Creation of corporate training. Elements of organizing effective e-learning for personnel

Comprehensive corporate training programs for employees

Duration of training: from 28 academic days (8 academic hours each) + development and defense of projects to optimize the company's operations

The purpose of training: provide employees with a "systemic picture" of the business through an overview of the main areas (functions) of company management; raise the level of management culture within the company, develop (coordinate) a common management language


  • Wide range of programs
  • Development of applied projects in the learning process (solution of the current management tasks of the company)
  • Implementation of a training program of any content and duration
  • Implementation of modern management systems (project management, lean manufacturing, etc.) and training accompanying this implementation.
  • Access to a unique resource of full-time teachers IMISP

Training programs for one of the competencies

Duration of training: 4-12 academic days (8 academic hours each)

Number of employees enrolled in the program: from 10 people

The purpose of training: develop the competencies of functional managers in one of the areas of company management by presenting modern management tools and technologies


  • The program is adapted to the specific tasks of the company
  • The content of the courses in the program is complemented by industry content
  • Getting feedback on learning outcomes
  • The format and time of training are set as convenient as possible for the company.

Trainings and seminars for employees

Duration of training: 2-3 academic days (8 academic hours each).

Number of employees enrolled in the program: from 8 people.

The purpose of training: increase the managerial (supra-functional) competence of managers, work out "soft" management skills, technologies for managing subordinates and oneself (self-management), develop creative potential, strengthen team spirit.


  • Diagnostics, then training of employees to achieve specific tasks
  • Implementation of modern project management systems, lean manufacturing, etc.
  • The content of the courses is adapted to the specific tasks of the company, supplemented by industry content
  • A wide range of programs from complex (formation of knowledge and skills in all aspects of management) to specialized (specific management tools in a short training format)

Corporate training can take place both on the territory of the IMISP business school,
and on the territory of the Customer in any region of Russia and the CIS.

Examples of corporate projects


  • Improve the quality of management in the Group of Companies
  • Achieve a clear client-oriented understanding of the main functions of the manager, namely, the elements of benefit, the value that everyone brings by their activities to the company, to its results and to their clients
  • Master modern tools and approaches in management, develop competencies and resources involved in direct actions, managerial work processes
  • Implement improvement projects in the Group of Companies under the guidance of IMISP tutors


IMISP offered a comprehensive executive training program "Development of Conscious Leadership in Group Leaders". The training was implemented on the basis of the strategic objectives of the business and the competency model of the MegaMade Group of Companies, as well as the evaluation of training participants using the Assessment Center method. The composition of the program consisted of 3 components: Study sessions (9 * 2 daily modules on 9 topics. 1 module - 1 time per month), Assessment sessions and Projects for significant improvements in the company based on the principles of the Blue Ocean Strategy.


  • Based on the results of the program implementation, the leaders of the Group of Companies mastered modern tools and approaches in management, developed their own managerial competencies, which was confirmed by the results of the evaluation session
  • Under the guidance of IMISP tutors, improvement projects were implemented in the Group of Companies, which had a positive impact on the final annual business results


  • Form a unified system management knowledge
  • Development of personal managerial competencies of future program participants
  • Preparation in the process of training projects to optimize management in the company


IMISP offered a comprehensive training program for managers in a modular program of 10 training modules with feedback at the completion of each module. 1 training module = 2 full days of classes (2 * 8 hours) + final, 11th one-day module ─ presentation of projects to optimize management in the company. The feedback included 100% questioning of the listeners of the next module. The generalized feedback result was presented to the company's management at the end of each module.


  • The development strategy for the North-West division of the group was developed
  • Development of the concept of the development of an online store
  • Modernization of inventory management system
  • Implementation of a cost optimization system


  • To improve the culture of management and expand the managerial worldview of managers
  • Learn the best world practices and apply them in practice in your work
  • Improve the quality of management and decision-making in the company
  • Strengthen leadership potential and increase the return on talent
  • Retain talented employees by motivating them with development opportunities


IMISP offered its vision of the algorithm for achieving the desired result through the implementation of a comprehensive multi-level training program. 10 groups of students were trained on different "tracks" of the program, ≈70% of those who started classes completed their studies. The training was based on the Uralkali competency model, assessment of candidates for the talent pool using the Assessment Center method, 360-degree assessment for top managers, as well as the motivated opinion of the participants in the training program and the CEO (based on the goals and objectives of the unit or company).


According to the results of a comprehensive multi-level assessment based on learning outcomes, conducted by IMISP in conjunction with the HR Directorate of Uralkali, based on learning outcomes, the company reached the target results that should have been achieved.


  • Develop a regulatory and methodological framework for managing the Company's projects
  • To train the Company's specialists in the basics of project management according to a specialized curriculum
  • Develop pilot projects during training


  • An analysis of project relations in the Company was carried out
  • A review and selection of the best industry and global project management practices was made
  • Analysis and decision-making on the management model took place in an interactive mode, taking into account the opinions of all stakeholders of the Company
  • Development of documentation, training, initiation of pilot projects, use of document templates in activities took place simultaneously in order to accelerate the progress of the project


  • A diagnostic was carried out and a detailed diagnostic report was proposed on the situation with asset management and projects in the Company
  • Several options for the project management model of various types are proposed (5 types in total)
  • Developed a set of project management documentation
  • More than 100 key employees of the Company were trained in the basics of project management and corporate standards for project management
  • Conditions have been created for the functioning of the Project Committee
  • Project Office established
  • Terms of reference for the implementation of a corporate information management system for project management (IMS PM) have been developed
  • Proposed a plan for further action to implement a corporate project management system

Highly professional teachers-practitioners

All IMISP teachers are carefully selected when developing a corporate training program. Many teachers are MBA IMISP graduates of previous years. The main criterion for inclusion in the team of teachers is business knowledge, the ability to generalize this knowledge, connect it with theory and convey it to the audience.

Reviews of our Customers

  • Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, Acting General Director

  • OTIS, Director of Production and Marketing

  • GOBUZ "MOKB named after P.A. Bayandin", Chief Physician

  • PULKOVO, Deputy HR Director, Head of the Corporate University

  • L.E. Peksheva,
    Burger King, HR Director, Northwestern Federal District

  • A.G. Mikhailov,
    TD Megapolis LLC, Executive Director

  • OJSC "Petersburg Mill Plant", General Director

  • Association "EnergoSoyuz", President

  • AO Hekla, General Director

  • CJSC Achimgaz, Head of Project Management Department

  • OOO Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, General Director

  • OOO Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk, General Director

  • OOO Gazprom dobycha Yamburg, Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Social Development

  • CJSC Gazpromneft-aero, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance

  • Head of the Unified Training Center

  • OJSC Megafon, 1st Deputy Director of the North-Western Branch

  • OJSC Rostelecom, 1st Deputy Director of the macro-regional branch

  • Akros Group, General Director

In the modern world, there are probably no companies that do not know what training is. A huge part of companies know how closed and corporate trainings differ from each other. Why does corporate training exist, what does it contribute to and how does it affect the activities of firms?

In this article you will read:

  • How to understand if a company needs corporate staff training
  • In what form can corporate training be organized?
  • How to control the effectiveness of training
  • How to make sure that the employee does not quit, but works out "training"

Why corporate training is so important

Best Article of the Month

If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

Corporate training- This is a set of measures that is carried out within a separate enterprise and is focused on improving the professionalism of its employees. The training process includes training, as well as various seminars for the management of the enterprise and various events to improve the skills of working as a single team.

The advantage of corporate training is that the specifics of the enterprise's activities are fully taken into account. For example, a telephone sales company requires a different approach than a manufacturing or consulting business. The purpose of corporate training is not a course of theoretical studies, but a real chance to apply all the knowledge gained in practice in given real conditions.

