Motorcycle motorcycle. Motoblock do it yourself from the rear bridge VAZ homemade motoblock from the Zhigulevsky bridge

The trailer described below to the Motoblock from the Zhigulevsky bridge makes it possible to load it to 500 kg to prevent tipping, load the load as much as possible by the beginning of the trailer.

How to make a trailer to the motoblock from the Zhiguli bridge

Made such a trailer according to the standard scheme (the frame is given below), the only thing that the Zhigulety pavement was installed allowed to immediately make the brakes on the trailer. We used this trailer to pull concrete steps from the ground from the telegraph poles.

In one walker it turns out to load 2 posts weighing 250 kg each. The movement was easy, it was possible to load more, but it is better not to risk. Schedule ship directly on the frame.

The trailer is equipped with mechanical brakes - the brake drums of the Zhigulevsky bridge are replaced. The brake cylinders were removed, the hand brake cable was brought to the pedals and attached. The brakes of the motoblock is not equipped, so the transportation of goods can be dangerous on cool descents.

The body of the self-made trailer of the motoblock, allows you to overturn the winch. The photo shows a raw clay, but in general everything overturns perfectly. You can still make one small improvement. Make narrow tunches, the width should be 14 cm, then attach them to the frame of the motoblock. Then let go of the roller, it slows down the rubber and does not hit the wing. To these samplers are now secure regular. It is convenient to shoot and install them again (changing different wheels). Splashes from wheels do not fly in the face.

Welded frame for trailer to Motoblock

Frame for trailer to Motoblock make steel corners, and pipes. The design is obtained with a margin by strength.
Frame design drawing for homemade trailer.

  • 1. - Collement - corner size - 21x21x3,
  • 2. - Frame for seats - Corner size - 21x21x3,
  • 3. - Rim - pipe - 50x25x4,
  • 4. - Seat rack - corner size - 40x40x4,
  • 5. 14 - Pods front - pipe sizes - 50x25x25.
  • 6.15 - Sideboards Longitudinal - Corner Sizes - 40x40x4,
  • 7.8 - Wheel Power Supports - Corner Sizes - 32x32x4,
  • 9.16 - Slopes Rear - Pipe Sizes - 50x25,
  • 10. - Enhancement crossing - corner sizes - 40x40x4,
  • 11. - Longitudinal hinge body - pipe sizes - 58x4,
  • 12. - Wheel axis - rod sizes - 030, 13.
  • 17 - Spars transverse - corner sizes - 40x40x4,
  • 18. - Kosinki - (S4)

Coupling trailer for motoblock with their own hands

The hitch is such a mechanism that allows you to mount attachments on the motoblocks. In essence, the hitch of the motoblock can be attached rugs, flatsees, plows, potatoes, trailers and double coupling.

It is such a tough coupling that is one of the popular and pretty popular attachments, which most often set owners of private possessions.

Coupling trailer for a motoblock with their own hands is a very important component of a node that ensures the reliability of the motor-block connections with trailed equipment. Coupling units are different. And the difference is that specifically you want to attach to the Motoblock, in our case it is a trailer, here it is very suitable for H-shaped hitch knot to the Motoblock.
The trailer hitch for the motoblock should be made quite reliable so that it can withstand permanent loads. Therefore, we recommend making it only from a durable metal brand. The hitch is based on the attachment of the P-shaped form. To make it suitable for a schwell.

This mount must be installed in the back of the motoblock at the wheel.
In the fastening of the fiberboard, drill the openings of the suitable diameter in order to fix the bracket and the mounting pin in it. Pins take from high quality and high strength steel. It will serve us to connect additional devices to the motoblock.

The location of the bracket must be your long end, it is necessary to ensure that the equipment that we connect to the motoblock performed all the necessary functions and the end of the bracket did not touch and never bent.

This type of hitch connections for the motoblock is standard.
Before proceeding with work, it is worth very carefully checking all threaded connections - they must be tightened until the stop. This simple procedure helps us to warn the coupling breakdown, because due to a breakdown or disconnected connection there may be a breakdown.

After checking all connections, you can safely start work. First, it is worth remembering that setting up attachments in our case is a trailer further depends on the motor-block itself and its technical capabilities. After setting up the equipment, test work should be carried out - to carefully trace its work in the range of 3-5 meters, and, if necessary, carry out additional adjustments.

