We effectively treat women's ailments with gynecological massage. Gynecological massage: indications and effectiveness of the procedure Gynecological massage

Elena Ivzhenko

In the modern field of gynecology, many types of disease treatment are successfully practiced - surgical interventions, hormonal therapy, physical and laser therapy, antibiotics and immunomodulators, and current treatment. In addition, the closer to nature the material used, the more effectively it eliminates the disease.

Gynecological massage belongs to a number of these techniques and is successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. The physiological effect on the organs has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Indications for gynecological massage

The female genital organs, like other parts of the body, consist of muscle and connective tissue. In case of weak contractility of the uterine muscles, scars on the ovaries, deformation of the ligaments, abnormal position of the uterus (bending anteriorly, posteriorly, bending, prolapse, displacement to the right or left), congestive processes in the pelvis, gynecological massage can be successfully used.

The above phenomena are a kind of catalyst for the development of inflammatory processes, infertility and miscarriage. But all these disorders can be eliminated with the help of physiological effects. Gynecological massage of the uterine body helps restore the menstrual cycle if it malfunctions, and is also used for amenorrhea - absence of menstruation.

This procedure, performed by an experienced specialist, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, eliminates retroflexion (bending) of the uterus and normalizes its mobility, allowing the organ to take the correct position. In addition, with the help of such an event you can get rid of adhesions that prevent sperm from entering. Intestinal motility also improves, the overall tone of the body increases, and sexual sensations intensify.

Gynecological massage for infertility, miscarriage and other diseases

In the complex of treatment of female infertility. The procedure is indispensable for adhesions and bending of the uterus. The causes of infertility are often precisely adhesions, bends, congestion in the genital area, and circulatory disorders. The technique will effectively eliminate these pathologies without surgical intervention and prepare the woman for pregnancy and childbirth.

It is worth noting that women often turn to a doctor for a referral for such procedures after IVF, abortion, laparoscopy and other types of interventions. When prescribed in a timely manner and correctly carried out, this method eliminates the risk of negative consequences, shortens the time of infertility treatment, restores damaged systems and prepares the woman for successful conception and further pregnancy.

In case of primary miscarriage. In this case, the method allows you to strengthen the muscles and ligaments, increase their strength and elasticity, and return the uterus to its normal position in case of bending or adhesions.

After surgery or abortion. In this case, massage is done to free the ovaries from scars, eliminate adhesions, adhesions, and strengthen muscles and ligaments.

For inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which provoke menstrual irregularities, the development of adhesions, bending of the uterus, and other diseases and disorders. Therapy includes not only massage, but also anti-inflammatory treatment (PCI method), and also prescribes immunomodulators and physical therapy.

Retroflexion of the uterus. In some cases, the cause of infertility is the bending of the organ backwards or downwards. Displacement can occur while the child is in the womb (congenital) or be acquired. In the latter case, it develops against the background of an inflammatory disease, disruption of the ovaries, and the occurrence of adhesions.

The physiological effect in this situation is often replaced by surgical intervention or dissection of adhesions using laparoscopy. It is worth noting that the latter option does not guarantee complete recovery, because adhesions often return again.

Amenorrhea. During palpation, the specialist irritates the nerve endings of the pelvis, which accelerates the onset of menstruation. At the same time, blood circulation in this area improves.

During the adhesive process. Massage breaks up adhesions, restores the normal position of the uterus, and improves blood circulation in the genitals. These phenomena lead to miscarriage and infertility. They can occur after laparoscopy, laparotomy, removal of the appendix, abortion, surgery on the kidneys, ovaries, appendages, etc.

This pathology occurs in 93% of cases after the above measures. In addition, the development of adhesions can be triggered by endometriosis, a sexually transmitted infection, and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Massage for weak pelvic floor muscles and uterine prolapse. These pathologies can lead to bleeding. The doctor may, in addition, prescribe a special set of physical exercises that will strengthen the muscles.

