How to tighten your stomach at home. How to tighten your stomach at home

Every woman dreams of a beautiful tightened belly and this can be achieved. Therefore, many people want to know how to tighten their stomach in a week. To remove it effectively and quickly, you need to learn how to clean your body and correctly follow certain rules of physical activity and nutrition.

Sport as an integral factor in the struggle for a beautiful figure

Physical activity and sports will help keep the abdominal muscles in good shape. Your stomach will become taut and attractive, and the skin will not sag and stretch. Every day, swing the upper and lower press 50 times.

We cleanse the body

A common and fairly effective method that allows you to tighten your stomach in a week is bowel cleansing. This procedure will not only improve the condition of your digestive system, but will also reduce the amount of fat in the abdominal region.

In the intestines, undigested food, toxins and mucus are deposited for years, which not only add an extra 10 kilograms to a person on average, but also increase his waist.

Usually, Esmarch's mug is used to carry out the cleaning procedure. You will also need a solution: 2 liters of warm boiled water, a tablespoon of lemon juice, 4-6% apple cider vinegar or honey. Before using the mug, grease its tip with oil, Vaseline or cream. The enema is best done when the person is in the supine position with bent legs.

After introducing the prepared solution into the intestine, try to wait 10-15 minutes and only then you can empty it. The most suitable time for the cleansing procedure is 5-7 o'clock in the morning, because it is during this period that the greatest activity of the intestines occurs.

The importance of proper nutrition and drinking regimen

In order to tighten your stomach at home, you should change your attitude to food and drink. Here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Set a goal to drink two liters of water every day. This will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as well as maintain water balance, which will allow the skin to become more elastic and supple.
  2. Avoid salt and soy sauce. If it’s completely “impossible” without this, then replace these products with sea salt.
  3. Limit the intake of high-calorie foods and vegetable fats. This does not mean that you urgently need to go on a strict diet, no, just replace them with vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products (1%) and low-fat fish.
  4. Reduce the time between meals to 3 hours.
  5. If you like to snack on fast food, then you have to do away with it and replace products of this kind with dried fruits.
  6. Chew food thoroughly.
  7. Replace pastries and bread with bran.
  8. Give up sugar.

Fasting days

Make another effort on yourself, arrange fasting days for yourself. If there are no problems with the use of dairy products, make a kefir fasting day. One and a half liters of yogurt, use the whole day for five to six doses. You can arrange a buckwheat fasting day. Buckwheat along with kefir will cleanse the intestines. You can eat one buckwheat and kefir for three days, it will not bring harm. You can do such days with the use of vegetables, rice or apples.

Stress harms the body

Many do not believe, but you can tighten your stomach in a week not only with the help of specially designed exercises. By remaining calm, you only facilitate the process. Stress has a very bad effect on the waist. Few people know that cortisol (stress hormone) contributes to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to relax correctly and in a timely manner.

Important in the process of putting the figure in order is the sleep mode. In conditions of constant lack of sleep, the formation of fatty deposits begins. Sleep 8 hours a day, go to bed and get up at the same time - the body will thank you.

Cosmetic procedures will help get rid of the stomach in a week


If you are concerned about how to tighten your stomach at home, use a wrap. It is good if you alternate this method with physical exercises.

For wraps, use cling film or specially designed for this. It should be wrapped tightly in several layers. After that, a warm bathrobe is put on top. During the procedure, try to move all the time. Wraps need to be done several times a week.


Another effective way on how to make your stomach fit is slimming baths.

  • Bath with raspberry leaves and linden. The amount of raw materials should be 300 gr. Lindens need 4 parts, leaves - 3. Place them in 5 liters of boiling water and let stand for 40 minutes. Then strain and pour into the bath. Take about 20 minutes in the evening. The skin after such a procedure will tighten, become soft and velvety.
  • Mustard bath. Take a glass of dry mustard and pour it into warm water. Stir until you achieve uniformity. Take 10 minutes. After that, wash yourself in the shower and lie down under the covers.
  • Bath with bran. 1 kg of bran is poured with 3 liters of hot milk and 1.5 tablespoons of honey are added. Infuse this mixture for 15-20 minutes, then pour into the bath. Take half an hour.
  • Bath with salt and soda. Add 10 tablespoons of baking soda and 15 tablespoons of salt to the bath. Mix. Lie down for 10 minutes, then lie under the covers for an hour. After and before the procedure, do not eat or drink anything for several hours.
  • Vinegar bath. Mix 1 liter of 9% vinegar in a full bath. Lie down for 25 minutes, then take a shower and lie under the covers for an hour. Remember that this procedure is carried out if there are no lesions on the skin.