Who in the company needs constant training:

    Sales managers. Be sure to learn new ways and tricks of sales, familiarity with the features of new products and services of your company.

    State of client departments. Be sure to understand the ways of interacting with customers, to understand the information about the goods sold.

    Employees of the legal department, personnel service, accounting department. They get acquainted with innovations in the Labor and Tax Codes, as well as in accounting and financial accounting. The fundamental factor for the successful work of employees of these positions is the availability and application of information that is relevant at a given time.

    New employees. In this case, newcomers will have to get acquainted with the activities of the company from the very beginning, learn its history, prospects, methods of work, and so on.

    Training of operators of automated systems. For example, when changing the operating system in an enterprise or changing an outdated accounting program to a newer one, and so on.

    Destroying stereotypes about corporate training

    1) Corporate training is a tribute to fashion. The Russian way of thinking is inherent in the desire to "be no worse than others" or "be like everyone else." On the one hand, this is not bad, in some ways even good, however, in order to be able to withstand the growing competition, you need to learn how to be original.

    2) The idea of ​​corporate training as a "magic wand". They say that it is enough to conduct corporate training of personnel, and all problems are solved: sales will increase, incomes will increase, the personnel will become devoted, and the company will be successful. And you just need to pay for the services of a training company, that's all. But this is too simple and easy to be true.

    3) Corporate learning is the “medicine for the organization”. Surely many of you put off your health care until later, even when something worries you: there is no time, then there is desire. You turn to the doctor, intending to heal quickly, while not being distracted from work, or at all - run to the pharmacy and buy yourself a “magic pill”. Probably the same thing happens when we try to find “medicines for the company.” The head of the company has neither the time nor the desire to conduct a thorough study of the difficulties that arise, and sometimes it’s scary - you start to figure it out, and there it is. As a result, it happens that the “trainer-doctor” is not provided with all the necessary information, it turns out to be a mess.

    Managers get hired because of the five-day training

    Alexey Kubrak, Head of Corporate Training Department, Arsenaltrading

    Thanks to the well-established training process in the sales department, we were able to train new employees in less time and with less investment. The level of corporate culture has increased due to the excellent preparation of the team, which has a positive impact on the motivation of the staff and, as a result, helps to reduce the turnover of the organization's staff. In addition, the corporate training system has become a significant advantage in the labor market in the fight for worthy candidates. For many employees, the determining factor in choosing our organization was the introductory five-day training. Some companies do not allow newcomers to delve into the affairs of the organization and tell them to immediately begin to fulfill their duties.

    In our organization, in the sales department, one full-time specialist is engaged in the training process, who is also the main business coach, another trainer works part-time. We have allocated and equipped a separate room for training. The very idea of ​​creating a training system was created in a few days, but the formation of its content - a selection of training materials and a system of tests - took much more time, it turned out to be the most time-consuming part of the work. To build a complete unified system, we spent more than a year.

    What is a corporate training system

    The corporate training system (CSE) is an integral part of employee management, a set of specialized measures, solutions and activities that provide:

    orderliness and development of the received information;

    quick assimilation of employees in a new team or in the event of a change of job within the same enterprise;

    regular and effective development of knowledge and skills of the company's employees.

The corporate training system is open to all full-time employees of the organization. The system includes a portfolio of "internal" training and self-development programs for employees, as well as dedicated training programs for "external" partners and contractors.

The most important tasks of the SCO are:

  • formation of an integral system of management and development of knowledge;
  • translation and creation of a unified corporate style, behavior and norms;
  • organization of trainings.

Technologies of work of SKO:

    the sequence and frequency of the entire process of personnel training;

    determination and compliance with all established rules for the selection, evaluation and formation of the company's personnel;

    creation and maintenance of special mechanisms that will help determine the existence of a lack of knowledge and information among employees at a certain point in time;

    management of learning processes, collection of methodological information, evaluation of training, its quality and benefits for the company and employees;

    comparison of the results of assessments with the provided material, search for dependencies;

    open access to all structural divisions to the information of education and trainings;

    the opportunity for management to attend all training events.

The main areas of corporate training in the company are:

    administrative, highly professional and corporate awareness.

    the ability to communicate effectively.

    sales skill.

    know everything about each product of the company.

    know how to effectively own and use information technology.

The head of the personnel management department is responsible for the development and attraction of uniform methods, quality standards and principles for the formation of training courses, assessment, and replacement of existing employees. The head of the personnel training and development department of the personnel management department is responsible for the very idea, development and methodology for creating a corporate training system, builds an algorithm for conducting, determines the content of the type and plans for conducting training in the company based on certain needs. Responsibility for the formation of training, the choice of topics, employees who should be trained, and so on, rests with HR managers.

Corporate training programs are based on plans previously approved by management:

  • representatives of the training department in the company;
  • staff experts of the company;
  • attracted people (outsourcing).

Corporate training of employees in the company: pros and cons

Planning. The educational process and everything connected with it is planned in advance by the employer and, therefore, it is possible to fully control it.

Completeness and scale. Corporate training programs, if necessary, can cover each employee of the company. In addition, this kind of training, as a rule, has an extensive list of positions: these are theoretical classes on various topics, business games and seminars.

Excessive formalization. This type of training requires a large number of different documents - contracts with providers, financial papers, etc. The process of such training itself is also quite formal.

There is no connection with the needs and desires of the staff. As a rule, the opinions of employees are not taken into account when planning and implementing corporate training - it "comes" to them, at the behest of management. The “obligation” of employees is always demotivating, even if they understand the usefulness of such training events.

Corporate training requires considerable expenses for the employer.

What forms of corporate training are distinguished

Staff training usually includes the following steps:

Training before starting work - the employee is provided with relevant information before starting work;

Educational training - the employee studies the specifics of working in the company;

Adaptation - the employee adapts to working conditions;

Increasing the level of professional competencies - continuous learning.

Analyzing the listed forms, we can conclude that each stage requires its own teaching method. For example, training before starting work is the initial briefing of the immediate supervisor, and to increase the level of professional knowledge, more serious training is needed, so the employee is given the opportunity to study at various courses, master classes, lectures, and so on. The duration of such events from a couple of hours to several months.

What are the methods of corporate training

1. A seminar is a form of training in which:

A significant amount of theoretical information is given, including several exercises for practice;

There is an exchange of practical experience and methods of work of the participants.

The advantages of the seminar are:

Discussion of material related to a certain narrow specialization, all incomprehensible points are carefully discussed and explained;

Corporate professional training is carried out by updating and systematizing existing knowledge and information, as well as all the skills and experience in solving various problems, views on the situation, etc.;

It is possible to provide information only to a small group of company employees;

In the process of learning, people share with each other all the knowledge and experience, tell the tricks and secrets of more efficient activities;

In the process of planning seminars and lectures, the schedule proposed by the leader is taken as a basis;

Several seminars and controls can be held in a row if they are connected thematically.

2. Training. The main objective of the training is to analyze the behavior of employees in certain situations, parse it all into parts and improve work skills. Development and improvement of skills is carried out thanks to games, thematic tasks, riddles and more. The amount of information in the trainings is strictly limited, because listeners and participants must fully assimilate the material provided to them. Therefore, during the training, each participant must actively behave and perform the assigned tasks. And for the teacher, it is possible to devote maximum time to the participants only in a small group of employees. That is why the training should be attended by no more than 10-15 people.

Mandatory methods of corporate training, conducting and participating in trainings are:

The activity of the participants in the process is the most important factor, which differs significantly from the activity of a person who is present at a lecture or reading a book. During the training, people are involved in a specially designed situation or game.

Study. The meaning of this activity lies in the search and discovery of new principles and methods of action in various situations. Following this principle, the teacher creates new ideas and situations, for the solution of which employees need to go beyond the usual actions, use the acquired knowledge in practice. For a group of educators, an artificial stressful environment is created in which it is necessary to evaluate all problems and find ways to solve them.

