Homemade wood splitter size and diagram. Without an ax: how to make your own wood chopping tool with a foot pedal

Such a source of heat as wood (firewood) has been known to mankind since ancient times, and although gas heating is almost universally now used, firewood remains relevant and in demand for a large number of the population to this day. However, harvesting firewood for the winter as a source of heat is a laborious task, because it is necessary not only to deliver the wood, but also to process it. Over time, human thought has improved this process - folk craftsmen have come up with such a convenient device as a mechanical wood splitter.

Design and principle of operation

Firewood will not lose its relevance for a long time, remaining a convenient, economical and environmentally friendly type of fuel. There are several reasons for this:

  • in the outback in many houses to this day there is no alternative to stove heating;
  • saunas, baths, offering their services to attract customers, almost always indicate that they use firewood to generate heat, moreover, environmentally friendly and of certain species;
  • no picnic is complete without a good old fire - both for cooking and for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Initially, various types of manual cleavers and wedges were used to facilitate the process of splitting firewood. But in the process of operation, such primitive devices proved to be ineffective, as they were traumatic, and often just got stuck in a log. Therefore, they were replaced by a wood splitter. This simple mechanism saves not only energy, but also a lot of time. But the craftsmen did not stop there either, deciding to completely minimize the effort and time spent on the process of harvesting firewood, improving the technology of firewood cutters. This is how the mechanical type wood splitters appeared.

This idea was picked up by numerous industrial enterprises, but such mechanisms are not cheap, so the answer to the question - how to make a mechanical wood splitter with your own hands - remains very relevant.

Depending on the type of construction, the wood splitter consists of a simple support-shoulder to increase the applied force or a number of side mechanisms that serve to facilitate the process of harvesting firewood. Side mechanisms include the shoulder to which the cleaver is attached, and the frame - the frame on which the cleaver is held. In general, a complex of such simple devices forms a mechanism that can facilitate the work of harvesting firewood.

Pros and cons of homemade models

Let us consider several of the most successful models of mechanical wood splitter, which are easy to manufacture, convenient to use, safe and able to simplify the process of processing wood into firewood as much as possible. Mechanical wood splitters are divided into several types. Let's consider their pros and cons.

Mechanized wood splitter

An uncomplicated version of a homemade wood splitter with a simple drive, which is the easiest to manufacture, since it does not require large expenditures. Even in the case when the necessary parts are not found, their acquisition will not be difficult. However, such a device will bring the greatest benefit only with a minimal need for firewood. The disadvantages of such a wood splitter are the long handle on which the cutter is attached, and considerable effort. But even such a primitive mechanical wood splitter can significantly facilitate the work of preparing firewood.

Spring loaded wood splitter

A push-down or spring-loaded log splitter implies a certain cost of materials for manufacturing, but will significantly reduce the load on the worker's muscles. The mechanics remain the same, but a spring shelf is added to the rack. The spring should not deform during compression and have a certain elasticity (Fig. 2). The height of the frame of such a wood splitter is usually 65-80 cm.The design is simple, takes up little space, but has its drawbacks:

  • such a wood splitter requires complex work with a percussion tool, which increases the risk of injury;
  • it greatly facilitates, but does not reduce the effort when harvesting firewood to a minimum.

Vertical inertial log splitter

Another simple option for a mechanical wood splitter. The advantages of such a wood splitter are the simplicity of manufacture and the cheapness of the material. And also this wood splitter will pleasantly facilitate the work with soft types of wood. Such a wood splitter has few drawbacks - it is useless for working with viscous varieties of wood, since the cleaver will get stuck in the log and getting it, given the small size of the wood splitter, will be problematic.

Electromechanical wood splitter

In order to make your work as easy as possible in the process of turning wood into solid fuel by using a mechanical wood splitter, it is possible to install an electric drive on it, as shown in the photo (Fig. 4). However, the manufacture of such a wood splitter requires certain costs, knowledge of electromechanics, the ability to read drawings and the use of electric welding.

Tools and materials

To make a mechanical wood splitter with your own hands, you will need:

  • pipe;
  • metallic profile;
  • ax or cleaver.

To make a vertical inertial wood splitter you will need:

  • two metal pipes of different diameters;
  • a weighty piece of metal in the form of a plate for the base;
  • directly the executive tool - the cutter.

In order to assemble the most effective type - an electromechanical wood splitter - at home, you will need to make a cone. It is made from a ST-45 cylinder. Length - 14.5 cm, diameter - 55 mm. Tilt angle 30 degrees. Then, on a lathe, a thread with a depth of 2 mm is applied to the resulting part (step 7 mm). The manufactured part is put on the motor shaft or the gearbox axle and secured with a pin. On the other side of the shaft, a bearing is put on the axle, and a sprocket for a chain or a pulley for a belt is attached. The cone is located at a height of 10-15 cm from the surface of the frame-bed.

Materials for making:

  • ST cylinder - 45;
  • electric motor;
  • metal for assembling the bed;
  • belts or chain;
  • starting device;
  • sheet steel for the manufacture of protective covers.

