Make your own water filter. How to make a water filter

As you know, any paper is a plant fiber, interconnected in the form of a web. In fact, any paper is a very fine sieve with cells of various sizes. This is what paper looks like under a microscope:

It's beautiful, right?

It is because of this structure of the paper web that paper can be used (and is used!) To separate liquids from particles suspended in it. The thicker the paper, the smaller particles it will hold.

The paper that is used in real laboratories by real chemists has very tiny pores, the size of which, moreover, is carefully controlled at the production stage. Such paper is called filter paper and allows you to retain even the smallest impurities (up to 1 nm).

Filter paper - what is it?

Filter paper is a semi-permeable barrier made of plant and/or synthetic fibers designed to separate a dispersion medium (liquid, gas) and a solid dispersed phase (dust, aerosols, suspensions). The separation process itself is called filtering.

Simply put, if a liquid with various insoluble impurities is passed through such paper, then all these impurities will remain on the paper, and the liquid will become clean and transparent. Sometimes the target is the liquid itself, and sometimes it is the sediment that is of interest.

In the manufacture of filter paper, the manufacturer tries to give it certain properties:

Most often, filter paper consists of pure fiber, although synthetic fibers are sometimes added to its composition. It should not contain dark or translucent places, wood impurities, amyloids, chlorides, iron salts, etc.

During the production of the filter. papers use carefully selected polymer binder additives that do not react with most chemical compounds. To maintain a given and uniform distribution of pores, special technologies are used.

Thus, true filter paper is a complex composite material with rigidly defined properties.

Table 1. Characteristics of filter paper

Variety Specifications Density, g / m 2 Thickness, mm Pore ​​size, µm Filtration rate, s/10 ml Typical Application
3w 65 0,15 10 15 Protection, ventilation
51 fast filtration speed, smooth 65 0,14 12,0 13 Analysis of water, dyes, alcohols
3m/N medium filtration speed, smooth 65 0,12 4 30 Vacuum and pressure filtration of high turbidity extracts and dyes, for use in large clarification filters
4b medium filtration speed, smooth 75 0,15 8,0 22 Fast filtration of large quantities of liquids with coarse sediments, emulsions, alcohols, dyes, solutions
53 70 0,15 7-10 18 Embossed paper, medium filtration rate, for general laboratory use.
49 fast filtration speed, embossed 78 0,17 10-15 11 Embossed filter paper, ideal for salt solutions and sugar juice
1300 medium filtration speed, smooth 90 0,19 7-10 30
1350 medium filtration speed, embossed 90 0,25 7-10 30 adsorption, protection
62 medium filtration speed, smooth 95 0,20 7,0 17 Essential oils, emulsions, essences, dyes
94/N medium filtration speed, smooth 100 0,22 7,0 25 Juices, essences, tonics, must, wine, herbal extracts
100/N medium filtration speed, smooth 85 0,18 6,0 30 Specially designed as a belt filter for the sugar industry
1310 medium filtration speed, smooth 135 0,26 7-10 30 Adsorption, protection, filtration of oils
1360 medium filtration speed, smooth 135 0,31 7-10 30 adsorption, protection
C 160 medium filtration speed, smooth 160 0,30 5,0 40 Filtration of a large amount of liquid with precipitation in the form of small flakes; tonics, alcohols
57/N medium filtration speed, smooth 190 0,40 7,0 32 Filtration of large quantities of liquid, especially for weak acids and hot alkaline solutions
69/K paper containing activated carbon 160 0,42 5,0 65 Paper containing activated carbon with 30% cardboard content for filtering electroplating baths and for cleaning colored liquids

Paper is produced in various forms: in rolls, in sheets or in the form of finished filters, round shapes of various diameters.

