A concise presentation of the ogre in Russian. Concise statement

Word count

Each student at the end of the work writes the number of words used.When counting, both independent and auxiliary parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is calculated (for example, “all the same” - one word, “all the same” - two words). Initials with a surname are considered as one word (for example, "M.Y. Lermontov "- one word). Any other characters, in particular numbers, are taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” - one word, “five years” - two words).

The expert checks the work if it has at least 50 words.

When writing an exposition, an examiner may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the source text or in the text information. Words revealing a microtheme are best preserved.

The examiner must write a statement from the person from whom the narration in the source text comes.

If the source text contains proper names, then they should be written on the board.


To test the ability to highlight microthemes in texts, to determine the main, essential, to cut off the secondary.

Statement of the task.

Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of each microtheme, as well as the whole text.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write the presentation in a neat, legible handwriting.

The text of the presentation is read twice. Between listening, the student is given time.

1. Focus before listening to the text for the first time. Take it easy. Prepare a draft;

2. Try to fix the entire text already at the first listening. Write fast, shorten words as much as possible, leave spaces. If you didn’t have time to write something down, add it on the second reading;

3. Between listening to the text, try to identify paragraphs and microthemes. There must be three of them !!!

4. At the second reading of the text, write in the spaces left that did not write down for the first time. Re-think the microthemes of the text.

5. Start compressing the text.

Compression elements. (MEMORIZE!!!)

1. Exception:

Repetition exception;

Exclusion of one or more of the synonyms;

Exclusion of clarifying and explanatory constructions;

Exclusion of a sentence fragment containing minor, non-essential information;

The exclusion of one or more proposals containing secondary, non-essential information.

Important! Only secondary information can be excluded!

2. Generalization:

Replacing homogeneous members with a generic name;

Replacing a sentence or its part with a definitive or negative pronoun with a generalizing meaning.

3. Simplification:

Merge several sentences into one;

Replacing a sentence or part thereof with a demonstrative pronoun;

Replacing a complex sentence with a simple one;

Replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression;

Replacing direct speech with indirect.

The final stage of work.

Check again if you have distorted the microthemes of the text.

Check the spelling and punctuation of the text.

Copy to clean.

Report Grading System

Summary Criteria


1. The content of the presentation. Microtome transmission.

The examiner accurately conveyed the main content of the heard text, reflectingeverything  important microthemes for his perception.




The examiner transmitted the main content of the listened text,



Source Compression

The examiner applied text compression techniques, using them throughout the text.


The examiner applied text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 microthemes of the text.


The test subject applied text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 microtheme of the text.


The test subject did not use text compression techniques.


The semantic integrity, speech connectedness and sequence of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal connectivity and sequence of presentation:

There are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

There are no violations of the paragraph division of the text.


The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,


1 logical mistake was made,

and / or

there is 1 violation of the paragraph division of the text.


In the work of the examinee, a communicative plan is seen,


more than 1 logical error was made,

and / or

there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text.


We will deal with each criterion individually.

Criterion 1. Content.

You are required to state the main content of the listened text. Try not to miss anything, adding something "on your own" is also not worth it. The expert looks to see if you managed to reflect the main microthemes of the text - and sets the corresponding score.

What is a microtheme?

Text sentences are united by one common theme (recall, a topic is what the text says). A large topic, as a rule, is revealed through several small subtopics - microthemes. It is no coincidence that the meaning of the text is usually divided into several parts - paragraphs. We can say that microtheme is the main point of the paragraph . (Do not confuse the terms “paragraph” and “microtheme” - these are different concepts, and a different criterion for evaluating the presentation is devoted to paragraph division).

The expert’s logic is as follows: if you reflected in the work all the important microthemes of the text, then the content of the text is transmitted correctly, which means that by the first criterion you can put the highest score.

Need a specific example? In one of the articles on our website there is such an example - by clicking on the link, you can.

To highlight the main information in the text, you need to understand it correctly. Try to understand what the text says when you first listen.