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    Homemade brakes on the trailer for motoblock drawings photo
    Trolley for a motor-block with your own hands drawings, photos, video

    Make a homemade trailer and trailer device for a motoblock with your own hands

To handle land, it is necessary to apply a huge amount of physical effort. Some agrarians physical labor gives pleasure, so elementary tools of labor is fully satisfied with the work. But the majority of summer houses for plowing across the household plot use motor blocks that are going to be often with their own hands.

Constructive features

The homemade motor-block is used most often to perform simple, but labor-intensive works:

  • plowing land put on
  • dipping;
  • shelter of grass or tops;
  • making organic fertilizers.

You can upgrade any motor-block with a zide engine or any other, make it on large wheels, with belt drive.

Often, folk craftsmen prefer to collect these aggregates, using old spare parts from such mechanical devices:

  • motorcups like "Friendship";
  • scooter;
  • motorcycle;
  • washing machine.

The electrical engine may also be required in such a technique, for example, to create air cooling, so the engine from the vacuum cleaner or a small refrigerator can also be useful.

If a person owns a tool, disassembled in the device, then make a motoblock does not represent much work. According to material costs, it can cost the minimum amount, while prices for a good unit start from 300 dollars. If you do everything correctly, a new device, created with your own hands, can not give way to reliability and performance by imported samples of Motoblocks "Cayman".

Often the wizard is used as the engines of old units from the "Friendship" saw. At the same time, the motor-block is easy to manage, even non-professional or minor can work with it. The power plant is able to withstand significant loads without having stuck even at low speeds.

This indicator is important in the following works:

  • plowing;
  • harrowing;
  • harvesting.

Even brand motoblocks are not all can perform similar works.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the self-made motoblock is that it can be done, focusing on the needs that exist in this economy. For example, the main scope of work The practical unit must do on plowing and harrowing. In accordance with these "requests", the desired frame size is made, the engine is regulated so that it worked on small turns. It is necessary to put in order a node that secures attachments.

From the disadvantages, you can call what you can not always be perfectly adjusted to each other all blocks taken from different mechanisms.

So that all the nodes work in the complex must be performed by many engineering professions, have a fair practical experience.

How to do?

An example that will be shown below (Master V. Arkhipov) will be a good illustration of how it is possible to collect all-wheel drive fiberboard at home. Cables can be taken from the "ant", ZAZ, scooter, the rear axle - from the vase, the box - from "Zhiguli". The main axle is cooked from pipes with a diameter of 40-45 mm. Modular hinges are installed as a thrust, which will be reliable "link link" between the power plant, a plow and a steering wheel.

Another tube that ends with the axis is welded on the carrier. Thus, the tension of the cables going to the box is disputed. The tension is implemented using a moving lever.

Such an aggregate has a number of advantages. First of all, you should mention the hinge block. The non-dynamic rigid connection (which is present in many models) makes it difficult to work the mechanism. Hinged connection more productive - You can change the direction of movement in the process of plowing, while the plow can remain in the furrow.

This topic is quite relevant, because due to the resistance of the soil, the car constantly "leads" in different directions. It is often necessary for additional attention, efforts to exactly at the course "Hold" the mechanism.

The axis of the device is component according to the vector of translational movement. During plowing, the entire block is slightly "turned". Moreover, the optimal perspective can actually adjust the shafts of the hinge attachment.

Plowing depth can be maintained in automatic mode. It should be said that the frame is equipped with a field board. It regulates the strength that is responsible for immersing the plow to the ground, especially when it breaks. If it is issued from the ground under a large angle, then the angle of attack increases accordingly, then the unit is again included in the soil on a given value.

The future motoblock is supplied with a carrier frame and wheels that can be made metal, they will have a good grip with any soil. In order to reliably "thwate" the frame with the suspension, usually two bent tubes are used, between which the fuel tank is mounted.

To set the engine correctly, the bracket is used, at the end of which the steel axis is present (its length is 15 cm).

The bracket is welded to the frame itself, the axis put the engine. The entire power unit is bonded by arcs. Upon completion, another shaft is put, the control cables and chains are stretched.

Such an aggregate can perform many different works and be a universal device. For this, it is enough to simply change the spare parts intended for the plow to the elements necessary for the functioning of the cultivator.

