Guy Julius Orlovsky - Her Highness. Guy Orlovsky: Her Highness Orlovsky eugene her highness read

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Guy Julius Orlovsky
Her Highness

© Orlovsky G. Yu., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

* * *

The most dangerous enemy is the absence of enemies.


Part one

Chapter 1

Ronner Dorrigan, the foreman of the capital's carpenters, proved himself to be such a good worker and skillful manager that on the third day after their arrival in the bay, I appointed him manager of the shipyard.

A good career, but, on the other hand, in all of Drontaria there is no person who knows how to build ships. After that great defeat and destruction of the fleet and all ports, some retrained, others died out, others went to work in Pixia and Garn...

After our victorious return, I gave everyone an unlimited vacation for the whole day, all those who returned had something to tell, show and boast about, and I myself and Fitzroy walked along the slipways with the skeletons of laid-down ships.

Dorrigan hurriedly ran down the stairs from the unfinished side of the caravel, looked happy, and when he spoke, he almost squealed with bursting happiness:

– Glerd Eugene, during your absence we prepared another ship! At least on the water today.

“Great,” I approved. – Today is a rest, let those who returned from the test trip talk about our bravery, this will inspire optimism and increase efficiency per unit of labor, and tomorrow morning you will be sober again and in general!..

He said readily:

- Yes, Glerd Eugene. Everything will be done, glerd Eugene!

– Yes, still very important! There are no decorations on the ships!.. When you meet them at sea, let everyone see: people are working! Merchants are merchants, soldiers are soldiers, and not... Our people are serious, no floating messes at sea!.. Only then will they truly be afraid.

“And respect,” Fitzroy interjected.

“And respect,” I agreed. -You're right, glerd. Let them see from afar that serious people are walking along the sea. They're marching. If you please! And when a ship is decorated and even has intricate carvings on its sides, these are some rich loafers sailing! No and no. It doesn’t matter that we are bunnies, we should look angry and gloomy. So that they respect and do not get in the way. And the ships should look angry and gloomy. Although they remain bunnies.

He sighed:

- Yes, glerd. It will be done, glerd. Although I don’t understand anything about evil bunnies, it’s better to follow your instructions quickly and accurately. And without anything there. Yes and here.

“You are a good shipyard manager,” I said approvingly. “And it’s even remarkable that ships weren’t built before.” The old shipbuilders have blinders and prejudices, but I need those who are not blinkered!.. Without the burden of outdated techniques. Act accordingly! And everything will work out. I’ll be gone for a while, and when I get back, we’ll start something like this...

Fitzroy walked alongside, dressed in a special way: you don’t look like wearing a hat with a feather at sea, but when dividing up the spoils, he tried on a lot of clothes from captured and robbed ships, chose for himself a certain black outfit that combines elegance and rigor of design, where thick gold threads go only along the collar , cuffs and appliques on the left and right sides of the chest, which makes him look like some kind of mysterious prince from a mysterious country.

- How do I look? – he asked and, without waiting for an answer, asked: “Why are you giving orders as if you were going to run away for a long time?”

“Not for long,” I said, “but it’s time to help the cause of resistance in a fair fight against the aggressor!” It’s not a good idea to impose sanctions on him... In the end, if Antrias captures Drontaria, our fleet will bark too.

- Will he bark?

“It will be covered,” I explained, “with a copper basin.”

He shook his head.

- What rude people in your kingdom! What words are spoken? I think they will manage without us. The King of Drontaria has already been warned, we have done everything that was required...

“You know that,” I reminded, “and not the Queen of the Lower Valleys.” – Still, no matter how confident you are in me, you need to report King Astringer’s readiness to work in a coalition and with faith in a joint fight against the aggressor on our own territory, since the doctrine of foreign policy does not allow for preventive strikes abroad.

“Beyond,” he asked, “what?”

“Beyond,” I repeated in a significant tone. - This is important - beyond. And it gives undeniable advantages!.. As soon as someone goes beyond the existing framework, be it knowledge, customs, prejudices, I’m talking about scientists, or the limits of morality, conscience, honor, these are all the others, then he immediately automatically gains an advantage over ignorant, cowardly, conscientious, honest, decent, noble, worthy, faithful and devoted...

He frowned and muttered, looking from under his forehead almost with hostility:

– I don’t understand you, Eugene... Whose side are you on?

“As a democrat and a humanist,” I answered with dignity, “I am always on my side.” Although this son of a bitch can betray, as he has done more than once, but this is our son of a bitch!.. Even, as it were, completely mine. In general, I quickly go back and forth. The soup won't get cold yet.

He chuckled.

- Well, yes, if only it were so... This is how the past grabs you by the legs. Until you finally get rid of yourself, so much time is spent snorting...

-Will you stay instead of me? – I asked hopefully. - What if the queen falters?

“He will think,” he suggested, “that the chimeras took you on the road to Drontaria, and King Astringer will be taken by surprise?”

“Something like that,” I answered. - Someone else might think that he got drunk somewhere in Drontar taverns and forgot where and why he was going.

“Don’t point your dirty finger,” he answered with dignity, “at my clean spots!” Do you know how much effort it took me to create such a reputation for myself? But no one pesters you with obligatory requests.

“And then you got so used to playing this role,” I said, “that the mask just grew on you.”

He chuckled.

- Exactly. But inside I’m just as serious and boring as you. Only very deep inside. Can't get it anymore. But, you’re right, the queen must be sure that everything worked out for you, and Antrias will run into strong defenses in Drontaria. This is in your interests too.

“In ours,” I corrected. – If Antrias breaks through to the coast, our ambitious plans will be ruined.

He said with displeasure:

- It’s always like this! As soon as something interesting begins, everything immediately tries to spoil and interfere. But I won't stay in your place. Everything works here. You know how to pick people! This Ronner Dorrigan has been plowing from morning to night since the day you appointed him manager of the shipyard. Of course, such a career!

“He just liked building ships,” I said. – Yes, and there are no shipbuilders in the entire Drontaria.

“Yes, they all liked it,” he said. – Eyes are burning, only talking about work! Even more than about women.

“Well, more than that,” I said doubtfully.

“Well, almost,” he answered. – But this has never happened before, so that even after work they talk about work! And even with women in bed, everything is about work, everything is about work... So we can go safely, nothing will happen. And when we return, a couple of ships will already be ready for launching.

I thought and said hesitantly:

- I think, yes. But it’s still time to free yourself from this role of a runner. Well, a runner. I have my own interesting and promising business!..

“I understand that,” he answered and rubbed his palms carnivorously.

“Well,” I said, “so I need to hint to Her Majesty that I’m already old, I need to retire, I can’t run errands anymore, my bones hurt...

