How to use a permanent magnet for treatment. What is magnetotherapy used for, its indications and contraindications

Treatment with a magnetic field is usually called the procedure of magnetotherapy, during this type of treatment a person is exposed to magnetic fields of various strengths. In the process, low-frequency eddy currents are formed, they make all particles of human tissue move, which have an electric charge. Due to the influence of this kind, the metabolic processes are accelerated, microcirculation processes improve, the processes of recovery and nutrition return to normal, and thanks to electromagnetic impulses, a person experiences calming and analgesic effects.

Magnetic field treatment - types

Different magnetic impulses are perceived by the human body in completely different ways:

  1. Variable magnetotherapy can significantly reduce pain and stop the process of inflammation;
  2. The magnetic field of direct current is different in that due to the effect, vasodilation occurs, and immunity is also activated;
  3. The pulsed magnetic field produces stimulation of muscles and nerves throughout the body, due to the work of magnets, the work of the heart muscle can be significantly improved. Which has an overall positive impact overall.

The historical aspect of the use of magnets for treatment

The positive properties of magnets were discovered several hundred years ago, it was in Asia that they began to be used for the first time, since it was in Asia Minor that the very first sources of magnetic ore were discovered. Initially, the inhabitants of the Ancient Chinese state began to use these unusual black stones to create compasses, after a short period of time they also discovered positive medical qualities. The Chinese created the concept of magnetism, which explains the principles of the effect of magnets on the human body from a scientific point of view.

Such a medical method penetrated into progressive Europe only at the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, various kinds of mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, especially diarrhea, were treated with magnetic fields.

Paracelsus is the first doctor who began to use magnet treatment in practice, in his writings one can find information that magnetic fields stimulate the vital energy of people, as a result, thanks to magnets, almost all known diseases can be cured.

In later periods, France recognized magnetic therapy as an official treatment for people.

The effectiveness of magnetic procedures

Specialists, observing the condition of patients who were prescribed magnet treatment procedures, noted that about 90% of the total number felt positive changes in the general condition of the body and specific problems. In general, the explanation for this effect is that this method of exposure is completely natural, since our body has its own magnetic field, and if, due to some circumstances, the field is disturbed, then general well-being worsens. Ultimately, this can lead to the emergence of chronic diseases, provided that our body periodically receives magnetic influence from the outside, then the functioning of most of the systems will gradually return to normal.

Compared to other procedures, magnetic therapy has the following advantages:

  1. Minimum costs;
  2. High efficiency;
  3. Painlessness;
  4. Ease of use;
  5. Well tolerated by all patients

It is worth noting that of all the methods that are used in physiotherapy, magnetic treatment is the most calm and gentle option. Doctors especially recommend resorting to magnets in cases where other methods of treatment are contraindicated, for example, due to age-related changes or a prolonged illness, when the whole body is weakened.

There are no barriers to magnetic fields, and it is for this reason that a therapeutic magnet is used in the presence of various plasters and dressings.

When can magnetic therapy be used?

Diseases that can be treated with magnets include:

  • Cardiovascular problems such as ischemia and heart failure
  • Diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Diseases associated with the joints;
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • Diseases associated with the genitourinary system;
  • Problems related to the stomach and intestines;
  • Eye Treatment

Contraindications for reconciliation

Due to the fact that the magnetic field lowers blood pressure, it is not recommended to resort to this method of treatment if a person has hypertension or low contraction of the heart muscles.

Attention! Exposure to an electromagnetic field as a treatment technique is prohibited if the patient has a pacemaker.

As well as for other types of physiotherapy, there are main contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • The presence of various benign tumors;
  • Open form of tuberculosis;
  • Problems associated with the psyche;
  • High body temperature;
  • Pregnant women should also carry out electromagnetic procedures with great care, and if possible, refuse them altogether.

Magnetic therapy devices

  • OMT, a stationary device with which you can set a certain type of magnetic field - low-frequency, high-frequency, strong and weak. Most often used by medical specialists.
  • Magnets used in permanent wear, various kinds of jewelry - rings, bracelets or beads, magnetic belts and plates.
  • Special electronic devices, a magnet must be applied to the problem area. To obtain the desired effect, a course of treatment is recommended. Magnetic therapy devices (AMT) can be purchased at any pharmacy. AMTs for home use have a number of advantages - a small compact size, a simple and understandable principle of use, ease of operation, retain and enhance all the benefits of magnets, and, of course, allow you to carry out procedures yourself and at any convenient time.

At home, you can use a powerful magnet yourself. The main thing is to know how each of the poles affects.

Positive south pole:

  1. Helps reduce pain;
  2. Slows down the inflammatory process;
  3. Reduces the development of bacteria;
  4. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  5. Reduces acidity in the human body;
  6. Helps accelerate blood clotting;
  7. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels, etc.
  8. North Pole:
  9. Increases energy;
  10. Activates the growth of bacteria;
  11. Increases acidity


Summing up, it can be noted that most of the reviews on the Internet about this technique are positive, people enthusiastically talk about the results that become noticeable even after a short course. The impact of the magnetic field has a general healing character and is recommended for both adults and young patients. Significant advantages of magnetic field treatment are simplicity and efficiency, as well as the absolute painlessness of the technique!

