Processing onion sets before planting in the spring. How to soak onions before planting, processing onions in potassium permanganate and salt How to plant onion sets in spring processing with salt

Onion is the main vegetable, without which it is impossible to cook tasty and healthy dishes. But in order to grow a crop, it is not always enough to follow the rules of agricultural technology, because, like any other crop, onions have their own pests and diseases that can nullify all the gardener's efforts. Therefore, experts recommend protecting the sevok even before planting, which will save you from many problems in the future.

The need for pre-sowing onion treatment lies in the fact that against each pest and disease there is a specific medicine that is better to use in advance as a preventive measure than to subsequently treat an already affected plant.

This procedure is especially important if the planting material was purchased on the market, and there is no 100% confidence in its quality. Then processing the seed before planting is a mandatory, not a recommended procedure.

Pre-sowing processing of onions allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • the percentage of germination increases;
  • the growth of the feather and the bulb is rooted;
  • the development of powdery mildew and decay is prevented;
  • protects from the effects of pests;
  • the percentage of shooting is reduced to a minimum;
  • productivity increases.

High-quality and timely processing in the spring will allow not only an experienced gardener to achieve a good onion harvest, but also help the beginner avoid many problems, as well as strengthen the immune system and resistance of the crop to negative factors.

Diseases and pests of onions

To achieve a good onion harvest, you need to know that the plant is susceptible to various diseases and pests. Moreover, some lie in wait for it during the entire storage period, while others - throughout the growing season, which reduces not only the quantity and quality of the crop, but can completely destroy it.

To understand who you have to fight and what poses a danger to the crop, you should study the common diseases and pests of onion sets. This will help in the future to realize how important spring onion processing is before planting.

  1. Peronosporosis or downy mildew. The gardener will be able to recognize this disease by the characteristic light spots, which, in the process of further development, acquire a dark purple hue. As a result, the affected onion feathers begin to dry out prematurely. The causative agent of the disease hibernates in the bulb, and does not betray its vital activity. When planting, the sowing develops normally within 3-4 months, after which the plant is inhibited.
  2. Neck rot. This disease is the most common, which is associated with improper storage of sevka in the winter. In this case, the pathogen enters the thick neck of the bulb.
  3. Cercosporosis. The disease can be recognized by the characteristic spots of irregular brown color with a light edging, located on the feathers of the onion. The disease progresses during the growing season, thereby causing premature drying of the leaves. The infection persists in the sevka for a long period of time.
  4. Rust. Appears as light, slightly convex pads. Then they increase and acquire a dark shade. The disease leads to premature drying of feathers, which negatively affects the future harvest.
  5. Onion moth. Damage to plantings is caused by the larvae of the caterpillar of this pest. They settle in the middle of onion feathers and develop and feed there. As a result, the leaves dry out, starting from the apical part.
  6. The peak of the mass destruction of onions falls on the end of May - the beginning of June. The damage to plantings is caused by the larvae of the onion fly, which gnaw through the passages in the bulbs of the set. This leads to their decay, which causes the death of the entire plant.
  7. Stem nematode. It is a cylindrical worm of light color. The pest infects all parts of the plant, which leads to deformation of feathers and bulbs. As a result, the plant acquires a dwarf form.
  8. Scoop. The revival of caterpillars after winter occurs at the end of May. Eventually they penetrate the leaves of the onion or eat out large cavities directly into the bulb.
  9. Beetle secretive proboscis. The appearance of a pest can be recognized by the characteristic small cavities on the feathers, which is a sign of its vital activity. Its larvae feed on the inner pulp, eating away its longitudinal strips, without violating the integrity of the upper shell. This leads to the drying of the leaves and to a decrease in the vitality of the plant.

Important! One of the biggest problems when growing onions is their shooting, but it should be understood that this is not a disease, but a natural phase of plant development.

How to treat onions before planting from diseases and pests

There are many ways to treat sevka before planting, but there is no single method that can simultaneously provide protection from diseases, pests and shooting. From viral diseases and white rot, in general, there is no way to protect. The only thing that can be done in this case is to prepare onion sets in advance and disinfect the soil, which will increase the resistance of plants to pathogens.

Before carrying out pre-sowing preparation of onions, it is necessary to sort out the sets and sort them by size. Separate planting of large and small bulbs will greatly facilitate their care in the future.