During the movement, the unit deepens the furrow in the soil and at the same time places the potato tubers there. To "close" tubers, you should simply use the fuel for this for the second time. The algorithm of enveloping plants is exactly the same.

The use of different dumps allows you to adjust the width of the capture, it is also possible to "pick up" potatoes, which was not assembled during the first passage. The motoblock can be used to clean the snow and wet foliage, just "pick up" a rigid brush.

Any motor-block consists of such nodes:

  • engine;
  • transmission;
  • controls;
  • gearbox;
  • aggregation system.

The engine is best to choose a two-stroke, ideal for this is a motorcycle motor from Izh-Planet.

Transmissions are in the motoblocks following:

  • gear (it can be found most often on tractors or tanks);
  • cut-worm;
  • complex (gear and worm) with an additional pulley.

The system of various controls contains in itself:

  • switching speeds;
  • gasoline flow;
  • brake.

The control node is a few levers that are responsible for:

  • switching speed;
  • fuel supply to the engine;
  • brake.

The mechanism should be equipped with an aggregation device that provides a reliable hitch with attachments.

Necessary materials and tools

To collect your own Motoblock, you will need certain practical skills, as well as some engineering knowledge.

From the tool will be needed:

  • welding machine;
  • grinding;
  • drill;
  • keys;
  • screwdrivers.

From consumables are also necessary:

  • nuts:
  • bolts;
  • counterschee.

As for the materials, they will be needed:

  • pipes;
  • corners;
  • brackets;
  • metal sheet 5 mm thick.

Step-by-step instruction

The correct assembly begins with the study of the drawings and layout of the frame, which consists of a pipe with a diameter of 45 mm. The control unit is joined to the back of the frame. There will be a transmission and battery to be placed on a small metal platform.

The engine is attached to the corners that are welded to the frame. There is a cross between the corners, it will be a "stand" for the engine. In the corners drill holes for fastening nodes with bolts.

An important point is the correct installation of the gearbox. It is usually placed between the wheel and the power plant.

Often, part of the energy of the spinning element is transformed with a gearbox on attachments. The engine is cooled with an airflow, for this additionally put an electric motor having 12 volts power.

Wheels have a diameter of 12 cm. On the wheels are sometimes put on the chains for the best hitch with the soil.

The silencer can be used from a moped or scooter, you can also make it with your own hands. An important node is a small adapter that connects the pipe with the silencer. It should be made of turner or fitter.

The fuel tank can be made from an ordinary canister. It is enough to make a hole in it and secure the hose (you can use cold welding). All the scribe materials are easy, they are inexpensive, but some nodes will need to be pulled out, that is, to order them from qualified professionals.

Welding machine can be leased and welding also independently.

Is it possible to make a motoblock with your own hands from the rear bridge VAZ? The full-fledged motor-block will not be collected, but the trailer from this node for agricultural equipment will be otned. Of course, you will have to make a number of changes in the design of the bridge, but it will help us in the future correctly collect a new trailer frame.

Motion assembly from scratch

If you are going to construct a completely whole motor-block with your own hands or even a whole minitractor, before starting work it is worth thinking about the feasibility of implementing such a project. The modern market can offer the user a lot of models of motoblocks of domestic and Chinese production, whose characteristics allow working low and medium difficulties. At the same time, the price of such equipment is quite accessible to a variety of users. So the project to create your own motor-block must have such advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ability to use when assembling old spare parts from equipment, vehicles or motorcycles;
  • improving the characteristics in comparison with the factory analogue;
  • additional feature.

The project should be implemented if at least 3 of the listed items were observed. Otherwise, the idea is not worth the cost and easier to buy a ready-made fiberboard, even used with the subsequent update of parts.

Now about the design. You need to find the drawing by which the homemade assembly will be made. The drawing will indicate the main details, the features of their installation, as well as the method of manufacturing fasteners for spare parts. Without documentation, it will be impossible to embody the project, so the paramount task is to find the most suitable drawing. After that, you can begin selection of materials.

