How to stick linoleum among themselves: how to lock the linoleum cold and hot welding. All about linoleum docking: Planks, thresholds, seam gluing than to combine linoleum

Many consumers for flooring in rooms use linoleum. Companies in Russia and abroad produce many types of sexual coating of various colors and quality. This material has a number of advantages over other materials:

  • high moisture resistance and abrasion resistance;
  • produced in a wide range;
  • it is performed in the optimal price range, which allows you to choose the material based on the financial capabilities of the consumer.

Selection of the required linoleum for sexual coating

For flooring in the room there are many types of coverage, which must meet some parameters:

  • in color scheme and drawing;
  • in thickness and density;
  • by environmental friendliness.

Enterprises produce many types of linoleum, which mimics the stone, parquet, laminate, carpet and ceramic tiles. The color scheme is also diverse and should take into account the illumination and design of the room, the style of furniture and painting of the walls.

The durability of the floor coating to a large extent depends on the thickness of the upper face layer, which provides wear resistance of the coating. It is not recommended to purchase and install linoleum in premises thinner 3 mm, it is quickly wearing and loses an attractive look.

Companies producing high-quality material to confirm the quality of the coating are mandatory for the quality certificate.

Assortment and types of linoleum

Material marking is indicated by two digits that define the class of the coating - the first digit indicates the type of room for which the linoleum is intended, and the second is the load.

Using the EN 685 European classification, 4 types of premises are distinguished:

  1. - used for accommodation;
  2. - administrative, office;
  3. - Designed for production purposes.

By the load on the coating divide:

  • - average intensity;
  • - at high load;
  • - Very intensive use.
  • The material is produced with a multi-layer structure - the upper face layer and a layer consisting of a heating material. The front layer is made of PVC and, based on the thickness of the upper layer, is divided into the following types:

    • household (PVC thickness of a layer 0.1-0.3 mm, class 21-23);
    • semi-commercial (thickness of the PVC layer 0.4-0.5, class 31-32);
    • commercial (PVC layer thickness from O.6 mm, class 33).

    Next, there is a special layer of reinforced grid made from glasshlopkka and laid between the front and lowest coating layer. And the heat insulation is a sound insulation layer made from PVC foam.

    To increase the resistance of the linoleum, the composition is turned on with a layer of polyester, which allows the coating better to carry low temperatures.

    To give the material of aesthetic appearance, the surface is covered with moisture-resistant varnish.

    Linoleum is also used as a flooring, cut out on squares of various sizes - sex tiles. Tiles are available for various quality and coloring its use, simplifies flooring. Produced work is particularly simplified - on the tile tiles performed by their own hands.

    It is especially worth noting the most frequent use of linoleum to cover the floor in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry and corridors. The consumers are the question of how to dock linoleum: with the performance of work with your own hands or use the services of a specialist? The main disadvantage is the linoleum fever in rooms of various areas, since the coating width has a certain amount and requires the docking of the seams between the sheets.

    The question arises how to dock the material, with the possibility of performing the compound imperceptibly, as you can fastened the docking seams. Linoleum lies on the necessary size of the room, and the joints are connected by welding. This operation can be performed with your own hands in the presence of experience in carrying out such works. Welding technology is performed according to various methods, but with a prerequisite for the spike of linoleum must be performed correctly with high quality and quickly.

    Basically use two types of compounds:

    • cold welding;
    • hot welding.

    Hot welding is mainly used when connecting linoleum, in administrative and industrial premises, and cold in apartments. How to solder linoleum with high quality, quickly and which tool is necessary for this? With hot welding, the linoleum connection is made using a special tool that makes it possible to dock the edges of the linoleum at a temperature of above 350 * s.

    Cold welding is used for residential premises, which can be performed with their own hands and is a simpler and convenient way, consisting of operations:

    1. The connected sheets of material on the seam of docking are superimposed on each other with overlapping 2-3 cm.
    2. With the help of a long rail, a sublection is made at the place of imposition - one seam is formed, between the two sheets of coating.
    3. To protect the front side of the linoleum on the seam passes the scotch.
    4. Next, the tape is cut exactly by the seam.
    5. Glue is applied on the reverse side of the material.
    6. Excess glue is removed.
    7. It is installed if necessary, connecting plank on the seam when the junction in the doorway.