Important! Without regret, it is necessary to throw out deformed, dry, rotten specimens, as well as those that do not inspire confidence.

Another procedure to be followed is cut dry top down to living tissue. But it should be borne in mind that when growing onions on a feather, it is necessary to cut them more dramatically, as this will speed up the germination of greenery, and when planting on a turnip, it is recommended to remove only the upper dry tip without damaging the bulb itself. With unwillingness or lack of time, this stage you can skip.

Important! You can not cut the bottom from which the roots are formed, otherwise you can forget about the future harvest.

Video: preparing onion sets for planting

How to process a bow before planting from shooting

To prevent the early appearance of arrows at the bow, it is necessary to apply warming up bulbs. This can be done on a battery by scattering seedlings on corrugated cardboard or on a window in the sun.

The first 2 weeks of warming up should be carried out at a temperature of 20 degrees, and then 10 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees, but at the same time clearly monitor the time so as not to overexpose the planting material.

Then you should carry out hardening, which will help the set to develop resistance to temperature extremes in open ground. To do this, it is recommended to heat the water to a temperature of 45 degrees and lower the onion into it for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is necessary to soak the sevok in cold water for 10 minutes. Then dry the seed, and then planted in open ground.

Video: why the onion shoots from the set and what to do

Important! This method cannot completely rid the bow of shooting, but its percentage will be minimal.

Video: how to prevent archery

How to treat onions before sowing from fungal diseases

There are different ways to treat sevka from rot and other diseases. Their choice depends on the capabilities and preferences of the gardener.

The simplest is the processing of onions before planting. food soda. This will require 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 1 liter of warm water, then dip the seeds into the solution for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, the seed must be laid out to dry.

Video: using soda when planting onions

Another method is processing blue vitriol. This method is especially relevant if there are doubts about the quality of the seed. To prepare a working solution, you need 1.5 tbsp. l. Dissolve the drug in 1 bucket of warm water. Stir the mixture until a characteristic shade of copper appears. Dip the seedlings into the solution for 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the bulbs. At the end of the procedure, the seed should be dried and planted.

Important! Processing onions with copper sulphate cannot be combined with soaking in potassium permanganate or.

Another common way to treat onions for diseases is to soak the sevka in a solution. potassium permanganate. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the product in a ratio of 3 g per 10 liters of water, that is, the solution must be saturated purple. Soak the seedlings for 2 hours, then rinse with clean water and dry before planting.

It is effective to carry out the treatment with a biological product, which is sold in the store. In order for the tool to give a result, it is necessary to take into account the features of its preparation. To do this, dilute the drug in a ratio of 10 g per 6 liters of water 2 hours before treatment in order to activate the active substance of the biological product. Then soak the sevok for 2 hours.

How to treat onions before planting from pests

To protect seed from pests, you can use a simple method of protection. It is necessary to process the onion before planting salt. To do this, you need to prepare a saline solution in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Soaking is carried out for 6 hours. Then the sevok should be dried. This method is especially effective against stem nematodes, thrips and mites.

Processing onions from onion flies

Can be used for onion fly Birch tar, which is sold in a pharmacy. For processing, dilute 1 tbsp. l. funds in 1 liter of water at room temperature. The duration of soaking is 2-3 hours. Then dry the seedlings and plant.

Video: processing onion sets from onion flies with birch tar

By the way, when the feather grows 10-15 centimeters, you can also water the onion from the onion fly salt. You will need 1 cup of salt per 10 liters of water. Watering rate - 1 cup of salt water for each bulb. The next day, it is recommended to water the plantings with water and feed with ashes.

Video: processing onions from onion flies with saline

Processing onion sets before planting in the spring from pests and diseases, according to experts, is a mandatory procedure. But the gardener must decide for himself whether to process the sevka before planting or not. However, in its absence, one should not be surprised at the lack of a proper harvest.

Video: processing onion sets before planting

In contact with

Onions are characterized by fast germination and rapid growth. But on the soil, the culture can be damaged, up to complete destruction, by various pests and diseases. In order to grow a high-quality rich crop, it is important to carry out a disinfection procedure for onion sets before planting. Preparation not only allows you to grow healthy bulbs, but also ensures that they are stored unchanged until the next harvest.