Pros - minimum effort in the procurement process. Cons - it will be expensive to assemble such a log splitter at home. You need to spend not only on the purchase of the necessary materials, but also on the services of turners, electrical fitters and welders.

How to do it?

The easiest way is to make a mechanized wood splitter (Scheme 1). The assembly is very simple: the cutting part is mounted on a vertical rod with a sole made of any profiled metal, but leaving the possibility of free movement of the rod. The movement unit can consist of two welded ears with holes on the stand and a metal pin-pin, which serves as a shaft for turning the mount and the cleaver.

A press or spring log splitter will require a little more effort to manufacture. A shelf is welded between the bed and the horizontal movable arm with the cutter, on which the spring is installed and fastened, the second end of the spring is attached to the horizontal arm of the wood splitter, damping the blows to the cutter (cleaver). Taking into account that the executive part of the wood splitter becomes heavier, then the blow on the split deck is made with a minimum of effort (Fig. 2). However, some effort is still required, as recoil will occur due to the spring. At this point, attention should be paid to the spring used in the device so that the cleaver remains effective on impact, can calmly chop wood, and at the same time it would be easier to hold the shoulder of the structure during recoil.

It is very easy to assemble the vertical inertial log splitter. First you need to weld the first pipe to the base plate. The length of such a pipe is slightly more than a meter (Fig. 3). Then, from a pipe of a larger diameter, it is necessary to cut a piece that will be greater than the length of the splitter. Then it is necessary to weld the cleaver to a piece of a tube of a larger diameter and put it on the base tube. The principle of operation is extremely simple - they set the log on the base under the cleaver and beat it from above with another log or sledgehammer.

An electromechanical wood splitter will require the costs of the engine itself, metal for the manufacture of the frame, gearbox, cone (actuator), accessories and consumables. A drawing of the executive part (cone) is shown below (Fig. 5).

An engine is installed on the frame, it is connected to a gearbox, which transmits movement to the cone directly or through a belt drive. In order to power such an electric motor, certain skills are required, since the special parameters and requirements for the motor are taken into account. The motor power should not be less than 2 kW, and the number of revolutions, as a rule, from 250 to 500. Such a motor can be connected directly to the cone.

It doesn't matter if you can't find a suitable engine. In this case, you need to purchase a gearbox - increasing or decreasing the number of revolutions, depending on the number of engine revolutions. Therefore, a motor with a number of revolutions from 250 to 500 can be installed directly with a cone, and a motor using a gearbox is better placed at the bottom of the frame and transmitted by belts.

Safety instructions

There is always a risk of injury when working with mechanical devices of any type. When using homemade wood splitters, this risk often increases rather than diminishes. Always and under any conditions, one should not forget about safety precautions. When using a mechanical wood splitter:

  • in order to protect yourself as much as possible from all kinds of injuries, sawdust or chips in the eyes, it is necessary to work in protective clothing, shoes, glasses and a protective helmet;
  • wood used for processing must be firmly installed and fixed in gutters or special recesses;
  • do not work in poor visibility conditions or on slippery surfaces;
  • all elements of a mechanical wood splitter must be firmly welded and fixed to each other;
  • the cleaver or cutter should not have chips and cracks;
  • you should not be engaged in harvesting firewood in the immediate vicinity of other people;
  • it is important to closely monitor the condition of the tool used.



A do-it-yourself wood splitter is used, as a rule, by residents of villages and townships who heat their houses with wood blanks. Getting a professional installation is very expensive and not affordable for an ordinary villager. In addition, such machines are mainly used in large enterprises. However, if you wish, it is not difficult to build a wood splitter with your own hands, its mechanism is simple and extremely useful in a suburban economy.

The firewood splitting device is divided into mechanical and hydraulic modifications. Depending on the supply of logs to the installation, the classification by orientation is horizontal, vertical or mixed.

Homemade wood splitter is also classified by power source. These can be models with electric or gasoline engines, as well as single-shaft ones - on a tractor traction. All these devices for splitting firewood differ from each other by the specifics of the installation and individuality in terms of the principle of operation.

However, all wood splitters have common positive qualities:

  1. Minimization of forces when chopping wood.
  2. Fast and efficient work.
  3. Optimization of physical efforts: a person does not need to constantly bend over while splitting.
  4. Ready to go instantly: you just need to connect the device.
  5. Endurance during the operation of the unit: it has the ability to continuously chop wood for a long period.
  6. Versatility: even a person without special advantages in physical strength can chop wood with a wood splitter.

Of the minuses, one can name the overpriced when buying a ready-made wood splitter, as well as the complexity of the mechanism if you make a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands.

Simple do-it-yourself wood splitter

The easiest system for self-production of a wood splitter is cone wood splitters. They are based on a threaded steel cone, which is rotationally driven by an electric motor. The difficulty in creating such a wood splitter can only be created by a cone, since it will need to be turned on a turning unit.

Before making a wood splitter with your own hands, you need to purchase the following tools and materials:

  • power unit - electric motor or gasoline engine;
  • reducer;
  • bearings;
  • frame (preferably metal);
  • working cone - gimbal.