Another effective way to tighten the stomach is self-massage of the problem area.

  1. Start the massage with light strokes in a clockwise direction. Gradually increase pressure on the abdomen. Control the exercise with pain.
  2. Place both hands on your stomach. Breathe in, then breathe out. You should feel your hands go up and down.
  3. Stroke your belly. With your fingers, begin to rotate from the lower right side to the ribs.
  4. Place your left hand on your stomach. Right start to put pressure on her. Do this 20 times, then switch hands.
  5. Put your hands on your stomach. Begin to carry out circular movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. With each movement, exercise more and more pressure on the stomach.
  6. Fold your arms so that your palms are 2 cm apart. Start making movements as if sawing your stomach. In this case, one hand should move up, and the other down, then right and left.
  7. With the fingers of your right hand, grasp the fat fold on the abdomen and begin to roll it in wave-like movements to the ribs. Repeat about 7 times.
  8. With your knuckles, begin to intensively rub from the right edge of the abdomen to the left, then from top to bottom. The larger the fat fold, the more intense the movements should be.
  9. With the knuckles, carry out intensive circular movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Do this until you feel tired in your hands.
  10. Finish self-massage with stroking movements. The maximum effect can be given by the use of essential oils, in particular orange, which will enhance the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

A very effective remedy is massage in water. At a distance of 3-4 centimeters from the abdomen, move the clasped palms up and down. You will feel how the wave touches the stomach and rolls, raising and lowering it - this procedure increases muscle tone and reduces body fat.

The structure of the abdominal muscles is such that they need relatively difficult exercises in a small amount.

Repeating many times what is given easily is ineffective. Of course, excessive tension, from which the eyes climb onto the forehead and breathing is interrupted, is also not good - a hernia of the abdominal wall can form.

Normally, the stomach should not be completely flat; women may have a slight roundness below the waist. The shape of the bulge depends on the condition of the muscles of the abdominal wall, the size - on the amount of fat. By the way, it can be deposited both subcutaneously (outside the muscles) and between the internal organs (under the muscles and between them). However, both types of fat, especially the second, lend themselves well to destruction with the help of exercise.

The weakness of the muscles of the abdominal wall just leads to the fact that the stomach looks protruding or sagging. And these muscles weaken primarily from the lack of load. For example, if you sit a lot, and even hunched over, leaning forward, the largest among them, the rectus abdominis, weakens.

There are two ways to strengthen it and other abdominal muscles (transverse and oblique). The first is isometric: the muscle tenses, but practically does not contract, an example is lifting the legs and pelvis while lying down, when the back is pressed to the floor. In this variant, the main effort is observed in the lower part of the abdominal press, just where the stomach protrudes in the first place.

The second way is dynamic: the muscle not only tenses, but also contracts to bring the ribs and groin closer together. This occurs when lifting the torso while lying on the back, when the legs are bent and not secured. In this case, the main load goes to the upper part of the abdominal press.

To really tone your stomach, you need to do both types of exercises. This is exactly what we offer you today. Do the complex 2-3 times a week, and after 3-4 weeks you will see a significant effect!

1. Circles

Lying on your back, put your hands on the back of your head. Bend your legs and pull your knees towards your chest. Slowly straighten your legs up and lower them to the floor, all the while pressing your lower back to the floor. Repeat 10 times.

2. Lying scissors

Lying on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and press them to the floor. Raise your outstretched legs 15-20 cm above the floor. With effort, spread and bring your legs together, you can cross them. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. Swing

From the same position as in the previous exercise, raise and lower straight legs. The lower back is pressed to the floor, if it doesn’t work out, raise your head and lower your chin to your chest. Repeat 8 times.

