Read comic stories about angels with comfort. Parables and fairy tales about angels

They say correctly that a talented person is talented in everything. Irina Evgenievna Bezborodova sent a wonderful fairy tale to our competition. She not only brings up four children, but is also an educator of the structural unit "Family Kindergarten" at GOU # 2501 in Moscow. By the way, she also created illustrations for the tale.


Little Nikolka could not fall asleep for a long time. He was waiting for his mom to tell him a bedtime story. But my mother, rocking her little sister Mashutka in the cradle, fell asleep herself.

Nikolka turned to one side, remembering how the day had gone. He has accumulated a lot of impressions. All morning he played with the shaggy yard dog Trezor, and in the afternoon he fed Timofey the cat with delicious milk, then chased the chickens, which flew out with a loud clucking right from under his feet.

Nikolka kept waiting, waiting for the dream to come, listening to the hooting of an owl, coming from the depths of the garden. Suddenly the room lit up with a bright light. Nikolka saw that someone sat down on his bed and stroked him affectionately on the head. “Who are you?” Nikolka asked the stranger in dismay. “Do not be afraid of me, Nikolka, I am your angel," the stranger replied. "Do you have wings?" Asked Nikolka, overcoming his fear. “Of course there is,” said the angel. And he spread his huge wings. “Wow, you,” Nikolka was surprised. Do you know how to fly? “Of course,” said the angel. Do you want us to fly a little together? Of course, Nikolka was afraid that his mother, if she didn't find him in the bed, would scold him. Yet he replied that he wanted to. The angel took Nikolka by the handle, and they left the hut.

The stars were shining brightly in the sky, so that Nikolka even closed his eyes. The angel flapped its wings and lifted off the ground. Gripping the angel's hand tightly, Nikolka flew after him. " I fly like a bird, ”Nikolka shouted joyfully.

There was a lake below, then a field flashed by. The angel descended lower and lower until they landed on a high hill. Angel and Nikolka sat silently holding their breath, and looked at the stars.

Nikolka thought about how great it would be if the shaggy Trezor, the cat Timofey, and the chicken Pestrushka were with him. The angel stroked his head and nodded. The angels already know all our dreams. Suddenly, right across the sky, Chicken flew, and a fluffy cat, and Trezor, and even a huge owl.

Nikolka's eyes began to stick together. “I have a strange dream,” - flashed through Nikolka's head.

Early in the morning Nikolka was awakened by the loud crow of a rooster. Mom was kneading the dough. Little sister Mashutka gagged in her cradle.

Mom, and mom. Nikolka went up to mom and pulled her by the hem.

Today I flew with an angel at night. Mom, shaking her head, continued to knead the dough.

I'm not lying, mom, honestly. Although he himself did not really believe that all this he had not dreamed.

Mom took a bowl of dough and went out. Nikolka was hurt to tears. He, sniffling, climbed back into his crib. Burying his face in the pillow, Nikolka wanted to sob loudly. But then, something stabbed him in the nose. He took a huge feather in his hand. The same feathers were on the wings of the angel. So this is not a dream. Nikolka smiled. He did not even notice how the kind angel tiptoed up to Mashutka's cradle and began to rock her quietly. Nikolka felt a kind of joy in his soul. Mashutka's loud laughter spread through the room. This was her first laugh.

My dear children, every boy and every girl has their own angel. You have it too. When night falls, he quietly whispers fairy tales in your ear and shows good dreams. Let's close our eyes and quietly wait for our little angel. Sweet dreams, kids!

