What is better merino sheep wool. Merino wool - what is it? Properties and products

Different types of wool come from different types of animals. Sheep wool is the most common type of wool: Melton, Shetland, Loden and, of course, Merino.

Usual general properties for all types of wool:

  1. Wool is an excellent insulator - retains body heat.
  2. Wool is waterproof - keeps the body dry.
  3. Wool is highly breathable and adapts to changing weather conditions.

But, wool, by and large, is a prickly material - it creates a kind of itch. It's not the most comfortable fabric for the skin.

The exception is merino wool:

  • Merino wool is soft and not scratchy like "regular" wools.
  • Merino wool is finer than standard sheep's wool.
  • She is light. This makes it a great option to wear.
  • It is very strong, durable and flexible.

The next time you wear super lightweight wool socks, a sweater or merino wool base layers, just think Australia with gratitude. Although Merino sheep originate in Portugal and Spain, they are now most common in Australia and New Zealand.

Wool, unlike synthetic materials, regulates individual body temperature: in fact, it is warm in winter and cool in summer (it does not overheat).

It is also an excellent buffer against rain, wind and snow. And the unique structure of the wool prevents body odors from accumulating, so you can wear merino wool socks for days on end.

Participants in extreme sports, as well as fishermen, sailors, climbers and skiers, have discovered that merino wool competes very successfully with high-tech man-made fibers in sportswear. As a rule, it is accepted as the provision of the base layer of clothing.

Merino wool- This is the wool of a special breed of sheep, which is distinguished by the thinnest and longest fibers.


From ancient times to the present day, merino is one of the most popular types of wool. Experts emphasize that no other breed of sheep can surpass Merino in terms of wool quality. It is the luxurious fine wool that made this sheep famous all over the world.

About 200 years before the advent of our era, the Romans began to selectively breed a special breed of sheep with fine and long wool. For these purposes, they crossed a Greek ram and a Roman sheep. However, it was not the Romans who achieved success in this matter, but the Spaniards. This is written in the writings of Pliny the Elder, who called the Spanish Merino the best breed of sheep in the world. Already in those distant times, the rulers issued various decrees and decrees that encouraged people to breed merino. There were even special privileges that were given to the leading countries in this area.

So, by the end of the 16th century, Spain became the undisputed leader in breeding these sheep. Moreover, she held a monopoly in this area until the Spaniards were defeated by England. However, it took another 200 years for the British to succeed in sheep breeding. That is how much they brought out miracle sheep, after they took out samples from the state struck in the war.

Merino was brought to Australia in the 18th century. It turned out that this country has ideal conditions for raising sheep. Since then, the country has become the main supplier of wool to European countries.

Today, merinos are bred in nurseries in Australia, New Zealand and some other countries. It can be said without exaggeration that this wool has won recognition all over the world, and every year the popularity of merino products is only growing.

The benefits of merino wool

Year after year, as eco-friendly, healthy fabrics that have a beneficial effect on human health come into fashion, the popularity of merino grows.

Merino wool has pronounced healing properties, primarily due to the high content of lanolin - animal wax. Among the beneficial effects of merino wool on human health are the following:

  • merino clothing has a positive effect on muscles and joints, so it is indicated for people suffering from pain in the joints and muscles;

  • sweaters, socks, other clothes made from this wool perfectly stimulate blood circulation;
  • clothing made from this material is classified as “thermal clothing”, since it maintains an optimal microclimate for human health;
  • merino is a hypoallergenic material, this is especially true for people who are hypersensitive;
  • lanolin is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and resolving properties;
  • merino clothing is indicated for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism, orthopedic materials, bronchial ailments;
  • wearing merino clothing is the prevention of puffiness; in those who constantly suffer from this problem, swelling will decrease;
  • effectively absorbs moisture with increased sweating and at the same time remains dry;
  • Merino wool is equally useful for adults and children.

Merino products

  • Clothes (sweaters, etc.), socks maintain body temperature without overheating and provide excellent ventilation.
  • Merino bedding (quilts and pillows filled with merino, mattress toppers) is what you need for healthy sleep and body strengthening, because we spend a third of our lives in bed. Products made of wool will create the optimal mode for sleep at any time of the year and at any temperature in the house or apartment.


Merino wool clothing and bed linen are durable and long lasting.

The fact is that merino wool fibers have a fine crimped structure, as well as high strength and splendor. These unique properties of merino are reflected in the texture - lush and airy, which retains its qualities, as well as its appearance for a long time.