4. Turn

Lie on your back, lift your body and lean on your bent elbows. The legs are extended, the toes are drawn. Bend one leg at the knee and lower it sideways behind the other leg, turning behind the leg with the whole body as far as possible. Do not take your elbows off the floor! Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 7-10 times with each leg.

5. Twisting

Lying on the floor, bend your legs and place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Stretch your arms forward, lower your chin to your chest and stretch your hands to your hips along the floor, trying to tear off your shoulders and shoulder blades. There will be almost no movement, but you should feel tension in your stomach. Repeat 8-10 times, then lie on the floor, pull your knees up to your chest, wrap your arms around your legs and relax your stomach.

6. Vertical scissors

From a supine position, lift the body and lean on bent elbows. Raise one straight leg up. While lowering it down, simultaneously lift the other leg up. Repeat the double cycle 10 times.

7. Seated swing

Sit on the floor, legs stretched out in front of you, lean on your hands behind you. Turn to the right, place your left hand at your right foot. The right hand is on the floor. Do not rush, if you can’t reach it - fix yourself in the position that you are capable of. Return to the starting position and bend your right leg, pulling your knee towards your left shoulder. If not, bend and lift as far as you can. Do not hurry! Return to the starting position and repeat the same on the other side. Do 8 times in each direction.

8. Book

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Fold your arms over your chest and gently, vertebra by vertebrae, starting from the lowest, lower your body to the floor. To do this, round your back, lower your chin to your chest. Don't grab your feet! Lying on the floor, of course, will not work, it is enough to lower one or two vertebrae and feel tension in the stomach. Return to the starting position, lean on your hands and gently lift your straight legs off the floor. Lower your legs and repeat the entire cycle 8-10 times.

9. Sitting bends

Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible (but not to the point of pain!). Place your hands along the body, partially on the floor. Slowly, with a turn, bend over to your right leg, stretch your left shoulder towards it. Then straighten your arms and place them on your leg, feeling tension in your left side. Return to the starting position and do the same on the other side. Repeat 8 times to the right and left.

A sagging belly is a very unpleasant sight, regardless of age, status or gender. Most often, it appears with significant weight loss, when the muscles remain in the same state, and the fat goes away. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon immediately, otherwise the problem can be started even more. Let's figure out how to tighten your stomach at home without the use of pills and surgery.

Food and drink

In order to tighten your stomach at home, you should change your attitude to food and drink. Here are some tips and tricks.

  1. Set a goal to drink two liters of water every day. This will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as well as maintain water balance, which will allow the skin to become more elastic and supple.
  2. Avoid salt and soy sauce. If it’s completely “impossible” without this, then replace these products with sea salt.
  3. Limit the intake of high-calorie foods and vegetable fats. This does not mean that you urgently need to go on a strict diet, no, just replace them with vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products (1%) and low-fat fish.
  4. Reduce the time between meals to 3 hours.
  5. If you like to snack on fast food, then you have to do away with it and replace products of this kind with dried fruits.
  6. Chew food thoroughly.
  7. Replace pastries and bread with bran.
  8. Give up sugar.

Physical activity that will help to quickly tighten the skin of the abdomen after weight loss and childbirth

After you learn how to eat right, think about physical activity.

If you are interested in the question of how to tighten your stomach in a week, then nothing will help as much as swinging the press and twisting the hoop, but it is better to combine these methods together.

Press swing

Exercises for the abdominal press are divided into three parts: swinging the lower press, upper, and oblique abdominal muscles. It is best to exercise in the morning before breakfast or 2 hours after eating. To begin with, try to do the exercises for each part of the press 25 times, then you can increase the number of approaches and so on every week. Choose the most suitable method for you, depending on your age, physical capabilities and other factors. Abs swings are very effective exercises for tightening your abdominal muscles in a short amount of time.

Hula hoop spinning

Spinning the hoop has a slightly different effect. It increases blood circulation and tightens weakened abdominal muscles, which helps to quickly get rid of fat that brazenly accumulates in the abdomen. Now a huge number of hoops are sold in stores, it is more expedient to purchase with suction cups or massage rollers. Spend at least 15 minutes a day doing these exercises. Remember that at first it will be difficult for you, because bruising will appear after the first exercises with the hula hoop, so stock up on ointment or wrap the body tightly with a cloth before starting the exercises. Hoop twisting is perhaps one of the most effective ways on how to tighten your stomach in a week.

