How to choose the right front door to the apartment. How to choose an entrance metal door

There are quite rare cases of the right choice of an entrance metal door that fully meets the conditions of use and purpose. We've put together a few tips and tricks to help you choose the right door for your requirements without overpaying.

The cost and complexity of the front door device should be determined by its burglary resistance. It, in turn, must correspond to the value of the property and the likelihood of an attempted illegal entry. In any case, it is necessary to accept as a golden rule not to provide excessive resistance to hacking and carefully check whether the proposed technical solutions are really capable of performing their functions.

What size should the door be?

The actual size of the door is determined by the dimensions of the opening, from which the values ​​of the technological gaps and the thickness of the standing elements of the door block are subtracted. The width of the opening according to SNiP should not be less than 910 mm, the height can vary from 210 to 230 mm, taking into account the stand 70 mm thick, which cannot be knocked down. However, these norms are directly related only to secondary housing; in new buildings and private facilities, the size of the openings can be completely arbitrary.

Therefore, it is so important to monitor the observance of technological gaps during measurements for correct installation. The opening in panel and prefabricated-monolithic buildings must be at least 10 mm larger than the door block assembly on each side, in brick buildings - 25 mm. It is desirable that the gap is no more than 50 mm, this will lead to a “suspended” installation method, reduce the strength of the fastening and will not allow the door to be used for the first time after sealing.

What to choose the thickness of the canvas?

The thickness and grade of sheet steel in the door leaf is one of the most important factors in burglary resistance. In general, the thicker the door is, the more reliable it is, but you should not bend it. Firstly, vandal opening of the canvas is carried out only if comparable forces failed to break the locks. Secondly, due to the increase in the weight of the door, it will be necessary to strengthen the hinge group. Door leafs weighing over 150 kg require the installation of a door closer and an opening limiter. The optimal sheet thickness ranges from 1.5 to 3 mm, and for doors of burglar resistance class III and IV - at least 4.5 mm.

Much more important is the material of manufacture of the canvas. The hardness of the steel to resist the axial tool should be at least 55 HRC, 35-40 HRC will be sufficient for resistance to most cutting edges. The resistance of steel to drilling and cutting plays practically no role for composite sheets in which a layer of abrasive material is laid between two relatively thin sheets of steel. It must also be remembered that the hardness of steel below 60 HRC is not of decisive importance for resistance to abrasive and oxy-fuel cutting, most of the so-called burglar-resistant blades can be burned through with a hand-held balloon cutter.

Which stiffener system is better?

The high rigidity of the web is one of the most important obstacles to wringing. Most budget doors have only a thin frame of angled steel and a stamped surface. In this case, the door really bends with difficulty, but with a metal thickness of less than 1 mm, it can simply be crushed.

It is optimal if the door is reinforced along the contour of the porch with a rectangular profile measuring at least 40x40 mm with a wall thickness of at least 2.5 mm. You can also focus on the cross section of the reinforcing element, it should not be lower than 400 mm 2. In addition to the framing frame, it is desirable to have one or two horizontal braces and diagonal braces in the formed cells. Too sophisticated reinforcement system should not be fenced: stiffeners negatively affect heat and sound insulation, increase the weight of the canvas.

Do doors need insulation and what kind?

It would be more correct to call the so-called insulated doors filled, because the material inside the leaf provides not only a reduction in heat loss. It is also a sound insulator, in some cases interspersed with layers that make it difficult to make a full passage.

Thermal insulation is a mandatory option for the front door of a private house, even if there is a vestibule. In other cases, the presence of a filler is not required. In ascending order, honeycomb corrugated board, polystyrene foam and PUR filler have the best performance. Mineral wool is not quite suitable for doors: after several years of operation, it shrinks with the concomitant formation of cold bridges.

Why are safe doors needed?

The safe door is a leaf that does not protrude beyond the plane of the installation box or casing to exclude the possibility of pressing with a lever tool. At the same time, such a door is filled with concrete inside to increase anti-vandal resistance.