How is professional gynecological massage performed?

The optimal place for the procedure is a gynecological chair with an adjustable tilt and footrests. Only an experienced specialist should perform a massage, because it is necessary to be familiar with the technique, be able to respond to the patient’s reactions, and select the duration of the effect. The woman should lie on the edge of the chair, spread her legs and rest them on the footrests.

You need to lie calmly, relaxed, and if there is severe pain or deterioration in health, immediately tell your doctor about it. With retroflexion, pain may occur during palpation. Sometimes the heart rate increases as blood can rush to the heart.

The doctor performs manipulations with both hands: one on the side of the vagina, the other on the outside, on the stomach. It is worth noting that the best option for this type of treatment would be to carry out manipulations in a medical facility.

The doctor’s main task is to palpate the uterus from all sides, achieve painlessness, break up adhesions and scars, and massage the ovaries.

In some cases, it takes quite a long time to get the desired effect. But the result will live up to expectations and exceed the inconveniences, for example, a woman will be able to get pregnant, feel better, metabolism will be normalized, and sensitivity during sex will improve.

The course is selected individually for each patient. The duration of one session varies from 3 to 20 minutes, depending on the preparedness and condition of the cervix and other organs. During a retroflexion massage course, a woman should sleep and rest on her stomach.

When is gynecological massage contraindicated?

The following conditions are contraindications and restrictions:

  • The presence of an infectious disease, sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis, STI;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Menses;
  • Neoplasms in the uterus or its appendages;
  • Congenital retroflexion;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Erosion;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Massage cannot be performed for two months after an abortion, childbirth, or genital surgery;
  • Some intestinal diseases;
  • Thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins.

Gynecological massage performed at home

The procedure can be performed at home on the bed. A pillow or bolster is placed under the lower back to elevate the hips. Palpation should be soft, gentle and careful. You need to relax and breathe deeply.

Gynecological female massage was at the peak of popularity about 50-60 years ago, but with the development of medicine it lost its relevance for many years. In the last two decades, interest in it has returned: the procedure can solve many problems without medication or surgical intervention and is safe for the woman’s body. Massage has both a number of indications and contraindications; it should be visited only with the permission of the attending physician.

Gynecological massage was invented and patented more than 150 years ago by Toure Brandt, a man far from medicine. It took him about 10 years to patent and streamline his method. At the beginning of the last century, the first courses for obstetricians appeared in St. Petersburg, and massage techniques were included in the training.

The new method gained great popularity: it offered to solve problems in gynecology without the use of medications.

Over the years, the procedure has improved and become more complex, and today it is not only a manual massage. Gynecological female massage is a complex consisting of classical and specific techniques of internal influence, ultrasound, infrared, and magnetic therapy.

Female massage is a direct physiological effect on the pelvic organs in women. The result of regular sessions is:

  • Improving blood circulation and lymph movement;
  • Increased uterine activity;
  • Increasing the elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • Reducing the severity of adhesions;
  • Strengthening muscle tissue;
  • Reducing the severity of pathological changes in the reproductive organs;
  • Normalization of the endocrine system;
  • Reduction of inflammatory phenomena;
  • Increased sexual activity.

Direct massage of the uterus has a restorative and tonic effect on the female body.

Contraindications and indications

With the help of manual gynecological massage, it is possible to eliminate complications that arise after medical or surgical termination of pregnancy and pathological childbirth.

Assignments for the procedure:

  • Insufficient or weak contractility of intrauterine muscle tissue;
  • Terminated pregnancy;
  • Inflammatory chronic processes that are in remission;
  • Incorrect position of the uterus;
  • Irregular menstrual cycle;
  • Infertility;
  • Dystonia and fibrosis;
  • Painful menstruation;
  • Vaginismus, accompanied by problems with sexual intercourse.

Massage is also prescribed as a rehabilitation therapy after surgery to normalize the intestines and bladder.

