How to clean a blockage in a pipe in a bathroom - ways and means. How to quickly and easily eliminate a blockage in the bathroom: methods and instructions

Every day in the bathroom at least once engaged in water treatments. Gradually, various debris accumulates inside the pipelines and you have to think about how to clean the blockage in the bathroom. There are a lot of options, due to which the siphon or other water communications are clogged: the hair cover of a person and animals, pieces of rags, fat, various pollution of the pipe system. Over time, the liquid goes away more slowly and there is a bad smell, which emits a sink or bath. Something needs to be done with this.

What causes blockages?

The most serious reason why a sink or bath becomes clogged is the error during the installation of pipes. Making repairs, the craftsmen are mistaken with the installation angle of pipes for sewage, this, in turn, contributes to traffic jams. Cleaning in this case is possible, but meaningless. The elimination of the problem must begin with the dismantling of the old pipes and installing them again.

The second more likely option is carelessness and neglect of the preventive measures by the owners. Various objects, hair and debris can easily clog the drain. Even with a small blockage, it is recommended to get rid of it, so that the situation does not worsen even more. So, how to clean the blockage in the bathroom?

Ways to eliminate blockages

Mechanical tool No. 1: plunger

If a hole near the drain clogged, then take the object that most have - a plunger. Then you should take a rag or cork and close the upper hole to drain the water so that there is no corridor for air. Then we lubricate the rim of the plunger with petroleum jelly, so we will provide a more snug fit. We put the plunger on the drain, sharply and intensively we begin to drive out the pollution. It is possible that the first time you can’t clean it.

Mechanical tool No. 2: plunger with hot water

If the previous method did not provide proper cleaning, then add hot water to it. We fill a third of the bathtub with water, pump it into the pipeline with a plunger, and then we pull it out sharply. Continue until the drain is completely clean.

Mechanical tool No. 3: cable

Neither plunger nor hot water. What to do? Eliminate the clogging in the bathroom with a cable. Serious blockages can be removed with this tool. But keep in mind that there is the possibility of punching thin plastic pipes, if not to be careful.

To build a cable at home is quite easy. To do this, get a flexible metal wire. Then bend one of its ends in the shape of a small hook, and wind the fabric to the second, making a handle.

Push the tool into the pipe to the intended clogged place and push the trash. Having removed the main part of the clogging with a cable, pull out the “fishing rod" with the remains of pollution. At the very end, rinse the container with hot water.


In some cases, the use of chemicals is appropriate if the bath or sink is clogged. In stores, a large amount of chemistry is sold in the form of a gel, powder, liquid or foam, capable of removing all the bad that is stuck in the pipeline in a few minutes. Organic contaminants are ideal for chemical removal.

  1. Before use, be sure to read the instructions that come with the kit.
  2. Use personal protective equipment to avoid unwanted effects.
  3. Buy products that dissolve your hairline.

Folk method number 1: boiling water

Alternative methods are no less popular and give good results. But, alas, eliminating a strong blockage in the sink or bath with them is impossible. If pipes or drains have accumulated a large amount of fat, this can be corrected with boiling water. Just pour boiling water into the hole until the water begins to pass better.

Folk method number 2: vinegar and soda

Soda and vinegar react with each other, so they are able to remove more complex pipe contamination. At the very beginning, soda is poured into a glass, after which it is sent directly to the sink. Next, pour vinegar into a glass and pour it in the drain and plug it with a stopper. Foam will begin to form if vinegar and soda react. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with hot water to wash the remaining vinegar and soda.

Folk method number 3: lemon

It is convenient to use folk remedies at home and is convenient, but they do not always give the desired effect. But lemon will help to get rid of light pollution of pipes. Squeeze juice from one fruit into the sink and wait an hour or two. Over time, the sink or bath is washed with hot water.

How to clean the siphon?

The siphon must be cleaned periodically, but if you do not do it on time, problems may appear at the most inopportune moment. It is recommended that the siphon be washed regularly so that the sink does not emit a bad smell. Now we proceed directly to the cleaning.