Magnetotherapy at home is a modern method of treatment, which is based on the effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on the tissues and organs of the body in order to change the movements of protein molecules inside them. Laboratory studies have shown that such exposure can increase the rate of some intracellular processes. Particularly oxidative and reductive. In addition, the magnetic field can favorably affect blood circulation, tissue regeneration, reduce swelling, relieve pain, inflammation and the production of certain enzymes.

Principles of magnetic influence

As mentioned above, magnetotherapy is carried out only with a low-frequency magnetic field. In therapy (therapy is translated as care or treatment), it is possible to use both an alternating field and a constant one. There are three types of magnetotherapy:

  1. 1. Therapeutic. This is the treatment in which it is possible to provide assistance in connection with individual diseases of the organs.
  2. 2. Biorhythmic. It is used when it is necessary to optimize the functioning of the nervous system. For example, in cases of debilitating insomnia, severe stress, severe chronic fatigue.
  3. 3. Relaxation. When a magnetic field is used to relieve nervous fatigue, headaches and generally promote the functioning of the brain.

Diseases that can be treated with this therapy

The best results at home are shown by patients suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases. The therapy definitely makes breathing easier even for asthmatics. The number of attacks per day after magnetic therapy is markedly reduced.

In addition, magnetotherapy greatly facilitates the life of people who have difficulties with the work of the cardiovascular system. This refers to thrombophlebitis, venous insufficiency, coronary heart disease, hypertension (at the first stage).

For women with cellulite of any degree, magnetic fields improve metabolic processes, stabilize blood circulation, and increase collagen synthesis. Collagen is a protein that contributes to the strength and elasticity of tissues at the same time. Thus, cellulite is visibly reduced and the skin gradually becomes firmer.

Magnetotherapy has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In the event that erosion of the mucosa or esophagus is pronounced, an ulcer develops - the action of a low-frequency magnetic field helps to stop edema, heal erosion, relieve inflammation in certain parts of the gastric tract.

If it is necessary to get rid of fatty deposits, magnetic therapy can normalize hormonal balance, even out metabolism, which, in turn, makes possible the subsequent reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer.

With joint injuries, dislocations, inflammation, magnetotherapy promotes the healing of inflamed areas and helps build cartilage tissue. In addition, during osteochondrosis, it makes sense to take the help of magnetic fields, which help reduce pain, remove some salt deposits, and also speed up blood circulation.

Even in cosmetic procedures, magnetotherapy can be indispensable. For example, it clearly reduces swelling, removes itching, hematomas, restores metabolic processes, qualitatively removes acne, eczema, dermatosis, in addition, accelerates wound healing and scarring. The magnetic field can reduce atrophic and keloid scars.

General terms of use

There are a variety of devices that allow therapy at home. However, to achieve good results, you should follow certain rules:

  1. 1. Do not try to build a device for therapy on your own. Magnets need to be placed in a certain order and the wrong installation will provoke a completely different field, which can adversely affect the body. This should also include a recommendation about the incompetence of a home master to repair a failed device. This can endanger your health later.
  2. 2. Procedures must be carried out at regular intervals. At the same time, avoid doing magnetotherapy after meals. You should wait about 60 minutes.
  3. 3. The first procedures should not exceed 10 minutes of exposure to the magnetic field. And the total amount of time per day should not be more than 40 minutes. Especially if two sessions are done a day.
  4. 4. When the device is exposed to a part of the body, it should be covered with light clothing or a bandage should be made.
  5. 5. Carrying out magnetic procedures while drunk is prohibited.
  6. 6. If implants or stimulants are installed in the body, consultation with a doctor is required.

Existing contraindications

In general, before starting the sessions, you should contact your doctor to clarify the duration of the procedures and their ability to help. In addition, there are some contraindications for magnetic field treatment. In particular, therapy is prohibited for children under one and a half years. Also, any infectious diseases, starting with a sore throat, do not allow the use of magnetic devices. Epileptics are strictly forbidden to take magnetic therapy sessions. This also applies to patients suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension and hemophilia. It is strictly not recommended to use magnetotherapy of any type for pregnant women.

A magnetic field is used, but only with a low spectrum frequency. It has the ability to penetrate into the human body by 6 ÷ 8 centimeters and restore its own magnetic field of tissue cells, which eventually weakens from diseases and harmful influences.

Numerous studies confirm that magnetotherapy raises the level of immunity and assists in the restoration of the body in many diseases. In some countries this method remains unrecognized.

Description of the procedure

For the session, devices are used that induce a magnetic field of specified parameters. The procedure is very simple.

If it is carried out in a hospital or clinic, the health worker will offer the patient to lie down comfortably and place the working surfaces of the device, which are intended to contact the patient's body on the projection of problem areas.
The office employee sets the parameters prescribed by the doctor (procedure time and exposure strength).