Table 2. Classification of paper filters (color coding)

Variety Oud. weight g/m2 Filter time, sec Properties Main Applications
black tape 80 10 Coarse-pored, soft paper with a loose structure, very high filtration speed Chpope-like and coarse precipitates, colloids: hydroxides of iron, aluminum, chromium, sulfides of copper, bismuth, cobalt, iron, various organometallic precipitates; determination of silicon in the analysis of steels.
The variety most widely used for analytical work.
white ribbon 80 20 Medium pore size, high filtration rate Coarse precipitates: sulfides of silver, arsenic, ammonium, cadmium, lead, iron and manganese, lead chromate, alkaline earth metal carbonates, etc.
yellow ribbon 80 20 Medium pore size, high filtration rate, low fat content Coarse precipitation. Particularly suitable for the determination of fat in natural raw materials
3 green ribbon 80 100 Narrow pores, dense, low filtration rate Filtration of fine precipitates: barium sulfate, lead molybdate, lead dioxide, calcium hydroxide, calcium fluoride, nickel sulfide, tin sulfide, etc.
blue ribbon 80 180 Finely porous, very dense, very low filtration rate Fine precipitates: cold-precipitated barium sulfate, copper oxide, etc.
80 50 Medium density, moderate filtration rate Fast filtration of fine precipitates: magnesium ammonium phosphate, magnesium ammonium arsenate, etc.
100 250 Lowest filtration rate, extra fine pores and high density, most efficient filtration of the finest sediments Particularly difficult filtration conditions, fine-grained sediments: barium sulfate, copper oxide, etc.

Where can I buy?

They say that it is sold in some pharmacies. But when I wanted to filter the wine from the sediment using filter paper, I did not understand where to buy it in a pharmacy. I traveled, probably, with a dozen pharmacies in my city, but to no avail.

You can probably get a filter. paper in some laboratory or some chemical production, but this requires certain acquaintances, which I cannot boast of.

As a result, I got on the Internet and immediately googled hundreds of stores where to buy filter paper. It is sold by weight, in sheets and rolls, or in packages with cut disks of any diameter. Ashless filters are also on sale, which may be needed to filter solutions that are particularly demanding on purity.

The cost of filter paper is cheap. For example, a package of 100 discs will cost you 40 rubles. This is if it is retail.

How to increase strength?

Real filter paper, of course, is much stronger than ordinary blotting paper, but it still sometimes breaks. Especially when you need to filter a large volume of liquid. The paper processing method suggested below increases its tensile strength by 10 times! At the same time, the filtering qualities do not deteriorate.

So, all you have to do is wet the paper with 70% nitric acid (density 1.42 g/cm3) and immediately rinse with plenty of distilled water.

After thorough washing, the paper should be dried and used as needed. Such paper does not introduce any contaminants into the filtered solution and is suitable for drug preparation or use in analytical chemistry.

The paper treated in this way becomes so strong that its 5 cm wide strip can easily withstand the weight of a 1.5 kg weight. While ordinary filter paper is already torn at a weight of 150 grams.

Filter paper from different manufacturers has a pore diameter of 1.5 to 35 µm. At the same time, it is practically achievable to clean liquids from impurities with a particle size of 1-2 nm (large pores in the paper become clogged, and the filtration becomes finer).

The smaller the pore size of the paper and the greater the amount of sediment in the liquid being purified, the slower the filtration process. In some cases, the end of the process has to wait for hours. Things move especially slowly if the liquid has an increased viscosity (something like syrup).

What can be replaced?

If you don’t know where to get filter paper, pharmacies don’t have it, and you don’t have the strength to wait until they send it from some online store, then you can try to do without it. Let's see what can replace the filter paper.

If anyone does not know, earlier a piece of very thin and porous paper was invested in every school notebook. Its main purpose was to blot ink blots (hence the name).

In fact, the blotter was used in any way, but not for its intended purpose: they chewed a piece of paper in the mouth and spat the resulting crumb from the tubes (or sent it to the target using a ruler), seeds were germinated in the paper, cheat sheets and notes were written on it, wet a blotter was placed under the base of a light bulb to disrupt a lesson, small airplanes were rolled up, physical experiments were set up (a glass, a blotter and a mirror), soaked in potassium nitrate and used as rocket fuel or a fuse cord, etc. etc.

Sometimes this leaf had a jagged edge on one side, sometimes not.

By its properties, a blotting paper is the same filter paper, only thinner and with larger (not standardized) pores. But being rolled up in two or three layers, the blotter did a very good job of filtering solutions. And it did not tear under the weight of sediment, even in ordinary glass funnels (not to mention Buchner funnels).

Unfortunately, somewhere in the early 90s, blotters completely disappeared from school notebooks and now live only in our memory.

2. Filter suede

In cases of filtration of non-aggressive media from large mechanical impurities (more than 30 microns), the filtration process can be significantly accelerated if filter paper is replaced with suede.

