Prepare meteorite drops. Meteorites

Subject: "Meteorites"


Kirichenko Alexander

Teacher: Pugatov Vitaly Gennadevich

art. Yasenskaya


1. Introduction

2. Meteoric substance and meteorites.

3. Start of meteorite research.

4. Physical phenomena caused by the flight of the meteoroid in the atmosphere.

5. Some types of meteorites.

6. Tungusky meteorite:

I. A little story.

II. What is known today.

III. Hypotheses, versions, assumptions.

7. Conclusion.

1. Introduction.

It is known that the secrets are needed, moreover, science is needed, because it is unresolved puzzles that make people look for people, to know the unknown, to open what they failed to open the previous generations of scientists.

The path to scientific truth begins with the collection of the facts, their systematization, generalizations, comprehension. Facts and only facts are the foundation of any working hypothesis that is born as a result of painstaking work of research.

Every year at least 1000 meteorites fall on Earth. However, many of them falling into the sea and oceans, in the incomplete places, remain unparalleled. Only 12-15 meteorites per year on the entire globe enter museums and scientific institutions.

The origin of meteorites is the most common point of view, according to which meteorites are fragments of small planets. A huge amount of small small planets, a lot of less than a kilometer with a diameter, make up a group transient from small planets to meteorite bodies. Due to collisions occurring between small small planets, under their movement, there is a continuous process of their crushing for increasingly small particles, which replenish the composition of meteorite bodies in the interplanetary space.

Meteorites receive names on the names of settlements or geographic objects closest to the place of their fall. Many meteorites are found randomly and denoted by the term "Nakhodka", in contrast to meteorites observed during falling and called "drops". One of which is the Tungus meteorite, exploding in the River River River Tunguska.

2. Meteoric substance and meteorites.

Stone and iron bodies that have fallen on the ground from the interplanetary space are called meteorites, and their science, their studious-meteorite. In the near-earth outer space, a variety of meteoroids (cosmic fragments of large asteroids and comets) are moving. Their speeds lie in the range from 11 to 72 km / s. It often happens that the paths of their movements intersect with the orbit of the Earth and they fly into its atmosphere.

The phenomena of the invasion of cosmic bodies into the atmosphere have three main stages:

1. Flight in a rarefied atmosphere (up to heights of about 80 km), where the interaction of air molecules is vested. Air particles are constructed with the body, stick to it or reflected and transmit part of its energy. The body heats up from continuous bombardment of air molecules, but does not experience noticeable resistance, and its speed remains almost unchanged. At this stage, however, the outer part of the cosmic body is heated to a thousand degrees and above. Here, the characteristic parameter of the problem is the ratio of the length of the free mileage to the size of the body L, which is called the number of Knacena Kn. In aerodynamics, it is customary to take into account the molecular approach to air resistance at Kn\u003e 0.1.

2. Flight in the atmosphere in the mode of continuous flow of body stream of air, that is, when the air is considered a solid medium and the atomic molecular character of its composition is clearly not taken into account. At this stage, a head shock wave appears in front of the body, behind which the pressure and temperature sharply rises. The body itself is heated due to convective heat transfer, as well as due to radiation heating. Temperature can reach several tens of thousands of degrees, and pressure to hundreds of atmospheres. With sharp braking, significant overload appear. The deformations of the bodies, the melting and evaporation of their surfaces, the mass charges by the incident air flow (ablation).

3. When approaching the surface of the Earth, the air density increases, the body resistance increases, and it either almost stops at any height, or continues the path to direct collision from the earth. At the same time, often large bodies are divided into several parts, each of which falls separately to the Earth. With a strong braking of the cosmic mass over the earth, the accompanying shock waves continue their movement to the surface of the Earth, reflected from it and produce perturbations of the lower layers of the atmosphere, as well as the earth's surface.

The process of falling each meteoroid is individual. There is no possibility in a brief story describe all possible features of this process.

3. Beginning of meteor studies.

As the famous Chemist of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Ivan Mukhin fairly wrote in 1819, "the beginning of the legends about the flooded stones and iron boulders is lost in the deepest darkness of the centuries of the proceedings."

Meteorites are known to man for many thousands of years. The instruments of primitive people made from meteorite iron were found. After finding meteorites, people hardly guessed their special origin. The exception was the discovery of the "heavenly stones" immediately after the grand spectacle of their fall. Then meteorites became objects of religious worship. Legends were made about them, they were described in the chronicles, they were afraid and even caught with chains, so that they did not fly to the sky again.

The information is preserved that Anaxagor (see, for example, the book I.D. Rogansky "Anaxahors", p. 93-94) considered meteorites by the wreckage of the Earth or solid celestial bodies, and other ancient Greek thinkers are fragments of heavenly solids. These, in principle, the correct ideas were laid until people still believed in the existence of heavenly solids or solid celestial bodies. Then, they were then replaced by completely different ideas, explaining the origin of meteorites with any reasons, but not heavenly.

The foundations of scientific meteorics laid the Ernst Cold (1756-1827), the German physicist-acoustic physicist quite known by that time. On the advice of his friend, physics G.Kh. Lichtenberg, he took up the collection and study of the descriptions of the barids and comparing this information with the one that was known about the stones found. As a result of this work, in 1794, I published a book "On the origin of the found pallas and other iron masses similar to it and some of the related phenomena of nature." In particular, a mysterious sample of "native iron" was discussed, discovered in 1772 by the Expedition of Academician Peter Pallas and subsequently delivered to St. Petersburg from Siberia. As it turned out, this mass was found in 1749 by the local Blacksmith Yakov Medvedev and originally weighed about 42 pounds (about 700 kg). Analysis showed that it consists of a mixture of iron with stony inclusions and is a rare type of meteorite. In honor of Pallas, meteorites of this type were called pallasites. In the book of Cold, convincingly proved that Pallasovo Iron and many other "fallen from the sky" stones are of space origin.

Meteorites are divided into "fallen" and "found". If someone saw a meteorite fell through the atmosphere and then it was really discovered on earth (a rare event), then such a meteorite is called "fallen". If he was found randomly and identified as a "cosmic algered" (which is typically for iron meteorites), then it is called "found". Meteorites give names by names where they were found.

3. Cases of falling meteorites in Russia

The oldest record about the fall of meteorite on the territory of Russia was found in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 1091, but it is not very detailed. But in the 20th century, a number of major meteoric events occurred in Russia. First of all (not only chronologically, but also on the scale of the phenomenon), it is the fall of the Tungus meteorite, which happened on June 30, 1908 (according to a new style) in the River River River River Tungusk. The clash of this body with the ground led to a strongest explosion in an atmosphere at an altitude of about 8 km. His energy (~ 1016 J) was equivalent to the explosion of 1000 atomic bombs, similar to Hiroshima in 1945. Arriving a shock wave several times went around the globe, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion, trees have fallen within a radius of up to 40 km from the epicenter and led to death Large deer. Fortunately, this grand phenomenon occurred in the deserted area of \u200b\u200bSiberia and almost none of the people suffered.

Unfortunately, due to wars and revolutions, the study of the Dongus explosion area began only after 20 years. To the surprise of scientists, they did not find any in the epicenter, even the most minor fragments of the fallen body. After multiple and thorough research of the Tungus event, most experts believe that it was associated with a fall on the land of the core of a small comet.

The rain of stone meteorites fell on December 6, 1922 near the village of Tsarev (now the Volgograd region). But his traces were discovered only in the summer of 1979. The 80 fragments were collected by a total weight of 1.6 tons on an area of \u200b\u200babout 15 square meters. km. The weight of the largest fragment was 284 kg. This is the largest stone meteorite found in Russia, and the third in the world.

Among the largest, observed in the fall of meteorites belongs to Sihin-Alinsky. He fell on February 12, 1947 in the Far East in the vicinity of the Sihote-Alin area. The dazzling car caused by them was observed during the daytime (about 11 hours) in Khabarovsk and other places within a radius of 400 km. After the disappearance of the car, the roar of the roar was heard, a concussion took place, and the remaining dust trail was slowly scattered around two hours. The meteorite fall site quickly discovered information about the observation of a car from different points. An expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academy immediately went there. V.G. Fesenkov and E.L. Krinos - famous researchers of meteorites and small bodies of the solar system. Fall traces were clearly visible on the background of snow cover: 24 crater with a diameter of 9 to 27 m and many small funnels. It turned out that meteorite was still in the air collapsed and fell in the form of "iron rain" on the square of about 3 square meters. km. All 3500 fragments found were made of iron with small inclusions of silicates. The largest fragment of the meteorite has a mass of 1745 kg, and the total mass of the entire substance found 27 tons. According to the calculations, the initial mass of the meteoroid was close to 70 tons, and the size is about 2.5 m. By the lucky random, this meteorite also fell in an unstatted area, and no harm done.

Finally, the latest events. One of them also occurred in Russia, in Bashkiria, near the city of Sterlitamak. A very bright car was observed on May 17, 1990 at 23 h 20 min. Eyewitnesses reported that for a few seconds it became light, as a day, thunder, crackling and noise, from which window glass was snewed. Immediately after that, a crate was detected with a diameter of 10 m in a rustic field and a depth of 5 m, but only two relative to small fragment of the iron meteorite (weighing 6 and 3 kg) and a lot of small ones were found. Unfortunately, when developing this crater, a larger fragment of this meteorite was missed using the excavator. And only a year later, the children discovered in soil dumps extracted by an excavator from the crater, the main part of the meteorite weighing 315 kg.

