Secrets of the Gobi Desert. Secrets of the Gobi Desert Interplanetary war in the desert

The Gobi is one of the world's greatest deserts. It stretches in a huge arc over 1,600 kilometers - from Northern China to South-Eastern Mongolia, covering an area of ​​1.3 million square kilometers.

The elusive Olgoi-Khorkhoi

There are many secrets associated with the Gobi Desert. They say that the Olgoi-Khorkhoi lives in its most deserted sandy areas. This is a meter-long earthworm of a dark red color. It appears on the surface only in the hottest months. The local population experiences a mystical horror of the olga-khorkhoi, because he is supposedly capable of killing at a distance, either by spitting out deadly poison, or by striking the victim with an electric discharge.

The writer and paleontologist I. Efremov was one of the first to tell readers about the mysterious olgoy-orkhoi in the Trans-Altai Gobi: “Among the inhabitants of the Gobi, a legend has long been widespread about a large and thick worm (olgoy - large intestine, khorkhoy - worm), over half a meter long, living in inaccessible sandy places of the Gobi Desert. The stories about this animal are the same. Olgoi-Khorkhoi is known as a very terrible creature, possessing an incomprehensible killing power that can kill a person who touches it.

In the story “Olgoy-Khorkhoi” (1943) I.A. Efremov wrote: “Tseven told us a lot about Olgoy-Khorkhoy and about the inaccessible Khaldzan Dzahe tract in the South Gobi, where this worm lives. He said that he can be seen only in the hottest months of summer. The rest of the time, the worms sleep in holes that they make in the sand. Lively and impressionable, like all Mongols, Tseven depicted with visual gestures how the Olgoi-Khorkhoi crawls and kills those approaching him, jumping up and curling up into a ring. All of us - there were several of us - the scientific workers of my expedition, involuntarily laughed, looking at the funny movements of the old man. Tseven suddenly became angry and, looking at us with obvious disapproval, muttered to our young Mongolian translator: Tell them that they are fools, how can you laugh - it’s a terrible thing!

None of the scientific researchers have seen the unusual worm, but the legend about it is so widespread and so uniform that one must think that it really is based on some extremely rare, endangered animal, probably a relic of ancient times, now surviving in the most deserted corners of the Central Asia.

In the area of ​​Khaldzan-dzakhe (“Bald Land”), an Olgoi-Khorkhoi lives on the dune sands. But it can only be seen in the heat of the day, in June-July; later it buries itself in the ground and sleeps.”

Expeditions were repeatedly sent to search for Olgoy-Khorkhoy. In 1954, American scientists worked in Inner Mongolia. They drove out of the village of Sey-shand in two Land Rovers and... disappeared without a trace. At the request of the US government, Mongolian authorities organized a search.

The missing were found in one of the hard-to-reach areas of the Gobi. Both cars turned out to be in good working order. Six corpses lay nearby. Since they were exposed to the sun for a long time, the exact cause of death of the expedition members could not be determined. It is assumed that they became victims of the Olgoi-Khorkhoy.

In the 1990s, two Czech expeditions visited the Gobi in an attempt to discover the elusive Olgoy-Khorkhoy. They failed to catch the giant worm. But they collected numerous evidence of the reality of its existence.

Horned skull

Archaeologists have made a number of strange discoveries in the Gobi. Thus, in 1995, several skulls that undoubtedly belonged to humans were discovered on the border of China and Mongolia. What made them original was that they all had... horns!

Almost immediately, two assumptions appeared: either these horns were skillfully implanted into a person and we are talking about ancient hunting magic, or this was precisely the innate structure of the heads of one of the species of ancient people. It took more than one month of research to draw a more or less definite conclusion about the origin of this miracle.

It turned out that in ancient times there really were horned people. Strange finds were hidden somewhere in museum storerooms, and the final conclusions were not announced. This is often done when discoveries disrupt established scientific patterns.