Massage is needed for women who have difficulty conceiving. It is often prescribed along with a set of medical procedures. Sessions are also recommended for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle: lack of movement leads to poor circulation and congestion in the pelvic organs. The result is the development of inflammatory and infectious processes, constipation and painful menstrual bleeding.


For gynecological massage, contraindications may be temporary or permanent. It also has restrictions on carrying out in certain areas.

It is prohibited to attend sessions if:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Menses;
  • A febrile state accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • Oncology;
  • Intestinal diseases in the acute stage;
  • Acute form of infectious diseases;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Congenital pathologies;
  • Presence of muscle weakness of the pelvic floor;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Purulent inflammation;
  • Vein inflammation and thrombosis.

If pain occurs during the session, the session is stopped. If frigidity occurs during difficult childbirth, abortion or sexual violence, you should consult a psychologist before attending a session.

Conditions for massage procedures

The main condition for this is the normal emotional state and health of the patient. Before the procedure, you must take a general blood test and a vaginal smear.

Manual massage of the reproductive organs can take place in a clinic, treatment or diagnostic center, or at home. On the days of the session, it is recommended to abstain from sex. The procedure should be carried out no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. The massage is performed on a special table with foot rests or on a regular chair for gynecological examinations.

Before the sessions, doctors teach the woman techniques for deep pulmonary breathing and relaxation of the abdominals and vagina.

Massage techniques and techniques

The massage method of treating female diseases is based on the internal and external treatment of the reproductive organs. During the exposure, both hands are involved: one palpates the entire accessible part of the uterus through the vagina, and the fingers of the other press through the abdomen. You need to act very softly, gently, because... the area of ​​study is sensitive and easily injured. First, the doctor must determine the position of the uterus and the degree of its mobility. Bends and kinks, as well as incorrect positioning, are corrected by careful straightening and moving.

At the end of the session, the patient is given 15-20 minutes to rest and lie on her stomach. During this time, the massaged female organs will return to normal.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor and depends on the effectiveness and personal tolerance. The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes, but gradually increase the duration of exposure to 20 minutes. The regularity of the procedure depends on the woman’s health; it can be daily or at intervals of 1-2 days.

On average, a massage course lasts about 4 months and includes up to 60 procedures. Every 5-7 sessions it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor.

Massage at home

Uterine massage can take place both in the clinic and at home, depending on the patient’s condition. Before home sessions, you should consult your doctor or gynecologist to determine contraindications. Self-massage is often done when the cycle fails, to facilitate conception, increase sensitivity and reduce frigidity.

The procedure is carried out only from a lying position. Place a massage roller or pillow under the lower back and back. Before the procedure, you need to take 5-6 deep breaths and relax.

The index and middle fingers are slowly inserted into the vagina and massage the walls. They move a little higher, kneading the uterus and fallopian tubes. You can apply a few gentle pressures or circular movements. At this time, the fingers of the other hand massage the abdominal muscles.

Massage according to the method of Dr. Norbekov

The technique is based on the fact that the physical body must be in harmony with the spiritual. The doctor believes that it is more effective to carry out gynecological female massage in combination with psychological work. In the technique, intention and confidence that recovery is possible play a big role.

Massage can also be performed at home to treat infertility, increase sexual desire, improve muscle tone and improve the condition of the entire uterine area. If a woman learns to trust herself and explore her body, she can improve both her health and her relationships with men.

This massage is not possible in the following cases: pregnancy, oncology, menstruation. The procedure should take place in silence and a calm environment: it is important to completely relax. During the session, you can lie on your back or take the lotus position. All attention is focused on yourself, on your sensations and breathing.