On June 20, 1998, at about 17 o'clock in Turkmenistan, near the city of Kuny-Urgench, a chondritic meteorite fell under clear weather. Before this, a very bright car was observed, and an outbreak occurred at an altitude of 10-15 km, comparable in brightness with the sun, the sound of an explosion, rumble and crackling, which were heard at a distance of up to 100 km. The main part of the meteorite weighing 820 kg fell into a cotton field just a few dozen meters from people who worked on it by forming a ray with a diameter of 5 m and a depth of 3.5 m.

4. Physical phenomena caused by the flight of the meteoroid in the atmosphere

The body rate falling on the ground from afar, near its surface always exceeds the second cosmic speed (11.2 km / s). But it can be significantly more. The speed of the Earth in orbit is 30 km / s. Crossing the Earth orbit, the solar objects can have a speed of up to 42 km / s (\u003d 21/2 x 30 km / s).

Therefore, on the oncoming trajectories, the meteoroid may encounter earth at a speed of up to 72 km / s.

At the entrance of the meteoroid in the earth's atmosphere, there are many interesting phenomena, which we only mention. Initially, the body joins interacting with a very rarefied upper atmosphere, where the distances between the gas molecules are greater than the size of the meteoroid. If the body is massive, it does not affect its condition and movement. But if the mass of the body is slightly exceeds the mass of the molecule, it can completely slow down in the upper layers of the atmosphere and will slowly settle to the earth's surface under the action of gravity. It turns out that way, that is, in the form of dust, the main proportion of a solid cosmic substance falls on the ground. It is estimated that about 100 tons of extraterrestrial substance comes to Earth daily, but only 1% of this mass is represented by large bodies having the opportunity to fly to the surface.

The noticeable inhibition of large objects begins in the dense layers of the atmosphere, at least 100 km altitudes. The solid movement in the gas medium is characterized by the number of maha (M) - the ratio of the body rate to the speed of sound in the gas. The number M for a meteoroid varies with a height, but usually does not exceed M \u003d 50. The shock wave is formed in front of the meteoroid in the form of a strongly compressed and preheated atmospheric gas. Interacting with it, the body surface is heated to melting and even evaporation. The incoming gas jets are sprayed and carried away from the surface melted, and sometimes solid fragmented material. This process is called ablation.

The hot gases behind the front of the shock wave, as well as the droplets and particles of the substance belonging from the body surface, are light and create a meteor or car phenomenon. With a large mass of the body, the phenomenon of the car is accompanied not only with a bright glow, but sometimes sound effects: loud cotton, like from a supersonic aircraft, grommets, hiss, and so on. If the body's mass is not too large, and its speed is in the range from 11 km / s to 22 km / s (this is possible on the "catching up" land trajectories), then it has time to slow down in the atmosphere. After that, the meteoroid is moving at such a speed at which ablation is no longer effective, and it can be in a constant form to fly to the earth's surface. Braking in the atmosphere can fully repay the horizontal vetera veteral, and its further fall will occur almost vertically at a speed of 50-150 m / s, in which gravity is compared with air resistance. With such speeds, most meteorites fell on Earth.

With a very large mass (more than 100 tons), the meteoroid does not have to burn, nor strongly slow down; It strikes the surface with space speed. An explosion occurs, caused by the transition of the large kinetic energy of the body into thermal, and an explosive crater is formed on the earth's surface. As a result, a significant part of the meteorite and surrounding rocks melt and evaporate.

Often there is a fallout meteor rainy. They are formed from fragments of destroyed meteoroids. An example can serve Stone-Aligning meteor rain. As calculations show, with a decrease in solid body in dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, there are huge aerodynamic loads. For example, for a body moving at a speed of 20 km / with a pressure difference on its frontal and the bottom surface varies from 100 atm. At an altitude of 30 km to 1000 atm. At an altitude of 15 km. Such loads are able to destroy the absolute majority of incident bodies. Only the most durable monolithic metal or stone meteorites are able to withstand them and fly to the earth's surface.

For several decades, there are so-called carial networks - systems of observation points equipped with special cameras for registering meteors and carbases. For these pictures, the coordinates of the possible place of falling meteorites are promptly calculated and their search is carried out. Such networks were created in the United States, Canada, Europe and the USSR and cover the territory of about 106 square meters. km.

5. Some types of meteorites

Iron and iron meteorites:

Iron meteorites used to consider part of the destroyed core of a large parent body with a size of the moon or more. But now it is known that they represent a variety of chemical groups, which in most cases indicate in favor of the crystallization of the substance of these meteorites in the nuclei of different parent bodies of asteroid sizes (about several hundred kilometers). Others of these meteorites may, represent samples of individual metal clots, which was scattered in parent bodies. There are those who carry evidence of the incomplete separation of metal and silicates as iron-stone meteorites.

Iron-stone meteorites:

Iron-stone meteorites are divided into two types, differing in chemical and structural properties: palasites and mezosiderites. Pallasites are the meteorites whose silicates consist of magnesial olivine crystals or their fragments enclosed in a solid nickel-iron matrix. Mesosideritis is called iron-stone meteorites, whose silicates are mainly re-crystallized mixtures of different silicates, which are also included in the metal cells.

Iron meteorites

Iron meteorites are almost entirely made of nickel gland and contain small amounts of minerals in the form of inclusions. Nickelist iron (Feni) is a solid nickel solution in the gland. With a high nickel content (30-50%), the nickel flat iron is mainly in the form of a tanite (G -fase) - mineral with a crucial cell of the crystalline lattice, with a low (6-7%) nickel content in the meteorite nickelish iron consists of almost the Camation ( A -Fase) - mineral with a large-centered array cell.

Most iron meteorites have an amazing structure: they consist of four systems of parallel kamasite plates (differently oriented) with layers consisting of tanita, on the background of a fine-grained mixture of Kamashion and Tanita. The thickness of the KAMASIT plates can be different - from the fraction of a millimeter to a centimeter, but for each meteorite, its thickness of the plates is characteristic.

If the polished surface of the sawing iron meteorite is processed with a solution of acid, then its characteristic internal structure appears in the form of "Vidmanstetten shapes". They are named after A. De Vimanshtetten, who observed them first in 1808. Such figures are found only in meteorites and are associated with an extraordinary slow (for millions of years) the process of cooled of nickeliery and phase transformations in its single crystals.

Before the early 1950s. Iron meteorites were classified exclusively by their structure. Meteorites, having encouraged shapes, began to call octahedritis, since the components of these figures, the kamasite plates are located in the planes forming the octahedron.

Depending on the thickness of L of kamasite plates (which is associated with the total nickel content), octahedrites are divided into the following structural subgroups: very roughlyructural (L\u003e 3.3 mm), roughlyructural (1.3< L < 3,3), среднеструкткрные (0,5 < L < 1,3), тонкоструктурные (0,2 < L < 0,5), весьма тонкоструктурные (L < 0,2), плесситовые (L < 0,2).

In some iron meteorites having a low nickel content (6-8%), the species of figures do not manifest. Such meteorites are as it were from one single crystal kamacite. They call them hexahedrites, as they have mainly cubic crystal lattice. Sometimes there are meteorites with an intermediate type structure, which are called hexochtahedritis. There are also iron meteorites, at all having an ordered structure - ataxites (translated "deprived of order"), in which nickel content may vary widely: from 6 to 60%.

The accumulation of data on the content of sederophilic elements in iron meteorites made it possible to create their chemical classification. If in n. -Hell space, the axes of which serve the content of different sederophilic elements (GA, GE, IR, OS, PD, etc.), points to note the positions of different iron meteorites, the thickening of these points (clusters) will correspond to such chemical groups. Among the NI, GA, GE and IR iron meteorites known now, 16 chemical groups (IA, IB, IC, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, IIID, IIII, IIIIF, IIIF, IIIIF, are clearly distinguished. IVA, IVB). Since 73 meteorites in such a classification were abnormal (they are separated into the subgroup of non-classified), then there is an opinion that there are other chemical groups, possibly more than 50, but they are not yet enough presented in collections.

Chemical and structural groups of iron meteorites are ambiguous. But meteorites from one chemical group, as a rule, have a similar structure and some characteristic thickness of the kamasite plates. Probably meteorites of each chemical group were formed in close temperatures, perhaps even in one parent body.

6. Tungussky meteorite.

Now we are talking about the Tungus meteorite:

I. A little story.

Some circumstances of the catastrophe.

Early in the morning of July 30, 1908. On the territory of the southern part of Central Siberia, numerous witnesses observed a fantastic spectacle: something huge and luminous flew in the sky. According to some, it was a split ball, others compared him with a fiery sheaf of ears back, the third was seen a burning log. Moved in the sky, the fiery body, leaving behind a trace as a falling meteorite. His flight was accompanied by powerful sound phenomena, which were marked by thousands of eyewitnesses in a radius of several hundred kilometers and caused a fright, and in conjunction and a panic.

At about 7 h. 15 minutes in the morning, the inhabitants of Wang Avara, settled on the shore under the stone Tunguska, the right influx of Yenisei, saw a dazzling ball in the northern part of the sky, which seemed brighter than the sun. It turned into a fiery pillar. After these light phenomena, the land under his feet swung, rumbled, repeatedly repeatedly, like thunder-rolls.