To do this, suede must be prepared in a certain way.

Take a piece of suede of the required size and soak it thoroughly in a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to remove the fats contained in it. Then washed in cold running tap water, then rinsed in distilled water and dried.

Suede prepared in this way is used as filter paper. Not only all kinds of tinctures are filtered through it very cleanly and at the same time, but also very thick syrups, as well as viscous, slimy vegetable juices.

The speed of the filtration process can already be judged by the fact that 1000 ml of the thickest syrup is filtered in about 15 minutes.

Filter suede is also good because it can be used repeatedly. Just make sure to rinse it thoroughly after every use.

3. Funnel with porous glass

To filter various chemically aggressive media (strong acids, alkalis), a special funnel with a glass filter is used - a Schott funnel.

Such a filter is made from glass powder of a given grain size, which is sintered together into a continuous porous plate. Glass powders themselves are obtained by spraying molten glass, so they look like very small balls.

After cooling, the powders are sorted by size and baked into plates. The porous glass plates are then soldered into glass funnels or other holders.

Immediately after use, such a funnel must be rinsed with water in the opposite direction of filtration. If it is not possible to completely wash out the precipitate, then they resort to washing with chemicals that destroy or dissolve the precipitate, for example:

Pollution Solvent
Oxides of copper and iron Hot hydrochloric acid with the addition of KCl.
silver chloride Solutions of ammonia or sodium thiosulfate.
barium sulfate Hot concentrated H 2 SO 4 .
mercury sulfide Hot royal vodka.
Residues after filtering mercury Hot concentrated HNO 3 .
Residues containing silica and alumina 2% hydrofluoric acid followed by concentrated H 2 SO 4 , then distilled water and finally acetone. Rinse until traces of acid are detected.
Fats Carbon tetrachloride.
Proteins, viscose, glucose Hot ammonia solution, 5-10% NaOH solution. A mixture of hot and concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids.
Other organic matter Chrome mixture or preferably hot H 2 SO 4 with the addition of NaNO 3 , KNO 3 or HNO 3 .

4. Paper towels, napkins, etc.

Yes, all this can be used instead of filter paper. I am sure that everyone has at hand something from this list:

  • paper towel;
  • napkins;
  • toilet paper (preferably white, multi-layered and unflavored);
  • coffee or tea filters;
  • cotton wool, cotton pads;
  • repeatedly folded gauze or other fabric;
  • at worst - a replaceable water filter (from jugs) or a tank with activated carbon from a gas mask. But in this case, a large amount of the filtrate will remain inside the filter and will be irretrievably lost.

It all depends on your resourcefulness. The only restriction is that the filter material itself must not contaminate the filtrate, must not react with it, and must have sufficiently small pores to retain sediment.

Toilet paper and napkins are very fragile, so it is better to put some kind of sieve or colander under them. The most ideal option is a special chemical funnel for vacuum filtration - a Buchner funnel.

Also, do not forget about an extremely effective way to separate liquids from various suspensions - settling and decanting. But this method takes a lot of time.

If you wish, you can make a high-quality water filter with your own hands; in terms of its cleaning capabilities, it will not differ in any way from expensive purchased products.

In order for the human body to resist various diseases well, we must drink several liters of water every day. And it must be as clean as possible. Unfortunately, the liquid that flows from the taps of our apartments is not particularly pure. It contains dangerous microorganisms, and pathogenic bacteria, and unsafe impurities.

It is clear that such water should not be consumed. We have two exits. Either constantly purchase bottled liquid for drinking in stores, or order filters that are factory-made specifically for water purification. Such purchases require a lot of money. In addition, we are not always sold high-quality water, and not all filtering devices sold in stores provide a sufficient level of its purification. A reasonable alternative to such acquisitions is to make a homemade filter at home.

Shop filters for water purification

We will talk about how to make it from improvised materials. But first, let's figure out what a regular filter is. It is understood as a simple product with a special filler. The latter just cleans the water. As a filler, lutrasil, grass, gauze, cotton wool, coal, sand are used. All fabric filters (made of cotton wool, gauze) provide quite decent purification of drinking liquids. But they are very short lived. They can only be used as temporary filter media.