Planting onions

Onion planting occurs in May in warm, moist soil. For planting, prepare a bed in a well-lit and ventilated place. The crop requires soil with a high content of organic matter. A bed is well suited after zucchini, pumpkins and cucumbers. Onions are not planted after the onions and garlic themselves. The soil is well loosened before planting, a furrow is marked and it is shed from the spout of the watering can without a sprayer.

It is convenient to plant onions in a furrow in a checkerboard pattern, so during the season it will be possible to choose a product from the ridge for greens, because it is not recommended to cut off feathers separately from a common garden bed. If the green part is cut off, a good bulb will not form. A bulbous unprotected cut can cause a fungal infection.

Planting process

Why process onions before sowing

To get the best results from growing a crop, you need good seed and know how to decontaminate onion sets before planting. The sevok should be dense, clean, without damage. Dry, sprouted or with signs of rot specimens are not suitable for planting.

For growing bulbs, take medium-sized sets, up to 3 cm in diameter. Empty damaged bulbs should be discarded, and sprouted or large ones can be used to plant separately on greens. Before starting various treatments for pests and diseases, the seeds are sorted and heated.

Whyprocessing needed:

  • increase germination;
  • increase the quality and size of the crop;
  • reduce the formation of flower arrows;
  • protect against pests and diseases.

Onions are often stored incorrectly, especially in warehouses at low temperatures. For sevka, the desired storage mode is at a temperature of + 18 ° С. Well-dried sevok does not germinate before planting time. Purchased seed should not be planted immediately after purchase. The sevok stored at low temperatures will leave when planting in the arrow and does not form a large bulb. Therefore, the purchased planting material should be dried and warmed up for several weeks at home. For this, the seedlings are kept for 14-20 days at a temperature of +20°C.

You can warm up by laying out the sevok near the batteries, other heating devices. Before planting, for 8-10 hours, the seed is heated at an elevated temperature of + 30 ... + 40 ° C, while not overdoing and not exceeding the temperature. A warmed bow shows better survival and will shoot less. The method also helps against infection with neck rot and powdery mildew. Sometimes, so that an onion arrow does not form, soaking in a soda solution is used. But soda is less effective than pre-sowing heating.

Note. There is also a quick way to warm up the sevka, if for some reason the time for a long warm-up is missed. The seed is soaked in water at a temperature of +45 ... +50 ° C - this is hot water that the hand endures. The soaking time is 10-15 minutes, then the seeds are immediately lowered into cold water for the same time.

For rapid germination, it is important to remove the dry husk from the set. Non-shelled scales release substances into the soil that inhibit the germination of the head. All dry husks are removed until the first juicy scales appear. Undress the onion carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Dry onion tops are cut off to speed up the release of the feather. But due to inexperience, you can mix up the parts of the onion and cut off the root or cut the neck too much. Therefore, with this technique, you can wait a little, with subsequent soaking, the dry neck will soften itself, and pruning is not required.

Treatment with salt and potassium permanganate

Processing onions before planting with salt and potassium permanganate is needed in order to disinfect and disinfect onions. Such processing methods are suitable for various planting dates, whether it is spring or autumn.

Onions lose a lot of moisture during storage, therefore, before soaking in saline, it must be properly moistened, for this, planting material is placed in ordinary water for 2 hours. Further, the use of saline for onions before planting will become more effective. Salt solution is prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. salt in 5 liters of warm water. Soak for 3-4 hours, then wash the onion from salt with a change of several waters.

salted onion

If it was not possible to treat the seedlings with a saline solution before planting, you can use a saline water composition for watering the beds. 300 g of salt is dissolved in a bucket of water and the ridge is watered. After this procedure, it is important to wash off the salt from the onion feathers by spraying them with plain water. This watering method should be applied once a season. Watering onions with salt can get rid of onion flies, but with large volumes of this method, the earth will become too saline. If the soil is often salted, then the plants on it will develop poorly or not grow at all. Salt is difficult to wash out of the soil and remains there for a long time.

If the saline solution for onions helps to reduce pest damage to the crop, then the seed can be treated with a manganese solution from fungal spores that may be in the set. This applies not only to purchased material, but also to home. It is impossible to determine the presence of infections in the inoculum by visual inspection.