- Can you give me a hint? – he asked again. - A blow to the forehead?

“I’ll try to be gentler,” I replied. - Still a woman!

“It’s harder to talk to women,” he agreed. “In general, I try to talk less and do more... but that won’t work with the queen, you have to dance.” Okay, I'll go pick up the horses.

“Fitzroy,” I said with feeling, “what would I do without you?” He would probably live like a king!.. Okay, take care of the horses and other things, and I’ll drop by somewhere, I need to say goodbye...

He laughed and quickly left, I heard the cheerful clatter of his heeled soles and a cheerful song in the corridor.

Under the rule of the owner of Bear Claw Castle, whoever he is, there are two dozen villages and hamlets, good arable land, forests, one small lake, two swamps in the north and a long coastal strip of the southern sea. It’s a pity, of course, that it’s not on the beach, the waves crash menacingly against the rocks, but, on the other hand, the enemy won’t land, which is more important in these turbulent times.

The bay is on the border of my lands and the Duke, and although he gave it all at my disposal in response to my assistance in resolving his dispute with his neighbor, it is still necessary to emphasize that I appreciate his gift, which I willingly do in my own way , but sincerely...

The Duchess stood up to meet her, there was extreme embarrassment on her face, her cheeks immediately turned red, there was shame between us, she always remembers this and, it seems, she often delves into her wrong behavior, interpreting it this way and that, for women it’s like football or a boxing championship for men for heavyweights.

I said straight away:

– How fresh and young you are, your lordship!.. And how enthusiasm fills me!

- Glerd Eugene...

I openly admired her embarrassment. We are heading towards the singularity, we will soon begin to change our bodies so that you will not understand who was a man and who was a woman, but I am still in this body, and for him, tailored according to ancient patterns, this is not indifferent... let’s say very gently, and a lot perceived according to instincts, and not according to the mind.

Well, I’m not able to take care of a muscular woman who, in a double turn, kicks out her opponent’s jaw and generally demonstrates superiority over me in everything! I can be friends with her, communicate... but in love, care and protection still come first, this is the most ancient instinct, without it humanity would have disappeared back in the days of the Neanderthals or even at the level of worms.

Perhaps this is precisely why I was drawn and continues to be drawn with such force to the duchess. She is truly a woman, that is, half a person, just like I am half, and together we make up a person: powerful, complete.

Separately a man and a woman, but together a human being. Because it is easier for a man to get a mammoth and discover the Hicks boson when a woman is covering from the back, providing comfort and giving strength to continue the fight.

This is how a person does much more together than a man and a woman separately. But in my world, these speeches are monstrous sedition, you can make noise, but here I can behave like a savage naturally.

“God created women,” I said, “to support and console us... Comfort me, Duchess, I’m sad again.”

She looked around in fear.

- Why are you undressing me right away? Glerd, at least you said hello! My husband is about to return!

“You’re right,” I agreed. - Just think, a pile of dresses... It’s not so hard to lift up...

“Hold it here and here,” I asked busily. - At this height... It could be higher... Oh, how divinely you console...

– Glerd, I’m not doing anything obscene!.. I’m a decent woman!

“Yes,” I agreed happily, “how good it is for a pig like me to be among the decent ones.”

“Glerd, don’t do what you’re doing, I beg you.” This is obscene...

- Is it true? – I was amazed. - Who would have thought...

“Glerd,” she whispered, closing her eyes, “I’m ashamed... how can I...

“Don’t pay attention,” I advised.

“But I can,” I said. – I mastered piracy, then I’ll tell you what it is, now with a new level you can do anything!

- Glerd, what... what you are doing... is completely shameless...

- But what!.. Duchess, you know how to give a person happiness... or, as they used to say briefly in the old days, just give... even without doing anything... and not even paying attention to what they do to you...

- Oh, glerd, this is shameless and unacceptable...

“I take all the sin upon myself,” I assured. - Like an arsonist, and you are a victim, because you are absolutely innocent... how delicious, how... oh, incomparable... Duchess, you are the best delicacy in the world...

She lowered her hem as soon as I stopped squeezing her in my arms and said in horror:

– What will I tell my husband?

“The whole truth,” I said cheerfully, “your neighbor, Glerd Eugene, is going to Schmittberg.” Will drop by to see King Astringer. If the Duke needs to convey something to His Majesty, then with pleasure and joy from the happiness of having such a neighbor... hm, it sounds somehow ambiguous... in general, then I’ll rush to the kingdom of the Lower Valleys.

“Oh,” she said cautiously. - Not for good?

“As much as I can,” I assured and tried to kiss her, but she turned away in embarrassment, and I kissed her pink ear. “If the Duke suddenly needs something, just let him nod!” From Schmittberg I will go to Sunpring and talk with Her Majesty Queen Orlanda about development strategy and cultural ties, something like that. And if the Duke needs something...

She smiled faintly:

- Quite enough! The Duke will be happy that we have such a kind neighbor. But I feel very embarrassed.

“Duchess,” I said confidently, “what are you like in the forest?” You need to live as is customary: by double standards!.. And life will be full of amazing discoveries and temporarily forbidden joys. You have to use them while they are forbidden, otherwise the bans will be lifted, and that’s the end of it, no happiness.

Chapter 2

I myself didn’t understand what was the matter, I even thought carefully on the way back towards the bay why it suddenly pulled me towards the duchess with such terrible force. Somehow this shyness, bashful blush, hot whisper and assurances that this cannot be done, because it is not good and not accepted, has a strangely attractive effect.

And the point is not at all that she has such a sweetly tender soft body, white and hot, she is wonderfully good and amazing in some other way, although when she gives herself away, as they call it here, it’s just a miracle, I’m all out of myself...

Fitzroy, like a war horse that was invigorated by the sound of a war trumpet, rushes around the shipyard, checking and double-checking, pointing and urging, and when he saw me, he dashingly jumped from the scaffolding almost at the height of a man, straightened up beautifully, bending his knees, but not back.

- Already? - he asked. - Without taking off your boots?

“You’re rude,” I reproached. – There is no romanticism or high spiritual sensuality in you. We had a separation, like Hector and Andromache or Majnun and Leila... okay, forget it. About horses and other things already?

“No,” he answered, “I adapted one here.” I think it's time we got some servants. How are you?

I shrugged.

- I managed somehow. What do you need to be important?

“And for her too,” he said. – Importance is prestige and status in society. We are people, and what are people without fanabery?

- One for two?

“But what kind,” he answered. - I think it will come in handy on the road.

I thought and asked:

- Ponsomenera?

“It’s no fun with you,” he said with annoyance, “you’re always ahead... We need to somehow come to an agreement with you, you eat shit...