But products filled with lutrasil (polypropylene synthetic fiber) and charcoal are suitable for long-term and effective purification of hard and contaminated water with various impurities. You can buy Lutrasil. And charcoal can also be used homemade. It is not difficult to make it: put pieces of wood in a metal container and heat them well. Then let the charcoal cool down. Then put it in gauze. Homemade charcoal filter is ready!

Note! Coniferous wood for independent production of coal cannot be used.

Purchased jug filtering devices purify water very slowly. It is not always convenient to use them. You have to wait a long time until the liquid is cleared. This option is unacceptable, especially when you go to nature (for example, to the country house), where you may immediately need a sufficiently large amount of clean water to cook food for a large company or drink.

Filtration pitcher

The way out of this situation is to make yourself an excellent camping filter from a bucket with a lid and an ordinary plastic bottle of 3-5 liters. The scheme for manufacturing a filter device is as follows:

  1. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle.
  2. Make a hole of suitable diameter in the lid of the bucket.
  3. Insert the cut bottle neck down into the bucket. It is desirable to process the place of articulation of the plastic container with the bucket with sandpaper and lay a dense rubber gasket between them.
  4. Fill a plastic bottle with filler (you can use homemade charcoal).

The mobile device for water purification is ready for use.

The principle of self-production of a simple filter described above, which is suitable for softening hard water and its high-quality purification from impurities, can be used to create a more capacious filter installation. The scheme is this:

  1. Take a tank or a plastic canister of 18-20 liters. This container will serve as a water-receiving container.
  2. Cut a hole in the bottom of the tank. Its cross section should be such that you can firmly insert a small tap into the container (the purified liquid will flow through it).
  3. Find a small segment (diameter - 4 cm). Fill it with charcoal.
  4. Now take a 10-liter plastic bottle, make a hole in its bottom (this is where you will fill in untreated water). Then put the pipe with the filter medium on the neck of the container (a standard 10 l bottle has a neck with a diameter of 4 cm).
  5. Connect the pipe coming out of the 10 liter container (it will be on top of the structure) to the receiving tank.

Making a simple canister filter

In such an installation, you can immediately pour about 9 liters of water for cleaning. A homemade charcoal filter will make such a volume of liquid drinkable in just 90-120 minutes. Tip - it is advisable to cover the bottom and top of the polypropylene pipe into which you will place the charcoal with pieces of plastic with holes (perforated products) and attach them with any hot glue. In this case, the coal pieces will not float or fall into the purified water tank.

Stationary filter device of three flasks

Now let's figure out how to make an effective filter on your own to connect it directly to the system. For these purposes, we need three flasks with the same geometric parameters, in which we need to place the filler.

From the containers prepared in this way, we will make a productive stationary filter for cleaning tap fluid, guided by the following diagram:

  1. Take two 1/4 inch adapter nipples. Connect them all three flasks into one design.
  2. Seal the joints of the nipples (their threads) with a sealing fluoroplastic tape (the so-called FUM material).
  3. Connect the 1/4 inch holes of the two outermost flasks to the tube with straight adapters.
  4. Insert the prepared filter into the pipeline (you will need a half-inch connector and a tee).
  5. Connect a regular water tap to the filter outlet pipe.

Use an effective filtering device connected directly to the water supply to your health!

In order to always have a glass of clean drinking water on hand, for example in the country, you must either buy it, which will entail costs, or resort to using filters.

Filtering equipment can be made by hand using simple materials.

As a filter layer, with self-production, you can use:

  • paper napkins;
  • cotton wool;
  • gauze;
  • cotton fabric;
  • grass;
  • sand;
  • charcoal (crushed);

Conventionally, all of the above components can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Short life: napkins, cloth, cotton wool, gauze and other similar materials (available at a store or pharmacy).
  2. Able to reliably filter water for a long time: coal, sand and grass (to create charcoal, you need to ignite the collected pieces of wood in a metal bowl, and you can pick up the sand yourself and clean it with a sieve or buy it in building materials).

They are alternated in layers to have a greater degree of purification.

We make a filter from a plastic bottle

the simplest filter

We need: a bottle, cloth, coal.

To create a simple design of a filter device from a plastic bottle, you must first rinse it thoroughly.

