Quick repairs at the dacha: cheap and hearty! Wallpaper For Unheated Summer Cottage Is it possible to glue wallpaper in an unheated house.

In terms of renovation, a suburban vacation residence is somewhat different from a city apartment. All the reason is living conditions. The dacha can be with all the conditions and communications, or maybe not. Therefore, the owner of the property is faced with a number of practical questions. How to choose wallpaper for the country? In general, why is wallpaper in the country? How to glue the wallpaper in the country? Which to choose?

Traditionally, a dacha is a building for the warm season. Therefore, wallpaper for summer cottages should be chosen with an almost professional look so that they are pleasing to the eye, and not fly off after a while. For a suburban space, a type of wallpaper that will not fade under the influence of the country sun and withstand the harmful effects of humidity is suitable. In addition, the wallpaper should be easy to clean and restore.

You can glue wallpaper in the country, for example, paper. They will not hit the wallet, but it will be difficult to glue them perfectly. You need a completely flat surface without flaws, two pairs of hands and dexterity. But this option is not a pity to re-glue it next year, because paper wallpapers quickly fade and lose their presentation.

You can use vinyl type wallpaper. The ideal option is to buy such wallpaper for painting. They are easy to wash and tidy up periodically. They are not afraid of the direct scorching sun, and if necessary, the walls can be repainted many times. Foam vinyl or silk-screen printing is suitable, which wallpaper to glue in the country is a personal choice.

There is another option, but it is much more expensive. This is a cork wallpaper for a summer residence. Cork is an environmentally friendly material that is stylistically best suited to a country house. These wallpapers are easy to clean. Any stains can be removed with sandpaper. By its structure, cork wallpaper consists of plain paper on which a cork layer is applied. Cork is an allergist-approved material - it doesn't collect dust.

Liquid wallpaper is also suitable for summer cottages. They resemble plaster. The consistency of the mortar is applied to the wall surface, and the drawing is done with a spatula. Then everything is varnished.

Experienced summer residents advise not to save money when choosing wallpaper. It is better to choose the option in which the decor will last longer. You can find quality wallpapers at a discounted price on sale. You can combine materials. For example, cover one wall with vinyl, and finish the second with a different material, surely a good owner has pieces of wallpaper left after repairs in the apartment.

Regardless of the cost of purchased wallpaper for a summer residence, in no case should you save on glue solution. Each type of wallpaper has its own glue. It is better to buy this perfect pair together and from the same manufacturer. All-purpose glue is not the best option. You need to pay attention to the expiration date and the availability of instructions for use. It is better not to purchase glue without specifying the company, otherwise the wallpapering process may be ruined.

You should know that wallpaper with a small pattern is preferable for country walls, because traces of burnout are least visible on them. Light colors will expand the visually small space of the cottage. If the ceiling of the summer cottage is low, then this can be corrected with striped wallpaper. The strip seems to raise the ceiling upward. The larger the room, the wider the selected strip can be.

To glue wallpaper in the country, you need to stock up on the following tools: spatulas (small and large), brush, roller, plastic spatula, pencil, tape measure, knife.

Even if the dacha is a temporary resting place, you should not neglect its design. In any room, the owner should be comfortable. The dacha is the place where you can fantasize and embody your wildest thoughts in reality.

It would seem that it is important at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials to get the desired result. But this is far from the case. It is the temperature regime in the room that is the main condition for the successful pasting of wallpaper.

Rules for successful pasting

In order for the wallpaper to serve you for a long time and lay flat on the walls, you must follow a number of rules regarding the indoor climate:

  1. The first is the allowable temperature. It should not be below +10 ° C and above +25 ° C. It is this temperature range that contributes to the uniform drying of the adhesive base of the wallpaper. In addition, such a temperature in the house should be maintained not only during the work, but also after them for 10 days.
  2. The second is the humidity of the air. This figure in an apartment should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, the glue will begin to react with moisture, and its adhesive properties will noticeably decrease, which can cause bubbles and the web to peel off.
  3. The third is the absence of drafts. Even a small draft can have an extremely negative effect on the entire course of work. The fact is that because of it, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room will constantly change, and this adversely affects the adhesive composition and its drying, which can subsequently cause the canvas to peel off.
  4. The fourth is protection from direct sunlight. If direct rays of the sun fall on the glued layer of wallpaper, this will lead to rapid drying of the glue in some places. As a result, the web may wrinkle or shrink.