Gul and roar shook all over the vicinity. The sound of the explosion was heard at a distance of 1200 km from the disaster site. Like the trees fell drops, the windows were flying out of the windows, in the rivers water chalked with a powerful shaft. More than one hundred kilometers from the center of the explosion was also trembling the earth, the window frames broke.

One of the eyewitnesses dropped off the porch of over three soils. As it turned out later, the shock waves in the taiga were trees on the square of the circle square with a radius of about 30 km. Due to the powerful light outbreak and flux of crack gases, there was a forest fire, a vegetable cover was burned within a radius of several tens of kilometers.

The echoes caused by an explosion of the earthquake were recorded by seismographs in Irkutsk and Tashkent, Lutsk and Tbilisi, as well as in Jena (Germany). The air wave generated by an unprecedented explosion, twice went around the globe. It was recorded in Copenhagen, Zagreb, Washington, Potsdam, London, Jakarta and other cities of our planet.

A few minutes after the explosion began the indignation of the magnetic field of the Earth and continued about four hours. The magnetic storm, judging by the descriptions, was very similar to geomagnetic perturbations, which were observed after explosions in the earth's atmosphere of nuclear devices.

Strange phenomena took place all over the world for several days after a mysterious explosion in the taiga. On the night of June 30, on July 1, more than 150 points of Western Siberia, Central Asia, the European part of Russia and Western Europe almost did not occur: in the sky at an altitude of about 80 km, glowing clouds were clearly observed.

In the future, the intensity of the "bright nights of the summer of 1908" slept sharply, and by July 4, the cosmic fireworks mostly ended. However, various light phenomena in the earth's atmosphere was recorded until the 20th of July.

Another fact that drew attention in two weeks after the explosion on June 30, 1908 was noted on the actinometric station in California (USA), there was a sharp cloudy atmosphere and a significant decrease in solar radiation. It was comparable to what happens after large volcanic eruptions.

Meanwhile, this year, as newspaper and magazines reported, abounded and other no less impressive and strange as "heavenly" and quite "earthly" events.

So, for example, in the spring 1808. Unusual floods were noted and the strongest snowfall (at the end of May) in Switzerland, and a thick dust was observed above the Atlantic Ocean. In the press of that time, reports of comets that were visible from the territory of Russia, about several earthquakes, mysterious phenomena and emergencies caused by unknown reasons were regularly appeared.

Let us dwell on one interesting optical phenomenon that was observed over Brest on February 22. In the morning, when it was clear the weather, a bright brilliant spot appeared on the northeastern side of the sky on the horizon, quickly taking a V-shaped. It moved noticeably from the east to the north. The shine of it, first very bright, decreased, and the dimensions increased. After half an hour, the visibility of the spots became very small, and after another one and a half hours it disappeared completely. The length of his both branches was huge.

And yet the most unexpected events and phenomena directly preceded the catastrophe ...

From June 21, 1908, i.e. For nine days before the catastrophe, in many places in Europe and Western Siberia, the sky is a variety of bright colored zorms.

On June 23-24, a purple dawns were spilled over the surroundings of Yuryeva in the evening and at night in the evening and at night.

White nights ceased to be a monopoly of Northerners. In the sky, long silvery clouds are bright, elongated from the east to the west. From June 17, the number of such observations everywhere rapidly increased. There were frequent appearances of bright meteors. In nature, the tension was felt, approaching something unusual ...

It should be noted that in the spring, summer and autumn 1908, as noted later by the researchers of the Tungusian meteorite, a sharp increase in barn activity was recorded. Reports on the observation of barids in the newspaper publications of that year were several times more than in previous years. Bright cars were seen in England and the European part of Russia, in the Baltic States and Central Asia, Siberia and China.

At the end of June 1908. On the Katohg - the local name under Stone Tunguska - the expedition of the member of the geographical society A. Makarenko worked. I managed to find his brief report on work. It was reported that the expedition made a shot of the banks of the katohns, made the shares of its depths, fairways, etc., but no mention of unusual phenomena, in the report no ... and this is one of the largest secrets of the Tungus catastrophe. How could you remain unnoticed by the Expedition of Makarenko Light phenomena and a terrible roar that was accompanied by a drop in such a giant space body?

Unfortunately, so far there are no information about whether scientists were among observers of the phenomenal phenomenon and did any of them attempt to understand his essence, not to mention the visit to "hot pursuit" the place of the catastrophe.

The first expedition about which there are completely reliable data was organized 1911. Omsk management of highway and waterways. She was headed by an engineer Vyacheslav Shishkov, who later became a famous writer. The expedition passed away from the epicenter of the explosion, although I found a huge tree of the forest in the area of \u200b\u200bLower Tunguska, whose origin of which was failed to tie with a drop of meteorite.

II. . That today is known .

The nature of the explosion. It has been established that at the site of the explosion of the Tungusian meteorite (70 km north-west of Van Avara), there is no noticeable crater, which inevitably appeared when the surface of the planet of the cosmic body.

This circumstance suggests that the Tungus cosmic body has not reached the earth's surface, and collapsed (exploded) at height, approximately 5-7km. The explosion was not instant, the Tungus cosmic body was moving in an atmosphere, intensively destroyed, for almost 18km.

It should be noted that the Tungusian meteorite "listed" into an unusual area-area of \u200b\u200bintensive ancient volcanism, and the epicenter of the explosion almost ideally coincides with the center of the crater-taper of a giant volcano that operated in the TRIAS period.

Energy explosion. Most of the disaster researchers estimate its energy in the range of 1023 -1024 ERG. It corresponds to the explosion of 500-2000 atomic bombs, discarded on Hiroshima, or explosion 10-40mt TNT. Part of this energy has become a light outbreak, and the rest spawned the bary and seismic phenomena.

The mass of the meteorite is estimated by various researchers from 100 thousand tons to 1 million. t. The last calculations closer to the first digit.

Picture made of forests. The shock wave destroyed the forest array on the square of 2150 km2. This area in shape resembles a "butterfly", weaving on the surface of the Earth, with the axis of symmetry, oriented in the directions to the West or South-West.

The structure of the forest was specific. In general, it is clarified by radius from the center, but in this picture of the central symmetry there is an axymmetric deviations.

Energy light outbreak. To understand the physics of the explosion, a fundamental nature is the question of which part of its energy falls on the light outbreak? As an object of research, in this case, the long overgrown belt "for resins" was performed on larchs, which were identified with the traces of a radiant burn. Taiga region, where these "for resins" are traced, occupy an area of \u200b\u200babout 250 km2. The contours resemble her ellipse, the large axis of which roughly coincides with the projection of the body flight path. The ellipsed region of the burn makes it think that the blade source had a drop shape stretched along the trajectory. The energy of the light outbreak, estimated, reached 1023 erg, i.e. was 10% of the energy of the explosion.

Forest litter flames from a powerful light outbreak. A fire broke out, distinguished from ordinary flattering fires by the fact that the forest caught fire at the same time on a large area. But the flame immediately was shot down by a shock wave. Then again there were foci of fire, which merged, at the same time it was not a standing forest, but the forest was shed. Moreover, the burning happened not at all, but separate foci.

Biological effects of the explosion. They are associated with significant changes in the heredity of plants (in particular, pines) in the area. The forest grew up there, Flora and Fauna resumed. However, the forest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe catastrophe is growing unusually quickly, and not only young, but also 200-300-year-old trees, accidentally survived after the explosion. The maximum of such changes coincides with the projection of the flight path of the Tungus cosmic body. It seems that the cause of accelerated increase is currently valid.

Parameters of the flight path. To clarify the physical processes that caused the explosion of the Tungus cosmic body, it is very important to know the direction of its flight, as well as the angle of inclination of the trajectory to the plane of the horizon and, of course, the speed. For all known until 1964. The materials of the Tungus cosmic body moved along the inclined trajectory almost from the south to the north (southern version). But after a careful study of the forest, another conclusion was made: the projection of the trajectory of the flight is directed from the east of the southeast to the west of North-West (oriental option). At the same time, directly before the explosion of the Tungus cosmic body was moved almost strictly from the east to the west (the azimut of the 90-950 trajectories).

Due to the fact that the discrepancy between the directions of the trajectory reaches 350, then it can be assumed: the direction of movement of the Tungusian meteorite during its flight has changed.

Most specialists tend to think that the angle of inclination of the Eastern trajectory to the horizon, as well as South, was relatively gentle and did not exceed the value of 10-200. Also called the values \u200b\u200bof 30-350 and 40-450. It is possible that the trajectory slope also changed in the process of movement of the Tungus cosmic body.

Various and statements about the flight speed of the Tungus Meteor; Units and tens of kilometers per second.

The substance of the Tungus Meteor. After establishing the fact of the explosion above the earth, the search for large fragments of the meteorite has lost its sharpness. The search for "finely fragmented substance" of the Tungusian meteorite began from 1958, but persistent attempts to find in the area of \u200b\u200bthe catastrophe, any scattered substance of the Tungus cosmic body was not crowned with success before our time.

The fact is that in the soils and peats of the disaster area, it was possible to identify up to five types of small particles of cosmic origin (including silicate and ironoponekel), but it is not yet possible to attribute them to the Tungus meteorite. They are most likely a traces of the background saving dust, which occur everywhere and constantly.