Criterion 2. Compression of the text.

When checking the presentation, experts calculate the number of words (words should be, as we have said, at least 70). However, the main thing that attention is paid to when evaluating the work according to the second criterion is the use of compression techniques.

What are text compression techniques?

When compressing the text, the processing of the information contained in it will be required. This information is “filtered” - you leave the main thing and cut off the secondary.

The text is abbreviated by the rules. One of them is the use of certain actions called compression techniques (they are also called language techniques for text compression) If you know these techniques, it will be easy for you to present the contents of the text in a concise and understandable form.

But remember: no matter how you “squeeze” the text you have listened to, try not to “lose” the main information that it contains.

The main techniques of text compression:

1. Exception.

This technique is associated with the exclusion, “crossing out" of secondary information, and some students consider it the easiest. Indeed, is it difficult to cross out any words or even sentences in the text?

However, not all so simple. In no case can you exclude the main information - you risk losing points. Only secondary information is cut off!

What can be excluded from the text with its concise presentation?

Exclude repetitions. Example: Need to educate  Consciousness in children need to educate  in children, the ability to compassion.It is necessary to educate in children conscientiousness, the ability to compassion.

Synonyms can be excluded (one or more) .   Example:   Eyes of a boy shone, sparkled, sparkled. - The boy's eyes shone.

Exclude clarifications, clarifications: Sister lived nearby on nearby street. “My sister lived nearby.”

maybe exclusion of parts of a sentence   or even several offers,   containing non-essential information. It is important here not to confuse the secondary information with the main, essential for the disclosure of the topic.

2. Generalization.

Replace homogeneous terms with the generalizing word   or a phrase. Example: We took daisies, bells, cornflowers. - We got it colors  (different colors).

Summarizing information by replacing a piece of text   synonymous (close in meaning) expression. Example: A person learns the correct behavior from the very age when the first steps are taken, the first habits are laid, the first words are pronounced. - A person learns the right behavior since the early childhood.

3. Simplification.

This compression technique consists in structural simplification of a text fragment. To do this, you can combine several sentences   in one. Example: Years go by. The writer goes farther and farther into history; only his works do not age. - Years go by, but the writer's books do not age (in this example, an exception is used along with simplification).

Is possible replacing a complex sentence with a simple one : Aircraft models which have electric motorsparticipate in sports. - Air models, equipped with electric motorsparticipate in sports.

Direct speech   summarized better replace indirect . This is another kind of simplification. Example: The driver said: « I'll drive you to the train station in fifteen minutes". - The driver said what will bring us to the station in fifteen minutes.

Compilation Requirements

First you need to find out by what criteria experts assess C1 task. Here are the basic requirements for a concise statement:

  1. 1. The content of the presentation.

Examiners should convey the main content of the text and reflect the microthemes that are important for his understanding. For this block you can get from 0 to 2 points.

  1. 2. Compression of the original text

Subjects should use compression techniques throughout the presentation. (from 0 to 3 points)

  1. 3. Semantic integrity, sequence of presentation

Subjects must follow the sequence of presentation, avoid logical errors. (from 0 to 2 points)

The maximum score for task C1 is 7 points.

- On the exam will sound an audio recording with the text for presentation. The audio recording lasts 2-3 minutes and is repeated twice. After the first listening, the examiner is given time to comprehend and process the text.

- The required amount of compressed presentation is 70 words, work with a volume of less than 70 words is NOT CHECKED, and points for it are not awarded. But do not write too long statements, the most optimal volume is 80-90 words.

- The presentation must be divided into parts, break the text into 3 paragraphs.

- Write a statement if possible clear, legible handwriting  and when dividing the text into paragraphs, observe sufficient distance for line indentso that examiners can see exactly how you divide the text.

- Try not to use words and expressions in the work, in the meaning and spelling of which you are not sure. The exam is allowed to use spelling dictionary, but it’s better to do it after you have completely written the “draft” version of the presentation.