The first session is limited to five minutes. In subsequent procedures, their duration is slowly increased, but not more than twenty minutes.

The magnetic field easily penetrates clothing, plaster. In some devices it is possible to combine magnetotherapy with electrophoresis.

If the patient takes sessions at home using a portable device, then they pass in a similar way. Only household appliances are designed to be successfully operated by non-experts. They don't require any special adjustment.

  • If the patient feels unwell, the procedure is canceled.
  • For greater benefit, the sessions are carried out at the same time.
  • Shortly before the start of the session, the patient is advised to take a small amount of food.
  • It is unacceptable to drink alcohol during the treatment period.

The benefits of magnetic therapy for osteochondrosis

Dehydration and aging of the intervertebral discs leads to a deterioration in their depreciation properties, deformation and subsidence.

As a result, the vertebrae can deviate from the correct location and also succumb to some destruction and deformation.

A situation is created of pressing the radicular nerves, which worsens the functioning of the organs for which they are responsible. Nerve fibers cause pain, become inflamed. The muscles around the problem take on the load in order to keep the spine in a vertical plane.

Muscles become tense and spasm. This impairs the blood supply to this area and exacerbates degenerative processes.

Medical procedures are carried out only as prescribed by a specialist. It is possible to use magnetic therapy at any stage: recovery and during the acute period of the disease.

There is an impact:

  • Anesthesia is provided by the ability of the magnetic field to act soothingly on the nervous system. The body releases more endorphins, pain-relieving hormones. Peripheral receptors lower the level of sensitivity, which also helps to eliminate pain.
  • Spasm is removed - pain relief allows the muscles to relax.
  • Tissue edema decreases as a result of the acceleration of vital processes. The blood becomes more fluid. The state of aquatic environments is improving.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect is created as a result of these actions. The immunity of cells improved in a magnetic field is connected to the normalization of the state. They increase their internal energy, as a result, metabolism is normalized.
  • Vasodilating effect - under the influence of the field, the ducts of blood vessels expand as a result of anesthesia and spasm relief.
  • The ability to reduce the intake of nonsteroidal drugs, which act in a similar way, but have many contraindications and side effects.
  • The microcirculation of blood in the area of ​​the problem improves, as a result of which tissue nutrition improves. The process of destruction is suspended, and the body gradually switches to healing the affected tissue cells. The mechanism of regeneration of all types of tissues at the site of exposure is launched.
  • The cervical region, due to its peculiarities: mobile vertebrae, a lot of nerve endings and blood vessels in the neck, especially suffers from osteochondrosis. The magnetic field in the neck area effectively improves the condition, as described in the previous paragraphs. Normalizes sleep. There is a counteraction to ischemia that occurs in the spinal cord or brain due to compression as a result of degenerative processes of the vertebral artery.


  • osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine,
  • joint diseases,
  • allergies,
  • diseases associated with disorders of the nervous system of the peripheral and central,
  • cardiovascular problems,
  • varicose veins,
  • depression,
  • prostration,
  • diseases of the digestive tract.


  • acute cerebrovascular accident,
  • purulent processes in the body,
  • individual intolerance,
  • inflammation in the acute phase,
  • hypotension,
  • blood diseases,
  • oncological diseases,
  • tendency to internal bleeding.

Apparatus and appliances for the home, and their action

Treatment with a magnetic field should be carried out only as prescribed by a specialist. It is possible to conduct sessions at home if you purchase a portable device. Which device to choose should also consult with your doctor.

The magnetic field created by the devices has low frequencies. It is these frequencies that induce the magnetic fields of the cells of different tissues of the body.

According to the parameters (change in space and time), magnetic fields are distinguished:

  • variable,
  • permanent.

These fields are used in the modes:

  • impulse,
  • running impulse,
  • continuous.

The devices have simple instructions for use. No special knowledge is needed to manage them.

The photo shows a device for home magnetotherapy Almag-03

The devices have working surfaces that are superimposed on the problem area for the duration of the session. The number of procedures and the time of each session is determined by the doctor.

Appliances for home use:

Machine name Magnetic field parameters Produced therapeutic effect
AMT-01 Variable inhomogeneous Wide spectrum
ALMAG-03 Running impulse Brain diseases
MAG 30 Variable inhomogeneous Wide spectrum
ALMAG-02 Running impulse, stationary impulse Broad Spectrum, Improved Design - Several varieties of magnetic emitters have been added. Can be set simultaneously for a session to different areas.
MAG 30-04 Variable inhomogeneous Wide spectrum
Running impulse Wide spectrum

Treatment with magnets

This method is very ancient. There is a magnetic field inside a person. The use of magnets is a natural and proven treatment.

Companies produce products in the form of jewelry containing magnetic inclusions. They can be worn on yourself and, if necessary, applied to the place where the problem arose. We also produce products - overlays with magnets.

Products with magnets come in the form of:

  • bracelet,
  • pendant,
  • brooches,
  • any other decoration
  • belts,
  • back plates.