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 17:46 + in the quote pad

An Angel lived in the sky.
Every morning he got up from a fluffy cloud and circled across the sky, enjoying the morning sun. This was the most carefree Angel in the world. In the mornings, he washed himself with water from the clouds and basked in the warm sunlight. Behind him were huge fluffy wings and in flight he looked like a giant bird ...
The angel was still very young and terribly curious. He wanted to know everything in the world. One day, circling high above the ground, he saw people for the first time. People also noticed him and christened him a bird. But the Angel was not a bird at all. He was almost the same as they are - only a little cleaner and lighter, and he had wings behind him and he could fly. People interested Angel.
Once he got too close to a village and sank to the ground. The angel stood and looked around in surprise, marveling at the culture alien to him and the strange objects surrounding him. He took an earthen pot in his hands, but his hands were so awkward that he accidentally dropped and broke it ... People heard a noise, came running and caught the Angel. They put him in a cage ... The angel did not know that he could be deprived of his freedom - all his life he saw only a clear blue sky. People didn't like what they didn't understand. They thought for a long time and in the end decided that in order to become normal, the Angel needed only to cut off the wings. It seemed to them that having achieved external similarities, they would achieve internal ones as well. They took a sharp knife and cut off his wings.
The angel screamed and thrashed in fright in the cage, losing the last connection with the sky, blood oozing through his body. He soon passed out ...
When he woke up, there were people around. With difficulty, the angel opened his eyes and looked around. With a habitual gesture, he tried to spread his wings behind his back, but there was nothing behind him ... The angel wanted so much to become like people. So people helped him to make this dream come true? Now he could live among people and became almost the same as them.
People accepted the Angel when he became like them. They taught him their language, craft. The world of people became for him his own world ...
But no matter how interesting this world was, it lacked a clear sky and soft white clouds sparkling in the sun's rays. The angel yearned more and more for the sky. But alas - he no longer had wings .... The dream of flying and the sky became his obsession. Soon the Angel could only think of new wings.
At first he tried to copy the wings of birds, but nothing worked. The angel instantly got tired and could not fly even a few meters above the ground. Realizing that it is impossible to make a semblance of a bird, the Angel decided to tame real birds. He caught several dozen of the largest and strongest birds and tied himself to them with a strong rope. The birds soared up and dragged him along, dragging him higher and higher to the sky ... Soon the earth and people seemed already the same as when he first saw them - small and defenseless ...
Suddenly the rope untied and the birds rushed in different directions, leaving the Angel dangling between heaven and earth. He fell to the ground and crashed ...
A man passed by. He saw an Angel falling from heaven and thought it was a sign from above ... He walked from city to city and told people about this miracle ... Gradually, followers began to gather around the man, and soon his stories were overgrown with new details and facts. People got religion and belief in something bright ...
The place where the Angel fell became a shrine for people, and every day thousands of pilgrims came there to pray ... A chapel was erected on this place and everyone considered it his duty to light a candle for the health of their loved ones or for the repose of those who had passed away ... People forgot about their guilt, trying to atone for it in prayers ... There was only one person who said: "People, but we ourselves ruined him. After all, we cut off the Angel's wings with our own hands, depriving him of his connection with heaven. So why are all these vain prayers? "
But they did not listen to him. People so cherished the bright image of the Angel that they did not want to believe in their guilt. The man was called a heretic, defaming the bright name of the shrine, and burned at the stake ...
When the flame engulfed his body, his soul appeared over the fire ... She, like the Angel, had huge wings. Waving them, she flew up - straight to the sun, straight to the sky - into a world where every morning the sun's rays illuminate the tops of the clouds and peace and silence reign ...
After all, the angel was not a man - he was only a soul - pure and bright, who loved people and was looking for freedom.
And the soul - after all, it will always return to heaven ...

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 17:49 + in the quote pad

At the bottom lay the city, covered with snow to the very roofs. Above lay a dark, gloomy sky covered with rare plumes of clouds. And above the sky an angel sat on a cloud and looked through the gray shroud of the twilight sky at the city, covered with snow to the very roofs. The angel had to go down, but he did not want to.
First, it's cold. Secondly, the snow. Third, people. And if the cold and snow could still be tolerated, then it worked out very badly with people, that is, it did not work out in any way. The angel sighed and began to descend slowly. He was afraid of being noticed, so he made a heavy snowfall. But the wings quickly got wet and heavy, and instead of a majestic smooth flight, there was a quick and unpleasant fall. But no one noticed him anyway. When a blizzard is outside, people sit at home or hide in deep hoods. And they do not look into the sky.
The angel touched his feet to the ground and folded his wings behind his back. So he almost did not differ at all from people. The air was fresh and not even very cold. The angel quickly caught the desired scent and went to him. Still, night was approaching, and at this time even an angel cannot be sure of safety. The entrance smelled of black cats, a German shepherd, burnt pizza and freshly brewed coffee. The angel did not hesitate in front of the black door and did not press the elastic bell button. He just entered the house. She was sitting in the kitchen reading a book.
“Good evening,” said the angel. - I came for you.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise and resentment and shook her head.
- Who are you? she asked. - I do not know you. How did you get here?
“I went through the door,” the angel replied, still standing in front of her. She did not invite him to sit down, and all the angels are proud of their upbringing. “You should know me. Maybe she just forgot. I'm an angel.
- Angel? - She asked incredulously, tossing a naughty strand of snow-white color from her forehead. “There are no angels here.
“But I'm here,” he objected, turning slightly in profile so that she could see the wings.
- Wings? - She went up to him and timidly held out her hand. - Real?
The angel sighed. He was a little tired, a little cold and wanted to drink coffee. And he didn't want to show what his real wings were.
And then another person appeared in the kitchen. The man in black. The angel shuddered. He could not get used to the fact that here on Earth everyone has the right to wear black, and white, and gold.
- Who are you talking to, dear?
She threw up her hands:
- Yes, with an angel.
The man looked at the angel with interest. The angel looked at the man curiously. Their gazes met. The man's gray eyes reflected all his feelings. A pale golden light trembled in the angel's blue eyes.
- Well, - said the man, looking away. - I believe you are an angel. And you are stronger than me.
The angel was upset. Why did the person give up so quickly? Why did he give up at all? Doesn't he love her?
The man left, first from the kitchen, then from the apartment, then from the house. For a long time the angel heard his nervous footsteps along the empty streets of the snow-covered city.
- Why did you drive him away? the woman exclaimed.
“He left on his own,” said the angel. He made no excuses. He was just being fair. ”“ You saw.
She covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Then another. Her shoulders trembled. The angel put his hand on her head and whispered a few quiet words. She calmed down.
- He will return, - said the angel, - if you do not want to leave with me, he will definitely return.
“I don’t want to leave with you,” she whispered, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to leave with you, and I don’t believe in God.”
And then the angel was surprised.
“You don’t remember anything at all?” he asked, squatting down so that he looked into her eyes and read the answer in them.
- Oh, what ... can I ... remember? - With difficulty she uttered, swallowing cold and completely tasteless coffee in between. And then the angel saw something that he had not noticed from the very beginning. She had no wings.
- Where ... are your wings? he asked in a whisper, restraining the indignant fluttering of his own.
- Wings? She threw off her shirt and turned her back to him. - I never had them.
The angel touched the thin skin between the shoulder blades with a cool palm and felt two thin threads of scars.
“Right here,” said the angel, “here were the wings.
- What are you, - she threw a shirt over her shoulders and turned around, - it was our cat that jumped at me. It's just scratches. And they almost healed. They will soon disappear altogether.
“Yes,” the angel agreed. - Of course, it's just scratches. And they almost healed. And you never had wings.
Backing away, he left the house, almost stepped on a fluffy black kitten and stood for a while under her window. And then he found a man in black, took him by the shoulder and said:
- Come back, you are stronger.
Triumph and joy flashed in the man's eyes. But the angel was in no hurry to let go of his shoulder.
- You took her memory, but how did she give the wings?
“They got in the way,” the man explained.
- How can wings get in the way?
“She’s a woman,” the man said, as if that explained everything.
But the angel did not understand. And the man got angry.
“The wings get in the way of lying on her back,” the man explained, “and she has to lie on her back every night. Understood?
But the stupid angel still did not understand anything. And the man said his last words:
- We love each other. We are having sex. And the wings prevented her from lying on her back. Do you understand now?
“Now I understand,” the angel replied. “She needed sex, and she didn't need wings.
“Well done,” the man said, freeing himself from the angel’s hand. - You understood everything correctly.
“I know,” the angel bowed his head and brushed a tear from his eyelashes. He did not know how to cry, but the tears came of their own accord. “But I also know something else: you don’t love each other.
The angel spread its wings and pulled away from the Earth.
- Why? - shouted the man, raising his head to the sky. The angel was already high. But he came down and whispered in the man's ear:
- Because wings do not interfere with love!
It began to snow, falling asleep to the man in black and black rooftops.