Almost all canvases of the safe type belong to the fifth, the highest class of burglary resistance. However, it makes sense to install such a door only if it is equipped with locks of the appropriate class, moreover, such a choice should always be due to practical necessity. Otherwise, a safe door becomes a useless investment: it is 2-3 times more expensive than a regular one due to the complexity of organizing the unlocking system and the need to install a reinforced hinge group.

Which hinges are the most reliable?

There are a lot of hinge designs, but in general they can be divided into two groups: hidden and external. The latter variety is simple and cheap, most heavy but inexpensive metal doors are equipped with visible hinges. This is due to the fact that they withstand the high weight of the canvas much better, besides, the door salary is cheaper due to the uselessness of using a hollow profile and arranging seats for hidden mechanisms. However, visible hinges perform worse in terms of resistance to breaking, it is recommended to purchase a hinge group made of hardened steel with turning pins, which are very problematic to cut.

Flush-mounted hinges are complex multi-part hinges. Their advantage is the lack of direct access to the loop group and maintaining the integrity of the outer side of the web. While providing high burglary resistance, they have characteristic disadvantages: they need adjustment and maintenance, they can creak and sag over time due to metal fatigue. If, when picking up a web weighing more than 200 kg, the choice fell on hidden hinges, it is better to purchase products of the highest quality possible, thereby guaranteeing a long service life.

Which locking system to choose?

Modern doors are closed not only directly by the lock pins. In the cavity of the door leaf, there is usually a synchronous locking mechanism, which, when the lock is turned, bursts the crossbars on three sides of the porch. This is good and bad at the same time: a door with such a system is harder to wring out, but at the same time a burglar can gain access to the mechanism through a window cut in the canvas, thereby bypassing the secret of the lock.

It is optimal if the locking mechanism is located in the cavity of the profiles that act as stiffeners, or the central unit, together with the lock, is closed with an armored lining. Also, the system of passive crossbars located on the side of the hinges will not damage.

How many locks should the door have and which ones?

To answer this question, let's turn to the configuration of classic factory-made doors, which are often unknowingly called Chinese. They have three locks: the upper, otherwise called fast, the lower, which sets in motion the locking mechanism along the porch, as well as the “night” valve, which does not have the physical possibility of opening from the outside. Such a set of locks is basic, in modern doors it cannot be more scarce.

Burglary resistance can be increased, for example, by replacing the central cylinder lock with a lever lock. The highest class of burglar resistance is typical for locks with the possibility of reprogramming with a new key, as well as those equipped with a secret trap that resets the blocking crossbars when trying to move the levers separately. It is possible to open such locks only by making a duplicate key from a cast. You can increase the resistance to burglary even more by installing a radio lock or a hidden drive of the locking mechanism, however, in this case, it is necessary to monitor the technical integrity and maintain the charge of the built-in battery.

Does the presence of a peephole affect burglary resistance?

There is an opinion that the hole under the peephole greatly reduces the opening time. Indeed, if the burglar is well acquainted with the device of a typical door, having knocked out a peephole, he can manually set the internal mechanism in motion. Also, the peep hole serves as a vulnerable spot in case of vandal burglary: through it, you can start cutting the canvas using lever scissors without noise and extra effort.

Of course, you can avoid a peep hole only if you install a video intercom or a hidden surveillance camera. In other cases, it is recommended to purchase a modern-type visor with separate fastening of the body halves. Its peculiarity is that the diameter of the mounting hole does not exceed 5-6 mm, which is not enough for the scissors to enter. Also, instead of a peephole, you can install a camera, for which a hole of 2-2.5 mm will be enough to connect, through such a gap, manipulations with the internal mechanism are absolutely impossible.

Which system of fastening in the opening should be chosen?

If neither the leaf nor the locks are hackable, attackers can try to vandalize the entire door block. This is all the more possible if the technological gaps are not observed during the installation process, or because the installation joints are filled with foam, and not with cement mortar. You can complicate the task of hacking by ensuring high-quality fastening of the door block.

We are talking about a system of anchors buried in the body of the wall by at least 1/4 of the web width. For anchors, ordinary steel reinforcement is suitable, which was inserted into the boreholes before installing the block in place in increments of 80-100 cm along the perimeter of the opening. After positioning and fixing the door, its flashing box is welded to the anchors, thereby the block acquires an almost monolithic connection with the wall. Naturally, this installation method will not work when installing sheet metal doors.

