Choosing a name for the child. Find out the expected gender of the child: free test Numerology - the magic of numbers

Surely every parent has thought about whether there are rules for choosing a name for a child and what determines the choice of a name? Our ancestors resolved this issue simply - they turned to the calendar. Nowadays, most often, mothers and fathers choose the name of a newborn based on the “like it or don’t like it” principle. But in some families, heated debates arise if relatives' tastes do not coincide. In this case, a variety of arguments are used, from the church calendar to horoscopes, from family traditions to numerology.


For those who do not attach much importance to subtle matters, it is enough for the name to sound beautiful and evoke pleasant associations. But it is worth considering that it must be combined with the patronymic and surname. An extravagant foreign name and an ordinary Russian patronymic (Cleopatra Ivanovna, Apollo Petrovich) can be dissonant with each other, and the combination of an exotic name and a simple surname (Malvina Sergeeva, Mercury Ivanov) usually causes a smile. The choice of patronymic name is also important. So, if the name ends with a consonant, and the patronymic begins with it (for example, Mark Konstantinovich, Vladimir Rodionovich), then pronunciation will be difficult. Before choosing a name for your baby, check the initials. They should not form a funny or absurd word. When choosing a name for boys, you should take into account that in the future they will become fathers and give a middle name to their children. Therefore, it is important that not only the name, but also the patronymic derived from it sounds beautiful.


Among Orthodox Christians, choosing a name according to the calendar is still popular today. The Saints, or Orthodox calendar, is a church calendar, on each day of which there is a day of remembrance of one or more saints. According to church tradition, the baby’s name can be chosen from the list of those saints who are glorified on the child’s birthday, on the eighth day, when the rite of naming is performed, or during the 40-day period when the sacrament of Holy Baptism is usually performed. But this is not a hard and fast rule. Therefore, if there is a desire to name the baby in honor of another saint, then there are no obstacles to this. It is believed that the name chosen according to the calendar is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person throughout his life.


There is a theory that children born at certain times of the year have their own character traits, and their name should be chosen based on these characteristics. How to choose the right name based on month of birth or time of year? It is believed that “winter” children most often have a strong character, so it is better to give them melodious names so as not to aggravate some character traits inherent in nature (Ulyana, Anastasia, Maxim, Timofey, etc.). “Spring” - vulnerable, indecisive, soft. For them it is worth choosing names that give the will to win and firmness in convictions (Elizabeth, Margarita, Victor, Alexander, etc.). “Summer” people are impulsive and emotional. Solid names are suitable for them, which will become a kind of protection for them (Olga, Anna, Yuri, Egor, etc.). “Autumn” children have an easy character; they do not need additional character adjustments with a name.

Meaning of the name

Some parents are confident that the chosen name guarantees the child certain character traits, temperament and even destiny. Numerous collections of names offer ready-made “recipes” in case parents want their son to grow up as a strong-willed and strong leader, and for their daughter to be obedient and affectionate. Whether or not to believe in the meaning of the name is up to moms and dads themselves to decide. But sometimes it is useful to get information about the history, origin (etymology), cultural tradition of each specific name for a boy or name for a girl.


When choosing a name for a child, many parents rely on family traditions, believing that this gives a person a sense of belonging to the family, an understanding of their roots, and perhaps some predictability of the future. For example, in some families, children are named exclusively after grandparents, great-grandparents, or great-grandparents. Others have special "schemes", for example, all children's names must be double or start with the same letter. Some parents only consider choosing an Orthodox (or Muslim) name, while others strive to give their children international names.


There are many tests on the Internet that will help you choose a name for your baby. Whether it is worth taking such questionnaires seriously, everyone decides for himself, but, as you know, there is some truth in every joke. And some parents are ready to rely even on a random choice of name. For such mothers and fathers, there are programs for choosing a name for a child online.

Moms share their experiences

In parenting forums, the topic of choosing a name for a child is one of the most popular. Moms talk about their know-how:

  • "Wiggles." “Choosing a name for the boy was difficult for us. Just before giving birth, I lay and said the names I liked. Five male names had already been named, and on the sixth option, “Demyan,” the baby confidently pushed his foot in my stomach. That's what we named our son. The choice of the name Demyan turned out to be successful - our son makes us happy every day!”
  • "Signs". “Even before pregnancy, I heard the superstition: “the more letters in the names of parents and children match, the stronger the family.” I am Natalia, my husband is Anatoly, and we decided to name our son Vitaly. I think the choice of name for my son was correct! We have a very friendly family, complete mutual understanding.”
  • "Notes". “Choosing a name for our daughter was difficult for us. And then it turned out that the random choice of name was the most successful. We wrote the most beautiful women's names on pieces of paper and put them in a canvas bag. Then they shook it and took out a note with “Anya” written on it. This piece of paper is still kept in our Anyuta’s dowry, along with a tag from the maternity hospital and a baptismal shirt.”
  • "Older child to help." “We did not take into account any rules for choosing a name for a boy. When we arrived from the maternity hospital, our eldest daughter, 3-year-old Maria, saw her brother and said: “This is Misha. Masha and Misha will be friends." My husband and I agreed and decided to name our son Mikhail, although we had other options.”
  • "Prophetic dream". “Choosing a name for a child in a dream is about me! A month before giving birth, I had a dream that I was rocking a little girl in my arms and calling her Katya, although my husband and I had not even considered this name. That's what we named our baby. As it turned out later, I also pleased my mother-in-law: she always wanted a daughter, Ekaterina, but she only had one son.”
  • "Collective mind". “Choosing a female name was not an easy task for my husband and I. From the first month of pregnancy until childbirth, I actively communicated with expectant mothers on one of the forums on the Internet. They literally became family to me: they always supported me in difficult situations and helped with advice. I turned to them for help. My husband and I liked the names Anastasia and Veronica, but we couldn’t choose one. I asked the girls to vote. The Veronica option was chosen by the majority of votes. Now we have a beautiful daughter, Nika, growing up.”

Tatiana Petulko


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Test for the expected gender of the child: boy or girl?

Who will it be - a girl or a boy? Everyone is waiting for the answer to this question. And to determine the sex of your unborn child, you probably resorted to various “folk” methods. Of course, you can try to reveal this secret... but hoping for a 100% hit is not worth it. After conducting research, summarizing all available information on determining the sex of a child, we summarized it in our test. Is he accurate too? According to statistics, this is the most accurate determinant of the sex of the unborn baby.

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How nature works and why certain natural phenomena occur is the biggest mystery on Earth. And, despite the fact that in our test we collected the most reliable information, you still shouldn’t hope for a 100% hit. A positive answer only increases your chances of becoming the parents of a boy or girl.

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Want a more accurate forecast? Read other methods of determination:

Who you will be born with is known already at the very moment of conception, when the fusion of egg and sperm occurs. As is known, only the sperm is responsible for the sex of the unborn child. If conception occurred with a sperm that is the carrier of the X chromosome, then congratulations: you are having a girl. If a sperm carrier of the Y chromosome participated in fertilization, then a boy will soon be born. The egg initially carries only the X chromosome.

Now let's move on to the date of conception, which falls exclusively during the period of ovulation. Spermatozoa, carriers of the Y chromosome, are always much more mobile and agile than carriers of the X chromosome. Therefore, if a close relationship between a woman and a man occurs directly during the period of ovulation, then the carriers of the Y chromosome reach the egg faster, resulting in a boy being born. If during this period there was no ovulation yet, then the spermatozoa responsible for the birth of a boy will die very soon, without having completed their mission. The sperm responsible for the birth of a girl will wait for the right moment for several more days. And then, after nine months, a girl will appear in the family.

How to find out the gender of a baby by heartbeat

There are many different ways to determine the sex of an unborn child. One such technique is the method of determining the sex of a child by its heartbeat. Already at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, if desired, you can hear the heartbeat of the unborn baby. To do this, you can go to a diagnostic laboratory and do an ultrasound, during which it is too early to determine the sex of the child, but the number of beats per minute of the baby’s heart can already be recorded. You can also use a regular obstetric stethoscope and count the baby's heart rate through the abdominal wall.

According to this method of determining the sex of the unborn child, girls’ hearts beat much faster than those of boys. If your baby's heart rate exceeds 140 -150 beats per minute, you can expect the birth of a girl. If the number of beats per minute is less, then most likely a boy will be born. If the value is 140, then you should resort to other methods.

It is worth noting that this technique is quite controversial and most modern doctors reject it. If you want to find out who you will have, wait another 6-8 weeks and do another ultrasound, at which the doctor will definitely tell you the gender of your unborn child.

How to find out the baby's gender by the shape of the belly

For a long time, village midwives accurately determined the gender of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. Although for modern obstetricians such methods of determining the sex of an unborn child are more of a sign than an accurate diagnostic method, many still resort to it, often challenging the results of ultrasound and, oddly enough, they are right.