Side effects

No negative effects from wearing magnets have been found.

Magnetotherapy is well tolerated by patients. The main conditions for the safe use of a magnetic field in health correction should not be violated:

  • carry out treatment only on the recommendation of a specialist and in accordance with his appointment,
  • exclude the use of the method in cases listed in contraindications.

Benefit and harm

Magnets stimulate the natural field of cells, increasing immunity. Vital processes in tissues are improved, and this has a healing effect on all body systems.

Positive influence:

  • The most noticeable effect from contact with magnets is the analgesic effect.
  • The condition of the blood improves.
  • Magnets have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • When wearing magnets, the psychophysical state of a person improves.
  • Blood microcirculation is normalized.
  • Improvements in blood pressure.
  • Pains go away:
    • in back,
    • headache,
    • in the joints.

Magnetotherapy affects the body without introducing anything foreign. The method enhances the body's internal potential for recovery.

Positive change happens slowly and naturally. Immunity increases and there is a harmonious effect on all body systems.


Self-treatment with magnetotherapy can lead to harmful effects.


  • It is not difficult to carry gizmos with magnets, you can create a long-term positive effect on the body.
  • Soft and natural effect on the tissues of the systems.
  • On the advice of a doctor, you can purchase a portable device and receive magnetotherapy treatments at home at a convenient time. After the session, drafts should be avoided, which is easy to provide at home.


Ten percent of people in a survey about the benefits of using magnets and magnetic therapy sessions with healing devices noted that they did not feel any changes. No negative impact was found. We can say that there are no cons.

Price for this physiotherapy

Apparatus or product made of magnet Cost, rub.
AMT-01 2330
ALMAG-03 26740
MAG 30 4550
ALMAG-02 61700
MAG 30-04 1910
ALMAG-01 8400
Magnetic bracelet (Germany) 380
Magnetic pendant (Germany) 370
Back plate with magnet 5410
Belt with magnet for the back 4180

The cost of the procedure in the clinic.

Do you know what general magnetotherapy is, what indications lead to this procedure. Does she have contraindications, what is more from her - benefit or harm? What are the sessions for and how? Learn all about the properties of magnets.


Magnetotherapy is a healing process with the help of directed magnetic fields of different frequencies.

These can be variable fields with low or high frequency, constant or pulsed.

Each type of magnetic field affects a person in different ways:

  • Magnetotherapy with an alternating magnetic field can reduce pain, stop the inflammatory process.
  • A constant field in magnetotherapy is used as a calming, relaxing agent. Activates immune processes in the body, dilates blood vessels.
  • Pulse magnetotherapy, on the contrary, has a stimulating effect on muscle tissue, the nervous system, and improves heart function.

Low-frequency and high-frequency magnetotherapy is used for local treatment and general strengthening of the body.

Short story

The useful properties of a magnet have been known to man since ancient times. For the first time deposits of magnetic ore were discovered many centuries ago in Asia Minor, in the city of Magnesia.

Unique the features of these black stones were first discovered by the ancient Chinese.

At first they used them as a compass, and later they began to use them in medicine.

In China, the concept of "magnetism" appeared, explaining the principle of the influence of magnetic fields on certain points of the human body.

In Europe, treatment with magnets began to be mastered only in the 18th century. They treated mental, nervous disorders, convulsions, even diarrhea.

The first physician to use magnets for healing was Paracelsus. He studied the magnetic poles for a long time and came to the conclusion that their use can increase the level of a person's vital energy, cure any disease.

Later in France, magnets were recognized as official medicine. as an effective analgesic, tonic.

Various magnetic ornaments and accessories began to be made. Today, magnetotherapy is a recognized physiotherapeutic method of treatment throughout the world, except for the United States.

In America, treatment with magnets is prohibited.

The essence of the method

Treatment is based on the directed influence of fields on sore spots or the human body.

In this case, the north and south poles of the magnet, which have different effects, can be used.

For the procedure, you can use both stationary magnetic installations used for general recovery, and narrowly focused portable devices.

Recently, various magnetic decorations have been actively used.

The effectiveness of magnetic treatment depends on the person's sensitivity to such exposure.

To check the reaction to radiation, you need to squeeze the magnet in your hand:

  • if at the same time a soft pulsating heat immediately begins to be felt, then the susceptibility to magnetic radiation is very high;
  • if the reaction occurs within half an hour, then the susceptibility is average;
  • the absence of any sensations indicates the complete insensitivity of the body.

Magnets have a wide range of effects, help in the treatment of diseases:

  • regulate metabolism and help to reduce weight;
  • accelerate the healing of burns, wounds;
  • thin the blood, saturate tissues with oxygen;
  • contribute to the rapid healing of fractures;
  • stimulate the immune system, relieve acute inflammatory processes;
  • help lower blood pressure;
  • calm the nerves, relieve tension, help to cope with insomnia;
  • eliminate pain;
  • improve joint mobility.

Such treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. It can be carried out in stationary conditions or at home.


