How to change the language on the MacBook keyboard. How do I change the keyboard layout and keyboard shortcuts for changing the language in MacOS? Language switching indicators

New MacBook owners are faced with a ton of problems right from the start. Mac OS is still fundamentally different from Windows - this is the source of all the trouble. To list all the problems in one article is overwhelming. Today we will talk about one of the most common ones, namely, how to change the language on a MacBook.

Usually, the owner of the gadget habitually presses Shift + Alt, but nothing happens. And even the combination of the first element with Ctrl does not lead to the desired result either. There is nothing strange about the fact that the language does not switch, not here. Mac OS understands different keys. And the set of units for performing various operations will also be different.

The main element on an Apple laptop is command, and it is more versatile than with the same functions in Windows. You can also change the layout using it.

For details on how to switch the language on a MacBook, read below.

The command cmd + space is used to perform this operation. In fresh variations of operating systems for "apple" notebooks, it is set automatically.

But if this did not help you change the language, resort to the operating system settings. To this end, at the top, click on the apple and open the section on configuring the system.

In the pop-up window, select the language and region section. In the next window you will find a list of available languages. And if the required one is not in it, click on the plus sign and add it.

After these steps, the operation on your device will be performed as it should - using a combination of the named keys. But if, after pressing them, you continue to hold the cmd element, in less than a second you will see a list of available languages ​​on the display. You will not have access to chaotic switching, but to which one you have chosen. This is convenient, especially when you use two or more foreign languages ​​on the device.

But if the usual combination of elements doesn't work, try using ctrl instead of the first one. In modern variations of the operating system, this is exactly the combination.

You can check which combination is set on your device, as well as the option to change the layout to a more comfortable one, in the MacBook settings. How to do it - read on.

Now you know how to change the keyboard layout from Russian to another. In fact, the language orientation layout switches in a few elementary steps. Making the necessary changes and translating the language into the required one are tasks that even a student can do.

Changing the keys for changing the layout on Mac OS

To assign items that will change the language when clicked, follow these steps:

1 Proceed to the keyboard settings. To this end, click on the apple symbol in the upper left and select the section for configuring the system from the pop-up list. Find and open the keyboard section. 2 Look at the set of elements that are most comfortable for you. In the Keyboard Shortcuts section (left), select the Input Sources section. On the right, in the settings window, you can set any combination that is comfortable for you. She will be responsible for changing the language on your device. Just select a set of elements with the mouse and type in a new one on the keyboard.

If you can't change the language right away ...

After switching to a more "fresh" operating system, many MacBook owners complain that when they try to switch the language, the checkbox changes, but the language remains the same. And only after the second pressing, the operation is successfully implemented. Some people resort to sticking stickers on their MacBook keyboard. But do not rush to do this, because the problem can be solved.

If you have had such a setback during the transition to the "fresh" operating system Mac OS Sierra, the source of the problem is most likely hidden in the opposition of hot keys. And before thinking about how to switch the language, this opposition should be eliminated.

The Apple company has added Siri assistant (called by voice) to the fresh operating system. It is automatically called by a set of elements cmd + space (for this they are pressed and held at the same time). The result is a software conflict. But this only happens in the situation if you have a similar combination of elements specified for changing the language.

To eliminate this trouble, go to the Siri settings and change the combination of elements for calling it to a different one that you do not use for other tasks. Skip to the section on setting up your Mac OS system and proceed to the section Siri.

In the pop-up window, select the only one of the suggested combinations of elements, or customize your own. If you don't use Siri at all, just turn it off. This is done easily - by unchecking the box next to the point where the assistant is turned on.

This completes our simple manual. If you follow all of the above recommendations, the key conflict on your MacBook Pro or Air will be resolved. The layout of your device will switch without problems.

As you can see, switching the language on the MacBook operating system to English, Russian or another language is a very simple thing. It is enough to know a few nuances and be able to cope with emerging difficulties. We hope this article will help you solve the problem of how to change the language on a MacBook. The Russian keyboard in a couple of steps and a few minutes becomes an English keyboard or in another language.

Most Russian-speaking Mac owners use two languages ​​when working - Russian and English, one of which is the main system language (all menus, windows, and so on are displayed in this language). One of the first questions a Mac newbie questions is: “ How to switch the language on the Mac keyboard "... In this article, we'll show you how to switch, add, and change system languages ​​on Apple computers.

How do I add a new language to macOS?

1 ... Open the menu  → System settings ...

2 ... Go to the section " Language and Region».

3 ... At the bottom of the left side menu with languages, click on the plus sign (" + »).

4 ... Select the language you are interested in from the list and click the "add" button. If you need to add several languages ​​at once, hold down the key Command (⌘).

5 ... A message will appear asking you to select the primary language that will be the system language. That is, all dialog boxes and other elements of the macOS interface will be in the selected language. In order to apply the new language as the system language, you will need to restart your Mac.

How to change the language on Mac

You can switch the language on a Mac in at least three ways:

1 ... By clicking on the checkbox in the menu bar.

2 ... Using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Space or Command (⌘) + Space.

3 ... The most convenient way to switch between languages ​​is by using an app that automatically changes the keyboard layout on your Mac.

You never have to change the layout at all - the program will do everything for you. For example, if the English language was installed and you started writing the word ghbdtn, then after pressing the space, the typed word will automatically turn into “hello”, and the subsequent words will already be typed in Russian and vice versa. Very comfortably.