Massage equipment

Internally shift attention to the bladder area and lower back. There should be a pleasant feeling of tingling and warmth that fills the uterus and the entire space around it. Under the influence of sensations, the muscle tissue of the uterus will begin to resonate and create vibrations of tissue regeneration. The end of the session is active contraction of the uterus. If during the procedure at the initial stages the desired sensations are not achieved, do not be upset. You need to visualize the uterus area, lower back, pelvic organs and a ball of light, warm energy. After this, initiate contractions of the uterus with rapid and repeated tension of the vaginal muscles.

Automassage is carried out daily, at the same time. It is not recommended to do more than 200 contractions in one session. After two weeks of classes, they switch to a different schedule: 2-3 sessions per week.

Norbekov’s system includes three preliminary exercises that help set the mood for a positive result. To control the muscles contracting during the massage, you need to sit down and urinate. During urination, squeeze the muscle and interrupt the process. Hold for 3-4 seconds and continue writing. Repeat repeatedly until fatigue appears. Then the muscles squeeze and try to pull inward.

The second exercise is walking in a straight line. The heel of one foot should touch the toes of the other. The third is performed from a lying position. Legs are straight, extended and raised. Socks reach for the ceiling. Then slowly raise the lower back; to make the exercise easier, the emphasis can be placed on the elbows. The angle between the lower back and the surface of the floor or bed should be about 45°. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Do 2-3 repetitions.

To be more effective, before exercise you can meditate or do any of the breathing exercises.

  • Spinach;
  • Liver;
  • Asparagus;
  • Sprouted grains of wheat, rye, oats;
  • Broccoli and other green vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bitter chocolate;
  • Mango and citrus fruits;
  • Green apples;
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy products;
  • Any seeds and nuts.

But you need to exclude from your diet everything sweet, fatty, salty, as well as soy products and products containing a large amount of preservatives.

Female gynecological massage is a good alternative to drug treatment for diseases of the reproductive organs. It will help solve the problem without side effects and complications, and it can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. The main condition for quickly achieving a positive effect is the ability to relax, listen to the doctor’s advice and trust your feelings.

You can combine massage with any type of physiotherapeutic procedures, gymnastics, yoga. To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to walk a lot, swim, and engage in therapeutic horse riding. With the right approach, the first positive changes can be noticed after just a month of work.

Gynecological massage is a long-known procedure that appeared more than 150 years ago. Its effectiveness depends on the qualifications of the specialist and on how the gynecological massage is performed. It should only be performed by an experienced doctor who is well aware of the technique and female anatomy.

Indications for the procedure

If it is impossible to carry a baby, abdominal massage for infertility is carried out during the period of ovulation, which helps increase the tone and flexibility of the uterus. It does not eliminate all obstacles on the path to the desired pregnancy, but massage for infertility in women, thanks to acupressure effects, increases blood supply to the ovaries, and they more effectively absorb pituitary hormones and increase the production of their own.

Massage is carried out for the purpose of:

  1. alleviate a woman’s condition with pain due to adhesions, by stretching adhesions or completely eliminating them;
  2. normalize blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs;
  3. increase uterine tone, correct the abnormal position of the uterus - when bent, displaced, prolapsed - help it take the desired position;
  4. eliminate the consequences after difficult childbirth, gynecological interventions;
  5. normalize the menstrual cycle, hormonal levels;
  6. improve the condition of the reproductive system, prepare it for pregnancy and childbirth;
  7. increase libido, get rid of frigidity.

Gynecological massage has a beneficial effect on both the massaged organ (ovaries, uterus) and the entire body as a whole.

Gynecological massage for adhesions, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic muscles, eliminates venous congestion.

Gynecological massage is often recommended for infertility. Although this is not a guarantee that after the procedure you can easily conceive a child, among the patients there are mothers who have been helped by gynecological massage to get pregnant.


Despite the fact that massage in gynecology is a relatively safe procedure and is used as one of the methods of therapeutic treatment, it also has a number of contraindications.

The procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • oncological neoplasms in the female genital organs, large intestine, bladder, uterine fibroids;
  • if two months have not passed since childbirth, genital surgery or abortion;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • menses;
  • some intestinal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis or general infection of the body;
  • elevated body temperature.

Uterus massage for infertility is not prescribed if fibroids are present, as the procedure stimulates blood circulation in the pelvis. Manipulation is also difficult in situations where there is obesity in the abdominal wall, or with a short, narrow vagina.

Massage for infertility is not performed if pain occurs during or after it. The patient should not experience pain during the session, but unpleasant moments during manipulation are acceptable.

Execution technique

Gynecological massage of the uterus is a physiological method of influencing organs and tissues, which can be internal or external. It should only be performed by an experienced specialist in a clinic, on a special couch or gynecological chair with a movable headrest and leg support. The doctor’s qualifications are especially important, since only with the right technique can a positive result be achieved.

For a woman, it is important to be in a relaxed position and breathe correctly, this will help to carry out a uterine massage most carefully and painlessly.

How to massage the uterus:

  • Eating is prohibited at least two hours before the procedure;
  • you should cleanse your intestines several hours before the session, and your bladder before it;
  • carry out hygienic treatment of the genitals;
  • performed on a special table, or in a gynecological chair, in a knee-elbow position;
  • The doctor treats the genitals with an antiseptic;
  • movements are made with two hands - one is located on the stomach and massages it, and the second is in the uterine cavity;
  • After the end of the session, it is useful to lie on your stomach for 12-15 minutes.

Gynecological massage for a girl who is not sexually active is performed through the rectum.

The full course includes at least 10 sessions, with an initial duration of 5 – 10 minutes, but the duration gradually increases. In some cases, treatment may last several months. The frequency of sessions is daily or every other day. During the procedure, it is necessary to protect yourself, as there is a possible risk of ectopic pregnancy, and try to avoid intimate contacts during treatment.

Home manipulation

Although there are developed self-massage techniques, experts do not recommend performing female gynecological manual massage at home on your own, since not even every specialist is able to do it correctly.

Gynecological massage at home, possible in the form of Kegel exercises or Norbekov automassage. But even in these cases, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. For example, Kegel exercises have several techniques, and massage according to Norbekov is a complex of actions, the result depends on the correct execution of which and the psychological mood of the woman. Using these techniques, the possibility of infection or injury to the genital organs is eliminated.

Where is gynecological massage performed? It is carried out in a specialized gynecological or reproductive clinic, in a antenatal clinic, in the gynecological department of a multidisciplinary hospital or diagnostic center. The manipulations are performed by an obstetrician-gynecologist or a nurse under his supervision.

If there are indications for it, the procedure can have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. This is a gentle method, without the use of medications. The greatest effect is achieved in a combination of procedures and physiotherapy.

Massage is an extremely useful procedure that can lift a person back to his feet (sometimes literally) after a variety of health problems. Everyone has heard about massage. But it is unlikely that you have encountered such a type of massage as gynecological massage before this moment. It was developed in the mid-20th century by Major Touré Brant and was originally called “gynecological gymnastics.”

Since the major did not have a medical education, he spent 7 years proving the effectiveness of the developed method. Initially, it was successfully used abroad, but was soon forgotten with the development of new technologies. However, our doctors have again begun to practice this method of treating women's diseases. Currently, massage is successfully used in the treatment of many gynecological problems. Below we will consider its benefits, indications, contraindications and technique.

What are the benefits of gynecological massage?

Currently, many women are forced to lead a less than active lifestyle, which negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system. As a result, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted, which provokes congestion, muscle weakness and inflammatory processes. In addition, the uterus, as a muscular organ, also requires stimulation in the form of massage. Massage is especially useful if the uterus is positioned incorrectly, there are kinks and muscle tone is lost. Massage can correct all these problems. It helps eliminate diseases of the female genital organs and improve their functioning, thereby increasing the chances of conception. Thus, in a certain way, gynecological massage even treats infertility if it is caused by reasons that it can eliminate.