Manganese solution is prepared dark purple. No more than 30 min. - how much to keep onions in potassium permanganate before planting. After such dressing, the seeds should be quickly rinsed with warm water.

Interesting. For the convenience of processing onions in various disinfectant solutions, they are folded into a net.

After treatments, planting material can be dried for planting or left covered for 6-8 hours under a film so that it releases roots. Planting seed with roots that have appeared requires caution - if damaged, they will slow down the survival of the bulb.

The result of treatment with salt and potassium permanganate

After soaking in a saline solution, and then processing the onion in potassium permanganate before planting, the seed is completely ready for transfer to open ground. Salt becomes a prevention against pests that cause damage to the culture: these are the onion fly, onion thrips and onion mites. Potassium permanganate prevents fungal diseases.

There is a method of how to pour salt on onions planted on the beds from the appearance of an onion fly. For this, in addition to salt, ammonia is used. A solution is being prepared with the following ratio of elements: 1 cup of salt, 10 ml of ammonia, 10 liters of water. It is necessary to water the beds with such a connection in the evening and between the rows, and not along the leaves or under the bulbs. After the procedure, the bed is watered with water for better penetration of substances. The pest disappears. It is important to use such substances in moderation when growing plants. The use of large amounts of ammonia, like salt, is harmful to the culture.

Interesting. To prevent the appearance of an onion fly, it is recommended to plant carrots, marigolds, calendula between rows or next to the crop.

Components such as salt and potassium permanganate should be used in combination, because individually they affect only one adverse factor: pests or diseases.

Onion processing before planting with phytosporin

Treatment with phytosporin has the same effect as disinfection with potassium permanganate. Phytosporin is an organic microbiological preparation that is effectively used to treat planting material from fungal and bacterial diseases. Available in powder, paste and liquid form. The drug spreads through the vascular system of the plant and begins to have a positive effect on crops from the moment of treatment. It is based on a spore culture - a bacterium that, by producing products of its vital activity, suppresses the reproduction of pathogens. When using sevka treatment, the drug has a detrimental effect on the development of diseases such as bacteriosis, peronosporosis or downy mildew, various types of rot.

Phytosprin packaging

Phytosporin should be used in cloudy weather. The active bacterium of the drug dies when exposed to sunlight. It is important not to combine phytosporin with solutions that have an alkaline reaction. Phytosporin, which is produced in the form of a paste, contains humic acids in its composition; if it is used, no additional use of growth stimulants is required.

Paste and powder are pre-soaked for 2 hours in water, the required proportion of which is indicated in the instructions. It is ineffective to simply pour phytosporin. To activate bacteria, preliminary preparation in water is required, otherwise the drug will be useless. To dilute phytosporin forms, chlorinated tap water should not be used. Such water is detrimental to living bacteria. You can use melted, rain or boiled water.

Important! Planting of seedlings is carried out immediately after treatment with the drug, without subsequent rinsing.

Fitosporin paste is prepared in two doses. First, a concentrated solution is prepared at the rate of: 100 g of paste per 200 ml of water or any other amount, but while maintaining the ratio of 1:2. The concentrated solution can be stored. Before use, it is diluted at the rate of: 3 tbsp. l for 1 glass of water. The finished solution is sprayed with sevok before planting.

The powder is suitable for soaking and spraying planting material. Prepared at the rate of: 10 g of powder per 500 ml of water. Soak the sevok before planting for 2 hours.

Phytosporin only prevents the spread of certain diseases, and the drug does not help against harmful insects, such as onion salt treatment.

Phytosporin can be watered onions on the ridge. The drug is safe for humans, and the feather can be eaten on the day of treatment. Processing is carried out no more than once a month, it should be sprayed with an interval of 2 weeks.

Bulbs can be treated with a disinfectant before storage.

How to disinfect onions before planting

Potassium permanganate and phytosporin have a good preventive effect, but there are other ways to disinfect onion heads before planting. It is important to choose one treatment for pests and one for diseases. Otherwise, the drugs may enter into a reaction that is unnecessary for the plant. For example, manganese and phytosporin are not used together with each other and together with copper sulphate. Empirically, each gardener selects an onion treatment that is suitable for its growing conditions. Disinfection is also used by such means as:

  • Copper vitriol;

Treatment with copper sulphate is carried out in order to prevent infection with fungal diseases of the culture. Processing is carried out after all other procedures, before landing itself. At the same time, an effective remedy is not completely safe, it refers to toxic substances. Treatment with such a substance is carried out in protective clothing.

blue vitriol

Copper sulfate in the amount of 30 g is dissolved in 10 liters of warm water, thoroughly mixed until the solution acquires a copper shade. The bulbs are placed in the solution for 2 hours. After they are taken out, the seed is dried, and it is ready for planting.