Get rid of unnecessary soft cloth and place a water tank under the siphon. Open the fasteners and remove the flask. After all the water has drained, gently clean the siphon. Then flush the device and mount it back. Also, do not forget to position the nozzle so that it does not rest on the flask. Do not rush to clean the basin, first open the water. If nothing flows, then the siphon is installed correctly.

  • Do not dismiss preventive measures. Performing them regularly, do not spend much time in the future.
  • To collect any garbage, install a metal mesh.
  • In some cases, it will not be superfluous to use compounds that prevent the appearance of blockages.

Now it became clear how to clean the blockage in the bathroom. After all, anyone should agree that being in a clean bath is pleasant and comfortable.

Blockages periodically form even among the tidiest hosts. The accumulation of mechanical particles, grease and other debris in the sewer pipe leads to the formation of a cork that prevents the drainage of water. Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to clean a blockage in a bathroom can solve the problem easily and in a short time.

Causes of pollution

   Even quality pipes occasionally become clogged.

The drain pipe in the bathroom becomes clogged due to the fact that on its inner surface they settle:

  • Threads from clothes when water is drained into a bathing container after hand washing and rinsing.
  • Hair of any length.
  • Pet hair.
  • Body fat.
  • Remnants. No wonder, because hygiene products have a fatty basis, therefore, also takes part in the formation of blockages.

As a result, the inside of the pipe is overgrown with a layer of debris, which eventually narrows the clearance in the pipe.  A tight cork is formed. Once it completely closes the cavity and makes it impossible to drain the water, and hence the use of the bathroom.

Possible solutions

  In the bathroom, blocking is more difficult than in the sink

There are various ways to solve the problem. In some cases, special plumbing fixtures help, in others - improvised home remedies, and in others - household chemicals from the store.

Folk remedies

First you need to scoop out dirty water from the bathtub, pour half a pack of baking soda into the drain, and after 10 minutes pour 100 ml of vinegar into the hole. If there is no result in an hour, add a few liters of boiling water. You can do something else: first pour vinegar, and then boiling water with dissolved soda.

Method 1: water and soda with vinegar

Really clear mild clogging with hot water. If this was not enough, it is recommended to connect vinegar, baking soda, and table salt.

Method 2: water with washing powder and soda with salt

Pour half a glass of salt and the same amount of soda into the sink and pour two to three liters of boiling water. After an hour, add a handful of washing powder and turn on the hot water.

As a rule, these options allow you to cope when the main cause of blockage is fat.

How to clean a cable blockage in a bathroom

A plumbing cable is a thick wire twisted in a spiral.  For convenient use, one of its two ends is equipped with a handle made of wood or plastic.

Pipes are cleaned as follows:

  1. Insert the end of the spiral into the drain hole.
  2. One person rotates the cable by the handle in rotational movements, while the other at the same time pushes it into the pipe so that it goes as far as possible along its bends.
  3. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the voltage in the pipes decreases, pull the cable several times and remove it.

There are devices with a hook on the end. They allow, having stumbled on a blockage, turn the wire, hook and remove the cork. This is convenient if it has not formed too deeply.

How to clean a blockage in the bathroom with a plunger

  Before you start working as a plunger, you need to close the overflow hole

When the “washcloth” of hair became the cause of a poor drain in the bath, a plunger can help out.  It perfectly cleans pipes from other types of mechanical dirt. It is necessary:

  1. If the bath is dry, draw a little water into it.
  2. Place the plunger over the drain hole so that the rubber nozzle completely covers it.
  3. Hold the plunger tightly by the handle and force it to move up and down, without tearing the nozzle from the bottom of the bath. This is about the same as pumping a bicycle wheel with a hand pump.

One minute of intensive work is enough to move the blockage. When the dirt comes up, you will have to pump the plunger a little more for a better result. Surfaced trash must be thrown into a bucket so that it is not pulled again. After that you only have to wash the bath.

How to get rid of the problem using household chemicals

Compounds for cleaning drain pipes can be bought for moderate money in a hardware store or department of a hypermarket. They give an excellent result, and in terms of efficiency are comparable to mechanical devices.