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 17:52 + in the quote pad

The wax runs like a strip along the long, curved candle. She smells like vanilla. I don't like vanilla. An angel sits on the windowsill and looks into the sky. He wants to go home, and I keep him. I keep my thoughts and attempts to be with my beloved man. Make you fly everywhere and keep you from doing crazy things. He is tired and sighs with blue pollen. I want to apologize, but this is his job ... I ask the angel to find my beloved, but he refuses. And what is the matter with him, in fact?
The angel is crying. I didn’t know that it happens. It turns out that he cries my tears. So, when I cry, my angel is actually crying? Why do angels cry? Or by whom?
I crawl across the huge bed to the windowsill. I look at my angel's pretty face. He is beautiful. I stroke his dark hair and take his hand. Curious if all angels have such gentle hands? His brown eyes are filled with sorrow. Every teardrop is dark and shiny. There are scratches on the cheeks from them. His face is bleeding. I am afraid that my torment is making him suffer. I cry with him, only tears can’t escape. I stroke his hand and kiss his red lips. God they are so cold. Doesn't he feel anything?
“Angel, dear,” - I say to myself, because he understands me without words, - “don't cry, please! I'm scared!"
He is silent. He probably has no voice. The blood from his cheeks drips onto my shirt. The shirt is as white as his wings. The drops turn into graceful patterns and adorn my shirt with a bloody color. Shards of tears fall from his eyes. They roll down it and fall loudly to the floor. My heart is racing like a driven horse. It's all so strange and beautiful. His pain, or rather mine in him, gives birth to beauty.
“Please calm down, I will always be with you!” - although what I am saying is that he will always have to look after me. But I look at him and I feel sorry for him, and he is a reflection of me! He does not move, only tears scratch his cheeks, and I kiss his lips. Why did he freeze? What about him? Feathers climb from his wings, they fall on the black tears of the angel and become white mice. Mice crawl over sharp tears and scratch their abdomens. Their fur turns red from their own blood. They squeak in horror. I squint, close my eyes, bounce off the angel and hide under the covers. The squeak stops.
I remove the blanket from my face and see an angel standing over me ...
“He loves you,” said the angel.
So they still have a voice.
- You told me in a dream that he does not love me! - I look at the angel, holding my breath.
Lit by the moon and spread its wings, it is beautiful. He looks so much like a person, but there is something high, regular and cold in him. I would love him all my life, but he is an angel. And I am a man, and even more so I love another ...
“You’ll never be with him,” he says with a tremor in his voice.
The angel no longer cries, tears flow from my eyes. The veil darkens my eyes, I rub my face with my palms and drive away the loneliness that is already creeping up. An angel crying for me ?!
- May I be with you? - I ask, hoping that at least my angel loves me as I love my chosen one.
- No, - the angel is cold and motionless, only the feathers tremble from the light breeze.
“Why?” I ask silently.
- Because people and angels cannot be together. You are too hot in your actions and emotions, but we are cold and calculating. We have no positive emotions, we are worried, only your fears, illnesses, troubles, pains, sorrows. We feel all the bad things. It is our life. We take it all for ourselves, and we leave the good for you.
The angel sits on my bed and strokes my cheek. I clung to her, with the feeling of a mother who first took the newborn in her arms. Its wings are warm and soft. I crawl out from under the covers and snuggle up against the angel. He covers me with his wings. We are silent, we feel each other, we are one.
- Why won't I be with him? Are you saying that he loves me? - I start again. But I speak quietly, so as not to frighten off the merging of souls, mine and his.
-I said that angels and people cannot be together! - he reassured me.
- I do not understand you…
- It's simple: I am your angel, and you are his! You are everything to him! You take away all his bad things, you give him real warmth and good fortune. He understands this, but cannot appreciate it. He is afraid of. Afraid of you and afraid to change. He thinks he can be happy with what WAS.
My angel cried, he cries with my grief. I went cold. My lips are red, I feel cold in my body, I press closer to it. It does not help. My hair turns gray, or rather, it turns white, completely white, like his wings. They got long. My eyes are glazed, but I seem to see myself from the side. I feel nothing but flames on my lips. I feel that something is superfluous in my body. It's getting hard for me. I get out of bed, the angel is silent. It's so hard for me ... I'm falling ...
... Leaning on my hands, I lift off the floor, but something pulls down and hangs from behind. God, these are ... WINGS ...
I have wings! My body is soft pink. My lips are scarlet. My heart is cold ...
... I sit on the windowsill, and he sleeps. Finally, he sleeps. He works a lot. I feel pain. I sit still. I see his pain, the pain of loss. He lost ... me. He cries in his sleep, or rather tears scratch my cheeks. He was stupid, but it's not for me to judge. He thought that he would be in time, but did not have time. I have become for him something about whom he does not even know. He doesn't believe in angels. And I will sit on the windowsill and watch his dreams. I will hide him from sorrows, illnesses, fears and troubles.
He will be with her! And I'm with him! But every night I will cry for myself for him!
Someone always becomes someone's angel, but is it difficult to say about it right away?