How important are aesthetic qualities?

Do not be surprised, but the exterior finish of the door has a lot to do with providing high resistance to burglary. The presence of an overlay glued over the entire plane allows you to hide the manufacturer and model of the door, the type and quality of steel. Also, burglars will not be able to appreciate such specific subtleties as traces of welding or the location of hidden hinges.

The overlay should not be defiantly pretentious, a smooth MDF sheet with chamfers is enough. At the same time, it is recommended not to install branded pads on the keyholes that come with the locks. It is much better to use unmarked fittings, this will make it difficult to determine the lock model.

What should be the completeness of a quality door?

The process of installing the door must be controlled personally, to monitor compliance with the geometry and positioning of the door block. At the same time, the installation team is obliged to remove the internal decorative trim, demonstrating the presence and conformity of the type of insulation, as well as showing the customer clearly the principle of operation of the synchronous locking mechanism.

The classic set of the door block is as follows: a leaf assembly with locks, hinges and other fittings, a flashing frame and external trim. Finishing of internal slopes is carried out by the customer independently from the extensions for interior doors. Another important point: you must make sure that the set of keys is sealed in an opaque bag with factory markings and secure seals. All locks pass the first test at the place of installation, in case of a manufacturing defect, the door manufacturer is obliged to replace them within the agreed time frame.


As a summary, it remains only to recall that when choosing a door, you must know when to stop. The right door leaf, locks and installation system can provide really high burglary resistance, but the more difficult it will be for emergency personnel to act in an emergency.

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High-quality iron doors are the best option for both an apartment and a private house. They are durable, attractive due to different ways of finishing. But there are a lot of manufacturers, which complicates the choice for buyers. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best manufacturers of iron doors, find out their strengths and weaknesses. We bring to your attention the top of the best steel doors on the Russian market.

Entrance doors of different brands differ in the materials used, production technology, hardware features and price. The reliability of the design directly depends on the cost. Iron doors are usually divided into products of the middle price segment, premium class, as well as budget ones. The most affordable designs are purchased infrequently. Since too thin metal is used for their production, such an entrance door cannot be reliable.

To rank the entrance metal doors in 2018, the opinions of experts and consumer reviews are taken into account. What matters is the experience and popularity of the company, the width of the product range. In the middle price segment, Outpost, Neman, Stal, Bravo are considered the best. In the premium segment, the rating of the best iron doors includes the brands Guardian, TOREX, Elbor. These are Russian manufacturers of doors, the quality of which is not inferior to imported products.


The steel door rating 2018 is headed by Forpost products. The first products were released by this company in 1998. Starting in 2009, production was moved to China to reduce manufacturing costs. This made it possible to produce annually 500 thousand units of goods. Unfortunately, low-quality fakes have also appeared since that time. Therefore, when buying an entrance system, you should always ask for a certificate, clarify about the guarantee, and purchase iron doors only through official representatives.

Forpost metal doors are included in the review due to such advantages:

  • low price (even for the most elite models);
  • a wide range, products can be selected for a private house and apartment with a different interior;
  • a sufficient number of service centers, so if necessary, you can seek advice, call the master at home.

Forpost iron doors have their drawbacks. First of all, this applies to fittings, which are manufactured at the same factory. It is difficult to replace it with other analogues. Noise isolation is present only in some models. Also, do not forget that there are fakes.


This is one of the brands of Bravo, a well-known iron door company. It is she who continues the rating of metal doors for an apartment in 2018. The main advantage of Groff products is the use of steel of considerable thickness. In addition, the structure is reinforced with stiffeners. Non-combustible mineral wool is used as a heater.

The manufacturer pays attention to the aesthetic indicators of their products. Due to the combination of appearance and strength, Groff are considered one of the best entrance metal doors. All products are guaranteed for up to 10 years, during which the service department is obliged to maintain the structure installed in the house or apartment.