The composition has been used in liquid form for decades, and today it is still available in the form of a gel and powder. "Mole" is an inorganic alkali enriched with other active additives that dissolve dense garbage.

Tiret Turbo Pipe Cleaner

It is a highly effective gel for quick removal of blockages. It has a thick consistency, thanks to which it quickly penetrates deep into the air, eliminating clogging in 5 minutes. The composition of Tiret Turbo includes antibacterial elements and perfumes. It is suitable for metal and plastic pipes.


Another powerful remedy for garbage and greasy plugs in pipes. In its composition are chemically active components that provide a quick and effective action of the product. The instructions say that you can clear the blockage after one hour, but this happens much faster.

When using chemical compounds, it is important to remember the means and rules of individual safety so that the procedure does not cause harm to health. Detailed information on this subject is always available on the packaging or in the paper application. As a last resort (for example, if the font is too small), it is easy to find on the Internet. As for the general recommendations, they come down to the use of:

  • rubber (household) gloves, which can be replaced with a double plastic bag worn on the arm;
  • medical mask for respiratory protection.

How to clean blockage in bath siphon

In some cases, to eliminate congestion in the bathroom, you need to clean the siphon. This is done as follows:

  1. They cover the floor with a soft cloth and put an empty basin.
  2. The bolt nut is removed, followed by the flask, after which the water with garbage elements will begin to drain.
  3. The emptied siphon is washed by hand, carefully cleaning the walls of plaque.

Having assembled the structure, it should be installed back so that the drain pipe does not literally lie on the flask. If you ignore this, the water seal will break. To check the degree of tightness of joints, as well as joints, open the tap and fill the water seal with water.

Anti-shame magneto-mechanical ruff HELPPIK (HELPPIK)

It has been sold since 2010 and has a reputation for being an efficient and easy way to get trash out of the siphon. This is a plastic wand, with notches and built-in magnets. Its length is 38 cm, and its diameter is about 5 mm. Ruffs are inserted into the hole of the siphon lattice and scrolled. In 10 seconds, he will take on a blockage. The stick is easily removed and does not slip. The presence of magnetic elements allows you to get small metal objects. The ease of use of the device and its functionality are confirmed by domestic housewives.

How to eliminate a severe blockage

In this case, it is recommended to start with a cable and a plunger, combining their use with powerful household chemicals. If there is no effect, then the cork is solid, large and deep. Such a strong blockage can only be cleaned by professional plumbers.

They can be invited by contacting the management company or local housing office. When things are urgent (masters may come the next day), it is easier to contact a specialized commercial company. Often, those who are involved in the installation and dismantling of plumbing, offer pipe cleaning services.

Problem prevention

  Hot water will help get rid of body fat

One way or another, you can always cope with a blockage, but each time it is unnecessary chores and expenses. To make your life easier, you should pay attention to prevention. For this you need:

  • Equip the drain hole of the bath with a device for collecting hair, threads and other mechanical debris. Products can be bought at the store. They are different types of plastic traps.
  • Periodically pour a little any store liquid or gel into the drain to clean the pipes.
  • At the slightest suspicion of a blockage (for example, when the water does not leave the bath as fast as it should be), use a plunger.

Compliance with simple rules will help get rid of the problem of blockages, as well as ensure maximum permeability of the sewage system.

The above cleaning methods are not difficult for an adult, even if he is not a professional plumber. It is important to remember that the normal operation of the drain pipe completely depends on the prevention of plaque and dirt, as well as on the elimination of blockages at an early stage of their formation.

A blockage in a pipe, namely in a bathtub or a sink, is a very unpleasant phenomenon that brings great discomfort. The drain is clogged, the throughput is reduced, and the water does not leave. In addition, in the near future there is a disgusting smell, the threat of flooding the premises or a pipe break.

To avoid this, it is important to eliminate blockage in the early stages of occurrence. As soon as you notice that the water began to leave longer than usual, you can carry out the procedure. In this article, we will learn how to clean a blockage in a bathroom or kitchen at home.