So, gynecological massage has the following effect:

  • Improved blood circulation, which helps saturate the body's cells with oxygen and stimulates the functioning of the pelvic organs, as well as lymphatic drainage.
  • Increasing muscle tone, correcting problems such as organ displacement.
  • Normalization of bladder and even bowel function.
  • Resorption of adhesions, if they have occurred, or prevention of their occurrence. It is adhesions that often become the cause of infertility.
  • Dispersion of unnecessary fluid (remnants of infiltrates) in the tissue near the uterus, appearing after inflammatory diseases.
  • Normalization of the condition of the ovaries.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Disappearance of menstrual pain, reduction of irritability. Moreover, after a massage a woman feels more active and cheerful.
  • Increased appetite.

As you can see, the benefits of massage are enormous. Gynecological massage can relieve a woman of many reproductive problems, allowing her to conceive and successfully carry a baby.

What are the indications for gynecological massage?

Massage can be prescribed for both prevention and treatment purposes. For the purpose of prevention, it is prescribed for physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle) and for faster recovery after surgical interventions on the reproductive organs and childbirth.

It is also prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in the fallopian tubes that occur chronically, for the treatment of adhesions and edema, for disruptions in the menstrual cycle (painful or absent menstruation, menopause), in the complex treatment of infertility, insufficient strength of the uterine muscles or abnormal position of the uterus, with its fibrosis, prolapse of the pelvic organs and vaginal walls. True, reproductive specialists claim that this type of massage cannot help with adhesions and needs to be treated

What are the contraindications to gynecological massage?

  • Varicose veins in the pelvic area.
  • Menstruation.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • A congenital anomaly of the uterus is its incorrect position.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Pregnancy or suspicion of it, as well as lactation period.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Tuberculosis of the genital organs.

You should also not do massage if less than two months have passed since surgery or abortion. Massage should not be performed if a woman begins to feel acute pain before or during the procedure.

How is gynecological massage performed?

It is important that the massage is performed by a qualified doctor who knows the technique of this massage or, at worst, by a midwife or nurse who is well acquainted with the structure of the pelvic organs. But it is important that the session is supervised by a doctor, since acute inflammation of a chronic disease can begin at any moment. It is also important to conduct an examination every 5-6 sessions to assess the dynamics of treatment and monitor the body’s response to massage. The patient should be placed on a special chair equipped with a bolster, armrests and movable leg supports. During the procedure, the massage therapist should act on the desired points gently and painlessly, massaging the abdomen with one hand and the vagina and pelvic organs with the other.

The first session does not last long - from 3 to 15 minutes. Subsequently, the duration can be increased. The duration of the course of treatment is purely individual - from 10 to 40 or even 60 sessions. On average, 20 sessions are often prescribed, which are carried out daily or every other day. After finishing the session, lie for 10-15 minutes on your stomach or in the knee-elbow position. Before the doctor proceeds directly to the massage itself, it is important to conduct a preparation session, during which he will teach the patient to completely relax the muscles (which is very important for a deeper effect) and to breathe correctly.

What should you consider when performing a gynecological massage?

  • During a massage, it is better to refuse sexual activity or use protection, since it is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • The intestines should not be full - let at least two hours pass before the last meal.
  • Empty your bladder immediately before the procedure.
  • During the massage, the patient should not feel any discomfort - pain, stretching or pressure.
  • To make the results more impressive, lie on your stomach several times a day for 15 minutes every day for 1-2 months. You can also sleep on your stomach at night, which will help correct the abnormal position of the uterus. In addition, doctors recommend combining massage with light gymnastic exercises.
  • Gynecological massage is also aimed at improving the psychological state of a woman, for example, after removal of the ovaries or other similar operations. It is the woman’s psyche that suffers first, which also negatively affects her well-being.

Is it possible to cure infertility with gynecological massage?