It is quite simple to comply with all these rules in a residential building. You just need to measure the indicators with the usual devices (thermometer), close all the vents, cover the windows with a cloth and calmly paste new wallpaper according to the instructions. In this case, the result will delight you with the quality of performance for many years.

How to glue wallpaper in the cold season?

Many experts recommend finishing work in summer or spring. After all, sticking wallpaper in the warm season is a very simple task. Even if the premises are non-residential and not connected to centralized heating, the required temperature is always maintained in it, and the wallpaper dries without problems. And here a well-grounded question arises: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter, or is it better to wait until the onset of heat? Certainly, wallpapering can be done at any time of the year, provided that all the rules of this technology are observed. But even here some difficulties may arise due to the exact room in which the work will be carried out.

The most difficult thing is pasting wallpaper in an unheated room. In the cold season, the temperature in them drops so much that work is unacceptable, and then it becomes necessary to heat the room with the help of heating devices. But this is not the most difficult task, the most difficult thing will be to maintain the required temperature regime so that the wallpaper glue can dry evenly. This will require uninterrupted operation of heaters and constant monitoring of the indoor climate.

In residential buildings, it will be much easier to glue wallpaper in autumn or winter, because they are equipped with a heating system and constantly maintain a certain temperature. Difficulties here can arise with air humidity, but even here you can always find a solution to the problem that has arisen.

First you need to check the moisture content of the walls. This can be done using a regular piece of foam or polyethylene. It is enough to glue it to the surface to be pasted with tape at night, and in the morning, by the presence of condensation on the inside, it can be concluded that the walls are wet. If there is no moisture, then you can safely proceed to pasting the wallpaper, and if it does appear, then it is necessary to dry the air. This can be done using a special electrical appliance - a dehumidifier - which can, in a given mode, reduce the air humidity to the desired value. Or you can use ordinary heaters, but here it will not be possible to establish the desired humidity indicator, so you will have to constantly measure it empirically.

Coziness and comfort in the house can be achieved at any time of the year. Both in winter and in summer, wallpapering will not cause much difficulty if you follow the recommendations of professionals regarding the microclimate of the room and at what temperature the wallpaper can be glued. It depends on this how long they will serve you, and whether your efforts will be wasted.

Investing in a big renovation at the dacha is rather stupid: we live there at most for several months, and even then - on short trips; the room is unheated, in winter temperature changes are inevitable - neither normal decoration, nor furniture can stand such a bullying. On the other hand, the soul asks for beauty: what kind of dacha is it if it is not pleasing to the eye. Let's see what there can be ways to quickly and inexpensively make a summer cottage renovation.

Leave it as it is?

If you have a house made of timber, consider yourself lucky: you don't have to decorate such walls at all. A tree in any healthy condition has a gorgeous “finish” look. The key word is healthy: no one canceled the fire protection. Treat the timber twice with an antiseptic (with breaks according to the instructions), and cover it with a colorless matte varnish on top so that the dirt does not eat in and the sun does not sting.

Photo from the site Houzz.ru, author
To heighten the comfort of wood finishes. New curtains, covers, bedspreads are the easiest way to quickly transform the interior in a country house. Keep in mind that the wooden background is quite active, so it is better to choose contrasting colors of fabrics: light wood - bright textiles, dark or medium intensity - light. Over time, the timber will begin to darken naturally - it will be possible to return the original color only with the help of grinding.

We paint the timber, lining ...

Bar - for this there are paints, varnishes, waxes and stains.

