Women's intuition for cheating on her husband. Signs of cheating husband in his behavior

Orthodox mothers, which of you had to face a choice: honestly the first to leave a husband who does not love, or continue to live with him for the sake of a child, parents who have invested all their hopes and a lot of money in your life together (everything that they have accumulated)?
Despite the fact that traditionally he did not do terrible things? Didn't change physically, didn't beat, didn't drink?
I acted dishonorably, dishonestly - I read his mail. He is corresponding with a woman in Ukraine. The tone of the letters is gentle, touching and... absolutely unbearable for me, the "lawful wife"... When I did this for the first time, I was still pregnant. I didn’t want to and couldn’t hide the fact that I read the letters, I laid out everything for him at once. His reaction is quite understandable - he shouted for a long time and fairly. At first I tried to talk calmly, but then I roared into three streams, and naively thought that I could count on a minimal understanding. Minimal - because I am well aware of the vileness of my actions. He continued to scream. I got hysterical. All I heard was "Calm down, you're disturbing my sleep" and "Calm down, you'll wake up the child"... That was it. Then we were able to talk. He explained that he had no feelings for a woman that went beyond the limits of decency (I wonder how he knew where these very limits were?), that he would no longer address her so frankly "sweetheart" and in general it was a joke ... And all communication with her is based on interest in creativity.
We made something like an agreement - I don’t go into the mail anymore, he holds back the tone in the letters ...

Then there was no time to sort things out - my child died (I wrote about it)

After a while, a strong feeling reappeared that something was wrong ... (this same feeling made me get into my husband’s correspondence for the first time) ... I broke my promise (which is triple disgusting) and saw again “dear. .. I miss you... it's a pity that we didn't meet... I want to read you poetry and so on and so forth..." He broke his promise first.

Lately I've been getting only everyday life, work (this is good) and its consequences of his fatigue (usually irritated screams). To her - talk about creativity and the tenderness in which he denies me, invitations to meet and walk around museums and cafes. (I ask for the same thing without success).

And not only in these letters is it: he is not even able to just talk to me - he breaks down and screams. In my experience, this is the usual behavior of a man who no longer loves, but is aware of his duty and does not want the trouble of divorce. And why get divorced? He is quite satisfied with both gentle correspondence and family. It hurts and hurts me, it’s me who feels crushed, it’s me who for a month (year) asks me to at least go somewhere together ...

What should a woman who is not too correct, but with attempts at Orthodoxy, do? Pray. About what? For a husband to love again? You won't be forced to be nice... About not writing letters? Yes, against the background of betrayal, drinking and everything that others have, this is ugh, it’s even funny. Beaten wives of walking husbands can spit in my face and say that I am mad with fat. And it will be true - when compared with the worst, the problem does not exist ...

But for me it is, and pretending that everything is in order will no longer work. Do you need to pretend? Do I need to turn inside out, smiling through tears, so as not to upset my daughter and parents? What do the right people do? Live not for joy, but for conscience? could be so. Get used to, close your eyes and continue to go with the flow?

But is this what God wanted when he blessed marriages? I will make a reservation: I myself am far from an angel and not an innocent victim. Many times I acted vilely, stupidly and all sorts of things ... And now, most likely, I get what I deserve. The question is not what it is for me. There is always something for. Question: what to do next?

I can live without him. I will cry, worry, and so on, but I will live. My arms, legs, head are intact, I have a daughter, I will find a job, I will be able to convince my parents that it is better this way ... In marriage, first of all, trust is important for me. If not, who needs such a marriage? To me - no. It's crazy to go to bed with your husband, take money from him, take care of him, knowing that he doesn't call me "cute" at all. And at the same time, I repeat, I did not physically change. And this is his MAIN argument ... When I hear this, there is a clear feeling of a madhouse: either I'm crazy, or his landmarks have shifted ...

My husband is a good person. A talented, kind, emotional, good father ... But he knows how to hide his feelings badly: this manifests itself more and more clearly every time: not the slightest desire to comfort when I cry, not to listen when I talk about something important for both of us, and a lot of things - to list - I don't want to whine.