Stationary magnetic devices are large cabinets connected to a computer, which allows you to adjust the direction and frequency of the fields, the power of exposure.

These devices can be additionally equipped with various solenoids, magnetic belts, directional emitters.

The procedure does not require any preparation. The patient is placed inside the apparatus moving along the whole body and is affected by magnetic pulses of different frequencies.

The procedure lasts about 40 minutes. The course of treatment is usually 10 to 15 sessions. with a frequency of no more than 3 times a week.

Portable small-sized devices can be used at home.

The essence of the procedure is the application of a magnet to diseased areas for local impact on the affected organs.

The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, it is carried out at least 20 times.

Among the popular small-sized devices:

  • "Magofon-1" with a low-frequency variable field;
  • "Almag-01" with a traveling impulse field;
  • "Almag-02" with magnetic fields of different frequencies;
  • "AMnp-01" with a pulsed magnetic field.

Prices on average range from 3.5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Very magnetic jewelry is often used for healing:

  • earrings;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • rings.

Often used magnetic insoles, belts. Wearing such items is recommended for headaches, high or low blood pressure, joint pain, fatigue, even depression.

This video talks about home devices for magnetotherapy and their application:

Advantages of the method

The advantage of such treatment is the possibility of using it at elevated body temperature, acute inflammatory processes.

Compared to other physiotherapy treatments, magnetotherapy has fewer contraindications, for a long time retains the therapeutic effect. The procedure can be carried out at any time, in any conditions.

And here everything is told about facial contouring and the problems that it solves.

What is useful, what heals

Magnetic therapy is used to get rid of many diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • fractures, non-healing ulcers;
  • skin diseases;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • chronic fatigue or insomnia;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • otitis, rhinitis;
  • eye diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  • dental problems;
  • burns, cuts;
  • neuroses;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of veins.

Such therapy can be used in addition to the main treatment or be independent.

Algorithm and methods of conducting

The easiest and fastest way is to use small-sized portable devices.

Two small magnetic planes are superimposed on the diseased part of the body, inside which there are special induction devices that generate a magnetic field of the desired frequency.

required mode, exposure time can be set independently.

In stationary devices, the procedure is carried out differently. A person is placed inside a special large-diameter pipe, with the help of a computer, all the necessary commands are given.

There is a general magnetic effect on the body. The procedure lasts about an hour.

Wearing magnet jewelry requires compliance with the following rules:

  • men with high blood pressure are advised to wear a magnetic bracelet on their right hand, and women on their left;
  • at first, you should not wear such jewelry for more than 2 hours;
  • during sleep, all accessories must be removed;
  • for arthritis, gout, rings, bracelets are used; for osteochondrosis, a magnetic belt is worn;
  • you can’t wear these items all the time, after 2-3 weeks of exposure, they usually take a break for 1-2 weeks;
  • during the period of such treatment, it is necessary to consume a large amount of fluid.

Results, number of sessions

How often can magnetotherapy be done? The course of procedures can be from 10 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Therapy in stationary devices is carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, and at home - daily.

An interval of 1-3 weeks is required between courses., then the procedure is repeated. The effect of such treatment occurs after the first 3-4 sessions and lasts for 14-20 days.

- one of the directions of alternative medicine, in which a static magnetic field is used as the main component for treatment. The luminaries and professors of the community of practicing physicians still cannot recognize magnetotherapy as a full-fledged medical direction.

For example, in Russia it is officially considered a physiotherapeutic effect on the patient's body.

In other countries, on the contrary, they do not give consent to its introduction into medical practice. The WHO (World Health Organization) is currently conducting research work on an ongoing basis to study in detail the dynamics of magnetotherapy treatment.

Physicians implementing magnetotherapy in practice provide more and more evidence of the influence and effective treatment of the method. However, the other side of medical workers categorically states that the magnetic exposure technique does not have a positive effect on the functioning of the patient's body as a whole.

How does magnetotherapy work?

The mechanism of action of magnetotherapy is defined as follows:

  1. The magnetic field has an effect through the current on human tissue.
  2. Then there is a transformation of the basic physico-chemical properties of the body systems.
  3. The final step is to increase the speed of the body's processes.

The above processes change the shell of the cell, namely those liquid crystals of which it consists. The permeability of intracellular membranes is also subject to reformation.

Nevertheless, the general algorithm of treatment with magnetotherapy is determined by the following indicators of action:

The effect of a magnet on a person

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • makes the body strong and strong;
  • stimulates his work;
  • restoration of parts of the body;
  • improves and nourishes nerve cells and tissues;
  • relieves unpleasant pain.

These are far from all the positive changes in the body that researchers have identified based on patient feedback.

Magnetotherapy according to its purpose is divided into two areas:

  1. Local. The impact is on areas of the human body locally and strictly on an individual basis (joint, finger and other parts of the body).
  2. General application. The therapeutic effect of general purpose on the body is carried out immediately in all directions for a strengthening effect.

There are two types of poles on magnets:

  • northern (negative);
  • southern (positive).