Here you need to take into account the fact that the presence in the area of \u200b\u200bthe catastrophe of a large number of ancient lava flows, clusters of volcanic ash, etc. Create an extremely non-uniform geochemical background, which, significantly complicates the search for a substance of the Tungusian meteorite.

Geomagnetic effect. A few minutes after the explosion, a magnetic storm began, which lasted for more than 4 hours. This is similar to geomagnetic perturbations, observed after the altitude explosions of nuclear devices.

The Tungusan explosion caused pronounced soil reclamation within a radius of about 30 km around the explosion center. For example, if outside the region of the explosion, the vector of magnetization is naturally oriented from the south to the north, then near the epicenter, it is practically lost. There is no significant explanation for such a "magnetic anomaly" today ...

III . Hypotheses, versions, assumptions.

Traces lead in the sun.

In the early 80s, employees of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR Candidates of Physico-Mathematical Sciences A. Dmitriev and V. Zhuravleov put forward a hypothesis that the Tungusian meteorite is a plasmoid that broke away from the Sun.

With mini-plasmoids - ball lightning - humanity is familiar for a long time, although their nature has not fully studied. But one of the latest news of science: the sun is a generator of colossal plasma formations with negligible density.

Indeed, modern cosmophysics makes it possible to consider our solar system whose stability "supports" is not

only the law of global gravity, but also energy, real and information interactions. In other words, there is a mechanism for information and energy interaction between different planets and the central luminaire.

One of the specific results of the interaction between the earth and the Sun can be the cosmic bodies of a new type, coronary transients, the model of which suggested Geophysic K. Ivanov.

Dmitriev and Zhuravlyov, as a working hypothesis, allow the possibility of formation in the space of so-called microtransiments, i.e. Plasma bodies of medium sizes (total hundreds of meters). Considered "microplasmoids", or "energyformers", i.e. We wore energy charges in the interplanetary outer space, the Earth's magnetosphere can be captured and drifted by gradients of its magnetic field. Moreover, they may seem to "be guided" to the area of \u200b\u200bmagnetic anomalies. It is incredible that the plasmoid can reach the surface of the Earth without exploding in its atmosphere. According to the assumption of Dmitriev and Zhuravleva, the Tungus Craolid belonged just to such plasma formation of the Sun.

One of the main contradictions of the Tungus problem is the discrepancy between the calculated meteorite trajectory based on eyewitness testimony, and the paintings of the forest drawn up by Tomsk scientists. Supporters of cometary hypothesis discard these facts and many eyewitness evidence. Unlike them, Dmitriev and Zhuravlev were investigated by "verbal" information, applying mathematical methods for the formalization of witnesses of events on June 30, 1908. More than a thousand different descriptions were laid into the computer. But the "collective portrait" of the cosmic aliens clearly failed. EUM divided all observers into two main camps: East and South, and it came out that the observers saw two different car - the time and direction and direction of flight.

The traditional meteorics will leave in front of the "split" of the Tungusian meteorite in time and space. So that two giant cosmic bodies follow the oncoming course and with an interval in a few hours?! But Dmitriev and Zhuravlyov do not see anything impossible in it, if we assume that it was plasmoid. It turns out that galactic plasmoids have a "habit" to exist in pairs. This quality is possibly characteristic and solar plasmoids.

It turns out that June 30, 1908. At least two "fiery objects" decreased over Eastern Siberia. Since the dense atmosphere of the Earth is hostile for them, then the "heavenly duo" of the aliens exploded ...

This is evidenced, in particular, another "sunny" hypothesis of the origin of the Tungusian meteorite, which was proposed by the Doctor of Mineralogical Sciences A. Dmitriev in our time (Komsomolskaya Pravda.-1990.-12 Yiyuna).

A sharp decline in ozone in the atmosphere has already been observed in the history of the Earth. So a group of scientists led by Academician K. Kondratyev published recent research results, judging by which from April 1908. There was a significant destruction of the ozone layer in the average latitudes of the northern hemisphere. This stratospheric anomaly, whose width was 800-1000km, gone all the globe. So it lasted until June 30, after which Ozone began to recover.

Do such a coincidence in the time of two planetary events? What is the nature of the mechanism that returned the earthly atmosphere to "equilibrium? Responding to these questions, Dmitriev believes that the Earth's threatening biosphere in 1908. A sharp decline of ozone reacted the sun. The powerful plasma cloth with ozone-generating ability was thrown by the luminaries in the direction of our planet. This cluttle became close to Earth in the East Siberian Anomalies area. According to Dmitriev, the sun will not allow ozone "starvation" on Earth. It turns out that the more energetically humanity will destroy ozone, the thicker will be the flow of gasplasma formations of the type of "energyformers" sent by the Sun. You do not need to be a prophet to imagine what a similar increasing process can lead to. The scenario of the development of events on our planet is not difficult, remembering the Tungus tragedy 1908 ...


The original hypothesis explaining some circumstances of the fall of the Tungusian meteorite, put forward the Leningrad scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor E. Jordanishvili.

It is known that the body invading into the earthly atmosphere, if its speed is tens of kilometers per second, "lights up" at the heights 100-130km. However, part of eyewitnesses of the Tungus cosmic body were among the middle of the hangary, i.e. At a distance of several hundred kilometers from the disaster site. Given the curvature of the earth's surface, they could not observe this phenomenon, if not allowing the Tungus meteorite at an altitude of at least 300-400km. How to explain this obvious incompatibility of physically and actually observed height of the sunbathing of the Tungus cosmic body? The author of the hypothesis tried his assumptions without leaving the framework of reality and not the contradiction of the laws of Newtonovoy mechanics.

Jordanishvili believed that at that memorable to many morning to Earth really approached the heavenly body, flying at a small angle to the surface of our planet. At altitudes 120-130 km it was fused, and his long tail was observed hundreds of people from Baikal to Van Avara. Touching the Earth, the Meteorite "Srikotil", jumped a few hundred kilometers upwards, and it made it possible to observe him and from the average course of the hangars. Then the Tungusian meteorite, describing the parabola and losing its cosmic speed, really fell to the ground, now forever ...

The hypothesis of the usual, well-known physics of the "Ricocht" physics, well-known from the school year, makes it possible to explain a number of circumstances: the appearance of a hot glowing body above the atmosphere border; No crater and substances of the Tungusian meteorite at the site of its "first" meeting with Earth; The phenomenon of "White Nights 1908", caused by the emission in the stratosphere of the earth in a collision with a Tunguski cosmic body, etc. In addition, the hypothesis of the cosmic "ricochet" sheds the light to another ambiguity - "figure" species (in the form of a "butterfly") of the forest.

Using the laws of mechanics, it is possible to calculate the azimuth of the future movement of the Tungusian meteorite, and the estimated place where the Tungus cosmic body is also located entirely or in fragments. Scientist gives such guidelines: Line from Van Avara's overhead to the mouth of the oak oak rivers (inflows of Yenisei); The place is the spots of the Yenisei ridge or on the expanses of the taiga in Meternrachier Yenisei and Irtysh ... I note that in the reports and publications of a number of expeditions of the 50-60s there are references to crater and forest outlets in the western bins of the Yenisei - Rus and Kati. These coordinates approximately coincide with the continuation of the direction of the trajectory, according to which the Tungus meteor is parted to Earth.

For example, one of the latest publications about the Tungus Meteor (see Komsomolskaya Pravda.-1992-February 6). It says that the Taiga Sprivor V.I. Voronov as a result of perennial searches found in 150 km southeast of the intended place of the explosion of the Tungusian meteorite ("Kulikovsky Vyal") another collapse of the forest with a diameter of up to 20km, which is supposed to be found in 1911. Expedition V. Shishkova. This last veiled may be associated with a tungssum meteorite, if you assume that in the process of the flight it collapsed into separate parts.

Moreover, in the fall of 1991. All the same restless crows discovered about 100km to the north-west of the "Kulikovsky gave" a huge funnel (a depth of 15-20m and a diameter of about 200m), dense thump. Some researchers believe that it can be exactly the place where he found his last refuge "Space Guest of 1908," (core or pieces) of the Tungusian meteorite.

Electrical explosion.

Here, the effect of the elegated explosion of large meteorite bodies is considered when flying into the atmosphere of the planets.

The case is that when, for example, a large-speed meteorite invades in the earth's atmosphere, how the calculations of Nevsky show, ultrahigh electric potentials are formed, and a giant electric "breakdown" occurs between them. In this case, in a short time, the kinetic energy of the meteorite goes into the electrical energy of the discharge, which leads to an explosion of the heavenly body. Such an electric discontinuity allows you to explain most of the most incomprehensible phenomena, accompanying the fall on the earth's surface of large space bodies, such as the Tungusian meteorite.

The considered hypothesis shows that there are three main sources of powerful shock waves. The explosive release of very high energy in the almost cylindrical volume of the "Fiery Pillars" gave rise to a very powerful cylindrical shock wave, its vertical front spread horizontally surfaces and the wave itself became the main culprit of the forest rustled on an extensive area. However, this shock wave, in which most of the discharge energy was distinguished, was not the only one. Two more shock waves were formed. The reason for one of them was an explosive crushing of the material of the cosmic body, and the other was an ordinary ballistic shock wave arising in the earth's atmosphere when flying any body with supersonic speed.

