The front metal door froze. How to choose a front door to a private house

Entrance doors are the main bulwark of protection of any room. Many people do not spare serious sums for the purchase. They are chosen in terms of reliability and appearance.

The main goal is to provide a high level of security for the premises. Each should prevent intruders from entering the premises.

The second main function is protection from environmental influences. An important indicator is the degree of its noise and heat insulation (see).

A good one should prevent the loss of heat energy and should minimize the noise pollution of the room. If you can still get along with noise, then poor thermal insulation can lead to disastrous events.

Sometimes, even a door installed by professionals freezes over. And this issue needs to be addressed urgently.

Advice! In order to stop the freezing of the door in the bud. Consult on this issue immediately before buying and installing the door. Perhaps the timely advice received will save you from trouble in the future.

In general, you found that it freezes over. This is a rather unpleasant incident, but for many doors it is absolutely normal. Of course, you should not ignore this.

They freeze for a number of reasons.:

  • freezing usually occurs with a sharp temperature drop;
  • if it's freezing outside, and the house has a high positive temperature;
  • if you have only one door installed(see), and possibly very thin without additional insulation.

Often this happens for the main reason - it's a thin door.

It is a minor barrier to the cold. If you, be on your guard, the unprepared will not be able to withstand our harsh winters and will definitely freeze.

The thermal conductivity of metal is almost 300 times higher than that of wood. That is why, loved by many, popular metal entrance doors give off heat so quickly. They are cold to the touch, without proper thermal insulation they cannot protect the house from heat loss.

We repeat - the main reason why they freeze through is that it is very thin, much thinner than your walls, so it is more difficult for it to withstand frost. Many skeptics will remember double-glazed windows. Saying that they are also thin, but do not let the cold through.

Here one should not confuse various production technologies and compare the materials from which windows and doors are made. According to this logic, each of us can put double-glazed doors in place.

But, the harsh realities of our reality are such that this will not be strong enough and will not protect us from intruders (see). A good one should be made of durable materials that will provide an adequate level of protection for any room.

It just so happened that the main material suitable for these purposes is metal. As a minus, despite all the advantages of a metal door, the material from which it is made has an increased thermal conductivity. This means that any freezes in the cold season.

Another reason: cold bridges. In addition to the canvas of the metal door itself, cold can be carried out by:

  • lock;
  • door frame;
  • metal ribs.

That is, all the metal parts of the door equipment that pass through the canvas serve as cold bridges. By the way, in a wooden door, the lock can also become a bridge of cold, like a box and fasteners. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that a wooden door is completely protected from all problems with the appearance of condensate and drizzle.

Why should not be allowed

Many people whose door is freezing prefer to give up on the problem, hoping that everything will pass after the long-awaited warming.

But, unfortunately, freezing must be prevented immediately after its occurrence, otherwise the following problems are possible:

Advice! In no case do not delay the solution of this problem. Perhaps your expensive metal door will last one winter season in this mode.

The next year, things may get to the point that you have to change the door completely, and this is expensive and expensive!

What to do?

In general, the front door freezes through, what to do?

There are several options for solving this problem:

  • You need to check the heater. Perhaps if the front door freezes, then this is precisely the essence of the problem. You either got a door without insulation, or it is made of cheap, impractical materials. According to statistics, in 90% of cases it is the lack of insulation or low-quality insulation that is to blame for the freezing of the door.
  1. Make no mistake, replacing and improving door insulation may not solve all freezing problems.
  2. High-density foam is best suited to combat freezing.
  3. It is the use of quality foam that will give you hope of winning the war against its freezing.
  4. In the event that you are trying to save on everything, do not buy cheap materials at all, it is better to leave everything as it is than to spend time and money on inefficient warming operations.
  • Pay special attention to the interior decoration of your front door.
  1. In the event that the interior decoration of the door is made of MDF with a thickness of only 6-10 millimeters, this will not become a serious obstacle to freezing.
  2. Experts recommend using special MDF panels with a thickness of 16-22 mm, possibly thicker.
  • Loot is often to blame for freezing. If your hatch is made of metal, then it must be protected from the interior by finishing with slopes or MDF. This solution to the problem is quite simple and affordable. You can take care of the issue with the hatch during installation of the door in advance.
  • Installation of an additional door. To protect your home from low temperatures, it is recommended to take radical but effective measures - installing an additional door opposite the main one. The chamber formed in this case creates an air gap between the doors, which acts as a buffer. Even if the outside freezes, the inside will get rid of the negative impact, and the premises will not be exposed to cold.
  • Door frame check. The door latch (a frame that is installed in the opening and serves as a place for attaching hinges to fix the door) plays an important role in protecting the front door from freezing. It is responsible for the tightness and density of pressing the canvas. Best of all, a properly equipped metal box copes with external influences. For greater protection, the installation of slopes is recommended.