  1. bottle cap unscrewed and left aside, and part of the bottom is cut off evenly with a suitable object, such as a knife.
  2. In a bottle upside down a repeatedly folded cotton cloth is placed. It must be pressed very tightly against the neck of the bottle (in our case, the bottom). To understand how much material is optimal, divide the bottle into 5 equal parts, regardless of the constriction. One of them should be for fabric.
  3. The cover needs to be drilled. The hole should be small in diameter.
  4. Charcoal, securely wrapped in gauze and folded in several rows so that the sides are not visible, and the black color is slightly visible from below and from above, is placed inside the bottle with twisting movements, pressing down as hard as possible to the bottom. Since it is necessary for the filter that this part of the structure cannot pass any contaminants past it, it must be dense, and this method of placement must be convenient.

The filter is ready, but before you start using it, you need to check it for quality. To do this, you can take a liter of water mixed with sand and carefully pour it into a bottle securely fixed to the surface, for example, by placing the neck in a glass jar of a suitable size. The outlet water should be clear and clean. It will need to be boiled.

The container can be taken in any size, depending on the purpose of collecting water: from 1 liter or 5-20 liters. And in order for the filter bottle to fit snugly to the vessel with clean water, you must either treat the surfaces with sandpaper or use rubber seals.

As a filler for the filter, various combinations of materials can be made. For example, gauze or cotton wool is placed first, the middle layer can be made from charcoal wrapped in cloth, and the top layer from river sand.

If there are no tissues or napkins at hand, then fresh grass is placed as the first layer, and river sand is already on top.

Today there are a large number of carbon filters, among which stand out: cartridge, desktop, automatic and jug. Here we consider a more convenient option that you can make with your own hands.

How to make a cartridge carbon filter at home?

It is necessary to prepare a fairly large container into which purified water will drain. Well suited, for example, a clean canister of 20 liters. At the bottom, on one of the sides, a small hole is cut out for the faucet, which is glued there with hot glue.

The tap can be bought separately or cut out of the wine bag:

  1. For water that will need to be filtered, you can use a plastic bottle of the same volume as for purified water or a little less, for example 10 liters. The neck should fit comfortably into the food bowl. At the bottom, you need to cut a hole to fill it with water.
  2. Take about 4 cm in diameter and up to 30 cm long. For the bottom, use a suitable plastic bottle, for example, from medicines, at the bottom of which several small holes are drilled. Several paper napkins are placed inside. The edges should be sealed with hot glue.
  3. The tube is completely clogged with charcoal. A few napkins are placed on top so that it does not float. They are also fixed with hot glue to the neck of the top bottle.
  4. The upper vessel with the filter is inserted into the lower one. If the design turned out to be sufficiently tight, then no further action is required. If there is a fairly large gap, then it must be sealed or rubber liners of a suitable size should be used.

To check and put the filter into operation, you need to pour 5 liters of water into the upper part. The first filtered water is drained. This operation is necessary so that small particles of coal are washed out.

Plumbing filters

If necessary, you can create a filter for the water supply. At the same time, the structure will consist of 3 parts: a layer of gravel is placed on the lower tier, cloth and charcoal on 2, cloth and sand on the third, upper tier. The second option would be a similar system, only other fillers are used: 1 - grass, 2 - ash, stones, 3 - sand.

So, using 3 bottles of the same size, in which the bottom is cut, you can create your own filter. Fillers are laid out alternately inside: grass, ash / stones, sand or a layer of gravel, then charcoal wrapped in cloth and sand wrapped in cloth.

The bottles themselves are placed one inside the other in the course of filling. To prevent water from leaking from the side surface, it will need to be sealed with adhesive construction tape, which has increased moisture resistance.

The resulting device is attached to the plumbing system using a tee. And the water itself is supplied with a small pressure power so that the filter has time to cope with its task.

Blitz tips:

  1. To prevent small particles from escaping with water, it must be remembered that for each layer it is better to use a cloth, gauze or napkins. They need to be folded in several layers for reliability.
  2. After installation, always check the filter device for proper operation. If the water comes out cloudy, then the filter is not built correctly. Therefore, it will be necessary to disassemble and reassemble it, paying particular attention to fine sand or ash, which should be better wrapped in cloth.