I want to collect things, my daughter and honestly leave him alone, start from scratch. Not needed - and not necessary. But there is nowhere to go, I haven’t earned any money yet, I haven’t sent my daughter to kindergarten (and I won’t give it away yet!) And the notorious “clean slate” is not serious. It's stupid, to put it simply.

Is there a way out here other than a solemn exodus from the house? Talking to him is useless. Screams pointlessly and all. I understand him - personal letters are bad to read. But, having shouted, it is possible to discuss everything seriously, right? Ah, no, you can't. Get out, I want to sleep. That's the whole conversation.

The worst thing is that it's up to me to decide anyway. Still my life. But if someone passed by and knows what it's like to realize that half of yours is no longer yours - tell me at least in which direction to move? In the temple they will say: pray, fool. and it is right.

And what else to do?

All young girls, marrying a loved one, dream of a happy life together. Choosing a certain man as her chosen one, a woman expects from him not only the manifestation of deep feelings, but also devotion. Signs of a husband's infidelity in behavior are not always noticeable to the wife, especially if the marriage lasts more than three to five years.

Signs of cheating husband on video:

Most often, girls not only do not notice the hidden evidence of the presence of a mistress in the life of their husband, but also purposefully ignore them. Every woman subconsciously seeks to idealize her partner, turning a blind eye to all his shortcomings. Cheating husband for any woman is a heavy blow, affects her self-esteem and makes her suffer.

The longer the couple's marriage lasts, the more unexpected the news of infidelity can become for the wife: sometimes even exemplary family men who have been faithful for many years go into all serious trouble.


Having learned about the betrayal of a man, a woman usually looks for the reasons for the betrayal in herself. She cannot find an explanation for the sudden change in her once beloved husband and tries to find a clue by analyzing herself and family life in general.

It may be a comfort to many women who have been left by their husbands to know that physiological causes are usually the reason for the breakup of a marriage.

Men are by nature quite polygamous, which is explained by the subconscious desire to leave the maximum number of offspring after themselves. And if women direct their efforts to the birth and upbringing of children, then many men begin to look for new chosen ones to continue their kind.

Often for a strong half of humanity, the fact of treason is not an unforgivable offense. They can explain such behavior by the instincts inherent in them by nature itself.

But there can be several physiological factors:

  • The desire to leave the maximum number of offspring. Here it should be understood that for this a man must have children from different women;
  • The search for a younger, and therefore healthier, chosen one for conceiving a child;
  • The desire to have a young companion is explained by the desire to be a leader in comparison with other men.

Sometimes if the wife still begins to notice the first signs of her husband's infidelity, she should take into account male physiology and try to talk with her husband. Perhaps the moral principles and correct behavior of a woman can keep a man from further wrong steps.


Another common reason for a spouse's betrayal can be considered monotony in family life. It affects both the sexual relations of partners, and relationships in general. Often bored life "kills" romance in a marriage union, turns every day into a boring routine.

Typically, such crises occur after the birth of children, when a woman is completely absorbed in household chores. Caring for a child and housekeeping takes more and more time: a man begins to receive less attention, feels unnecessary.

It is at such moments that most husbands begin to look for new relationships on the side. This does not mean at all that he stopped loving his wife, rather, he wants to feel needed again.

Sexual dissatisfaction

For almost all men, sexual relations play an important role in marriage. Dissatisfaction in intimate life often leads men to think about cheating. At the same time, the spouse may love his wife quite strongly, but gradually the satisfaction of sexual needs begins to come to the fore.

Perhaps the long years of marriage dulled feelings, and the wife completely stopped monitoring her attractiveness: worn household items, non-sexual underwear and monotony in bed. Of course, a man wants to relive the thrill of sensations in bed and he begins to look for that woman who is ready to give him such an opportunity. The reason for cheating can be not only rare sex, but also boredom in bed. Habitual postures and insufficient emotionality and sensuality of a woman begin to dissatisfy a man. A wife may refuse to have sex with her husband due to fatigue or unwillingness, while the husband takes the refusal personally and feels unwanted.