Causes of blockages

The reason for the blockages is that hair, small debris, animal hair, spools and threads from clothes, soap residues and much more get into the pipe and drain. These components form a tight lump that prevents the passage of water. To clean the pipe, you need to remove this garbage. In this case, you can eliminate the blockage in the bathroom at home.

In old metal pipes, a mineral outgrowth forms over time. In this case, only an expert can clean.

But such a problem is rare and mainly in old houses where cast-iron and steel pipes were used. A modern pipeline is made mainly of polypropylene, plastic and PVC, which is not susceptible to corrosion and the formation of deposits on the walls of products.

The reasons can also be incorrect laying of the sewage system and insufficient pipe slope, prolonged use of the pipeline and wear of devices. In this case, it is necessary to replace the old pipes, wiring and risers, siphon and other elements, or to eliminate the defects made during the installation of the sewer.

However, the most common cause of problems is the accumulation of garbage in the pipes, which must be eliminated. Let's find out how to do it.

How to clear a blockage with a plunger or cable

Cleaning with a plunger is the most common method that is used to eliminate blockages. The plunger puts double pressure on the blockage, as a result of which the debris inside the pipe is destroyed. Close the overflow hole tightly, if any, before the procedure.

Then press the rubber part of the plunger to the drain hole, press on the device and begin sharp intense movements up and down. See that in the process the water in the sink or bath does not rise above the rubber valve. Then sharply tear off the plunger and repeat the procedure several times.

To ensure a tight fit of the plunger to the drain, you can pre-lubricate the rim of the device with Vaseline. If it is not possible to completely remove dirt and debris, the drain is cleaned with a plunger and boiling water.

To do this, fill a third of the sink or bath with hot water. Then we insert a plunger and pump the pipe in the bathroom, pull it out sharply and repeat the procedure several times until the drain is completely clean.

Instead of a plunger, you can use a vacuum cleaner with the function of blowing air. The pipe of the device is attached to the blow hole, and the remaining end is wrapped with a cloth or soft material. This end is inserted into the drain hole and the vacuum cleaner is turned on.

Air pressure will push or destroy the blockage. By the way, the function of blowing air can also outerwear after washing.

Strong, deep and severe blockage will help to remove the cable for cleaning pipes. The procedure must be carried out carefully and carefully, otherwise plastic pipes may be damaged. To clean the cable blockage in the bathroom, first remove the siphon.

Then grab the device by the handle and point the other end into the pipe. Push the cable as deep as possible and start turning the cable clockwise.

When the cable reaches the clearance, strengthen and accelerate the rotation of the cable. He will push the trash further. After removing the bulk of the blockages, pull out the product with the rest of the dirt. Rotate the cable only clockwise, otherwise it may break!

By the way, you can easily make a cable yourself. To do this, take a flexible metal wire, on one side of which wind a cloth and make a pen. Fold the other end into a small hook.

Cleaning chemicals

Today, in stores and household cleaning departments you will find various means for cleaning pipes and blockages in the bathroom or sink. These are gels, powders, liquids and foams. Choose formulations that dissolve the hair well and are suitable for your type of pipe.

By the way, many products are used not only for cleaning, but also for the prevention of blockages. We offer an overview of the most popular drugs.

  • The mole is the cheapest and most affordable remedy. It eliminates blockages and unpleasant odors efficiently, but slowly, lasts from 1.5 hours;
  • Sanox is also an inexpensive drug that is suitable for each type of pipe. Gently removes blockages and unpleasant odors, lasts from one hour. Has a cover lock "from children";
  • Chirton is a cheap remedy with a quick action of 15-20 minutes. It does not form dust and does not contain chlorine, but has a pungent odor. Produced in the form of a gel and powder;
  • Tiret is a popular drug for plastic and metal pipes, which is characterized by high cost and medium efficiency. The duration of the action is up to half an hour;
  • Deboucher is an effective gel in a convenient package with a locking lid, suitable for plastic and polypropylene. Due to the chlorine content, it cannot be used for aluminum pipes. Valid for an hour;
  • Floop is an aggressive granular product with high efficiency without a pungent odor. Features easy and quick cleaning of blockages;
  • Bugs Pothan is an expensive, but quick-acting, granular product that works instantly in 3-5 minutes. It is characterized by high efficiency, economical consumption and convenient packaging. Not suitable for worn pipes and for the prevention of blockages.