Change language layout on MacBook

Not everyone is perfectly familiar with the MacBook initially, some users are switching to an Apple product from a personal computer to Windows. In this regard, questions arise about simple commands, the execution of which differs between these computers. One of the most asked questions: "How to change the layout on a MacBook?". In this article we will answer the question and tell you how to change the language on your MacBook using several keys. As you can imagine, changing the language is not difficult - you need to press the combination of two keys "Space + Command". If these keys do not change the language, then the combination "Option + Command + Space" will help you. It's simple, but we want to show you how to add the missing input language.

The first way to change the input on the MAC OS X operating system

We hope that you understand - you can switch the layout both on a MacBook and on a MAC home computer. The keyboard is no different, so all the commands are the same here. Let's start simple. The operating system MAC OS X initially has a "Russian keyboard", it is called that in the settings. Everything is fine in it, except for the "E" key - unfortunately it is not there.

If you, like 95% of Internet users, are replaced in all words "E" with "E" (and the spelling rules allow you to do this), then the described method will help you switch. Go to System Preferences, then go to "Language and Text", find "Input Source". A list of available layouts will open in front of you, there we put a tick in front of "Russian - PC", it is advisable to uncheck the box next to "Russian" so that there are two of them in the list, and not more.

The second way is more difficult.

Now let's explore a more complicated way to change the layout. But if you master it, then your keyboard will magically get a letter layout with the letter E. If you are ready to spend 10 minutes of your precious time on the layout, then this method is for you. Here we need the keyboard layer files. Download these files from here. Next, the downloaded files must be sent to the system folder at Library / Keyboard Layout. After that, in the list from the method above, a real and full-fledged Russian layout will appear, which is called BG 46. In it, the point will stand in its usual place, and the letter "E" will also appear. All in all, you now get a comfortable standard keyboard.

Features of the shift

I would also like to say a few more words about the change between sets and the incorrect definition of the language for spellchecking in MS Word for the MAC operating system. Above we wrote that switching occurs using the "Space + Command" command. You cannot switch anything using the "ALT + Shift" command, because both of these buttons serve as a modifier. You shouldn't delve into this term, just remember, you can't switch anything with these MacBook buttons.

There are beta versions of software that are capable of creating a combination of control + Shift or Option + Shift in order to switch the language. But many users believe that such a change is not harmonious in the MacBook keyboard. In addition, these applications do not work on all versions of the MAC OS X operating system.

Changing layouts often contributes to spell checking failure in MS Word for MAC operating system. If this happens, then we observe how the entire text in Russian becomes underlined in red. This defect is fairly easy to treat. We go to the "Service" - we find the Language tab there and change it to Russian, respectively. So now you know how to set up a new layout and customize your keyboard.

Most modern users when working with a computer are often forced to use, in addition to their main Russian language, an additional one - English, since most passwords, links and commands are entered in it. On Apple laptops, there are several ways to change the layout, and it is also possible to independently set hotkeys to quickly change the input language.

By default, the layout change is assigned to the simultaneous pressing of the Cmd + Space keys.

If you are using more than two languages ​​for working on a laptop, then use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Option + Space (Space).

Video Tutorial: "How to Switch the Language on the Macbook Keyboard"

Adding a language layout - instructions

To add a new input language, follow these steps:

  • Open the device menu.
  • Open the "Language and Region" section.
  • Click on the plus sign under the list of available languages ​​to add a new one.
  • Select the desired layout and save the settings. If you do not need several languages ​​to work, you can leave only one language activated, in this case you will no longer have to switch between layouts.
  • Change keyboard shortcuts for changing layouts on macbook

    If for some reason the standard keyboard shortcut for changing the input language does not suit you, then you can assign your own by following these steps:

  • Open the device menu.
  • Go to the "System Preferences" section.
  • Click on the "Keyboard" button.
  • Go to the Keyboard Shortcut section.
  • Open the "Input Sources" section.
  • Click on the old keyboard shortcut and enter new ones there, which will be convenient for you. But be careful, use those combinations that are not used elsewhere.
  • What to do if the language doesn't switch the first time

    In recent versions of Mac OS, there may be such a problem that the keyboard layout does not switch the first time. This is because the keys you use to switch the input language are the same keys that you use for Siri. To get rid of this conflict, follow these steps:

  • Open the laptop menu.
  • Go to the "System Preferences" section.
  • Click on the Siri icon.
  • Click on the "Keyboard shortcuts" section, in which we select one of the available combinations or click "Configure" to suggest your own.
  • Or turn off Siri completely if you're not going to use it any time soon by unchecking the box under its icon next to the words "Turn Siri on."
  • Macbook laptops allow the user to work in two or more languages ​​at once. Switching keyboard layouts occurs by simultaneously pressing certain keys, which you can configure yourself. But when creating a new combination, be careful that the combination of these keys is not used for any other function.

    Switching the language for entering information on any computer is an important task, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. With active use of the computer, you have to switch from Russian to English and vice versa dozens of times a day. How this operation is performed on computers running Windows operating systems, many users have already worked to automatism. But nowadays, Apple technology, in particular MacBooks, is gaining more and more popularity, and when switching to them, difficulties arise.

    How to switch the language on MacBook
    By default, on MacBooks, as well as on other Apple computers, the input language is changed with a keyboard shortcut + space (cmd + space bar).

    It is also possible to switch by selecting the language in the top menu.
    If necessary, if the keyboard shortcut ⌘ + spacebar is inconvenient for you for some reason, you can change it. To do this, follow these steps.
    If the keyboard shortcut you selected is not installed, it means that it cannot be used to change the language. Try a different combination.