As you know, people still have not been able to create an artificial material that fully recreates the unique properties of sheep's wool, which is a kind of thermal stabilizer. That is why merino clothes are comfortable both in hot and cold weather (which is especially important when moving from outdoors to indoors and vice versa, otherwise there is a high risk of getting sick).

Wool is extremely practical to use - merino products will serve you for many years.

The material from which our clothes are made can be not only comfortable and beautiful, the hero of our article, for example, knows how to heal. Merino is a unique wool of sheep of the same breed, no raw material in the world has similar properties.


Merino wool - what is it? The material has a rich and very interesting history. The Merino sheep breed was bred in Spain back in the 13th century, and the Spaniards for five centuries did not allow the breeding of such sheep in other places, and this rule was so strict that its violation was punishable by death.

But, unfortunately for the Spaniards and fortunately for the rest of the world, after this country lost the war to Britain in the 18th century, several animals nevertheless managed to be taken out. The British began to massively breed merino in Australia and New Zealand (these countries then had the status of British colonies).

However, even now it is New Zealand and Australia that are the main suppliers of merino wool in the world. The material is considered elite and many people know the answer to the question “100% merino is the wool of which animal?”

Read more, pro is the fiber of another animal.


Merino wool - what is it, and why is it so good? Sheep of this breed are distinguished by an incredibly thin fleece. For comparison, a human hair is several times thicker. The result is a material that is incredibly thin, delicate and smooth. It is several times softer than natural silk and five times more elastic than cotton.

You can see what it is - merino - in our selection of photos.


It is unlikely that you will find negative qualities in this natural sheep wool, but it has a lot of advantages.


Depending on the place on the animal from which the fleece was removed, on the age of the sheep and other important factors, several types of material are distinguished:

  • Extrafine
  • Virginia
  • Geelong and Super Geelong
  • Luster
  • cashwool

Merino Extrafine, what it is, as well as a description of other species:

Extrafine (Extrafine) merino wool, what is it? In this case, we are talking about premium class material, by no means cheap, but very high quality. The fleece for this fabric is sheared only from Australian sheep, but this is far from the most important condition. Wool is sheared only from the withers of lambs, which is why it is so tender, soft and snow-white. In addition, wool yarn undergoes additional SUPERWASH processing, which facilitates knitting and subsequent care of the finished product.

What is merino "extrafine" in translation? The name, if translated into Russian, sounds like "very thin." And this is so, because the thickness of the fleece for this type of matter cannot exceed 15 microns.


This variety got its name, since this fleece is sheared only from lambs raised in the Australian city of Geelong. A distinctive feature of this fiber is its softness and lack of sheen.


A fiber that undergoes a special treatment, as a result of which it does not prick or fall off when worn

A special breed of sheep - merino - has an interesting history. Spanish pastoralists bred this breed in the distant 13th century and for five centuries preserved it, not allowing breeding in other places. Their export was even punishable by death. In the 18th century Spain lost its power and was defeated by the British. Only then were they able to export several sheep to other European countries, as well as to Australia, which today is the largest producer of merino wool.

  • A large amount of fleece obtained by shearing 1 sheep. Compared to other wool breeds, 1 merino replaces 2-3 sheep.
  • The special properties of the rune: density and subtlety.
  • Hardiness and endurance.

Reference! In recent decades, a Merino breed has been grown, which has not only warm wool, but also dietary meat.

Why merino wool is considered elite

The main advantage of Merino is their unique wool.

Features and quality characteristics

Fine-woolness. Sheep of this breed have very fine wool. Even a human hair is several times thicker than it, and the thickness of an ordinary sheep's fiber is twice that of a merino one.

Reference! 1 kg of wool is used to produce a large number of threads (1 kg - 600 km).

Therefore, among other fine-wool breeds, merinos have an advantage.

Heat retention combined with hygroscopicity. The touch of fine merino wool creates a pleasant impression. Among its qualities stands out smoothness, silkiness and tenderness. At the same time, wool fibers do not absorb the smell of sweat, which makes them of high quality.

properties of the fabric obtained. The fabric obtained from merino yarn warms well, keeping the heat of the human body. Such a fabric is noticeably distinguished by its elasticity (5 times more elastic than a cotton thread). At the same time, it is distinguished by softness (three times softer than natural), thinness, and clothes made from such a fabric do not look voluminous, but stylish and elegant.

Advantages of merino wool

Thermal insulation. Elite fiber manages to create comfort in cold weather, they retain heat well. And at high temperatures, they are just as effective protection against heat.

