Metal paint for gates. How to paint an iron gate beautifully and permanently

At first glance, it may seem that this is not such a difficult job. In principle, this is correct. But how pleasant it is to look at colic when it begins to peel off after painting. The paint is fading and blotchy. This spoils the appearance of the entire site.

In this article, we will tell you how to paint a gate from a profile pipe and other materials. In fact, there can be only two main materials for manufacturing, these are metal and wood. But the coloring of each of them is different. It is necessary to do all the work correctly so that you do not have to redo it pretty quickly.


  • In order to avoid streaks, work should be done from the top of the plane and move down;
  • After drying, we should have a uniform surface. To do this, apply each subsequent layer so that it overlaps the previous one;
  • When painting, sometimes move away and look at the plane. Achieve a uniform application;
  • The paint can dry completely after at least 24 hours. Wait and see.
    Apply another layer if needed.

All work can of course be done by hand. The main thing is to properly prepare the surface and do the work at temperatures above 10 degrees. Otherwise, swelling, color irregularity and streaks may be observed.

We paint a wooden gate

This material will probably take the second place in terms of application. Moreover, at this time, when performing gates, many people use not only wood, but also combine it with metal (see). Such work also requires the right approach.


As with the first painting, we should properly prepare the plane. Only this work will be slightly different.


  • We remove all the previous coating. For this we use sandpaper. You can also use a drill with a special nozzle;
  • We examine the surface. We do the initial grinding of the plane. The best way to do this is with a grinder. If there are shells, then we eliminate them with putty on wood.

Attention: From the very beginning, remove the previous coating with coarse sandpaper. After that, the surface should be treated with paper with a finer grain.

  • If putty was done, then we wait for complete drying and putty again;
  • Now you should treat the surface with an antifungal mixture. It will protect the surface from the penetration of moisture and diseases.

We do painting

Get some paint first. Please note that it is for outdoor surfaces. This work is done with a roller or spray gun.

Attention: Coat at least twice. The first layer will also serve as a primer. If you will perform the first coating with a primer, then carefully consider the selection of colors. It should be covered with paint and not affect the color.

  • Pay attention to the color of the plane. If darkening has formed over time, they can be eliminated by treating the surface with bleach.
    To do this, use the following ratio of liquid: one part of bleach and three parts of water;

Now let's decide on the principle of painting. It depends on the type of construction.

  • If you have a panel door, then painting it is done in three steps. You can also use a roller.
    Painting begins from the end and upper corner of the working canvas and to the opposite edge. So we process the entire plane.
    We are waiting for complete drying. Instructions for use are on each package of paint. Study her;
  • Now consider the principle of painting. This design should begin to be painted with a brush. With it, you can easily get to hard-to-reach places. You should start with them. After that, we take the roller and complete the work.

Stain painting

This option is also chosen by some people. The price of the material is not high, and the appearance, with the correct application of the layer, is quite pleasant. Then the work is done a little differently. To begin with, preparation is done, as described earlier.

  • Now the canvas needs to be moistened a little. Then it will not absorb moisture so much.
    Therefore, the dye will lie on the plane most evenly. First, we make a coating from the top of the gate and across the canvas.
  • The next layer is applied along. After drying, we apply another coating and again across;
  • If you are processing with a water-soluble composition. Then the wood fibers, having saturated with moisture, begin to straighten out.
    After processing, they will need to be sanded.
  • To avoid this, do the treatment with an alcohol-based liquid. Only when painting with such material does not emit a pleasant smell.

After complete drying, apply a coat of paint as described earlier. Before work, you can view photos and videos and get to work. The most important thing is to properly prepare the surface for work. Only then the product will please the eye for a long time.

We paint metal gates


When carrying out such work, certain rules must be followed in order to obtain a durable and presentable surface.

First of all, you need to choose the right paint so that it meets all the requirements. Next, you should gradually perform all the manipulations with the metal surface.

Necessary tool for painting garage doors with your own hands:

  • paint for metal (about 1 liter);
  • garden hose; liquid detergent;
  • medium or coarse sandpaper;
  • primer (1 l.);
  • tassel;
  • roller;
  • contour brush;
  • stairs.

The choice of paint for metal gates and the advantages of hammer paint

The main types of compositions for gates:

  • The oil paint and varnish composition is developed on the basis of drying oil.
  • Acrylic based paint.
  • Alkyd paints.
  • Hammer paint.

Benefits of hammer paint

This paint has gained great popularity in the decoration of garage doors, which this composition is best suited. In addition, hammer paints have the following positive qualities: No need for preparatory work. Before applying hammer paint, it will not be necessary to clean the surface of rust and prime it. Providing protection against corrosion, UV rays and moisture. Dirt-repellent effect that reduces paint clogging. Gives the surface an attractive appearance. Thus, various types of painting are used for gates, among which one of the most modern options is the use of hammer paint. When applying any type of paint, you must follow all the recommendations at each stage.

Stages of painting forged or metal gates

The procedure for painting metal gates includes the following steps:

  1. surface preparation for painting;
  2. elimination of fat;
  3. primer;
  4. enameling

First of all, the painting of a metal structure provides for the most complete cleaning of the painted coating. When working with old worn surfaces, special attention must be paid to the preparatory work, otherwise the fresh coating will not last long. If moisture enters a poorly treated metal surface, internal corrosion will occur. As a result, under the influence of temperature changes, the paintwork will peel off.
To prevent this, at the preparatory stage, the metal surface should be thoroughly cleaned with abrasive materials.

Degreasing and washing the gate

Next, clean the surface of dirt and grease. This will improve the adhesion of the surface to the primer. To clean the gate from dirt, it is recommended to take a hose with maximum spray, which will easily wash away any remaining dirt, debris or dust. With it, it is necessary to spray a liquid cleaning solution on the gate and grind it with an abrasive sponge. It is better to wash the metal surface in a circular motion. Carrying out degreasing and washing the surface allows you to get a uniform layer. After completing this stage, you need to rinse the gate again with a garden hose, which will help wash away the remnants of chemicals and detergent. Next, you need to let the surface dry well.
The priming of metal gates can significantly improve the adhesion of the paintwork material to the surface. So that primer stains do not fall on the gate and other elements of the facade, they can be covered with newspaper or paper. The primer solution can be applied with a sprayer or brush. The priming process should cover not only the surface of the gate, but also other metal elements such as handles, bolts and so on. After covering the surface with a primer, the paint can be applied only 10 hours after it has dried.

Paint application

Before you paint the gate, you need to take a liter can of paint of your chosen color. Next, paint should be applied to the surface of the gate with a roller. You need to start from the top edge, moving down in a straight line. To completely cover the area of ​​the gate, it is advisable to apply the paint in parallel layers, which should overlap each other by a couple of centimeters.

Although the garage is not a living space, you still want it to look neat. Painting iron garage doors is necessary not only for the beauty of the appearance, but also in order to protect the metal from corrosion and extend its service life. This procedure begins with surface preparation, which consists in stripping the metal from old paint and applying a primer. Painting the gate with your own hands will help save the family budget and make it possible to spend money on other needs.

Before you begin, prepare in advance the tools and materials that may be necessary:

  • anti-corrosion, moisture-resistant paint for metal;
  • primer, solvent;
  • liquid soap;
  • stairs;
  • paint roller or spray gun;
  • garden hose.

What color to paint garage doors

High-quality exterior enamel for painting metal surfaces can be an effective way to keep your garage door protected for years to come.

In order to decide how to paint the garage door, think about what quality enamel you need. First of all, it should protect the metal from corrosion, which may occur due to exposure to precipitation, frost or heat, and give it a decorative look. Therefore, painting the garage door should ideally be carried out with anti-corrosion, moisture-resistant paint for metal.

Use alkyd or silicone enamel. There are a large number of names and colors of paints suitable for painting gates. Look at their photos on the Internet on the websites of stores selling goods for repair and construction. These enamels dry quickly, prevent corrosion, increase the service life of metal surfaces.

Choose the color according to your taste, but keep in mind that if the garage is located in the courtyard of the house, then its color should be combined with the colors of the rest of the buildings there.

How to prepare a surface for painting

Preparation of the surface to be painted consists of the following steps:

  • Surface cleaning. If there is a layer of old paint on the gate, it must be cleaned. Do this with a metal brush, a building hair dryer or a grinder with a special grinding nozzle.
  • If you decide not to resort to mechanical surface treatment, but to use a special wash, then proceed with extreme caution so as not to get poisoned, since its vapors are very toxic. This stage of work is very important, because if you skip it, then later the paint for the garage doors, under the influence of precipitation and temperature changes, will begin to peel off and the work will have to be done again.
  • To achieve maximum adhesion to the surface, it must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Surface degreasing. After cleaning the surface of the old paint, it must be degreased with a solvent. During processing, it is very important to capture the entire surface, including hard-to-reach areas. The final result of the work will depend on how well you do it.
  • Applying a primer. At the next stage, it is necessary to apply three thin layers of a primer intended for metal surfaces to the gate. After applying each layer, wait a little to let it dry. Thanks to this action, the adhesion of the surface to the paint will become much better. The primer is needed not in order to tint the surface, but in order for the paint to better adhere to the metal. Thanks to her, the enamel layer becomes smooth and even, takes on a finished look.
  • Cleansing from dust and dirt. Sometimes, before painting the garage doors, they need to be washed to clean the surface of dust and other contaminants. In order to do this, use a garden hose, a rough sponge and detergent.

All of the above work is best done in sunny weather. If it is overcast outside and there is a chance that it will rain, then it is better to move them to a more favorable day, as moisture will negate all your work.

How to paint garage doors

For applying paint, a wide paint brush is allowed. But if you want to avoid streaks and achieve maximum uniformity of the layer, it is still better to take a roller or spray gun. If a spray gun is chosen for work, be sure to cover all adjacent surfaces from paint ingress.

Consider how to properly paint the garage door:

  • painting is best to start from the top, gradually moving down, this is necessary in order to avoid streaks;
  • in the process of work, try to make sure that the parallel layers overlap each other, thanks to which the color of the enamel after drying will be uniform, without sharp transitions;
  • after the entire surface has been painted, step back and inspect the work as a whole, if after the paint layer has dried, it becomes noticeable that some small areas are missing, then eliminate them with a brush and paint;
  • pay special attention to hard-to-reach places, edges and corners, use a contour brush to paint over them.

It takes at least 24 hours for the paint to dry completely. After this time, repeat the painting procedure again. It is advisable to apply at least three coats of paint. This will increase the service life up to 5-7 years, depending on atmospheric conditions.

More than three layers do not need to be done, as the paint array becomes too large, and under its own weight begins to lag behind the surface.

Important: work should be carried out only at an air temperature of +10 to +20 degrees Celsius. If the temperature regime is not observed, there may be problems with the drying of the paint:

  • streaks,
  • bloating,
  • uneven color.

After studying the above instructions, it becomes clear that painting metal gates is not a difficult task, and that everyone who has the desire is able to cope with it without resorting to anyone's help.

For many car owners, the garage has become something more than just a place for a car and storage of various rubbish. Although garages are not living quarters, you still want to see them in good condition, not only inside, but also outside.

One of the most important elements of the entire garage are the gate. They are the first to catch your eye when you approach the garage for the first time. Good gates are also important when you intend to sell your garage. A poor garage appearance can turn off a buyer and ruin a deal.

That is why we will consider a popular question: how to paint a garage door.

Preparatory stage

Before you start painting the gate in any way and material, they need to be well prepared. The paint will not be able to lay down in a neat even layer on the rust and holes that will inevitably appear on the canvas over the years.

Of course, you can ignore all these operations and start painting right away, but this can have an extremely negative effect on the final result. If you do decide to prepare the surface, please note that for this procedure and for painting, you must choose a clear and sunny day, as rain can ruin all your work.

Do-it-yourself garage door painting options

The first question that comes to mind is how to paint the garage door. You have few options. You can use regular acrylic paint. This is the easiest and most convenient option for painting the gate. Such paint will not be afraid of water, high temperatures or the effects of anything on it. It costs a lot, but your garage is not too large an area to go broke on it.

Paint consumption is individual, it is most often applied to the back of the can. In any case, too much paint on the garage will not go away.

If you have not paid due attention to cleaning your garage from rust, then you can use a special rust paint. It will last much longer on a rusty surface than any other paint.

Do not use oil paints in your work, as they will spread very quickly and lose their decent appearance.

Method 1, brush

A simple and banal way is to paint the surface with a brush. You will need several brushes: wide, for the bulk of the work, and narrow, for hard-to-reach areas.

Start painting from the top of the gate, gradually moving towards the center and then down.

Layers of paint must necessarily overlap each other in order to eventually create the effect of a uniform surface without any color or tone transitions.

Don't forget to paint over hinges and other hard-to-reach places. If this is not done, then the appearance of the garage can be greatly affected.

Method 2, roller

Garage doors can also be painted with a roller. Most likely, things will go even faster this way. Roller also carefully move from top to bottom. To paint the loops, you will also need a small brush, since you can’t get close to them with a roller.

If the paint remains, then it is better to apply it with another layer. This will only increase the strength of the coating, and give uniformity to the color.

How to paint the gate if you ordered an unfinished structure from the manufacturer or decided to renew the corroded and peeling leaves damaged by corrosion? In the first case, everything is simple. It is enough to remove dust and pre-apply a layer of primer.

Photo No. 1: the procedure for painting the gate with a spray gun

We will talk in more detail about the re-staining of metal doors. From the article you will learn:

  • how to clean and prime the surface;
  • pick up paint;
  • apply a pattern to the gate by airbrushing.

Preparatory work

As we have already said, you need to start work by cleaning the surface from contamination. Choose a method based on the state of the material and budget. Unfortunately, if the metal is rusted to holes, no measures will save it. You will have to completely replace the sashes, this is an excellent reason to buy sliding gates - comfortable, modern, practical.

Surface cleaning

Since the finish coat will lie evenly only on a clean, fat-free surface, you will need to first remove the traces:

  • old paint;
  • oils and rust;
  • dirt and grease.

Budget cleaning method

To inexpensively remove old paint and dirt, you will need:

  • conventional spray gun;
  • metal brush;
  • sandpaper No. 60;
  • white spirit or gasoline;
  • rag.

You will spend 8-12 hours manually cleaning the sashes. Advantage - in the minimum expenses. The procedure is as follows.

  1. Wash the gate with a stiff brush. Let the metal dry.
  2. Remove old peeling paint with a wire brush.
  3. Sand the unevenness of the remaining coating with sandpaper.
  4. Degrease the surface with gasoline or white spirit.

Important! It is required to clean from rust and traces of old paint not only the sash, but also all fasteners and locking elements, as well as the frame.

Mechanized cleaning of metal from rust

You can also paint iron gates after a simpler, mechanized cleaning method. You will need one of the following tools to work.

Photo No. 2: metal brushes are used to mechanically clean old paint

  • Screwdriver with brush head. Easily copes with the task of removing old paint and traces of corrosion. The downside of the tool is that it runs on battery power. The screwdriver is quickly discharged, you will have to wait until the next start.
  • Grinder. Great alternative to sandpaper. The cost of such a tool is small - from 2000 rubles. The equipment is mains powered.
  • Bulgarian with a metal brush. Brass nozzles in the form of brushes are suitable for removing old paint. If we are talking about heavy dirt, pick up a brush with interwoven threads. Work with gloves and a mask.
  • Sandblasting. The most expensive and difficult cleaning option. To remove dirt and traces of the old coating, the gate is removed from the hinges. If you apply a layer of paint according to the technology on a previously cleaned surface, it will last up to 6 years.

Chemical cleaning

As a rule, separate chemical cleaning is not used. And indeed, in order to make beautiful gates for a summer residence or a country house, it is better to play it safe and remove a layer of old paint before exposure to the sashes with a reagent. So you will achieve maximum adhesion of paint to metal.

The ideal composition for removing rust is Hammerite paint and its analogues. Before applying, degrease the surface with white spirit and wash the sashes with acetone. Checking whether the metal is well degreased is simple: attach thin paper to the sash. If the fat spot does not appear on the sheet, proceed to staining.

Rust neutralizer

Now we will describe how to use a chemical wash before finishing the product.

Photo No. 3: rust neutralizer "Ferum-3" (Ukraine)

  1. Apply the reagent to the surface cleaned with a wire brush. Use a wash with a gel-like consistency - it has the best covering power.
  2. Cover the sashes with plastic wrap - the resulting greenhouse effect will speed up the process of paint removal.
  3. Wait half an hour and remove the old coating with a spatula. Reuse the reagent if necessary.

The choice of paint and primer for the gate

Now we will tell you which primer is better to use and what paint to paint the gate with. It is important that the finish coat meets the following requirements:

  • good covering ability;
  • enhanced adhesion to metal;
  • the absence of components that oxidize iron;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • high rate of elasticity;
  • strength to mechanical stress.

Several types of paints for metal on the market meet these requirements.

  • Silicone enamel. Differs in high strength properties and elasticity. Moisture resistant. Adheres well to metal. All silicon-based organic enamels have anti-corrosion properties.
  • Alkyd enamel. Elastic and resistant. Suitable for outdoor decoration. Supplied in a wide range of colors.
  • Hammer paint. It is convenient because the coating does not need to be cleaned and primed before application. Provides excellent water and dirt repellency. It is applied from a spray gun under pressure.
  • Acrylic enamel. With its help, you can beautifully paint the gate of any type - swing, sectional, retractable. Withstands large temperature fluctuations, is not afraid of exposure to moisture and chemicals, and is resistant to atmospheric phenomena.

Popular paint brands

Now consider the most popular brands of coloring compositions for metal.

Metal primer

As you remember, before applying the paint, you will need another layer of primer, which will protect the surface from corrosion and provide better adhesion of the finish coating to the metal. To work you can use:

  • ship minium;
  • silver coin;
  • phosphating primer VL-02;
  • minium metal;
  • primer for metal GF-021.

Photo #6: 3 in 1 metal primer

Use a sprayer to apply primer evenly. After that, you can proceed to finishing.

Color selection

Since everyone has different tastes, the shade of the future gate depends only on the preferences of the owner of the garage. The most popular colors are green, burgundy, brick and blue. For ease of choice, we place a palette of shades.

Photo No. 7: a palette of paints for metal

Staining tools

It is better to paint the gate using:

  • spray gun - allows you to apply the coating in an even layer, without streaks;
  • roller - reduces the time of work, but leaves strips that have to be rolled several times;
  • brushes - increases paint consumption, complicates the procedure.

Sequence of work

We paint the metal gates sequentially from top to bottom, observing the following recommendations:

  • cover surfaces that do not need to be painted with masking tape or tape;
  • overlap one layer with another to hide transitions;
  • wait for the layer to dry and paint over the dotted missing areas;
  • paint over the hinges, grooves and latches with a thin brush;
  • apply the second coat after the first one is completely dry (recommended time is indicated on the paint package).

Important! Do not apply more paint than necessary. A thick layer reduces the strength properties of the material. The optimal number of layers is 2.

Temperature regime

Image No. 1: properties of enamels and varnishes

What happens if you ignore temperature advice? In 8 cases out of 10:

  • the paint will swell;
  • the color will turn out dull, with transitions;
  • there will be streaks and influxes.

How beautiful to paint the gate?

Beautifully paint the gate allows the method of airbrushing. To work, you need an airbrush - a device similar to a spray gun, but more functional.

Photo #8: This is what an airbrush looks like

Before drawing a picture, stock up on a sketch and paints. Where can I find a sketch? You can pick up an image on the Internet or design it yourself.

Sequence of work.

  1. Transfer the contours of the future image according to the sketch. To do this, use paper templates.
  2. To convey the depth of the picture, alternate light and dark shades of colors.
  3. Work out the small details.
  4. Cover the drawing with varnish to add shine and realism.

Examples of work performed by the airbrush method are presented below. Such drawings can be applied to retractable, swing and sectional garage doors.

Photo #9: Sports car on the garage door (airbrush)

Photo No. 10: Sea waves on the garage door (airbrush)

No artistic talent? Here is an option that is available to everyone, regardless of skill level.

Photo #11: Canadian flag on the garage door

For work, a simple spray gun and a paper stencil were used.