    For docking linoleum at home, 3 types of adhesive compositions "A", "C" and "T" are used. The composition "A" is the adhesive composition of the liquid consistency, used mainly when gluing a new flooring. The adhesive composition of the "C" of a more thick consistency and is used to glue the coating already used during repair. When using the composition "A", the edges of the linoleum are partially dissolved, forming a solid compound.

    A positive characteristic as a glue for linoleum was the composition of Werner Muller, produced by 2 species "A" and "C". One tube is enough for gluing seams from 6 to 10 rose meters. Good adhesive properties have the composition of "Khomapol", which is divorced by water and has universal use.

    The compound also uses the composition of the class "T", which is designed to glue the pvc linoleum made on the basis of polyester.

    Hot welding is performed using a special tool and a polymer cord for welding. When the linoleum is connected to this method, the melted polymer firmly fixes two sheets of coating. For the connection, appliances for welding, operating from the mains.

    The welding process consists of consecutive operations:

    1. Originally processed the edges of linoleum sheets. A special knife is cut out a chute at the place of passage of the seam with a depth of half the thickness of the material sheet.
    2. The seam is carefully cleaned from dust and extraneous impurities.
    3. The welding machine is turned on, a period of time is given to a heating to a temperature of 350-400 * s. Nozzle is mounted on the device and the welding cord is connected.
    4. Using the welding machine, both sheets are connected, under the influence of the molten polymer.
    5. Excess polymer is removed using a special knife.
    6. Seam is created by passing the connection line in both directions.

    Linoleum coating is durable and serves as years without losing appearance. The connecting seam between the sheets of the coating is firmly retains the paved coating, forming a single protective layer. When docking the linoleum in the openings of the doors between the rooms, a special decorative plank is used. Many work on the linoleum and tiles can be performed with their own hands, which significantly reduces the cost of repair. Tiles in case of damage, are easily replaced with new sheets. The main thing is to make all the operations correctly, with the observance of technology and that the seams between the sheets were low and durable.

    Despite the development of technologies and materials, the linoleum was and remains the most popular flooring. For many years, this material has been perfectly proven as an excellent flooring for commercial premises and offices, as well as ordinary apartments or houses.

    This material can be quickly and high quality, capturing a large area for the minimum amount of time. If repair works are produced in the room, the linoleum is also quickly removed. This coating is easily cleaned, withstands strong wear and does not lose a beautiful appearance. Today you can purchase imitating different textures. Also offers a wide range of colors.

    During the Soviet Union, this material was produced in fixed sizes with a width of 1.5 m. Today, the choice of measurements is more - you can purchase a coating width 3 and even 5 meters. Despite this, it has often to glue two pieces of material. Many would like to know, at home. Consider several technologies.

    Why, when and why is it necessary to glue the joints of the linoleum?

    This floor covering is very hygienic and enough mobile in the issue of replacement. It is often used to decorate floors in the kitchens and corridors - these are the places where it is necessary to clean especially often. Also, these rooms are places with elevated levels of humidity and differ in sharp drops of temperatures. The interiors of the apartments in the houses of the old building and the layout of the room makes glue the junction of the linoleum.

    Without gluing, just do not do when finishing floors in various offices and other similar objects. In addition, domestic producers still supply floor coverings with a width of 1.5 m. For small corridors, this is a normal size, but for large rooms it is not the best choice. Therefore, in the process of laying the strip must be glued together with each other.

    Gluing technology linoleumov

    There are two options. So, you can apply cold welding, which is applied using special adhesive compositions, or a hot version - here a special cord with a hairdryer saves the joints among themselves. Additionally there are still subspecies. For example, there is nothing easier how to glue linoleum on the floor on

    They are also connected and joints. You can use thresholds of rubber or metal, which are recommended for applying for other materials.

    Hot fashion

    With this technology, linoleum junctions are glued in commercial premises. Here it is necessary to have special welding equipment. Also need a special cord. Instead of welding equipment, you can apply thermofen.