Looking for new sensations

To find out how to determine the betrayal of her husband, the signs should indicate his disinterest in his wife. The monotony of family life pushes a man in search of a woman who will brighten up his life. The new chosen one always attracts with the mystery and novelty of the relationship. Such a woman is often unavailable, she awakens a hunter in a man, turns him into a conqueror.

The most familiar qualities of a wife in a new mistress can look like dignity, amaze with novelty. Each meeting of lovers is always filled with romance and passion, while the wife seems to her husband a "read book": her actions and words are easy to predict.

The main signs or reason to think

When feelings between spouses begin to cool down, a woman may notice some oddities in her husband's behavior. It is not always possible to notice the appearance of a mistress in a man in time, but there are 10 signs that can indicate adultery.

5 signs in the video:

To recognize infidelity, it is not at all necessary to find all the points. Sometimes it is enough to notice one clear sign in order to think about the relationship with your husband.

1. Appearance

Usually married men do not pay much attention to their appearance. Sometimes wives even have to remind their spouse of certain things: shave in time or change a shirt.

One of the most alarming signs that means the presence of a mistress is the unusual desire of the husband to look more attractive. It could be buying a new perfume or updating your wardrobe. A man begins to carefully monitor his appearance: he often shaves, keeps things clean, and changes socks in time.

This behavior during betrayal is easy to explain: he wants to look irresistible to conquer a new woman. A man tries to show off his dignity and makes every effort to do so. The cheater, previously indifferent to his appearance, suddenly carefully selects his wardrobe, monitors hygiene.

He may even have new preferences in clothing: an unloved shirt suddenly becomes an indispensable thing. This option is possible if the mistress expresses approval of any part of the wardrobe: a flattered man will give preference to her, even if he did not like her before.

2. Smell

Any woman knows how to expose her husband in treason by a changed smell. New notes of aroma emanating from the husband who came home from work should seriously alert the spouse. A woman's sense of smell is often much sharper, so the wife can easily detect a change in scent.

It is not at all necessary for the cheater to smell of women's perfume: a man can also change his perfume in accordance with the preferences of his mistress. It is also possible that the usual aroma of men's cologne is complemented by unfamiliar notes and only partially changes its smell.

The most sensitive women can detect changes in a man's body odor. This is not about perfumed products, but about a natural aroma. Intimacy with another woman may well change him.

Body odor can also fluctuate depending on nutrition or illness, but in most cases the wife will be able to distinguish it from suspicious. Such changes are especially felt during sexual intimacy with her husband. A woman who suspects her husband of treason must definitely pay attention to this.

3. Delays at work

In order to have a mistress, any man must have free time. Usually, husbands have a rather monotonous schedule that does not change for a long time: the daily routine is always the same, returning home from work occurs at a certain time.

Frequent and inexplicable delays in the service can serve as a reason for the wife's concern. The main symptom in such cases is that incidents that prevent you from returning home on time occur quite often. These can be quite logical explanations: the car broke down, the boss called, helped a friend ... But if the number of such situations increases, the wife should check her husband for the presence of a mistress.

Usually, after such incidents, the husband returns home tired, but in a good mood. He won't go into small details, but his story as a whole may look quite believable. You can learn about the fact of treason only by checking his actions through the acquaintances whom he mentioned in his story. But most often, a man's friends come to his rescue and are always ready to confirm the story of their friend. And for example, a call to work during his “finishing the report” can give out a traitor.

4. Rare sex

When a husband has a mistress, the need for the caress of his wife quickly disappears. If the spouse began to notice that the feelings of a man are fading, and the sexual life has gone to zero, she should think about the appearance of another woman in the life of her chosen one.

Usually, a satisfied husband motivates his unwillingness to fulfill his marital duty by tiredness after work, tension and a desire to sleep. A man can easily refuse intimacy, even if his wife meets him in luxurious underwear with perfect makeup and a smile. If he has no problems with potency, a woman needs to think about the reasons for such behavior. Perhaps the spouse is really tired at work. But if such a situation is repeated constantly, the reason for such behavior should be found.

Another option is purely mechanical insensible sex. A man may not refuse intimacy with his wife, but he will do this with an effort, as if bearing a duty. A woman can easily notice his unkindness and desire to go to bed as soon as possible.