Such events confirms the stories of disaster witnesses about three independent explosions and the subsequent "artillery cannonade", due to the discharge through numerous channels. It must be said that the recognition of the fact of a multichannel electric discharge explosion explains many facts associated with the Tungusian meteorite, including the most incomprehensible and mysterious. Without going into details and subtleties of Nevsky's hypothesis, we will list only the most important of them:

The presence of individual discharge channels explains the existence of an extensive area with a chaotic forest branch;

The action of power forces of electrostatic attraction (is electrostatic levitation) explains the facts of lifting in the air of Yurt, trees, the upper layers of the soil, as well as the formation of large waves, which are against the flow in rivers;

The presence of a maximum concentration of breakfast channels may form a small crater, which subsequently became a swamp, which, as it turned out, did not exist before the explosion;

Consequence of spreading on the waterproofs of giant at the time of the discharge of currents heated water in the underground horizons, it is possible to explain the appearance of hot ("boiling") reservoirs and giant fountains-geysers;

Powerful pulse currents that have arisen with an electrical explosion of meteorite can create as powerful pulsed magnetic fields and re-magnetize the geological layers of the soil, which are 30-40 km from the epicenter of the explosion 30-40 km, which was found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion of the Tungus cosmic body;

The appearance of inexplicable so far is definitely "White Nights 1908" It can be explained by the electrical glow of the ionospheric layers of the atmosphere caused by their perturbation when flying and explosion of the cosmic body, etc.

The latter circumstance is partially confirmed by terrestrial observations on November 16, 1984, made during the return to the land of the American ship reusable "Discovery". Returning to the earth's atmosphere at a speed that almost 16 times the speed of sound was observed at an altitude of about 60 km in the form of a huge fiery ball with a wide tail, but most importantly caused a long glow of the upper layers of the atmosphere.

There are a number of "mysterious phenomena" described, for example, eyewitnesses of the fall of the Tungusian meteorite, as a "hissing whistle" or "noise, as from the wings of frightened birds,", etc. So, with regard to similar "sound effects", they always accompany short electrical discharges.

Thus, it can be noted that the physical processes accompanying the electrical explosion of the meteorite allow you to reproduce the picture of external manifestations of this effect and explain from scientific positions some circumstances of the fall of the largest meteorites, such as the Tungus meteorite.

8. Conclusion.

Earth, like other planets, regularly experiences collisions with cosmic bodies. Normally their size is small, no more grain, but for 4.6 billion years of evolution, tangible blows happened; Their traces are noticeable on the surface of the earth and other planets. On the one hand, it causes natural anxiety and the desire to foresee a possible catastrophe, and on the other - curiosity and thirst explore the substance that has fallen into Earth: who knows from which cosmic depths it arrived? Therefore, tirelessness and thirst for knowledge that makes people ask new and new questions about the world and persistently look for answers to them.


1. Rozhany I.D. Anaxagor. M: Science, 1972

2. Hetman V.S. Sun grandchildren. M: Science, 1989.

3. Flasher M. Dictionary of mineral species. M: "Peace", 1990, 204 p.

4. Simonenko A.N. Meteorites are fragments of asteroids. M: Science, 1979.

5. I. A. Klimin. Astronomy of our days. - M.: Science., 1976. - 453 p.

6. A. N. Tomilin. Earth sky. Essays on the history of astronomy / scientific editor and the author of the preface Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences K. F. Ogorodnikov. Fig. T. Obolenskaya and B. Starodubtseva. L., "Children. lit., 1974. - 334 s., Il.

7. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young astronomer / Sost. N. P. Yerpilev. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Pedagogy, 1986. - 336С., IL.


  • 1 Terminology
  • 2 The process of falling meteorites for land
  • 3 Classification of meteorites
    • 3.1 Classification in composition
    • 3.2 Classification by detection method
  • 4 Traces of extraterrestrial organic matter in meteorites
    • 4.1 Corner complex
    • 4.2 "Organized Elements"
  • 5 Large modern meteorites found in Russia
  • 6 Interesting Facts
  • 7 Separate meteorites
  • Notes


Meteorite Villamet

Goba is the largest meteorites found. Is also the biggest piece of iron of natural origin on earth

Meteorite - The body of cosmic origin, falling on the surface of a large celestial object.

Most of the meteorites found have weight from several grams to several kilograms. The largest meteorites found - Goba (whose weight, according to estimates, was about 60 tons). It is believed that 5-6 tons of meteorites fall on Earth, or 2 thousand tons per year.

The existence of meteorites was not recognized by the leading academicians of the XVIII century, and the hypothesis of extraterrestrial origin was considered false scientific. It is argued that the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1790 decided not to consider the deadlines for the fall of stones to Earth as a phenomenon impossible. In many museums, meteorites seized from collections to "do not make museums of the laugh."

The Russian Academy of Sciences is now a special committee, which manages the collection, study and storage of meteorites. The committee has a large meteorite collection.

Study of meteorites were engaged in academicians V. I. Vernadsky, A. E. Fersman, famous enthusiasts of research of meteorites P. L. Dravert, L. A. Kulik and many others.

1. Terminology

The cosmic body is called a meteoric body to enter the atmosphere of the Earth and is classified for astronomical features. For example, it can be cosmic dust, meteoroid, asteroid, their fragments, or other meteoric bodies.

The heavenly body, flying through the atmosphere of the Earth and leaving in it a bright glowing trail, regardless of whether it flies in the upper layers of the atmosphere and leaves back to the outer space, whether it burns in the atmosphere or falls to the ground, it may be called either a meteor or a bar. Meteors are considered to be the bodies not brighter than the 4th star magnitude, but by bollians - brighter than the 4th star magnitude, or the bodies that are distinguishable angular sizes.

The solid body of cosmic origin, falling on the surface of the Earth, is called a meteorite.

In place of falling a large meteorite, a crater (astroble) may form. One of the most famous crater in the world is Arizona. It is assumed that the greatest meteorite crater on Earth is Wilx Earth Crater (diameter of about 500 km).

Other names of meteorites: aerolites, siderolites, oranges, meteorolites, batiffs (Baituloi), celestial, air, atmospheric or meteoric stones, etc.

Similar to the fall of the meteorite phenomena on other planets and celestial bodies are usually called simply clashes between the celestial bodies.

2. The process of falling meteorites for land

The meteoric body enters the atmosphere of land at a speed of 11 to 72 km / s. At such a speed, his heating and glow begins. Due to ablation (burning and blowing the incidence of particles of the meteor body of the meteor body), the mass of the body that flowed to the surface may be less, and in some cases significantly less than its mass at the inlet into the atmosphere. For example, a small body that entered the Earth's atmosphere at 25 km / s and more, burns almost without residue. With this speed of entering the atmosphere of dozens and hundreds of tons of initial mass to the surface, only a few kilograms or even grams of substance are happening. Traces of combustion of the meteor body in the atmosphere can be found throughout the almost entire trajectory of its fall.

If the meteoric body has burned down in the atmosphere, then as it is braked, it loses the horizontal component of the speed. This leads to a change in the trajectory of the fall from, often, almost horizontal at the beginning to, almost vertical, at the end. As they brake, the glow of the meteor body falls, it cools off (often indicate that the meteorite in the fall was warm, not hot).

In addition, the destruction of a meteor body into fragments can occur, which leads to the loss of meteorite rain.

"Right" round (not elongated) traces from meteorites are explained by explosive processes accompanying its drop at high speed.

3. Classification of meteorites

3.1. Classification in composition

  • stone
    • chondriti.
      • cultural Chondriti
      • ordinary chondrites
      • enstatite chondrites
    • ahondriti
  • iron-stone
    • palacits
    • mesosideritis
  • iron

Most often there are stone meteorites (92.8% of falls). They consist mainly of silicates: olivines (Fe, Mg) 2SiO4 (from FE2SIO4 failet to MG2SiO4 Forterite) and Pyroxen (Fe, Mg) SiO3 (from Fesio3 ferrosilita to enstate MgSiO3).

The overwhelming majority of stone meteorites (92.3% of stone, 85.7% of the total number of falls) - Chondriti. Chondrites are called, since they contain chondra - spherical or elliptic formations of predominantly silicate composition. Most Hondron has a size no more than 1 mm in diameter, but some can reach several millimeters. Chondra is in a chip or fine-crystalline matrix, and often the matrix differs from Hondr not so much in composition, as in the crystalline structure. The composition of chondrites almost completely repeats the chemical composition of the Sun, with the exception of light gases, such as hydrogen and helium. Therefore, it is believed that chondrites were formed directly from the protoplanetic cloud surrounding the sun, by condensation of the substance and accretion of dust with intermediate heating.

Ahondriti make up 7.3% of stone meteorites. These are fragments of protoplanetic (and planetary?) Bodies, melting and differentiation in composition (on metals and silicates).

Iron meteorites consist of iron-nickel alloy. They make up 5.7% of drops.

Iron-silicate meteorites have an intermediate composition between stone and iron meteorites. They are relatively rare (1.5% drops).

Acondrites, iron and iron-silicate meteorites refer to differentiated meteorites. They presumably consist of a substance that has passed the differentiation in the composition of asteroids or other planetary bodies. It used to be that all differentiated meteorites were formed as a result of a gap of one or more large bodies, such as the planet of the phaseth. However, the analysis of the composition of different meteorites showed that with a greater probability they were formed from fragments of many major asteroids.