    So, the cord is laid at the jack. The width of the laying should be 2-3 mm. Then with a hair dryer, which was pre-500 degrees in advance, the wiring is simply soldered to the surface of the linoleum. It should be borne in mind that one cord should be no longer half the soldered part. The second piece of the cord is put on the sucked with a slight margin of 2-3 cm.

    High temperatures allow the cord material to the linoleum as high quality and hermetic. To remove its specialists prefer to use a special tool for gluing linoleum.

    This option is distinguished by high practicality and even greater reliability, but it is more suitable for a more rigid floor covering. Unfortunately, for apartments and houses, manufacturers offer softer materials that cannot withstand such high temperatures. And therefore, you need to know other options, how to glue the linoleum online at home.

    Cold welding

    This is a great way to perform an operation to glue the joints with your own hands. Cold welding is often used in everyday life and is considered very popular for such tasks. Why is the process called cold welding? It is carried out by gluing the floor covering inexpensive without the need for "violence" above the material of high temperatures.

    How to glue the linoleum jack with cold welding

    Its edges must be cut as much as possible and smooth. Then they are superimposed on each other so that one thing covers the other about 3 cm. It is important that they are clean and dry. Before glueing the linoleum on the floor, you need to apply paper tape for material - it reliably protect the decorative surface from the aggressive effect of glue. It also serves as a tag of the gluing zone. Scotch is applied not only to the upper, but also on the bottom.

    Next simultaneously cuts off the lower and upper strip of the floor material. The remaining trimming should be deleted. Then both together rolled with a special roller at the place of the joint so to align in one level.

    The glue is applied to the seam area and dosage spreads to the entire length. After sinking it on the surface of the linoleum there should be only a thin strip. It is necessary to ensure that the glue does not fall on the surface of the coating. Unfortunately, it is impossible to bring it.

    After performing these operations, the adhesive is given to dry during ten minutes. The tape can then be removed. This is how to glue the linoleum online at home - there is nothing difficult in it. The advantage of this method is the inconsistency of the seams, and they can even be figured.

    Cons cold welding

    Cold welding is very effective adhesive, but it is not worth using it on linoleums, which have a soft base or insulation. In this case, the glue will not help achieve the most accurate docking. The seams will be very noticeable, and their appearance will become non-psychic.

    Selection of glue

    In the process of using cold welding, it all depends on the materials that glue. There are several species for different situations:

    • Glue "A" has a liquid shape and suitable for working with rigid linoleums.
    • Glue "C". It creates a special layer on the surface of the seam and is used to glue the joints with a thickness of up to 4 mm.
    • Glue "T" can be punctured polyester materials.

    Required tools

    Let's look at what tools may be needed. The selection is carried out on the basis of the type of linoleum. For work on hot technology, scissors and cropping for smooth segments will be needed. Next, to apply the material, you should prepare a spatula, brush or roller.

    For pressing use rubber hammers. For hot gluing need a thermofen and cord. If cold welding is performed, then glue is needed, a rather sharp knife, a lot of winds and tape (suitable paper and double-sided).

    The needle of the tank with glue during cold welding should be supplied as deeply as possible inside the seam.

    This is necessary to hit the desired amount of glue. The rag will help quickly remove the glue drops from the surface. It is more convenient to work with a tube at once with two hands. The glue consists of very aggressive substances, so it is necessary to work with it very carefully. After the end of the work it is recommended to ventilate the room. Now you know how to glue the linoleum jack at home.

    As can be seen, the procedure is simple and accessible to everyone. As a result, the flooring will take a beautiful aesthetic appearance. There is nothing better than a well-laid linoleum. Shavi gluing will give out an even more aesthetic look.

    For connecting linoleum on joints, there are special compositions that, with proper application, almost no noticeable traces on the surface of the seam are practically left. Observing enough simple technology, it can be achieved that the places of gluing pieces of linoleum among themselves will be noticeable only with attentive consideration of the entire area, where this floor covering was laid.