Gigantic humanoid

In 1999, English paleontologists in the area of ​​the Mongolian town of Uulakh found the fossilized remains of a gigantic humanoid creature in a rock 45 million years old. His skull, in a number of ways, indicates a close relationship with the first apes, who lived 6-8 million years ago.

Other anthropological features make it possible to associate the find with Homo sapiens. The structural features of the skull indicate that this creature was somewhat intelligent and could speak. The skeletal structure of this humanoid is close to that of a human. It’s just that the hands are disproportionately large. The height of this creature is completely atypical for humans and primates - about 15 meters!

American paleontologists were skeptical about the find. The well-known journal Nature suggested that the find in Uulakh is a fake. But Dr. Tones from Great Britain reasoned differently:

“Perhaps we are not dealing with a human race that died out millions of years ago, but with something else that is not characteristic of our nature.” This creature seems to have evolved outside the laws of our evolution.

With this statement, he greatly pleased ufologists.

His compatriot Daniel Stanford, in the pages of the Globe newspaper, assessed the find differently: “It looks like we will have to reconsider the entire history of the planet known to mankind. What we discovered completely contradicts the scientific picture of the world that existed until now.”

Local legends about a “bony demon living in the gorge” also speak in favor of the authenticity of the find.

A discovery was also made in the Gobi Desert related to the man-made activities of ancient civilizations.

According to British ufologist John Burrows, Soviet scientists several times found mysterious hemispherical objects made of glass and porcelain in the caves of Turkestan and the Gobi Desert, crowned with a cone with a drop of mercury inside. Soviet experts allegedly identified these finds as “ancient instruments used in the navigation of spacecraft.” Burroughs suggested that they were used on ancient Indian aircraft - vimanas.

Interplanetary war in the desert

The second half of the 1960s was marked by political tensions between the USSR and China. In 1969, it came to hostilities on the Soviet-Chinese border. On September 11, 1969, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin, on his way back from Vietnam to Moscow, landed at Beijing airport and signed an agreement with the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai, on maintaining existing borders. After this, the situation stabilized somewhat.

In April 1970, UFOs literally flew in flocks over the Gobi Desert. They were observed from China and the Soviet Union. The USSR accused China of launching reconnaissance vehicles over the territory of neighboring Mongolia. The Chinese attributed the flights to the Soviets.

On April 24, an incident occurred that aggravated the situation. That day, one Soviet bomber took off from Moscow and, according to orders, was supposed to land in Vladivostok. Over Siberia, communication with the aircraft was suddenly interrupted. A search operation was immediately organized: a huge area was searched by 200 aircraft, but no traces of the “strategist” were found. During those same days, the radars of the country's air defense system recorded dozens of UFO flights in the airspace of the USSR. The missiles they tried to shoot down the supposed reconnaissance vehicles did not reach their targets.

Then military experts and intelligence services decided to find out where these objects were coming from. Analysts reconstructed the trajectories of their flights and found that all UFOs appeared from an area located 1000 kilometers northeast of the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar. Two days later, an order was given to redeploy large forces of the Soviet army to that area. Three divisions with tanks, armored personnel carriers, military equipment and headquarters moved east. The Soviet Union, traditionally for such cases, informed the West that troops were moving to the site of military exercises.

On April 27, Chinese troops also began to move. The transfer of a division withdrawn from North Korea to Mongolia began. Meanwhile, Soviet planes conducted observations and aerial photography, after which aviation began to literally bombard the suspicious area. The media of both countries started talking about minor incidents: the parties reported about border violators from the neighboring side, who were dealt with as required by law.

But something completely different could be heard in Hong Kong. Refugees from the PRC spoke of hundreds of deaths on both sides and that the Soviets had dropped a nuclear bomb either on a Chinese secret military base or on some completely unknown enemy. French journalist Pierre Garden and his American colleague Dicke Lester, while in Hong Kong, also learned about the Soviet-Chinese border conflict. Dike Lester reported to SAGA magazine that he also found eyewitnesses from the GDR.

Young people came to Mongolia to study under a student exchange program and accidentally witnessed the fighting. They confirmed everything that the fugitive Chinese said in Hong Kong, including information about the destruction of “a large military base with a many-kilometer tunnel system.”