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 17:55 + to the quote pad

The little angel sat on a cloud, legs dangling, watching the city, which seemed to him an anthill. Suddenly, in the window of a house, he saw a familiar face.
"This is she," thought the angel and smoothly began to descend. Now his little feet have already touched the ground, he opened the entrance door and slid into a small crack. I went up to the ninth floor and found myself next to that very door.

With a small hand he touched the bell, and his shrill cry disturbed the silence. “Who is there?” Asked a once familiar voice.
-It's me, Angel.
- I don't know any Angel. You probably made the wrong apartment!
-No, I was not mistaken! It's me, Angel ... open please ...
The door opened and the Angel saw HER. She was no longer the same ... Tortured, pale, in an old dressing gown ... "Is it really you? What happened to you ?!" - exclaimed the Angel.
-Have we met??? This is the first time I see you. What you need? Why are you here?
The girl looked with dull eyes and did not understand anything.
-You do not remember anything?
-Not. I am very tired, and I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible. Moreover, my husband will come soon. I think he will not be very happy to see strangers in his house. She sat down at the table and turned her back to Angel. The angel came closer to her and timidly embraced her by the shoulders, pressed his little body against her back. “I’ll show you something now, promise that you’ll leave right away.” ....

The doorbell rang and she shuddered. Hastily got up from the chair and ran to open the door. It was her husband. "And who else is this ???" - the husband muttered with displeasure. "He's already leaving" - the girl looked sternly at the Angel. "I'm hungry, I'll be back in 5 minutes to eat," said the husband. The girl hurried to the kitchen. "The door is over there," the man pointed with his finger at the door. "Get out!"

Tears appeared in Angel's large eyes.
-Where is HER Wings ??? Where are you going her wings? She had huge white wings. Why did you cut them off ??? You ruined her! ”The Angel choked in tears.
- You see, we love each other ... And, accordingly, we sleep together! You know how the wings got in the way! She was uncomfortable lying on her back, so I cut them off! Now everything is all right with us! We are happy!

The angel had already gone out into the street, where it was snowing ...
"And yet you do not love each other !!! She will die with you ..." - shouted the Angel after ... The man ran out into the street, but the Angel was already high ...
"WHY ??? WHY ARE YOU SPEAKING SO ???" - shouted the man, looking up into the heavens.
"BECAUSE WINGS NEVER HINDER LOVE" - whispered the Angel ...

