission sets a date for re-examination, in order to determine the state of health: whether improvements have occurred or the disease has begun to progress more strongly. The law allows passing the ITU two months before the end of the period, if there are grounds for this. It is necessary to strictly ensure that the certificate contains all notes on visits to the doctor, as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment procedures.
  3. When the deadline approaches, you should contact your local doctor, who will prepare the required extract., which must be signed by the head of the department or clinic. The initial commission fee is appointed at the clinic to prepare a referral for.
  4. Five days before the inspection date, the entire list of documents must be submitted at the ITU office at your place of residence.

What documents need to be collected?

The most important thing is to prepare the documents correctly so that you are not sent for missing data. So, what documents are needed for MSEC again? Here is their list:

  • certificate of disability;
  • IPRI certificate;
  • photocopy of your passport (bring the original with you);
  • SNILS;
  • all extracts from the medical history;
  • if during the treatment period you underwent additional examination outside the clinic, on a paid basis, you must attach all the results (for example, ultrasound, MRI, computed tomography, additional tests, etc.).

If you have a workplace, you need to have:

  1. Certificate of income.
  2. A copy of the work book.

The certificate should indicate the working conditions. For example, during shift work for disabled people of group 3, benefits are most often withdrawn.

Additional list:

  • educational document (certificate, diploma);
  • for students - a certificate from the educational institution and pedagogical characteristics.

How is the process carried out?

This procedure is practically no different from. If the goal is to extend the period, then it is necessary to fully justify and prove that the patient really has no improvement in health or his condition is worsening.

To do this, you need to prepare all statements, records of doctor visits, results of current examinations and tests that will help create a complete picture of the course of the disease.

The commission consists of physicians from various branches of medicine. The state of health is examined collectively, taking into account all areas of the body. There are special ones that are used to assess the patient’s condition. Based on this, they decide whether the person will continue to be on social security and determine whether he or she requires further assistance from the state.

A decision is made by a large number of votes. If the answer is positive, the result is issued within three days in the form of a certificate indicating the assigned group and validity period. In case of refusal, an extract is issued. If the subject believes that his rights were violated, or the decision was made unlawfully and unreasonably, he has the right to file a claim in court to review the result.

Features for a child

In most cases, deviations in children's health are visible to the naked eye. But, despite the visible deviations, each of them has to go through a difficult path in obtaining disability, which, like adults, must be extended after a set period of time. Disorders in children can be either congenital or acquired.

A disabled child is always registered at a clinic, where he receives prescribed treatment for a certain period of time. He must be under the supervision of a doctor of the profile to which his disease relates. If a child has problems with vision, then this is an ophthalmologist; if there are problems with ENT organs, then an otolaryngologist; if there are deviations in mental development, then a psychiatrist; with neurological problems, then a neurologist.

IMPORTANT! You should not forget to ensure that all entries are entered into the medical history on time.

If the podiatrist thinks you need orthopedic shoes, or the ENT says you need a hearing aid, they should indicate all this on the card. In the future, when considering these needs at the commission, a decision will be made that it is necessary to provide the child with everything he needs free of charge to make his life easier.

Obtaining a conclusion

A pink certificate is issued, which indicates the validity period of his group. When the end of the period approaches, the supervising doctor calls the patient to issue a referral for a re-examination to obtain a new conclusion. Along with the referral, a list of specialists is issued from whom it is necessary to obtain an opinion on health conditions.

In order to get examined, the opinion of one specialized doctor is not enough. Most often in children, the course of one deviation is accompanied by the appearance of deviations in another area, since the child’s immune system cannot work at full strength, and other vital systems are inhibited. An ECG, ultrasound and other additional examinations may also be required.

During the process of passing specialists, it is worth preparing a package of documents in parallel:

  • passport of the parent (guardian) of the child accompanying the child during the period of registration of disability;
  • certificate (passport if available) of the child;
  • certificate of residence;
  • pink certificate of disability;
  • patient card, with all extracts and medical history (signed by the chief physician);
  • (conclusion from a children's clinic);
  • (if the child is a schoolchild or student);
  • from a parent (guardian).

After visiting all the doctors and passing the prescribed tests, you should go to your local pediatrician to receive a staged epicrisis, which briefly describes the stage from birth to this moment, and also indicates the diseases suffered, diagnoses made, vaccinations received and treatment.

If a child has Williams or Down syndrome, autism, or other psycho-neurological abnormalities, then the resulting conclusion is transferred to a psychiatrist at the place of residence. After which the conclusion is submitted for signature to the head of the clinic, where it must be signed within three weeks.

Carrying out at home

If the child cannot move independently and the parents do not have the opportunity to come to the commission with him, then there is an opportunity to take the ITU at home.

Physicians from all medical specialties are required to participate. Also, the parent (guardian) has the right to demand the presence of their nominated doctor, with the right to vote.

If necessary, the parent (guardian) has the right to pay for the services of the required representative.

How often should I go?

You must sign up for the commission in advance, taking into account the fact that registration usually takes place a month in advance. It is important to remember that you cannot be late, otherwise your appointment may not be accepted and your appointment will be rescheduled for a certain period of time in advance.

Disabled people of groups 3 and 2 are required to undergo annual re-examination, and group 1 - only once every two years. In case of congenital abnormalities, children undergo observation for 4 years, then they are assigned a disability until the age of 18. A complete list of all types of diseases for which a group of up to 18 years is established is provided by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95.

Passing the examination stage, both for adults and children, is a very important process, which makes it possible to have social support from the state.

One type of such support is for.

If you are interested in such offers and want to take part in such a government program, then be sure to read the information that our experts have prepared for you.

It is worth remembering that you should not give incorrect information that could affect the refusal to assign a disability when identifying the illegality of the applicant’s actions. A more complete picture of the course of the disease should be provided and then there is a chance to get a positive result.

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