Details, assembly of new knots and equipment of the motoblock

Unfortunately, from the old VAZ for a motoblock you can use not so many details. Here is a list of what is useful in this or that matter:

  • the engine, since the Zhigul is a gasoline engine, then this option is not the most economical;
  • fuel tank and part of the fuel system;
  • exhaust gases removal system;
  • air filter;
  • starter;
  • steering wheel, gas and clutch levers;
  • transmission, Distribution;
  • wheels;
  • rear axle - come in handy for assembling trailed design.

In essence, all that can be used from the vase. The homemade motor-block from the Zhuguli bridge and similar models of the VAZ without a variety of transformations is done very difficult, so you have to use only individual parts of the chassis.

Usually the engine for the motoblock take diesel, so it is necessary to dig in the old motorcycle, for example, in the same motorcycle. There are some homemade engines from saws, but they are used for light land.

The selection of the engine is very important, so focus on the type of work that will be performed by the motor-block.For medium lubrication of the earth and the harvest assembly, a motorcycle engine is quite enough, and the motor from the car will be required for more labor-intensive work.

In some cases, if there are not enough details, you can buy original spare parts for motoblocks and use them in the design. This option is to be considered only if there are recommendations in the drawing and examples on the alteration of purchased spare parts.

Because we need to get a working prototype, try to fully follow all instructions as possible and perform all work according to the scheme and drawings.

Mini tractor

The minitractor differs from the motor-block in that its power is higher, which means it increases and changes the field of application of technology in the economy. Motoroblocks can be quite simple from connecting a suitable trailer. Here you can use both the factory model of the motoblock and its homemade analogue. It turns out such a motor-block from the Zhiguli bridge and with a trailer. As an engine it is worth taking a diesel, preferably more powerful. This assembly option also involves the use of a special drawing.

Not only the rear axle is useful from the Zhiguli, but also the gearbox. We will need some alterations:

  1. The top of the gearbox is cut, it is fixed on a homemade frame with bolted fasteners. The attitude of the pulleys is observed 1: 4.
  2. A chain transmission to the bridge is stretched from the checkpoint, adjustment sprockets are installed with the ratio of the efficiency of 1 to 3.8.
  3. The bridge itself is fixed by bolts to the frame of the motoblock.
  4. Wheels are made from the Zhigulevsky disks. It is possible to disassemble the design on the welding seams, and then narrow the disc itself, putting a smaller part into a large and boobing the resulting part of welding.

The option involves the use of 2 ready-made nodes: motor-block and trailer.

Using the rear bridge VAZ

What you can certainly do with your own hands is a multifunctional trailer from the rear axle of the Zhiguli.

To do this, you will need some materials:

  • steel tubular blanks 60x30 and 25x25 mm;
  • wheels and springs from the rear axle of the Zhiguli;
  • sheet pieces of steel from 0.8 mm thick;
  • schawllers, lips of duralumin from 2 mm thick.

The body of the trailer can be collected in various ways. One of the most common options is wooden with metal corners and screw mounts. The work process is as follows:

  1. Wooden frame mounted on a metal rear axle design.
  2. Metal parts are welded.
  3. Cross traverses are made from 25x25 mm profile, tubular blanks will be useful for spars.
  4. From the corners of 25x25 mm we make a metal strapping for the frame, weld to the bottom bridge.
  5. Next, the beams are connected.
  6. With the help of springs, we connect spars among themselves. To do this, the edge of the beam is neatly put on the axis of the beam. With the central part of the design of the beam is connected by the stepladers.
  7. The last part is triangular drawn, which is welded from metal pipes. The drawing is welded to a metal frame.

It remains to build the transition from the drawing of the trailer to the Motoblock.

Conclusion on the topic

Fully all the zhigul to build a motoblock will not work. The most necessary parts of the design from this model Vase: the rear axle, which is used mainly for trailers; PPC; The exhaust and gas tank system.

All other parts are practically useless. We'll have to look for a suitable drawing for a long time to realize the maximum of an old Zhigul in the form of a new agricultural machine. But there are similar projects, and they successfully implemented other folk craftsmen, it remains only to find the necessary drawings.

who did homemade trailers to the motoblock which set the hubs and wheels

Vladimir (ANSBERT) of Gogh that is, then the stance.

leonid (AddAlyn) in order to not sharpen. Rooms Muscovite with hubs

Sergiy (Upendra) on the trailer of my MB, it is the rear beam "Moskvich" -2141, assembled

alexander (Thomason) will be hard

vasily (Agharna) The most optimal option is a trailer from the motorwriter almost all the annually you only need to remove everything too much and welter instead of the face breathing and ready.