Bravo is considered one of the leaders in the Russian market of iron entry systems. Entrance metal doors are in the top of the best, according to consumers. The company is ready to provide customers with more than 350 different models, including those made using a unique 3D technology.

The main advantages of the input structures of this brand:

  • there are available models with veneer finishes;
  • reliable and high-quality steel doors;
  • excellent protection against drafts due to seals and high quality insulation materials.

At the same time, in the most budgetary options, sound insulation is only of an average level.


The rating of metal entrance doors is continued by the Neman brand. This is a company that produces truly reliable and safe products. The brand has a wide range of models. The products are reasonably priced. At the same time, the manufacturer pays great attention to the external characteristics of the product. Entrance systems Neman compare favorably with their decorative characteristics from competitors.

For the production of the best steel doors, alloy steel of considerable thickness is used. All models are equipped with two locks, if necessary, their number can be increased. Therefore, there are no questions about the safety of the goods.

In addition to good value for money, as well as interesting design solutions, Neman is included in the top metal doors due to compliance with all safety requirements. This is confirmed by certificates.

Of the minuses, it is worth mentioning only the insufficient strength of the most budget products from this manufacturer.


The rating of steel doors also could not do without the Stal brand. Products from this manufacturer are distinguished by good reliability, a sufficient level of resistance to burglary. According to these parameters, it is a bit like Elbor. However, unlike this brand, the manufacturer Stal does not have a very expensive product. Due to this, the company's products are popular, received a lot of positive feedback from consumers.

Professionals also praise this brand, although there are not the most successful models in its lineup. But in the price segment, this is a noteworthy manufacturer, which is rightfully included in the rating of entrance metal doors to an apartment.

The main advantages of Stal products:

  • wide model range;
  • many options with the use of various finishing materials;
  • good level of service.

The main drawback is the presence of unsuccessful models, which requires careful choice from the consumer. Before buying, you should ask managers about all the technical characteristics.


The rating of metal doors for an apartment would also not be complete without the Guardian brand. At the plant, iron structures began to be produced back in 1994. Guardian entrance designs are popular with buyers who appreciate beauty. Therefore, they will be useful to those who are looking for something original, who want everything to harmonize in a house or apartment. In terms of safety parameters, there are no complaints about the product of this brand either. Fire safety indicators, resistance to burglary, sound insulation, service life - all these characteristics are confirmed by international certificates.

Among the advantages that made it possible to include the entrance systems of this brand in the rating of steel doors by quality 2018, it is also worth noting:

  • the ideal combination of leaf and door frame, the gaps between them are minimal, which guarantees a snug fit of the sash;
  • in any price segment there are many models to satisfy the demanding consumer;
  • products comply with Russian and international requirements;
  • as a web filler, a slab of mineral wool is used - a non-combustible material with high insulating properties.

Everything is good in reliable metal doors Guardian. The only thing that customers are not happy with is the service. If even not the most complex breakdowns occur, then it will not be possible to quickly eliminate them. The service department is no different.


A review of steel doors for an apartment would be incomplete without the TOREX brand. This is another popular Russian manufacturer, whose production is located in Saratov. The first products were produced on it during the Soviet Union in 1989. The plant is constantly developing, so the entrance systems have become popular not only in the CIS countries. The company has 8 warehouses.

  • good service;
  • high quality products;
  • compliance with all safety standards, including heat resistance for some models up to 5-6 hours;
  • wide product range, attractive product design.

The main disadvantage of the products is their considerable cost.


The manufacturer of iron doors Elbor is also included in the rating of the best metal entrance doors. The company has an excellent reputation, on which he has worked since the founding of the plant - 1976. At first, the company produced various goods for military purposes, then retrained to protect private property. Due to such specifics of production, all Elbor products are distinguished by the highest resistance to burglary.

The company does not manufacture budget models. All products are made using a special technology to increase their reliability. Coatings are refractory, and the filler inside the sash is non-combustible mineral wool. At the same time, the product has an attractive design. An overview of steel entrance metal doors and high test scores also make it possible to include products of this brand in the ranking of the best.