Most chemical compounds have a pungent odor and aggressive effect, so it is recommended to clean the pipes using protective equipment. Be sure to wear gloves, if necessary - a respirator and eye protection. Carry out the cleaning procedure strictly according to the instructions and keep the product away from children.

Folk cleaning methods

  1. Light pollution removes the lemon. To do this, take one fruit and squeeze lemon juice into the drain hole. After two hours, rinse the bath or sink with hot water;
  2. Grease and minor contaminants in the pipes are removed with boiling water. Pour boiling water into the drain until the water begins to pass;
  3. Efficient and effective cleaning with soda and vinegar. Two components, when reacting with each other, quickly eliminate complex contaminants. First, pour a glass of soda into the drain, and then pour a glass of vinegar and plug the hole with a stopper for 20-30 minutes. After that, the pipe is washed with boiling water;
  4. You can clean the blockage not only with soda and vinegar, but also with one soda. Soda cleans and disinfects pipes due to the formation of an alkaline medium. First, pour a liter of boiling water into the drain and after 15 minutes clean with a plunger. Remove the dirt and put a glass of soda in the hole, pour three more glasses of boiling water. Repeat the procedure if necessary;
  5. Using salt and soda is another way to clean a blockage in the bathroom. To do this, pour half of the one and the other component into the hole, pour boiling water. Leave on for 8 hours, periodically pouring new boiling water. Then rinse the bath or sink with hot water.

It is important to regularly clean the drain of hair. After each shampoo, be sure to collect and clean your hair. Use plumbing correctly so that the bathtub or sink is not clogged!

Do not clean vegetables in the kitchen sink, as waste will easily and quickly clog the drain hole. Do not comb animals in the bathroom and do not wash off wool or threads in the drain hole. Do not wash shoes directly in the bathroom, as dirt and sand also clog the pipe.

To prevent blockages, it is sometimes recommended to pour boiling water into the drain hole, since it reliably eliminates soap and fat. Clean the siphon regularly. To do this, place a basin, bucket, or other container under the pipe. Open the fasteners and remove the flask. Wait for the water to drain and carefully clean the siphon with a soft cloth and water. Then put the device back.

Sewer systems can clog not only in multi-apartment buildings, but also in private houses. The inside of the pipe accumulates body fat, soap deposits and other debris, which serves as a barrier to the passage of water. There are many ways to clear a blockage in the bathroom or kitchen, and to minimize the likelihood of such a problem in the future.

Causes of Clogging

Pipes can clog following reasons:

Effective Cleaning Methods

To eliminate clogging in the bathroom, you can use one of the existing methods:

  • Pressure cleaning - in this case, a classic plunger is used.
  • Mechanical - garbage is removed by disassembling the siphon or using a plumbing cable.
  • Chemical - corks are dissolved with the help of industrial products, which include aggressive chemicals.
  • Thermal - blockage can be eliminated with the help of hot water pressure.

The choice of method depends on the material of the pipe.. Plastic products can be damaged by boiling water or a cable, and the use of chemicals can be carried out only with strict compliance with all manufacturer's recommendations.

Vent plunger cleaning

The plunger remains an easy-to-use, affordable and popular tool when it becomes necessary to solve the problem of how to eliminate blockage in the bathroom, toilet or sink. This device is in the form of a handle (plastic or wooden), one side of which has a rubber nozzle. Under the influence of its pressure, the debris accumulated in the pipes begins to move along them and collapse. With the help of a plunger, as a rule, it is possible to get rid of blockages, they are freely brought out and removed.

But to clean the pipes with such a simple device, you need to use it correctly:

When using the plunger, it is imperative that the water level in the sink or bath does not exceed the rubber valve. Repeated procedure will allow to remove the remains of blockages and achieve the best result.