Often, the causes of infertility are several factors that one gynecological massage is unlikely to remove. Of course, in complex treatment it will give a positive result if one of the causes can actually be eliminated with its help.

Gynecological massage is rightfully considered one of the most effective and efficient versions of the treatment of female ailments, when repeated, a whole program of influence on intimate tissues is reproduced. Such classic elements of the procedure as stroking, light pressure, stretching, light pressure, moving or gentle friction will certainly guarantee positive changes in terms of health.

Moreover, according to experts, significant transformations take place not only in the tissues themselves, which are subjected to massage, but also spread to neighboring organs, and at the same time are reflected in a good way throughout the woman’s entire body.

The essence of gynecological massage in practice

It is important to immediately emphasize that with a professionally performed session, arterial blood circulation significantly improves, and venous congestion, on the contrary, is reduced to the required norm, cell function is stimulated and protein breakdown is enhanced. It also accelerates the absorption of fat and increases overall metabolism - such changes become the main reason why the fair sex decides to resort to a similar approach.

In addition, an experienced massage script simultaneously affects the flow of lymph and promotes the absorption of exudative fluid: it accumulates in the organs and tissues of the pelvis and needs to be carefully dispersed.

In this case, adjacent inflammatory infiltrates usually become much softer than their typical state (especially near compacted adhesions), gradually decrease and, ultimately, resolve, promising good health.

In parallel with such large-scale help, the activity of the liver and kidneys is put in order, the pulse becomes fuller, gas exchange does not cause discomfort during the day. Gynecological massage has a significant impact on adjacent areas of the body, that is, it affects most muscles and all pelvic organs, even affecting the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, it is a well-known and important therapeutic nuance for infantilism, congestion, improperly located organs or inflammation.

As a rule, this therapy is rarely used as a preventive measure and is distinguished by clearly defined goals and the chosen technique.

How is professional gynecological massage performed?

Having set as its goal to quickly eliminate inflammation and increase the chance of becoming a mother for women of reproductive age, the described technique has not yet gained mass popularity, but is in demand in small circles. However, this nuance is a plus, since among the small number of offers, it is much easier to find a real specialist in this field. After all, it is the choice of an experienced massage therapist that sets the tone for the entire therapy, guaranteeing the safety of the patient herself and a positive outcome.

Equally important is the preparation of the optimal place: a gynecological chair with a well-adjustable tilt and footrests. In order to take a comfortable position and not feel tension during the procedure, the woman should sit at the edge, spread her legs and rest them on the footrests - almost repeating the standard examination position. During the session, you should lie calmly and relaxed, and if there is sudden pain, do not twitch and immediately report the discomfort to the doctor.

For example, with retroflexion, pain may manifest itself during palpation (due to rapid heartbeat) and this is a common situation for beginners; you need to be prepared for it, making sure that it does not develop into panic.

According to the classical scheme, the doctor performs the necessary manipulations with both hands: one acts on the body from the inside, from the vagina, the other should support the process from the outside, making stroking movements on the stomach.

Use special ointments and creams

You will also need a special ointment or cream, which is used to lubricate the index and middle fingers of one hand (those that control the massage through the pelvic cavity). Here you need to be extremely careful when it comes to the uterus, especially if the lady suffers from a diagnosis of displacement, or in the presence of scars and adhesions. In parallel with soft stroking, the second hand should make massaging movements on the skin along the abdominal cavity.

It is not recommended to lubricate the fingers of this brush, so as not to reduce the sensation of touch - a representative of the fair sex should feel them and determine whether they are pleasant or cause discomfort, and whether it is worth changing the rhythm. The specialist must act with extreme caution around the urethra and clitoris, as areas with increased tactility.

Depending on the approved format of female diseases and the intended goals of gynecological massage, the technique itself differs. In particular, initial procedures usually last from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the patient's ability to adapt to the new approach. Afterwards, you can gradually increase the strength and time frame of each visit: on average, it lasts about 10 minutes.