I winced.

– And also glerd!

“The sponsor,” he said more seriously, “will be happy to see the world.” He never left his village!.. Not counting our adventure at sea. And we have to unsaddle and saddle the horses, light a fire, this and that... He is fast, like a frightened mouse.

I thought, trying to remember Ponsomenaire’s face, and was surprised to realize that I couldn’t.

- Ponsomener... You know, I didn’t pay attention on the ship, there were a lot of people, there were even more problems... but now something about it is very disturbing.

He grinned:

- Me too.

- So what then?

He shrugged.

– Can’t we manage? But he’s as efficient as I don’t know who. Not very clumsy, but... somehow he does everything quickly. And on the road you’ll take a closer look at it.

“Well, yes,” I agreed, “when there are three of us, everything is in sight.” But anyway…

“Come on,” he said. – He’s not a chimera, I’m telling you!.. I can smell chimeras in my guts. Probably, he also fell under the light of three moons. And somehow he survived.

“Also,” I repeated, “who are you talking about?” About Me?

He winced.

- Well, why are you looking for secret meaning everywhere?.. About yourself, about you or someone else - what's the difference? That's what they say. You didn't get in, did you? Or did you get it?

- And you? – I asked.

He sighed.

- Well, you always translate so as not to answer, but everything was revealed and reported to you. This is unfair. Haven't you worked in secret detectives before? Or diplomatic?..

“Our whole life,” I said philosophically, “and secret investigation, and diplomacy, and who knows what else.”

“But it’s fun,” he assured and, turning his back, shouted: “Ponsomenaire!.. Ponsomenaire!”

I glanced around.

-Where do you see him?

“He has good hearing,” he assured. – Will you be visiting Schmittberg? Otherwise, if in a straight line, it’s a day shorter... And here comes Ponsomener!

I turned around, a young guy approached us so quickly and silently that I didn’t even understand how he did it, but he was already standing with his hands down, his face meaningless, as if he had disappeared from this world, leaving only a body in front of us, and I was carefully peering and began to understand why I still hadn’t remembered: there was nothing to remember.

No protruding ears, no long or short nose, nothing at all expressive in the face or figure. Moreover, it was as if he had been sculpted from wax like this, and then held in the sun for a little while, causing everything to blur a little, the clarity was lost, and if you take your eyes off his face, you won’t remember what it is like.

An interesting property, a thought flashed through my mind. Some kind of defensive reaction of the body, they say, I’m not touching anyone, don’t pay attention to me either.

“Ponsomener,” I said.

He shuddered a little and looked at me with kind cow eyes.

- It's me…

“You will come with us,” I ordered.

He asked somewhat hesitantly:

- Far?

“To the capital,” I answered.

“Take more,” I ordered. - The three of us will go.

He nodded.

- Yes, I know.

I mercifully dismissed him with a nod, I hope I have already mastered these gestures, and when he left, I asked Fitzroy in a whisper:

-Have you already told him?

He chuckled:

- Of course not. He guessed it himself. I'm telling you, he's smarter than he looks. When you are nearby, you don’t need to order anything. Feels what is needed. Just when you are about to command something unexpected, you look, and he has already done it!

I said doubtfully:

- We'll see. Otherwise I can command this...

He looked at me with interest:

– Actually, it will be interesting to see... Yeah, he’s already prepared everything!

Ponsomeneur came out of a distant stable with six horses in charge, three saddled, and three, as I understand it, in reserve. I immediately remembered the smart guy who thought it was slow to ride a large turtle, and he bought another one to double the speed.

Even if our speed with six horses increases, it will be only slightly, we still need to stop, transfer the saddles to fresh ones, which are also not entirely fresh, since they are not from the stall, but are galloping nearby...

All my belongings fit into a small bag, Fitzroy has even more, but his bag is lighter - just outfits, and Ponsomenaire didn’t take anything, he’s doing well as is.

The huge orange sun, to which I am almost accustomed, pierces even my thick shirt with hot arrows. Trips usually start at dawn, but Fitzroy looked at me and shouted cheerfully:

- Ponsomener!.. Forward, Ponsik!

The sponsor silently touched his horse, and we followed him at a distance of ten steps. Fitzroy sways beautifully and proudly in the saddle, but suddenly his face saddens.

“What a sword you gave me,” he said sadly. “Those bastards in Karber took it!.. And didn’t think to give it back...”

- Why didn’t you think so? – I asked. – I saw how they were chasing you, they wanted to return you.

He looked reproachfully:

“Ha-ha for you, but for me the tears are bitter, like a mouse’s in a cat’s paw.” I don’t even know, I’ll never calm down. There was such a treasure in my hands... Listen, you are a sorcerer, make another one!

I was taken aback.

- What are you doing? How to do it? I can't.

He turned in the saddle so sharply that it squealed in protest.

– How do you create your magic crossbows? I see you sniffle and sniffle, and then r-r-r-time - and it’s in your hands!

I said with regret:

– Fitzroy, I’ll tell you a secret as a friend. I have the strength of a mosquito. Not even the largest, but... average. I mean magical powers. I can’t create almost anything, and what I can create disappears almost immediately!..

He opened his mouth in amazement.

“I thought you were the one... cleaning them up.”

“You yourself,” I assured. “So that no one would see them disappear in my hands, I used to throw them into the bushes.” If anyone wants, let him search. Now, however, I’ve learned to spray, as you say, but it’s still only a minute, or even half a minute, before it crumbles on its own!

He said disappointedly:

- That's how it is... Why do it yourself?

“So they can see,” I explained. – When I am, it’s me, and when it’s me, it’s my weakness and inability to hold on for longer. Understood?

“Yes,” he drawled, “I wouldn’t want the sword to turn into air in battle.”

“I’ll think of something,” I promised. – The shirt and pants still serve you, that’s good!..

“Okay,” he agreed. “Rundelstott is a real sorcerer!.. I will take care of his skin better than my own, otherwise he will die, and I will find myself without pants.”

He laughed and shook his head.

“I’ll think of something,” I promised. “Just don’t tell Rundelstott.” He keeps all sorts of stuff in chests, drawers and under rags! I collected everything like a hamster, dragged everything into the hole, and forgot it a long time ago.

“I wouldn’t forget about that,” Fitzroy said with a sigh. - Never!

“He found something much more important for himself,” I said in a whisper, “and swords and other murder weapons are nonsense for him... But the queen forbade it at the last moment!”

He fell silent, we drove on in silence for a long time, and I thought that actually we could try to do something else besides pistols, but it really all comes down to my extreme weakness as a magician. What's the point if everything immediately disappears? Even if he managed to create a sandwich and immediately devour it, it would disappear in the stomach. But it could be even worse: it will begin to be digested and absorbed, and then essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates and microelements will disappear from the body.