    At the stacking stage

    If you just put the new linoleum to the floor, then first need to make a decision, glue it to the base or not. Glue coating on the surface only in some places is extremely recommended. This is due to the fact that the linoleum, which was laid with the use of special adhesive, the deformation process under regular exposure to the periodic load differs from deformation of the same material, which was determined without using the adhesive composition.

    The result of the linoleum is glued to the base, for example, only on the joints, the formation of a noticeable strip along those places where the coating was glued. The outer surface of the linoleum glued to the floor will look smooth and smooth, and, according to the transition from the glued layer, the small stretch marks on the side will appear on the side, which was laid without glue.

    Partial gluing uniquely should not be applied. Or apply glue to the entire surface of the floor, complying with the required requirements specified in the instructions, or do not use it at all. Of course, linoleum, which was pasted by a special composition according to the correct technology will be held noticeably better, but for household needs, coatings in the apartment are quite possible to do without the use of glue.

    Laying the linoleum on the light tie without glue ideally is performed on a pre-prepared base. To do this, you should process the surface of the screed of a special primer, type Ceresit (Ceresit) of Article 17. The cost of the canister is 10 liters about 550 rubles. Depending on the absorbency of the base, the flow rate of the liquid will be from 0.1 kg / m² to 0.2 kg per 1 m² of the surface. The consequence of the base treatment with such a composition will be dusting the surface and improving its agsessia (the ability to absorb paint, varnish or glue), as well as a decrease in water absorbing ability.

    Linoleum flooring without the use of glue involves fixing the material on the edges. Near the walls with the optimal option will simply press the coating of the plinth. As for the joints, it will take here to use a special adhesive composition, which is also called "cold welding" for linoleum.

    What cold welding is better? Overview of firms and prices

    Cold welding is a pasty substance that is produced in tubes. One small tube with a volume of 60 ml is sufficient for docking from 25 to 30 m, depending on the thickness of the linoleum and the experience of the wizard.

    Among the popular manufacturers whose products have been in demand for many years, the following brands can be called:

    • Cold Welding Forbo (Ortho) Eurocol 671 - 42 g Tube is enough for about 20 m seam. Package price 470 rubles.
    • HOMAKOLL S 401 - Metal tube with 60 ml paste will cost 250 rubles.

    Cheaper varieties of glue for joints do not recommend to choose, since there is a high probability to purchase an inefficient composition that will not give the opportunity to make high-quality seams. One day, saving on cold welding will later have to use the floor covering daily and see a well-noticeable seam that could be practically invisible.

    At the same time, you should not forget that it is also important to comply with the right technology of linoleum docking and application. Next, consider in detail the sequence of work.

    Sharkov gluing technology

    Here the most important thing is to ensure the most dense fit of the material along the entire length of the junction. It is not enough to attach one smooth linoleum strip to another. It is necessary to ensure that the coating on both sides of the junction is reliably fixed and along the entire length of the seam was a small backstage of one side to another.

    Along this junction in the middle of the allen in the maximum sharp construction knife, an incision is made to the depth of two layers of linoleum superimposed on each other. If you do not cut off in the center of the allen, but only one edge, then get the perfectly even dense junction can not get out. After with both half of the material on the junction, it will be cut over a small strip, these residues should be removed.

    Further, along the entire length of the future seam passes a strip of widespread building tape. Then exactly on the joint should be neatly cut through the same knife so that it does not damage the coating and not jump randomly from the trajectory of the joint line.

    The cutting of the tube is applied to the cutting seam. Its quantity should be carefully dosed, since the space between the halves connected halves is very small and cold welding on 1 cm seam will fit quite a bit. If you overdo it and apply too much glue, then some part it will perform above the surface of the tape, and some kind of linoleum will remain under the linoleum and create an additional approach of the seam above the surface of the rest of the coating.

    Excessive cold welding, protruding over the scotch on the joint surface, is immediately removed with a cloth. After 15 minutes, the scotch can be safely removed. Its function was to prevent glue to the surface of the linoleum, and with his task he coped perfectly. During this period of time, cold welding is completely frozen and the floor can be used with complete confidence.