Wednesday, 05 January 2011 17:58 + in the quote pad

I slowly walked along the colorful stripes of the rainbow, counting the steps. I wonder how many more have to be done to get to the end? Some strange thoughts creep into my head, I thought, because today they already managed to ruin my mood - the senior angel entrusted me with some guy on earth. I never thought that I would have to do such a boring job. It is much more interesting to count clouds, catch raindrops, create fragile snowflakes, or at worst, just walk on a rainbow and count steps.
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr how not to hunt to go downstairs. This thought alone makes me shiver, but this is my job, each of us has our own destiny, mine is to observe and help people and nothing can be done about it. And with them everything is as usual - gray and boring. They are all strange: they do not notice the beauty, but they manage to spend so much time on empty things, but at the same time they confidently consider them very important and necessary. Ugh, it's disgusting to look. I don’t even want to think that I will be stuck in this hole for the next 70-80 years, for me this is certainly not a lot, but I don’t want to waste even such a small amount of time. Eh, okay, I'll count to the end and go down to the ground to look at the next item of storage.
Three hundred fifty-seven million, three hundred fifty-eight million, three hundred fifty-eight million, three hundred fifty-nine million, three hundred sixty. Well, here I am on the ground, slowly wandering along the river bank, and looking at the mountains. Something I was distracted, I have to fly to the city. Almost audibly, I lifted myself off the ground and flew.
This is the home I want.
- One, two, three - here, it seems, is the window that I am looking for. Slowly flying up to him, I made my way inside. The dark blue curtains were drawn tightly, which made the room dim.
“Hee-hee-hee, that's where my fun begins,” I muttered, opening the curtains so that a small ray of sun slowly crept into the room. He joyfully and merrily began to study his face in the morning. Light brown hair was the color of golden wheat, a straight nose, strong-willed chin and a gentle smile illuminated his face. I wonder what he dreams about once he smiles like that. Maybe the seashore, blue clouds or simple banal human things from which they are delighted.
I am far from the ideal angel, I thought, and decided to start the game. Approaching the nightstand, near his bed, I just pressed one button on a round alarm clock made in the form of a globe. And the blue object began to make unpleasant sounds.
The guy stirred, his hand automatically turned off the alarm. Surprisingly, he did not continue to sleep, but, stretching sweetly, opened his eyes and smiled when he saw the sunbeam entering the room.
Some strange specimen got caught, usually, if I start joking a little, who likes it, everyone just gets angry and swears, and this one has a smile on his face. I was so confused that I just stopped being angry, and did not notice how I began to smile myself. And the guy is quite nice and his smile is charming. While I was thinking about what kind of ward came under my wing, he had already managed to get up and head to the bathroom. With sly flashing eyes, I followed him. Sitting at the entrance, I was able to study it more thoroughly: quite tall, with a beautiful figure, the straight Greek God descended from Olympus. Although what I mean, these stupid people believed that there is a mountain on which all the Gods live, they know nothing at all, although they think that they will soon conquer the world. They are still far from comprehending peace and perfection. All of them initially carry a particle of evil and flaw, without realizing it, strive for the ideal, but they will never achieve it.
Something I was philosophizing and completely distracted. And at this time he was carefully brushing his teeth. A pleasant surprise made me smile, for the second time during my stay on earth, the color of the toothbrush, like the entire bathroom, was my favorite blue. It turns out that our tastes are somewhat similar.
Looking at the calendar on the wall, I learned that today is a day off on earth. He went about his usual activities: doing homework, reading a book, talking on the phone, walking. And all this time I watched him with interest. It seems that before, all these human little things seemed so stupid to me, and when he did them, it was even funny to look at all this from the outside. Before I could look back, the first working day came to an end. The black veil of the night slowly lay on the city, only small holes - stars - letting in the light, helped people not to go astray.
I sat on the windowsill and watched the glowing points - windows on the other side of the house - gradually go out. There are two small spots left, probably soon their owners will finish all their business and go to bed. Hearing the quiet puffing of my little man, I realized that I could go upstairs.
Pushing myself off the windowsill, I soared upward and rushed, as it seemed to me, to the softest cloud. But in a split second they were ahead of me, and now some impudent angel was already sitting in the place I had chosen.
- So, something I did not understand! This is my place, - I exclaimed angrily.
“And it’s not named,” I heard in response.
Wow, this fool has the audacity to be rude to me, well, no, I won't let him. Slowly flying up from behind, I pulled the edge of the cloud so that it flew head over heels from it, like from the steepest hill. After observing his manipulations in the air, I calmly sank into my seat, and, smiling triumphantly, began to clean my wings. The night passed unnoticed. The stars disappeared into the pre-dawn silence and the sun, stretching sweetly, spread its rays. This meant that the second day of my work had already begun.
I watched him from the side, and he, not noticing anything, continued to get ready for the university. I washed myself, did exercises, cooked breakfast. In a hurry I almost forgot to take an umbrella when I left the house. And I moved the books, and they fell to the floor with a crash. Surprised, he went to see what had happened and noticed a forgotten umbrella. What would he do without me, thoughts flashed through my head.
I spent the whole day with him. I met many of his friends, acquaintances, teachers and fellow students. Some are quite interesting, but there are some that are best not even encountered. And none are like my boy.
A year of my work on the ground flew by unnoticed. I went downstairs every morning to guard my little man. Sometimes, when he could not sleep for a long time, I stayed with him overnight. Slowly sinking to the top of the closet opposite the bed, she watched him.
Without noticing it myself, I became very attached to him. Now she could not imagine a day without her work. As soon as the first rays fell to the ground, I was already next to him, catching every moment. His smile, laughter, affectionate look, sadness in his eyes - all that without which I greatly yearned and missed. I loved playing with him, it always turned out so much fun and funny. Probably, everything would have remained so further, but She appeared in his life - a kind of Snow Queen - white, almost transparent skin, flaxen curls and piercing - a cold look. I looked at her and could not understand how she could interest him. I will not argue, by earthly standards, she is very attractive. But what can this piece of ice give him besides cold?
- Nothing, - I answered my own question.
He just loved her. Love defies explanation, is not subject to the laws, rules and theorems derived on earth. Although I know where it comes from. Just playful cupid once again went hunting, and this time my boy became his prey.