In principle, the operations described above will be enough to prevent the door from freezing. These operations can be done without resorting to specialists, as they are understandable at a simple, everyday level, and insulation materials are available for any budget.


In general, the best and most affordable way to deal with freezing is to install an additional door (see How to install a second front door). This will not only provide frost protection, but also add several points to the safety, sound insulation and thermal insulation of your room.

Owners of private houses often face the problem of freezing the front door. Constant contact with cold air and precipitation leads to the fact that in winter there is a possibility of reducing its thermal insulation properties. If the lock in the door began to jam, it opens worse, condensation is observed on the inside, which means that it is urgent to find out the causes of freezing and eliminate them. Otherwise, there is a risk not only to freeze in your house, but also to get damage to the door, which will lead to a decrease in service life or breakage. Together with the door, the lock can also freeze - then there is a risk one day simply not getting into the house.

The reasons

So, the first thing you need to find out the reasons for the freezing of the front door:

  • The temperature is too low outside, but in the house, on the contrary, it is quite high. This leads to the formation and freezing of condensate.
  • The insufficient thickness of the door leads to the fact that it quickly freezes and conducts cold into the room.
  • Fluctuations in outdoor air temperature.
  • The presence of cracks in the locks through which frosty air passes.
  • The absence of insulating materials between the door and the frame, their complete or partial wear.
  • Deformation of the door structure appears, skew occurs and gaps form.
  • If the space between the sheets in a metal door is not insulated or low-quality materials are used, the thermal insulation is significantly reduced.

Among the above reasons, one can single out factors of external influence and errors or breakdowns of the structure itself. If the influence from the outside cannot be adjusted in any way, then you can try to cope with the rest of the reasons.

What to do

There are several options for solving the freezing problem. You can use one or combine several.

Replace the insulation inside the door

The inner filler of the canvas may lose its insulating properties over time. Its service life directly depends on the quality of the materials used. However, even the most expensive heaters will not serve you forever, so you can try to fix the door freezing problem by replacing the filler. Options for this can be foam blocks, mineral wool, corrugated cardboard, polyurethane foam, bulk materials. It is also recommended to change the filler just for preventive purposes.

Install an extra door

Perhaps the right solution to prevent freezing of the door would be to install an additional one. However, this requires a number of conditions. If the second door is supposed to be placed inside the house, that is, you need to have a sufficient supply of space, because it will reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridor. Installing it outside is even harder, because for this you will have to complete the veranda. It is necessary to design the second door so that it does not interfere with the opening of the first door. As you can see, this is a very expensive method of warming a house.

Increase the thickness of the door leaf

The thin metal used in the manufacture of the door cannot be made thicker. An increase in the thickness of the door leaf can only be done by replacing the facing material, for example, with high-quality MDF panels (painted, veneered, laminated). During the production of the latter, a film layer is applied to its elements, the function of which is to make the material resistant to external influences. You can also use plastic, artificial leather (mainly for wooden doors). It should be borne in mind that the thicker this layer is, the greater the likelihood of maintaining dryness.

Eliminate defects in the door frame

If there are cracks or gaps in the wall of the house, it is worth repairing them with building materials. You can stick insulation tape around the entire perimeter of the door frame. You need to make sure that there are no cracks in the frame. If they are still present, they are sealed with putty or sealant.

Seal all existing gaps

Installing a sealant, which is often rubber and foam rubber, will help solve this problem. An additional function of this gasket is soundproofing. However, when installing these elements, it should be taken into account that they should not interfere with the operation of the door, not complicate the process of opening it. It is possible to seal the gaps between the lock and the canvas using mounting foam. It is important not to forget that all the small cracks and gaps together can greatly reduce the thermal insulation of the house.

If the door is still frozen

The above methods will help to some extent to increase the thermal insulation of the front door. If you do not have special skills to carry out all these actions, or you do not have tools and materials available, you will have to use the services of professionals. It may well happen that the efforts and funds spent on repairing and improving the old door will not justify themselves. If, nevertheless, a set of measures has been taken to improve the thermal insulation in the house, but this does not help, or the situation improves only for a short time, you should think about changing the door.

A new door will not only make your home warmer and more comfortable, but will also help to avoid such unpleasant phenomena as mold and fungus. It also saves a lot of time and effort. If you start high-quality care for the front door while it is still new, you can significantly extend its life. And it will serve faithfully for many years.

If the freezing of the doors is not eliminated in time, then this can not only cool the room, but also spoil the canvas, as well as the areas of wall decoration closest to it. The longer nothing is done, the more work and financial investments will have to be done in the future. To understand what to do if the front door in a private house freezes, it is necessary to understand the causes of what is happening and the available solutions, but first we will indicate the signs by which you can accurately determine the problem.