All these tools and materials for the wood splitter are selected individually, there is no specific scheme. In this case, the firewood splitting device will meet all conditions very accurately and provide the required working performance.

A homemade wood splitter, based on a threaded cone, is turned on a lathe, then a spiral thread is made on it with the help of a grinder. Next, the cone is pushed onto the shaft with bearings, where it is fixed with a pin for further removal from the shaft and replacement of the gimbal.

During the splitting of firewood, the cone can jam in the log, so the ability to remove it from the shaft is necessary.

Further, a gearbox or spacer made of pipes and nuts is mounted between the motor and the shaft. The reducer is necessary in order to increase the torque, decrease the rpm, and also ensure a stable air pressure before each blow. The spacer made of pipes and nuts is designed to tighten the chain.

The homemade wood splitter is ready, you just need to turn on the mechanism and set the cone in motion. When it starts to rotate, a log is aimed at it with the help of a stop. Thus, the working cone, screwing into the wood, will split it in half.

DIY hydraulic log splitter

To process a large number of logs for firewood, it is recommended to make or buy a hydraulic model of a wood splitter. In such a device, the main power component is a cylinder, the rod of which is extended by the pressure of the fluid inside. For this purpose, a pump and an electric motor are provided in the design.

To make a wood splitter with your own hands, it would be logically correct to use drawings with diagrams. The hydraulic splitter can be made on the stem or in the stop structure. This device is static, which increases the strength of the entire structure.

The lightest model is assembled as follows: a car jack is mounted on the bottom of the vertical frame on the platform. Then, instead of a cutting element, a knife, a tapered wedge is installed. The upper part of the frame is split, for easy adjustment to the size and length of the split log. The wedge is brought to the wood with the help of a central screw, then the jack enters the splitting process. However, a do-it-yourself hydraulic wood splitter, mounted on a fixed bed, requires some knowledge and skill, so it is not recommended to tinker with such a device without experience.

Focusing on the choice of a specific modification, you need to take into account the following characteristics of the wood splitter:

  1. Splitting force, depending on the size of the cylinder and the power of the electric motor. It ranges from 4-10 tons.
  2. The maximum size of the workpiece is 0.5-2.0 m.
  3. The location of the wood is vertical or recumbent.
  4. Motor power, depending on the type of engine - from 1.2 to 2 kW.

The hydraulic wood splitter has a large capacity and is therefore often used commercially. However, it can be installed at home, such a device contributes to a convenient and high-quality splitting of firewood for heating a house, a bathhouse and other subsidiary plots. Having built it with your own hands, you can save a considerable amount, however, it is important to take into account the maximum diameter of the workpiece and the speed of its processing.

Chopping wood is an extremely tedious and dangerous process that takes a lot of time and effort. That is why many people who have to regularly do this work try to purchase a special wood splitter or even make one themselves. Of course, to assemble a wood splitter with your own hands, drawings, photos, instructions are needed. But in addition, you need to know which model to give preference to.

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What are wood splitters

So, before answering the question of how to make a wood splitter with your own hands, you need to decide which model is the best solution for a particular user. Today, three options are most common:

  • hydraulic;
  • electric;
  • manual (inertial).

Now we will consider each of these options in more detail so that a potential user can choose the most suitable mechanism for chopping wood.


Perhaps, it is the hydraulic wood splitter that is most in demand. The fact is that it is he who has the greatest performance.

When working with such equipment, you can easily and quickly cut almost any wood, including the damp and most durable.

The main element of this wood splitter is the hydraulic cylinder. A log is laid on it, after which the cylinder, under the pressure of the liquid, pushes the sharpened blade.

Thanks to the significant pressure, work is done in a second. High productivity allows you to chop a large amount of firewood in the shortest possible time.

Important! When choosing the material from which the blade will be made on a hand-assembled wood splitter, give preference to the hardest steel grades so that you do not have to sharpen it often.

Alas, this type of equipment is the most difficult to manufacture. Therefore, in order to design a hydraulic wood splitter with your own hands, drawings will not be enough - you also need to have considerable experience in working with such mechanisms.

Electric wood splitter

A more budgetary option, which also does not require special efforts - observing certain safety precautions, even a ten-year-old child can successfully work with it. The principle of operation is similar to the hydraulic one. However, the blade is not hydraulically splitting the log here. The main driving force here is the electric motor.

Due to its simpler design, it costs significantly less. And it will be much easier to assemble it yourself (if you have the appropriate components).

Important! When installing an electric wood splitter, choose a place on a low rise and be sure to place a rubber mat under it to avoid short circuits if the ground is wet after rain.

However, there are certain limitations. First, you need to have a source of electricity nearby. However, in most summer cottages and private houses, this does not arise with this problem. Second, make sure the wiring can handle the additional stress. A wood splitter with a gearbox, both made by hand and factory, is equipped with a fairly powerful engine, and if the wiring is too weak, this can lead to knocking out the plugs.

Manual (inertial) wood splitter

The scheme of this type of wood splitter is simple, which provides it with a certain popularity. No engine is needed for manufacturing, and even a person who is not too used to working with his hands can handle the assembly.