Photo from the site Houzz.ru, author
They differ in composition (the most environmentally friendly ones are based on water and natural oils) and hiding power - that is, the degree of transparency. If you want to add color to the wood, but leave the texture - choose a translucent paint. For the street side of the wall, you should prefer elastic paints that are not afraid of temperature changes - alkyd, oil, and for the inside - breathable water-dispersion (more resistant) or water-based (cheaper). Better, of course, moisture resistant, with an anti-fungal component. It makes sense to spend money on silicate or silicone only in high humidity conditions.

Before painting, prime the wood well - this way the paint will go away less (the primer will not allow it to be absorbed deeply) and tanning spots will not come out.

Advice: if the dwelling smells desperately of dampness, and indeed your climate is humid, postpone painting. The house must be dried first, otherwise the painting result is unpredictable. Heat guns and building hair dryers do well with drying. It is absolutely pointless to paint over foci of mold or rot - the fungus will continue to destroy the walls and floor! The mold must be removed mechanically, the wood must be dried, sanded with sandpaper, treated with an antiseptic - and only then painted.

... and brick

A brick wall painted with water emulsion is not only a fashionable element that came to us from loft-style interiors, but also thousands of rubles to save on plaster and plasters.

Photo from the site Houzz.ru, author

The texture is evident

OSP panels are also a fashionable decoration element today. More precisely, it has been fashionable for many years, but now it has been decided not to hide the slabs made of wood chips. So if you didn't have time to paste over them with wallpaper, don't.

Photo from the site Houzz.ru, author All OSP panels are excellent at keeping your home warm, but some are afraid of moisture. For "damp" rooms it is worth choosing OSB-3 or OSB-4 class slabs. For interior work in dry rooms, cheaper "one" and "two" will do.

We paint on plaster

Plastered walls (lined with plasterboard or plywood) can also be painted; cheapest - acrylic water-based paint.

In order for the paint to adhere well to the surface, do not skimp on the primer. No primer - walls can be washed with water and detergent to remove dust and grease.

If there are small cracks on the wall, and there is neither time nor desire to putty, you can choose paint with a latex filler - it hides cracks up to 2 mm. By the way, on small areas (for example, a part of a wall), a brush is more profitable than a roller, and on large ones, on the contrary, a roller uses less paint per square meter.

Advice: do not be afraid of the "impractical" - firstly, this is the cheapest paint, and secondly, against a white background, any bright object (for example, painted cans or an old tray, as in the photo) will look like a designer decor. And next spring you can repaint.

Wallpaper: take it off or leave it?

Are the old wallpaper peeling off? Do not rush to rip them off the walls, assess the scale of the disaster. If they fall off with canvases, there is nothing to save, but if we are talking about several joints or corners, it is more profitable to glue it. Little trick: add a little PVA glue to the wallpaper glue (about 1: 6) - the canvas will hold stronger.

Another situation: the wallpaper has fallen off, but there are still areas glued tightly - iron them thoroughly with an iron through a wet cloth. Then they can be scraped off.

Advice: in order to hide spots on the wallpaper, they produce special stickers in the form of birds, butterflies, airplanes and the like.

Choosing a wallpaper

Wallpaper is the most budgetary version of finishing for a country house.

Surely in your closet there are scraps left after repairs in your apartment. Friends will also find leftovers. Hence, it is possible paste over the wall in the "patchwork" style- either in different colors "panels", as in this photo, or in rectangular pieces - as in the next one. Thus, it is better to decorate only one wall in the room - the decor is too saturated. Paint the rest of the walls in a neutral color. If you don't feel like messing with paint, pick up a couple of matching wallpaper colors and alternate between them.

Advice: in specialized stores there are baskets with sale wallpaper - as a rule, these are the remnants of collections, one or two rolls. Cost a penny. Choose and combine in color and texture.

Since our goal is to save money, it is tempting to choose cheap paper wallpaper... This can be done if you are satisfied with the renovation for one or two seasons. The paper quickly burns out from sunlight, gets dirty, and absorbs moisture. And glueing such a coating is the worst thing: if you overexpose the glue, it breaks. If we are to take paper wallpaper, then two-layer - they are not much more expensive than single-layer, but twice as strong.

However, the trick is that for a summer residence it just makes sense to purchase good vinyl wallpaper... You will probably need a little of them, so don't spend too much money - especially if you take the leftovers. But vinyl can be washed safely, it is much more durable than paper and, as a rule, looks much prettier. Plus, textured, heavy-weight vinyl wallpaper saves you the hassle of flattening your walls. On thin ones, every flaw will be visible.

If you want to save money, do not choose wallpaper with a large pattern: there will be more waste. Budget print - small and abstract. You can also do without waste with wallpaper in a vertical strip.

Painting wallpaper

Wallpaper for painting will cost less than usual (at a price per square meter), but most importantly, they will forgive the flaws of an unsuccessful connection: everything will be painted over. If your budget allows, choose vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base: although they are more expensive than counterparts on a paper base, they hold better, stick more easily and do not warp. In addition, dense interlining will hide small irregularities on the wall. The most expensive and durable paintable wallpapers are fiberglass and fiberglass. These are materials for perfectionists.

Advice: it is desirable that the vinyl wallpaper was of well-known (better - European) brands - this is a guarantee that the polymer coating is made with pores. Cheap vinyl wallpaper does not “breathe,” so condensation can accumulate underneath, setting the stage for fungus infestation.

Tile with the world

Tile remnants are also useful for creating a spectacular patchwork wall.

And if you still have a box of tile scraps, beat them into small pieces and lay out a mosaic.

Wall newspapers, wall books and wall cards

Instead of wallpaper, you can use newspaper strips - we glue them like a regular paper covering, but cover them with colorless varnish on top.

Plus this finish - over time it will only look more interesting, and in a hundred years it will be possible to take excursions here.

Old geographic maps can be used as wallpaper ...

... and even book sheets. The latter is not a very quick way to decorate walls, but it looks impressive.

Film analog

Self-adhesive film is a finishing material that has not taken root in our area, it is quite suitable for a brisk suburban interior.

Wall of joy

If you know about slate paint that is fashionable today, most likely you have already painted something in your apartment with it, and half a can of paint is idle. Make a board wall in your country house - both children and adults will like drawing on it.

Happy metal

A pair of perforated metal sheets is not only a convenient system for storing pans in the country, but also an excellent finishing material

Roofing sheeting is the easiest way to cover a country bathroom. He is not afraid of water (the material has an anti-corrosion coating), nor frost. Will last at least half a century. Available in different colors, but you can paint it yourself.

Photo from the site Houzz.ru, author To prevent fungus from registering between the sheet of corrugated board and the wall, it is worth choosing a material with a coating on which condensation does not collect. In addition, at the beginning of the season, it makes sense to unscrew the screws, remove the corrugated board and thoroughly dry the corners with a construction hairdryer.

Another budget material - plastic panels... They are also not afraid of humidity and temperature changes, and are easy to install. The standard size is 270 x 25 cm.

It would seem that it is important at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials to get the desired result. But this is far from the case. It is the temperature regime in the room that is the main condition for the successful gluing of wallpaper.

Rules for successful pasting

In order for the wallpaper to serve you for a long time and lay flat on the walls, you must follow a number of rules regarding the indoor climate:

  1. The first is the allowable temperature. It should not be below +10 ° C and above +25 ° C. It is this temperature range that contributes to the uniform drying of the adhesive base of the wallpaper. In addition, such a temperature in the house should be maintained not only during the work, but also after them for 10 days.
  2. The second is the humidity of the air. This figure in an apartment should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, the glue will begin to react with moisture, and its adhesive properties will noticeably decrease, which can cause bubbles and the web to peel off.
  3. The third is the absence of drafts. Even a small draft can have an extremely negative effect on the entire course of work. The fact is that because of it, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room will constantly change, and this adversely affects the adhesive composition and its drying, which can subsequently cause the canvas to peel off.
  4. The fourth is protection from direct sunlight. If direct rays of the sun fall on the glued layer of wallpaper, this will lead to rapid drying of the glue in some places. As a result, the web may wrinkle or shrink.

It is quite simple to comply with all these rules in a residential building. You just need to measure the indicators with the usual devices (thermometer), close all the vents, cover the windows with a cloth and calmly paste new wallpaper according to the instructions. In this case, the result will delight you with the quality of performance for many years.

How to glue wallpaper in the cold season?

Many experts recommend finishing work in summer or spring. After all, sticking wallpaper in the warm season is a very simple task. Even if the premises are non-residential and not connected to centralized heating, the required temperature is always maintained in it, and the wallpaper dries without problems. And here a well-grounded question arises: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter, or is it better to wait until the onset of heat? Definitely, wallpapering can be done at any time of the year, provided that all the rules of this technology are observed. But even here some difficulties may arise due to the exact room in which the work will be carried out.

The most difficult thing is gluing wallpaper in an unheated room. In the cold season, the temperature in them drops so much that work is unacceptable, and then it becomes necessary to heat the room with the help of heating devices. But this is not the most difficult task, the most difficult thing will be to maintain the required temperature regime so that the wallpaper glue can dry evenly. This will require uninterrupted operation of heaters and constant monitoring of the indoor climate.

In residential buildings, it will be much easier to glue wallpaper in autumn or winter, because they are equipped with a heating system and constantly maintain a certain temperature. Difficulties here can arise with air humidity, but even here you can always find a solution to the problem that has arisen.

First you need to check the moisture content of the walls. This can be done using a regular piece of foam or polyethylene. It is enough to glue it to the surface to be pasted with tape at night, and in the morning, by the presence of condensation on the inside, it can be concluded that the walls are wet. If there is no moisture, then you can safely start gluing wallpaper, but if it does appear, then you need to dry the air. This can be done using a special electrical appliance - a dehumidifier - which can, in a given mode, reduce the air humidity to the desired value. Or you can use ordinary heaters, but here it will not be possible to establish the desired humidity indicator, so you will have to constantly measure it empirically.

Coziness and comfort in the house can be achieved at any time of the year. Both in winter and in summer, gluing wallpaper will not cause much difficulty, if you follow the recommendations of professionals regarding the microclimate of the room and at what temperature you can glue the wallpaper. It depends on this how long they will serve you, and whether your efforts will be wasted.

At what temperature can wallpaper be glued in the house and in the apartment
At what temperature can wallpaper be glued in the house and in the apartment It would seem that it is important at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials,

Wall decoration in a garden house

Camilla, we had wallpaper pasted in an unheated house. They kept up normally, nothing fell off. Now upholstered with clapboard, we like it better. But this is a matter of taste.

Camilla, my parents have been gluing for many years and nothing falls off. Previously, there was a cinder block house, but now in the new dacha it is wooden, lined with plywood inside. About two weeks ago, they pasted over with new wallpaper. Everything is holding up perfectly. If you like wallpaper, stick it.

We had wallpaper on the walls in our old house, inherited from the previous owners. They kept up normally, did not fall off. In the new house, the rooms are sheathed with clapboard, and the walls on the veranda were covered with plywood and painted with water-based paint. I like this option even more - the color will get bored, you can quickly repaint without peeling and re-sticking. Convenient and, for sure, nothing will fall off.

at the old dacha there was wallpaper in the house, it did not fall off for several decades. One problem - since the wooden house “walks”, it cracked at the joints of the plywood sheets that were under them. It is necessary to very carefully seal the joints with special tape. The fact that in Soviet times the joints were sealed did not help. Maybe there are more reliable materials now.

Roc, we glued with bandages, kept perfectly. Now there is a serpyanka.