Feedback. Feedback is the best way to evaluate decisions made. It is the coach who must take care of creating the conditions in which feedback will be present. In certain types of training, where it is necessary to assess skills and abilities, suitable tasks are created for this purpose. For example, a task is given and a hidden video recording of an employee's work on a problem, his behavior and actions to solve the problem is turned on, after which this situation is discussed.

Partnership communication is a type of communication that takes into account the goals, desires, opinions and interests of another person. When using this type of communication between employees, the organization of corporate training is based on trust and support. People taking part in training rely on each other, trust and make decisions mutually.

3. Round table (group discussion). In this form, all discussions and analysis of problem situations are held in an open form. Each participant expresses an opinion, after which a collective discussion of proposals takes place. The members of the lesson are equal in status, experience and field of activity. Only the specialist conducting the discussion differs from everyone else. His role is to guide the conversation. All participants in turn put forward their own point of view on the topic of the round table, after which they collectively discuss incomprehensible or controversial points.

A group discussion is only conditionally a form of employee training, because in the process of its implementation, as a rule, employees do not learn, but jointly develop solutions to problems. "Round table" can be the conclusion of the entire training, during which there is a repetition of all acquired knowledge and the theoretical possibilities of applying them in practice. Most often, the number of participants in a group discussion is no more than 10 people.

4. Master class (from the English masterclass: master - the best in any field + class - lesson, lesson) today is one of the most popular forms of advanced training, during which knowledge and experience are exchanged, views on activities expand .

The differences between seminars and master classes are that the master class involves not only the theoretical provision of knowledge, but also practical. Participants can see what the leader is doing visually.

The tasks of the master class are:

1) Transfer of experience to listeners and participants by demonstrating the chronology and sequence of actions, thoughts, etc.;

2) Work together, under the guidance of the master, on all problems and incomprehensible situations;

3) Transfer of own knowledge to other participants;

4) Help from the teacher in guiding the actions and information processing processes to all participants.

The most effective combined form of education

Vladimir Averin, HR Director, Janssen Pharmaceutica

At Janssen, there are many forms of corporate training. They are conferences, seminars, trainings, mentoring and more. Given this, we pay equal attention to the study of both external influences, such as new drugs, their functions and capabilities, methods of application, and everything else on the pharmaceutical market, as well as internal influences, for example, communication between employees and customers, personnel management, the emotional state of the team and etc. These two influences are very important for a representative of a medical company. That is why corporate training technologies are based on these areas and are a must-attend. Training is provided only during business hours.

If we take our own many years of experience, we can confidently say that the most effective is the combined form of training, which includes trainings, seminars and mentoring. We operate as follows: 65% is mentoring; 20% - solving new issues that are beyond the scope of competence, participation in start-ups, etc.; 15% - course attendance, education and training.

In addition to all this, our company has developed and launched courses, which can only be attended at the request of an employee, such as corporate English training.

Corporate distance learning: what are the benefits

Interactivity. The main difference between webinars and online lectures is the ability to talk with the audience and answer questions. Standard training consists of three stages: demonstrated - repeated - evaluated, monitored the implementation. Initially, informative screenshots are made, which are provided as methodological material. After analyzing and studying it, the teacher clearly shows the process of doing everything that is given in the training manual. The audience receives instant answers to all emerging questions, while the teacher controls the work of each of the participants. To maintain excitement and interest, the coach needs to be interested in the opinion of the audience every 10-15 minutes, ask questions, listen to the answers, correct and so on. The most important point here is the exclusion of technical problems, so the trainer needs to check the connection with each of those present in the virtual room before the start of the webinar.

Saving money. If an organization finances corporate training of employees from branches and representative offices by sending them on business trips for advanced training, then participation in webinars can be a profitable substitute for this, because a course of 6 months of webinars is equal in cost to only three business trips.

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Staff loyalty. A large number of line employees such as merchandisers, cashiers and others work six days a week. Managers are forced to adjust to their personal schedule. At the same time, not all employees are ready to spend weekends on seminars and webinars, so their presence in the first month should be made mandatory. Of course, initially this will cause negative feedback from employees, but then they will realize that spending extra time on work or training is valued by the employer. Plus, they will get answers to all their questions, therefore, they will make fewer mistakes, which will be followed by a promotion and a higher level of income.

Development of the company. To conduct online webinars, you need additional devices: PCs, laptops, tablets, headset and Internet connection. This, perhaps, represents the movement of the company forward, to some extent.

Features and principles of corporate training for managers

The most important criteria for managers who undergo training would correctly be considered to be the following:

    Analyzing the problems of training managers, it must first be taken into account that this is teaching for established, adult people who have received education and experience, and currently occupy leadership positions. As a rule, these are people who are difficult to teach anything, they all have sufficient experience and a , which we purchased ourselves, and in which we are sure!

    They are leaders who know what responsibility for themselves and their wards is, often making important decisions on their own, without consulting anyone.

    These are practices. Managers know the goal, they know the idea and they know the sequence of actions that must be performed to achieve the goal. That's all, they act strictly according to plan.

    Usually, these are successful leaders with vast experience in their field of activity and life in general. That is why when training leaders, it is necessary to take as a basis not conveying information to him according to the training plan, but improvisation. The mentor must find flaws in the work of the leader, minor shortcomings and offer options for correcting them. Only in this state of affairs, training will make sense.

Criteria to be followed in order to conduct corporate training for managers:

1. Initially, the content of leadership training should be consistent with the goals of the company. In this age of advanced technology, most organizations are faced with the problem of unskilled managers in some matters of doing business. In this regard, companies lose millions because they cannot achieve their goals and objectives. Managers do not have the knowledge that appears daily on the Internet and in training programs.

2. The content of training for managers should be closely related to the content and structure of their activities. At the moment, companies are looking for competent employees for leadership positions! The requirements are knowledge of modern management basics for further training and development already in a narrow area of ​​the company's activities. Managers must know what marketing is, how to deal with and develop it, the economy, cash flows, and so on. Practice proves that successful companies are not those who have great financial and resource potential, but those who know how to properly select personnel. After all, when people want to develop, nothing can stop them!

3. In addition to all, it is imperative to create a system of continuous training for managers, aimed at constantly updating their knowledge and competencies. The half-life of competence is the period of time when the lion's share of existing knowledge becomes obsolete. About 60 years ago, this time period was at least 10 years. Now, based on the field of activity, it is 3-5 years. Further, the reduction of this time will continue, because every day scientific and technological progress absorbs more and more firms. That is why every year the founders determine the number of hours for staff training.

4. Methods of training leaders should be organically linked with the goals and content of training. It should be based on a combination of theory and practice, as well as on the formation of an understanding of where to get information from in the future, because now new items appear daily.

5. Probably, the fundamental goal of management training is to change views on the management process, change attitudes that are associated with management activities. It is necessary to lead the manager to take a fresh look at things happening in the company, his subordinates and his own responsibilities!

  • Unique Selling Proposition: Examples, Development Tips

Of course, managers are becoming more competent every day in the field in which they work. But this professionalism is not only experience, but also the support and help of surrounding employees who are ready to work on a common cause.

How is the organization of corporate staff training

The system of corporate personnel training can be built in various ways:

1. The company has an internal trainer. In this case, the coach is an employee of the company who has mastered the training and special courses. His responsibilities include regular and complete training of staff. This is a profitable and effective way of training, however, it is worth remembering that the trainer is subordinate to the management, so his actions may not be entirely objective, plus everything, he himself may not be competent enough. After all, a good coach should be able to understand many areas of activity, and not just the work of one company.