  • wood ash

With the help of wood ash, sevok is treated from decay, and is also used as a growth stimulator. For processing, you will need to dilute 250 g of ash in 5 liters of water. Soak the planting material in the solution for 10 minutes. Before planting, the seedlings are dried in the sun for 2-3 hours. After such treatment, additional feeding may not be necessary, because the ash contains all the microelements necessary for the culture.

wood ash

In addition to ash, industrially produced growth stimulants are used, they will also make the culture more resistant to adverse growth factors, and seedlings will appear quickly and amicably.

Growing onions may seem simple, at first glance, a matter - I bought a set and planted it. But often, without proper pre-sowing treatment, the crop is not of high quality, it does not perform well during storage, especially when it is winter. So that the culture does not occupy the garden in vain, labor is not expended in caring for it, attention should be paid to simple pre-sowing preparation.

To get a good harvest of onions, many gardeners use sevok grown from seeds as planting material. Simple preparation and processing before planting will help to get friendly shoots and create protection for the crop from pests or diseases. The measures taken will also affect the vegetation process and the formation of the head. In our article, we will talk about the processing of onion sets before planting.

Planting time for onion sets

As already mentioned, onion sets are planted in a fairly early spring period, since the plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, but this does not mean that planting can be done absolutely at any time.

  • The most common time for this procedure is mid or late April, but in case of late spring it can be postponed, since onions are not allowed to be planted in too cold soil.
  • It is also not recommended to delay this process, it must be carried out when the soil is evenly warmed up 6-10 centimeters deep.
  • The optimum soil temperature is around +12°C or higher. If this indicator has been achieved, then seedlings can be planted.

Do I need to cut off the top of the onion set before planting?

If the landing is planned in a small area, then it is rational to supplement the process with pruning the bulbs.

For large plantations, this cut is difficult due to large volumes. Removing the top of the head accelerates the germination of the shoot and creates favorable conditions for good vegetation.

In addition, proper trimming makes the soaking procedure more efficient, it is much easier for the solution to penetrate between the scales of the head. Careful preparation virtually eliminates unpleasant surprises during bulb cultivation.

When trimming, do not remove too large a fragment of the top. This will cause the planting material to rot or prevent the onion from releasing the greens.

Sorting and drying onion sets

At this stage of preparing the onions for planting, it is important to select high-quality seed and discard rotting, dried or damaged bulbs.

To get good seedlings, the bulbs are sorted by size, since the speed of germination of the crop depends on this.

  • Large onions (22-40 mm) are planted first.
  • The second is planted medium (15-22 mm).
  • Small onions (10-15 mm) germinate the fastest, so they are dealt with last.

The sorted sevok for drying is scattered in a warm, dry place, protected from drafts. An insulated attic, cabinet covers are best suited for this. You can not dry the planting material on the battery.

Warming up onion sets

To "wake up" the bulbs, they are specially heated. According to summer residents, it is advisable to do this in stages:

  • two to three weeks the onion is stored at a temperature of + 20ºС;
  • then the temperature is raised to +30 ... + 40ºС and the onion is kept for 8-10 hours.

It is important not to overheat the seed, otherwise its germination will be significantly reduced.

Thanks to this procedure, not only the germination of bulbs is activated, but the future formation of arrows is also prevented. If time is lost, then on the eve of planting, pour sevok for 15 minutes with hot water (approximately + 40ºС) and then immediately cool.

Hardening onion sets

Hardening is carried out in early spring. In central Russia at the end of March, for the southern regions at the end of February.

For hardening, dry and sorted onions with a whole peel are laid out in a box and placed in the cellar or in the upper part of the refrigerator. For the procedure, the temperature is from 0 to +8 degrees. It is better if no large temperature changes are expected during hardening. Bulbs keep in a cold place for 10 days. The box is then transferred to heat.