Household chemicals

There are many ways to clean the drain in the bathtub and sink, but one of the most popular is the use of household chemicals. With its help, it is possible to effectively break through all the blockages without replacing parts. The advantage of these tools is that they themselves do all the work, the person does not need to exert physical effort.

These products have a different consistency: foamy, gel, powdery and liquid, they can also cost in different ways. The principle of their application is simple: the required amount of cleaning agent is poured or poured into the drain and left for a certain time, which should be indicated on the label. After this time, you must turn on the water, which will ensure proper flushing of the pipes.

The use of any chemicals requires attention. It is unacceptable to get them on the skin or mucous membranes (all work should be carried out with protective gloves). In addition, it is not recommended to allow contact of the product with chrome surfaces.

In order not to remove blockages, preventive procedures should be carried out regularly using household chemicals: a small amount of a chemical liquid or gel is poured into the drain hole, after which hot water is turned on to wash the pipes.

Siphon cleaning

Replacing parts is an extreme measure; in most cases, cleaning the siphon is sufficient. The action algorithm should be as follows:

A similar method of cleaning is recommended regularly for prevention. Washing the siphon with a frequency of once every 2-3 months will minimize the formation of fetid deposits on its inner surface, which cause an unpleasant odor in the room.

Use of boiling water

If the blockage in the sink was taken by surprise, then you can use a simple and often effective way to clean pipes - boiling water. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that under the influence of high temperatures dissolve fat, which causes the majority of blockages.

First of all, it is necessary to assume the extent of the problem: if water has accumulated in one place, then the blockage is local in nature, and when the water is in all drains, then the blockage is considered to be global. The solution to this problem is to clean the entire sewage system, and if local, it is enough to clean one pipe.

You can use boiling water only if the plumbing system is made of metal pipes. The principle of operation is very simple: it is necessary to heat up to 4 liters of water, and then send it to the drain. If necessary, cleaning is repeated. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use a plunger or brush.

Refrain from boiling water should be if water accumulates on the surface of the bathtub or sink. It should be borne in mind that boiling water simply can not affect the problem place. In addition, it is worth being careful not to be scalded. For plastic pipes, you can use hot but not boiling water.

Metal cable

The garbage that has accumulated deep in the pipes is unlikely to be eliminated using household chemicals, boiling water or a plunger. In this case, it is recommended to resort to the use of a plumbing cable. This cable is characterized by the appearance of a thick twisted wire, one side of which is equipped with a drill, and the other with a handle. The cable length reaches no more than 10 meters, which is quite enough to eliminate blockage. Please note that this device is suitable for controlling contamination of metal pipes exclusively.

To successfully carry out cleaning, you should use the following recommendations:

The use of folk remedies

Time-tested folk remedies will help to remove blockages in sewer pipes. Such procedures for eliminating blockages are simple to implement, environmentally friendly and do not require large financial costs, since the active ingredient is ordinary soda. Why not make sure of the effectiveness of the product on your own experience if the bath is clogged.

Let's consider in more detail how to clean the clogs at home:

  • Table vinegar and soda must be prepared in 1: 1 proportions, but not more than one full glass of each component.
  • In the drain hole, you must first pour soda, and then pour over with vinegar.
  • The drain is closed with a stopper and left at rest for at least 3 hours.
  • After this time, the pipes must be thoroughly washed with boiling water.

What to do if a pipe in the bathroom is clogged, many sources will tell. Based on reviews from households, an effective folk remedy is a fragrant lemon. To eliminate the blockage, you will need to purchase several large citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them into the drain hole (it is important that the seeds do not get there). Leave at rest for at least 1 hour, after which you can begin to use the bathtub or sink in the usual way.

A sewage blockage is a very unpleasant phenomenon when the water does not go into the drain, and the bathroom smells disgusting.

There are many ways to remedy the situation, although some housewives do not even know how to clean the clog in the bathroom with folk remedies.

   Typically, blockages result from improper use of sewers. Most often, the pipes become clogged due to hair, animal hair, small debris and spools of clothing. All this turns into one big lump, because of which water cannot pass through the pipe.


This is a simple thing that is widely used to eliminate sewage blockages and.