What actually happened there is still not known for certain. There were no official comments about the events of April-May 1970 in the Gobi Desert. It was hardly possible to find out what kind of aircraft were flying over the border areas of the USSR and China at that time. What relation the secret base on the Mongolian Plateau had to them also remained a secret behind seven seals. At least for the general public.

Ufologists do not rule out that we are talking about one of the secrets of our civilization, inaccessible to mere mortals. Perhaps even a one-of-a-kind large-scale military confrontation with aliens.


The Gobi is one of the world's greatest deserts. It stretches in a huge arc over 1,600 kilometers - from Northern China to South-Eastern Mongolia, covering an area of ​​1.3 million square kilometers.

The elusive Olgoi-Khorkhoi

There are many secrets associated with the Gobi Desert. They say that the Olgoi-Khorkhoi lives in its most deserted sandy areas. This is a meter-long earthworm of a dark red color. It appears on the surface only in the hottest months. The local population experiences a mystical horror of the olga-khorkhoi, because he is supposedly capable of killing at a distance, either by spitting out deadly poison, or by striking the victim with an electric discharge.

The writer and paleontologist I. Efremov was one of the first to inform readers about the mysterious olgoy-orkhoi in the Trans-Altai Gobi: “Among the inhabitants of the Gobi, a legend has long been widespread about a large and thick worm (olgoy - large intestine, khorkhoy - worm), over half a meter long, living in inaccessible sandy places of the Gobi Desert. The stories about this animal are the same. Olgoy-khorkhoi is known as a very terrible creature, possessing an incomprehensible killing power that can kill a person who touches it.

In the story "Olgoy-Khorkhoi" (1943) I.A. Efremov wrote: “Tseven told us a lot about the Olgoy-Khorkhoy and about the inaccessible Khaldzan Dzahe tract in the South Gobi, where this worm lives. He said that it can be seen only in the hottest months of summer. The rest of the time, the worms sleep in the holes that they are doing in the sand. Alive and impressionable, like all Mongols, Tseven depicted with visual gestures how the Olgoy-Khorkhoy crawls and how he kills those approaching him, jumping up and curling up in a ring. We all - there were several of us - scientific workers of my expedition, involuntarily laughed, looking at the funny movements of the old man. Tseven suddenly became angry and, looking at us with obvious disapproval, muttered to our young Mongolian translator: Tell them that they are fools, how can you laugh - it’s a terrible thing!

None of the scientific researchers have seen the unusual worm, but the legend about it is so widespread and so uniform that one must think that it really is based on some extremely rare, endangered animal, probably a relic of ancient times, now surviving in the most deserted corners of the Central Asia.

In the area of ​​Khaldzan-dzakhe ("Bald Land"), an Olgoi-Khorkhoi lives on the dune sands. But it can only be seen in the hottest weather, in June - July; later it burrows into the ground and sleeps."

Expeditions were repeatedly sent to search for Olgoy-Khorkhoy. In 1954, American scientists worked in Inner Mongolia. They drove out of the village of Sey-shand in two Land Rovers and... disappeared without a trace. At the request of the US government, Mongolian authorities organized a search.

The missing were found in one of the hard-to-reach areas of the Gobi. Both cars turned out to be in good working order. Six corpses lay nearby. Since they were exposed to the sun for a long time, the exact cause of death of the expedition members could not be determined. It is assumed that they became victims of the Olgoi-Khorkhoy.

In the 1990s, two Czech expeditions visited the Gobi in an attempt to discover the elusive Olgoy-Khorkhoy. They failed to catch the giant worm. But they collected numerous evidence of the reality of its existence.

Horned skull

Archaeologists have made a number of strange discoveries in the Gobi. Thus, in 1995, several skulls that undoubtedly belonged to humans were discovered on the border of China and Mongolia. What made them original was that they all had... horns!