A blade is installed on a long, about one and a half meters, metal pipe. A chock is fixed under it, on which a log is installed. After that, the user simply lowers the main working part down with a swing.

Muscle strength combined with inertia easily splits most logs, which will be quite difficult to handle manually.

In some cases, the wood splitter is being finalized. For example, the working part is equipped with a spring from below, the other end of which is fixed near the chock. The user lifts the part with the blade manually, unbending the spring, and then abruptly releases it - under its weight and the tension of the spring, the blade strikes a powerful blow, cutting even a problem log with knots.

Also, a small load can be suspended on the opposite end of the pipe - this will significantly facilitate the lifting process, although it will slightly reduce the impact power.

Finally, an additional weight can be hung on the metal pipe in the area of ​​the blade. It will be harder to lift the blade, but the impact will be much stronger.

The advantage of a manual or inertial wood splitter is simplicity, unpretentiousness and the ability to assemble from improvised means. But there is also a minus. You need to have a certain physical strength in order to successfully chop a sufficient amount of firewood. And it will take much more time than when working with a hydraulic or electrical device.

Which wood splitter to choose

The above are the most common types of wood splitter. They can be made by hand - some are simpler, others more difficult. But having a drawing, every person can install a homemade wood splitter in his country house.

It is very important to decide which device will be the right choice for you. Indeed, the manufacture will take a lot of effort, time, and also money. Therefore, the likelihood of error should be excluded.

Let's start with hydraulic. Its main advantage is high performance and ease of use. But there is also a minus - it is complex; to create it, you will need special equipment and certain skills that not every person has. Such equipment should be preferred in cases where the user has to regularly work with a large amount of firewood.

The advantage of an electric wood splitter is its great simplicity and power, which is not inferior to a hydraulic one. A very good solution for an ordinary summer resident - you can prepare several cubic meters of firewood with such an assistant without much difficulty. And in order to heat the bathhouse for the entire summer season, and heat the main living space a little during frosts, this will be quite enough.

Finally, a manual wood splitter. As already mentioned, it is simple. Almost everything you need can be found at a ferrous metal collection point, paying for the necessary components no more than a few hundred rubles, and sometimes much less. But in order to work productively with him, you need to have good physical fitness.

Although it is easier to chop wood with an inertial wood splitter than with an ordinary cleaver, it is still quite difficult. Therefore, it is worth choosing it only for people who have remarkable strength, but at the same time who do not want or are not able to work as a cleaver. However, if you need to chop just a few chocks into logs, while not risking your health (inept handling of an ax often leads to serious danger) and not getting too tired, this solution will be successful.

Wood splitter classification

In addition to those models that were described earlier, there are others. For example, with a cone-shaped cleaver. A very convenient solution, most often created on the basis of electrical equipment. Using any sufficiently powerful engine (suitable from a pump, motorcycle or even a washing machine), you can easily make quality equipment. The cone rotates at high speed - it is enough to bring a log to it and slightly press it to split along the grain. There is no need to wave an ax - it will take a few seconds even for an inexperienced user to turn a weighty log into a pile of logs suitable for burning in a furnace.

Rack wood splitter drawing.

Drawings of a rack-and-pinion wood splitter are also popular - many users want to make it with their own hands. Why is it interesting? In general, it is similar to a conventional hydraulic one. There is only one difference. If in most wood splitters a blade is driven into a log, then on a rack and pinion, on the contrary, the log splits against the blade. For this, a blade is installed on a suitable platform (usually made of thick sheet metal). A chock is laid in front of him, on which the movable part of the wood splitter presses. In a second, a thick, weighty log splits in half, then into four parts, and so on.

A simple mechanism for splitting firewood from scrap materials

Our people are distinguished by their ingenuity and love for non-standard solutions. Therefore, many craftsmen make a mechanical wood splitter with their own hands. It is a frame with a knife on one side and a tight spring on the other. A chock is laid on the frame (most often not very large, so that it can be easily split at once), after which the spring is tightened. This is done both manually and using a special gate. Then the spring is released abruptly. She strikes hard at the log, which splits against the knife. The mechanism is simple, but at the same time reliable, effective and does not require great physical strength.

How to make a manual wood splitter with your own hands

Let's start with the simplest option - we will tell you how to make a manual wood splitter at home. In fact, this is not even a wood splitter, but a simple device that simplifies the process of chopping wood and makes it safer.

To do this, you will need:

  • a thick metal sheet (7-10 mm thick) with a size of 150x600 mm - the future blade;
  • metal plate 5 mm thick and 300x300 mm in size - base;
  • metal rod (cross-section can be either round or square, but not less than 20 mm) - about 3 meters.

Now let's start assembling. The scheme of a homemade wood splitter is as simple as possible. A thick sheet is cut into pieces: one 150x300 and two 150x150 millimeters. They are sharpened on one side and welded to the metal base in the shape of a cross.

The rod is cut into two parts: 1 and 2 meters. The first is welded to the base from the side, strictly perpendicular. The second is bent into a circle and welded to the first at a height of 30 cm.

That's all, the design is ready. Now insert a log into the ring formed by the rod, resting it on the sharpened cross, and strike from above with a sledgehammer - it will split into four neat parts.