The main stages of work on the presentation

  1. 1. Perception and comprehension of the text

On the exam, you must have a draft and a good writing pen (and preferably two).

Get ready to listen carefully to the text and write at least two or three key words from each sentence. Do not strive to write all the text in a row! Shorten the words, leave large distances between them to finish sentences during the break and the second listening to the text.

During your break, read your notes where possible, write the abbreviated words.  Try to understand what the text is about and what the author wanted to say.

During repeat playback of an audio recording write in the blanks  what they did not write when they first listened to the text. Reflect on the subject of the text.

Your goal:

- Understand the topic (what is being said?)

- Catch the main idea (what the author calls for, how he wants to influence the reader)

  1. 1. Writing your own text

Based on your notes, restore the text, combine everything in one work. The text should be easy to read, logical, coherent, the theme and purpose of the presentation should be match  subject and purpose of the source text. To check this, ask yourself the question: “Does my text say the same thing that the author was talking about? Does it inspire what the source text prompts? ”

In your work, highlight 3 paragraphs. Each paragraph is a microtherm. Did you get three microtems? If so, move on.

We reduce each paragraph to two or three sentences, leaving only the MOST IMPORTANT.

To get a high score for your work, be sure to use compression techniques in each paragraph. There are several ways to shorten text:

  1. 1. Generalization Method

She got out package carrots, potatoes, fish, milk  and only then answered my question. → She took out of the bag the products  and only then answered my question.

  1. 2. Exclusion method

Kremlin stones can sound. Each wall and dome has a special sound, and all together they merge into a heroic symphony, performed by a huge orchestra from the pipes of the Kremlin’s golden domes. → Each stone, wall, dome of the Kremlin has its own sound, which merges into a single heroic symphony.

  1. 3. Replacement Method

Agree - agree; in order to enter - for admission; give evidence - prove.

When compressing the text, get rid of turns, introductory words and introductory constructions specifying the sentence members.

It is also better to get rid of rhetorical questions, or translate them into a narrative sentence.  Example:Is it possible to forget about this great feat? → It is impossible to forget about this great feat.

  1. 4. Text check

Having reduced your exposition, re-read it again. Ask yourself a few questions:

- Did you manage to convey the main theme of the text?

- Does the received text contradict the original?

- Did you manage to reflect all three microtems in your work?

- Is the text logical, are all three paragraphs related in meaning?

- Are there uncompressed spaces in the presentation (introductory words, participles and participles, etc.)?

After making sure your text meets the requirements, check its for errors. Underline all words whose spelling is in doubt and check them in spelling dictionary. Be careful when arranging punctuation marks.

Rewrite the statement in a clean copy.

Additional tips

Try to correctly allocate time. Task C1 is recommended to take no more than 40-60 minutes.

And most importantly: the secret to successfully passing any exam is preparation. Exercise regularly on typical tasks, and you will be able to develop the necessary skills.

By the way the content of the text is transmitted, three types of statements are distinguished: detailed (detailed, close to the text), compressed and selective.

Detailed textsuggests a consistent retelling of it with the preservation of the linguistic features of the author: characteristic visual means, details, phraseology and syntax.

Compressed text- This is a brief retelling of its main content, in which it is necessary to preserve only everything that is most important from the point of view of meaning, omitting details. It is necessary to preserve only the most important thing: the main idea, artistic details and linguistic features, without which it is impossible to understand the ideological orientation of the text and achieve goals. The ability to retell content briefly is a necessary skill for working on text.

When writing selective presentationin accordance with the assignment, it is necessary to retell not the entire text, but only the selected part, that is, reproduce some selected topic of the source text: material related to a certain character, event, phenomenon.

For selective presentation, it is necessary to highlight individual topics in the text, isolate material related to a particular topic, build a statement based on the collected material and transmit it in detail.