Almost immediately, two assumptions appeared: either these horns were skillfully implanted into a person and we are talking about ancient hunting magic, or this was precisely the innate structure of the heads of one of the species of ancient people. It took more than one month of research to draw a more or less definite conclusion about the origin of this miracle.

It turned out that in ancient times there really were horned people. Strange finds were hidden somewhere in museum storerooms, and the final conclusions were not announced. This is often done when discoveries disrupt established scientific patterns.

Gigantic humanoid

In 1999, English paleontologists in the area of ​​the Mongolian town of Uulakh found the fossilized remains of a gigantic humanoid creature in a rock 45 million years old. His skull, in a number of ways, indicates a close relationship with the first apes, who lived 6-8 million years ago.

Other anthropological features make it possible to associate the find with Homo sapiens. The structural features of the skull indicate that this creature was somewhat intelligent and could speak. The skeletal structure of this humanoid is close to that of a human. It’s just that the hands are disproportionately large. The height of this creature is completely atypical for humans and primates - about 15 meters!

American paleontologists were skeptical about the find. The well-known journal Nature suggested that the find in Uulakh is a fake. But Dr. Tones from Great Britain reasoned differently:

Perhaps we are not dealing with a human race that died out millions of years ago, but with something else that is not characteristic of our nature. This creature seems to have evolved outside the laws of our evolution.
With this statement, he greatly pleased ufologists.

His compatriot Daniel Stanford, in the pages of the Globe newspaper, assessed the find differently: “It looks like we will have to reconsider the entire history of the planet known to mankind. What we discovered completely contradicts the scientific picture of the world that existed until now.”

Local legends about a “bony demon living in the gorge” also speak in favor of the authenticity of the find.
A discovery was also made in the Gobi Desert related to the man-made activities of ancient civilizations.

According to British ufologist John Burrows, Soviet scientists several times found mysterious hemispherical objects made of glass and porcelain in the caves of Turkestan and the Gobi Desert, crowned with a cone with a drop of mercury inside. Soviet experts allegedly identified these finds as “ancient instruments used in the navigation of spacecraft.” Burroughs suggested that they were used on ancient Indian aircraft - vimanas.

Interplanetary war in the desert

The second half of the 1960s was marked by political tensions between the USSR and China. In 1969, it came to hostilities on the Soviet-Chinese border. On September 11, 1969, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin, on his way back from Vietnam to Moscow, landed at Beijing airport and signed an agreement with the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai, on maintaining existing borders. After this, the situation stabilized somewhat.

In April 1970, UFOs literally flew in flocks over the Gobi Desert. They were observed from China and the Soviet Union. The USSR accused China of launching reconnaissance vehicles over the territory of neighboring Mongolia. The Chinese attributed the flights to the Soviets.

On April 24, an incident occurred that aggravated the situation. That day, one Soviet bomber took off from Moscow and, according to orders, was supposed to land in Vladivostok. Over Siberia, communication with the aircraft was suddenly interrupted. A search operation was immediately organized: a huge area was searched by 200 aircraft, but no traces of the “strategist” were found. During those same days, the radars of the country's air defense system recorded dozens of UFO flights in the airspace of the USSR. The missiles they tried to shoot down the supposed reconnaissance vehicles did not reach their targets.

Then military experts and intelligence services decided to find out where these objects were coming from. Analysts reconstructed the trajectories of their flights and found that all UFOs appeared from an area located 1000 kilometers northeast of the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar. Two days later, an order was given to redeploy large forces of the Soviet army to that area. Three divisions with tanks, armored personnel carriers, military equipment and headquarters moved east. The Soviet Union, traditionally for such cases, informed the West that troops were moving to the site of military exercises.

On April 27, Chinese troops also began to move. The transfer of a division withdrawn from North Korea to Mongolia began. Meanwhile, Soviet planes conducted observations and aerial photography, after which aviation began to literally bombard the suspicious area. The media of both countries started talking about minor incidents: the parties reported about border violators from the neighboring side, who were dealt with as required by law.