How to make a spring log splitter step by step

If you want to make a spring cleaver with your own hands, drawings are not needed - the diagram is as simple as possible. It only takes a few details:

  • metal corners;
  • two pieces of channel;
  • powerful spring (you can use a spring from a car);
  • a plate that acts as a knife (you can use an old cleaver);
  • hinge assembly;
  • a piece of pipe, the diameter of which is slightly less than the diameter of the spring;
  • weighting agent.

When you have everything you need, you can start building:

  1. Using one channel as a base, weld the other to it perpendicularly.
  2. Prepare a site for installing the spring.
  3. Weld the pipe and spacers (corners) to the base.
  4. Make a cutout on the beam with a grinder, through which the structure will be attached to the base.
  5. Weld the beam.
  6. Hang the pivot beam onto the support.
  7. Install the spring.
  8. Fix the boulder to the movable beam.
  9. Weld the weight on top of the boulder.

The structure is ready - you can paint it to protect it from rust.

Carrot log splitter

This is what the people called the wood splitter, which uses a screw to split firewood. Here the design is more complicated - to assemble a screw wood splitter with your own hands, drawings, photos, instructions will be required. Before getting started, prepare:

  • the engine is powerful enough and provides a rotation speed of 200-250 rpm;
  • a cone with a screw thread with a diameter of 5-6 cm and a length of 20-22 cm;
  • two rotation supports;
  • chain;
  • shaft 30 cm long and 3 cm thick.

Drawing of a wood splitter carrot.

Problems usually arise when finding a cone - the easiest way is to order it from turners or buy it in a store, it is not too expensive. Now get to work:

  1. Place the shaft on the bearing, weld the flange on the back.
  2. Slide the cone onto the shaft, fix.
  3. Weld the supports to the bearing to secure the structure to the table.
  4. Make a spacer between the engine and the shaft - use it to tighten the chain.
  5. Place the structure on a table, secure and tighten the chain between the flange and the motor.

If you use an electric motor, do not forget to protect the structure from moisture, and if possible, ground it.

How to make a hydraulic log splitter

The hydraulic log splitter is the most complex one. Usually a gasoline engine from a car or motorcycle acts as a motor. It is worth warning right away that its creation will cost a lot. But work comfort and productivity fully offset the costs. So, what is needed to assemble a gasoline wood splitter with your own hands , and how much will it cost?

  1. 12-14 horsepower engine - 14,000.
  2. Hydraulic distributor - 3500.
  3. Hydraulic cylinder 100x40x61 - 10500.
  4. NSh32 - 1500.
  5. NSh drive - 4000.
  6. Hubs from a VAZ car - 1500.
  7. Engine pulley - 1000.
  8. V-belts - 900.
  9. 40 liters of hydraulic oil - 2500.
  10. Couplings and RVD - 2500.
  11. Flanges for NSh - 400.
  12. Metal plate - 1000.
  13. Metal profile - 4000.
  14. Fastening material - 700.
  15. Engine oil - 400.
  16. Rubber hose and clamps - 300.
  17. Paint - 600.
  18. 2 kg of f4mm electrodes and 5 kg of f3mm - 1000.
  19. Grinder discs (regular and stripping) - 700.
  20. Brush for applying paint - 100.

In total, you will have to pay about 51 thousand rubles, and maybe more. If you have purchased all the necessary items, you can get to work.

Assembling the frame

The assembly takes place as follows:

  1. Weld a 30x30 mm corner - hubs to a 50 mm pipe. You should get two triangles.
  2. On the front axle made of a 60x60 mm corner, weld spacers from a 30x30 mm corner.
  3. Attach the wheels to the axle.
  4. Weld the base on the rear axle, on which you will lay the engine.
  5. Weld a sturdy channel frame.
  6. Assemble a movable structure from an 80 mm channel.
  7. Weld a triangular platform from the channel that pushes the log onto the knife.
  8. To prevent the log from falling, attach stops on both sides of the platform.

How to make a splitting knife

A good cleaver is the basis for comfortable and safe work. A piece of KAMAZ spring will do. Fortunately, its manufacture is a relatively simple procedure - you do not need drawings to make a firewood cleaver with your own hands. But you can't do without tools - you need a sharpening machine.

Sharpen the metal - the angle should be 60-70 degrees. Weld the knife onto the bed.

How to assemble the motor and oil tank

An empty propane bottle can be used as an oil tank. The work is as follows:

  1. Fill the bottle with water.
  2. Without pouring out the water, cut the valve with a grinder.
  3. Create a Sump - Separate a quarter of the cylinder volume by installing a steel partition at least 10 cm high.
  4. Place the filter mesh equipped with a magnet 5 cm from the bottom. The filter will retain the swarf, extending the life of the motor.
  5. Weld on the pipe - oil will flow into the pump through it. The fence must not go all the way to the bottom to prevent the pump from sucking in debris.
  6. Place the tank just above the pump using a level

How to make a log splitter mobile

Do you want to be able to easily and quickly move a homemade wood splitter that weighs less than a hundredweight or even more?