2. A third-party training company is involved - the most well-known and used way of conducting staff training. A special company develops a personnel training plan, based on the organization's available budget, conducts training, and controls the work of processes. This is a great way to gain knowledge, unless the company is really professional.

3. A corporate university is being created. The most effective way, but very costly. Although, if the corporation can afford it, this is a wonderful investment.

What you need to do before implementing corporate training

The most important question that arises in the process of making a decision about training in a company is to understand what is training for the company?

Having answered this question, first of all, to himself, the founder will understand what he needs:

  • avoidance by managers and managers of errors associated with insufficient qualifications;
  • multiplication and development of acquired knowledge;
  • development and own development of employee management methods;
  • conducting sales, negotiations, conclusion of contracts by employees;
  • organization of high-quality work of employees with all standards requirements;
  • quick adaptation of new employees in the team.

How to ensure that all these requirements are met, and work in the company moves by leaps and bounds, and the activities of employees bear fruit? The main way to solve these problems is to make it a duty to conduct corporate training and development of personnel.

There are several mandatory points that are very important to follow when conducting corporate training:

  • providing "students" with an assessment of their learning so that people know what they have learned, what they can do and what results the classes give them;
  • application in practice of all the material provided;
  • comparison of all material with practical situations at work, comparison of problems and solutions;
  • the importance of receiving training in future work;
  • providing "students" with sufficient motivation to further gain knowledge;
  • assessment of the initial level of knowledge of employees in training in order to assess progress.

These requirements contribute to the search for a clear understanding of how, whom, what, when and why to teach, as well as who organizes and conducts training and evaluates its effectiveness.

However, this very understanding is difficult to obtain, even with the criteria for assessing the need for training. In this case, it is necessary to specifically understand the group of employees who need to replenish knowledge, the goals of this action and the results that the company will achieve after applying all the acquired knowledge in practice.

Considering all of the above, it becomes clear that there are 2 objects of financing:

the first is the employee who shows good progress at work, and after replenishing his knowledge and skills, he will significantly increase his contribution to the progress of the company (“development”),

the second is investment in an inexperienced employee, which leads to a slowdown in processes, and the company loses profit (“compensation”).

Absolutely any workers engaged in various labor activities should be conditionally divided into groups. Each of these groups must be investigated in order to identify the needs of a narrow profile of certain specialists. In the future, this kind of analysis should become part of the training of personnel in the company. Do not forget that such a study must be clearly and carefully thought out, it must meet all the necessary requirements for multiple use, conducting by various specialists, compactness and conciseness, effectiveness and speed of evaluation.

Organization of corporate training: step by step instructions

Step 1. We analyze the practical need

Implementation example: conducting an analysis of the company's activities.

Why do you need:

To understand the feasibility of conducting corporate training or to determine a more influential way to influence the situation;

To determine the importance of certain results in the reporting period;

To determine the indicator of resource availability of the enterprise.

How to do it: You need to research the company for the possibility of performing all the desired tasks through staff training. The specialist needs to determine in what ways to act and what to influence in a certain situation.

Step 2. We develop a system

Implementation example: business plan.

Why do you need:

To form a complete picture of further actions aimed at improving and developing the company;

To define exactly what will be considered a result, so that employees can evaluate the effectiveness of corporate training;

To form clear and specific tasks for the near future, depending on the scale of the plan (from six months to decades) in order to track the timing of progress.

How to do it: write down goals using the SMART method, create tasks, choose methods and ways to solve them, set deadlines.

Step 3. We inform employees about the upcoming corporate training

Implementation example: methodology for introducing learning into a company

Why do you need:

For the awareness of employees that actions are being taken to form training at the enterprise;

To accept by all employees that the company will regularly undergo training, that this is a prerequisite for working in this organization;

To create a clear understanding among staff of the purpose of introducing regular training.

How to do it: upload all documents and articles to the organization's Internet portal on the topic of training, the advantages of passing it; create a "Training" section on the organization's website, where all examples of the application of the acquired knowledge will be published, success from the application of the acquired skills will be described, etc.; gather meetings where to report on the implementation of training everywhere.

Step 4. We paint the training system

Implementation example: regulation or charter for staff training.

Why do you need:

To provide a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the training;

To analyze current teaching methods and select the optimal one;

To identify all those involved in this issue.

How to do it: document the training methodology, all rules and responsibilities; identify leaders; show document templates that will be used in training.

Step 5. Develop methods for evaluating corporate learning

Implementation example: filling out questionnaires.

Why do you need:

To be able to quickly search for weak areas of activity;

For the result from the lessons themselves and teaching, because the assessment of corporate training is the main criterion for effectiveness;

  • Production Director: duties and requirements for the position

To assess the personal goals of company employees.

How to do it: conduct a survey on the topic of the course, give an opportunity to evaluate the acquired knowledge; the main thing is to follow the principles of "like - dislike" and "is it necessary for business."

Step 6. We give an objective assessment of the quality of education

Example of implementation: we evaluate activities in the workplace (behavior, efficiency, etc.).

Why do you need:

To assess the focus of the employee, and, as a result, the degree of assimilation of the material provided by him;

To determine the use of acquired knowledge and skills directly in the workplace.

How to do it: write down a list of indicators of employee behavior after studying the course; evaluate the use of the acquired knowledge by the employee using the case-studies or “mystery shopper” method; do a customer survey.

Step 7. Develop a summary assessment of training effectiveness

Example of implementation: analysis and evaluation of changes in the competence of the employee as a whole.

Why do you need:

To assess the implementation of all the expectations placed on this training;

To identify the reasons for failure;

To apply acquired skills and knowledge in a new position.

How to do it: offer to solve a more complex and unusual task that is beyond the competence of the employee; observe the actions and behavior of the employee in the workplace; evaluate and verify the results.

Step 8. Create a knowledge bank

Implementation example: information repository of knowledge.

Why do you need:

To provide easy and quick search for the necessary information by employees;

To provide employees with an information base for working and launching new projects in the future;

For the use of this specialized material directly in production.

How to do it: put all the data on the corporate website in the public domain only for members of the company, its branches and representative offices.

Step 9. Increase opportunities and reduce costs

Implementation example: corporate distance learning (CDL).

Why do you need:

To simplify and automate training and provide information to branches and representative offices of the company;

To reduce training costs;

To avoid hiring a regional training manager.

How to do it: place an order for the development of the site (or do it yourself, if possible), open access only to employees of the enterprise. Directly on the site, you can post lectures, tests, assignments, and so on, so that employees, having familiarized themselves with the material, immediately show the level of assimilation of knowledge, on the basis of which it will be possible to form all kinds of statistics and so on.

Step 10. Support employees during training

Implementation example: planned session with managers of all departments.

Why do you need:

To involve in the implementation of the project and assign responsibility to the heads of departments of the company;

For the direct formation of goals and plans of the company by managers;

To help and support managers of their employees after training.

How to do it: agree with the experts or independently develop a plan for the session; describe the methodology of the teams; identify several methods for analyzing the situation.

Step 11. We select the most diligent employees

Implementation example: personnel collection in reserve.

Why do you need:

To select candidates who are most suitable for emerging promising positions;

To assess the qualities of candidates;

To expand the workforce.

How to do it: intertwine learning with a competency model; select employees who meet the reserve criteria; assess the competence and effectiveness of these employees; educate employees on the information they missed based on their competency analysis.

Step 12 Maintain the Skills

Implementation example: Developing a post-learning support process.

Why do you need:

For a thorough consolidation of the skills and abilities acquired during the training;

To form the skills of applying all the knowledge of employees in practice;

To create an environment in the company where there is constant development and training, so that employees get used to working in such conditions and at such a pace.

How to do it: you need to create a special system for repeating the acquired knowledge in the form of meetings and seminars, where the topics covered will be randomly discussed in order to resume information in the memory of employees who have been trained.