Okay, it's not evening yet. Now we need to think about something else. Portals are much more important. We need to develop the ability to create as quickly as possible and, preferably, not one step at a time, but further, further away.

It is quite possible that the ability to handle magic develops like everything else with us: either remembering more numbers, or lifting the barbell with more weights.

Guy Julius Orlovsky

Her Highness

© Orlovsky G. Yu., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

* * *

The most dangerous enemy is the absence of enemies.


Part one

Ronner Dorrigan, the foreman of the capital's carpenters, proved himself to be such a good worker and skillful manager that on the third day after their arrival in the bay, I appointed him manager of the shipyard.

A good career, but, on the other hand, in all of Drontaria there is no person who knows how to build ships. After that great defeat and destruction of the fleet and all ports, some retrained, others died out, others went to work in Pixia and Garn...

After our victorious return, I gave everyone an unlimited vacation for the whole day, all those who returned had something to tell, show and boast about, and I myself and Fitzroy walked along the slipways with the skeletons of laid-down ships.

Dorrigan hurriedly ran down the stairs from the unfinished side of the caravel, looked happy, and when he spoke, he almost squealed with bursting happiness:

– Glerd Eugene, during your absence we prepared another ship! At least on the water today.

“Great,” I approved. – Today is a rest, let those who returned from the test trip talk about our bravery, this will inspire optimism and increase efficiency per unit of labor, and tomorrow morning you will be sober again and in general!..

He said readily:

- Yes, Glerd Eugene. Everything will be done, glerd Eugene!

– Yes, still very important! There are no decorations on the ships!.. When you meet them at sea, let everyone see: people are working! Merchants are merchants, soldiers are soldiers, and not... Our people are serious, no floating messes at sea!.. Only then will they truly be afraid.

“And respect,” Fitzroy interjected.

“And respect,” I agreed. -You're right, glerd. Let them see from afar that serious people are walking along the sea. They're marching. If you please! And when a ship is decorated and even has intricate carvings on its sides, these are some rich loafers sailing! No and no. It doesn’t matter that we are bunnies, we should look angry and gloomy. So that they respect and do not get in the way. And the ships should look angry and gloomy. Although they remain bunnies.

He sighed:

- Yes, glerd. It will be done, glerd. Although I don’t understand anything about evil bunnies, it’s better to follow your instructions quickly and accurately. And without anything there. Yes and here.

“You are a good shipyard manager,” I said approvingly. “And it’s even remarkable that ships weren’t built before.” The old shipbuilders have blinders and prejudices, but I need those who are not blinkered!.. Without the burden of outdated techniques. Act accordingly! And everything will work out. I’ll be gone for a while, and when I get back, we’ll start something like this...

Fitzroy walked alongside, dressed in a special way: you don’t look like wearing a hat with a feather at sea, but when dividing up the spoils, he tried on a lot of clothes from captured and robbed ships, chose for himself a certain black outfit that combines elegance and rigor of design, where thick gold threads go only along the collar , cuffs and appliques on the left and right sides of the chest, which makes him look like some kind of mysterious prince from a mysterious country.

- How do I look? – he asked and, without waiting for an answer, asked: “Why are you giving orders as if you were going to run away for a long time?”

“Not for long,” I said, “but it’s time to help the cause of resistance in a fair fight against the aggressor!” It’s not a good idea to impose sanctions on him... In the end, if Antrias captures Drontaria, our fleet will bark too.

- Will he bark?

“It will be covered,” I explained, “with a copper basin.”

He shook his head.

- What rude people in your kingdom! What words are spoken? I think they will manage without us. The King of Drontaria has already been warned, we have done everything that was required...

“You know that,” I reminded, “and not the Queen of the Lower Valleys.” – Still, no matter how confident you are in me, you need to report King Astringer’s readiness to work in a coalition and with faith in a joint fight against the aggressor on our own territory, since the doctrine of foreign policy does not allow for preventive strikes abroad.

“Beyond,” he asked, “what?”

“Beyond,” I repeated in a significant tone. - This is important - beyond. And it gives undeniable advantages!.. As soon as someone goes beyond the existing framework, be it knowledge, customs, prejudices, I’m talking about scientists, or the limits of morality, conscience, honor, these are all the others, then he immediately automatically gains an advantage over ignorant, cowardly, conscientious, honest, decent, noble, worthy, faithful and devoted...

He frowned and muttered, looking from under his forehead almost with hostility:

– I don’t understand you, Eugene... Whose side are you on?

“As a democrat and a humanist,” I answered with dignity, “I am always on my side.” Although this son of a bitch can betray, as he has done more than once, but this is our son of a bitch!.. Even, as it were, completely mine. In general, I quickly go back and forth. The soup won't get cold yet.

He chuckled.

- Well, yes, if only it were so... This is how the past grabs you by the legs. Until you finally get rid of yourself, so much time is spent snorting...

-Will you stay instead of me? – I asked hopefully. - What if the queen falters?

“He will think,” he suggested, “that the chimeras took you on the road to Drontaria, and King Astringer will be taken by surprise?”

“Something like that,” I answered. - Someone else might think that he got drunk somewhere in Drontar taverns and forgot where and why he was going.

“Don’t point your dirty finger,” he answered with dignity, “at my clean spots!” Do you know how much effort it took me to create such a reputation for myself? But no one pesters you with obligatory requests.

“And then you got so used to playing this role,” I said, “that the mask just grew on you.”

He chuckled.

- Exactly. But inside I’m just as serious and boring as you. Only very deep inside. Can't get it anymore. But, you’re right, the queen must be sure that everything worked out for you, and Antrias will run into strong defenses in Drontaria. This is in your interests too.

“In ours,” I corrected. – If Antrias breaks through to the coast, our ambitious plans will be ruined.

He said with displeasure:

- It’s always like this! As soon as something interesting begins, everything immediately tries to spoil and interfere. But I won't stay in your place. Everything works here. You know how to pick people! This Ronner Dorrigan has been plowing from morning to night since the day you appointed him manager of the shipyard. Of course, such a career!

“He just liked building ships,” I said. – Yes, and there are no shipbuilders in the entire Drontaria.

“Yes, they all liked it,” he said. – Eyes are burning, only talking about work! Even more than about women.

“Well, more than that,” I said doubtfully.

“Well, almost,” he answered. – But this has never happened before, so that even after work they talk about work! And even with women in bed, everything is about work, everything is about work... So we can go safely, nothing will happen. And when we return, a couple of ships will already be ready for launching.