Equip it with small wheels, for example from a garden wheelbarrow.

The most cautious users also use brakes on the wheels.

However, multiple bricks can be used to keep the structure securely in place.

What is the difference between a homemade wood splitter and a factory model

The main difference is cost. Even if you decide to make a hydraulic wood splitter, for the components for which you will pay about 50 thousand rubles, you will still save a lot. After all, the cost of the factory starts at 100 thousand. You can not even talk about a screw or manual one - they will cost several hundred or thousand rubles, because everything you need is in many farms or can be bought quite inexpensively.

Now you are well versed in the types of wood splitter and can easily make a suitable one.

Despite the general gasification and the onset of electric boilers, stove heating is still in demand in rural and suburban areas. Small-scale mechanization came to this area of ​​life long ago, and only conservative "Old Believers" chop wood by hand.

The engine-driven wood splitter allows you to chop three cubes of firewood in a few hours, while the traditional method takes several days. In addition, work with an ax, unlike a wood splitter, is traumatic.

Homemade wood splitter with an electric motor - a popular design

There are three types of electric wood splitter:

  1. Hydraulic cleaver. The electric motor is used in the hydraulic pump;
  2. Rack wood splitter;
  3. Cone log splitter.

Let us dwell on the latter in more detail. This is the most inexpensive version of the device, hence the popularity and widespread use in the household.

There are many offers of industrial cleavers. The price category depends on the power and usability.

Moreover, it is the screw (it is also called the carrot wood splitter, because of the characteristic shape of the working nozzle) that is in high demand. In addition to finished machine tools, manufacturers offer a separate screw cone, as this is the most complex part of the design.

To assess the complexity of manufacturing - we give a drawing of the cone. Dimensions and thread pitch are arbitrary, they are not universal indicators.

Such a tool cannot be turned on a simple lathe. In addition, the thread pitch is calculated for the rotational speed of the shaft. To reduce the cost, many do-it-yourselfers do not install a gearbox, and attach a cone for a wood splitter directly to the motor shaft. With this design, the step should be shallow, and the thread itself should be shallow.

In contrast, geared designs use a deep thread with a coarse pitch.

This is done to equalize the performance of structures with different shaft rotation speeds. In addition, without a gearbox and with high rpms, the engine torque will be low. Accordingly, the fine thread will make it easy to screw into hard wood.

The cone is the only homemade wood splitter part that should be purchased from professional manufacturers. In addition to the correct shape and calculated thread, the metal of the screw must be hardened according to a specific method. The workpiece is heated to 840 ° - 860 °, and kept in the oven for 30 minutes.

Then it is immersed in salted water. The procedure can be repeated using a gas burner only if the diameter of the cone is less than 50 mm.

After purchasing the necessary components, you can make a wood splitter with your own hands. The assembly of the bed is not particularly difficult. The next element that you are unlikely to create with your own hands is an electric motor.

Usually they use a motor that they managed to get for free or buy inexpensively. A typical donor in such cases is an old washing machine.

Winter is close, which means that you need to start thinking about firewood now. Let's leave the option of manual labor in the last century and turn our eyes towards a hydraulic (and not only!) Wood splitter. This device will be a great help if you need to chop a dozen cubes of firewood. We will also consider 4 schematic diagrams of homemade wood splitters.

Briefly about the device of the wood splitter and the principle of its operation

The basic elements of a standard hydraulic log splitter are a frame with an attached knife, a hydraulic piston and a drive. The knife plays the role of the point of the same cleaver, which has to be waved in the absence of the equipment considered here. The necessary force is created by the operation of the engine in conjunction with a hydraulic piston, which pushes the workpiece onto the knife. Everything is quite prosaic and looks something like the video below.

The vast majority of factory products work according to this principle. When studying the information, you may come across the so-called screw (conical, carrot, etc. names) cleavers. They have gained great popularity due to their simple device and the possibility of making them with your own hands. We will talk in detail about the design features of such log splitters in the last part of the article.

How to choose a hydraulic log splitter

The main characteristics of modern wood splitters and their description are presented in a small table below.

Selection criterion Varieties and capabilities of devices
Construction type The most popular devices are hydraulic wood splitters, the force in which is created by the motor and the hydraulic piston, due to which the workpiece is pressed against the knife.

Screw cleaver(wood splitter "carrot") - another common solution due to the fact that you can do it yourself. The axis of the drive drives the screw cone in rotation, which, when the workpiece is fed, is literally screwed into it and breaks the layers of wood.

It is simple to operate, but rather dangerous to use. In such a cleaver, the workpiece is pushed by the force transmitted to the rack from the rotating gear.

If all of the above options are equipped with a drive, then inertial or a spring log splitter already requires some manual force. With a large shoulder and spring, it modernizes the approach to traditional splitting.