   It is believed that this method can be used as a prophylaxis. The more often the hostess will use the plunger, the less often the blockage will occur in the bathroom.


  • The plunger must be installed so that the rubber nozzle completely covers the drain hole.
  • Before cleaning, it is worth filling the bathroom a little with water.
  • The plunger handle must be raised several times alternately, and then lowered down. Due to this, air will sharply fall into the drain hole and push through the resulting mash. To wash it off, you just need to turn on the water.

Household chemicals

In fact, you can clean the blockage in the bathroom without a plunger. After all, you can simply purchase modern cleaning products.

If previously only soda was used for this, then today it is enough to visit the department of household chemicals and choose the packaging you like.

   It is best to choose the product, the instructions of which indicate that it dissolves hair and coat.
  • You can choose not only a special cleaning powder, but also a liquid product.
  • It is necessary to clarify in the instructions that the chosen tool is really suitable for a particular type of sewer pipe.
  • The product must be carefully poured or poured into the drain hole. If this is a special powder, you should also pour a glass of warm water.
   To surely remove the blockage, you need not to use the bath for some time.
  • After a certain period of time specified in the instructions, it is necessary to turn on hot water in order to rinse the sewer pipes well and remove garbage.

Folk remedies

In the old days, every self-respecting housewife knew exactly how to clean a blockage in the bathroom with soda and vinegar. Today, women resort to the use of folk remedies infrequently. However, at home, blockages can be easily removed in two ways:

  • In the drain hole of the bathroom, where there is no water, you need to pour half a pack of soda. After 5 minutes, turn on the hot water.
  • It is necessary to pour 4 tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour half a glass of vinegar into the same.
   Then you need to close the hole with something, so as not to interfere with the chemical reaction. After some time, you can turn on hot water. The easiest way to get rid of trash with strong pressure.

Such methods are quite effective, but they can adversely affect the condition of the pipes.


A plumbing cable is a thick twisted wire rolled into a small spiral. For convenient rotation, a handle with a wooden or plastic nozzle is provided at the end.

Such a device is actively used to remove sewage blockages. And we are talking mainly about metal pipes.


  • The end of the cable must be carefully inserted into the drain hole.
  • It is best to do the work together. So, one person slowly rotates the handle, and another gently pushes the cable forward.
  • When the cable is twisted, accumulated debris is removed from the pipes, that is, the blockage is destroyed.
  • As soon as the voltage in the pipes decreases, you need to pull the cable back and forth several times.
  • The cable is carefully removed, washed and stored.
  • If the procedure was ineffective, it is repeated.
   Before removing the blockage, pay attention to the cable tension. Lack of tension can damage the cable.

Siphon cleaning

Male hosts do not ponder on how to clean a blockage in the bathroom. As a rule, they immediately start cleaning the siphon. This procedure allows you to get rid of accumulated debris in the pipes and an unpleasant odor in the room.

Cleaning Procedure:

  • On the floor right under the siphon you need to lay a rag that absorbs moisture well.
  • A basin should be placed on top of the fabric. Such a simple measure will prevent dirty water from getting on the floor.
  • The lock nut must be loosened very carefully. After this, remove the flask.
  • Immediately after this, the water that formed the water seal will flow into the basin.
  • The siphon itself should be thoroughly washed with water and all plaque removed from the walls.
   The entire structure must be installed so that the drain pipe does not rest on the flask. This is very important, otherwise the water seal will be broken. To check the tightness of all connections, open the tap and fill the water seal.

Such cleaning can also act as a preventive measure. For this purpose, the siphon is cleaned every 2-3 months.

How to avoid blockages

Of course, any blockage can be cleaned using one of the above methods. However, it is much easier to worry about prevention on time.

  • It is necessary to install small nets in the drain hole to retain debris.
  • From time to time, it is necessary to pour in the drain means intended for cleaning pipes.
  • A plunger should be used periodically.

Due to the observance of all preventive measures, you no longer have to rack your brains on how to clean the clog in the bathroom with a cable or plunger. Moreover, the bath will always be clean, and the air in the room - fresh.