5. Behavior

If we talk about what signs can be used to determine the infidelity of her husband, then a fairly obvious manifestation of infidelity can be unusual behavior. It can be expressed in a sharp change in mood. A man can be in a great mood without any reason: this becomes especially noticeable in husbands who are not inclined to show feelings. Leaving for work can make him happy, and the upcoming weekend at home, on the contrary, upset him.

An unsuspecting woman may be surprised by her husband's mood swings. Arriving home after a working day, he is cheerful enough, but the slightest question or phrase from his wife can upset him.

Sometimes a man may feel an inner sense of guilt towards his wife, which often leads to irritability. At such moments, the cheater is looking for excuses for himself and is in a hurry to find the reasons for the betrayal in the shortcomings of his wife. There are also completely opposite situations: the husband is trying his best to make amends and behaves unnecessarily caring and gentle. This is especially pronounced in relation to children: the father becomes kind, allows you to do what was previously forbidden, buys toys and sweets.

If the wife began to notice such unusual behavior, one should not prematurely rejoice at the sensible husband. Perhaps this is just a consequence of his deception.

6. Increasing costs

Another way to convict a husband of treason is to calculate his expenses. Of course, not every wife can find out about all the expenses of her husband without his knowledge. Many husbands reserve the right to spend part of their wages as they see fit. But if, nevertheless, the family budget suffers noticeably, a woman needs to think about where her husband spends money.

Having a mistress in a man's life always comes with a cost. And if the wife no longer requires gifts and surprises, then the young chosen one may well wish for new clothes and flowers for herself. Even trips around the city will cost more due to the waste of gasoline.

The husband himself will explain these expenses with various fines at work, salary cuts. He might make up stories about a car breakdown and expensive parts, or raising money for a colleague's birthday. And the more often such situations occur in the life of a spouse, the more seriously the wife should take this.

7. Stealth

If a previously sociable and talkative spouse suddenly begins to show secrecy and becomes silent, it is worth thinking about the reasons for this behavior.

A man who has a mistress, most likely, will not share his impressions of the past day with his wife: he will keep silent about small news at work and forget to tell about meeting with friends. After a pleasant pastime with another woman, he will no longer feel the need to communicate with his wife. All the usual talk about family life becomes uninteresting to him.

Signs of a cheating husband in behavior are also visible in hiding social media accounts. If earlier a wife could access her husband's page without any problems, now it is impossible to do this: the husband will definitely change the password.

This also includes the reluctance to leave your phone unattended. Any call or SMS makes him worry and go to another room. He does not want to talk on the phone in the presence of his wife, he reads messages turned away. At the same time, the phone itself will never be left unattended: a man who has a mistress in his contacts will carry it with him.

8. New habits

A man who spends time with another woman can easily change his habits. For example, taste preferences may change. Perhaps going to a restaurant with a mistress and choosing her dishes will also affect her husband's preferences. Another option: another woman perfectly prepares a certain dish that the man did not like at all before.

Also, a man can change his usual route on transport: his path will lie past the place of residence of the new passion. A wife may notice such changes, for example, when they go to the store together. A man will subconsciously seek to drive past his new lover, even if it takes longer and has to stand in traffic jams.

The most alarming signal can be considered unusual preferences in the husband's sexual life. It is impossible to say what signs of infidelity can be considered absolute, but new positions or certain tactics that did not exist before should arouse suspicion in the wife. Sexual relations with a mistress will definitely leave an imprint on the intimate life of the spouses.

9. Detachment

A sudden detachment and disinterest in wife and home life can be considered a suspicious sign, unless, of course, this is just work fatigue. To reveal the indifference of a husband, it is enough to conduct a simple test for attentiveness: a detached man will not remember even half of your dialogue, all his thoughts are directed in the other direction.

If earlier a married couple happily discussed household issues related to large purchases or raising children, then with the advent of a mistress in a man’s life, such activities lose their relevance for the husband. He gladly shifts the responsibility for solving all household chores to his wife.

A husband may forget significant dates: his wife's upcoming birthday or wedding anniversary. Also, a man becomes forgetful of trifles: he didn’t buy bread on the way home, missed a parent meeting, overdue bills for an apartment.