Drive unit Devices based on electric motors (220 V / 380 V) and gasoline engines are used. The choice is determined solely by the convenience and working conditions.
Maximum splitting force Determines the magnitude of the force of the piston pressure on the workpiece - typical for hydraulic and rack-and-pinion log splitters. In private, it is sufficient to use models with a force of 4 to 6 tons. More powerful models are suitable for working with long logs and on an industrial scale.
Working position Determines the position of the workpiece axis during operation. There are cleavers with horizontal, vertical and combined position. The first option is the most common for private use and is used in most hydraulic and rack structures due to its convenience and safety.
Sizes of logs The length of the logs when using hydraulic splitter is limited by the piston stroke and the maximum splitting force. Usually this value is limited to 0.52 m. The thickness of the workpieces can vary from 0.25 to 0.5 m depending on the splitter model.

In rack and pinion solutions, the length of the log is determined by the dimensions of the rack and, again, by the force generated.

The use of screw wood splitters allows the use of larger diameter chocks - up to 0.7 m, but this increases the complexity of the work.

Options Height adjustment. This option has a positive effect on the convenience of work, but at the same time increases the cost of the product; its absence can be compensated for with a homemade stand.

Wheels, preferably large. Provide convenience during transportation.

Safety system, usually a double-lever type, in which the operator must simultaneously use two hands on the console, is an integral part of all modern factory products.

Of course, the speed of his work can also be considered as a parameter when choosing an assistant in the wood splitting business, but it is believed that even the minimum values ​​are more than enough.

11 home solutions

General recommendations for choosing a household splitter include the following requirements: an electric hydraulic device with a horizontal workpiece and a maximum force of up to 5 tons. Pay attention to the safety of the unit, it is advisable that the model is equipped with a locking system with two levers. However, there may be discrepancies with the generally accepted approach, as evidenced by our selection of the best wood splitters.


The Slovenian company GOMARK produces wood splitting machines under the LANCMAN trademark. These products are durable, reliable and durable. The LANCMAN SL10 wood splitters have proven themselves well in medium to large-scale firewood and charcoal production. They can be powered by electricity, benz. engine or from a tractor power take-off shaft, which are distinguished by high performance, ease of operation - many users from Arkhangelsk to Krasnodar and from Kaliningrad to Irkutsk have already adequately appreciated our products.

The video below shows the work of the LANCMAN SL10 wood splitter.

2. Gorynych 6T - from 120,000 rubles.

The youngest model in the series of domestic production is the unit with the 6T index. A feature of this unit is the rapid piston stroke, which results in high productivity. This can be useful on a scale of harvesting firewood for sale - it is not advisable to overpay for speed under normal conditions. And in general, the design is designed for almost continuous operation, which makes it indispensable for large volumes. The knife position is adjustable so the operator can quickly choose between cutting two or four logs in a single pass.

The lineup of "mountainous" is represented by three more rather popular models. All of them are designed for a maximum force of 9 tons, differ only in the mass of the units, the length of the split logs, the power and type of engine (gasoline, 380 or 220 V), respectively, and the price. What wood splitter Gorynych is in action can be found in the following video.

3. Champion LSH5000 - from 17500 rubles.

A robust steel frame covered with a special anti-corrosion coating, high engine power and wheels turn the electric wood splitter into a strong, durable and mobile solution for seasonal logging. This device is designed for horizontal loading of logs and is one of the most popular for private use. The Champion brand itself is good China, the trademark belongs to the St. Petersburg company Wald.

You can evaluate the work of this compact device on the following video. Among similar solutions, you can also name such models as RedVerg RD-LS 25-37E, PATRIOT CE 5322, etc.

4. AL-KO KHS 5204 - from 19,000 rubles.

- another representative of electric wood splitters, in fact, with the same characteristics as the previously considered product, but made in a slightly different version. The frame is located higher (adjustable in height), which, on the one hand, makes the work with the device more convenient, on the other hand, when using large logs, it can affect the balance of the cleaver. This model is produced by a famous German company, so you don't have to worry about its reliability and durability.

We invite you to look at this hydraulic splitter in operation using the example of a similar model with the 5200 index.

5. Texas 520 H - from 20,000 rubles.

Another relatively inexpensive, but durable and powerful device for its modest size is the Texas 520 H cleaver from a Danish manufacturer. This is an option for those who are in no hurry and, above all, appreciate the safety of the work. With a low power of the electric motor, the device produces a force of up to 5 tons, splitting chocks up to half a meter long. According to the owners, the model has been in service for more than 3 years, it can be easily modified (installed on a stand), the protective casing can be dismantled.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the capabilities of this unit on the following video.

6. Raptor t700 - from 25,000 rubles.

A cone screw 250x80 made of steel 45, an AIR 80B2 electric motor, a control unit, a flywheel and a rack - here is a model of a small-scale production of a screw splitter Raptor t700. Compared to hydraulic devices, this is a more productive solution, the effectiveness of which is largely determined by the quickness of the worker. The lack of hydraulics makes the unit simpler and more durable. At the same time, the safety of work and the quality of splitting suffer a little. The chocks are fed perpendicular to their axis.

How it looks like working with the Raptor t700 screw cleaver can be seen in the video below.

7. AL-KO KHS 3704 - from 19,000 rubles.

Powerful compact solution adapted for chopping wood for fireplace inserts. Those. with all the mobility and small size of the electric wood splitter, there are some restrictions on the raw materials used - chocks up to 0.37 m long. The design is distinguished by a high degree of stability due to the low landing.