But something completely different could be heard in Hong Kong. Refugees from the PRC spoke of hundreds of deaths on both sides and that the Soviets had dropped a nuclear bomb either on a Chinese secret military base or on some completely unknown enemy. French journalist Pierre Garden and his American colleague Dicke Lester, while in Hong Kong, also learned about the Soviet-Chinese border conflict. Dike Lester reported to SAGA magazine that he also found eyewitnesses from the GDR.

Young people came to Mongolia to study under a student exchange program and accidentally witnessed the fighting. They confirmed everything that the fugitive Chinese said in Hong Kong, including information about the destruction of “a large military base with a many-kilometer tunnel system.”

What actually happened there is still not known for certain. There were no official comments about the events of April-May 1970 in the Gobi Desert. It was hardly possible to find out what kind of aircraft were flying over the border areas of the USSR and China at that time. What relation the secret base on the Mongolian Plateau had to them also remained a secret behind seven seals. At least for the general public.

Ufologists do not rule out that we are talking about one of the secrets of our civilization, inaccessible to mere mortals. Perhaps even a one-of-a-kind large-scale military confrontation with aliens.


Historical site Bagheera - secrets of history, mysteries of the universe. Mysteries of great empires and ancient civilizations, the fate of disappeared treasures and biographies of people who changed the world, secrets of intelligence agencies. The history of wars, mysteries of battles and battles, reconnaissance operations of the past and present. World traditions, modern life in Russia, the mysteries of the USSR, the main directions of culture and other related topics - everything that official history is silent about.

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Hidden from prying eyes by the sands of the Gobi Desert, in its southern part, lies the dead city of Khara-Khoto. Legends, rumors, and speculation have worried more than one generation of Russian researchers. And so, at the dawn of the 20th century, in 1907, Pyotr Kozlov organized the first scientific expedition to the mysterious city. In November of the same year they left for Mongolia. It must be said that the Chinese administration tried by any means to prevent researchers from accessing the ancient ruins.

But still, Kozlov was lucky enough to come to an agreement with the leader of the local Torgout-Beile tribe, and in March 1908, an expedition led by a guide named Bata reached the ruins of the dead city. Khara-Khoto greeted the scientists with a high fortress wall. The fence formed a square along the perimeter. Almost all the walls, with the exception of the western one, were covered with sand to the very top. Archaeologists have begun excavations. Almost immediately, in the first days of research, the most valuable items were found: women's jewelry, money, books, household belongings. First of all, all the finds were transported to St. Petersburg to determine the age and historical era of the dead city. The answer did not take long to arrive. Khara-Khoto was the main city of the Tanguts - the Si-Xia people, a Buddhist religion.

Scientists paid special attention to the mausoleum (suburgan) located at a distance from the main city. “Famous,” as he later received the name, gave the world a huge library of books (about 2000 volumes), manuscripts, scrolls, Buddhist iconography, and wooden figurines. Thanks to the dry desert climate, all the finds were perfectly preserved.

The unusual writing of the Tanguts could remain a mystery, but the researchers were lucky: a dictionary of the language of the Si-Xia people was discovered. Reading books found by Kozlov and looking at objects of art and everyday life, N.K. Roerich said: “If such tribes lived in deserts, then how far these places were from savagery.” The documents found are varied in content. There are books of fortune-telling and teachings of Genghis Khan, medicinal collections and religious views.

But the most interesting thing that still attracts adventurers to Khara-Khoto is the ancient legend about countless treasures. Briefly, it says: a certain warrior Khara-jian-jun, the last one who owned the city, decided, with the help of his invincible army, to take the throne from the Chinese emperor. It is clear that the ruler of China did not like this very much and a large detachment was sent against him. Having lost several battles, the warrior took refuge in Khara-Khoto, which was besieged by the emperor’s troops. They were unable to take the city by storm, so they decided to leave the besieged without water, for which purpose they diverted the Entsin-Gol River from the city. Dying of thirst, the besieged began to dig a well, but they did not find water even at 300 meters. And the batyr decided on the last battle, and used the well for all his wealth, of which he had 80 carts and carts, about 30 pounds each of silver, gold and other valuables. Having killed his children so that the enemy would not abuse them if he failed, breaking a hole in the wall, he rushed into the last battle, where he disappeared along with his army. Chinese troops plundered the city, but found no wealth. They say the treasure is still there to this day. Many tried to master them, but all failed. And the last time, treasure hunters dug up, instead of riches, two large snakes with green and red scales. Thus was born the legend of the enchanted treasures. True, some found gold and silver bars and figurines. And many years ago, one old woman found several strings of pearls.