    Video instructions technology

    Such a connection when the high-quality cold welding is selected perfectly tolerates significant stretching loads, not worse than the material of the linoleum itself. When exposed to "on the gap", the dried layer of glue shows noticeably smaller strength characteristics than the PVC coating - rushes approximately with the same ease as office paper.

    Linoleum is one of the most popular finishing materials. The sphere of its use is not limited to residential premises, apartments, houses, cottages. Linoleum is characterized by good performance, so it is widely used to finish floors in public institutions with a high operational load. There are several ways to hide the joints between linoleum beans. How to create a beautiful, imperceptible hermetic seam with your own hands will be talked further.

    Linoleum dock options with their own hands

    Several methods for connecting linoleum are isolated. The selection of this or that is based on the individual characteristics of the room, the type of linoleum coating and the laying method.

    We will get acquainted with the methods of linoleum compounds Read more:

    1. Two-way tape. Prepare the surface to work, clean the dirt and dust. If necessary, drive. Check the joint connection, it should be as accurate as possible. If necessary, adjust them using a stationery knife or scissors. Start the tape to the floor, gradually remove the protective film and glue the linoleum. This method is quite light and low-cost, however, in the process of operation there is a possibility of divergence of joints. In addition, this method is unreliable, when weighing the floor with water and moisture from the moisture, they disagree with time.

    2. Thresholds. This method is relevant when moving from one room to another. It is based on the use of a special threshold that hides the place of the junction between the two sheets of linoleum. To fix the threshold, special self-tapping screws or plugs made of plastic are used. In this case, it is possible to get a reliable connection at an affordable cost. Among the shortcomings, we note:

    • difficulties in the selection of the color of the clad;
    • the protrusions of the threshold over the floor.

    When connecting linoleum based on felt only this method, as the thresholds reliably fix the coating, in contrast to glue or tape. The use of glue is a more costly process, in addition, there are often toxic substances that are allocated during operation. Thresholds, compared with the adhesive method, are safer and do not require periodic air ventilation when connecting the linoleum junctions.

    3. Method of hot welding. This method is characterized by high labor intensity, requires the use of special tools and skills to work with them. However, as a result, a holistic seamless coating is obtained, which perfectly manifests itself during operation.

    In the process of linoleum connection, hot welding will require:

    • high-power hair dryer;
    • special harness on PVC basis;
    • knife and nozzles.

    The linoleum is installed with a small overlay, then the length of the joint is cut into the groove in the form of a groove. With the help of a construction dryer, the surface is heated to a temperature of 450 degrees, and then a special nozzle is installed harness in the groove and heats up to obtain a perfectly smooth joint. After the seam cools, cut it with a knife.

    As a result, it is possible to get a seam, practically not different from the linoleum itself, the compound is hermetic and reliable. Among the shortcomings, we note:

    • the cost of performance of work;
    • the long process and the need to ventilate the room;
    • the use of this method for the connection of the household version of the linoleum is excluded, since under the influence of high temperature it is melted.

    4. Cold welding method. One of the easiest and most reliable options for connecting linoleum junctions. To perform, it will take availability:

    • paint Scotch;
    • knife with measuring lines;
    • adhesive composition for welding.

    Linoleum sheets are customized before receiving perfectly smooth seam. The edges are aligned and cut, if necessary. The edge of the linoleum is covered with a scotch. The coating is cut and filled with a special composition in the form of cold welding. After the welding is completely dry, the painting tape is removed.

    Please note that cold welding on linoleum leads to its destruction and appearance of traces, remove which is impossible. Therefore, when working with this material, it is necessary to show special accuracy. If cold welding all the same hit the linoleum, wait for a complete drying, and then remove the knife from the surface.

    Among the advantages of this method, we note:

    • ease of self-use;
    • lack of need to call a sidom-friendly wizard;
    • the possibility of repairing linoleum coatings.

    If you want to get a reliable and hermetic connection of linoleum junctions, we recommend that you still dwell on the last two compound options - cold or hot welding.