The appointment and use of treatment should be prescribed taking into account the difference in the expected effects. The North Pole will help solve a number of problems related to increasing or increasing the efficiency of different parts of the body: energy, performance, brain and mental activity, changes in the number of beneficial bacteria.

ATTENTION! Treatment with the north pole of the magnetic field is prohibited if the patient has diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

The influence of the south pole is largely characterized, on the contrary, by a decrease or complete cessation of the negative impact on the body of the following factors: pain, the functioning of the nervous system, the level of acidity, the work of the blood supply system.

Low frequency magnetotherapy and high frequency magnetotherapy

There are two varieties of the presented technique: pulsed low-frequency and high-frequency magnetotherapy.

The leading devices of low-frequency value are the following means:

  • Pole-2 (field induction in the values ​​of 25-35 mT, Russia);
  • Mag-30 (leading magnetotherapy device);
  • Magniter;
  • POLYMAG and others.

Treatment with low-frequency apparatus Polus-2

In turn, UHF (ultra-high frequency) therapy rightfully has the status of one of the most effective methods of physiological direction. This type of treatment provides the main assistance in getting rid of problems associated with the musculoskeletal system or in inflammatory processes.

Types of devices for magnetotherapy

If we talk about the scheme of influence of magnetotherapy, then it can be carried out through the use of such devices as:

  • stationary devices;
  • portable appliances for home use;
  • magnetic decorations.

Read also


The treatment method of stationary devices is the use of special medical equipment directly through the computer technology platform. The device is a cabinet that can be moved if necessary, with a digital display.

The very direction of procedures is assigned through a special computer program, which contains about 100 therapeutic schemes. After that, the request is transferred to the add. devices included in the machine. The frequency and power of the magnetic field flux is also determined through the program.

Stationary device for magnetotherapy

Stationary devices may include:

  • emitters of local purpose, when actions are transferred to a specific part of the body;
  • line of different diameters of solenoids;
  • magnetic belts;
  • couches that have a positive effect on the whole body.

It is an installation that generates and gives energy to the magnetic field for a general therapeutic effect on the body. The device is quite voluminous, where the magnetic field rotates, changing the values ​​of its frequencies, module, induction, and directions of rotation.

With the help of vortex fields that are created in the human body, microcirculation and the speed of the body's metabolic processes are enhanced. The advantage of using the drug is a complex effect on the human body with different penetration depths.

Due to access to programming, treatment programs and the permeability of the device can be changed at any time, which makes it more effective, unlike massage and physiotherapy. One session takes about 10-20 minutes, the general course of treatment includes from 10 to 15 sessions.

Apparatus Magnetoturbotron

At the same time, BTL devices are assigned as one of the highly effective devices for magnetic therapy treatment. It is a leader thanks to its magnetic field focusing technology and the high quality of its applicators.

Devices for home use - portable or portable

Portable preparations are usually used for home use. These are devices, the device of which allows them to be transferred over distances, and work is carried out by applying it to the affected area of ​​the body.

According to its properties, the device has the strongest effect on such effects as: removing inflammation and swelling, getting rid of pain and providing a general calm of the body as a whole. Many also noted an improvement in blood microcirculation in the body.

Low frequency devices

The most universal applications are low-frequency devices for magnetotherapy:

  • ALIMP;
  • ALMAG-01
  • POLE;

ALIMP-3 acts with a pulsed magnetic field Modern apparatus Solnyshko
DIAMAG is easy to use Device Polus with magnetic inductors Almag-01 for low-frequency magnetotherapy

Compact portable devices

Among the very compact portable devices, the following devices are widely used:

  • MAG-30;
  • Magniter (Amt - 02);
  • Vega.

Apparatus AMT-01 for magnetotherapy MAG-30 for magnetotherapy MAGAFON-01
Apparatus Vega-plus Magniter for magnetotherapy Apparatus BIOMAG

AMnp-01 - The main advantage of the designed device makes it possible to carry out on an independent basis the procedure for diagnosing and treating an identified problem or disease.

Its high efficiency was revealed on the following patologyah:

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • venous abnormalities (including varicose veins);
  • skin diseases;
  • cardiac problems.

The device itself has a number of advantages for treatment:

  • On its basis there are four modes of current supply: the transmission of the magnetic field by alternating and pulsating waves, which, as magnetic therapy sessions are carried out, has a different degree of intensity.
  • The positive effect of the procedure after application lasts for six days. With the passage of the whole course, the therapeutic effect lasts up to 45 days.
  • The device comes with special straps for fixing the device., which allows you to not resort to the help of strangers.

Treatment with Alimp-1 device

Alimp-1 used in most areas of medicine, a device for therapeutic purposes. The main specialization of the drug are diseases of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the joints, disorders of the female genital organs, a number of ailments of the brain, the state of the nervous system.

Magnetic accessories

An equally popular direction of magnetotherapy is the use of various jewelry in everyday life: earrings, bracelets, rings, neck pendants, key rings, etc. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, a set of things can help get rid of the musculoskeletal system, general strengthening of the body, getting rid of a depressed mood.