Step 13. Implementing the acquired knowledge

Example of implementation: the process of structuring work.

Why do you need:

For employees to understand the principles of applying any corporate training task in practice;

To create opportunities and areas of application of skills acquired in the learning process;

To improve the quality of work of employees.

How to do it: in the learning process, it is very important to focus on the need to apply the acquired skills in practice, as well as the need to change the outdated approach to work and views on the activities of the company as a whole.

How to set up employees for corporate training

1) In order to fuel employees for learning, you can associate it with a promotion. For example, career growth in the service is possible only after passing a certain number of advanced training courses.

2) Training itself can be made unique, accessible to a certain number of people. Present it in the eyes of employees as a kind of encouragement for good work and a chance for promotion in the future.

3) Within the walls of the company, it is necessary to organize a large-scale advertising campaign for advanced training courses, trainings and other things.

4) It is very important that the founders are equally interested in the passage of trainings and education.

Paying for training is the incentive for employees

Anton Bulanov, creative director of Live! Creative / Marketing, Moscow

The cost of providing employee training typically represents 80% of the amount allocated to rewards for good performance, which the company is practically obliged to allocate. Such trainings and training programs become a necessity only if there is an opportunity to check the effectiveness of this training in the future. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that it is expedient to introduce other programs that increase the level of knowledge of employees, and the goals of corporate training in general. If the assessment system is not applied at the enterprise, the decision to conduct training is made directly by the founder of the company. However, his opinion in any case will be subjective.

Based on our own experience, we can conclude that not all employees want to gain knowledge and experience. That is why it is so important to select in detail the employees who need to improve their skills, otherwise it will turn into a waste of money and time. This kind of expense is worth making only for people who themselves want to learn new things. How to correctly determine which people in the company's staff should study and which should not? Our own practice showed us the following principle: we announced a certain voting open, where each employee is given the opportunity to make his own proposal regarding the improvement of the company's work. After that, it is enough just to observe people and their actions, to evaluate what and how they do for the development of the organization.

There is another way: the employee receives a task that has never been encountered before in his practice. In the event that this proposal is followed by a refusal of the employee, we can conclude that there is no point in educating and training him. And employees who agree, on the contrary, can count on training at the expense of the company and career growth.

How to determine the effectiveness of corporate training

Conducting an assessment focused on corporate vocational training helps draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the training itself and its application in practice. The level of evaluation can show whether the training makes sense and how cost-effective it is.

There are four levels of learning assessment:

Level 1. We determine the reaction of employees. At this stage, the perception of training by employees is assessed, how interesting and informative it is for them to attend trainings. The assessment is carried out by a questionnaire method, which lists certain categories of mandatory questions that help to reveal the attitude of employees to training:

Achieving the goals of this type of training;

Implementation of the selected training program;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of acquired skills in an actual way;

The quality of the training;

The level of provision with methodological materials;

conditions of the learning process.

Level 2. We evaluate the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills. During this stage, you will receive the results of the effectiveness of the training. The main task is to find out the usefulness of the information received, skills and opportunities to expand views on the work of the enterprise.

In order to conduct an actual assessment of the increase in the level of knowledge, you can use the same test several times, comparing the initial, intermediate and final results in percentages. Thus, dynamics can be observed.

Also, to evaluate the acquired knowledge, you can set a practical task, the answers to which will need to be analyzed and evaluated in detail.

Level 3. We evaluate the behavior of employees. At this stage, an assessment is made of the indicators of the use by employees of the studied material in practice.

This is done in several ways, one of which is the direct observation of the head of the subordinate, the second is the conduct of a survey of colleagues and clients of an employee who has undergone advanced training. Also, independent experts can help in the assessment. All the results obtained are compared with the expected ones, and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Level 4. Evaluate the result. This last stage of the evaluation package provides an opportunity to assess whether the investment in training is practically profitable. Improvement of production indicators - an integral value. And it is possible to evaluate a separate training course only if it is used in practice and extracting commercial benefits for the company from this. There is an easy way to determine the benefit of some individual training. For example, train in-house employees in what an outsourcing company has previously done and compare the efficiency and benefits of the two workforces.

In fact, quite often it happens that the assessment is not at all positive. It happens that employees are trained, they like everything, but there are no changes in their work. It also happens that the application of the acquired knowledge does not bring absolutely nothing to the organization. But all the same, it is necessary to evaluate corporate training, because this is the final stage, which gives an approximate, and sometimes accurate, idea of ​​the effectiveness of the spent resources, both material and physical.

Assessing Corporate Learning with Tests

Corporate education, trainings, their effectiveness can also be assessed using tests, questions and answer options in which should be as clear and precise as possible, unambiguous. With the help of answers to questions, the testees show the level of assimilation of basic, basic knowledge. To complicate the test, you can increase the number of answer options to about 6. You can also make some tests for which there are 2 or more correct answers.

  • Leadership Development: Ways to Change Your Mind

It is more efficient to use tests directly in the learning process, immediately after passing a certain topic. This contributes to a better assimilation of the material. It is better to provide tests individually to each in printed form. You can provide an opportunity for employees to search for answers in their notes and teaching materials. For example, a person can read the price list, know almost all the prices by heart, but this will simply be the use of memory, memorization. The meaning of searching for information on questions makes it possible to understand the structure, assortment of the price list, and not just find out the prices.

To assimilate information for a long time, it is recommended to conduct a test the next day after studying the material. The program looks at the answers to the questions and gives the result.

How to keep an employee and oblige to “work out” training

In practice, the following methods are used:

Student agreement. In the case when a person is looking for a job, the employer has the right to conclude a student contract for training with him. And if a person is already on the staff, an agreement is concluded with him for on-the-job training and retraining, it is an addition to the employment contract;

Agreement on training at the expense of the employer. I often use this method, however, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is no such agreement and its clear conditions.

Article 249 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer may indicate in the student agreement or agreement an agreed and definite period during which the employee is obliged to work in his company. The length of the term depends on the cost of training. Here you need to be reasonable. For example, having paid a marketer a 1.5-year MBA course worth 500 thousand rubles, you have the right to offer him a working period of three to five years. In case of non-compliance with these conditions by the employee (without a good reason), he will be obliged to compensate for the proportional difference in the cost of the MBA course. Also, the expediency and reliability of cost recovery is guaranteed by article 207 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (on student contracts). It says that if the student fails to work after training, he will be obliged to reimburse the scholarship received during the apprenticeship.

Information about the author and company

Vladimir Averin, HR Director, Janssen Pharmaceutica. HR practitioner with 15 years of experience. He has held senior positions in companies such as MusaMotors, British American Tobacco and the Basic Element Group. He also worked as an HR consultant in several leading Russian and international companies. Janssen Pharmaceutica is a group of pharmaceutical companies, a division of Johnson & Johnson Corporation, which specializes in the development and creation of new medicines for such branches of medicine as oncology, immunology, psychiatry, cardiology, infectious diseases, etc. The Russian representative office of the company was opened in 1991.

Alexey Kubrak, Head of Personnel Training and Development Department, Arsenaltrading. Graduated from the Kuban State Academy of Physical Culture in 2001. Since 2004, he has been in charge of HR departments in companies in the region. Winner of the Russian competition for business coaches "Coaching skills" (2013), prize-winner of the Tournament of the Krasnodar Territory in managerial wrestling (2012 and 2013). "Arsenaltrading" is engaged in the wholesale of paint and varnish and finishing materials and tools. The company was founded in 1993 in Krasnodar. Staff - 360 employees. The main clients are retail stores and wholesale depots of building and finishing materials, construction companies. Official site -

Anton Bulanov, creative director of Live! Creative / Marketing, Moscow. Agency "Creativ-Market" has many years of experience in organizing business events of any level and complexity.