High-quality water in modern conditions, especially drinking water, is a very rare occurrence. If several decades ago there were still clean springs, wells, now it is a rarity even in rural areas. Agricultural firms pollute the soil no less than industry and herbicides. Mineral fertilizers inevitably penetrate into the sources. Water filtration has become a necessity.

Jug-type installations have become frequent guests in the kitchen in the city and in the country. For a small volume of liquid, they are effective. But if you need to clean tens or hundreds of liters, such devices are unsuitable. When the site has a well, a well, a pool, water filters are necessary. You can buy those designed for this purpose, but do-it-yourself ones are always cheaper.

Design features of industrial and home-made installations

Purified from harmful chemical and bacteriological impurities, life-giving moisture is considered accessible to people only after filtration. In cities, due to the wear and tear of communications to consumers, it comes with rust, lime inclusions and other additives. In such conditions, even the aquarium needs water purification, otherwise the fish will not survive.

If the house is connected to the water supply, the owners use washing machines, dishwashers, which are even more sensitive to water quality. Manufacturers equip their products with mesh filters, which provide coarse cleaning, but fine particles up to 5 microns are passed through. For many household devices, this is harmful, they need additional fine filtration.

Simple household filters for the home

Industrial units are produced separately for cold and hot water, it is unacceptable to use them for other purposes. In addition, a pressure regulator is required if pressure drops are observed in the pipes. All such installations have one or more cartridges plus a sump in the form of a flask or glass. The quality of the water depends on the material used and the cell dimensions of the working elements.

All of them require periodic replacement, because harmful impurities accumulate. The cost depending on the design is sometimes very impressive. A do-it-yourself water filter allows you to get rid of unnecessary financial expenses, and the quality of cleaning may exceed some industrial designs.

A simple homemade device

The dacha of an ordinary citizen often does not have a centralized water supply, so all kinds of sources are used: wells, wells and even ponds. In modern conditions, none of them can guarantee the quality of vital moisture. Even in areas remote from industrial centers, there is a danger of bacteriological contamination of water. Any filter, including homemade, will eliminate the risk of poisoning the human body.

The main condition for high-quality cleaning is filter filler

The working container is selected in such a way that all the necessary filling fits into it. For absorption, a variety of components are used: artificial and natural. The latter have a higher filtration capacity. These include:

  • sand from a river or quarry;
  • gravel;
  • zeolite;
  • Activated carbon.

For primary rough cleaning, cloth cotton materials or even paper are usually used. According to hygienic requirements, they are very impractical: they constantly stay in a humid environment, rot, and an unpleasant odor appears. The very structure of such filters contributes to almost instantaneous pollution, which requires frequent replacement.

The best material for filtration is activated carbon

Artificial materials in this respect have the best performance. One of the most preferred is lutrasil. He is not afraid of moisture, dirt accumulates to a lesser extent than on cotton. Of the other fabric filters, synthetic filters are used, which are used in coffee machines - the cheapest.

Of the natural minerals that cost a penny, quartz sand, purified from impurities of clay and dirt, deserves attention. It perfectly captures small particles and heavy chemical compounds. Gravel is inferior in this respect - it copes better with large inclusions.

Zeolite also belongs to minerals, but it has a disproportionately large filtration effect. It cuts off metal and salt impurities - everything that comes into the water from the agro-industry: pesticides, herbicides, mineral fertilizers.

Zeolite used in homemade structures

In homemade devices, activated charcoal is most widely used. It equally qualitatively retains mineral formations and toxic substances. Another advantage is that the water after passing through it becomes transparent, unpleasant odors and microorganisms are eliminated.

Such filtration material is available to consumers. It is used both special and the one that is intended for picnics, as well as made by hand. The structure is decisive for the quality of cleaning. If the absorbent is like a powder, it will leave with the water, and a coarse one will not provide a good cleaning.

Self-cooking coal is not particularly difficult. Wood of any breed, except coniferous, is used. Birch has the best qualities. Firewood is loaded into a metal container, which is placed on fire, ideally in a stove. When they are red hot, stop heating and let cool. If overexposed, valuable filtration properties are lost.

Water preparation devices for food

You can clean dirty liquid at home with homemade filters. The resulting product does not always meet all requirements. Only the use of quality elements allows you to achieve the expected results. They retain mechanical, chemical and bacteriological impurities.

In the country, several types of hand-made filters are used:

  • flowing coal;
  • submersible for technical water in an aquarium, pool;
  • external, allowing to get rid of mechanical pollution.

A home-made system is used when coarse filtration of water from a well, well, rainwater is necessary. Fine cleaning achieve the elimination of odors that are caused by the presence of bacteria.

Simple filters for the house from plastic containers

There is no better absorbent for a homemade device than activated carbon. It does not pass mechanical impurities, as well as many toxins and bacteriological harmful substances. For the manufacture of using dishes with a sealed lid, plastic pipes. For a small aquarium, disposable syringes are suitable.

The main thing is that the volume allows you to accommodate the required amount of filter material in several layers. The manufacturing process of the simplest device occurs in the following sequence:

  1. 1. A plastic bottle or other similar container is taken, in which the bottom is cut off. Below, at a distance of about 2 cm, 2 holes are made with an awl.
  2. 2. One 10 mm is also drilled in the lid. Alternatively, many small ones are pierced.
  3. 3. Screw on the bottle and start laying the cleaning material. On the bottom and walls use natural fabric or ready-made filters, lutrasil.
  4. 4. Next comes activated carbon. Above - clean sand, then gravel, which alternate in several layers. The total volume should not exceed 2/3 of the container capacity.
  5. 5. Everything is covered with a cloth that will not let large particles through. They hang it and fill it with water, waiting for it to be cleaned and poured into a clean dish.

The system has a disadvantage: filtering takes a long time.

It is more convenient to use 2 pieces of pipe, one of which is 4 times longer than the other. The short one is used for rough cleaning. Tightly install a lid from a plastic container in which a hole is made. A mesh is laid on it and the space is filled with pharmaceutical cotton wool or padding polyester. On the other hand, the pipe is also closed with a lid and a mesh.

One end of a long piece, which serves as a fine filter, is prepared in a similar way: a tight lid with a mesh. On the other hand - the neck of a plastic container. Pour in the filter material, each layer in turn. Both parts of the structure are connected.

Do-it-yourself water purification for a home aquarium is also simple. Requires 2 disposable 10 ml syringes with cut-off spouts. They are interconnected, holes are made along the entire length. A tube with a spray at the end is placed inside, and if zeolite is added, the water quality will increase - nitrites will be removed. Outside, the device is wrapped with a sponge.

Pool water treatment

Do-it-yourself sand filters allow you to filter a rather voluminous tank. They are simple in the device, their cost is half that of purchased ones. The design consists of the following parts:

  • a container with a wide mouth;
  • branch pipes for water supply and intake;
  • quartz or glass sand as a filter.

It requires a plastic tank, usually a barrel, at the bottom of which there is a fine mesh with cells smaller than sand. Its fraction is from 0.4 to 0.8 mm. The first one changes after 2 or 3 years. The second will last 5 years, but its cost is higher. Multilayer media is also used when the filter elements alternate from larger to smaller or gravel is included.

Dirty water is fed into a sealed container from above, suspended mineral and organic particles remain in the filter, and clean water enters the pool from below. To operate the device, a pump with a power of 150–300 W is required, which is usually installed in front of the tank. Then he pushes the liquid. If you put the pump after the tank, a vacuum is created in it, and water is sucked in. There is no fundamental difference in the two schemes, the procedure is provided in any case.

For the first option, you need a container with reliable tightness that can withstand the pressure created in it. Often use an expansion tank with a membrane. It is removed, and the inside of the case is painted to protect the iron from rust.

The use of a plastic barrel with a volume of at least 60 liters for such purposes is also possible. But not every such container can withstand pressure: they often tear out the lid or the sidewalls diverge at the joints. In this case, it is advisable to apply the connection diagram of the pump after the filter. The lid is additionally sealed to exclude the slightest air leakage. The master class will show the details in more detail.

For water inflow and intake, fittings are cut into the body, the joints are carefully sealed. A coarse filter is installed at the feed: an inexpensive cartridge or a bottle neck with a mesh. On the reverse side of the filter tank, a plastic pipe with holes is mounted, covered with non-woven material, through which even fine sand does not penetrate, and clean water enters the pool.

If a pressure circuit is implemented, be sure to install a pressure gauge on the fitting in the tank cap or between the pump and the filter. It is more reliable to use a manifold that has a pressure sensor, air vent and safety valves. If the principle of suction is applied, a tap is cut into the lid. When the system is aired, it is enough to open it and bleed the air.