I thought and said hesitantly:

- I think, yes. But it’s still time to free yourself from this role of a runner. Well, a runner. I have my own interesting and promising business!..

“I understand that,” he answered and rubbed his palms carnivorously.

“Well,” I said, “so I need to hint to Her Majesty that I’m already old, I need to retire, I can’t run errands anymore, my bones hurt...

- Can you give me a hint? – he asked again. - A blow to the forehead?

“I’ll try to be gentler,” I replied. - Still a woman!

“It’s harder to talk to women,” he agreed. “In general, I try to talk less and do more... but that won’t work with the queen, you have to dance.” Okay, I'll go pick up the horses.

“Fitzroy,” I said with feeling, “what would I do without you?” He would probably live like a king!.. Okay, take care of the horses and other things, and I’ll drop by somewhere, I need to say goodbye...

He laughed and quickly left, I heard the cheerful clatter of his heeled soles and a cheerful song in the corridor.

Under the rule of the owner of Bear Claw Castle, whoever he is, there are two dozen villages and hamlets, good arable land, forests, one small lake, two swamps in the north and a long coastal strip of the southern sea. It’s a pity, of course, that it’s not on the beach, the waves crash menacingly against the rocks, but, on the other hand, the enemy won’t land, which is more important in these turbulent times.

The bay is on the border of my lands and the Duke, and although he gave it all at my disposal in response to my assistance in resolving his dispute with his neighbor, it is still necessary to emphasize that I appreciate his gift, which I willingly do in my own way , but sincerely...

Guy Julius Orlovsky

Her Highness

The most dangerous enemy is the absence of enemies.

Part one

Ronner Dorrigan, the foreman of the capital's carpenters, proved himself to be such a good worker and skillful manager that on the third day after their arrival in the bay, I appointed him manager of the shipyard.

A good career, but, on the other hand, in all of Drontaria there is no person who knows how to build ships. After that great defeat and destruction of the fleet and all ports, some retrained, others died out, others went to work in Pixia and Garn...

After our victorious return, I gave everyone an unlimited vacation for the whole day, all those who returned had something to tell, show and boast about, and I myself and Fitzroy walked along the slipways with the skeletons of laid-down ships.

Dorrigan hurriedly ran down the stairs from the unfinished side of the caravel, looked happy, and when he spoke, he almost squealed with bursting happiness:

Glerd Eugene, during your absence we prepared another ship! At least on the water today.

Great,” I approved. - Today is a rest, let those who returned from the test trip talk about our bravery, this will inspire optimism and increase efficiency per unit of labor, and tomorrow morning you will be sober again and in general!..

He said readily:

Yes, glerd Eugene. Everything will be done, glerd Eugene!

Yes, still very important! There are no decorations on the ships!.. When you meet them at sea, let everyone see: people are working! Merchants are merchants, soldiers are soldiers, and not... Our people are serious, no floating messes at sea!.. Only then will they truly be afraid.

And respect,” Fitzroy interjected.

And respect,” I agreed. - You're right, glerd. Let them see from afar that serious people are walking along the sea. They're marching. If you please! And when a ship is decorated and even has intricate carvings on its sides, these are some rich loafers sailing! No and no. It doesn’t matter that we are bunnies, we should look angry and gloomy. So that they respect and do not get in the way. And the ships should look angry and gloomy. Although they remain bunnies.

He sighed:

Yes, glerd. It will be done, glerd. Although I don’t understand anything about evil bunnies, it’s better to follow your instructions quickly and accurately. And without anything there. Yes and here.

“You are a good shipyard manager,” I said approvingly. - And it’s even remarkable that ships were not built before. The old shipbuilders have blinders and prejudices, but I need those who are not blinkered!.. Without the burden of outdated techniques. Act accordingly! And everything will work out. I’ll be gone for a while, and when I get back, we’ll start something like this...

Fitzroy walked alongside, dressed in a special way: you don’t look like wearing a hat with a feather at sea, but when dividing up the spoils, he tried on a lot of clothes from captured and robbed ships, chose for himself a certain black outfit that combines elegance and rigor of design, where thick gold threads go only along the collar , cuffs and appliques on the left and right sides of the chest, which makes him look like some kind of mysterious prince from a mysterious country.

Well, how do I look? - he inquired and, without waiting for an answer, asked: “Why are you giving orders as if you were going to run away for a long time?”

Not for long,” I said, “but it’s time to help the cause of resistance in a fair fight against the aggressor!” It’s not a good idea to impose sanctions on him... In the end, if Antrias captures Drontaria, our fleet will bark too.

Will he bark?

It will be covered, I explained, with a copper basin.

He shook his head.

What rude people in your kingdom! What words are spoken? I think they will manage without us. The King of Drontaria has already been warned, we have done everything that was required...

“You know this,” I reminded, “and not the Queen of the Lower Valleys.” - Still, no matter how confident you are in me, it is necessary to report King Astringer’s readiness to work in a coalition and with faith in a joint fight against the aggressor on our own territory, since the doctrine of foreign policy does not allow for preventive strikes abroad.

Beyond, he asked, what?

“Beyond,” I repeated in a significant tone. - This is important - beyond. And it gives undeniable advantages!.. As soon as someone goes beyond the existing framework, be it knowledge, customs, prejudices, I’m talking about scientists, or the limits of morality, conscience, honor, these are all the others, then he immediately automatically gains an advantage over ignorant, cowardly, conscientious, honest, decent, noble, worthy, faithful and devoted...

He frowned and muttered, looking from under his forehead almost with hostility:

I don’t understand you, Eugene... Whose side are you on?

“As a democrat and a humanist,” I answered with dignity, “I am always on my side.” Although this son of a bitch can betray, as he has done more than once, but this is our son of a bitch!.. Even, as it were, completely mine. In general, I quickly go back and forth. The soup won't get cold yet.

He chuckled.

Well, yes, if only it were so... This is how the past grabs you by the legs. Until you finally get rid of yourself, so much time is spent snorting...

Will you stay instead of me? - I asked hopefully. - What if the queen falters?

“Will he think,” he suggested, “that the chimeras took you on the road to Drontaria, and King Astringer will be taken by surprise?”

Something like that,” I answered. - Someone else might think that he got drunk somewhere in Drontar taverns and forgot where and why he was going.

“Don’t point your dirty finger,” he answered with dignity, “at my clean spots!” Do you know how much effort it took me to create such a reputation for myself? But no one pesters you with obligatory requests.

And then you got so used to playing this role,” I said, “that the mask just grew on you.”

He chuckled.

Exactly. But inside I’m just as serious and boring as you. Only very deep inside. Can't get it anymore. But, you’re right, the queen must be sure that everything worked out for you, and Antrias will run into strong defenses in Drontaria. This is in your interests too.