Combine these two methods and do not be lazy to perform these exercises, and you will see positive results in a few days.

A few effective exercises on how to tighten your stomach at home

  1. Take a standing position. Bend slightly and place your hands on your knees. In this position, draw in the stomach and linger for 12 seconds. Relax. Repeat 15 times. The same can be done by standing on all fours.
  2. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Press your back as close to the surface as possible. Start lifting your legs. For each repeat 20-25 times. Then do the same, only with two legs at the same time.
  3. Lie on your back. Raise your hands above your head. Place the left foot under the right knee, and the right foot under the left. Spread your knees out to the sides as far as possible. Lie down like this for a few minutes. This exercise will help stretch your abdominal muscles.

How to get rid of a sagging belly after childbirth

This is the most common problem that worries almost every second young mother. But even from this situation, you can find a way out. So how to tighten the stomach after childbirth?

  1. To begin with, as mentioned earlier, take care of your diet, because this will help not only you, but also your child, especially if you are breastfeeding.
  2. Walk more. If possible, walk briskly for about 20 minutes every day.
  3. Wear a postpartum bandage, this will help the uterus contract faster, as well as tighten the skin of the abdomen after childbirth.
  4. Do this exercise. Put the baby on your chest and try to rise slowly.
  5. Sleeping on your stomach will also help your uterus contract faster.
  6. Try to pull your stomach in constantly while traveling, walking with your child, preparing dinner, etc. In other words, live in this position.
  7. Do this exercise while taking a bath. Place your clasped hands over your stomach and begin to push away. Do this until you feel that your hands are tired.
  8. Here is another effective way on how to tighten the stomach after childbirth - retraction of the abdomen. This exercise can be done anywhere, it does not require effort and time. When cleaning the room or playing with your baby, pull your stomach in as far as possible, hold for a few seconds, then bulge it out as soon as you can. If you do this exercise regularly, you will notice results in a few weeks.
  9. When you shower, massage the sagging area from side to side, alternating between cold and warm water.

Wraps to help with a sagging stomach

If you are concerned about how to tighten your stomach at home, use a wrap. It is good if you alternate this method with physical exercises.

Honey wrap. It is better if the honey is natural. This useful component will make the skin supple and elastic.

Mud wrap. Most often, in this case, mud from the Dead Sea is used, as well as blue clay. Such wraps improve metabolism and perfectly smooth the skin.

Oil wraps. It is better to use olive oil, as it moisturizes the skin well, and also regenerates it due to the content of vitamins A and E. To improve the result, add a few drops of various essential oils, as well as a little red pepper.

Seaweed wraps help very well, especially kelp, which allows you to get rid of sagging skin. Such a tool can be purchased in specialized stores.

Vinegar wraps. To do this, you need to take a cloth and soak it with vinegar, then apply it to the problem area. It is more expedient to use apple cider vinegar (6%).

For wraps, use cling film or specially designed for this. It should be wrapped tightly in several layers. After that, a warm bathrobe is put on top. During the procedure, try to move all the time. Wraps need to be done several times a week.

Slimming baths

Another effective way on how to make the stomach toned is slimming baths.

  1. Bath with raspberry leaves and linden. The amount of raw materials should be 300 gr. Lindens need 4 parts, leaves - 3. Place them in 5 liters of boiling water and let stand for 40 minutes. Then strain and pour into the bath. Take about 20 minutes in the evening. The skin after such a procedure will tighten, become soft and velvety.
  2. Mustard bath. Take a glass of dry mustard and pour it into warm water. Stir until you achieve uniformity. Take 10 minutes. After that, wash yourself in the shower and lie down under the covers.
  3. Bath with bran. 1 kg of bran is poured with 3 liters of hot milk and 1.5 tablespoons of honey are added. Infuse this mixture for 15-20 minutes, then pour into the bath. Take half an hour.
  4. Bath with salt and soda. Add 10 tablespoons of baking soda and 15 tablespoons of salt to the bath. Mix. Lie down for 10 minutes, then lie under the covers for an hour. After and before the procedure, do not eat or drink anything for several hours.
  5. Vinegar bath. Mix 1 liter of 9% vinegar in a full bath. Lie down for 25 minutes, then take a shower and lie under the covers for an hour. Remember that this procedure is carried out if there are no lesions on the skin.