Previously allocated tektitis, pieces of siliceous glass of shock origin. But later it turned out that the tektyites are formed when the meteorite strikes the mining rock rich in silica.

3.2. Classification by detection method

  • falls (when the meteorite is found after observing its fall in the atmosphere);
  • finds (when the meteoric origin of the material is determined only by analysis);

4. Footprints of extraterrestrial organics in meteorites

4.1. Corner complex

Carbon-containing (coalal) meteorites have one important feature - the presence of a thin glassy bark formed, apparently, under the influence of high temperatures. This bark is a good heat insulator, so that minerals that do not carry out strong heating are preserved inside the coaliest meteorites - for example, gypsum. Thus, it became possible in the study of the chemical nature of such meteorites to detect substances in their composition, which in modern earthly conditions are organic compounds having a biogenic nature:

  • Saturated hydrocarbons
      • Isoprenoids
      • n-alkana
      • Cycloalkanes
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons
      • Naphthalene
      • Alkibenzenes.
      • Acesentes
      • Piens
  • Carboxylic acids
      • Fatty acid
      • Benzolcarboxylic acids
      • Oxybenzoic acids
  • Nitrogenous connections
      • Pyrimidines
      • Purina
      • Guanilmoevina
      • Triazines
      • Porphyrins

The presence of such substances does not allow to unambiguously declare the existence of life outside the Earth, since theoretically, under the observance of certain conditions, they could be synthesized and abiogeneously.

On the other hand, if substances detected in meteorites and are not life products, they can be product products - such that there was no time on Earth.

4.2. "Organized Elements"

In the study of stone meteorites, the so-called "organized elements" is detected - microscopic (5-50 μm) "single-cell" education, often having explicitly pronounced double walls, pores, spikes, etc.

To date, it is not an indisputable fact that these fossils belong to the remains of any forms of extraterrestrial life. But, on the other hand, these formations have such a high degree of organization that is customary to communicate with life.

In addition, such forms are not found on Earth.

A feature of "organized elements" is also their numerous: per 1g. The aggregate meteorite substances account for about 1800 "organized elements".

5. Large modern meteorites found in Russia

  • The Tungusian phenomenon (at the moment it is unclear exactly the meteoric origin of the Tungusian phenomenon. For details, see the article by the Tungusian meteorite). Fallen on June 30, 1908 in the River Basin River Tunguska in Siberia. The total energy is estimated at 15.40 Megaton Ttrotil Equivalent.
  • Tsarevsky meteorite (meteor rain). Fallen on December 6, 1922 near the village of Tsarev Volgograd region. This is a stone meteorite. The total mass of the collected fragments of 1.6 tons on an area of \u200b\u200babout 15 square meters. km. The weight of the largest fallen fragment was 284 kg.
  • Sikhote-Alin meteorite (the total mass of fragments of 30 tons, energy is estimated at 20 kiloton). It was an iron meteorite. Fell in the Ussuri taiga on February 12, 1947
  • Vitim's car. Fell in the area of \u200b\u200bMom and the Vitimsky Mama-Chui district of the Irkutsk region on the night of September 24-25, 2002. The event had a large public resonance, although the total energy of the meteorite explosion, apparently, is relatively small (200 tons of trotyl equivalent, with an initial energy of 2.3 kilotons), the maximum initial mass (before combustion in the atmosphere) 160 tons, and the final mass of the order fragments Multiple hundred kilograms.

Finding meteorite is a rather rare phenomenon. The meteoric laboratory reports: "Only 125 meteorites have been found in the territory of the Russian Federation for 250 years."

6. Interesting facts

The only documented case of a meteorite in a person occurred on November 30, 1954 in Alabama. The meteorite weighing about 4 kg broke through the roof of the house and the ricochet hit Anna Elizabeth Hodges by hand and thigh. Woman received bruises.

In 1875, the meteorite fell in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Chad (Central Africa) and reached, according to aboriginal stories, 10 meters in diameter. After the information about him reached the Royal Astronomical Society of Great Britain, an expedition was sent to him (after 15 years). Upon arrival, it turned out that he was destroyed by elephants, chosen him in order to sharpen the beer. The funnel destroyed rare, but abundant rains.

7. Separate meteorites

  • Olone
  • Alfianello.
  • Allende
  • Anthony.
  • Arapahoe.
  • Arcadia.
  • Armel
  • Ashmore.
  • Bansur.
  • Barratta.
  • Beaver
  • Beeler.
  • Bencubbin.
  • Bledsoe
  • BondoC.
  • Boxhole.
  • Breitscheid
  • Buenaventura.
  • Calliham.
  • Channing
  • Chainpur.
  • Chico.

The meteor is called dust particles or fragments of cosmic bodies (comet or asteroids), which, at the entrance to the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, burn, leaving behind the strip of light, which we observe. Popular Meteor name is a falling star.

Earth, all the time is subjected to constant bombing of objects from space. They differ in size, from stones weighing several kilograms, to microscopic particles that weighing less than a million dollars of gram. According to some specialists, the Earth has been capturing more than 200 million kg of various meteoric substances during the year. And on a day about one million meteors flashes. Only a tenth of their mass reaches the surface in the form of meteorites and micrometeorites. The rest burns in the atmosphere, generating meteoric traces.

The meteoric substance is usually included in the atmosphere at a speed of about 15 km / s. Although, depending on the direction in relation to the movement of the Earth, the speed can vary from 11 to 73km / s. Medium particles, heating from friction evaporate, giving an outbreak of visible light at an altitude of about 120km. Leaving a short-term trail of ionized gas and goes to height of about 70km. The greater the mass of the meteor body, the brighter it flashes. These traces remained 1015 minutes can reflect radar signals. Therefore, to detect meteors that are too weak for visual observation (as well as meteors that appear in daylight) use radar methods.

Nobody watched this meteorite when falling. Its cosmic nature is established on the basis of the study of the substance. Such meteorites are called findings, and they constitute about half the global collection of meteorites. Another half of the fall, fresh meteorites raised shortly after they fell to the ground. These include meteorite Pikskill, from which our story began about cosmic aliens. Falls have great interest to specialists than findings: some astronomical information can be collected about them, and their substance is not changed by terrestrial factors.

Meteorites are taken to give names on the geographical names of places adjacent to the fall or finding site. Most often it is the name of the nearest settlement (for example, Pikskill), but outstanding meteorites are assigned more general names. The two largest drops of XXV. There were in Russia: Tunguskaya and Sikhote-Alinsky.

Meteorites are divided into three large classes: iron, stone and iron-stone. Iron meteorites consist mainly of nickel gland. In the earth's rocks, the natural alloy of iron with nickel is not found, so the presence of nickel in the slices of iron indicates its cosmic (or industrial!) Origin.

The inclusions of the nickel gland is in most stone meteorites, so cosmic stones are usually heavier than the earth. Their main minerals of silicates (olivine and pyroxen). A characteristic feature of the main type of chondritet stone meteorites is the presence of rounded Hondr formations within them. Chondritis consists of the same substance as the rest of the meteorite, but stand out on its cut in the form of separate grains. Their origin is not quite clear.

The third class of iron meteorites are pieces of nickel gland with inclusions of grains of stony materials.

In general, meteorites consist of the same elements as the earth rocks, but combinations of these elements, i.e. Minerals, maybe that they do not meet on Earth. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of bodies that have generated meteorites.

Among falls are prevailing stony meteorites. So, such pieces flies more in space. As for findings, iron meteorites are dominated here: they are stronger, better persist on earthly conditions, sharply stand out against the background of earth rocks.

Meteorites are fragments of small planets asteroids, which inhabit the main zone between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are many, they face, crush, change each other orbits, so some fragments at their movement sometimes cross the Earth orbit. These fragments give meteorites.

It is very difficult to organize instrumental observations of the meteorites of meteorites, with a satisfactory accuracy to calculate their orbits, it is very difficult: the phenomenon itself is very rare and unpredictable. In several cases it was possible to do, and all orbits were typically asteroid.

The interest of astronomers to meteorites was summoned primarily in the fact that for a long time they remained the only samples of extraterrestrial substance. But today, when the substance of other planets and their satellites becomes an accessible laboratory study, meteorites have not lost their meaning. The substance constituting large bodies of the solar system has been subjected to a long transformation: it melted, was divided into fractions, again frozen, forming minerals that have nothing to do with that substance from which everything was formed. Meteorites are fragments of small bodies that have not passed such a difficult story. One of the types of meteorites, the carnal chondrites are generally a loss in the primary substance of the solar system. Studying him, experts learn from which large bodies of the solar system were formed, including our planet Earth.

Meteor flow

The main part of the meteor in the solar system, draws around the Sun in certain orbits. Characteristics of orbits Meteorous Ries can be calculated by observations of meteor traces. Using this method, it was shown that many meteoric swarms have the same orbits as comets known to us. These particles can be distributed throughout orbit or concentrated in separate clusters. In particular, the young meteorful swarm can stay with concentrated near the parent comet. When when driving in orbit, the earth crosses such a swarm, in the sky we have a meteor flow. The effect of perspective, generates the optical illusion that meteors that actually move through parallel trajectories seem to be outgoing from one point in the sky, which is customary to be called radiant. This illusion is the effect of perspective. In fact, these meteors are generated by particles of the substance included in the upper layers of the atmosphere on parallel trajectories. This is a great set of meteors, are observed over a limited period of time (usually several hours or days). Many annual flows are known. Although only some of them generate meteor rains. With a particularly dense roam of particles, the Earth faces very rarely. And then an exceptionally strong stream with dozens or hundred meteors can arise every minute. Usually a good regular stream gives about 50 meteors per hour.