Relations between spouses become strained: there are no more common topics for conversation, there is no joint leisure. Husband and wife are no longer friends, each of them has their own interests. And if the wife still bears the function of the hostess and does household chores, then the husband does not want to participate in this at all: he is occupied with new surging feelings.

10. Mood and reaction to criticism

Many women ask themselves how to find out about their husband's infidelity. Sometimes it’s enough just to watch your soulmate.

At the end of the working day, he is usually in high spirits, he is still impressed by the new beloved woman. But at the same time, a spouse can easily upset her husband with any trifle: he is annoyed by her shortcomings, which previously seemed to be virtues.

A man who has committed treason at least once usually reacts very painfully to any criticism. It seems to him that his wife underestimates him, does not see his positive qualities and is unnecessarily picky about him. In the head of the traitor, an involuntary comparison of two women takes place: the wife usually loses in all respects. At the same time, a man is ready to buy the favor of his mistress at any cost, while he does not need the dignity of his wife even for free.

Also, a cheating spouse can react quickly to any questions: it seems to him that he is suspected of everything, they distrust him, even if in reality this is not the case. He tries to defend himself despite the fact that his wife may not ask him any questions at all.

Video on the topic of signs of cheating husband:

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Do you know what beginner cheaters burn on? How does their betrayal become apparent? The main signs of betrayal are not at all traces of lipstick on a shirt or SMS from an ardent lover on the phone, as you might think.

Most often, cheaters come across on ... guilt!

With this statement begins a book written by the popular English psychologist Edward Doe (Ed. D.), which he dedicated to all unfortunate deceived husbands, wives, grooms and brides.

His work “Premonition of Treason” is dedicated to the emotional experiences that victims of betrayal face and the signs by which everyone can understand that things are not clean with his half.

treason theory

The general idea is this: the victim of betrayal is only to blame for deceiving himself for too long, while in fact the signs of betrayal are immediately visible and it is very difficult to hide the betrayal.

Even the most arrogant two-faced comrades are still not able to control their behavior by 100%, so if you do not hide your head in the sand, do not be afraid to admit the fact of betrayal and pay attention to signs of betrayal, then you can save your relationship until adultery has become the norm.

fact of betrayal: signs of betrayal

For this, writes Ed. D. you just need to be attentive to your partner and be wary if suddenly, for no reason at all, something began to happen in your life that is very reminiscent of the main signs of betrayal:

unexpectedly increased alertness and concern

Gifts and generosity. Feeling guilty for a mental or real betrayal, a dishonest partner tries to compensate for this in the way available to him. Of course, notes Ed, bouts of caring can happen without such a sad reason, but betrayal, especially in the early stages, is almost always accompanied by such a behavioral manifestation on the part of the cheater.

quarrels out of the blue

Which are initiated by your partner. The feeling of guilt for his actions pushes him to look for excuses that he finds in conflicts.

A quarrel and resentment against the one he is cheating on eases the pangs of conscience - this mechanism very often works as a defense against neurosis, which may be the result of a double life.

“Yes, he offends me all the time, I have every moral right!” - approximately so, according to Edward, the internal conflict of the traitor is compensated.

unexpectedly changed tastes and preferences in music, food, interests

As Edward notes, changing the circle of interests is always tied to close socialization - we adopt hobbies from those with whom we communicate closely.

If there is no visible source of such influence, then there is an invisible one. Easy falling in love especially actively affects the interpenetration of interests - the flirting period is distinguished by an exchange of opinions, tastes and preferences, which should alert any attentive husband or wife.

Photo: Gabi Mulder

upholding the right to privacy and time “for oneself”

Which can manifest itself in different ways: a partner can suddenly go to another room to talk on the phone, a password appears on the mailbox that was not there before, he begins to spend more time alone, etc.

Men who previously implicitly trusted the choice and purchase of clothes to their wives may begin to buy things on their own again, criticizing or not listening to the advice of their wife. Wives may begin to choose and wear things that their husbands clearly do not like, etc.