    Technology of cold welding of linoleum do it yourself

    One of the most common gluing methods of linoleum is the cold welding method. It is based on the use of a special adhesive composition forming a colorless coating that perfectly seals the connection. Among the advantages of using cold welding to connect the linoleum junctions with their own hands:

    • obtaining a monolithic, neat and reliable compound, which is externally invisible, is felt only with tactile contact;
    • does not require special equipment, a fairly standard tool set is, thus, the costs of laying a linoleum coating are reduced.

    Three versions of the adhesive composition for cold welding of linoleum are distinguished:

    • adhesive composition A view;
    • glue composition with type;
    • the glue composition of the form.

    We offer to familiarize yourself with each type of separate. Choosing one or another glue, consider the features of the linoleum coating, the accuracy of the connections.

    The glue composition for cold welding of the species and liquid consistency, as it contains a large amount of solvent-based substances. Thanks to this structure, the edge is effectively separated for the connection. However, the joints with large compounds will not be connected to each other, since the adhesive composition is too liquid consistency.

    Therefore, the adhesive composition A view is used to connect the seams with minimal discrepancies. The glue composition is an ideal solution for only the acquired linoleum, which was cut in the factory.

    The adhesive composition of the type C is characterized by the presence of PVC-based substances in a large number of substances. The adhesive composition is characterized by a thick and rich consistency, so it is easily filling wide gaps between sheets. An excellent solution for repairing a linoleum coating, which was operated earlier. The adhesive composition does not require perfect for fitting sheets, easily fills large slots. After drying, a neat, almost invisible connection is formed.

    The glue composition of the form for linoleum is used very rarely and only by professionals, allows you to combine the sheets of multicomponent variants of linoleum.

    Instructions for connecting linoleum junctions with cold welding:

    1. Qualitative welding of linoleum junctions allows you to get perfect on the density of the seam, which is not subjected to mechanical effects, as well as moisture and chemicals for washing floors.
    2. On the spot, the compounds of two canvases set a double-sided sticky tape, so cold welding does not fall into linoleum.
    3. Scotch band is allowed strictly by seam, while trying not to touch the coating itself.
    4. The glue composition is put on a special needle-shaped nozzle, which makes seams less noticeable.
    5. Install the needle inside the cut, fill the slots with glue. When glue appears on Scotch, move on in the direction. Fill out the entire seam.
    6. Cold welding drying time is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions and is usually about fifteen minutes.
    7. After that, remove the sticky tape from the linoleum and check the condition and smoothness of the compound.

    For the maximum fast and easy gluing, read the recommendations for the spawning of the linoleum with their own hands with cold welding:

    • buying linoleum take into account the fact that it is necessary to connect sheets with an adhesive at least 5 cm, thus it will be possible to achieve the most smooth junction between the canvases;
    • to work, use rubber gloves, unwanted contact of cold welding with skin;
    • be sure to use a needle nozzle for glue, with its help, the joints between the canvases will be filled as quickly as possible and neatly;
    • when glue with a linoleum coating, wait for it to complete drying, and then remove the stationery knife.

    How to solder linoleum at home: hot-welding technology of linoleum

    To perform hot welding, it is necessary to have equipment for the welding of linoleum. A special hairdryer with a nozzle, heats the cloth to the required temperature. Pre-linoleum is glued on the base.

    The hot welding method for natural linoleum is especially used. Additionally, it is necessary to purchase a harness to connect the linoleum junctions. The joints between the canvases are sealed in the process of pouring polymeric substances that are pre-warmed with a hair dryer.

    The connection of the linoleum at home by the method of hot welding is quite difficult to produce, especially without having experience with this equipment. Therefore, we recommend entrusting this process to those skilled in the art, to avoid damage to the canvas.

    If you all decided to do it yourself, follow the instructions below:

    1. Prepare all the necessary tools for work in the form:
    • special knife;
    • construction dryer;
    • harness.

    Face plots on linoleum trees with a knife. As a result, a yellow-shaped surface is obtained, which comes to the main part of the linoleum.