In addition to the set of regular meteorous flows, sporadic meteors are observed during the year. They can come from any direction.


This is a particle of a meteorite substance that is so small that he loses its energy even before she could ignite in the atmosphere of the Earth. Micrometeorites fall on the ground as the rain of the smallest dust particles. The amount of substance annually falling to the Earth in this form is estimated at 4 million kg. The particle size is usually less than 120 microns. Such particles can be assembled during cosmic experiments, and iron particles due to their magnetic properties can be detected on the surface of the Earth.

The origin of meteorites

The rarity and unpredictability of the appearance of the meteorite substance on Earth causes problems when collecting it. Until now, meteorite collections are enriched primarily due to samples collected by random eyewitnesses or simply inquisitive people who focused on strange pieces of matter. As a rule, meteorites are mounted outside, and their surface often carries a kind of frozen rippled rimaglip. Only in places of falling abundant meteor rains, targeted sample search brings the result. True, the places of natural concentration of meteorites have recently been found, the most significant of them in Antarctica.

If there is information about a very bright chamber, which could end with the launcher of the meteorite, you should try to collect observations of this car with random eyewitnesses to the possibility of greater square. It is necessary that eyewitnesses from the place of observation show the path of the car in the sky. It is desirable to measure the horizontal coordinates (azimuth and height) of any points of this path (beginning and end). At the same time, the simplest devices are used: a compass and an ellimeter tool for measuring the angular height (this is essentially the shipping with the plumb attacked in its zero point). When such measurements are made in several points, it is possible to build an atmospheric trajectory of the car, and then search a meteorite near the projection on the land of its lower end.

Collecting information about fallen meteorites and the search for their samples are fascinating tasks for astronomy lovers, but the very formulation of such tasks is largely related to some luck, success, which is important not to miss. But the observations of meteorites can be carried out systematically and bring tangible scientific results. Of course, professional astronomers armed with modern equipment are engaged in such work. For example, at their disposal there are radar, with which meteors can be observed even during the day. Yet properly organized amateur observations, which, besides, do not require complex technical means, still play a role in meteorite astronomy.

Meteorites: Falls and Finds

It must be said that the scientific world is up to the end of the XVIIIV. It treated skeptically to the very possibility of falling from the sky of stones and pieces of iron. Messages about such facts were considered by scientists as manifestations of superstitions, because then no celestial bodies were not yet known, the fragments of which

On November 30, 1954, the meteorite struck the roof of the American House of Ann Hodgezi and his bruises in the shoulder and the thigh. The health of the female fears did not cause, but she spent several days in the hospital. Today Ann is the only person in whom the meteorite landed, although every day there is about 4 billion of these celestial bodies.

Fukhan meteorite - the most beautiful meteorite that fell on the ground

In the entire history of observations, scientists counted 24 thousand fallen meteorites, 34 of which, according to astronomers, Martian origin. Astronomers calculated: the likelihood that the meteorite will fall into a person - 1 chance for 180 years. © ©
The longest meteorite rain lasted 10 hours

On the night of November 13, 1833 in the east of the United States, the Material Rain was held in the history of the planet, which lasted for 10 hours. Meteoric rain occurred during the most powerful meteorite flow, which today is called Leonida. In total, about 240 thousand meteorites of various sizes dropped to Earth. It is possible to observe this phenomenon annually in mid-November, of course, in a more modest scale.

2. Leonida stream (photo from a space telescope)

Mothers of 80 thousand years falling on the ground

The biggest meteorite fell to Earth still in prehistoric time. It was found in 1920 in Namibia on Hoba West Farm, located near the city of Hrutfontein, a farmer Jacobus. The meteorite Gob was excavated and left on the spot where they found. The weight of this iron giant is 66 tons with a volume of 9 oscham. And dimensions 2.7 by 2.7 meters. Today, the Goba meteorite is the largest piece of iron of natural origin. True, since the meteorite found, he "lost" by 6 tons, and all because of erosion and vandalism.

3. Meteorite Goba - the largest meteorite (Namibia)

The most poisonous meteorite fell into Peru

The meteorite, who fell on September 15, 2007, at Lake Titicaca in Peru, made a lot of noise. Eyewitnesses first heard the noise resembling the sound of the incident aircraft, and then they saw the fire body embraced by fire. At the site of the meteorite fall, a crater was formed with a depth of 6 meters and a diameter of 30 meters, and from the crater began to beat the fountain of boiling water. Apparently, the meteorite contained some poisonous substances, since 1,5 thousand local residents had seriously conceived, and severe headaches began.

4. Fall of the Peruvian Meteorite

Chelyabinsk Car: the most powerful explosion of the cosmic body since the time of the Tungusian meteorite

On February 15, 2013, a meteorite exploded over Chelyabinsk, the energy of which scientists are estimated at 500 kilotons in Troatil equivalent, which is more than 100 times more Meteorite Sutters Mill, exploding in 2012 in the United States. The diameter of the meteorite until the explosion was, according to scientists, 18-20 meters, and the weight of 13 thousand tons. The largest fragment of the celestial body weighing 600 kg managed to raise from the bottom of Lake Chebarkul.

5. Place of falling one of the debris of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Lake Chebarkul

Scientists suggest that the Chelyabinsk meteorite is part of a larger asteroid, from which he separated 1.2 million years ago.

The scale of damage is impressive. Only in Chelyabinsk were knocked out a glass of 4.1 thousand houses, and 1.2 thousand people turned to medical care. Suspended ceilings collapsed in nearby villages, the window frames were extruded, cracks appeared in the walls, the power supply was stopped, the gas supply and mobile communications were stopped.

6. Chelyabinsk after a meteorite explosion

The diameter of the largest meteorite crater is about 300 km

Impact crater harmport in Johannesburg (South Africa) with a diameter of about 300 km is considered today the largest crater formed from the fall of meteorite. It takes 6% South Africa. His age is estimated at 1.9 billion years. Currently, 3 cities and lake are located in the center of the crater.

7. Crater harmport - the largest trail of the meteorite on earth

The largest meteoric crater in Russia is located on the shore of Baydarats Guba on the Ugra Peninsula Karakar Krater, the diameter of which is 120 km.

The largest collection of meteorites is in Russia

The largest collection of meteorites is located in the Mountain Museum of St. Petersburg - 300 celestial bodies. The largest of the exhibited samples is a 450-kilogram meteorite. To be accurate, then this is part of a giant Sikhote-Aligna meteorite, which on February 12, 1947 crumbled on parts over the Ussuri Taiga.

8. Collection of meteorites in St. Petersburg

Decree on the "search for celestial bodies" issued in his time Empress Ekaterina II. The first exhibit was the meteorite "Pallasovo Iron", which was discovered by Academician P.S. Palls in the village of Medvedkovo of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in one of the great Siberian expeditions. It is known that this meteorite found in 1749 Kuznets Yakov Medvedev, who used his pieces for the manufacture of various products. Balb, weighing 687 kg, after 10 years reached Siberia to St. Petersburg. Later, the meteorite was saw into 2 parts, which are exhibited today in the museum.

The owner of the world's largest private collection of meteorites is Robert Haag from the United States. Heavenly stones he collected from 12 years old. Today in his collection 2 tons of meteorites.

The most expensive meteorite went with a hammer for 330 thousand dollars

Today, meteorites can be bought in the United States at various auctions, as well as via the Internet. The cost of 1 gram varies in the range from $ 1 to $ 1000. At the same time, Martian meteorites at collectors are valued much more expensive.

Today, collecting meteorites has become fashionable and profitable, experts of the largest auction houses. Interest in meteorites was heated in 1996, when NASA specialists reported that in Meteorite Hellen Hills 84001, 4.5 billion years found in Antarctica, found the remains of microorganisms that have once dwell on Mars.

The most expensive meteorite sold from the auction today is a fragment of the Dar Al Ghanage 1058 meteorite, sold in the United States for $ 330 thousand. The weight of this space guest is 2 kg, and its distinctive feature is a flat form. A meteorite was discovered in Libya in 1998. Dar Al Ghani 1058 became not only the most expensive meteorite, but also the biggest one who ever left the hammer.

9. Dar Al Ghani 1058

Shard of the Meteorite "Seymchan", which was found in the 1960s in Siberia, sold for $ 44 thousand, which was 12 times higher than the initial value of the lot.

For $ 1.3 thousand sold meteorite, which in 1972 fell on a cow.

Egyptian pharaohs worn decorations from meteorites

Scientists who are engaged in the study of ancient Egypt, proved that the decorations of the pharaohs of this period have extraterrestrial origin. Recently, the city of Al-Girza found 9 boides from the metal, which took to the Georgian culture (IV century BC). British scientists investigated decorations with tomograph and stated: Iron decorations were made of meteorite. These conclusions came to such conclusions, since up to 30% of nickel were found in decorations, and their age is more than 5 thousand years. Interestingly, the first data on the receipt of iron in this region is dated only by the VII century. BC. For metal, it is characterized by a species -ettetten structure - the so-called drawing of large crystals, which appear inside the meteorite during slow cooling.