Don't forget about your well-being

It is worth remembering that during the session it is necessary to constantly monitor the well-being and mood of the patient, her ability to correctly perform breathing exercises (partial duplication from childbirth) and relax the abdominal muscles. In addition, the woman should come already partially prepared for the upcoming procedure - no faster than 2 hours after eating.

It is advisable to empty the intestines a few hours in advance, and the bladder - even closer to the hour, starting with a massage, and the professional’s duties include treating the genitals with an antiseptic solution.

According to reviews, sometimes it takes a much longer period to get the desired effect. But in any case, the result will meet your expectations and more than compensate for the inconveniences experienced: the woman will finally be able to get pregnant, will feel great, her metabolism will return to normal, and sensitivity will improve during sexual intercourse.

The whole course is selected individually each time and can last from 2 weeks to 2-3 months in total, and at night you can sleep on your stomach. And after the gynecological massage procedure, the lady should rest for at least 10-15 minutes on her stomach.

At the same time, it is optimal to combine the sessions planned for the future with physiotherapy and osteopathic effects (meaning visceral therapy, colon massage). Experienced doctors emphasize that correcting the correct position of the uterus is facilitated by properly selected gymnastic exercises and frequent visits to the bladder toilet (after about 2-3 hours).

Details of gynecological massage according to Norbekov

If you follow Norbekov in the rules of execution, then the anlogy of automassage will cover not so much the physiological points of influence on the organs of the female body, but the psychological side of preparation. In other words, here the patient should not pay attention to the small pelvis indirectly, but rather try to convince herself that she is completely healthy. But even in such a simple version it is impossible to do without special exercises that are necessary to create the proper stimulus for the muscles of the uterus.

If we draw a parallel with the traditional form of massage, the progress of which must be monitored by a qualified gynecologist, a simplified version of mental influence can be performed at home and without the participation of unnecessary people. It will be much better if a woman does not have to trust someone else, because according to Norbekov’s method, she must complete the main stages of self-hypnosis in private.

Main tasks during massage

In particular, the main task of a person who seeks to put her health in order and improve the quality of the intimate sphere of her life is to learn to trust herself and at the same time carefully study all facets of her own body, both “from the inside” and physically. If we consider massage as a whole, it perfectly improves the tone of the tissues of the pelvic and abdominal cavity, and allows you to put the general condition of the patient in order.

For example, increase the level of performance, reduce irritability and acute reactions to stress, help cope with pain, maintain appetite, protect sound and restful sleep, monitor the functionality of the intestines and bladder.

Indications and contraindications for

As with any form of health care, gynecological massage was developed primarily for a narrow range of diseases. For specific diagnoses, the intervention of a specialist is not just an additional recommendation, but an obligatory step to eliminate unpleasant sensations. So, the following points may be prerequisites for starting:

  • disturbed position and displacement of the uterus;
  • advanced inflammation processes;
  • problems with uterine tissue;
  • disruptions in the peritoneum covering the internal genital organs;
  • periodic pain in the sacrum, coccyx, near the uterus or ovaries;
  • backward bend (initial stage of prolapse and prolapse from the vagina);
  • congenital inferiority (amenorrhea, infertility);
  • functional deficiencies of intimate organs;
  • defects in the structure of the ligamentous apparatus and pelvic floor.

But in addition to the prerequisites, there are completely different details. Every woman should remember a short list of contraindications that place a taboo on gynecological massage and include:

  • acute diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • gonorrhea and tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins;
  • tumors of intimate organs;
  • it's time to get pregnant.

According to practice, with the proper approach and the complicity of a professional, the effect really lives up to all expectations and allows you to put in order not only your health, but also your sex life in the shortest possible time. Therefore, approach the issue of choosing and planning a course as carefully as possible - only with the right organization will you be able to fully achieve the expected results.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon