5 wands of health. Meaning of Five of Wands in Tarot

Description of the Tarot card FIVE OF WANDS

The Five of Wands tarot card depicts people fighting. Moreover, there are no clearly expressed warring parties, here everyone is for himself. The card symbolizes the lack of expression of desires, the absence of a specific goal. Efforts are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the map.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card FIVE OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Direct position of the card FIVE OF WANDS

The Five of Wands means the task to be solved; struggle with a person, circumstances or, perhaps, with oneself. This is a card of difficulties, however, in most cases, quite surmountable. The main meanings of the card are ambition, the spirit of competition, the desire to go beyond the established framework. In essence, such a card symbolizes change and transformation, but the path to them is far from always easy and simple. This, in addition, is the onset of a tense, but promising period in life, requiring you to show all your abilities and endurance, a test of strength. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they provide an opportunity to be convinced of one's abilities, to realize them. The map can also serve as an indicator that you pay too much attention to one or another area of ​​​​your activity.

Reversed FIVE OF WANDS card

In an inverted form, this Arcana speaks of aggression and struggle in its worst manifestations. The card indicates violation of the boundaries of what is permitted, acrimony, intrigue and attempts to derive personal benefit from other people's conflicts. In some cases, the Five of Staves symbolizes bitterness and quite big problems with the law.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Conflict with colleagues, companions. Disagreements on fundamental issues, violent conflicts with showdowns, when no one wants to make concessions. Crisis in business as an impetus to a new cycle. Competition and an attempt to tighten the rules to reduce competition. In addition, the Five of Wands can also denote difficult production tasks, which, nevertheless, are able to help the fortuneteller climb the career ladder.

Reversed card position

In the inverted position, the card is interpreted as not particularly successful negotiations, as haste, which can carry fatal consequences for this case or project, as well as unhealthy or unfair competition.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Exacerbation of the disease, minor injuries, inflammatory processes.

Reversed card position

Long and hard struggle for recovery.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Five of Wands card means turmoil, confusion, squabbles. Often the cause of these events lies in too many people intervening in relationships - relatives, friends or rivals.

Reversed card position

In an inverted form, the Five of Scepters indicates incessant skirmishes, the source of which lies, perhaps, in the irritability of the partner in relation to the fortuneteller and in provoking him into quarrels.

The meaning and interpretation of the card FIVE OF WANDS in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Most often points to competitors.

Reversed card position

Describes a vicious, cruel person. May indicate secret enemies and ill-wishers.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS as a card of the day

Today you must be in shape, because you will have to prove your skills. This is a normal exam situation, a test that should not be avoided. If you fight honestly and, moreover, with full dedication, then victory is guaranteed to you. However, if you get second place, you will be happy that you took part in this fight.

Card advice FIVE OF WANDS in divination and layouts

Emotionality and unrest you are unlikely to avoid. However, you should try so that it does not harm you. Don't forget common sense. But do not give in to the first difficulty, and if you feel that the truth and strength are behind you, then do not miss the opportunity to take the "bull by the horns" at all.

Other names for the Five of Wands tarot card: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Scepters, Staves, Clubs, Clubs, Maces, Sticks, Branches, Rods, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Rods, Clubs, Clubs

The Five of Wands is a challenge thrown to us, an invitation to measure strength, to compete, a test: do we have enough strength? This has nothing to do with enmity or a life-and-death battle. We are offered to try our hand - maybe indeed in some kind of competition, dispute, or maybe in some new business for us. We have the strength for this, and we simply have a chance to use them, so there is no reason to fear serious defeat or damage, except perhaps when a number of unfavorable circumstances coincide. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they give us the opportunity to be convinced of our abilities, to realize them.

Work and business

The Five of Wands means the task we have to solve; of course, it will demand from us a strain, but by no means an overstrain of forces. This may be a qualitatively new, unusual task, or an unusual volume or scale of work that we have not threatened before; or a multi-way combination that requires dexterity and ingenuity. This is a competition task, like in a quiz show, and it should be treated as a game, an exercise in strength, and not taken on with deadly seriousness.


Here this card means a problem or a riddle over which you will have to rack your brains, but this will help us to move significantly forward along the path of knowledge. As an example, one can cite those heated arguments and fierce discussions that adolescents have with each other and with adults, polishing their minds and gradually developing their own ideas and ideas instead of the former ones imposed by other people.

Relationships and love

A family of quarrelers who love each other, but every now and then they bicker or compete in something. This is not a romantic union of two gentle souls, but a constant struggle. However, this feature may not be inherent in the union as such, but reflects only a certain period in the life of partners. Or they have to work together to solve a problem. Another card may indicate that without disputes, the union would quickly turn into a dull swamp, which is why the partners support themselves "in full combat readiness." An example is the union of the main Olympian deities, Zeus and Hera.

The inner meaning of the card

Following a period of insane spending and less sensible handling of finances, you spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to win, earn or get more money and material possessions. The Five of Wands tarot card says that these are not just attempts to grow your business; it is a greedy pursuit of financial gain.

For some time, you will face severe trials, even hardships due to this struggle. If you started this struggle yourself, then you may be able to alleviate the situation by showing patience and tolerance. If other people have drawn you into the fight, you will need to fight to keep what you have.

Comment. According to some interpretations, the Five of Tarot Wands is called a card of gold, profit and wealth. You can get rich if you strive for it and if the other signs are favorable.

Combinations in tarot layouts


7 of wands: opposition, battle

Strength: dissent

10 of wands: fighting, squabbling, meeting with an obstacle, resistance

5 of swords: discord, confrontation of the parties


2 of Pentacles: well-coordinated work, unity of friends

Peace: Integration, Collaboration

Temperance: harmony, agreement, working together

2 of Cups: truce, agreement, joint movement




Saturn in Leo

0°—10° Leo

Original Title: Lord of the Fight. The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: two hands outstretched from the clouds, right and left, join in the center in the handshake of the First Order. They hold four wands crossed in twos. The third hand, extended from the cloud at the bottom of the card, holds the fifth wand, pointing vertically upwards and passing between the other four. Tongues of fire emanate from the points of intersection of the wands

Color of Geburah according to the scale of the King: orange
Colors of Saturn on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; black with blue veins
Leo's colors on four scales: yellow (greenish); rich purple; grey; reddish amber
Formula: Five (Geburah) + Wands (Atzilut) + Saturn in Leo = FIGHT.

Crowley pays more attention to the Five of Wands than any other card of this suit. Is it because this card corresponds to the first decanate of Leo, in which the ascendant of Crowley's natal chart falls? Crowley was strongly identified with the sign of Leo and even used its astrological symbol in his signature, as part of the letter "A" in the name "Aleister".

This is one of three cards in the deck that Crowley literally left his mark on. If you look closely at the winged solar disk crowning the central rod, the rod of the Supreme Adept, then it will reveal Crowley's personal magical seal - the Mark of the Beast over the seven-pointed star of Babalon. This symbol is also used in the structure of the Ace of Disks (according to tradition, the creator of the deck leaves his signature on this card) and the Prince of Wands - a card that controls the 30 ° section, which also includes Crowley's ascendant.

As in Crowley's own personality, deep contradictions are incredibly connected in this card: the fiery Lion feels good in the sphere of fiery Geburah, and Geburah itself implies movement and creates an environment characterized by strength and activity. On the other hand, Saturn exerts a powerful and constant opposition to these factors. As a result, the map turns into an image of hot compressed magma, which tends to splash out of the volcano's mouth, but cannot, because the mountain itself presses too hard on it.

This card corresponds to Geburah in the suit of Fire. Since Geburah is itself a fiery sephirah, the Five of Wands is a purely active force. Its rulers are Saturn and Leo. Leo represents the element of Fire in its most powerful and balanced form. Saturn gives it some heaviness and bitterness. And this volcanic energy sweeps away all restrictions.

The symbol depicted on the card is the rod of the Supreme Adept, indicating that he is invested with authority from above; were it not so, this card would mean a complete disaster. Moreover, there are two wands of the Second or Elder Adept. The Rod of the Second Adept is surmounted by the head of a phoenix, symbolizing the destruction (or rather purification) by fire and the resurrection of energy from the ashes. And finally, the last two wands are the wands of the Third or Younger Adept; and these are, so to speak, the daughters of the wands depicted on the Three of this suit. One of the most difficult points of the teaching about Geburah is that, while symbolizing all this indomitable and reckless energy and excitement, it, at the same time, comes from the meek and gentle power of the feminine principle.

The Egyptians were well aware of this idea. They called their lioness goddess Bast "wild" and "ferocious"; fanatical worshipers who identified this goddess with Nature represented her "with bloody teeth and claws." There is often an element of sexual cruelty in the highest divine nature; cf. Bhavani and Kali in the Hindu system and the intercourse of Shiva and Shakti, often depicted on Tibetan banners. See also Book 418 [The Vision and the Voice], the descriptions of the 4th, 3rd and 2nd Ethers, and the section on Atu XI.

A source

Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

These three women are high in the sky, fun and free, yet alert and interdependent. In trapezoid exercises, no one can afford to be a little "absent", even for a fraction of a second. And it is this quality of total presence in every moment that is represented here.

Direct position

We may feel like there is too much to do at once, but we get bogged down in trying to do a little here, a little there, instead of taking one task at a time and sticking to it. Or perhaps we think our task is "boring" because we have forgotten that what matters is not what we do, but how we do it. Developing the ability to respond totally to whatever comes is one of the greatest gifts you can afford. By taking one step at a time, giving each step your full attention and energy, you can bring a wonderful new vitality to everything you do.

The meaning of the card

Every moment there is an opportunity to be whole. Whatever you do, be absorbed in it so completely that the mind does not think of anything, it is only there, it is only presence. And you will be more and more whole. And the taste of wholeness will make you more and more capable of being whole. And try to see those moments when you are not whole. These moments must be gradually discarded. When you are not whole, whatever is in your head - thoughts, reflections, calculations, cunning, dexterity - you are not whole. Gradually slip away from these moments. It's just an old habit. Habits die hard. But they die anyway - if the person insists, they die. (Osho)

The meaning of the junior card Five of Staves symbolizes the struggle, defending one's interests. It appears in the alignment when a person should act decisively, turn to the internal reserve, focus on business. The Five of Tarot Wands in combination with other cards represents a wide range of meanings.

Combination with Major Arcana

The major arcana in the Tarot deck carry a basic meaning that is difficult to change with minor cards. Neighborhood with the Five of Wands only gives the meaning of a message to action.

Staves, which are responsible for the fire element, give the neighboring cards dynamics and emotionality.

Features of the combination of the 5 of Wands card in combination with the leading arcana are displayed in the table.

Major ArcanaCard uprightMap upside down
JesterLack of respect for other people's successesRidiculing your own weakness
MageThe role of the manipulator among employeesWatching and hatching secret plans
High PriestessLack of order in paperworkDisrespect from employees
empressFinding a compromiseStubbornly defending one's own point of view
EmperorPolitical struggle for dominanceRivalry
HierophantWork on yourselfWeak willpower in the fight against doubt
loversCollision of interests and principles in relationshipsOne of the opponents gives in
ChariotEndless discussionsRepetition of a hackneyed theme
PowerCompliance with rules and orderSecret desire to change the usual course of things
HermitIntrapersonal conflictsdepressive state
Wheel of FortuneTest of fate for strength of characterPanic fear of trials
JusticeLawyer career, use of the law for personal gainTrying to deal with the law
HangedDesperate attempts to avoid the consequences of the situationRenunciation of something
DeathChange of principlesBetrayal of one's own views
ModerationCaution in expressions, the search for a golden meanLack of initiative
DevilsetupUnpleasant events with consequences
TowerEnemy victoryBoth sides suffered in the conflict
StarError in the root cause of the conflictPointless bickering
moonSecret malice, reticenceopen rivalry
The sunWinning the DreamReward less than expected
CourtDiscussions in making the right decisionFight without rules
PeaceEnd of feud, victory, new principlesDevastation after an argument

Combination with the suit of Wands

Wands are responsible for the emotional fullness of life, impulsive impulses. Therefore, cards of the same suit next to the Five of Staves only focus on feelings and mental energy.

The interpretation of the minor arcana of the suit of the Staves is shown in the table.

Minor Arcana of WandsMeaning of a straight cardReversed Card Meaning
AceTake the plunge, take the initiativeMiss your chance
deucebad luck, lossTemporary Trouble
TroikaWork on yourselfSlow self-improvement
FourCompromiseDistance from a partner and a common cause
SixGetting a high positionUnrealized dreams
SevenStubbornness, adherence to principles that do not allow conflicts to fadeGradual surrender of positions
EightChaotic movements, heat in rivalryEasy problem solving
Ninetense situationsRare skirmishes without satisfaction
TenUnsuccessful fight with an opponent, job lossUnpleasant dismissal
PageFinding a compromiseEnd of cooperation
KnightEscalation of rivalryReconciliation of competitors
QueenResolving disputes peacefullyRejection of constructive dialogue by one of the disputants
KingStrategic decision, responsible actionInfantilism, the imposition of responsibility

Combination with the suit of Swords

Swords in the Tarot represent suits that are directly related to intellect, inner goals, intuition, enemies, and struggle. Peaks (the second name of the Swords) are a complex of conflicting meanings that complicate the situation with dual concepts. The presence next to these cards of the Five of Wands only complicates the picture.

The table shows the decoding of the connection of the Five of Wands with the suit of Swords.

Minor Arcana of Swords
AceStrong desire to win, active actionsLack of understanding of one's own desires
deuceConfrontation of two peopleDifferences of opinion
TroikaStrong quarrelThe accumulation of anger in oneself
FourSubjugation to the strongest enemyNeutralization of the conflict
Fivebullyingstupid gossip
SixDeparture from ill-wishersThe inability to fight back
SevenDiplomatic skills, compromiseNo chance of agreement
EightPainful perception of criticismInferiority complex
NineExhaustion caused by conflictMindless attitude to events
TenBreaking an unpleasant connectionPatience in relationships
PageNot accepting the child's positionResolving disputes with children
KnightHostilitiesConclusion of an agreement
QueenArgument with an intellectualWeak arguments
KingConflict with a high-ranking personThe gradual fading of disagreements

Combination with the suit of Pentacles

In the Tarot, Pentacles denote the minor arcana, which are associated with material values, wealth, art objects.

In combination with the Five of Staves, this suit has the following interpretation:

  1. For Pentacles, the neighborhood in the layout with 5 Staves manifests itself as a desire to get rich.
  2. Tarot emphasizes the emotional connection of the Staff card with the material incarnation in the suit of Pentacles.

You can decipher the meanings of the cards according to the following table.

Minor Arcana of PentaclesCard value in direct positionReversed card meaning
AceCompetition for funding or inheritanceLack of sponsorship
deuceQuarrels with a person who does not repay a debtTimely repayment of debt
TroikaCompetition in the projectLack of own abilities
FourLife by the rulesYour view on the rules, the fight against the opinion of society
FiveInstincts for survivalApplying a Rational Approach to a Dispute
SixFight for subsidiesInjustice in the competition
SevenAnalysis of the work done with partnersEvaluation of one's own contribution to the business
EightProfessional competitionsWrong profession
NineGreat deal for the winnerFraud for money
TenQuarrels of heirsReconciliation and division of inheritance
PageArguments over moneyDisputes on spiritual topics
KnightManager SkillsLack of faith in oneself as an active leader
QueenRivalry with a business womanNeutral attitude of the boss
KingDiscussions on management topicsEquality of partners

Combination with the suit of Cups

Cups represent the symbolic fullness of human life with events, important signs, mystical connections.

In Tarot, any cup sign is a bowl that shows the result of actions, the consequences of situations, the birth of something new, rewards for efforts. The Five of Wands, in combination with other Tarot cards of the suit of Cups (Cups), focuses on certain events.

The following table displays the meaning of each card in the neighborhood of the Five of Staves.

Minor Arcana of CupsMeaning of a straight cardReversed Card Meaning
AceThe appearance of a rival in a love relationshipFriendly resolution of love disputes
deuceAnalysis of partner relationshipsMutual respect that restrains conflicts
TroikaQuarrels with close friendsPeaceful resolution of issues in the company
FourAbility to avoid conflicts of interestSlowness in decisions
FiveEqual forces of competitors in the fightwin
SixLong forgotten conflictsAn unhealed wound from resentment
SevenUnsuccessful attempts to fightEffort Reward
EightEscaping a serious confrontationSettling a dispute amicably
Ninewell deserved victoryLosing to strong competitors
TenConflicts and omissions in the familyFamily idyll
PageTrying to get the attention of othersFading into the background
KnightAn offer of compromise, forgiveness of offendersCareful search for common ground
QueenMisunderstanding with a significant womanConfusion in relationships with wife, mother

In the Tarot deck, one of the most controversial and mysterious cards is the Five of Tarot Wands. It depicts people fighting on staves. But the action depicted is more like a competition than a fight. There are no warring parties, and everyone is fighting for himself. People are overwhelmed with energy and in a brawl they splash it out. Here reigns the spirit of the game and competition.

The Five of Wands Tarot is the most controversial and mysterious card.

What does the Five of Wands mean?

From the image on the card, you can understand what it represents. Poles talk about the lack of a specific goal and understatement. Everything that a person does does not give a result.

The person on whom the alignment is being made is not able to cope with the problems on his own and he needs to use the help of other people. With support, he will be able to get out of any, even the most difficult situation, with minimal losses.

From this we can conclude that the Tarot Five of Wands symbolizes the absence of a specific goal, the uncertainty of desires, thoughts. Human efforts are not focused on achieving the task, but are directed in different directions. One can trace the dissatisfaction of a person with his life and his desire to destroy everything that prevents him from realizing his dream.

When interpreting, it is important in what form Arkan fell out. Therefore, you need to pay attention to whether 5 wands fell out straight or upside down, as well as what signs they are next to.

What do the fives symbolize in tarot?

The fives that fell out in the layout will tell about the upcoming changes: travel, career advancement, public recognition, solving interesting problems. During this period of a person's life, serious energy costs await. And also hasty conclusions can be drawn.

Favorable time for art, literature, creativity and self-knowledge. Fives are restless in nature, so if they fell out during fortune-telling, this indicates that now is not the best time to get involved in something for a long time.

Direct card position

The peculiarity of poles is that they do not have a specific meaning. They can have different interpretations and often negative ones. In accordance with their meaning, a person will need to solve a difficult task or fight the current situation, the enemy or himself. In the upright position, the 5 Tarot Staves have the following meanings:

  • competition;
  • ambition;
  • the desire to break out of the generally accepted framework.

But ambition and pride become an obstacle to the fortuneteller, and he himself prevents himself from moving through life.

The reason for the confusion and turmoil may lie in the people interfering in life, in their large numbers. Poles symbolize changes in life, and that a person will have to go through a difficult and thorny path. Rivalry in this case does not carry aggression, but is a chance for a person to show their best qualities.