Popular magnetic bracelets

Magnetic jewelry is not an officially approved method of treatment, and therefore it is recommended to use this type of treatment without prior consultation with a specialist.

Indications for magnetic therapy treatment

Type of system/disease Types of diseases Method of influence
Heart diseases Heart attack, heart failure, lymphocytosis, etc. Synchronization, amplification and stimulation of the body as a whole.
Neurology Jades, neuralgia, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome.
digestive Problems and disorders of the stomach. Restoration of organ functions in combination with basic therapy.
Endocrine Violation of the gland production system for the production of hormones into the blood. Strengthening hormones, functional characteristics of the body and its stimulation.
Rehabilitation after surgery or stroke Restoration of general immunity, strength and energy. Auxiliary means of complex treatment during the recovery period.
Gynecology Treatment of cysts and ovaries, fibroids, endometriosis, cystitis, mastopathy, infertility. Pregnancy (only after consulting a doctor). The anti-inflammatory effect of the magnetic field prevents current inflammations and guarantees protection against new ones.
Urology Urolithiasis, treatment of prostatitis and adenoma in men. Through the use of a stationary device Averon.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system , atherosclerosis, for knee and other joints, . The disappearance of edema, inflammation and the effects of anesthesia.
Respiratory and ENT diseases Bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, runny nose, adenoids, sinusitis, otitis. Auxiliary means of complex treatment during the recovery period.
Vascular diseases Varicose veins, hematoma, hemangioma, thrombophlebitis.
Other diseases Kidney disease, panreatitis, diabetes. Auxiliary means of complex treatment during the recovery period.
Rehabilitation after operations Laparoscopy, joint arthroplasty. Auxiliary means of complex treatment during the recovery period.
Hormonal disorders Problems with the thyroid gland, treatment of the adrenal glands. The expansion of blood vessels entails a greater supply of hormones in parts of the body. The effect is strong enough.
Cosmetology Slimming, skin. Emitters locally act on parts of the body with current (getting rid of fat, cellulite and other troubles).

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago, I was twisted in the country, a sharp pain in the lower back did not allow me to move, I could not even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medicines, but they did not help, it was unbearable to endure this pain. They called an ambulance, they set up a blockade and hinted at an operation, all the time I thought about it, that I would be a burden for the family ... Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months, I began to move more, in spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Transcranial or transcerebral magnetotherapy

Treatment with magnetotherapy can also be aimed at restoring the transcerebral functional features of the body. Transcranial magnetotherapy is one of the treatment methods in which it stabilizes the general activity of the cerebral cortex with the help of short impulses.

The orderly movement of current particles penetrates the inside of the skull, gradually spreading through space. The density of the cerebral cortex is greatest at the base, a smaller amount is in the cerebral cortex.

Used in outpatient settings. Transcerebral therapy with magnets is affordable due to the fact that there is no need to make an invasive intervention on the body through external protection barriers.

Thus, formations near the base of the brain (pituitary gland, limbic system) are most strongly influenced by the effect of magnetotherapy. One of the leading drugs in this field of treatment is AMO-ATOS.

Transcranial magnetotherapy on the device Amo-Atos

It rightfully occupies a leading position in magnetic field treatment due to a number of advantages:

  • in addition to the traveling field, the impact is influenced by biotropic parameters;
  • body systems forms resonance in the range of their functioning;
  • connection of several channels for studying gives an increased magnetic field flux;
  • ideal combination with other drugs of similar purpose.

Upon treatment, the patient's condition improves, and he experiences significant improvements in the general condition of the body. Due to the influence of treatment with alternating, low-frequency current, the vegetative provision of a number of body functions, the parameters of the psycho-physiological environment, the adaptation of the body to the general course and the influence of the directions of the external environment return to normal in patients.

Rating of the best home magnetotherapy devices

The choice of devices for home use is quite wide, so we offer a selection of the most popular devices available to every resident of Russia.

Instrument name Advantages of the device Application for diseases Price
"Magofon-01" A comprehensive approach to treatment due to the wide range along with the incoming alternating magnetic field, a more pronounced effect of pain relief, ease of use. Upper respiratory tract, musculoskeletal system, neurological disorders, ENT and dental diseases. 8000-10000 rubles
"AMnp-01" Self-diagnosis; control of the intensity of the magnetic field, can be used for debilitated patients and children, work in four modes, etc. The work of the musculoskeletal system, the venous system, hypertension. 3200-4000 rubles
"Alimp-1" Versatility of use, a powerful effect on the state of the body as a whole. Pathologies of the joints and spine, cardiovascular system, nervous system, problems of the female genital organs, brain disorders. 39000-40000 rubles
"Almag-01" The ability to penetrate deep into tissues, the radiation of a traveling magnetic field. Treatment of more than 50 diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. 10 000 rubles

General instructions for the use of home devices

Now it has become possible to carry out magnetic therapy sessions at home. At the initial stage, it is recommended to consult with a doctor regarding an individual schedule of magnetotherapy sessions. He, based on the patient's medical history, will not only prescribe the necessary type of treatment, but will also help you choose the right portable device, method of use and frequency.