Imported Fortus and DIERRE products

In addition to Russian-made products, popular brands from Germany and Italy are included in the rating of steel doors to the apartment. Fortus is fundamentally different from most manufacturers in that it specializes in the production of doors to order. A minimum of finished products and a maximum of opportunities to assemble systems at your discretion. The buyer can choose the number of doors, locks, other fittings, fabric finish, and so on. Due to this, more than 1000 combination options are available to the consumer. This approach allows you to choose the best entrance metal doors for your apartment or country house. Any of them will have high strength, sound insulation, will protect property and heat.

DIERRE is an Italian company that specializes in the production of high-quality entrance metal doors with a special design. The manufacturer follows all the newcomers on the market, introduces the most advanced technologies. In their lineup there are even "smart doors", their control is due to remote control.

High-quality metal doors from Italy are distinguished by high aesthetics, the finishing of the canvas is complemented by exquisite fittings. The cost of such an entrance structure is not available to everyone, but the DIERRE system will be the highlight of any room.

What to consider when choosing?

The brand is not the only parameter that the consumer should focus on. The choice of steel doors should be based on other parameters.

Considering your financial capabilities, you need to pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  1. Locking mechanisms. One lock is good, but good steel apartment doors should have two such mechanisms. Moreover, both are required to have a high class of burglary resistance (3 or 4), and their mechanisms must be different. This approach greatly complicates the work of crackers.
  2. Additional protection. Such simple elements as a chain or a night valve should not be neglected either. They enhance the protective functions of the structure.
  3. Door hinges. When determining which entrance metal doors are better for an apartment, special attention should be paid to this parameter. Hidden loops are good because they are not visible and it is impossible to cut them off when breaking. However, this design significantly increases the cost of the product.
  4. insulating materials. Without filler, even good quality steel doors will let in noise and cold. Therefore, it is worth clarifying what exactly the sash is filled with inside. The best option is mineral wool, which can absorb noise and cold. It is also good for residential premises because it does not burn.

Finishing material is important not only from a purely aesthetic point of view. It must protect the surface of the metal, be resistant to external factors, especially for private houses. After all, even the best steel front doors will be exposed to sunlight, frost and precipitation. For an apartment, it is important that the coating is resistant to minor bumps and scratches.

Buying an iron door for your home is a responsible step. The product costs a lot, should last a long time. Therefore, you should carefully study the rating of iron doors to the apartment, all the parameters of the model you like, trust only well-known brands that have been on the market for many years, and are ready to provide a long-term guarantee for their products.

Choosing the front door to the apartment is not an easy task and raises many questions. You need to know what qualities the design should have, what to look for when choosing. The front door is the keeper of the hearth, preventing noise, cold and uninvited guests from entering the housing. It should also look presentable, as it acts as the hallmark of the apartment.

Requirements for the entrance door to the apartment

Any premises, residential or industrial, meet the visitor with the front door. It is not difficult to choose the front door of internal opening to the apartment now. Nevertheless, manufacturers offer a wide range of products, the difference between which is in materials, dimensions, colors and styles.

Many people are not able to make a competent choice due to the large variety. This is especially true for those who buy entrance doors to the apartment for the first time. To avoid errors, you should take into account the requirements for any input structures:

  1. General reliability parameter. Entrance doors perform many functions, but the main one is to ensure the protection of housing. For this reason, the design chosen must be durable and of high quality, able to protect against intruders.
  2. It should be possible to inspect the outer territory. It is better if the front door to the apartment is equipped with at least a small peephole. This will allow you to see the situation outside the housing or on the flight of stairs.
  3. Noise and heat insulation. The product prevents the penetration of noise and cold into the house, increasing the comfort of living.
  4. Appearance. It is better to choose a beautiful front door to the apartment so that it fits into the interior of the home with its style design.

Before you go to the store for a purchase, you need to consider other points:

  1. Canvas price. It all depends on the quality of the design. If you choose a door for a summer cottage or an old abandoned apartment, then it is not necessary that it be high-strength. Cheaper alternatives will work as well. But if the product is installed in a new building apartment or a residential country house, then more expensive variations can be considered.
  2. Opening dimensions. The canvas should easily "enter" the doorway. Therefore, before buying, you should take all measurements in advance.
  3. Choice of accessories. We are talking about locks, hinges, eyes, handles and so on. It takes into account the type of construction and your own preferences. Of course, it is better to choose the appropriate fittings for a good entrance door to the apartment, suitable in quality and style.
  4. Availability of certificates and guarantees. This is an important point at the time of purchase, ensuring that all installation and operation issues are resolved.