Signs of freezing front door

In order to identify the problem of freezing in time, you need to know its signs. Some of them are clearly visible - this is white frost on the box or frank icing on the threshold and the bottom of the canvas. But there are other factors that indicate freezing:

  • drips of condensate;
  • peeling of the edge on the wooden lining from the side of the room;
  • swelling of paint;
  • swelling of laminate or MDF panels;
  • the narthex closes tightly, but only in the cold season;
  • the appearance of fungus on the walls and decorative panels;
  • Locks don't work well when it's cold.

Causes of freezing of entrance doors in private houses

The main reason why the front door in a private house freezes through is the high tendency of the metal to heat transfer. Since the leaf frame profile and the frame directly face the street, they transfer the negative temperature inward to the room side. Hot air from the heated room, in contact with the cooled leaf and duct, condenses on them. Although manufacturers try to separate the metal parts as much as possible with insulation to reduce heat transfer, freezing may continue due to the following reasons:

  • Insufficient thickness of the insulating material. If the manufacturer saves and lays down a thin layer of insulation to reduce the total cost of doors, then such a "profitable" purchase will make itself felt in the winter.
  • Severe frost on the street with prolonged exposure can penetrate any thickness, so from time to time this problem occurs for all residents of the private sector in bad weather.
  • The geometry of the opening deformed and began to blow cold air. If the canvas is slightly curved in the plane or the box has lost its clear rectangular shape, then wide slots will let drafts in and cool the surface faster.
  • Poor quality insulation material. Reliable materials should be used on street doors. The use of corrugated cardboard or the absence of filling at all in the internal cavity of the structure deliberately dooms iron doors in a private house to freezing.
  • The filler is haggard and part of the canvas remains empty. This happens when the stiffeners that support the insulating layer are incorrectly located, or when water gets on mineral wool, which is hygroscopic and immediately deteriorates from such contact.
  • Cracks in the structure at seams or corners promote rapid heat transfer.
  • A poorly sealed mounting gap between the box and the wall is a direct path for frost to enter the room.

How to fix frost in front door

The solution to the problem is selected in each case individually, taking into account the structural features of the canvas and the design of the slopes at the entrance. Financial costs to eliminate the negative phenomenon can also be different. You can act when a metal door in a private house freezes through, from smallest to largest, and you should start by replacing the sealing gum. The old one must be torn off and a new one installed. If the quality of the previous seal is still good, then installing a new one, but with a greater thickness, will help. This will require drilling holes for the latch.

The second most accessible way to solve the problem is to insulate the box. To do this, holes are drilled in the upper part of the vertical racks and mineral wool fibers are pushed into them. An alternative would be to apply expansion foam intermittently to allow the previous layer to cure. When a fungus appears on the slopes, this is a sign of freezing of the wall, so the plaster is beaten off, the foam is picked out, and such an area is repaired again.

If the above measures did not help, then you will need to change the filler inside the canvas. It is possible to insulate the front door in a private house, if it freezes, using a roll of mineral wool, which is cut out in parts according to the internal dimensions of the cavity and fixed to liquid nails. All this is covered with a decorative panel. You can install a second wooden lining from the street side, which is carried out on self-tapping screws located around the perimeter and in the middle of the panel, or sheathe the canvas with isolon and dermantin. The most extreme option would be to install a second door.

The Panther company offers a wide choice of street doors which will not freeze through at a strong frost. For especially cold areas, there are models of canvases with a thermal break, where inside there are two independent layers of insulation separated by foil. All connections are made through a cork substrate, which completely neutralizes heat transfer.

Often this problem also applies to the front doors in private homes. But unlike windows, the problem is not insufficient air convection. What to do if the door is frosted over, condensation and frost form on it?

We note right away that the appearance of condensate mainly concerns metal entrance doors. For them, this is a very urgent problem, wooden doors are less susceptible to it.

Before dealing with the problem of condensation and frost on the front door, let's deal with the possible causes of this unpleasant phenomenon.

The first reason for the appearance of condensate on the entrance metal door is quite clear and understandable - a significant difference between the temperature inside the house and outside. If it is -10 °C outside the door, and +23 °C in the house, you will agree how condensation does not appear here.

The thermal conductivity of metal is almost 300 times higher than that of wood. That is why, loved by many, popular metal entrance doors give off heat so quickly. They are cold to the touch, without proper thermal insulation they cannot protect the house from heat loss.

The second reason comes from the first: the doors are simply too thin and not insulated enough. Inside the metal front door there should be a layer that will help it keep warm inside the house and prevent condensation and frost from forming.

Reason three: cold bridges. In addition to the canvas of the metal door itself, cold can be carried out by:

  • lock;
  • door frame;
  • metal ribs.

