A fable of solitude loving timid siskin. The moral of the fable Siskin and the Hedgehog and its analysis (Krylov I

Somewhere in a flat place in the same house lived a pudin girl and a frog. Pudin performed both female and male work... I did everything around the house and went hunting. She brought wild boars from the taiga and killed bears, hunted moose and hunted red deer. She loved and cared for her frog. He will get up in the morning, feed the frog to its fill, and so that it does not freeze, it will bring more firewood, the hearth will melt. And only then goes to the taiga. When he is engaged in female needlework, he plants a frog in front of him. Works and admires her. So they live. Pudin never thought badly

About your frog. She doesn't let her clean the house, she doesn't even let her sweep the floor.

They lived like that, lived like that, and then one evening the pudin returned from the taiga all wounded. It was she who fought with the owner of the hills, with a huge bear. Pudin entered the house, undressed with the help of a frog and lay down on a kan - a bed of boar skins. That evening, the pudin, along with the frog, washed and bandaged the wounds. All night, while the pudin slept, the frog sat by the hearth, banging with firebrands in fear - a firebrand in each leg - and cried.

Early in the morning, when it was still dark outside, Pudin woke up. She felt better. She asked the frog to bring water to rinse again

And bandage the wounds. The frog walked with a yoke to the river, and brought very little water - only the bottom of the buckets splashed. Again I had to go to the river, and again the frog brought little water. For the third time she went ashore. Comes back and cries:

- My sister pudin cared for me, didn't let me do anything. I don't know how to chop wood, I can't bring water. And when trouble came to her, I can do nothing, I am not capable of anything.

She looked up. The moon is shining clearly in the sky. She turned to the moon and said:

- Moon, come for me! Moon, take me! She turned to the buckets, scooped up some water, took the line with the buckets on her shoulders, and straightened up. And the moon, meanwhile, sank behind the frog and pulled it to her. So she stuck.

The moon rose into the sky to its original place, and stopped there.

We can now see: a frog with a yoke is standing on the moon.

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The Tale of the Moon and the Frog

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Fairy tale from the cycle "Solar Tales" (Vedic Tales for Children)

The blue planet Earth lived in a sky blue such an immense blue planet, and she had a little sister, but she was called the Moon.
And the Earth was elegant: along it rivulets-ribbons flowed, golden bread grew on it, and honey grass bloomed. Yes, glorious people lived on Earth, with their deeds kind, fearless and courageous, good-natured and friendly, not envious and bright.
The sun always shone on the Earth, gave life and love. Planet Earth in the sky could not live without the light of the Sun.
And the Moon was modest and simple, so inconspicuous: rivers did not flow along it, trees did not grow on it, people did not live on it, they did not give her a perfume ...

So the Moon circled the Earth and spun, marveled at the earthly beauty ... and sang a song to the Earth:

Oh you, Lada-Earth is blue,
Oh, my light sister!
As in the stars you shine clear!
How you fill the world with joy!
I wish I, inconspicuous moon,
Give your tenderness to you!

The Sun heard the Red Song, it shone even brighter, and it turned to the Moon, the younger earthly sister:

Oh you, damsel Luna, Oh you, my dear!
How bright is your soul! How full of Love she is!
You are simple and inconspicuous, but kind! So selflessly
Do you love your sister! I thank you!

Clearly, the Sun said and called the Moon to her:

- Closer, closer you, Moon, take my Light and the Earth in the starless night
Shine my Light!

And the Moon, making a bow, the Sun took Fire, and in the night little sister Earth
he illuminated so brightly.

The Earth gasped: not the Sun, but her sister, the Moon, shone in the dark sky! And the Earth cried out to her:

Hello, dear sister, bright-faced Moon!
How beautiful you are, dear! Shining with the light of the sun,
So you warmed me dark night hopeless!
But she was inconspicuous, did not shine ... Never
I have not seen you like this: like the sun,
You illuminated me!

And the Moon, smiling, giving her moonlit tenderness, quietly started her speech:

My light, sweetheart-Earth! Sun Red Me
This day he called to himself: gave his clear light
To me, the lifeless moon ... because, you know ... I
So I love you, sister! So my soul is reaching out to you! ...

The sun bequeathed me to you to shine in the dark -
To be the Clear Sun at night.


And since then, the Moon is smart, sun-faced, beloved! Although rivers do not flow along it, and grass does not grow on it ... But it shines on a dark night - it caresses the Earth with sunshine!