Types of entrance doors

A wide range of input structures is presented on the construction market; designer canvases and technical models are also produced. They are classified according to the material used in the manufacture.

metal front door

This is the most requested type. They are made using special technology from durable materials. There are models that are additionally coated with an anti-corrosion compound, which allows the blades to be used under different climatic conditions, extending their service life.

The thickness of metal sheets also matters: for European entrance doors it is 1 mm, Chinese - from 0.5 to 1 mm, domestic - from 1.5 to 3 mm. The strength characteristics of the input structure depend on the thickness of the metal. European models have standardized sizes, while our manufacturers also produce non-classical options.

The customer can choose the design and format of insulation.

Before choosing a metal door to an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification according to the level of complexity:

  1. Economy class. These are simple and affordable products made of single-sheet steel with a thickness of 1 mm. As a design, only painting is used, without insulation and soundproofing. A separate variety is metal sheets in an apartment, assembled from two sheets (each 1 mm thick). For such products, finishing, heat and sound insulating filler is provided.
  2. Middle class. These are products made from two sheets, where the thickness of each is 1.5 mm. Finishing can be any and depends on the preferences of the customer.
  3. Elite class. Entrance doors with a reinforced structure, with a thickness of sheets up to 2 mm. They are finished with natural or artificial materials, sheathed with wood, veneer.

As a finish, they use: thermal film, polymer or powder paint, plastic or wooden lining, vinyl leather, car enamel, varnish, MDF lining and other materials.

Important! In order for the selected metal front door to successfully fulfill its functions, it is important to install it correctly.

wooden front door

Not so long ago, wood was used as the main material for the production of entrance structures. Now the user has a choice where each product differs in its operational properties. Nevertheless, wooden canvases are classified as luxurious and practical classics. Thanks to innovative technologies, their functions and properties have been improved by an order of magnitude compared to the first models, as a result they last longer.

Wooden products are no longer as popular as they used to be, this is due to the fact that a large selection of artificial materials is offered on the market. But some customers prefer the natural solid wood. Considering the design features, three types of wooden entrance doors can be distinguished:

  1. Shield. To assemble these products, shields up to 4 cm thick are used. The frame is assembled from solid wood elements glued together. Some manufacturers supplement such entrance doors with an aluminum frame, which not only retains heat, but also extends the life of the product.

  2. Paneled. In terms of design, they are similar to shield ones. They weigh an order of magnitude less, which facilitates transportation and installation.

  3. Whole. This option is now the most common. For manufacturing take a solid array of wood.

What materials are wooden doors made from?

  1. Oak. This is a high-strength and durable breed that can last for several decades. An interesting feature is that oak hardens over time, which makes the canvas even more stable. The result is the most expensive entrance doors to the apartment.

  2. Ash. By analogy with oak, a durable and practical material. A popular option due to the variety of colors.
  3. Beech. It is better to install such a door to an apartment in a multi-storey building. Beech does not tolerate moisture, so it is not used for country houses.
  4. Pine. The key advantage is the affordable price. Pine is a soft material, so canvases from it are made purely for apartments.

Wooden doors to the apartment are preferred by those customers who prefer environmental friendliness and natural appearance.

Entrance door to the apartment with a mirror

This species is gradually gaining popularity. Many customers prefer just such entrance doors to the apartment, explaining the choice by the small size of the hallway. Now the mirror can be mounted in both wooden and metal products.

The front door with a mirror looks organically in any interior, often acting as a key element of decor. The design is interesting for its decorative effect, but it can also perform other functions:

  1. Practicality. Leaving the apartment, you can always look in the mirror, evaluating your appearance. Of course, for this you need to correctly place the light sources so that the light falls on the person.
  2. Visually enlarges the space. Light, reflected, creates the illusion of a large corridor.