Five of Wands upright - a sign of future conflict with work colleagues

In career matters, there may be conflict situations with partners and colleagues, disagreements on important issues. The crisis in work should serve as a springboard to new achievements. We'll have to tighten the rules to eliminate competitors and climb the career ladder.

Regarding health, this Arkan reports the development of inflammatory processes, injuries and exacerbation of chronic diseases. In matters of the heart, it reports on the resolution of controversial issues, the achievement of stability in relations.

Such changes will not be easy, but the result is worth it. And also staves can talk about difficult relationships that suit both partners. If the five fell out with the Empress, then this alliance is very strong and no outside forces can destroy it.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the staves are no longer as harmless as in the previous case. Competition and struggle are manifested from the worst sides. All boundaries of what is permitted are completely erased. A person tries to benefit for himself from the conflicts and problems of other people. Sometimes this Arcana can talk about existing or upcoming problems with the law.

In a career, the reversed Five of Wands speaks of unsuccessful negotiations and actions that may have unforeseen consequences. Fierce competition pushes people to do terrible things. Regarding the competitor, the inverted Five of Staves tells that all his courage is just a mask that has no basis for this. Therefore, the fight against it will lead to the fact that time will be wasted, money and opportunities will be lost. Regarding health, this tarot card tells of a stubborn and long struggle for recovery.

Five of Wands Reversed - Relationship Conflicts

In personal relationships, the reversed Five of Wands means that constant petty quarrels can turn into a scandal. All human problems are due to his arrogance and pride. And also this Arkan can indicate constant conflicts in which the fortuneteller's partner is guilty, and in combination with the Emperor, he will tell about the partner's attempts to subjugate the fortuneteller.

The person for whom the alignment is made may lose a job or a lover, but other cards in the layout should confirm this.

Five of Wands - card of the day

A person will have to accumulate his strength in order to confirm his talent and skill. In a fair fight with full dedication to the work being done, it will eventually lead to victory. But even if a person does not get a prize, he will be satisfied that he took part in this competition.

You can’t give in to difficulties, and if you have confidence in your abilities, then you need to fight to the end. In personal relationships, Arkan talks about a period of active courtship and all-consuming passion.

What kind of people are hiding behind the 5 of Wands

This Arcana can mean not only a situation, but also a certain person. It is important not only to determine what the Five of Tarot Wands mean, but also who is behind this card. Having determined who exactly this Arcana represents, a person will know from whom to expect trouble or ask him for help.

In the upright position, five Poles represent people prone to disputes and competitions. The card may indicate an enemy who is waging an open fight, and in an inverted position, a secret rival. The hallmark of the person behind this Arcana is anger.

Interpretation in layouts

During fortune-telling, you must definitely look with which cards the poles fell out. This will allow you to make a more accurate and detailed forecast. Often, the nearest Arcana drastically change the meaning of the main card. Five always means the end of a quiet life and the coming changes and transformations. A person who has fallen poles can have no doubt that big changes will soon take place in his life.

Very soon, a new life, like a stormy river, will capture him and carry him with the flow, he will have to make a lot of efforts in order to get out of it. What does the Five of Wands mean in combination with other cards:

  • with the first Arcana (Magician) - success in the planned business;
  • with the tenth Arcana (Wheel of Fortune) - a whirlpool of events with a favorable outcome for the fortuneteller;
  • with the fifteenth Arcana (Devil) - meanness, intrigue and unfair competition;
  • with the King or Queen - conflict resolution;
  • with the Knight of Wands - intensification of conflict and struggle.

Five Staves can be called a symbol of struggle. She very rarely portends big problems, but she is always a messenger of difficult situations in which she has to defend her interests.