Thank you, they removed the stone from the soul, otherwise on the Internet, on various construction sites, they are categorically not advised (builders). Supposedly dampness in spring and autumn, temperature drops, wallpaper falls off. I don’t feel like lining, there is experience in the relaxation room in the bath. Practical but not romantic. I want something in the French or English style (shepherdesses, flowers and all that).

Camilla, buy wallpaper on freesilin or vinyl. They are, in experience, more elastic or something. Tear resistant than paper. Two years (two winters) were not greedy ago, the flight is normal. Even the most walking corner, though cracked, but after drying up the house falls into place and no breaks are noticeable.

If the wallpaper is glued on plywood, etc., then it will hold up perfectly, if - on stone, etc. surfaces with an unheated house in winter, there may be peeling. But if you take good glue and spread it thicker, it seems to me that in this case there will be a good result. Do not use thick wallpaper.

Indeed, I had on plywood. At
heating a cold house, everything was fine.

We have a brick house, the first floor is covered with wallpaper on a non-woven for painting, and the second with plain paper, everything has been holding up perfectly for 7-8 years, I don't remember exactly. In winter we do not drive and do not drown; we begin to drown in the spring, when there is no longer any big frost. It seems to me that it can peel off during operation in the mode of heating - it froze several times over the winter.

Camilla, so I associate only the bathhouse with the clapboard :)) Wallpapers on a non-woven basis (heavy in one room, in the other - silk-screen printing - "pastoral") have been holding up perfectly for the 8th season. The walls are covered with plasterboard.

We had a question about wall cladding, and for some reason I’m afraid to put drywall or plywood, because I don’t understand how to close up joints in a periodically heated and still “walking” house in a house that is periodically heated in winter. Would you like to share the technology? Very important, because drywall is the cheapest and fastest solution

erdel, take drywall, you will not regret it. It is of different types: in addition to the main one, there is water-resistant (under windows), fire-resistant (around the stove or fireplace) The edges of the drywall are slightly thinner, especially for joining the canvases with a serpyanka (construction bandage). Read on any construction site how to work with it. One thing I can say is sheer pleasure. Yes, don't take the thinnest one. He's fragile enough. I took either 12 or 14, I don't remember. Now I will buy it again for covering the summer kitchen. They can sheathe the ceilings. In short, great stuff.

erdel, g / cardboard is attached to
guides. The wall walks under
guides without affecting hot-smoked sheets.

oja The blessing was the final deciding factor for drywall. We are very satisfied, especially with the ceiling :) We hibernated for two years. While all tip-top. A thin one was used on the ceiling, the thickest on the walls. erdel If you will use it for the kitchen, then do not forget to strengthen the place under the shelves or put double drywall, otherwise we did not want to mount the kitchen with one layer, I completely forgot about strengthening :(. and the shelves will hold in. But actually, now there are other modern materials, however, I have not compared the prices.
As for the joints, I started the topic about drywall, everything is explained step by step how and what to do. I controlled mine.

Thanks to everyone who responded for, as always, invaluable and prompt help! Lara, I will carefully study everything and give the control center to my husband :)

One thing: if you are gluing wallpaper on plywood, look with what nails it is nailed. During the first winter, rusty spots appeared on the wallpaper.

erdel, Plywood - yes! Drywall - no way! It is moisture-consuming. In an irregularly heated house, it will desperately smell musty and damp because of it. There was such an option - drywall and wallpaper on top of it. As a result, it was because of the drywall that the dampness in the house was terrible. The mattresses, pillows, clothes in the closet smelled of dampness. No airing or heating really helped - only for a while. Got rid of drywall - and everything went away by itself! Now the house always smells so good! Everything was upholstered with clapboard and new window frames were painted so that the structure of the tree was visible. IMHO - I love wood. I don't want to turn the dacha into a city apartment. And I have the wallpaper with
associated with her. In a stone house - all right. Subject to wood (or wood grain) floors and wood-trimmed ceilings. And in a wooden house, wallpaper is just nonsense for me. Once again, I repeat - the taste, the color.