Express hardening gives an effective result. When, after soaking, before planting, the heads are rinsed with ice water. Then they dry, warm up in the sun and sit down.

Soaking onion sets in salt

Experienced summer residents have long found out in practice that if you soak onion sets in salt water before planting, this is:

  • accelerate the germination of planting material;
  • prevent many diseases;
  • kill pest larvae;
  • will raise the immunity of the plant, which will better withstand adverse growing conditions.

The procedure must be carried out without fail. It is carried out on the day of landing, or the day before.

For a salt bath, prepare a solution of 20-30 g of salt per 2 liters of warm water. Small onions are immersed in a saline solution, where they are kept for 3-4 hours. You can take both ordinary edible salt and sea salt - this will not affect the final result in any way. The action of this and that salt is similar.

After that, the planting material is dried, spreading out in one layer on fabric or sheets of paper. Some replace salt with baking soda, from which a weakly concentrated solution is prepared by adding 1.5 teaspoons of soda to 1 liter of water. The processing time in this case will be 1-2 hours.

How to treat onion sets from diseases

To speed up the germination process and increase the energy of growth, vegetable growers recommend 10-hour soaking of sevka in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. After that, in order to prevent fungal diseases, it is placed in a solution of copper sulfate. To prepare the solution for 1 bucket of water, 1 teaspoon of the drug is taken.

At the end of processing, the onion must be washed in clean water. Attention! Onion planting material that has not been processed is much worse and takes longer to sprout, moreover, it has a very low resistance to diseases.

Spring planting of bulbous seedlings is not difficult. But if the onion is not pre-treated, its cultivation can turn into problems: the feathers will turn yellow, the head will become soft and lethargic. Therefore, it is recommended that you prepare the processed onion sets for planting. In our article we will talk about the processing of onions before planting with salt and potassium permanganate.

Selection of onion planting material

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right onion before planting. Seedlings are purchased from a specialized store or selected from our own stocks. For the selection of planting material, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • Before planting, a variety is selected that is suitable for taste.
  • The material should not emit a putrid or damp smell.
  • Ripe bulbs, ready for planting, emit a specific rustle.
  • The heads should be similar in diameter. For planting on a turnip, a size of 1-2 cm is suitable.
  • When selecting material, each bulb is carefully examined, checked for stains and rotten areas.
  • Large fractions should not be taken, they are not suitable for growing on a turnip and instead of forming children, they release an arrow. After selection, they proceed to the preparation of heads for rooting in open ground.

Pros and cons of soaking onions

Among summer residents, the dispute over the effectiveness of preparing onions for planting by soaking does not subside. Everyone should make a decision for themselves, and you can be based on the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

According to the analysis of many years of experience of gardeners, the following advantages of the procedure are noted:

  • activation of the growth process of greens and turnips;
  • disinfection;
  • decay prevention;
  • protection of the soil from pathogenic bacteria that can be carried with the planting set.

The disadvantages of soaking relate to improper preparation or temperature violations. Planting material may deteriorate due to improper pruning or non-compliance with the proportions in the manufacture of the solution. Therefore, before using one of the options, you should study the instructions.

Onion hardening

Selected greens and large bulbs grow from hardened sets. For hardening, we use the following methods:

  • We put the onion on a glass dish and keep it in the microwave, turned on at medium power, for a couple of minutes.
  • Keep the onion in a warm place with a temperature of 40 degrees for seven hours. Onions processed in this way are not afraid of powdery mildew.
  • We soak the sevok in 40-50-degree water for a quarter of an hour, drain the water, fill it with cold water and wait another 15 minutes.
  • We keep the onions in 70-degree water for a couple of minutes, transfer them to a container with cold water and wait for the same amount of time.
  • The last two methods not only harden the planting material, but also inhibit the formation of arrows.

Mandatory preparatory stage is the processing of onions. It is performed immediately before landing and consists of the following procedures:

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  • immersion of onion seeds in a weak (2 tablespoons of salt per two liters of water) saline solution. This treatment allows you to ensure the rapid development of the plant, as well as its protection from any aggressive environmental influences, to disinfect the bulbs from the nematode. You can use both ordinary rock and sea salt, the effect will be the same. Dive time - approximately 2-3 hours;

  • disinfection using potassium permanganate. Despite the emergence of many effective modern substances, this tool still remains the most popular and at the same time inexpensive. Processing before planting is carried out as follows: 35 grams of potassium permanganate is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which the seeds are immersed in the resulting solution. Two hours will be enough to provide protection against any plant diseases.