Divination by Tarot is a rather serious and energy-consuming process. Therefore, before starting it, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the rules and take into account important nuances. At the very beginning, you should mentally tune in to the deck, hold it in your hands, consider how the cards look. If you ask them a specific question, you should not constantly dwell on it. After all, this way you can attract the desired answers instead of real ones. Don't ask the same question over and over as the answer may be distorted. You should also not start fortune telling while intoxicated or immediately after smoking.

Following these tips, you can get a reliable answer from the cards and get all the necessary information. When choosing a layout, it is very important to consider everything. For example, if the Five of Tarot Wands fell out, what this card means can be found out only by taking into account all the nearby arcana that can affect it. It is also important to listen to intuition and consider all meanings.

Symbolism of the 5 of Wands

The main symbolic meaning of this card is an intellectual discussion of any issues between people who are equal in their knowledge, or scientific disputes. It can also mean that the fortuneteller compares himself with his surroundings. The lasso depicts people fighting among themselves, but it is clear that this brawl is a joke. The meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot lies in the designation of the environment where contentious discussions take place. The card symbolizes an ideological battle, discussions, it warns of the need to defend one's opinion.

In some situations, it promises the acquisition of new knowledge. At some points, the lasso can talk about the working atmosphere, criticism from superiors, or competition with colleagues. She warns that a person will soon be challenged, there will be a test of the firmness of his ideas and opinions. Moreover, the opponent will be of the same level as the fortuneteller.

Also, the Five of Tarot Wands may have a slightly different meaning. She talks about an imminent event in a person’s life, like defending a diploma or passing an exam. Quite often, it falls to those people who will soon require a manifestation of their strength and courage. The main meaning of this lasso is disagreements and intellectual skirmishes, but if there are positive cards in the layout, then these disputes will end in favor of the fortuneteller.

General interpretation of a direct card

The Five of Tarot Wands had a rather negative meaning in the old days - the card meant unfulfilled dreams, empty hopes and obstacles on the way. Arkan speaks of matters that burden the fortuneteller, leading to problems and anxiety. If next to this card there are other unfavorable arcana, then it means making immature decisions, the appearance of frequent quarrels and the fact that all the actions of a person will not give any result. The main meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot is in the struggle, both external and internal.

But in modern layouts, its interpretation is more positive. It symbolizes problems that pass by themselves. The lasso speaks of the challenge of fate, and if it is adequately accepted, then the chances of winning are quite high. But even if the fortuneteller does not win the upcoming battle, and the card itself does not mean victory, all the same, the consequences of the defeat will not be tragic. The advice of the card is to accept the challenge, not to miss the opportunity to gain new experience and compete with fate.

After all, this will not only allow you to know yourself and understand the level of your strengths, but also promises positive changes in the future. In combination with favorable cards, the meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands is quite positive, and if the major arcana fell out, then this is a clear sign. It is necessary to accept the upcoming battle, fate prepares the fortuneteller for a high mission, which he will not be able to pass without gaining new experience and becoming more mature to accept fateful changes.

General interpretation of an inverted card

If in the layout the card fell out in an inverted meaning, it means that a dishonest battle awaits a person ahead, intrigues and scams will lag around him, and competitors will clearly play against the rules. Also, the meaning of the Five of Tarot Wands in an inverted position portends problems with the police or other legislative bodies, the loss of the team or persecution in it. The fortuneteller has a lot of noise, trouble, quarrels and scandals ahead.

In some interpretations, the card speaks of the possibility of solving the problem in a roundabout way, for example, with a bribe. If a person is just starting a business, then this lasso warns that it will not bring success and it will not work out. In some cases, it may mean elimination from the game or postponement of a significant event. The map is also credited with the presence of destructive criticism, unfair accusations, and the lack of peaceful solutions to conflicts.