    1. Remove the garbage and dust from the floor on which the coating is located. Turn on the hair dryer, and warm the linoleum to 350-380 degrees. Install a special nozzle in which the harness will be installed.
    2. After installing the harness, heat the linoleum hairdryer, gradually reaching the junction line. The harness should melt gradually and evenly.
    3. After completing the welding, remove unnecessary parts of the harness, for these purposes, use the serpent knife or special equipment.
    4. Follow the accuracy of the compounds obtained, the knife is installed in parallel to the floor, in order to avoid damage.
    5. The welding of hot welding linoleum is divided into two stages. Starting work follows from opposite sides, and end in the place of adhesion to the plain.

    Do not forget, except the hairdryer for welding, prepare a special nozzle, which improves the quality of the work performed and warms only the necessary sections.

    Choose a high-quality hairdryer, the maximum heating temperature of which is 500-600 degrees. To maintain a constant temperature on the device there are special sensors. In addition, pay attention to the number of device operation modes.

    If the work is large, then the welding will be long, hairdryer, in this case, should have sufficient power to perform this process to avoid overheating.

    Before starting work, the chamfer is removed from the coating stripes, thus, a wedge-shaped deepening is obtained. It is in it that will be a harness in the future, which, when heated, turn into a polymer liquid substance. A special nozzle for a hair dryer warms this particular site. The chute on the nozzle must be tight to the seam, for the most uniform heating. Note that the polymer substance should evenly fill the ditch, not speaking behind the surface of the floor. Only in this case, it is possible to achieve aesthetically attractive docking. When we hide the linoleum joints with a hot method, you should be particularly careful when working with a hairdryer. Since excessive heating of the polymer substance leads to the appearance of non-accurant butt connections.

    Connection joints linoleum video

    Linoleum production was constantly changing and improved, but one fact remains unchanged - this is the most popular rolled coating. The material has high performance, simple in laying and unpretentious in matters of daily care.

    The main problem when laying is a connection of two or more crafts when you want to make a high-quality and imperceptible joint. Let's discern how to dock the linoleum if the coating will be laid in a few cloths.

    Why keep the panels with each other

    According to construction standards and rules, the linoleum is laid on an even carrying base of concrete or wood. Under the wooden basis, the floor is understood as the structure on the lags, which was fixed from plywood, gypsum or fibre the sheets.

    The fastening or fixation of the linoleum occurs on a special adhesive composition: acrylate, bustylate, PVA, bituminous or rubber mastic. The use of adhesive allows reliable to hold the material on the floor surface. As a result, during operation, the material does not slide, it is smoothed less, it will not strain the perimeter of the room.

    When the material flooring is in two or more, labor costs are increasing, as it is necessary to stick the canvas. This is necessary so that the floor covering ensures the tightness, which is the most priority when working with rolled materials.

    Linoleum dock avoids damage to the linoleum canvas when walking

    That is, after laying, even a few rows, with the help of gluing seams, a durable and monolithic base in the form of a linoleum can be created. This avoids problems arising from water and dirt under the coating. Additionally, the overall penetration of noise in the room through inter-storey floors is reduced.

    When walking on the coating, there are no situations when the tenants cling to the edge of the canvas, which can lead to a fall in humans and injuries. The announced linoleum service life does not differ from the classical method of laying one cannol.

    Possible ways of compound

    Connect the linoleum among themselves, using different ways: glue compositions, welding cord, finishing elements. The choice of the method is completely dependent on the type of linoleum and the place where the butchemic canvase junction will be located.

    Left - Cold welding in tubes, right - hot welding of linoleum

    To connect the seams, each other can be used in the following ways:

    • cold welding is a canvas dock with a special glue in tubes. The glue composition has a different marking: "A", "C" and "T". For the new household linoleum, the adhesive welding type "A" is used. It has a liquid consistency that quickly penetrates into a dense bog between the canvas;
    • hot welding - the gluing process occurs with the help of a construction dryer and a special polyvinyl chloride cord. Under the action of temperatures above 300 C cord melts, filling the seam. After drying, a dense and reliable junction on the composition of linoleum is formed. This method is used to connect natural and commercial linoleum.

    The third method is used in the case when the joke is located in the doorway. In this case, you can use the finishing threshold, which is mounted on the fastening elements in the form of screws or facing nails.