erdel, I got it all mixed up! Sorry. Plasterboard was unfairly accused, confusing it with hardboard. All the troubles with moisture were due to hardboard, and not due to drywall! In the old house, everything was upholstered in hardboard under the wallpaper. I had nothing to do with drywall. So I shut up, embarrassed.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper in an unheated room
Is it possible to glue wallpaper in an unheated room? Wall decoration in the garden house Camilla, we had wallpaper in an unheated house. They kept up normally, nothing fell off. Now

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Why are we so sure of this? Because we pay them for it!

So the plaster costs money, but here free happiness falls, I would not refuse. Liquid wallpaper will behave no worse than paper wallpaper in winter, only the walls need to be prepared. And there is a nuance - a primer is needed specifically for this composition of liquid wallpaper and the same manufacturer as the wallpaper. If in doubt, you can then additionally apply a special colorless varnish that protects liquid wallpaper from moisture.

You can use acrylic varnish, it is really versatile and suitable for any type of wallpaper. And you can also add it to the liquid wallpaper itself when kneading it. Then their stability in the absence of heating increases several times. And the liquid wallpaper will not become limp, will not float and will not lag behind, even if the walls are washed with a lot of water.

Everything is laid in the same way as according to the instructions, because very little varnish is added, only 200-250 g per 10 liters of ready-to-apply liquid wallpaper. If you add more varnish, then the effect of translucency of liquid wallpaper will appear on the wall after drying, and some imperfections such as spots and cracks may appear.

When preparing walls for liquid wallpaper, they paint it with a seemingly water-soluble white paint, especially for light ones. Otherwise, all the dirt spots that are on the walls will show through the liquid wallpaper, they even seem to pull the dirt to the surface.

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Country house: is it possible to use liquid wallpaper for walls
Country house: is it possible to use liquid wallpaper for walls

Posted a topic in, Sunday at 05:48 AM

Good morning everyone)
So, we open our amnesty.

We remove all points. Those who are in the bathhouse before the end of the amnesty period are not entitled to demand withdrawal afterwards.

Those who fell under the amnesty, but again received a point, do not have the right to reapply for amnesty.

I will not erase the history of points. Look at the physical availability of points

I’ll make a reservation right away, those who will start writing, they say, shame on you to ask for deduction of points, a day in the bath is guaranteed.

Holiday greetings!)

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Friends, it would be ugly not to notice the work of our administrative staff. Therefore, we will also choose the Best and also give a personal title and 150 manats as a gift :)
As always, a vote can be given for 1 moderator. Anyone can vote (no post limit). Believe me, the mods will not cheat themselves.

Good morning all! Choosing the best user (man) of our forum. Only one option can be selected. Voting is open. Users with 300+ posts are allowed.

Good morning all! Choosing the best user of our forum. Only one option can be selected. Voting is open. Users with 300+ posts are allowed.
Voting will end on Friday, 13 (inclusive)

Friends, we want to continue our good tradition and choose the Best User and User of the Outgoing Year. In this thread, you can name the nicknames of those whose posts you remember. It can be humor, or maybe informative ..
Your candidates (or, in the case of self-nomination, yourself) must meet simple conditions:
- year of registration
- at least 500 posts.

For about a week we will collect and count the nominees for the title of Best User (m / f). Then we will open the poll and choose the Best.

We have gifts :) Personal rank and 150 manats (in cash)

P. S. Admin line-up is not involved :)

  • Imagine that you are importing goods for 10,000 dollars. Paying official taxes is about 4000 dollars (in manat terms) and almost 1000 more dollars for failure to provide this declaration.
    The question is why you need to provide 2 customs declarations (one preliminary short of 50 columns and a standard one of 10-15 columns for the same product within 2-3 days ??
    I wonder where did our people manage to get this from which country or is it our own invention to complicate business and replenish the budget through such fines?