To use the devices, it is necessary to adhere to a number of simple principles to achieve benefits and a therapeutic effect:

  • cycle and regularity- sessions are carried out daily, at the same time;
  • Time relax- after using the drug, rest for 30 to 60 minutes;
  • normal stomach- you can not be very hungry or full;
  • body condition- control the overall balance of the body system and do not apply the technique if one of them deteriorates, in order to avoid aggravating the effectiveness of magnetic therapy;
  • avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Treatment of children

A course of successful magnetic therapy in the treatment of children can replace the use of drugs. The main advantage of using this method in patients of school and preschool age is the availability and price parameters.

Magnetic therapy in children is used to recover from injuries

Magnetotherapy in children is also prescribed as a preventive measure. For example, preventing sinusitis with a constant runny nose, increasing immune protection, activity and efficiency of the body.

This type of treatment is actively used for a long time during the recovery period after an injury, fracture, viral infection.

At the same time, even a weakened state and fever in a child are not contraindications to its use.

IMPORTANT! Magnetotherapy is strictly contraindicated up to a year and a half!


Like any method of treatment, magnetotherapy has a number of contraindications for use. Some of them are mandatory for use, the rest allow use within the permitted limits.

The task of the doctor when referring to this method is to conduct an individual diagnosis of the patient according to the following criteria:

Pacemaker is a contraindication

  • age;
  • general state;
  • sensitivity thresholds;
  • the presence of acute and chronic diseases;
  • mental condition.

If we talk about a strict ban on magnetic therapy, then these include:

  • hemophilia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of a pacemaker to prevent overheating of the device;
  • artificial joints;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • hypertension disease of the third degree;
  • the period of the menstrual cycle;
  • heat;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • purulent diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment with home devices is carried out on a regular basis, unlike stationary ones, where the frequency is reduced to 2-3 times a week. It is also necessary to give a rest period between courses of treatment for a more pronounced effect.

If your back, neck or lower back hurts, do not delay treatment if you do not want to end up in a wheelchair! Chronic aching pain in the back, neck or lower back is the main sign of osteochondrosis, hernia or other serious disease. Treatment needs to start right now.

Harm from magnetotherapy or side effects

Pain after magnetic therapy, as well as a general deterioration in well-being can become prerequisites for an exacerbation of a current illness or an individual rejection of magnetic field flows by organisms. If you experience side effects, any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences.

At present, magnetotherapy is one of the most harmless procedures in modern medicine. Based on general studies, there is no evidence describing serious and complex effects or harm after its use.

Like any type of treatment, magnetotherapy also has an effect on the general condition of the body, but a serious effect with consequences has not yet been identified.

Combination of magnetotherapy and other methods

Magnetotherapy is successfully and effectively combined with other methods of treatment.

Its complex effect on the body is carried out along with such factors as:

  • painless application;
  • a large number of indications;
  • at no extra cost;
  • the equipment used is simple and easy to use;
  • the magnetic field penetrates and heals the patient through clothing, plaster and other parts.

Magnetotherapy is prescribed together with the use of both electrophoresis, and to a slightly lesser extent with electrical stimulation of the patient's body. Laser therapy also has no pronounced contraindications and can be used in conjunction with magnetotherapy.

Doctors about the effectiveness of magnetotherapy

Leading specialists, physicians and scientists have been dealing with the problems of studying the effect of magnetic therapy treatment on the human body for many years on an ongoing basis. Efficacy studies are mostly positive, but there are some long-term studies.

Books about magnetotherapy

If we talk about reading about magnetotherapy, howde treatment,then we recommend paying attention to the works of famous authors:

  • Ulashchik V.S. "Magnetotherapy: theoretical foundations and practical application."
  • "Physiotherapy: national leadership" ed. G.N. Ponomarenko.
  • Ivan Neumyvakin "Magnetotherapy and fundamentals of electromagnetic safety".

Do-it-yourself magnetotherapy apparatus

For those who are ready to spend time in the name of their own strengthening of health and strength, we recommend that you read the guide to action on how to assemble a magnetotherapy device with your own hands. This can be done using a simple scheme, purchased materials and, of course, with your own hands.

Scheme of the device for magnetotherapy

Average prices for magnetic therapy in Moscow clinics

Moscow clinics also actively use the method of magnetotherapy in their practice.

The average cost of the procedure and the course varies depending on the conditions of the treatment:

  • At the Medical Center A. G. Gritsenko magnetic laser therapy procedure will cost 600 rubles.
  • Medical Center "BIOSS", on the contrary, provides clients with the opportunity to conduct a course of treatment themselves - individual independent magnetotherapy for 2750 rubles.
  • If you pay attention to the treatment with stationary devices, then the prices also remain affordable - the Nova Clinic center for 450 rubles will conduct a session on the devices Polus-2, MAG-30 and Almag.