Important! To ensure the desired effect, it is necessary to carefully choose the shape and size of the mirror to be installed. This will emphasize the style of the apartment and decorate the interior.

The mirrors themselves are practical products. Indeed, in a small hallway, it is sometimes difficult to place a separate large mirror. But the door panels are just the right size.

The width of the entrance door to the apartment

Standard dimensions are defined by GOST standards, regardless of the material of construction. The main parameters are as follows:

  1. Height. The standard parameter is in the range from 2070 mm to 2370 mm. To determine a specific value, the total height of the ceiling and the width of the door leaf are taken into account.
  2. Width. The minimum parameter is 910 mm. For single leaf - 1010 mm, one and a half - 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm, double - 1910 and 1950 mm.
  3. Thickness. There are no strict regulations regarding this value, since it all depends on the material of the canvas for the apartment. The thickness should be enough for the front door to perform its main functions.

Important! For entrance structures, the standard size is larger than for interior ones. They do this so that a person carrying a load can freely pass through the opening.

How to choose entrance metal doors for an apartment

The most common metal structures. Most often, a steel door to an apartment is chosen, which provides adequate protection for housing. There are both global and domestic manufacturers on the market, producing products of different styles and sizes.

Metal has long been used to make entrance doors to an apartment. This is the most durable material that provides protection against burglary. For this reason, it is popular for both residential and industrial premises. When choosing an iron door to an apartment, you should pay attention to the base material. For the manufacture of products using the following metals:

  1. Aluminum. Such products are different in texture and shades. Aluminum is a metal that is easy to process, so making entrance doors from it is somewhat easier.
  2. Steel. This metal is more reliable and durable. In addition to the main function, such entrance canvases are equipped with noise and heat insulation. At a price they are more expensive than aluminum counterparts, but the quality is better.

When choosing a product for an apartment, pay attention to the thickness of the base layer - the more, the better the design will protect the home. Only two materials are used as the basis, but the products differ from each other due to the decorative layer. As a decor used:

  1. PVC panels. Caring for such a coating is quite simple.
  2. MDF. In addition to environmental friendliness, this material provides good sound insulation. The most preferred option for office space.
  3. Powder coated. Budget exterior.
  4. Panels made from natural wood. Expensive, but environmentally friendly and visually appealing option.

To increase the mechanical characteristics of the entrance door to the apartment, manufacturers equip products with stiffeners. These elements provide protection against deformation and increase burglary resistance. The more stiffeners, the more stable the structure will be. It should be understood that due to the increase in the number of these elements, the weight increases, which means that the hinges will experience increased loads and will fail faster.

What color to choose the front door to the apartment

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the general style of housing design, the color of the floor material, walls, and basic furniture. The right tips to help you choose the color of the front door to the apartment:

  1. The best solution is to choose a neutral shade that will go with nothing. White, black, gray or beige options look good.
  2. It is optimal if the color of the canvas matches the shade of the window frames.
  3. Doors decorated with drawings, stained-glass windows or stickers look good. The bias is made on design, so compatibility is relegated to the background.

Important! These tips are suitable for choosing the entrance canvas to the apartment, as well as for interior partitions.

Rating of entrance metal apartment doors

The most popular designs of the following brands:

  1. Outpost. This manufacturer produces products at a reasonable price. The company is originally from Russia, but production is organized in China, which made it possible to optimize costs. The manufacturing process is controlled, so the products are of good quality, unchanged technical parameters and appearance.
  2. Torex. The company has been producing entrance doors to apartments for over 25 years. Thanks to solid practical experience, the fabrics produced have good consumer properties, without overpayment. The range includes fire protection options.
  3. Elbor. The year the enterprise began its activity is 1976. Not so long ago, a comprehensive modernization of the company was carried out, which made it possible to increase production capacities.
  4. Guardian. A distinctive feature of the products of this company is the high price, but consumer properties correspond to the premium class. For the manufacture of entrance doors to the apartment, strict international and domestic standards are taken into account.
  5. Became. This is a group of companies that produces entrance canvases for individual orders. A feature of the products is additional concreting, thanks to which the box is attached many times more reliably, while maintaining tightness.