This is not done out of harm, Ed explains, just a person leading a secret life needs his own territory, which the husband or wife does not penetrate, and after a long relationship, each couple practically does not have such territory. Since the lover is outside the family, the person learns to rebuild that part of himself that will also be outside this family - this is an axiom, Ed insists.

change in speech

Gradually, with the development of relationships on the side, the cheater begins to experience the stress of realizing the fact that he can be caught, and experience deep shame for the whole situation in which he finds himself

He unconsciously tries to compensate for this with a “half-truth” - he avoids answering direct questions, stops speaking the usual phrases about the feelings that each couple develops, tries to communicate exclusively on neutral or everyday topics.

The “paired” jargon, words and phrases that partners come up with for each other are leaving, speech becomes more formal and detached.

allegations of treason

The cheater, trying to compensate for his own moral conflict, transfers the blame to the one he cheats on, aggressively grabbing every reason to suspect cheating. This gives him an illusory hope that he is not alone in committing a moral crime.

feeling of guilt as a reaction to a good attitude towards oneself

Annoyance and attempts to minimize help or self-care, refusal of gifts and courtesies. As Edward writes, the cheater does not need extra proof that he is acting like a pig, and every kind gesture in his direction only increases his internal conflict.

changes in sex

Inattention, cooling, or, conversely, increased activity, previously uncharacteristic behavior in bed, special attention to contraceptives.

trying to avoid talking about the future

Every conversation about plans for the future increases the pressure, as it is unconsciously perceived as a requirement to make a decision here and now. Even if the victim of infidelity is absolutely unaware of what is happening, plans for the future in such a situation are a rather painful topic for the cheater, since his position is very unstable.

increased nervousness

Talking in a dream, sleep disturbances, appetite, irritability, painful reaction to harmless jokes, touchiness, avoidance of mutual friends. And any other manifestations of stress that everyone who leads a double life experiences in one way or another.

The doctor very carefully examines the behavior of the traitor and explains the signs of infidelity, leaving the reader with a strange feeling - whether the author is protecting liars, or, on the contrary, stigmatizing, you won’t understand. However, in the last part of his work, Edward finally explains that there are no guilty and right, and the only purpose of his research is to make the deceived partner understand and feel what the novice cheater is going through.

Do not focus on your feelings of resentment, do not focus on the pain of betrayal, but see your unfaithful partner for who he is - a confused person in a state of stress who has lost his way, is exhausted and most often he himself no longer knows how to return the lost intimacy back.

In the end, a premonition is for that and a premonition to trust him and take action in advance, writes Ed. After all, when it comes to maintaining love and harmony, it is worth being on guard - the stake is already too high.

True, the doc does not say anything about how to forgive and forget betrayal - having understood the wrong partner, it seems that the victim will have to deal with her feelings on her own.

However, "forewarned is forearmed". This old truth has not yet been canceled either, so just for trying to arm the doctor with psychology, you can say thank you.

Good afternoon, dear girls and women! If you are reading this article, then you are concerned about the topic of treason. Yes, most men are polygamous. Sometimes one partner is not enough for them, they are bored, they want new sensations. By the way, why only men? Nothing like this! We poor women have been tortured with stereotypes. A man can. He is male. And we are worse? Think about it at your leisure.

How to 100% find out that your husband is cheating

But today is a little different. According to statistics, more than 80% went to the side at least once. We will not understand why this happens. We will try to determine by calling on the help of psychology and our female observation.

Girls, if you suspect that the faithful has gone on a spree, do not dig, for the sake of everything, in his phone, do not call by numbers and in general, do not lower your dignity. None of them are worth it. You would know how they boast of this to each other.

Smart woman, or 9 signs that her husband is cheating

You can play differently, more cunningly and smartly, as I did. Everything was like nothing, until one day I heard a “strange” conversation of my betrothed on the phone. Doubts crept in. Indeed, I found an SMS with ambiguous content like: "When are you coming back?" Of course she was dumb. I immediately revealed all my cards to him. He got out. I, like a fool, swallowed everything and forgot until the next time.

I decided to turn to a psychologist friend. And what secrets of men she revealed to me. I wouldn't have guessed on my own. But there is nothing difficult in this. A little observation and patience.