Divination for relationships

The Five of Wands of Tarot has a not very favorable meaning in relationships, it shows that there is some tension in them, or they no longer carry the same emotions and continue rather out of habit. In some cases, the card may speak of constant rivalry, an attempt to prove something to each other. Quite often, the lasso means a period of grinding between lovers, and all the skirmishes between them only help to grow morally. But this is the case if there are no negative cards in the layout, then it means that these relationships will lead to nothing, and the partners are simply wasting their time.

Sometimes the lasso means that in a relationship there is a lot of selfishness and narcissism, jealousy, dissatisfaction in the intimate sphere. Sometimes the meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot card in combination with other arcana can indicate whether it is worth seeking a person if there are competitors.

It can also indicate the loss of unnecessary ties, the divorce process, the emergence of factors that interfere with a peaceful divergence. Even if there are good arcana nearby, the card is not very positive. She points to the release of tension in a relationship through quarrels and scandals.

If the five fell out to a lonely person, then it is interpreted as a warning about internal struggle and fear of entering into a new alliance. The only exception is if there is an Empress in the layout next to the five, then the interpretation speaks of two people who want to be together, and that their union is very strong.

Reversed Five of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships and love

If this lasso fell out in an inverted layout, then this means that there are many quarrels and scandals between partners, and it is the one who guesses who is to blame. The reason lies in the foulness of his character and excessive irritability. When combined with the Empress, the alignment can be interpreted as an attempt by one of the couple to subjugate the other by manipulation and psychological techniques. But in combination with the Hermit, one can say that one of the couple, by their nature, cannot get along with the whole world, and the period of grinding, most likely, will never end.

Career and business plans

If the alignment is done for work, then the meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot Thoth speaks of an impending conflict with colleagues and partners. Disagreements can arise on very important issues, and none of the employees will want to concede. If a crisis occurs in the affairs of a fortuneteller and this lasso falls out, then soon a new cycle will begin in his career. Ahead of him are competitions, and the rules of the game will become tougher than they were before, but this will help reduce competition, only the strongest will remain.

Also, the lasso can mean the emergence of difficult tasks in production, but if the fortuneteller copes with them, then this will help him move up his career. If the five fell out in a scenario in an inverted position, then it promises unsuccessful negotiations with partners. You should beware of hasty decisions and conclusions, as they can lead to fatal errors. In addition, haste in business can be fraught with the emergence of unhealthy competition and an unfair distribution of forces in work affairs.

Divination for health

The Five of Tarot Wands that fell out in the upright position is not very good, the card promises an exacerbation of the fortuneteller's chronic diseases. He should also beware of minor injuries and inflammatory processes. If the lasso is turned upside down in the layout, then the questioner will have a very long stubborn struggle with the disease ahead, which will end in a successful recovery.

Personal assessment

The direct position of this card speaks of competitors, a person who is always competing with someone, takes away someone else's and craves power. If the card fell out in an inverted position, then it describes a very evil person who is cruel and unfair. In some layouts, the lasso can warn of the presence of hidden enemies surrounded by a fortuneteller and ill-wishers among his close circle of friends.

Five of Wands as card of the day

In the layouts, where the lasso shows what to expect for the day, it is interpreted as a warning that a person should be collected. On this day, fate will give him a chance to confirm his talent and skill. It is not worth avoiding such a test, this is a completely natural test of the Universe, a test of whether a person has mastered the experience and whether he is ready to continue his life path and learn new things.

But you can win this test only by playing honestly. If you cheat and cheat, there is every chance that fate will not favor the search for easy ways, and more severe trials will await the person ahead. Even without winning, but playing the game honestly, the fortuneteller will be able to get his benefit, if only because he took part in this duel.

The card advises not to try to avoid worries and emotions, this is unlikely to succeed. But you should be attentive to your inner state and not allow excessive emotionality to harm a person. It is important to look at the situation with common sense. You should not retreat if difficulties arise on the way, you must go to the end, overcome obstacles. If fortune-telling “Yes or no” is used, the Five of Tarot Wands has a negative value, this is a solid no.