In ours,” I corrected. - If Antrias breaks through to the coast, our ambitious plans will be ruined.

He said with displeasure:

It's always like this! As soon as something interesting begins, everything immediately tries to spoil and interfere. But I won't stay in your place. Everything works here. You know how to pick people! This Ronner Dorrigan has been plowing from morning to night since the day you appointed him manager of the shipyard. Of course, such a career!

“He just liked building ships,” I said. - Yes and there are no shipbuilders in the entire Drontaria.

Yes, they all liked it,” he said. - Eyes are burning, only talking about work! Even more than about women.

Well, more than that,” I said doubtfully.

Well, almost,” he replied. - But this has never happened before, so that even after work they talk about work! And even with women in bed, everything is about work, everything is about work... So we can go safely, nothing will happen. And when we return, a couple of ships will already be ready for launching.

I thought and said hesitantly:

I think, yes. But it’s still time to free yourself from this role of a runner. Well, a runner. I have my own interesting and promising business!..

“I understand that,” he answered and rubbed his palms carnivorously.

Well,” I said, “so I need to hint to Her Majesty that I’m already old, I need to retire, I can’t run errands anymore, my bones hurt...

Can you give me a hint? - he asked again. - A blow to the forehead?

“I’ll try to be gentler,” I replied. - Still a woman!

It’s harder to talk to women,” he agreed. - In general, I try to talk less and do more... but this won’t work with the queen, you have to dance. Okay, I'll go pick up the horses.

Fitzroy,” I said with feeling, “what would I do without you?” He would probably live like a king!.. Okay, take care of the horses and other things, and I’ll drop by somewhere, I need to say goodbye...

He laughed and quickly left, I heard the cheerful clatter of his heeled soles and a cheerful song in the corridor.

Under the rule of the owner of Bear Claw Castle, whoever he is, there are two dozen villages and hamlets, good arable land, forests, one small lake, two swamps in the north and a long coastal strip of the southern sea. It’s a pity, of course, that it’s not on the beach, the waves crash menacingly against the rocks, but, on the other hand, the enemy won’t land, which is more important in these turbulent times.

The bay is on the border of my lands and the Duke, and although he gave it all at my disposal in response to my assistance in resolving his dispute with his neighbor, it is still necessary to emphasize that I appreciate his gift, which I willingly do in my own way , but sincerely...

The Duchess stood up to meet her, there was extreme embarrassment on her face, her cheeks immediately turned red, there was shame between us, she always remembers this and, it seems, she often delves into her wrong behavior, interpreting it this way and that, for women it’s like football or a boxing championship for men for heavyweights.

I said straight away:

How fresh and young you are, your lordship!.. And how enthusiasm fills me!

Glerd Eugene...

I openly admired her embarrassment. We are heading towards the singularity, we will soon begin to change our bodies so that you will not understand who was a man and who was a woman, but I am still in this body, and for him, tailored according to ancient patterns, this is not indifferent... let’s say very gently, and a lot perceived according to instincts, and not according to the mind.

Well, I’m not able to take care of a muscular woman who, in a double turn, kicks out her opponent’s jaw and generally demonstrates superiority over me in everything! I can be friends with her, communicate... but in love, care and protection still come first, this is the most ancient instinct, without it humanity would have disappeared back in the days of the Neanderthals or even at the level of worms.

Perhaps this is precisely why I was drawn and continues to be drawn with such force to the duchess. She is truly a woman, that is, half a person, just like I am half, and together we make up a person: powerful, complete.

Separately a man and a woman, but together a human being. Because it is easier for a man to get a mammoth and discover the Hicks boson when a woman is covering from the back, providing comfort and giving strength to continue the fight.

This is how a person does much more together than a man and a woman separately. But in my world, these speeches are monstrous sedition, you can make noise, but here I can behave like a savage naturally.

God created women, I said, to support and comfort us... Comfort me, Duchess, I’m sad again.

She looked around in fear.

Why are you undressing me right away? Glerd, at least you said hello! My husband is about to return!

“You’re right,” I agreed. - Just think, a bunch of dresses... It’s not so hard to lift up...

Hold it here and here,” I asked busily. - At this height... It could be higher... Oh, how divinely you console...

Glerd, I'm not doing anything obscene!.. I'm a decent woman!

Yes,” I agreed happily, “how good it is for a pig like me to be among the decent ones.”

Glerd, don't do what you're doing, I beg you. This is obscene...

Is it true? - I was amazed. - Who would have thought...

Glerd,” she whispered, closing her eyes, “I’m ashamed... how can I...

“Don’t pay attention,” I advised.

But I can,” I said. - I mastered piracy, then I’ll tell you what it is, now with a new level you can do anything!

Glerd, what... what you are doing... is completely shameless...

But what!.. Duchess, you know how to give a person happiness... or, as they used to say briefly in the old days, just give... even without doing anything... and not even paying attention to what they do to you...

Oh, glerd, this is shameless and unacceptable...

“I take all the sin upon myself,” I assured. - Like an arsonist, and you are a victim, because you are absolutely innocent... how delicious it is, how... oh, incomparable... Duchess, you are the best delicacy in the world...

She lowered her hem as soon as I stopped squeezing her in my arms and said in horror:

What will I tell my husband?

“The whole truth,” I said cheerfully, “your neighbor, Glerd Eugene, is going to Schmittberg.” Will drop by to see King Astringer. If the Duke needs to convey something to His Majesty, then with pleasure and joy from the happiness of having such a neighbor... hm, it sounds somehow ambiguous... in general, then I’ll rush to the kingdom of the Lower Valleys.

“Oh,” she said cautiously. - Not for good?

“How can I,” I assured and tried to kiss her, but she turned away in embarrassment, and I kissed her pink ear. - If suddenly the Duke needs something, just let him nod! From Schmittberg I will go to Sunpring and talk with Her Majesty Queen Orlanda about development strategy and cultural ties, something like that. And if the Duke needs something...

She smiled faintly:

Quite enough! The Duke will be happy that we have such a kind neighbor. But I feel very embarrassed.

Duchess,” I said confidently, “what are you like in the forest?” You need to live as is customary: by double standards!.. And life will be full of amazing discoveries and temporarily forbidden joys. You have to use them while they are forbidden, otherwise the bans will be lifted, and that’s the end of it, no happiness.

I myself didn’t understand what was the matter, I even thought carefully on the way back towards the bay why it suddenly pulled me towards the duchess with such terrible force. Somehow this shyness, bashful blush, hot whisper and assurances that this cannot be done, because it is not good and not accepted, has a strangely attractive effect.