This is not a complete list of companies manufacturing entrance doors for apartments.

Where should the front door to the apartment open?

In this matter, there is a main requirement - in the event of an emergency, the structure should not create obstacles for the evacuation of people. If we consider the practical side, then take into account several points:

  • when opening inward, you will have to stop in front of the door and step back to open it;
  • the canvas that opens outwards is characterized by burglary resistance, since it is much more difficult to knock it out;
  • if the product opens inward, it will not be possible to put an additional door, which will not only keep the heat in the apartment, but also reduce the noise level;
  • if the room has a small entrance hall, it is better to choose the option of opening to the outside.

In the case of apartment buildings, the following points are also taken into account:

  • when plowing outside, the canvas should not interfere with the opening of the neighbor's doors;
  • if the apartments open to a common vestibule, then the vestibule door is opened outward, and the entrance door is opened inward;
  • if during the opening the door touches something, for example, a counter, then it is supplemented with an opening limiter.

For the most part, where the canvas will open is the decision of the owner of the apartment.


Choosing an entrance door to an apartment is not a problem, as there are many proposals: these are metal, wooden products or structures with mirrors. The main thing is that the door provides adequate protection for the apartment and at the same time matches the interior of the room. You can take into account the rating of the entrance metal doors to the apartment, but it is equally important to properly install the canvas.

The choice of the front door is a rather crucial moment, since the safety of all the property of a house or apartment, and sometimes the life of the owners, will depend on its design. Today, the assortment of specialized stores is formed by many manufacturers presenting their products, which have a wide range of prices - from the most modest to very high. Therefore, you can always choose a door that will fully meet the capabilities of homeowners.

The purpose of the front door is not only to protect housing from intruders, as it should prevent the penetration of external noise and cold air masses. In addition, there are models that can create a reliable barrier even to intense flames during a fire. How to choose an entrance metal door professional advice - they are necessarily given depending on where it will be installed: at the entrance to an apartment or a private house, and also taking into account many criteria that directly affect the performance of this design.

Criteria for choosing an entrance door

To clarify all the nuances, we turned to the Moscow manufacturer of entrance doors, ProfMaster, where more than 80% of orders are individual production. "to order", because this is the only way to choose a door without compromising on quality.

There is a list of the main points that you need to pay special attention to when purchasing an entrance door:

  • Place of installation. The door can be installed outdoors in a private house or at the entrance to an apartment, that is, in an entrance room protected from direct external influence. The choice of insulation material and outer skin will depend on this.
  • Protection level. This criterion can be attributed to several aspects at once:

- the thickness of the metal used to make the door;

- frame design

- the number of metal layers in the door leaf;

- the number of stiffeners inside the canvas frame;

- the number and design of locks and hinges;

- the presence of a review element.

  • insulation material. In order for the door not to let in cold masses and extraneous noise, it is insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam or cardboard. In some cheap models, insulation may be absent altogether.
  • The number of seals. They can be installed on the door leaf or frame, in one, two or even three rows. For fire-resistant structures, sealing contours made of special materials are used.
  • door weight. A high-quality product should be heavy, as it has reliable stiffening ribs and is made of a high-quality, fairly thick metal sheet.
  • A design solution that will harmoniously fit the door into the overall design of the facade, if the door is installed in a private house.
  • Fire-fighting qualities of materials, if you plan to purchase a door that has protection against the spread of flame.
  • Anti-vandal coating - especially necessary if there are animals in the house that can scratch the door lining, or in an apartment where there is no combination lock at the entrance to the entrance.
  • The door must have a quality certificate or a passport for the product, which will indicate all its characteristics.

Evaluation of the main characteristics of doors

The price of such products is quite high, but you can be sure of the safety that they will fully provide. Therefore, in recent years, more and more apartment residents and home owners prefer this particular door option.

So, the design of the entrance doors must fully meet all the criteria for safety and comfort when opening and closing it, as well as satisfy the homeowners in terms of its design. Therefore, when making a choice, you need to make a list of requirements for the door structure in advance, and if the model meets them, then this option is ideal for a specific entrance to a building or apartment.