Now my little man spent all his free time with her. He gave his tenderness, a smile, warmed her with his warmth and protected her in every possible way.
I didn't like it at first sight. I was angry with her, with myself. Strange, this is the first time this has happened to me. You can't even imagine who her angel was. I myself did not believe until I saw him wagging after her. Yes, it was exactly that impudent guy who almost stole my place. Seeing this, I was doubly opposed to the acquaintance of my boy and this ice crystal.
Every day, thousands of needles of jealousy were thrust into my heart, and I could not do anything about it. I didn’t understand what was happening to me and didn’t know how to fix it. At any opportunity I tried to hurt her, open my little man's eyes, but he did not see my warnings, Cupid's arrow hit right on target and I was unable to pull the edge of love out of his heart. I had to put up with this, but now more and more often I was looking for an opportunity to fly upstairs: to sit on a cloud and think. Counting stars has recently ceased to interest me, I looked at the intricate drawings in which they are folded. I looked in the sky for any little thing that resembled him. At first I thought that everything would pass, it would come out of his heart as an ordinary hobby, but every day the hope for this was melting, as the March snow slowly but surely melts under the spring sun. Everything collapsed, shattered like fragile glass on the day she stayed with him for the first night. I sat, biting my lip on the windowsill, heard their breathing quickened, and saw how their bodies were connected into a single whole. Unable to withstand this test, I soared upward like an arrow. The sky was suddenly covered with large dark gray clouds, which, like formidable giants, covered the whole city. A moment and the first drops of rain were heard, the first sincere and pure tears of an angel fell. If you think that angels cannot feel, you are deeply mistaken. They are very tender and vulnerable, it is easy to offend them, to destroy their immaculate soul.
And the rain went on and on outside the window. Slowly flowing down from the roof in a thin stream, he drummed on the windows and slowly flowed into huge pools of sadness, sorrow of a small and helpless angel.
Crying quietly, I did not notice at all that the impudent angel had also left his ward and, as if nothing had happened, was cleaning his wings. Small droplets of rain were streaming down my face, when suddenly on the left, in the chest area, something clenched, and I felt a sharp unbearable pain. Anxiety and fear bound me like steel chains. Having overcome all this, I abruptly rushed down to my boy. Having reached the familiar window and saw it, I understood where this pain came from. He sat on the bed and looked at Her in dismay. She lay still, her usually translucent white skin even whiter. Barely tearing my eyes away from the couple, I saw her guardian and a dark angel. A thought flashed through my mind - this is the end. There will be no more disturbances, there will be no more queens, my boy will remain only mine, I will always be with him. My head was buzzing with so many thoughts, everything was ringing in my ears ... In this state, I accidentally caught his eye. The pain, the unbearable pain that was slowly destroying everything around him, filled him. In my eyes I read fear and horror - the horror of losing her. I don’t remember anything, I only know that the words “hold on by any means” were pounding in my memory like a hammer. Memories will forever preserve this look, filled with horror, fear and sadness.
A second later the room was filled with people, all of them were in white coats. All out of breath, they immediately began to perform some kind of manipulation with her body, but I knew very well that they would hardly help her with this. I have to act, otherwise it will be too late, flashed through my head.
In the blink of an eye, I flew up to the dark angel. I don’t remember exactly what I said to him, only fragments of our conversation remained in my memory. He said:
“Sorry, it’s not my fault that he couldn’t save her.” Now she must come with me.
- No, you can't do that, you can't !!! What do you want in return, - I shouted that there are strengths.
“I don’t understand you,” he answered calmly, “your man is alive and well, what else do you want?
- Can't you see how bad he is? I want her to live! Do it, please, I begged him.
-No, I cannot, I have no right.
- What do you want? I will give you everything that you ask, just fulfill my request, - I asked with the last bit of strength.
- So be it, dear creature, I do this only because I really liked you. But remember what you said, you owe me now.
“Okay, I'll do whatever you ask,” I said with the last bit of strength, sinking into my usual place, the top of the cabinet.
Coming to my senses, I noticed that people were also running and fussing over the motionless body.
“I did it, I did everything, now she will live,” I said triumphantly.
The girl in my boy's arms slowly opened her eyes. It was a miracle for people. They fussed even more. How naive they are, they do not understand that their stupid and ridiculous actions have nothing to do with it, if a dark angel rises to the ground, he will not leave without his sacrifice.
What will happen next, I did not even ask this question, now all the same, they will be together, they will be happy, my boy will be happy, but for me now this is the most important thing.
I looked from high on the flickering of people and for the first time did not think about anything. All thoughts flew out of my head and flocks of birds flew away. Later, the girl was taken to the hospital, and my boy left with her. People were diagnosed with a heart attack. Now he cared for her twice as much, became an angel for her on earth.
Night gave way to day and day to night. Everything was the same as before. At night, I went up to heaven to look at the earth from above. But one day I could not leave the earth. The girl became ill, my boy did not leave her for a minute, and all this time I was with them. I sat on the windowsill of the hospital ward and watched the stars appear.
- Hello, angel, - I heard a creaky voice behind my back, that day I did not even notice how unpleasant it was and cut my ears, - I came to receive a favor.
“Hello,” I replied, turning to face him, “I remember my duty very well.
I knew that someday it had to happen. I was not surprised by his appearance, I just did not think that it would happen so soon.
- It's good that you remember everything, no need to remind.
- What do you want from me? I said, looking at him indifferently.
- I liked you, brave angel, you don't often see such a person. I decided to take you with me.
“With me,” I said slowly, syllables.
Reading the mute fear in my eyes, and smiling maliciously, he replied:
- What did you think: the price for life is great.
- I didn’t think anything, well, it will be as you want. Do I have time to say goodbye?
- Exactly five minutes, and then we leave the earth.
I flew up to my boy. He gently hugged the sleeping girl. The last time I looked into his eyes, I read so much love and affection in them, calmness and serenity. My choice was right. This look will forever remain in the memory. I will remember it as it is now. Let him be happy, and I will be doubly happy from this. With these thoughts, I flew to the dark angel:
- I'm ready.
- Okay, let's fly. You still have a lot to do today. You need to have time to register in the register, change wings and cleanse your soul of all the good ...