(And sometimes the clear-faced maiden-Moon turns into a golden boat - this boat is magnified - it floats somewhere, rushes, and then disappears from the sky completely ... It is called a New Moon.
But then the boat goes on its way back: a new Younger Month is born and grows kind and grows again ... yes, it becomes a round Moon again and, like the Sun, a dark, clear light pours on the Earth at night. It is called a full moon.)

That's the last straw fell.
So the Veda about the Earth and the Moon sounded.
If you listened, delved into its essence, well done!
The sun grants you, friend, your crown!

recorded 2010
Storyteller Ladoleya

NOTE: The text in parentheses at the end of the tale may not be read to children of younger preschool age.


When I was little, my grandmother, whom I loved very much, told me many fairy tales before bed. I fell asleep very hard, sometimes I could even stay up all night, and my grandmother sat next to me, lulling me with her quiet voice and gently stroking my head. My favorite story was the legend of the Moon and the Sun. Ooh, how often have I asked my grandmother to tell me over and over again. She always patiently and with the same inspiration told me this tale ... This legend was also special for my affectionate sorceress who guarded my sleep every night ... You don't know her? Well, you ran into it! Now I will tell you it, prepare your ears and turn on your imagination, my dear listeners. When the world was very young and peace, love and grace reigned in it, it was inhabited by gods, nymphs and all sorts of magical creatures. There was so much vegetation that it seemed that the World was one continuous forest with no end. The trees were sky-high, and the flowers were so beautiful and different from each other that no one even thought of picking or destroying them. The seas, oceans, rivers and lakes were so clean that sometimes it was even impossible to determine their depth! But most importantly, the world was alive. Literally, it was the god who gave rise to all living things together with Nature. Their love sustained the life of everyone who lived in this place. This is where the legend of the Moon and the Sun begins. In the place where there was the Renaissance lake, which supported eternal life in the World and gave the ability to be reborn, there lived a girl with long white hair, the shine of which made the strands of this person look like silver threads. She had large blue eyes with fluffy white eyelashes, pale skin, and thin lips. This beauty was called Luna. Luna was a beautiful young nymph of the goddess Eoya, who was selfish and envious. The goddess had an ideal appearance, but her heart was so disgusting that her beauty did not delight anyone, but only frightened away. The blue-eyed nymph was devoted to her patroness and loved her with all her heart. Far from them, where no one knew darkness, living in eternal light, for many years the bright, light and eternally young god Sun lived. This young man was tall, slender, and had beautiful features. His hair was like waves of gold, and his eyes were like a warm flame, warming everything and everyone. These two were not destined to meet, but even Fate changed its plans for them. When the Moon and the Sun saw each other, something turned over in their souls, and they realized that their meeting was not just an accident. Their hearts lit up with a light feeling - pure and innocent love. The moon and the sun spent every day together, hiding their feelings from everyone, so that no one could envy and separate them. However, every night the white-haired nymph went to her goddess, who had no idea of ​​anything. The sun wanted to free his beloved from the shackles of service, even thought to make her his nymph, which was impossible, because the nymph had served the deity all her life and could not change her patron. So enduring separation, the lovers were still together and every day their love became stronger and stronger. The only pity is that happiness is a short-lived and not eternal gift ... Goddess Eoya has long noticed a bright god. She wanted to be his wife, rule him and have more power than the one given to her. Many times she tried to attract the attention of the Sun, but it was all in vain. Eoya could not understand what did not suit this unconquerable young man in her, so one day she decided to follow him. Seeing the same god Sun, embracing her nymph, the goddess was overwhelmed with anger and hatred for these two. “- How can this blind god not notice me, but love this gray-haired servant ?! I am a goddess, and she is a simple nymph! - thought Eoya. - You will not be together! " Outraged by what she saw, the envious woman went straight to the ancestors of all living things, namely to the World and Nature. “- Do you know, O Parent, that your children love each other more than you ?! Do you know, Father of all living things, that they planned to destroy everything and everyone, in the desire to be left alone?! .. - Eoya began. “I see in your heart an abyss of anger and envy, my child,” Nature said. “Why do you defile the innocent with your heart and soul? ..” Curling her lips and not answering anything, the goddess silently left, realizing that no one believed her. “- To accept the love of the Moon and the Sun? What could be funnier! she thought. - Damn it! This is what will tear you apart forever! " And the goddess, whose eyes were covered with a veil of hatred, went to her abode, where there was a stone that gave boundless power to the deity, fulfilling only one of his wishes. Only for good deeds, this stone was created and distributed to all the gods. The unsuspecting nymph and god whispered quiet confessions to each other. The sun did not want to part with his beloved so much that he decided to accompany her to the very divine abode, where the deity lived with his servants. The goddess Eoya was waiting for them, and as soon as the lovers approached the Lake of Renaissance, she loudly shouted the words of a terrible curse: “- Both the nymph and God will die, turning into luminaries! For the light alone, both the life and the power of the Other will be given and, dying every time, God will see not the nymph, but only us ... " In an instant, a bright light enveloped them and they ascended to the firmament, turning into heavenly bodies - the Moon and the Sun. Their tears turned into shining stars, and Night appeared in the World - the time when the Sun gave life to the Moon, plunging into a long sleep. The world and Nature could not forgive the goddess Eoya for what she had done and deprived her of her eternal life and home. For some time she wandered in a dark abyss, and then died of hatred for everyone that was eating her from within. Well, even though this legend is sad, I liked one detail about it. Once every few years, the Moon and the Sun could still meet! You know what it is solar eclipse? This is a phenomenon when the Moon covers the Sun. So we see it with you. In fact, the Moon can finally appear without replacing the Sun, but simultaneously with it. I think that at such moments these two are insanely happy…. Of course, many can argue with me and say that this is nonsense and invention, but I like this explanation of the appearance of the Moon and the Sun, Night and Eclipse much more than the explanations of science. For this, I take my leave and thank you for your time. Until next time, my dear friends ...