10. Fragments of ancient Egyptian decorations from meteorite

Around the Buddhist Artifact from Ching Meteorite Bush Spore

In 2009, a 10-kilogram sculpture "Iron Man" was sold at one of the auctions - the sculption of the Buddhist god Vaishravan, belonging to the Dobdi tradition of Bon XII century. For the first time, the statue found in 1938 Nazi expedition, whose head was Ernst Schaefer. Before selling at the auction, the artifact was kept in a private collection. The results of geochemical analyzes have shown that the statue is cut from ataxite - a very rare class of meteorites, which is characterized by a high content of nickel. At the auction, it was argued that the ancient statue was drawn from the part of the ching meteorite, which fell about 15 thousand years ago somewhere between Mongolia and Siberia.

11. Iron Man from Ching Meteorite

Doubts about the origin of the sculpture expressed a specialist in Buddhism from Germany Akhim Bayer. Not denying the extraterrestrial origin of the material, the scientist claims that the "iron man" is a fake of the XX century, and not an ancient artifact. Bayer points to typical "pseudotibetic features" of sculptures: the object "dressed" is not in the boots, but in the European halter, it is not traditional Buddhist vestment, but trousers, a big beard, which has never been in Tibetan and Mongolian sacred sculptures, and a headdress And it looks like a Roman helmet at all.

Bayer suspects that the sculpture was made in Europe in the period from 1910 to 1970, especially for sale at the auction of antiquities, and the History of the Schefer's expedition was invented by the Seller to raise the price.

The meteorite pressed the Pope on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian sculptor

Italian Maurizio Cattelo, which is called a provocateur in art, used the image of a meteorite to demonstrate deconstruction of such binary oppositions as an eternal-momentary, Divine-human, sacred-strain, nature-civilization. He embodied his idea in the sculpture of the "Ninth Hour", which was sold at Christie's auction for $ 886 thousand.

12. An hour is ninth. Maurizio Cattelo

Sculpture depicts John Paul II, which a meteorite pressed. Katteman assures that he did not want anyone to say, but only reminded that "that any power has a shelf life, like milk."

Now we read about the most beautiful meteorite, falling on the ground that the Fukhan meteorite is considered.

Meteorite Fukhan - a precious space gift weighing 1000 kg!

The recent fall of the meteorite in Chelyabinsk was another reminder to humanity, which to talk about the safety of our planet is too early. About this Space "Guest" said everything, from Mala to Great.

13. Meteorite Fukhan - a gem of space

Along the way, other space objects that flew to Earth were remembered. One of the most unusual - Fukhan meteorite, a real precious gift of the universe.

14. As part of the Fukhan meteorite - iron-nickel base and large spraces of olivine

The age of a miracle meteorite is 4.5 billion years old, he is the peer of our planet. Fukhan was found near the city of Fukang (North-West China), in honor of which was named. The meteorite of amazing beauty consists of 50% of the iron and nickel base and 50% of Olivina, which is sometimes called a cosmic gem. Olivine (his second name chrysolitis) is found on Earth, but there will be no such large crystals in nature.

15. Unusual Fukhan meteorite was found in China

An amazing meteorite was discovered by an American tourist, which often stopped dinner on a huge rock. Over time, seeing the crystal structure of the breed, he became interested in its origin and, having received several fragments with a hammer and chisel, sent them to examination in the United States. The Americans confirmed that an unexpected find turned out to be a meteorite.

16. The Fukhan meteorite was divided into parts and produced cut

In total, the cosmic block weighed more than a thousand kilograms, but insatiable tourists immediately wanted to "break down" a piece, so the weight of a space "gift" began to melt steadily. It was decided to divide the meteorite for hundreds of small parts that were exhibited at auctions around the world.

17. Fukhan meteorite exhibited for sale at auction for $ 2 million

In 2008, the meteorite fragment weighing 420 kg (!) Marvin Killor, one of the employees of the southwestern laboratory of the Arizonian University of Meteorites, decided to expose to the New York auction. The starting price of the "precious" stone was $ 2 million, but that day, unfortunately, buyers were not impressed by the lot. The gigantic fragment of the meteorite was divided into several parts, their cut was made. Today, one of the parts (weighing in 31 kg) is transferred to the American Museum of Natural History (American Museum of Natural History).

18. Fukang meteorite - one of the greatest finds of the century

Meteorites are the oldest of famous minerals (4.5 billion years), therefore, they must be preserved traces of processes accompanying the formation of the planets. While the samples of the lunar soil were not delivered to the Earth, meteorites remained the only samples of the extraterrestrial substance. Geologists, chemists, physics and metallurgists are collecting and studying meteorites for more than 200 years. From these studies, there was a science of meteorites. Although the first messages about the fall of meteorites have long appeared, scientists belonged to them very skeptical. A variety of facts forced them in the end, believe in the existence of meteorites. In 1800-1803, several well-known European chemists reported that the chemical composition of "meteor stones" from different places of the fall is similar, but differs from the composition of earthly rocks. Finally, when in 1803 in Egle (France), a terrible "Stone Rain" broke out, who suiced the land by fragments and witnessed by many excited eyewitnesses, the French Academy of Sciences was forced to agree that these were really "stones from the sky." It is now believed that meteorites are fragments of asteroids and comets.

Meteorites are divided into "fallen" and "found". If a person saw a meteorite fell through the atmosphere and then really discovered it on Earth (a rare event), then such a meteorite is called "fallen". If he was found randomly and identified, which is typically for iron meteorites, it is called "found". Meteorites give names by names where they were found. In some cases, not one, but a few fragments. For example, after a meteor rain 1912 in Holbruck (pieces of Arizona) more than 20 thousand fragments were collected.

Fall of meteorites.

As long as the meteorite has reached the Earth, it is called a meteoroid. Meteoroids flies into the atmosphere with speeds from 11 to 30 km / s. At an altitude of about 100 km due to friction about the air, the meteoroid begins to heat up; Its surface is split, and a layer of a few millimeters is melted and evaporates. At this time it can be seen as a bright meteor ( cm. METEOR). The molten and evaporated substance is continuously demolished by the pressure of air - this is called ablation. Sometimes under the pressure of the air, the meteor is crushed into a variety of fragments. Passing through the atmosphere, it loses from 10 to 90% of the initial mass. Nevertheless, the internal part of the meteor usually remains cold, because it does not have time to warm up for those 10 s, which lasts fall. Overcoming air resistance, small meteorites at the moment of impact of the Earth significantly reduce the flight speed and deepen into the ground usually not more than a meter, and sometimes they just remain on the surface. Large meteorites are inhibited slightly and when hitting an explosion to form a crater, such as in Arizona or on the moon. The largest found meteorites found an Iron meteorite Goba (South Africa), whose weight is estimated at 60 tons. He was never shifted from the place where they found.

Every year several meteorites are selected immediately after their observed fall. In addition, old meteorites are increasingly discovered. In two places in the east pcs. New Mexico, where the wind constantly blows the soil, 90 meteorites were found. On the surface of evaporating glaciers in Antarctica, hundreds of meteorites were discovered. Recently fallen meteorites are covered with a glacited crust, which is darker inner. Meteorites are of great scientific interest; In most large natural-scientific museums and in many universities there are specialists in meteorites.

Types of meteorites.

Meteorites are found from various substances. Some mainly consist of iron and nickel alloy containing up to 40% nickel. Among the fallen meteorites are only 5.7% of iron, but in the collections their share is much greater, since they are slower to destroy the influence of water and wind, besides, they are easier to detect in appearance. If you polish the slice of an iron meteorite and move slightly with acid, then it is often a crystalline pattern from intersecting bands formed by alloys with different nickel content on it. This drawing is called "Vidamanstetten Figures" in honor of A.vidmanshtetten (1754-1849), the first observed them in 1808.

Stone meteorites are divided into two large groups: chondrites and ahondrites. Chondrites are most often found, making up 84.8% of all fallen meteorites. They contain rounded grains of millimeter size - chondra; Some of the meteorites are almost entirely consisting of Hondr. In earthly breeds, the chondra was not found, but the size of the vitreous grains were found in the lunar soil. Chemists carefully studied them, since the chemical composition of Hondr probably represents the primary substance of the solar system. This standard composition is called "cosmic abundance of elements." In chondrites of a certain type containing up to 3% of carbon and 20% of water, stiguously searched for signs of biological substance, but none in these, nor in other meteorites did not find any signs of living organisms. Ahondrita is deprived of Honder and look like a lunar breed.

Parent bodies meteorites.

The study of mineralogical, chemical and isotopic composition of meteorites showed that they are fragments of larger solar system objects. The maximum radius of these parent bodies is estimated at 200 km. Approximately this size has the largest asteroids. The assessment is based on the cooling rate of the iron meteorite, in which two alloy with nickel forming the species of the shapes are obtained. Stone meteorites were probably knocked out from the surface of small planets, devoid of atmosphere and crates covered as the moon. Space radiation destroyed the surface of these meteorites as well as lunar stones. However, the chemical composition of meteorites and lunar samples is so different that it is completely obvious - meteorites arrived not from the moon. Scientists were able to photograph two meteorites in the process of falling and calculating their orbit's photographs: it turned out that these bodies came from the belt asteroids. Probably asteroids serve as the main sources of meteorites, although some of them can be particles of evaporated comets.