C1 GIA 2012 - concise presentation

At present, task C1 is included in the control measuring materials of the exam for the course of the primary school, which involves writing a concise statement of the contents of the text you have listened to. Subjects listen to an audio recording of reading the text (the number of words in the source text is about 130). The volume of compressed presentation is at least 70 words. 90 minutes are allotted to complete this work, including listening to the source text. Of these, 2.5-3 minutes (in accordance with the duration of the audio recording) are allocated for the first reading and listening to the text, 3-4 minutes - for the graduates to understand the text, 2.5-3 minutes - for the second reading and listening to the text. The rest of the time is given for writing a concise presentation. It is recommended to leave 15-20 minutes of the allotted time for rewriting the statement in the draft from the draft. 10 minutes before the completion of the work, it is reminded of the need to complete the writing of the presentation. After 90 minutes, all graduates submit individual signed sheets.

How to write a concise statement

Graduates need to convey the main content of each microtheme and the entire text as a whole, while maintaining a semantic sequence.

Microtheme  - the theme of each semantic part of the text, which reflects a part of the general theme, common to the whole text.

The number of microthemes in task С1 ГИА in the Russian language is three. It is important to remember that the number of microthemes in the source text must be the same as their number in a concise presentation. To successfully cope with the task of the SIA GI in the Russian language, follow these requirements.

How to listen to the text for the first time

During the first reading, carefully and intently listen to the text, highlight the most important, mentally divide it into semantic parts in order to understand what each of them says. Define the general theme of the text, its main idea, in accordance with which individual parts and the entire text are written in order to understand why it was written.

Pay attention to supporting words, pay attention to the peculiarities of the author’s narrative: which words are determining, how the individual style of the author is reflected in them.

Writing the first time you listen to the text is not recommended.

After the first reading of the text

After reading, you can write down keywords on the draft, leaving large distances between them, in order to later supplement your entries.

Define the style of the text and type of speech, pay attention to the features of building the text, highlight its compositional parts: for narration - the beginning of events, climax, denouement; for description - the subject of speech and its significant, essential features; for reasoning - the thesis, evidence, conclusion.

Make a detailed outline of the text. It is necessary to highlight the microthemes of each part and title them. Write down the names of the points in the plan, leaving room for recording key words.

How to listen to the text a second time

During the second hearing, specify the first impressions of the text, if possible, make written corrections and additions to the compiled text scheme. Decide on the number of paragraphs in the future text: it is necessary to correlate the individual parts with supporting words within the meaning to create the whole text. Pay attention to the logic of the author’s reasoning and compare it with the compiled plan of the text.

After the second reading of the text

Write a draft summary of the summary in accordance with the selected microthemes according to the established scheme. Check the relationship between microthemes in parts of the text.

Reread the text, if necessary, think about what can be further reduced. Make final corrections and additions. Check the draft twice.

Rewrite the concise statement in a clean copy. Check at least two times.

A concise algorithm for writing a concise statementlooks like that:

1) divide the text into parts;

2) we highlight those proposals that cannot be dispensed with, the absence of which will lead to a distortion of meaning or its misunderstanding;

3) omit non-essential material, which can be dispensed with, the absence of which will not affect the understanding of the meaning of the text;

4) if necessary, we rebuild some sentences: we compose one of several sentences (that is, compress them).

There are several ways to compress text:

1) the exclusion of details, details;

2) a generalization of specific, isolated phenomena;

3) a combination of exclusion and generalization.

The following techniques are usually used to compress text:

1) the exclusion of individual members of the proposal, some homogeneous members of the proposal; reduction of complex supply due to a less significant part;

2) the omission of proposals containing secondary facts, proposals with descriptions and reasoning;

3) replacement of homogeneous members by a generalizing word;

3) replacement of direct speech with indirect;

4) the division of complex sentences into abbreviated simple;

5) replacement of a sentence or part thereof with a demonstrative pronoun;

6) the formation of a complex sentence by merging semantically similar simple sentences.

So, the main thing that a graduate should learn  for successful writing of a concise exposition, briefly, in a generalized form, retell the facts, phenomena or events described in the text, think deeply in the content of the work, isolate the most important material, independently select words and syntactic constructions.

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