Reference! Due to its high thermal insulation properties, merino fibers are considered one of the best fillings for duvets.

Hygroscopicity. Products made from elite sheep fibers absorb moisture well, keeping the skin dry, which makes it possible to use such bed linen at any time of the year.

The ability to repel odors. Merino yarn has an important quality - it does not absorb odors, so products made from it do not retain the smell of sweat.

Dirt resistant. The structure of merino fibers has curls that look like springs and have their properties. Therefore, dirt does not penetrate into the fibers, but remains on the surface and is easily shaken off.

Hygienic, antibacterial and environmentally friendly. The biological feature of the fibers gives them valuable opportunities. They contain a special substance - creatine, which can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. The fibers are not afraid of insects either: they are repelled by the natural repellent that appears on the surface.

Beneficial effect of merino wool on human health

Merino yarn and products made from it are hypoallergenic, do not cause irritation and can be used even for newborns. It can also be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma. In addition, the fibers, on the surface of which animal wax lanolin is formed, have healing properties. In combination with the dry heat they create, the healing effect is enhanced.

Diseases in which merino products are especially useful:

  • colds and lung diseases (bronchitis, cough);
  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • back pain.

Reference! Without a cover, a merino blanket is able to perform a micro-massage of the back and other parts of the body, and it also does not prick.

The relaxing effect of merino wool is also known, which has a calming effect on a person.

The difference between merino and wool of other animals (alpaca and cashmere)

Wool is sheared not only from elite sheep. Also popular are alpaca - the fibers of an animal resembling a llama, as well as cashmere, which is obtained from goats living in the Indian province of Kashmir. Merinos have a number of advantageous differences from these types of wool.

Practicality and durability. Merino yarn, unlike alpaca and cashmere, is more practical and easy to care for, does not require particularly careful handling during washing. Another difference is its durability and wear resistance.

Medicinal properties. Of the different types of wool, merino wool is the most hypoallergenic and antibacterial. It has no contraindications, on the contrary, it is used along with other therapeutic agents.

Color spectrum. Due to the fact that merino fibers are susceptible to any dyes, the produced yarn has various color shades.

Practical application of merino wool

What is merino fleece used for?

The properties of the fibers make it possible to use merino wool both for home textiles (blankets, blankets, pillows), and for outerwear, hats, as well as underwear for adults and children, starting from birth.

Sets for newborns, thermal underwear for children and adults, socks, gloves, hats, jumpers, vests, cardigans and merino sweaters are in demand due to the optimal combination of quality and elegance, fashion and comfort.

Who is recommended to use things made of merino wool

It is useful for everyone to have things of their merino in your wardrobe. They will reliably protect from the cold and at the same time allow you to look stylish and fashionable.

The use of elite wool is especially useful for such categories of consumers:

Children. If a child, starting from infancy, comes into contact with healing fibers, he becomes less susceptible to viruses and infections. You can not worry that the baby, dressed in such things, will overheat, and then get cold from a light breeze. This will not happen with merino clothing: clothing and heat transfer will create a comfortable atmosphere conducive to maintaining and strengthening health.

People with certain diseases. Medicinal properties make merino wool necessary for articular, pulmonary and orthopedic diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The cost of merino yarn and merino wool products

Elite wool, which is highly valued in the world, reaches customers in the form of skeins of yarn for knitting original items, as well as in the form of finished items.

Reference! The cost of products and yarn depends on the country of origin. More democratic are high-quality goods made in Russia: their cost does not include delivery charges and customs fees.

Product price:

  • Yarn - from 200 rubles. (skein 50 g) up to 750 rubles.
  • Plaids - from 2500 to 15000 rubles.
  • Sweaters - from 4000 to 8000 rubles.
  • Thermal underwear, children's clothing - from 2000 to 4500 rubles.

Merino wool does not depend on time: comfort, coziness and practicality are always appreciated.

Merino wool - what is it?

This is a natural wool of the Merino breed of sheep, which is distinguished by a special fineness of the fibers. Despite their thinness, the fibers have considerable strength. It is these properties, thinness and at the same time strength, that ensured such popularity of merino wool. Products knitted from it are soft, pleasant to the body, wear-resistant, retain an attractive appearance for a long time and have excellent thermal insulation properties.