And the point is not at all that she has such a sweetly tender soft body, white and hot, she is wonderfully good and amazing in some other way, although when she gives herself away, as they call it here, it’s just a miracle, I’m all out of myself...

Fitzroy, like a war horse that was invigorated by the sound of a war trumpet, rushes around the shipyard, checking and double-checking, pointing and urging, and when he saw me, he dashingly jumped from the scaffolding almost at the height of a man, straightened up beautifully, bending his knees, but not back.

Already? - he asked. - Without taking off your boots?

You’re rude,” I reproached. - There is no romanticism or high spiritual sensuality in you. We had a separation, like Hector and Andromache or Majnun and Leila... okay, forget it. About horses and other things already?

No,” he answered, “I adapted one here.” I think it's time we got some servants. How are you?

I shrugged.

Got around somehow. What do you need to be important?

And for her too,” he said. - Importance is prestige and status in society. We are people, and what are people without fanabery?

One for two?

But what kind,” he answered. - I think it will come in handy on the road.

I thought and asked:


It’s not interesting with you,” he said with annoyance, “you’re always ahead... We need to somehow come to an agreement with you, there’s shit...

I winced.

And also glerd!

The sponsor,” he said more seriously, “will be happy to see the world.” He never left his village!.. Not counting our adventure at sea. And we have to unsaddle and saddle the horses, light a fire, this and that... He is fast, like a frightened mouse.

I thought, trying to remember Ponsomenaire’s face, and was surprised to realize that I couldn’t.

Ponsomener... You know, I didn’t pay attention on the ship, there were a lot of people, there were even more problems... but now something about it is very disturbing.

He grinned:

Me too.

So what then?

He shrugged.

Can't we handle it? But he’s as efficient as I don’t know who. Not very clumsy, but... somehow he does everything quickly. And on the road you’ll take a closer look at it.

Well, yes,” I agreed, “when there are three of us, everything is in plain sight.” But anyway…

“Come on,” he said. - He’s not a chimera, I’m telling you!.. I can smell chimeras in my guts. Probably, he also fell under the light of three moons. And somehow he survived.

“Also,” I repeated, “who are you talking about?” About Me?

He winced.

Well, why are you looking for secret meaning everywhere?.. About yourself, about you or someone else - what's the difference? That's what they say. You didn't get in, did you? Or did you get it?

And you? - I asked.

He sighed.

Well, you always translate so as not to answer, but everything was revealed and reported to you. This is unfair. Haven't you worked in secret detectives before? Or diplomatic?..

“Our whole life,” I said philosophically, “is secret investigation, diplomacy, and who knows what else.”

But it’s fun,” he assured and, turning his back, shouted: “Ponsomener!.. Ponsomener!”

I glanced around.

Where do you see him?

“He has good hearing,” he assured. - Will you be visiting Schmittberg? Otherwise, if in a straight line, it’s a day shorter... And here comes Ponsomener!

I turned around, a young guy approached us so quickly and silently that I didn’t even understand how he did it, but he was already standing with his hands down, his face meaningless, as if he had disappeared from this world, leaving only a body in front of us, and I was carefully peering and began to understand why I still hadn’t remembered: there was nothing to remember.

No protruding ears, no long or short nose, nothing at all expressive in the face or figure. Moreover, it was as if he had been sculpted from wax like this, and then held in the sun for a little while, causing everything to blur a little, the clarity was lost, and if you take your eyes off his face, you won’t remember what it is like.

An interesting property, a thought flashed through my mind. Some kind of defensive reaction of the body, they say, I’m not touching anyone, don’t pay attention to me either.

Ponsomener,” I said.

He shuddered a little and looked at me with kind cow eyes.

“You will come with us,” I ordered.

He asked somewhat hesitantly:

To the capital,” I answered.

Take more, I ordered. - The three of us will go.

He nodded.

Yes, I know.

I mercifully dismissed him with a nod, I hope I have already mastered these gestures, and when he left, I asked Fitzroy in a whisper:

Have you already told him?

He chuckled:

Of course not. He guessed it himself. I'm telling you, he's smarter than he looks. When you are nearby, you don’t need to order anything. Feels what is needed. Just when you are about to command something unexpected, you look, and he has already done it!

I said doubtfully:

We'll see. Otherwise I can command this...

He looked at me with interest:

But actually, it will be interesting to watch... Yeah, he’s already prepared everything!

Ponsomeneur came out of a distant stable with six horses in charge, three saddled, and three, as I understand it, in reserve. I immediately remembered the smart guy who thought it was slow to ride a large turtle, and he bought another one to double the speed.

Even if our speed with six horses increases, it will be only slightly, we still need to stop, transfer the saddles to fresh ones, which are also not entirely fresh, since they are not from the stall, but are galloping nearby...

All my belongings fit into a small bag, Fitzroy had even more, but his bag was lighter - just clothes, and Ponsomenaire didn’t take anything, he’s doing well as is.

The huge orange sun, to which I am almost accustomed, pierces even my thick shirt with hot arrows. Trips usually start at dawn, but Fitzroy looked at me and shouted cheerfully:

Ponsomener!.. Forward, Ponsik!

The sponsor silently touched his horse, and we followed him at a distance of ten steps. Fitzroy sways beautifully and proudly in the saddle, but suddenly his face saddens.

© Orlovsky G. Yu., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

* * *

The most dangerous enemy is the absence of enemies.

Part one

Chapter 1

Ronner Dorrigan, the foreman of the capital's carpenters, proved himself to be such a good worker and skillful manager that on the third day after their arrival in the bay, I appointed him manager of the shipyard.

A good career, but, on the other hand, in all of Drontaria there is no person who knows how to build ships. After that great defeat and destruction of the fleet and all ports, some retrained, others died out, others went to work in Pixia and Garn...

After our victorious return, I gave everyone an unlimited vacation for the whole day, all those who returned had something to tell, show and boast about, and I myself and Fitzroy walked along the slipways with the skeletons of laid-down ships.

Dorrigan hurriedly ran down the stairs from the unfinished side of the caravel, looked happy, and when he spoke, he almost squealed with bursting happiness:

– Glerd Eugene, during your absence we prepared another ship! At least on the water today.

“Great,” I approved. – Today is a rest, let those who returned from the test trip talk about our bravery, this will inspire optimism and increase efficiency per unit of labor, and tomorrow morning you will be sober again and in general!..

He said readily:

- Yes, Glerd Eugene. Everything will be done, glerd Eugene!

– Yes, still very important! There are no decorations on the ships!.. When you meet them at sea, let everyone see: people are working! Merchants are merchants, soldiers are soldiers, and not... Our people are serious, no floating messes at sea!.. Only then will they truly be afraid.