The structure of corporate personnel training consists of preparing a business training plan, selecting appropriate programs and methods, agreeing on a list of tasks and appointing responsible persons. How to organize the process correctly, learn from the materials of the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to organize corporate staff training, types and methods

The structure of corporate staff training is developed taking into account the dynamic process of obtaining new knowledge. Previously acquired skills and knowledge become obsolete over time. It contributes to:

changes in the labor market and in the economy;

change of technological process;

equipment upgrade.

In order for a company to function successfully, solve current and strategic tasks, produce competitive products or provide high-quality services, it is necessary to develop a structure for corporate personnel training. Trainings are continuously applied, implemented short-term programs that help to update and improve knowledge as quickly as possible. This allows the staff to master new technological processes, learn how to work with modern equipment or apply various methods of high-quality service delivery in practice.

Corporate personnel training is the most important strategic task of effective human resource management. Business training is organized by HR specialists on the basis of an assessment or attestation. If the company has undergone changes in the technological process, updated equipment, all employees whose activities are directly related to the maintenance of such facilities undergo training.

Relatively recently, all types of training were trusted to external providers. Today, most large organizations are developing their own corporate training structure for personnel, equipping specialized classes or organizing trainings that allow them to gain the full range of new knowledge and skills on the job. If it is necessary to improve the skills of employees of the company, they conclude a direct contract with specialized centers or educational institutions that have state accreditation

Types of corporate staff training

The structure of corporate training of personnel is developed not only taking into account the tasks set, but also the allocated material resources for the development of employees. If the goal is to spend the minimum amount of resources, but at the same time obtain maximum reliability and efficiency, it is rational to use combined types of program development.

The types of corporate staff training include:

  1. trainings;
  2. business games;
  3. lectures and seminars;
  4. interactive methods, etc.

During trainings or business games, participants solve the tasks that arise daily in the conditions of production activities. In the future, this helps to quickly navigate the situation and find an effective solution with minimal loss of working time.

The structure of corporate personnel training is being worked out taking into account the tasks set. If all working employees need to learn new methods and techniques, to study the features of servicing updated equipment, it is rational to invite an outsourcing company specializing in the implementation of methods using training software. Within a short time, all employees will learn new ways of working. The organization will not have to spend additional funds to organize on-the-job training.

Types of educational process using gamification with characteristic features and techniques of business games allows you to quickly master the implemented methods. The best employees receive prizes, badges. Trainings offer to choose on their own. The most successful implementations allow you to receive memorable valuable gifts.

Corporate staff training is a way to create a close-knit team of professionals prepared for any changes and able to reach any heights in business.

Corporate staff training

Quite recently, when it came to the effectiveness of corporate staff training, most often, they meant the assessment of the effect that could be observed on employees who underwent the procedure of in-house "training". At the same time, managers and the personnel department were more interested in the "effect", and not in the way of its creation. Therefore, the issue of "achieving efficiency" was considered and was the task of the coach, as it was often a criterion for his success as a specialist.

In some cases, when faith in the ability of the coach was high, the reasons were sought in the incapacity of the staff, or rather in his "trainability" and "non-trainability". Therefore, within the framework of this idea, the staff tried to check for these two parameters, or with a high belief in the abilities of the staff, they looked for the reasons for the lack of the proper effect in the trainer himself. In all these cases, the result of dissatisfaction could be: replacement of staff, replacement of a coach, or complete disappointment in the educational process, as a factor leading the company to success. With this approach, the burden of working to create the highest effect from staff training fell to a greater extent on the trainer himself and was his direct interest. Today, with great pleasure, one can observe a radical change in attitudes towards this issue. Increasingly, corporate training of personnel is already being spoken of as a systematic, well-planned process, for which it is necessary to prepare accordingly and take into account a number of factors. And what is especially important is that today most companies have come to understand that corporate staff training does not end with the presentation of certificates to participants, a tick in a corporate magazine and a collective photo of participants.

What factors should be taken into account by the coach and the company in order to achieve maximum efficiency in organizing and conducting in-house training of personnel, as well as in implementing the acquired skills in practice? To answer this question and not to miss all the most important components, let's conditionally divide the entire process of achieving efficiency into three stages: before, during and after. At the "before" stage, we will pay attention to issues related to planning, organizing and preparing for staff training. Organizational aspects will also be important here: where, when and in what composition. But the aspects of desire and attitude to learning are no less significant. At the "on time" stage, we will consider those factors that most often affect the process of conducting a training seminar and the effectiveness of the perception of new competencies. As for the "after" stage, it will be important to understand that there is an "effect" and "efficiency" in general. It also touches upon both the issues of maintenance and implementation, as well as other important organizational factors that significantly affect the effectiveness of the corporate training of personnel.

The importance of this stage is quite obvious. After all, it is he who is already making the first bookmark in the effectiveness of the entire further process of staff training. It is at this stage that we have the opportunity to foresee a number of factors and resolve all issues in the most optimal way, taking into account specific tasks and the level of personnel.

Let's pay attention to the most significant points and issues of the preparatory stage. These include:
1. How?
2. Where?
3. When?
4. In what composition?

How? This is, first of all, certainty on the issue of what we will teach, in what way and with what coach. The answer to the question "what?" can be obtained in the following ways:
The company (management, personnel department, external consultants), based on the tasks facing the company, determines the necessary competencies for this group of personnel or the entire company. Compose possible topics for programs and monitor the market. Then, based on the needs of the company and its capabilities, they choose from all the proposals the most appropriate to the needs of the company.
Employees themselves initiate the need for new knowledge and skills. The company chooses from the offers available on the market. In such a situation, it happens that employees do not just initiate the need for training, but they themselves choose the program that interests them. Here the company makes decisions taking into account the compliance of this request with the needs of the company, and takes into account its capabilities. With a certain level of staff development, you can use the free choice of a seminar as a motivator for specific achievements.
The corporate training program for personnel is developed with a comprehensive consideration of all factors:
1) specifics of activities, results of activities, results of previous certifications,
2) requests initiated by employees. In this case, tests can be used to identify missing competencies or direct tests to clarify the needs for certain knowledge and skills.

It will be effective not just to choose ready-made programs on the market, but together with a trainer and consultant to adjust and adapt existing proposals in order to bring them as close as possible to the practical situations of the company's activities and even develop new effective programs for specific company tasks.

Without such close interaction with trainers, it is not always possible to achieve the maximum effect when choosing ready-made programs from the offers on the market.

As for the method, two important aspects always come first:
1. Open or closed training seminars
2. The choice between lectures, seminars, trainings and other types of training.

Open programs are good for training individual employees, as an additional incentive and for attending specific programs, as well as for continuing education. Their advantage is the ability to choose a program by level and subject that is most suitable for the development of a particular employee. There is an opportunity to make new business connections, discuss various aspects of activity with colleagues from the same or other business areas. You can exchange experiences, as well as evaluate your professionalism.

The advantage of the corporate personnel training program is the maximum possible proximity to the specifics of the participants' activities, the opportunity to see the professionalism of colleagues and evaluate their own, discuss situations arising in the work and exchange experience with colleagues, to prove themselves. It is also often possible to observe an increase in team cohesion and an increase in corporate spirit.

Often such programs are also more economical, especially with groups of more than 5-6 people. But even with small groups, they are advisable, since the trainer can give maximum attention to each participant and maximum skills are worked out in the lesson itself. This greatly facilitates the introduction period for participants and post-training support for the trainer.

The specific choice must be determined in each situation separately. Of course, the most optimal will be a combination of various methods of staff training, since each has its own advantages.

It often happens that a company sends one or more employees to open programs. With a positive experience, the next step is a corporate seminar or a series of such seminars within the framework of the developed personnel development program.

The next question on the choice of the method of corporate training of personnel is more related to the choice of the optimal ratio of theory and practice. Of course, the maximum development occurs in the training. However, the amount of information itself is not high. The seminar focuses more on obtaining the optimal amount of information, discussing various aspects. The very burden of responsibility for the implementation of the acquired knowledge in practice lies with the awareness and abilities of the participants themselves. If corporate training of personnel is not the first time, the level of participants allows, or subsequent support is provided, then of course it will be effective for the company to obtain maximum competencies. However, the specifics of the program should also be taken into account. What are we going to teach and what effect do we want to achieve.

Ideal training seminars. At the same time, since the business education market does not have strict criteria for the ratio of the theoretical and practical parts, it can be recommended in each individual case to clarify the features of a particular program.

It should also be noted that there is also an individual preference for the participants. Who likes a small number of tricks more, but hard training with working out to the result. And someone prefers to get as much useful information as possible, try a new technique or approach, and work it out on their own.

A very important issue is, of course, the choice of a coach. It's very popular to look at a coach's resume and ask for recommendations. However, neither one nor the other, if available and effective, guarantees the success of the training seminar in your company. Of course, a professional biography is important, however, more attention should be paid to the practical experience of the coach and his real achievements. Where did he work? In what companies and what did he spend? Were there long-term projects and how many?

However, it should be noted that you also learn about such situations when an eminent coach disappointed a specific customer, and a coach without a large list of regalia approached the process with soul, took into account the needs of the customer’s company to the maximum, established contact with the group and got the maximum effect.

Therefore, it is optimal to get to know the coach and look at him as a person. Negotiations in a free form of communication already allow you to see if the trainer himself is a carrier of the skills that he will teach, how he talks about his program, is the communication process easy?

However, one should not forget that "cuteness" does not always guarantee the effect. Therefore, of course, it is necessary to rely on all factors, both formal and subjective impression. Formal factors include such important aspects as the activity of the trainer: real workload, participation in various projects, availability of publications, personal website, participation in conferences and other professional events. Reviews are important, especially those that are not received on demand. It is important when you are recommended by clients and participants who were so satisfied that they themselves share their impressions everywhere. Try to attend one of the training seminars. In general, collect versatile information and listen to your impression. Pay attention to what the coach says in the negotiations. About myself? About the program? About future results? Or does he still ask questions and listen to you carefully? It is not difficult to guess that only the last option speaks not only of a professional, but also an individual approach to your needs and characterizes a potential "teacher" for your employees from the best side.

It is cozy and comfortable within its walls. If you have your own equipped class, then it is quite effective. However, you should immediately organize the educational process so that work issues do not distract. Of course, the current issues that arise are very important, but such an interruption of the educational process not only reduces the effectiveness for a particular employee, but also distracts the entire group, and also complicates the work of the trainer. If this effect can be avoided, then a well-equipped classroom can be an excellent place for corporate staff training.

Conducting classes in a special class and outside the company is effective for several reasons:

  • Opportunity to change environment
  • Do not distract work issues
  • Professionally equipped classroom
  • Possibility to effectively organize food and recreation issues for participants
  • The seminar takes on a brighter color of a corporate event, and not just part of the workflow

Another option is offsite seminars. For example: in nature or in a classroom, but in another country. Of course, such seminars can become a bright event in corporate life. It is important, of course, that the effectiveness of the event should not be at the expense of its effectiveness.

When it is possible to gather all the participants without serious damage to the work process and, moreover, in an optimal state for the effective perception of new information. This is if you answer in one sentence. The realities in companies are usually the following:
1. Weekends.
The main plus: the workflow does not suffer, but at the same time it does not prevent the participants from fully immersing themselves in the learning process. The main disadvantage is that if both days off are involved, then employees may be tired after the working week and will go to work not rested.
But a lot can depend on the training seminar itself and the ability of the trainer to organize the process at a sufficiently exciting level without sacrificing effectiveness. In this case, training is perceived as an interesting event that allows you to escape from everyday work and chat with colleagues. Also, such an impression also depends on such factors as corporate culture (attitude in the company to learning, relationships in the team), internal and external motivation for learning, personal characteristics of the perception of each individual employee. True, one has to deal with such a nuance as the need to devote weekends to home and family affairs, the dissatisfaction of family members, the inability to leave children with someone. However, with due interest, as a rule, employees manage to resolve all these problems, and they find an opportunity to devote these days to the planned event. Here, of course, the timely notification of participants about such an event also plays a role.

2. One day off.
Here, the advantage is the opportunity to relax and solve family affairs in the remaining free day. What day should you choose? At first glance, employees should have a rest after the working week. However, from experience, we can recommend choosing Saturday. So, as many people have a very violent rest, or they are so overloaded with everyday issues that they come to classes in a less "suitable" state than after a working week.

3. Full weekday.
If the company has such an opportunity, then this is the best option. Since corporate staff training is considered as part of the work process, which increases the seriousness of the event and the responsibility of the participants. Employees, even with a low initial motivation for learning, are quite willing to accept this option, although there are exceptions here. The only serious disadvantage: there may be problems in organizing the workflow, or employees are very distracted even when they are outside the walls of the company. Obviously, many questions are received on mobile phones. In this case, even if the volume of the device is turned off and the participant continues corporate training of the staff, it is noticeable that he is still more distracted by his thoughts than on the due day off. And often the employees themselves cannot afford not to answer the client's call, knowing that he is waiting for information from them, or the issue of concluding a deal is in full swing.

Is collaborative training effective for employees with different tasks? Yes, in seminars on team building, corporate culture, personal growth, time management and other topics where universal techniques are taught that are not tied to specific specifics. But even in specialized seminars, with the competent organization of the educational process, it is possible to effectively work out the implementation features for everyone and for the benefit of other participants.
Is corporate training for employees at different job levels, especially at the supervisor-subordinate level, effective?
The presence of participants of different job levels, especially at seminars with a significant training part, is, of course, undesirable. This complicates the work of the trainer or affects the behavior of all participants: "subordinates" are more restrained and perceive each exercise as an assessment, and "managers" are not always ready to show themselves in front of "subordinates" or it is difficult for them to refrain from commenting. Much, of course, again will depend on the topic of the seminar, the characteristics of the corporate culture, the ability of the participants to properly tune in to the learning process and realize the equality of roles for everyone. Also important is the ability of the coach to behave competently in this situation. With the right approach, leaders can not only not interfere with the training of "subordinates", but also become the main assistants to the trainer in the learning process. And confirmation of this can be more than a single successful experience of such training seminars.
Another question is what is the optimal amount. The amount depends on the specific program and the ability of the coach. For training, the ideal group is eight people. However, for example, it is not always possible and expedient to divide a department into parts if there are more people in the department.

With a very large group, in some cases division into subgroups will be highly desirable. However, not once I had to work with a group large enough for training and very successfully. It is important to take this aspect into account when preparing for the seminar, and when submitting material, and most importantly, when organizing exercises for practicing new techniques. Both exercises and business games should engage the entire group, regardless of size. With proper organization in such groups, there is often a special dynamics and atmosphere that keeps the participants in good shape and makes them mobilize all their abilities. But the impressions remain very vivid. If the coach is ready for such a load, then why not?

However, you should definitely pay attention to this. Since the training seminar is not an experiment for the staff and not a test of the trainer's ability to keep a large group. It is better to avoid situations where complications may arise and there may be a loss of effectiveness.

The maximum effect in all cases will be achieved with appropriate motivation. On the one hand, managers are right who believe that if an employee has no motivation (internal desire) to learn, then such an employee is not needed, since he will not develop along with the company. On the other hand, it is important to remember that only a small part of people have an internal constant need for development as a character trait. The rest will seek learning if they are directly motivated, or see how learning will help them achieve other goals (for example, performance at work that will later translate into a higher salary or promotion). In addition, it is important to remember that there is also a level of unconscious incompetence, when an employee "does not know what he does not know." Therefore, often employees who were reluctant to go to the seminar, because they thought they knew everything, suddenly began to experience strong interest already during the training. This happened when they learned or saw how much more there is that they did not know and did not use.

The effectiveness of this stage is often determined by the thoroughness and correct decisions at the preparation stage. However, there are a number of examples when it is the professionalism of a coach that will make it possible to effectively use all factors and respond flexibly to any situation. The atmosphere of the seminar is very important for success. Undoubtedly, the general mood and personalities of the participants largely determine the psychological atmosphere at such an event, and yet a lot depends on the ability of the coach to create and maintain the most comfortable and friendly atmosphere between the participants.

Efficiency is also affected by the use of various teaching aids: a combination of informational and training parts, group and individual exercises, video recording with subsequent viewing, slideshows, the use of film fragments, and much more. Although it should be noted that, depending on the specifics of the topic and the specifics of the coaching methodology, the simplest option can also be effective, when the coach has his technical tools only a flipchart and a marker, and in some cases only voices and gestures.

The main rule for increasing the effectiveness of the post-study period is the implementation of the acquired knowledge! The most important thing is not to let everything take its course.

In short, trained personnel need to be accompanied. The degree and form of support are determined in each specific situation. The very fact of the existence of a system of control over acquired competencies is very effective. Such a system can be an integral part of the planned certification or act as a separate process. In this case, in the second variant, the following methods can be used:
- Tests, questionnaires
- Business games that simulate work situations
- Control and supervision in the workplace
- Individual or group interview
- Exam
- Exchange of opinion, discussion of performance at scheduled meetings / meetings / work events

It is desirable to be accompanied by a consultant who conducted corporate staff training. This is the best option, since such a specialist not only has all the competencies, but also the methodology for implementing the acquired knowledge into daily practice. If this is not possible or the specific situation in the company allows, then HR officers, direct supervisors or even more experienced employees can act as "curators of the implementation" of new competencies. In any case, full or partial participation of the trainer in the support phase should be recommended, as this gives the greatest effect and at the same time increases the responsibility of the trainer for the final result.

It is not difficult to see that support has two components: control and assistance in implementation. Since control, although it motivates to repeat the material covered, is not a sufficient means of effectively applying the acquired knowledge. Of course, especially at the initial stages of training, help is needed in applying such knowledge. Such assistance not only motivates to use, but also allows you to immediately receive feedback on the correct use of new techniques and competencies. In addition, even the most well-designed program cannot foresee all situations that may arise in practice. In this case, the opportunity to analyze any situation and get a trainer's recommendation will help the employee to flexibly adapt new knowledge to real practice. At the same time, which is very important, the employee will not lose confidence in his own abilities and faith in the effectiveness of the techniques used.

The required intensity of support is determined by a number of factors, among which, first of all:
- Individual abilities of those trained
- Intrinsic motivation for development
- Existing motivation in the company
- The content of the curriculum, the possibility of working out at the seminar-training
- Features of competencies
- Level of qualification and experience of employees
- Complexity of skills and competencies
- Requirements and capabilities of the company
- Features of the activity and its specificity
- Ability and professionalism of the coach
- Use of full-time and extramural support methods

From "effect" to "efficiency"
At first glance, it may seem that these two words, so similar in sound and spelling, mean the same thing. However, the difference in their meaning is very significant and it is this difference that affects the perception of the effectiveness of the educational process and helps to draw the right conclusions.

"Effect" is the visible result. This visible result-effect can already appear even at the "before" stage, which can be expressed by the interest of the staff, the rise of enthusiasm, "motivation", increased loyalty, both to the management and to the company as a whole. Which, of course, has a very positive effect on the workflow.

If you have become an observer of the opposite picture, then you already need to think about the factors that could cause it and about the initial expectations for efficiency, both during training and after.

At the “during” stage, we can talk about the mood during classes, interest in the material, activity during classes (questions, participation and behavior in business games, individual and group exercises). If the staff training is a pleasure, the participants like the process itself, the trainer is interested and the material is interesting, then this is already a positive factor. A good "effect" is the ability of participants to "correctly" complete all tasks and exercises, both analytical and training.
ingovye. Such exercises are usually provided during classes to consolidate the material covered and control its assimilation (understanding). This is the standard for a professional coach. However, it will not be superfluous to ask about this at the stage of preparation for training and when choosing a coach. It makes sense and can be very effective in all respects to discuss with the trainer not only the general impression of the group, but also the specific assessment of the level of all participants, as well as the trainer's assessment of the "effect" when participants perform various exercises and tasks. This will help to see the attitude and approach of the coach, as well as timely draw conclusions about the “learning ability” of employees and their current level, correctly plan and organize post-training support, pay attention to other organizational factors in time. Another element of evaluating the "on time" effect is questionnaires, which are distributed to participants at the end of the training seminar and allow them to evaluate their first impression.

However, I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that although the "effect" obtained at this stage is very important and significant, it does not at all guarantee subsequent effectiveness. There are situations in practice when the "euphoric" mood created by a professional trainer at a seminar, after holding out for a week or a little more, gradually disappeared, leaving no visible trace either in the future mood of those who underwent corporate training or in the effectiveness of their work. This can happen if the seminar itself was built as a "show", which caused a proper reaction at the time of its display, and then caused disappointment of the participants or the company's management, since the knowledge gained, with all the effectiveness of their presentation, turned out to be not applicable in a particular company or even difficult (impossible) for practical use. True, such a situation may arise and not only because of the intentional creation of "show effects" by the coach and focus on the "first impression". The reason may be in the wrong choice of the topic and content of the seminar, when the specifics of the company's activities, the characteristics of the participants' work, the current needs and tasks of the company were not taken into account. An example would be holding a marketing seminar for salespeople in a company. The topic turned out to be interesting for everyone, the presentation of the material was also excellent. However, due to the small influence of sellers in this company on marketing tasks, their knowledge was not in demand and not applicable. But the necessary sales skills were not enough to successfully complete their immediate tasks. As an "effect" - a low result of personal sales, low pay and a drop in motivation. All this, of course, quickly made me forget the impression of a wonderful marketing seminar. Although, no doubt, the knowledge gained can be quite "effective" and will be successfully applied by these employees in other conditions. But for the company, the result that could affect its success is important, and not the subsequent success of each individual employee in other places of work. For the purpose of the organization is clearly far from philanthropic learning for the sake of learning. Unless, of course, this is precisely the main area of ​​​​its activity. Unless, of course, this is precisely the main area of ​​​​its activity.

Further, speaking about the effect after training, it should be noted such visible results as an increase in internal and external motivation in the work of employees, employee satisfaction, the ability to reproduce most of the material a week after training, a month or more. A good effect will be the desire to apply the knowledge gained, the reference to the material in the course of daily practice, noticeable changes in people's behavior and their ability to perform various work functions. The main "effect" is, of course, the ability to pass certification events, the implementation of corporate standards, the improvement of results in the work itself, the achievement of the specified criteria for success.

As for "efficiency", this concept, of course, can include all the elements of "effect" and yet it is wider. Because efficiency is not just visible changes that affect the employees participating in the seminar. This is largely an effect reflected on the performance of the entire organization and its success. Are there results in the activities of the organization itself? Have the goals and objectives that we set for corporate training been achieved? What efforts have been made to achieve this? Only by answering these questions, it is possible to assess the effectiveness of training to a large extent. But even at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the influence of other factors: a change in the motivation system, organizational aspects, advertising or other activity.

Therefore, only by working on all the components of corporate success and bringing them to an optimal state, it is possible to more reliably evaluate and in reality get a significant "effect" from corporate personnel training, while achieving maximum efficiency.