Instead of potassium permanganate, it is possible to disinfect before planting with copper sulphate or Fitosporin using the same dosage.

How to plant an onion

Before planting onion sets, it is not enough to treat the bulbs alone. The land also requires the necessary preparation. For onion beds, it is better to choose an open place, well lit by sunlight. It must also be taken into account that this culture does not tolerate excess moisture at all, therefore, the lower the groundwater will lie, the better.

The preparation of the beds should be done in the fall. The earth must be carefully loosened and peat, sand and fresh manure introduced there. If the soil is acidic, it is limed with dolomite flour or chalk to lower the pH to values ​​close to neutral. Acidic soil will not allow onions to properly absorb nutrients and develop. In addition, in such soil, plants become more easily ill with downy mildew.

On a note! Lime and organic fertilizers should not be applied at the same time, they react with each other, as a result of which the nitrogen content in the soil decreases.

In the spring, fertilizers are no longer applied, otherwise the onion will release feathers, to the detriment of head growth. The earth is simply loosened and immediately proceed to planting. The sevok is planted on the ridge after the soil has completely warmed up. In the middle lane, landing is possible no earlier than the beginning of May.

Landing should take place no earlier than the ground warms up to +12 degrees.

The landing procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  • Before planting the sevka, rows are marked on the ridge. This will allow you to calculate in advance the amount of seed that will fit on a given area.
  • The bulbs are sorted into large and small, they must be planted separately, using their own planting pattern for each size of the bulbs.
  • Sevok, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm, is planted at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.
  • For large onions, the planting distance is increased by 3 cm.
  • Between rows should be left 20-30 cm to facilitate planting care. In addition, in the aisles, you can plant, for example, dill.
  • It is not worth burying the bulbs deep - this will negatively affect the germination process. They are simply stuck with the bottom into the ground and lightly pressed.
  • After planting, the ground in the garden is mulched.

At first glance, it may seem to an inexperienced gardener that it can be easier than growing onion sets. Despite the fact that this vegetable crop is really not too difficult to care for, many people face a lot of problems on the way to getting a good onion crop. So, one of them is the shooting of a vegetable crop, which prevents the development of large and healthy bulbs, the other is diseases of a different nature that can nullify all painstaking work.

In order to avoid these unpleasant problems, it is required not only to plant onion sets in a timely manner, but also to process the planting material on the eve of its planting. Properly organized disinfection is designed to protect the vegetable crop from various diseases.

bulb preparation

The most important stage in the preparation of onions for planting is the quality selection of planting material. So, soft and spoiled or, conversely, dried bulbs are not suitable for planting, since they will not be able to grow a good crop from them.

Cutting off part of the husk will help speed up the germination process, however, this manipulation can only be performed if the bulb has not feathered by the time of planting. Next, dry the seed material by placing it in a dry and warm place.

bulb processing

Bulb processing is the most important event, which must be approached responsibly. One of the popular and widespread methods of processing the seed material of onion sets is its immersion in a saline solution.

Unlike the use of insecticides, which leave toxic substances in the vegetable crop, salt cannot harm the onion in any way. On the contrary, it will disinfect planting material well.

Why salt treatment?

Processing the bulbs with saline is designed to provide the plant with accelerated development, which means to bring the harvesting process closer. In addition, with its help, the bulbs are protected from any kind of negative environmental influences.

Such treatment will be an excellent means of preventing plants from various diseases, including pests that are so common for onion beds as an onion fly and a nematode. The benefits are simply invaluable from such a procedure.

Features of the

To process the planting material of onion sets, you can take both the usual rock salt and sea salt, while the effect in both cases will be the same. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt of any kind in two liters of water (it is recommended to take purified, filtered). In the finished solution, which should have room temperature, it is necessary to immerse the onion sets prepared for planting.

As for the time during which the bulbs must remain in the disinfectant solution, on average it is 2-3 hours. After this time, you can safely carry out planting events, as a reward for which, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the gardener will get a good harvest!