Well, if the problem with the motor will be a good option with the rear suspension from the front-wheel drive autotot, well, for example from our nine.

Sergey (Bruno) Front of Cossack

Sergey (Bruno)

Sergey (Bruno) Front with Zhiguli

Sergey (Bruno)

Sergey (Bruno)

Vyacinea (Dulcinea) I have wheels from 3 d with what hubs they can be docked and how to make a brake

Ivan (Sealey) Wheels and hubs with agricultural machinery 4, 50x10 but no brakes.

Sergiy (Upendra) is hardly looking for what MB. I have a "Chinese" 8th strong, diesel. MB itself weighs 220 kg, trailer 300, total 520, but tonne pulls, checked, but this is an emergency case, and so I drive within 500 - 700 kg already 3, 5 years. We are very popular with 8-10 strong, 6-speed "Chinese" diesel, drums, hardy, easy to maintain.

Gennady (Honoura) I took the hubs and brake mechanisms from a / m VAZ 2109 trailer homemade weighing about 100 kg. It takes boldly. 500 kg. load

Gennady (Honoura) hubs rear.

Anatoly (Kellie) is a great idea, generally ideally suitable rear bridges from front-wheel drive cars, you can make hydraulic machines using the main cylinder from the clutch of the same VAZ - Classic, and the handbrake can be done.

Sergey (Bruno) And if you put a leading bridge from a vase and make a drive from Voma, then any mountain is noted, and the dirt goes like a tank.

Sergey (Bruno) but! On the solid coating must be disconnected.

Sergey (Bruno) is still a secret - will put the Niva Distribution with an inter-axis differential and there will be a four-wheel drive.

Nikolai (Baladhi) will soon be expanded by the new Niva

Tags: How to make a motoblock from the bridge from the VAZ

Rear axle VAZ 2101 shortened for motoblock

Our Motoblock Pickup | Topic author: Nikolay

motorcycle Dnipro Cargo

Sergey (Kazuno) Dnipro-road mrtotocycle. Without adherent cooling with cargo in the fields and forests. The sun will come. The Khan will come. This is in the heat instantly heated and the inserts turn into the heat.

Nikolay (Cramer) 3 years work Dnipro is excellent temperature

Sanya (chaviv) I want to do this, only with "Urals"

Sanya (chaviv) Tell me, what is the bridge?

Vladimir I think from classics.

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Sanya (chaviv) and from Muscovite can be put with its own horns?

Eugene (AMADEE) 20 years ago Men on the villages on this went, the sewing machines repaired.

Eugene (AMADEE) Durally van was more than at the heel.

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Sanya (chaviv) And which springs?

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Homemade Motorocycle Motorcycle Motorcycle and ...

Apr 24, 2014 - Motoblock on the basis of Minsk and Bridge VAZ ... Nothing shakes anything and dangles, well, what did you decide to do what to do from your bridge?)).

Rear axle VAZ 2101 shortened for a motoblock ...

The sizes are 70 cm, shorten the VAZ Bridge - Duration: 2:18. Alexander Beek 617 views. 2:18. How to make a trailer for a motoblock ...

Many people are interested, whether it is possible to make a motoblock with their own hands. Heavy Motor Block or Motoroblocks Compact Sizes is an indispensable helper in agriculture, but not all farmers and dacnis have the opportunity to purchase such equipment. Therefore, in the presence of certain skills, knowledge and skills of the motoblock can be collected with their own hands. In order for the motor-cultivator assembled independently for a long time, the project scheme is created. It is necessary to properly remove the dimensions from the details, to buy materials and tools, and perform technical drawings and sizes of nodes. You can use one of the instructions of folk craftsmen who write on special forums how to make a motoblock with their own hands.

Any recommendations on the Internet dedicated to how to independently perform a motoblock, you must check for reviews. Well, if users or acquaintances are users or acquaintances of such motoblocks. Then their reviews are quite trusted, in other cases all the assembly tips and the use of homemade devices must be checked.

How to collect a motoblock yourself

Consider how to assemble the motoblock with your own hands. Details that can be used for homemade are taken from old motorcycles and scrap metal. As a engine, which is often put on homemade motorcultivators, you can use the motor from friendship - chainsaws.