Scientists, unlike unlucky treasure hunters, found their treasures. Written monuments from Khara-Khoto date back to the time of Mongol rule, before 1368. The mystery of the dead city has been solved.

Evidence of the existence of giants

Some evidence from official history that talks about giant people. There is even such evidence in the Bible. Slavic sources mention Urs - representatives of the planet Urai, who at certain moments helped the Rus to develop.

All that remains of the giants are legends and artifacts that scientists find in different parts of the planet. The geographer Pausanias (2nd century AD) candidly testifies that at the bottom of the Sront River in Syria, a well-preserved human skeleton was discovered, reaching 5.5 meters in height.

During the conquest of America, the Spanish conquistadors discovered a human skeleton in one of the Mayan temples, which so stunned them with its size that, by order of Cortes, the find was sent across the ocean to the Pope. In the 70s of the last century, a footprint of a giant human foot was discovered in Tanzania. Its length was 80 centimeters. The footprints found in America in the state of Nevada are not much different from it in size. After heavy rains that lasted several weeks, fossilized footprints were exposed in the sandstone. The distance between the two prints was 2 meters, and the length of the foot was about 50 centimeters.

After the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, Moses sent scouts to Palestine. The scouts reported: “...There we saw giants/.../, from a giant family; and we were like locusts in our sight before them, and so were we in their sight” (Num. 13:34). The fifth book of Moses reports that the Israelites preserved the iron bed (bed) of the last Rephaim king. The length of the bed is “nine cubits of a man” (Deut. 3:11). In passing, we note that “rephaim” in Hebrew means “giant.” And nine cubits is... 4.5 m. The king’s name was Og of Bassan, just like the giant saved by Noah.

The “Father of History,” the Greek Herodotus (5th century BC), talks about several finds of huge human skeletons. Thus, a blacksmith from Tegea, while digging a well, discovered the remains of a giant man. His height exceeded 2.5 m. In one of the found skeletons (3.5 m tall), the inhabitants of Sparta recognized the giant hero Orestes and carried him with them on military campaigns instead of a banner.

The Roman historian Josephus Flavius ​​(1st century AD) described the appearance of the giants as follows: “Their bodies were huge, and their faces were so different from ordinary human faces that it was amazing to see them, and scary to hear them speak.”

2,500 dinosaur tracks were found on a plateau near the Turkmen village of Khoja-pil-ata! There are no such number of prints anywhere else. But it's not about their number. Among the numerous chains left by ancient lizards, two chains of so-called five-toed tracks were discovered. One of them consists of traces about 26 cm long. They roughly correspond to the traces of a modern person with a height of 1.65-1.7 m. But the traces of the other chain were about 60 cm long. The giant who left them must have been almost 5 m tall.

The end of the twentieth century was marked by a sensational discovery by an Anglo-French paleontological expedition that conducted research in remote parts of Southern Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, which has long been considered a hive of secrets. There is a place there called Uulakh, about which a legend about a giant devil who lived in a stone gorge has been passed down from generation to generation. He was so huge that the earth could hardly bear him.

A group of paleontologists, led by Professor Higley, decided to check the authenticity of this legend. Persistent excavations in layers of rock, which are about 45 million years old, were crowned with success: a well-preserved skeleton of a humanoid creature was discovered. Moreover, scientists were amazed by his height - about 15-17 meters. It turns out that the legend was true? But how did local residents know about the “gigantic shaitan” if he lived millions of years ago? There is only one plausible explanation: they have already seen his bones. The rock could have been washed away by water, which allowed the Mongols to see the remains, the legend of which has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

According to one of the leaders of the expedition, Guillaume Roger, these are the remains of an alien from outer space. However, not all scientists agreed with this point of view: in the fairly well-known and influential American journal Nature they wrote, citing the opinions of leading US paleontologists, in particular, the opinion of Professor Parker, a recognized authority in American scientific circles, that a huge skeleton from the Gobi Desert is just a well-prepared hoax.