A bit of merino history

The Merino sheep breed originates from sheep imported by the Phoenicians from Asia Minor and North Africa. A noticeable spread of merino in Spain occurred towards the end of the 12th century. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Spanish breeders introduce English breeds, which they cross with local breeds to develop the Merino, this fusion was openly documented by Spanish writers of the time. Spain becomes known for its fine wool and has a monopoly on its supply to Flanders and England from the 12th to the 16th centuries.

In the late Middle Ages, the wool trade becomes one of the main sources of income for Castile. Most of the herds belonged to the nobility or the church, the sheep grazed in the southern plains of Spain in winter and in the northern highlands in summer. Until the 18th century, exporting merino from Spain was a crime punishable by death. In the 18th century, a small export of Merinos from Spain and crossbreeding them with local breeds of sheep formed the basis for the development of the Merino breed in other countries. The Merino breed is most widespread in Australia, which today is the world leader in the production of merino wool, its share is about 80% of the total market.

What is merino wool?

Australia is known for its very harsh winters and hot summers. Thanks to the adaptation of sheep toin such difficult conditions of survival, the world received wool with unique properties - merino wool. Merino wool has a microscopic diameter - from one third to one tenth the thickness of a human hair. The smaller the fiber diameter, the softer and more pleasant to the body, and therefore more valuable. Merino wool is divided into:

    Ultrafine Wool is the finest wool fiber in the world. Extra Ultrafine is in the 16.0 micron range and finer. Ultrafine is in the 16.1-17.5 micron range. Breeders concentrating on ultra-fine microns can produce fibers as small as 13.5 microns and even somewhat finer than that. Ultra-fine merino wools in the 12.5-17.5 range are excellent for blending with other exclusive fibers such as silk and cashmere to produce high quality fabrics for the exclusive fashion market for both men and women.

    Superfine wool (Superfine Wool) - fiber diameter 17.6-18.5 microns.

    Fine wool (Fine Wool) - fiber diameter 18.6-19.5 microns.

    Fine medium wool (Fine-Medium Wool) - fiber diameter 19.6-20.5 microns. Merino sheep, which produce this particular range of fiber thickness, are the most common. Ideal for use in medium to heavy knitwear, their wool has a soft feel while retaining its strength and durability when used in outerwear.

    Medium wool (Medium Wool) - fiber diameter 20.6-22.5 microns. It is mainly used for light suits, knitwear, in the commercial sector. More wear resistant.

    Thick wool (Strong Wool) - fiber diameter 22.6 microns and above. Even more durable, it is used primarily for blending with polyester and acrylic fibers for the production of inexpensive fabrics and knitted wool. It is also used in fabrics for seats and upholstery in the automotive and aviation sectors. Fabrics with thick merino wool are also used by designers as wall coverings for interior decoration.

Merino wool properties

Centuries of evolution and selective breeding have led to the emergence of a special breed of sheep - merino, capable of producing ultra-fine wool fiber. Products made from fine grades of merino wool are much thinner, more elegant than those made from traditional wool, they do not scratch the skin, do not cause irritation, but, on the contrary, only pleasant tactile sensations.

Compared to other fibers found in fabric, merino wool has smaller air pockets and is better at blocking body heat, making it a super insulator. Merino wool is highly breathable. Its fibers can absorb moisture up to 30% of its own weight. By absorbing moisture from the body, clothes stay dry and comfortable, no matter the temperature. This helps regulate body temperature, keeping you warm in cold weather and keeping you comfortably cool in hot weather. Merino wool keeps you warm naturally. The unique qualities of soft merino wool make it the best material for children's underwear. A child who moves a lot and is subject to increased sweating will feel comfortable in merino wool, the body breathes freely through the wool, does not freeze, and there is no feeling of dampness. Due to its warmth, merino wool is also ideal for a child who plays calmly.

Merino wool, which is the softest of all wool types, is quite often suitable for allergic skin as it usually does not cause allergic reactions. The extremely fine, soft and resilient merino wool fiber has excellent elasticity, enhancing the high performance qualities of merino wool. Merino wool's natural antimicrobial properties make it odor resistant, another great advantage over synthetic fabrics. Merino is also extremely durable, anti-static and flame retardant, making it an ideal raw material for a range of products.

It is difficult to list all the areas of application of merino wool, because it has so many unique properties. Merino blankets are popular, plaids that are so cozy to wrap yourself in in bad weather or after a hard day's work. Merino is very widely used for children. They produce thermal underwear from merino, again especially popular for children, in which it is always dry and comfortable in any weather.

For your convenience, we have allocated yarn with merino wool in a separate section on our website.

Happy shopping!