Such an engine has sufficient power, allows you to use various attachments. This significantly expands the functional use of motor-cultivators. Many put on the motoblock engine from an ant scooter, which has excellent characteristics and parameters for working in the country area.

To create a motoblock at home, the following spare parts and materials will be needed:

  • Steel corners with a size of 36x36 mm or pipes 60x50x2 mm. From these parts, you can collect a frame for a motoblock.
  • Engine in full assembly.
  • Fuel tank.
  • Exhaust system.
  • Air filter.
  • Kickstarter.
  • The steering wheel on which the knobs of clutch and gas should be.

See » Overview of the popular Motoblock series MB-1

The following tools will help with their own hands:

  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Drill.
  • Vice.
  • Set of horns and precipitated keys.
  • The grinding machine on which a special disk for cutting metal should be installed.

Cherem Motoblock Create

The homemade motor-block from the CPC CPP consists of 2 wheels, is self-propelled, assembled with the engine, on which there is a forced cooling of the cylinder head. It is carried out with air. The motor must be chosen such that it can work at different speeds, including a little, and was able to perform large amounts of work. You can put a motor from a scooter, with it to remove other elements:

  • cables for control;
  • engine suspension;
  • handles;
  • chains;
  • arc, frame.

The brakes on the motoblock are used both factory production and their own. Homemade brakes will allow to take into account the necessary parameters and loads.

Having everything you need at hand, you can make a homemade mini cultivator at home quickly and without any particular problems. The motoblock on the basis of the CAT ZAZ is as follows:

  1. A P-shaped frame is cooked from the pipes.
  2. On the lathe need to sharpen the wheel axis.
  3. Make 3 homemade hinge, which are installed on the front and adjusting thrust. Such an approach in the assembly was used by the archup designer when he made his motoblock. The hinges were used to connect the motorcultivator, steering wheel and plow.
  4. Togwar on the frame of the machine the steel pipe on which the axis should be. It is needed for the implementation of the tension, which is transmitted by the gearbox. So that such tension is constantly present, it is necessary to make a swing rocker.
  5. Watch a handle to switch gear. For these purposes, a small segment of the steel pipe is suitable.
  6. The chassis may have a chart step that are equal to 12.7 and 15.9 mm. The stars on the chains have the following characteristics - the output shaft is 11 mm, the secondary shaft is 60 and 20 mm, the chassis is 20 mm.

See » Possible attachment equipment for Motoblock Neva

The main stages of the manufacture of a motoblock:

  1. The frame is welded to which then it is necessary to install the engine, 2 pipes in the form of an arc.
  2. Between them mounted fuel tank.
  3. Motor collect using a bracket, which is also welded to the frame.
  4. On the axis it is necessary to hang the engine with a suspension, and then all parts are connected to the arcs of the frame.
  5. Mounted secondary shaft.
  6. Control cables are pulled.
  7. Chains are tensioned.

Transmission and clutch

Made self-cultivator on the basis of the CPP VAZ or on the basis of the manual transmission must have an excellent transmission. It is needed in order to transmit a rotating moment from the motor to the wheels, change the speed and direction of the machine. This part of the motoblock is made of nodes, which are connected between them with each other:

  • gearbox;
  • differential;
  • clutch;
  • transmission.

Reducers and gearboxes are divided into several types:

  • belt;
  • chain;
  • gear;
  • combined.

The most optimal solution is to establish a gear transmission on a motor block, which has several speeds of movement back and forth.

In motor-cultivators you can use transmissions that consist of 2 gearboxes - gear (installed on top) and worm (lower). This design is suitable for light and medium-sized machines, but for heavy motoblocks you need to install more upgraded versions.

The gear-worm transmission can be equipped with a centrifugal automatic clutch of the clutch. The belt transmission on the gearboxes of this type can also perform the clutch, which performs its functions through the tension roller and the control mechanism (traction and levers).

An important part of the transmission and clutch is the release bearing, the rotational torque transmission rate depends on the release bearing.

Chassis and management

The chassis is a frame for which all the details of the motoblock and wheels must be attached. When there are no frames, its functions performs the transmission, and the motor and wheels should be mounted on it.