Noteworthy is the version put forward by Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, who noted that it is necessary to take into account the data of recent studies. It follows from them that for billions of years the Earth rotated around the Sun and around its axis much faster than at present. Calculations show that at that time a day lasted about 10 hours, and in one year there were almost 400 days. According to Wingley, such conditions made it possible for the existence of giants - dinosaurs, lizards and even humanoids. It is likely that this is the answer to the mysterious gorge.

Compiled the article by Vyacheslav Kalachev

The end of the twentieth century was marked by a sensational discovery by an Anglo-French paleontological expedition that conducted research in remote parts of Southern Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert, which has long been considered a hive of secrets. There is a place there called Uulakh, about which a legend about a giant devil who lived in a stone gorge has been passed down from generation to generation. He was so huge that the earth could hardly bear him...

A group of paleontologists, led by Professor Higley, decided to check the authenticity of this legend. Persistent excavations in layers of rock, which are about 45 million years old, were crowned with success: a well-preserved skeleton of a humanoid creature was discovered. Moreover, scientists were amazed by his height - about 10 meters. It turns out that the legend was true?

But how did local residents know about the “gigantic shaitan” if he lived millions of years ago? There is only one plausible explanation: they have already seen his bones. The rock could have been washed away by water, which allowed the Mongols to see the remains, the legend of which has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

But soon much more serious mysteries emerged: the skull of the find was strikingly reminiscent of the skull of a highly developed homo sapiens. Naturally, if you can call an ancient giant that way. The structure of his skull indicates that the giant had a developed brain and speech organs. The structure of his skeleton resembles that of a human, the only thing is that the hands of the skeleton are much larger when compared with the proportions of human bodies.

According to one of the leaders of the expedition, Guillaume Roger, these are the remains of an alien from outer space. However, not all scientists agreed with this point of view: in the fairly well-known and influential American journal Nature they wrote, citing the opinions of leading US paleontologists, in particular, the opinion of Professor Parker, a recognized authority in American scientific circles, that a huge skeleton from the Gobi Desert is just a well-prepared hoax.

Moreover, everyone remembered fake antique statues, legendary treasures, and the notorious crystal skulls. There is no answer to only one question from Professor Higley: who could need this hoax, and, most importantly, why?

Independent experts pointed to another important factor: a fake of this scale cannot be manufactured and delivered to the required location in secret.

Noteworthy is the version put forward by Canadian scientist Roger Wingley, who noted that it is necessary to take into account the data of recent studies. It follows from them that for billions of years the Earth rotated around the Sun and around its axis much faster than at present.

Calculations show that at that time a day lasted about 10 hours, and in one year there were almost 400 days. According to Wingley, such conditions made it possible for the existence of giants - dinosaurs, lizards and even humanoids. It is likely that this is the answer to the mysterious gorge.

Articles appeared in a number of British newspapers that called for a new look at the history of human development. The famous British scientist Dr. Tones expressed his view on the problem.

He believes that his colleagues made a unique find that does not belong to earthly civilization. The professor hypothesized that the creature discovered in the Gobi Desert developed and lived according to laws that are very far from earthly evolution. Therefore, this is not a representative of an extinct race from our planet, not a hoax, but a creature from outer space.

The works of Tsiolkovsky, who a hundred years ago argued that life in outer space is very diverse, therefore earthly standards cannot be applied to everything, would also be quite appropriate.

So it is quite possible that a humanoid from an unknown world has found its last refuge on our planet. According to a number of ufologists, there may be many similar burial places on Earth of aliens who died during their travels through outer space.

The 20th century presented us with another farewell riddle, which we will be solving for a long time.