The KHS 3704 is largely designed for seasonal use and small-volume splitting. If firewood is the main type of fuel for year-round living, then you should look towards other units.

8. PROFI PLS 700E - from 19,500 rubles.

The Russian electric cleaver PROFI PLS 700E of Chinese origin is made in a classic compact design: the design is notable for its low height, with a horizontal working position and a pair of wheels for transportation. It is completed with a special nozzle, thanks to which it becomes possible to split into four parts. According to reviews, it is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and significant effort, due to which even strong types of wood are split.

What is this electric cleaver at work - judge for yourself by watching the video below.

9. Texas 600VG - from 55,000 rubles.

The Texas 600VG model differs from all of the above, first of all, in that it is an autonomous solution that requires only high-quality gasoline, logs and straight hands. This is a powerful vertical working unit from a renowned Danish manufacturer (and, like many other equipment, it is produced in China). If the worker is alone, then the vertical design is much more convenient than the horizontal installation. However, it takes up more space and is heavier.

How is the work carried out using the Texas 600VG gasoline wood splitter? You can find out by watching a short video below.

10. CHAMPION LSV6000 - from 38,000 rubles.

Another model with a vertical feed of chocks, but already with a power supply from a 220V network. As in the Texas 600VG, it is possible to optionally use attachments on the blade for splitting logs into four parts at once. The device is reliable and safe, provides high speed of work and does not require special skills. Just move the unit to a convenient place and in an hour you will be able to admire the impressive result!

11. MTD LS 550 - from 220,000 rubles.

For those who are thinking about purchasing a serious autonomous unit for themselves or harvesting firewood in industrial volumes, the model of a wood splitter is suitable. As you might have guessed from the preamble, this is a fairly large unit with a gasoline engine. Moreover, it is also the most powerful in our review - it is capable of developing an effort of up to 25 tons. Among the design features, it is necessary to say about two possible working positions: vertical and horizontal. This is actually a convenient solution that allows you to vary the operation of the unit depending on the conditions. The frame is mounted on an axle with two large wheels, the wood splitter is adapted for transportation by car.

You can learn about the features of the MTD LS 550 from a small English-language video.

Editor's Choice

All the units presented are good, but the editors opted for two models: and. The first wood splitter is good for its compact size, the ability to adjust the position of the working plane, sufficient power, which is enough for annual fuel harvesting. The second model is more versatile, it will allow you to chop wood not only for yourself, but also for your neighbors - it opens up opportunities for earning money. Plus, do not forget about renting the device. Thus, in just one season, you can recapture the cost of equipment.

About homemade products

When familiarizing with the factory products, some might have a completely natural thought: "Why not save money and do something like that yourself?" With the right hands and a bright head, anything is possible. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting wood splitter schemes that you can really do with your own hands.

It is an evolutionary step in the development of classic cleavers. Using a spring log splitter requires the use of muscle strength, but to a lesser extent due to the spring mechanism, large shoulder and additional weight. On the diagram, it looks like this.

The construction of such a homemade product includes a metal tube or profile (this will be our strength-enhancing shoulder with a blade at the end), a metal support and a pivot joint between them. Spring type return mechanism, old shock absorber can be used. The video below shows an example of working with such a mechanism.


A mechanism with such an uncomplicated name also does not require the use of high-tech parts. To manufacture it, you need a drive, a simple gearbox with a belt drive, a pair of bearings, a shaft, a threaded cone and a table-frame. A drive with a power of more than 2 kW, at least from an old washing machine, is not a problem to find. Paradoxically, the most difficult part of the system is the cone. You need to either buy it ready-made, or order it from an experienced familiar milling machine. The screw cleaver diagram is shown in the figure below.

The chocks are split by screwing in the cone, so that the wood fibers are literally torn apart. The main thing is not to make money by feeding logs - this is a rather unsafe construction, and carrots can just as successfully screw the sleeve of your clothes. How it works is in the next video.

Rack and pinion design

For all its effectiveness, the rack and pinion splitter is a controversial decision. And first of all it concerns security. It is necessary to carefully calculate the speed of rotation of the gear, the force from which is transmitted to the rack. As a rule, splitting with such a wood splitter is very quick. Pressing the rack against the gear by pressing the handle, the operator sets it in motion. Releasing the handle, contact with the gear is reduced due to the spring, the return mechanism is triggered and the rack returns to its original position. The rail must be placed on a carriage that will move along the bed. Actually, it is necessary to fix the pusher plate on it. Schematically, it looks like this.

It turns out that the maximum attention should be paid to the frame, i.e. its stability, as well as the quality of the reiki - it will not be possible to carve one without special skills. For the rest, at least some experience in welding and the use of electric drives will help. The end result may look like this artisan from the video.

Hydraulic cleaver

In our opinion, this is the most technically difficult solution, it is also the most secure. Armed with Pascal's law, hydraulic cylinder, drive, pump and oil tank, with the help of an experienced hydraulics, you can create a system that develops a force of 5 tons and more. Schematically, the device of such a product is as follows.