Angel story
Night ... She sits and looks out the window ... Admires the stars. Tears glisten in her eyes. And suddenly she notices that one of the stars is falling. She does not believe in miracles, but, succumbing to silence, makes a wish. She wants to see an angel.

The star fell ... 5, 10 minutes passed. Everything is the same. No, she is not disappointed, she just made sure once again that there are no miracles. She closes the window, turns and ... loses consciousness. When she comes to, she sees an unusually handsome young man, who for some reason is all in white.

Who are you? She asks excitedly.
- The one you wanted to see.
- Sorry, but I don't know you. How did you get here?
- For me there are no barriers. I can walk through time and space. You still don’t recognize me?
- Not.

The young man, who had been sitting on the bed all this time, suddenly turned around. She screamed and fell to the floor again ... She woke up already lying on the bed. So it was a dream, she thought.

You're wrong. Everything was in Java. Just please don't fall anymore. - came a voice from the darkness.
In response, only silence.
- You're an angel?! She finally asked.
- Yes, but why are you surprised? I'm here because of you.
“I… I just didn't think it was possible. Do you have real wings? And where are you? I can not see you.
“I’ll only show up if you promise not to be scared anymore.” And my wings are real.
“I promise,” she said quietly.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in the middle of the room, which gradually began to turn into that very young man.

Why don't you believe in miracles? - he asked.
- I didn’t believe it, - she corrected him - And what is your name?
- No way ... Angels have no names ...
- Well, then can I call you Alexander?
- Yes.
- And I'm Albina.
- So white?
- What are you talking about?
“Your name is pure and white, just like snow.
“I didn't know,” she admitted honestly.
- Albina, what is Love?
- Do not you know? - she was sincerely surprised.
- No ... We, angels, do not know how to love, do not know how to suffer, cry or rejoice. We don’t even feel anything, we don’t feel the grass and sunlight. We just exist. We only know how to ease suffering. Do you want it? - he asked.

From the suddenness of the question, Albina grew cold, she did not tell anyone that Artyom had died today. She tried to be strong.

Do not be surprised, I am an angel, and you called me for this, - he replied to a question that had not yet been asked.
- I don’t want ... I don’t want anymore .... How is he? Albina asked quietly.
“Now he is one of us.
- So my name is "White". Do I look like an angel?
- Yes very.
The silence did not last long, but it seemed like an eternity.
- Do you want to become human? She asked unexpectedly.
- Honestly, I would give anything for it.
- Is it true that you can switch places with an angel?
- Yes, only with mutual consent. But don't you even think about it !!!
But it was too late. Albina has already run to the window.
- Why? - only that the Angel could ask.
“I love him,” Albina said.
- But after becoming an angel, you will forget what it is!
- It is enough for me that I will see him. Goodbye-ah-ah ...