So, the first sign of a walking husband is a change in his behavior. It all depends on the character and on the initial relationship. For example, my husband is always so principled, concentrated (everything should always be, as it should be, in its place), he suddenly became somehow lost, absent-minded. I did not attach any importance to this before meeting with a psychologist. And then I looked and I see: something is not right. Some men, on the contrary, immediately, like naughty cats, become kind, trying to make amends.

foreign things

Sign number 2 - you began to find foreign objects in him. And it doesn’t have to be women’s underpants in the glove compartment of his car. Condoms in a secluded place are the main clue (unless you use them, of course). Also hairpin, comb and other women's paraphernalia. I didn't have that.


And here is the third sign. I caught my husband in a banal lie. First one, then another. She didn’t even touch on betrayal, but she lied. Elementary saw his car at the barbershop. I called, I wanted to make a company. I ask: "And where are you?". Answer: "At work". And this, mind you, on the other side of the city. It happened a few more times.

lifestyle, tastes

A very serious sign is when the husband suddenly began to take care of himself more, to lead a healthy lifestyle. Only a lover can inspire this. If you notice such changes in your husband - it's bad! He didn't just go for a walk. He has a relationship. Maybe love. Personally, I noticed only a change in perfume. Well, in principle, the husband looks 100 so. Most likely, the man got someone if he changed his hobbies or tastes in food.

Manifestation of discontent

Dissatisfaction with his wife is also a sure sign of betrayal. This was the last straw for me. I probably would have endured for a long time if my beloved did not begin to compare me with his new woman. Not openly, of course, but I'm not stupid. My hair is bad, and the extra weight has appeared and other shortcomings. Do you know what she did? Think you threw a tantrum. No. I said to him, looking affectionately into his eyes and hiding the tears of resentment (how unbearable it was, but I survived): "I'll fix everything, Serezhenka!"

I cried at night, the next day after work I changed my hairstyle and went to fitness. I have one "flaw" - I do not drink. Or dignity. It's like looking. I would get drunk with my girlfriend, feel sorry for myself, swallow the insult and continue to endure my beloved. But I don't drink. I had to relax in a different way. Maybe you will judge me, dear ladies, but I am talking about my personal experience. I speak as it was. I also made a connection on the side. Not fast. But not for long. Here they say , "a wedge knocks out a wedge." After all, they say exactly. Helped. We are not divorced. This time. We live soul to soul. This is two. Sergei, as he was informed about me, tore and threw. I thought it would go crazy. That's what it means, offended pride. But I didn't stoop to specifically in front of him with another. There was no such thing. I just began to live not for him, but for myself. A man appeared. To be honest, I didn’t even expect that mine would come to its senses, work up. It seemed to me then that they just had unearthly love. And it ended as soon as my husband found out that his wife does not miss him.

About three years have passed since then. I think it was a good lesson for Sergey. He began to appreciate me more. Although jealous now more. But that's his problem. I feel good.

Lack of intimacy

The sixth fact that should alert wives is the lack of sex. Agree, if the husband does not want you, then something is wrong here. If there is an affair on the side, perhaps the husband will not shy away from marital duty. But if there are feelings, you will feel this detachment.

Mood change

Many men after sex with another woman become kind and cheerful , too sociable and affectionate. Your husband has suddenly become a merry fellow. This is not a good signal!


Attitude to personal things and especially to the phone, laptop. Previously, the faithful threw the phone anywhere. And then all of a sudden he always carries it with him. Startled by random texts and calls. She leaves to talk to another room. Interrupts the conversation if you enter. It is sometimes impossible to get through to your husband for several hours in a row. This is an alarm. Surely there is something.

Stealth, frequent absences

Another sign of infidelity is sitting online for a long time, minimizing the screen, various passwords in classmates, on the phone. Long absence due to supposedly protracted negotiations, reports, etc.

What should a poor woman do if her husband is cheating?

I want to give you advice. Even if you know for sure that your man is cheating on you, do not cut off your shoulder, but do not let it take its course.