That is, all the metal parts of the door equipment that pass through the canvas serve as cold bridges. By the way, in a wooden door, the lock can also become a bridge of cold, like a box and fasteners. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that a wooden door is completely protected from all problems with the appearance of condensate and drizzle.

Condensation on the front door is unpleasant in itself, and in addition can cause the following problems - locks and other metal parts will rust under the influence of constant, strong humidity throughout the cold season. Mold can appear on the door slopes, they will turn black, this is unattractive and unhealthy. In addition, a frozen lock is difficult to open.

You can deal with condensation and freezing of the front door in the following ways:

  • Order a high-quality, multilayer door with effective insulation and insulation of all cold bridges. Yes, it will cost a lot, you will have to pay for the quality. But on the other hand, there will be no problems with retaining heat inside the house and water leaks on the inside of the door initially.
  • Engage in insulation of a low-quality, empty metal door inside. You can use regular foam, but this is not a very effective option. It is better to choose a more modern insulation, which should be laid inside the door. There are specialists who provide such services.
  • It is advisable to cover the metal sheet with powder polymers having weather-resistant treatment. It is also possible to trim the door from the outside with panels that have been impregnated with special compounds that protect against temperature extremes.
  • Cold bridges can be dealt with by filling all hollow metal elements with mounting foam. Also, the place where the door frame fits to the door opening is carefully blown out with mounting foam.
  • Install insulation tape around the perimeter of the box, it is simply glued to the canvas. The lock can be covered with a special sliding cover - it will not become reliable insulation, but it will block the direct access of cold air for sure.
  • Insulate the slopes, for example, with foam plastic or mineral wool, and plaster and paint on top.

Most effectively, a vestibule or veranda will protect against condensation on the front door and the appearance of ice. Such a simple walk-through unheated room in front of the house becomes a layer that does not allow the coldest air to get to the front door. And even though it will be cold in the vestibule itself, it will still be warmer than on the street. That is, the temperature difference will be noticeably lower.

For the same reason, another entrance door, additional, helps to get rid of problems with condensate. Inside the house, it is advisable to install another door, preferably wooden or plastic, so that the metal is less exposed to temperature differences. The more layers, the warmer - this principle works not only when dressing in cold weather, but also when warming the house, remember this.

The task of the front door is not only the safety of your home and the aesthetic appearance. But also protection from cold (thermal insulation) and noise. In a word, from the influence of the environment. Today, the loss of heat energy, and with it your funds, is a serious problem. Very often, after installing new doors or windows, people faced the problem of freezing of the front door and the appearance of water droplets (condensate).

Tip: Consider these issues when ordering and installing a metal door. Be sure to ask such questions to the master, and discuss all possible options.

And in order to find out the very essence of the problem, and ways to eliminate it, this article will be about this.

Causes of condensation and frost.

  • - Sudden temperature drop. (If the temperature is plus in the house, and minus outside.)
  • - Lack of insulation elements in your door. (Often, these are cheap, low-quality doors, such as the so-called "Chinese" ones)

The fact is that in addition, there is no insulation in such doors, but their metal is thin, especially from simple alloys, then the efficiency of such a door is zero. And any student can open it.

But condensation is something else. The real problem is freezing.

- With such an impact, the door is deformed, and as a result, it begins to see through. Heat comes out of the apartment in large quantities. And the loss of heat energy is not only your money and trouble, but also all kinds of colds.

- Slopes deteriorate, and over time, the cladding of the house.

- The fungus appears immediately.

What can we say about the life of the door itself and fittings. A couple of seasons and she fell into disrepair.

How to deal with it?

Let's leave the radical method of fixing the problem for later, but first, we list three main ways to solve the problem.

1) First, you need to find out if your door is insulated at all?
If yes, what material? As a rule, about 90% of cases of freezing, due to the lack of insulation. It is best to use mineral materials, and high density foam.

2) Secondly, the choice of interior finishes requires special attention. As we already know, condensation forms on the temperature difference
(on tiles, glass, metal.) On those materials that are difficult to accept room temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to choose suitable materials for interior decoration.

Great for vinyl leather.

- It is inexpensive, the lining under it is made of foam rubber and batting, so it complements the door insulation itself.

Plus, you can easily install it yourself. More Wood trim (lining) and MDF panels.

An important point. To achieve the maximum effect, install MDF panels with a thickness of 16mm or more.

3) Metal door frame. It would seem that the dress is suitable, the door is insulated, and frost
is still there. The reason for this is the door frame that was left open. Usually, according to the size of the door frame, MDF is cut and glued.

Another, more practical method is to install slopes.

And finally, the most reliable way, installing the second

doors. Due to which, between the two door leafs, air is formed
pillow, and you can forget about condensation.