The filter with the top water inlet is placed below the level of the pool mirror. On both branch pipes, valves are installed that regulate the work. The place of release and intake is located as far as possible. Before turning on the pump, the tank is filled with liquid manually.

A water filter is a necessary and demanded thing in everyday life. It is no secret that purified water is more beneficial for health, since boiling is not able to rid it of harmful substances and impurities. A home-made filter is no worse than a production one, it is able to purify water from precipitation. Making a filter with your own hands is quite simple. Moreover, there are a variety of ways to solve this problem that do not require significant financial costs.

What materials will be required?

You can make a filter for purifying water from harmful impurities with your own hands. The most primitive water filter is sand. At home, a homemade water filter can be made from paper napkins or gauze. With their help, well and tap water is cleaned quite well, but such filters have one very significant drawback - they are very short-lived and require constant replacement.

Cotton wool and cotton fabric are quite effectively used to purify water. The cotton filter will last longer. It can be placed in a large strainer or colander. Earlier in Russia, shreds of linen were used for such purposes.

Charcoal is no less popular as a filter. It can be purchased today at almost any department store or grocery store. And there are those craftsmen who prefer to make charcoal themselves, and then use it not for the purpose of cooking barbecue, but as a filter for water purification. If you want to make charcoal to filter water yourself, this operation is very simple.

Pieces of wood are placed in a metal container, calcined in it - and charcoal for water purification is ready. However, it should be remembered that not every wood is suitable for such an operation. For the manufacture of activated carbon, pieces of coniferous wood are not used, since they contain resin and it prevents the production of this product.

What is the role of lutraxil and what impurities will it help get rid of?

A water filter can be made without problems from improvised materials. For those who are concerned about the problem of high-quality water purification and who have a desire to purchase any additional components for these purposes, experts usually recommend paying attention to lutraxil.

It has been used for filtering relatively recently, it is a new product on the Russian market. Lutraxil provides a high level of water purification for drinking and household needs due to the presence of special polypropylene fibers in it, which trap impurities and substances harmful to human health in the filter.

Filters allow you to purify water from the following negative impurities and properties:

  • sulfates;
  • chlorine;
  • nitrates;
  • nitrites;
  • gland;
  • chromaticity;
  • turbidity.

About the secrets of making simple filters

What is the best homemade water filter? The answer is simple - multi-layered. Each of the listed materials used for water filtration has its own properties.

If the filters are combined, water purification is carried out at a higher level. Pitcher filters purify water slowly enough, for a faster solution to this problem, you can use a plastic bottle, with which a home filter is made.

To make a homemade filter you will need:

  • five-liter plastic bottle;
  • plastic bucket;
  • small stones;
  • gauze or thin cotton cloth;
  • charcoal;
  • sand.

How to make a filter that purifies water? It is better to take an ordinary five-liter plastic bottle for water purification. Its bottom must be carefully cut. The other part of the filter is a plastic bucket. A hole is cut in its plastic cover. A plastic bottle is inserted upside down into it, small holes are made in the cork, 5 pieces. It is better to clean the edges of the plastic with sandpaper. And now it only remains to fill the homemade filter with filler.

First, at the bottom of the bottle, we put washed small stones, about 2-3 cm, on top of a bandage folded four times, or cotton fabric. This is necessary to separate stones from coal.

The main filter element is coal.

You must first prepare it. If there is no ready-made coal, then for this you need to make a fire in advance, in which it is good to ignite the wood. Then we break it so that the pieces are not too small and not too large, and we fall asleep from above to about half the capacity.

Again we take gauze, fold it four times and cover the coals well with it so that there are no gaps. This is done so that, putting sand on top, it cannot seep to the coals. If the sand goes to the coals, they will clog. The sand must first be washed and slightly ignited for disinfection.

The function of sand is to enhance filtration. It should leave in itself small particles of dirt and foreign inclusions. Sand falls asleep approximately 2-2.5 fingers. On top of the sand again gauze in 4 layers, so that when pouring water, a funnel does not form. Approximately 1/3 of the free space must be left at the top in order to pour the water to be filtered.

If it is necessary to purify a larger amount of water, it is enough to take other containers in size and repeat the algorithm.