Alexander did not even notice how she opened the window and jumped. He looked down for a long time, and then felt the wind blowing in his face, heard his heart beating, and ... began to cry ...

About angels- these are real stories from people's lives about the guardian angel. About meeting with angels. About predictions from angels. About help and salvation in difficult moments of life. Awesome stories of people who have experienced angelic visions or received vital messages from angels. True stories of people who saw angels.

An angel (ancient Greek. In many religions, an angel is a messenger, a messenger, a supernatural being with wings.

To some, ephemeral creatures appear in the form of classic angels with wings. Others - in some incomprehensible way, enter into dialogue with relatives who have gone to another world. For the third, angelic visions are available only in a dream, but these dreams turn out to be not only very realistic, but also often prophetic.

About angels- the section contains a lot of interesting and unique information about angels. These are answers to questions. What are angels? And what do they do? How do we recognize their CALL? How can you learn to understand them and follow their advice? And how to find your OWN GUARDIAN ANGEL? Learn to communicate with him and use the POWER that he is able to endow us with.

By reading the stories of angels, you will learn how to make eye contact with divine entities. Learn to understand signs and messages from them.

Each person has a Guardian Angel. He is given to us at birth and accompanies us throughout our lives. The Guardian Angel drives away all misfortunes from us and in difficult times calls on other angels to help us.

He turns to us every day! But for some reason we believe that this is our inner voice, intuition, flair, etc. Although in fact these are the tips of the Guardian Angel. So let's learn to understand and accept these prompts.

About angels- in these stories - and attempts to understand what is perceived as a miracle. Helpful advice on what to do if you meet an angel? How do they guide us? What do they say about the world, about people, about life and death? What is fate, what is disease? Here you can read real stories about people meeting with guardian angels and other higher powers. About how the help of angels in life is manifested. True mysterious life events. How to make a request or a question to the Guardian Angel? Get wise advice from him and how to interpret their clues? And also Share your story!

Believe me - Guardian Angels will not leave you in trouble. They will give advice and support in difficult times. Will point you in the right direction if you ask them to.

Each of us has a guardian angel ... he will fix everything ... he will help in everything, just believe that he is always there!

- Peace be with you, - said the Angel affectionately, sitting down next to the Cat on a thick branch and shaking off the snow from it.
- Hi, - the cat opened its green eye, looked at Angel lazily and turned away. The angel hid his bare feet under his wings and looked down. Beneath them lay a white courtyard full of laughter, screeching, flying snowballs and squeaking footsteps.
“You climbed high,” said the Angel, assessing the distance to the ground.
- But even Sashkin's snowball will not reach here.
The angel nodded in understanding and tucked up the lowered wings. They were silent.

- And what are you, for my old lady came? - without turning his head, asked the Cat. His voice was just as lazy, but Angel immediately saw pain and anxiety thicken around him.
- No, I'm not for anyone.
- A! - The cloud of alarm has thinned.
“She says every day that the Angel will take her away soon,” the Cat saw fit to explain.
- Apparently, another will arrive ... Again they were silent. But, apparently, Kota was still worried about the presence of the Angel, and he asked as indifferently as possible:
- Why are you here?
- Yes, so I sat down to rest. I saved a kid in your city from him. Oh, and it's hard work! Now I'm flying home.
- So you, this ... and from the disease you can?
- It depends on what kind of disease. But I can do a lot. I am the keeper.
- So why are you sitting here ?! - the Cat suddenly roared.
- Come on, let's go! And he flew like a red whirlwind to the ground. The angel landed quietly nearby.

The old woman was so thin that the Angel did not immediately see her among the white pillows. The old woman's eyes were closed, and her chest was shaking, filling the whole room with wheezing, whistling and sobbing. The angel bent over her, laid white wings on her chest and began to whisper something - gently and quietly. While he was standing like that, the Cat threw wood into the stove, pushed the cooled kettle onto the stove and put a large mug of milk, sprinkling some herbs into it - he was preparing a drink for the hostess.
When the Angel straightened up, the old woman's breathing was even and quiet, her sunken cheeks turned pink.
“Let him sleep,” he said to Kot.

- She is very weak.
The cat turned away and quickly wiped his eyes.

The old woman was asleep, and the Cat and Angel drank tea, and the Cat kept pouring cream into his tea, and the Angel smiled looking at him.
“I’ll probably stay with you,” he said, stirring the honey,
- Until Mikhailovna gets up.
- How do you know that she is Mikhailovna?
- I'm an Angel. I know that your name is Charlik.
- So, it seems we have met, - the Cat chuckled.
- And how to dignify you?
- And we have no names. Just an Angel.
The cat silently pushed the cream over to him and sipped from the mug.

Walkers ticked over the table, firewood crackled in the stove, the wind intensified outside the window. “You asked why I climbed high,” the Cat suddenly grinned.
- It turns out he was waiting for you.
- And he added thoughtfully, listening to the wind:
- You need to tie your socks. Why are you barefoot in the snow? ..

(c) Lyudmila Sosnina