Self-massage for sagging belly

Another effective way to tighten the stomach is self-massage of the problem area.

To perform all exercises, you should tighten the abdominal muscles in order not to put pressure on the internal organs.

  1. Start the massage with light strokes in a clockwise direction. Gradually increase pressure on the abdomen. Control the exercise with pain.
  2. Place both hands on your stomach. Breathe in, then breathe out. You should feel your hands go up and down.
  3. Stroke your belly. With your fingers, begin to rotate from the lower right side to the ribs.
  4. Place your left hand on your stomach. Right start to put pressure on her. Do this 20 times, then switch hands.
  5. Put your hands on your stomach. Begin to carry out circular movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. With each movement, exercise more and more pressure on the stomach.
  6. Fold your arms so that your palms are 2 cm apart. Start making movements as if sawing your stomach. In this case, one hand should move up, and the other down, then right and left.
  7. With the fingers of your right hand, grasp the fat fold on the abdomen and begin to roll it in wave-like movements to the ribs. Repeat about 7 times.
  8. With your knuckles, begin to intensively rub from the right edge of the abdomen to the left, then from top to bottom. The larger the fat fold, the more intense the movements should be.
  9. With the knuckles, carry out intensive circular movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Do this until you feel tired in your hands.

Finish self-massage with stroking movements. The maximum effect can be given by the use of essential oils, in particular orange, which will enhance the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

A few rules regarding self-massage

  1. Massage a few hours after eating.
  2. Don't use it if your bladder is full.
  3. If your stomach hurts, reschedule the massage for another time.
  4. It should not be carried out during menstruation, pregnancy, inflammation of the intestines, bladder.
  5. It is better to massage in a lying position. The knees should be bent and the feet should be firmly on the surface of the bed.
  6. During self-massage, the abdominal muscles must be relaxed, otherwise there will be no effect.
  7. First, take about 8 minutes for the procedures, then gradually increase the time to 35 minutes.

It will take patience and a clear plan of action. It is necessary to combine 3 components and make them the principle of life. Proper nutrition, a set of exercises and breathing exercises are the key to an ideal and elastic abdomen.

Proper nutrition = flat stomach

Even if you load your body with constant training, they will not give results if you do not start eating right. It is known that the abdominal muscles can easily develop under a layer of fat. Therefore, no matter how much you pump the press, it may not manifest itself. Proper nutrition will help prevent this. It is enough to change your diet so that it contains more protein and less carbohydrates. To do this, replace fried with boiled, fatty meat with lean. It is useful to eat turkey and fish. Don't forget about vegetables. They will support the body with vitamins.

It will also be useful to cleanse your intestines of toxins. There are many recipes for this. Starting from taking special medications and ending with a regular enema.

Belly Slimming Exercises

Every workout should start with cardio exercises. They will allow you to drive off the already gained fat. For this, running, jumping rope or step is ideal. In order to start burning fat, you need to do cardio exercises for at least 15 minutes.

Now it's time to proceed directly to the main exercises. There is an erroneous opinion that if you only download the press and do nothing else, then it will show itself faster. But for the rapid formation of a beautiful body, it is necessary to do exercises for various muscle groups. You also need to remember to give them time to recover. It would be ideal to do workouts every other day. For example, Monday is the study of the muscles of the back, Tuesday is the day off, Wednesday is the study of the muscles of the buttocks and legs, Thursday is the day off, Friday is the study of the muscles of the arms, Saturday and Sunday are the day off. At the end of each training day, you need to do standard exercises for the press, known even to children.

Breathing exercises for the press

Girls should not forget that they need to breathe with chest breathing, and not with the help of the stomach. It's easy to get used to it. It is enough to monitor your breathing for several days and not allow yourself to inhale air using your stomach. It is also useful to constantly try to keep the stomach drawn in.