First, you need to be 100% sure that there is treason. Secondly, before you pounce on your loved one with reproaches, sit down and think in a cold head why this happened. It's hardly his fault. Maybe you made a mistake somewhere. You need to understand your relationship sincerely. Do not yell at your husband, do not follow him, do not involve others (especially children) here, but sit down and ask: what has ceased to satisfy him in you.

Possible options

  • The first option - I wanted to try something new . It happens. Most likely, this is a passing hobby. Forgive him!
  • The second option is the character of the man. They say about such people: "The grave will fix the humpbacked one." This is a potential bully. He will change, even if now he swears and rolls at his feet. To forgive such a person and turn a blind eye to his adventures is the most terrible way out. But thousands of families live like this. .
  • The third option is love. Unfortunately, it happens. The best way out in this case is to let go. Otherwise, all his life later, he will openly and unofficially consider you the culprit of all his personal failures. Maybe in a couple of months, when the feelings wear out, he will come running to you, tail between his legs. But that will be another story. Now it's better to let go.

Sincerely, Antonina Alekseevna, 33 years old.

What to do if there are thoughts about the betrayal of a man? They say women feel betrayal. When should you trust your female intuition?

Read right now:

1. Why does a woman feel a betrayal of a man?
2. How does female intuition work?
3. Thoughts of betrayal - is it female intuition or fear?
4. What to do if you feel cheating?

Why does a woman feel betrayed by a man?

Love, romance, flowers, hugs, kisses, great sex - all these are attributes of a happy relationship between a man and a woman. But what to do if suddenly there are thoughts about the betrayal of a man? Should I brush aside or trust my female intuition 1 ?

Even if there is no evidence, but stubborn instinct says otherwise, it is worth taking it with all your attention. In no case should female intuition be discounted - this is a powerful extrasensory superpower, which, at times, amazes with its accuracy!

According to research, 85% of women, suspecting a man of infidelity, are right!

How does female intuition work?

Women's intuition, or, as it is commonly called, "sixth sense", works on a subconscious level. This is reading the subtlest energy vibrations of the surrounding space.

If a man is unfaithful, but at the same time tries to behave outwardly, as usual, female intuition will certainly respond to changes in his energy. In this case, even if there are no signs or evidence of infidelity, women feel infidelity, and the sensation causes corresponding thoughts.

Thoughts of betrayal - is it female intuition or fear?

Before you trust your premonitions, you need to clearly understand what thoughts of betrayal are - is it really the voice of intuition, or is it the fear of losing a loved one?

Very often, the fear of losing a partner is accompanied by self-doubt and low self-esteem. There is irritability, discontent, unreasonable jealousy of any woman who just talks to your man, etc.

With this kind of fear, a woman may want to test her partner!

She will want to keep abreast of his affairs, meetings, phone conversations all the time. She may even secretly check his belongings, hoping and, at the same time, afraid, to find evidence of her suspicions.

What should a woman remember?

Groundless doubts and suspicions caused by thoughts that "I'm not good enough, and there are women much more interesting than me" can destroy any, even very strong relationship.

Intuition works differently!

When information comes through the intuitive channel, there is an inner confidence that everything is exactly the way it is, and not otherwise. There is simply knowledge about the betrayal of men, but there is no doubt.

What to do if you feel cheating?

If there are suspicions, but there is no certainty, you should not go on the warpath and accuse your loved one of infidelity. Negative emotions and resentment are not the best helpers.

What is worth doing and what is not?

First, it is better to calm down and put your thoughts in order, otherwise you can rashly say something that you will have to regret later. To get rid of negative thoughts, it is best to use meditation.

In women, the intuitive channel is developed quite well. In a state of trance (deep relaxation), you can turn to your subconscious or Higher Forces with a question, ask for advice and help. The answer will definitely come in the form of an inner voice, thought, awareness, or in the form of some kind of external prompt.

If the thought of cheating on her husband is just the fear of losing him?

In this case, it is worth working on your self-esteem.

Any woman, first of all, should like herself. It is important to know about your virtues, to accept, love and respect yourself, then the attitude of a man will be appropriate.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Intuition - a method of solving problems through a one-time subconscious conclusion, based on imagination, empathy and previous experience, "flair", insight (