In the fairy tale, the little girl Anyuta will have amazing adventures during her flight to the moon. What was going on there? or

Fairy tale "about the moon and the girl"

The author of the tale is Olga Nikolaevna Syrovatina. Duration 23 minutes. Publication date 10/08/2017

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Chapter 1

Night fell, little Anyuta was getting ready for bed. Suddenly she noticed in the window a huge, round, luminous disk of the Moon, which hovered high above the horizon. The girl admired the Moon: from afar it seemed that the Moon was smiling at her. After seeing enough, Anyuta went to wash and brush her teeth before going to bed. A cozy bed awaited her in the room.

- Good night everybody! - the baby wished. And she dreamed a Dream: it was a small pink cloud, slightly shimmering with golden light.

- Hello, Anyuta! - he said, - Do you want me to take you to the land of dreams?

She nodded her head at him.

- Then sit on me, - said Cloud-dream and took the shape of a beautiful pink horse.

- And I will not fall from you?

- No. Feel free to climb on me, - said the Dream, and the horse galloped forward with ease.

- And where are we going? The girl asked cheerfully.

- Where would you like to visit? After all, I am a Dream, I can do anything!

She was at a loss: where would she want? And, without really thinking, she said simply: "To the moon!".

- Well, then let's fly! - and the horse in an instant became a spaceship.

- Put on a spacesuit, take the pilot's seat, fasten your safety belts. - ordered her Dream.

Anyuta looked through the porthole of the ship, which headed for the moon, gradually moving away from the Earth. The girl saw her planet from the side and admired it. Somewhere she saw, or her dad told her that the Earth in space looks like the Blue Planet - and it is! From a height of flight, she saw oceans and seas, cities that glowed with bright lights.

- Our Earth is very beautiful! She said to Sleep.

- Yes, the Earth is an amazing planet.

“How will she meet me? They say that there is no life on the moon, how will I be there? Maybe I should have gone to some other place? " - Anyuta doubted.

And, meanwhile, the ship has already landed.

- We've arrived! - Said the Dream, - Anyuta! There is a special suit in the closet, put it on, and we can go for a walk on the moon. Only you need to remember that you cannot be afraid of anything, otherwise you can frighten me off with this, and I can lose you in this outer space.

- Oh, you already scared me with that.

- And so, open the hatch and get out. Go ahead! Anyuta opened the hatch and jumped to the surface of the moon, and suddenly she saw a boy next to her. He held out his hand to her and introduced himself with a smile:

- I am still the same Dream, only now in this guise.

The girl looked around:

- Look, Sleep, - she gestured towards the mountains, - what high mountains! And at the foot of them there seems to be a lake, and there should be no water here!

They headed towards the lake.

- You see, Dream, this is not a mirage at all, but, indeed, a lake filled with real water!

They stopped at a small rock, around which huge boulders lay. Suddenly, at the foot of this rock, a large stone moved aside and an entrance opened behind it. Sleep and Anyuta barely managed to hide behind a large stone. After a while, unusual creatures appeared in this opening: they were, as the Dream said, about a meter tall, and they looked somewhat like us earthlings, only their ears were long like our hares, and their eyes were large and round. In general, they looked more like some kind of cartoon characters.

- They are very funny, and they seem kind, but this is how it really is?

“I’ll need to find out about this,” Son answered her. And you sit in this secluded place until I return.

He instantly turned into a cloud and headed towards the "hares". Anyuta watched everything that happened from behind her hiding place. As a cloud swam quietly into the entrance of the rock, and a minute later another "hare" emerged from there. They were talking about something, when suddenly some kind of panic began among them: one of the "hares" began to point his hand somewhere into the distance, and then the whole company quickly disappeared under the rock, closing the entrance with a stone. Anyuta looked in the same direction as the stranger was pointing, and saw a spaceship landing there.

- Maybe they are earthlings? - thought the girl, and was already ready to run towards him, when one of the "hares" appeared in front of her and stopped her.

- Anyuta, it's a bad idea to immediately run to the unfamiliar ship.

- Oh, look, look, the water in the lake disappears somewhere right before our eyes! What's happening? - the girl worried. - Did you find out who they are? Maybe they are the inhabitants of the moon? And why were they so scared of this spaceship?

- Anyuta, you asked me so many questions at once that I got confused in them. Let me answer them in order.

- I managed to find out that these are really inhabitants of the Moon, they call themselves Lunyashki. They needed to filter the water that accumulates in these places for years, so they are very careful about it here.

- Why are they so scared of this spaceship?

“I don’t know, I couldn’t understand anything, everyone hurried to leave at once, and I had to return to you.

- And what should we do now, Sleep?

- While we sit in this shelter, observe the ship, and try to find out where it came from and with what intentions.

- And how do we all know, sitting so far from them? - asked Anyuta.

- And here, look what I have!

- Yes, these are binoculars! - Anyuta was delighted and, pressing it to her eyes, began to examine this spaceship from afar.

“There are no markings on it,” the girl reported, continuing her observations.

- I think it speaks about their intentions ... - Sleep sighed.

- And what are they? - asked Anyuta.

- I think that they do not bring anything good. - Said the Dream, - Let's wait until the owners of this ship appear.

It took a little time until the engine stopped, and now, at last, the hatch of the ship's entrance was opened.

- I want to remind you, Anyuta, that you are completely safe with me, remember this.

- Now let's see who came to the moon and so frightened its inhabitants.

Anyuta took Sleep's hand so that she would not be so scared.

- Oh, what a huge height they are! And they look so frightening!

It was at the entrance that the owners of the ship appeared. The girl looked at them with frightened eyes.

- Yes, their height is really remarkable, probably two and a half meters will be, - suggested the Dream.

- I wonder if they are wearing such blue suits or is it the color of their skin? After all, their faces are the same blue! It's hard for me to understand it through binoculars, - Anyuta tried to examine them.

- Let's hope that we will be able to solve this riddle as well.

“Their faces remind me of anteaters (I saw them in the zoo), and their eyes, for some reason, are red and somehow angry,” the girl said, looking at the aliens.

- Be careful, they may notice the glare from the binoculars, and then we will not get away from them, - the Dream warned her.

- Look, the entrance under the rock has opened and one of the Moonies has appeared, he is giving you some signs!

- I see he invites to come up to him. Anyuta, you sit here and don’t come out until I come back for you, ”Son asked her, and he went to the Lunyashki.

- Why are you left alone on the surface? - Lunyashka exclaimed, - You know it's unsafe! After all, you need to be very careful with Muravdy. Let's go before they find us. Now our guards will block all levels of the entrance to the city until these robbers get away to their planet Muravda. - conveyed his thoughts to Sleep Lunyashka.

- The fact is that I am not alone, here with me is the girl Anyuta, she is a dugout, and I will not be able to leave her alone without support. Maybe you can take her to us in Podlunye? - Dream telepathically disguised as Lunyashka.

- Wait, what other dugout? Not a single ship from the side of the Earth arrived in the near future.

- She's still a child, good girl, let her stay with us, and I will bring her.

- Earthlings are very unpredictable, it is impossible to understand what kind of creatures they are: what is more kindness or malice in them? They are waging wars among themselves. How is this possible, because they are all inhabitants of the same planet, which means they are brothers? We cannot understand this in any way, you know! Therefore, we are wary of them and make a lot of efforts so that this closest neighbor to us continues to think that we have no life on the moon.

And suddenly one of the moonies said:

- Look, look! The ants are preparing to launch their scout! This thing is a biorobot, outwardly similar to a large terrestrial bird, but it is very aggressive, it is difficult to dodge its beak and claws. Yes, and her sense of smell is strong, if you don't hide, it will still find it, grab it and carry it to the Ants.

“It will be better if we get out of here as soon as possible, before she takes off.

- But what about the girl, shall we leave her here? After all, she may die! I just can't let this happen! - said the Dream.

“Come on, rather, take the girl, we don’t have time to discuss this, since this“ bird ”is already waving one wing, another minute and it will take off,” said Lunyanin. Sleep set off in full spirit to Anyuta, it was very difficult to do this, remaining unnoticed.

- Anyuta, let's run faster! - he grabbed her hand, and pulled her along.

- What's happened? She asked excitedly, trying to run next to him.

- Do you remember our agreement? - Sleep whispered to her on the run, trying to somehow calm her down. Finally, they safely ran to the Lunyashki, who had already sprayed some kind of gas at the entrance to their city.

- This is so that the "bird" does not smell us, - said one of the Lunyashki. Closing the hatch behind them, they went to the elevator, went down on it deep into the Podlunye and found themselves in a huge hall. Everyone who noticed the girl looked at her with great curiosity, because they had never seen earthlings so close, and even at home. Anyuta behaved well, smiling affably at them, showing her goodwill. And Lunyashka-Son held her hand tightly.

- And how do we know that the Muravdy left the moon? - the girl asked the Lunyashki.

- We have sensors placed across the entire surface of the Moon that monitor every meter of it, so that nothing escapes our attention.

- Then how did you not find my ship?

- We are very surprised how you ended up here and even so easy to walk on the moon! After all, for this you must have our breathing system! Or are you a robot? - asked Lunyashka.

Anyuta guessed that they could not see either the ship or her breathing apparatus. Then why do they see the Dream in their form? The girl was surprised.

- Anyuta, the Lunyanin, who is responsible for our safety, really wants to talk to you.

Chapter 2

The Lunyanin appeared at the door, he was of a strong build and taller than the rest of the Lunyashki. He gazed at the girl from afar. Anyuta tried to concentrate, but her thoughts were confused, and her heart was beating so hard that it seemed about to jump out of her chest. He left the hall without asking any question to Anyuta.

- Well, and how is this to be understood? - She asked her friend.

- I think everything is in order, - Anyuta shrugged her shoulders.

- I really want to see their cities, how they live, what they are fond of, to meet their peers. Oh, I'm just burning with curiosity!

And at this time on the surface of the Moon "Bird" - the scout several times flew over the former lake. She smelled water, but did not find it anywhere, and this made her very angry. The bird landed right at the disguised entrance to the Lunyashki. Finding a small gap in the rock, she began to try to enlarge it with her claws. And at the observation point at Lunyashki, they watched her every action with alarm. And suddenly the bird jumped aside, she noticed some object. Picking it up, she sniffed from all sides, and began to scream loudly, trying to attract Muravd by this. Lunyashki did not leave the monitors.

- What is this object in her paws? Well, increase it! Some strange thing, no, it doesn't belong to us.

The safety officer quickly left. He went to the hall, Anyuta was still there, going up to her, he noticed exactly the same object in her hair. His guess was confirmed.

- What is the object in your hair, and why is it there? - sounded in her head. The girl took off her hair clip and handed it to Lunyanin.

- It serves to support the hair and as a decoration, but what happened? - Anyuta inquired, noticing Lunyanin's anxious look.

- Do you have two?

She wanted to take off the other, but did not find it.

- Oh, where is she? Probably somewhere I dropped it.

- This thing is now at Muravd. And now they will turn the entire Moon over to find out the secret of this object.

The girl was very upset that she had put the inhabitants of the moon in such great danger. She was about to burst into tears, but Sleep calmed her down:

- Anyuta, everything will be fine, I just need to get to the surface of the Moon and return your hair clip. Or maybe it will be possible to accelerate the departure of Muravd to their planet.

- Maybe I can help you with something? Please take me with you, ”Anyuta said bravely.

Having shared their plan with the Lunyashki, Son and Anyuta again found themselves on the surface of the moon.