And if you take time for yoga classes, then in addition to a toned body, you can get a healthy spine.

We must not forget that achieving the perfect press is not an easy task. Sometimes this takes a very long time. But if you combine exercises with proper nutrition and breathing, then the result can be obtained much faster.

It's no secret that many women dream of a perfect figure, especially after childbirth or rapid weight loss, when a sagging belly appears. The abdominal muscles weaken, and the skin does not have time to recover. As a result, there is a need to change the wardrobe, and you don’t want to part with your favorite things! For this reason, the question arises of how to tighten a sagging belly at home. With the help of an integrated approach and efforts in working on oneself, one can achieve success in this difficult struggle.

A complex approach

There are many different ways in which you can remove sagging belly and skin after childbirth. Naturally, first of all, you need to do physical activity, and not hope for a miracle pill. But also do not exhaust yourself with hunger. If flabbiness of the skin is due to a lack of physical activity, then after a few months of regular exercise, you can achieve the desired result. And if there are physiological defects and a violation of the hormonal background, then it will be more difficult to remove excess folds.

There are tightening body creams that improve the condition of the skin and help restore the epithelium. If you need to quickly tighten the skin on your stomach after losing weight, you can use scrubs with sea salt. Thanks to the scrub particles, blood circulation is accelerated, excess cells are removed, and the skin becomes toned.

It is necessary to rub the skin in circular motions. And when taking water procedures, use citrus essential oils to achieve a lifting effect. To do this, mix 5 drops of oil with sea salt and dissolve in water. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. Baths with extracts of calendula and lavender help to improve metabolism, accelerate recovery processes.

To tighten a flabby abdomen after childbirth, blood circulation and metabolic processes should be improved to ensure optimal supply of nutrients to the tissues. To achieve this effect, special types of massage have been created. Depending on the scale of changes and flabbiness of the skin, you can choose the method that is right for you. During breastfeeding, before using skin tightening products, you should consult a pediatrician. But still, the most effective way to restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscles is exercise.

Immediately after childbirth, you should not show strong physical activity, as the uterus and other internal organs need to recover. You should consult your doctor about which exercises are right for you.

Wrap mixtures

Wraps are also very effective when you want to get rid of sagging skin. On the skin you need to apply a scrub, pinch lightly, massage the skin and apply the mixture. Starting at the waist, wrap with foil and wrap well.

The following mixtures can be used for wrapping:

  1. Heated honey;
  2. Fruit vinegar diluted with water;
  3. blue clay;
  4. Laminaria algae in powder form.

Physical exercise

The period of passivity after childbirth is personal for each woman and is determined by the rapidity of the recovery processes of the body as a whole. This time period lasts about two months. As soon as the functioning of the body after childbirth returns to normal, you can gradually move on to physical exercises. It can be: jumping rope, running, swimming or aerobics. Before performing them, you should not eat for an hour before and after physical education.

Regular exercises on the upper and lower abs can reduce waist size in a month. It is better to start training with a hula hoop, which accelerates blood circulation and promotes the burning of superficial fat. It is advisable to buy a hoop with massage rollers. After a month of daily training with a hoop, the abdominal muscles will tighten and the skin will stop hanging.

Effective exercises for the upper and lower press:

  1. Exercises with a ribbed hoop;
  2. Simple twisting (lie on your back and lift the body, and pull your shoulders to the pelvis);
  3. Reverse twist (lie on your back, lift and pull the pelvis to the chest).

You can remove sagging sides at the waist by creating a load on the lateral parts of the abdominal press. Popular workouts for this muscle group are torso or leg lifts, tilts, twists.

The best exercises for oblique abdominal muscles:

There are also several variations vacuum exercises that are easy to perform while lying down, since in this position the abdominal muscles are easier to retract. Technique:

Proper nutrition

You also need to switch to proper nutrition. It is worth removing sweets and beer from the diet, which contribute to the deposition of fat in the abdomen. Try to eat protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

Thus, if you want to tighten your stomach at home, you need to take a comprehensive approach to solving this problem and direct all your efforts to the desired result. After all, as you know, water does not run under a lying stone. Believe in your own strength and you will definitely win the fight against a sagging belly!

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