“And respect,” Fitzroy interjected.

“And respect,” I agreed. -You're right, glerd. Let them see from afar that serious people are walking along the sea. They're marching. If you please! And when a ship is decorated and even has intricate carvings on its sides, these are some rich loafers sailing! No and no. It doesn’t matter that we are bunnies, we should look angry and gloomy. So that they respect and do not get in the way. And the ships should look angry and gloomy. Although they remain bunnies.

He sighed:

- Yes, glerd. It will be done, glerd. Although I don’t understand anything about evil bunnies, it’s better to follow your instructions quickly and accurately. And without anything there. Yes and here.

“You are a good shipyard manager,” I said approvingly. “And it’s even remarkable that ships weren’t built before.” The old shipbuilders have blinders and prejudices, but I need those who are not blinkered!.. Without the burden of outdated techniques. Act accordingly! And everything will work out. I’ll be gone for a while, and when I get back, we’ll start something like this...

Fitzroy walked alongside, dressed in a special way: you don’t look like wearing a hat with a feather at sea, but when dividing up the spoils, he tried on a lot of clothes from captured and robbed ships, chose for himself a certain black outfit that combines elegance and rigor of design, where thick gold threads go only along the collar , cuffs and appliques on the left and right sides of the chest, which makes him look like some kind of mysterious prince from a mysterious country.

- How do I look? – he asked and, without waiting for an answer, asked: “Why are you giving orders as if you were going to run away for a long time?”

“Not for long,” I said, “but it’s time to help the cause of resistance in a fair fight against the aggressor!” It’s not a good idea to impose sanctions on him... In the end, if Antrias captures Drontaria, our fleet will bark too.

- Will he bark?

“It will be covered,” I explained, “with a copper basin.”

He shook his head.

- What rude people in your kingdom! What words are spoken? I think they will manage without us. The King of Drontaria has already been warned, we have done everything that was required...

“You know that,” I reminded, “and not the Queen of the Lower Valleys.” – Still, no matter how confident you are in me, you need to report King Astringer’s readiness to work in a coalition and with faith in a joint fight against the aggressor on our own territory, since the doctrine of foreign policy does not allow for preventive strikes abroad.

“Beyond,” he asked, “what?”

“Beyond,” I repeated in a significant tone. - This is important - beyond. And it gives undeniable advantages!.. As soon as someone goes beyond the existing framework, be it knowledge, customs, prejudices, I’m talking about scientists, or the limits of morality, conscience, honor, these are all the others, then he immediately automatically gains an advantage over ignorant, cowardly, conscientious, honest, decent, noble, worthy, faithful and devoted...

He frowned and muttered, looking from under his forehead almost with hostility:

– I don’t understand you, Eugene... Whose side are you on?

“As a democrat and a humanist,” I answered with dignity, “I am always on my side.” Although this son of a bitch can betray, as he has done more than once, but this is our son of a bitch!.. Even, as it were, completely mine. In general, I quickly go back and forth. The soup won't get cold yet.

He chuckled.

- Well, yes, if only it were so... This is how the past grabs you by the legs. Until you finally get rid of yourself, so much time is spent snorting...

-Will you stay instead of me? – I asked hopefully. - What if the queen falters?

“He will think,” he suggested, “that the chimeras took you on the road to Drontaria, and King Astringer will be taken by surprise?”

“Something like that,” I answered. - Someone else might think that he got drunk somewhere in Drontar taverns and forgot where and why he was going.

“Don’t point your dirty finger,” he answered with dignity, “at my clean spots!” Do you know how much effort it took me to create such a reputation for myself? But no one pesters you with obligatory requests.

“And then you got so used to playing this role,” I said, “that the mask just grew on you.”

He chuckled.

- Exactly. But inside I’m just as serious and boring as you. Only very deep inside. Can't get it anymore. But, you’re right, the queen must be sure that everything worked out for you, and Antrias will run into strong defenses in Drontaria. This is in your interests too.

“In ours,” I corrected. – If Antrias breaks through to the coast, our ambitious plans will be ruined.

He said with displeasure:

- It’s always like this! As soon as something interesting begins, everything immediately tries to spoil and interfere. But I won't stay in your place. Everything works here. You know how to pick people! This Ronner Dorrigan has been plowing from morning to night since the day you appointed him manager of the shipyard. Of course, such a career!

“He just liked building ships,” I said. – Yes, and there are no shipbuilders in the entire Drontaria.


Her Highness Guy Orlovsky

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Title: Her Highness

About the book “Her Highness” Guy Orlovsky

Guy Julius Orlovsky is one of those authors whose work, like wine, becomes better and more qualitative over time. This can best be seen in the example of one of the largest and most unique fantasy cycles - “Eugene - Lord of Time”. From book to book, the development of plot lines and storytelling style become more vivid, thoughtful and dynamic.

The main storyline of the cycle is the idea of ​​how the most ordinary young man, a resident of modern Moscow, by the will of fate finds himself in a completely unfamiliar and unusual world. It is obvious that a guest in the new world will have an incredibly difficult time; there are no recent achievements of modern civilization here. Only virgin nature, fabulous inhabitants and very real magic. In the real world, Eugene, and in the new, still unknown world, it’s Eugene. The hero, thanks to his extraordinary abilities and ingenuity, quickly understands the rules of his new habitat and zealously takes on all the knowledge and experience of the world in which he lived before.

Orlovsky did not skimp on a good and detailed description of the world he created and its inhabitants. The author’s imagination continues to rage and now, the seventh part about the adventures of the tireless Eugene - “Her Highness” - has already seen the light. By this part, the main character has already managed to adapt to living conditions in the new world and gain unshakable authority among its inhabitants. A significant role in this was played by the hero’s extremely unique ability to move freely between worlds, as well as move the necessary things. And now Eugene has already received the nickname Improver in the new world, and he is more than ever full of desire and energy to remake the whole kingdom.

The part “Her Highness” will delight the reader with the incredible dynamics of the narrative. It can safely be called a real action game. The hero tries himself in the role of a fleet admiral and prepares for war in full force. In addition, an incredible number of fights, movements, battles and rescues of beautiful ladies will not allow the reader to get bored for a minute. And the wonderful narrative language and harmonious style of presentation of events adds additional intrigue and piquancy to the entire plot. With each new book in the series, the hero becomes more and more self-confident, moderately cynical, and begins to approach life in general and all current events in particular with a certain amount of philosophy.

Read the seventh part of the legendary series “Eugene - Lord of Time”, the fascinating story “Her Highness” and enjoy the brilliantly drawn world of Guy Orlovsky. Enjoy reading.

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