    The advantages of such a compound include its quick disassembly if necessary, repair and remove the old coating. And also the thresholds slightly hides the door lumen between the floor and the bottom of the door, which significantly improves the appearance of the door frame.

    It is extremely recommended to use such a connection in the hallway or rooms with high humidity, since the appearance of the element will quickly suffer due to increased loads.

    Technology using glue

    To connect the linoleum at the junction using glue welding, it will be necessary to purchase the appropriate composition depending on the total length of the docking seam. To do this, roughly measure the length of the room and multiply by the number of seams, which is supposed to be embedded.

    Cold welding is produced in small tubes with a volume of 40 to 60 ml. On average, 45-50 ml of cold welding is enough for connecting 18-22 of the linear meter of the linoleum canvas. In addition, for docking, you will need to purchase a greasy tape and a sharp stationery or construction knife, rubber gloves.

    Correct the linoleum to do with each other as follows:

    If, after removal of the scotch, small excess glue is visible, it is better to be restrained and not cut off right away. Wait until the mixture is completely polymerized and will become solid. This will help to quickly remove hard drips from the joint.

    When working with the welding type "C" seam, you can not sink. The mixture has sufficient viscosity and more thick consistency. In the process of applying, it will not be so spread as "a" glue. The process of repairing the old seam is similar to the previous technology. Old seam will need to carefully clean with a vacuum cleaner. It is advisable to remove the lagging pieces of the coating, if any.

    The mixture is applied to the entire width of the joint. It is important to remember that the maximum width of the seam should not exceed 2 mm, otherwise, after drying, the mixture will not be able to ensure sufficient strength between the two coating canvas.

    Connections by hot welding

    The connection of the cavities between the hot welding method is a more reliable way, but is used only when laying marmoleum, natural or commercially type of linoleum.

    The domestic coating on this technology cannot be allowed, since such a linoleum is thinner and will not stand the temperature in 300-400 C. Hot welding simply melts the coating, and damage it to the service.

    Welded cord is selected based on the color and type of linoleum

    Works, as in the previous case, are performed after attaching and cutting the joint through the nestling of one canvase to another. After you need to give the coating to fly out. It is best to connect after 24-36 hours.

    Further work will consist of the following:

    1. The chamfer is removed along the entire length of the seam using a special cutter. It is better to use a cutter on the rollers for more accurate chamfer depth adjustment. After removal of the chamfer cleaned with the help of a vacuum cleaner.
    2. The welding machine or the construction hairdryer warms up within 2-3 minutes to the desired temperature (300 C). Next, the tip of the hair dryer is put on the nozzle for supplying a polyvinyl chloride cord.
    3. The cord needs to go to the nozzle and leave a small margin of 1 cm. Then the tip of the hair dryer is applied to the beginning of the seam and is carried out along the entire length. In the process of work, you need to slightly press the cord.
    4. After cooling the cord cut the coated clove. For trimming, a special knife is used. The process of trimming can be divided into two stages. First we cut a large part of the cooled cord. Then we form a smooth junction with the second passage of the cutting blade.

    Hot welding technology can be seen in the video that is located in this article. Especially if you plan to carry out these works yourself. The only minus of this method is a construction hairdryer will have to lease or acquire separately.

    Docking with a plank

    The connecting bar is mounted using the screws of the required length.

    Decorative flags are produced in various variations. We recommend purchasing a metal t-shaped metal with a hidden installation method. Such bridges looks more presentable due to the hidden fastening system using a narrow bar located in the center of the product.

    The length of the threshold directly depends on the width of the doorway. If the coating was laid on the concrete floor, then the perforator will be prepared for work. If the linoleum is laid on a wooden base, then screwdriver is needed.

    First of all, it is necessary to prepare the seam, the width of which is equal to the width of the lower element of the threshold. Next, the drilling of holes for plastic dowels. After a dowel clogged into the holes, the threshings are mounted and fixed with the help of screws. At the final stage, a middle element is inserted, hiding fasteners.

    If universal threshings are used for flooring, then the longitudinal bar is first mounted, after which the front element itself is swinging on top. Video on the docking of linoleum in doorways is located above.