- Anyuta, I will now assume your appearance and will hide here, so much so that Muravdy will notice me. I will try to take them away with me as far as possible, so that you can get to them on the ship, pick up your hairpin and destroy information about it. But the main thing is to destroy the biorobot's life program, because it is the biggest threat to us. This bird is more dangerous for us than Muravda. Can you handle it completely? - worried about Anyuta Son.

“Yes, I’m ready to act and correct everything that happened here through my oversight,” the girl said boldly.

- Then look around, and I begin to act until this "bird" is visible. The dream was reincarnated in the image of Anyuta, and, waving her hand, began to run from one shelter to another. Finally, the Muravds noticed him and began their pursuit. The dream receded further and further, taking the aliens with it. Anyuta rushed to run to the ship, fortunately, that in a hurry Muravda did not close the entrance to the ship. The girl peered inside cautiously. After making sure that no one was there, she entered and sat down at the control panel: “Just to understand how their computer works! Here are some buttons with incomprehensible signs, this is probably a keyboard, I will act according to our model. Hooray! I think I was able to start it, the computer started working! And here is a photo of my hair clip. Delete! It happened! And where is she herself? " Anyuta noticed the container that was on the table. The hairpin was there. The girl quickly took it out, and just wanted to continue searching for the robot control program, when a terrible screeching sounded at the entrance. Anyuta went cold: this "bird" with red, angry eyes peered into the hatchway. In her thoughts flashed: “If only not to be frightened! We need to look for the robot control program and destroy it as soon as possible, only this will save us! "

Anyuta finally found a label with this "bird".

- Well, your evil life is over! - Anyuta shouted. And the bird kept trying to squeeze onto the ship. She stretched her long neck, trying to reach the girl, but her wings got in the way. The bird-robot could not figure out what needs to be done, apparently this was not provided for in the program. But, nevertheless, she stubbornly tried to get on the ship.

Anyuta with trepidation was looking for a way to somehow knock down her program, or even better, if completely destroy it. She hurried, glancing at the hatch, where the bird had already managed to stick one wing in. And at that moment, when she had already squeezed through the hatch, Anyuta managed to select the correct line and turn off this program. The bird collapsed, right in front of Pansy's nose. Having defeated the robot-bird, she cautiously looked out - there was no one to be seen anywhere. Then the girl with all her agility rushed to the disguised entrance of the Lunyashki. At the same time, the Dream appeared there.

- Hooray! We won! - Anyuta shouted joyfully, having met her friend.

- Anyuta, you are smart! I was so worried about you, but you were doing well! - praised her friend. The girl showed him her hairpin, now Muravd has no proof.

The dream laughed:

- Anyuta, if you could see their faces when the Muravdy caught up with me and grabbed me, and I dissolved right under their noses, turning into a transparent cloud! Oh, it frightened them so much that they immediately ran off to their ship, overtaking each other.

Friends noticed the smooth movement of the stone that closed and masked the entrance to the Podlunye. The dream barely had time to transform into Lunyashka, when the owners of the Moon appeared. They looked at him in surprise.

- Where were you all this time, while this girl was fighting the Muravds? Anyuta, we were so worried about you, but you were able to cope with them.

She showed them her hairpin:

- I, nevertheless, took her away from Muravd! - Anyuta was bursting with pride for herself and for her friend that they were able to rid the moon of these nasty aliens.

- Thank you very much from us, now we are saved, and this bird did not have time to tell anyone about its discovery. Maybe everything that happened here with these Muravds will discourage them from flying to our moon for a long time.

Anyuta really wanted to go down to Podlunye once more, and see, nevertheless, their cities. She was about to ask the moonies about this, but Sleep squeezed her hand:

“It's time for us to return, Anyuta, I’m expecting you on the ship,” and he walked behind the boulder. The girl began to say goodbye to the lunyashki:

“Goodbye, it's time for me to return to Earth,” she held out her hairpin to the lunyashka, “and this is for you in memory of our meeting,” she said.

Anyuta noticed her spaceship not far off. Waving her hand to them, she went in his direction, and the moonies watched her trail and wondered how she could overcome outer space alone without a spaceship. Anyuta took her place on the ship, and he headed for planet Earth.

Lunyashki watched the flying away girl and one of them said:

- We need to immediately find out what kind of new technologies are used by earthlings in space!

And in the morning, Anyuta, as always, woke up in her bed.

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