But still. Midwives predicted the birth of a boy if the belly had a pointed shape, and a girl if the belly had a round shape. This also includes the appearance of the mother from the back. The belly is considered pointed if it is not visible from the woman’s back, and at the same time the waist is clearly visible, that is, in other words, from the back it cannot be said that the expectant mother is pregnant. In this case, you should definitely wait for the birth of a boy.

It was also believed that the belly in which a boy develops would bulge sharply to the right, and in which a girl develops - to the left.

The location of the abdomen is also a very important characteristic. If the belly is high and wide enough, then you should prepare for the birth of a girl. A low abdomen predicts the birth of a boy.

It is worth recalling that, according to doctors, the shape of the abdomen depends on the anatomical features of the woman in labor, and not on the gender of the unborn child

By blood renewal/blood type

Many people believe that the sex of a child can be determined by the degree of “rejuvenation” of the blood. If the father's blood is younger, a boy will be born, and if the mother's blood is younger, a girl will be born. It is believed that male blood renewal occurs once every four years. Women's blood is renewed every three years. Blood renewal is also influenced by events accompanied by blood loss: transfusion, surgery, childbirth and others. This must be taken into account when determining the sex of the baby. The calculation itself using this method is quite simple. If mom is now 24 years old and dad is 27 years old, then we get:

  • 24/3=8,0;
  • 27/4=6,75

Now look at the rest of the obtained values. Mom has 0, dad has 75. Accordingly, mom’s blood is younger, and a girl should be born. It is also believed that there is a relationship between the blood type of the parents and the gender of the unborn baby. In particular, the following dependence is assumed:

This statement is considered quite reckless and is easily refuted in the case of the birth of two children of different sexes to the same parents.

Signs and folk wisdom.

There are many folk signs that allow you to determine the gender of the unborn child by the behavior of the pregnant woman and the baby itself.

One of them is a change in the appearance and taste preferences of the expectant mother. If a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, skin problems: acne, stretch marks, pigmentation appear, then according to folk signs a girl should be born. Many people believe that girls take away all the beauty of their mother. Regarding taste preferences: they change for all pregnant women, but mothers of girls tend to eat more sweets, mothers of boys prefer meat products and fish.

  1. The gender of the unborn child can also be judged by the age of the expectant mother. If she is young, a boy should be born, if the parents are over 30 years old, a daughter.
  2. Also, mothers of boys tend to go to sleep on their left side, with their heads facing north, and are in an excellent mood almost all day long.
  3. The period between the births of two children also affects the sex of the child. If it is minimal, then the next child will be of a different gender.
  4. The baby himself can “say” about his gender. If he is active and moves a lot, then most likely the baby will be a boy.

Numerology - the magic of numbers

Many, in an effort to find out the gender of their unborn child, turn to numbers and numerology, in particular the Pythagorean numerological system, for help.

In this method, a table is first compiled to determine the numerical value (from 1 to 9) of each letter of the alphabet. In the first line we write the numbers from 1 to 9, and in the second and subsequent letters in alphabetical order.

The result is the following table:

Now we write down the full name of the expectant mother and her maiden name. You also need to write your dad's full name and last name. Opposite the names and surnames are the corresponding numbers from the table. Add up the written numbers.

Now write down the month when your unborn child was conceived. Write down the numbers again and add them up.

Sum up the previously obtained values ​​and divide the sum by 7. Do not pay attention to the remainder, only to the whole value. If it is an odd number, then the birth must be a boy. If the number obtained as a result of division is even, expect the birth of a girl.

If, as a result of dividing the numbers obtained by adding the corresponding numbers of the first and last names of mom and dad, a comparable remainder is obtained, then the birth of twins can be expected.

When choosing a name for a child, parents bear a great responsibility, because the future of the child may depend on this choice. Remember: “What will you name the boat...”? The mother should play a special role in choosing the child’s name. Often, a mother’s feeling tells her the correct name of her unborn child even before birth. Some believe that the soul of a child comes into this life with certain tasks and goals, and it already knows the name that will help it to realize itself. And it is the mother who can sense the baby’s purpose on a subconscious level.

Simple practical tips will help you narrow down your list of possible names from the very beginning. What should you pay attention to?

  • a non-standard, pretentious name that attracts undue attention and gives rise to banter can create strong psychological tension in the future;
  • listen to how harmoniously the name sounds in combination with the surname and patronymic;
  • if the vowels in the names of the child and parents coincide, this provides a better understanding, for example, mother Anya will get along better with her daughter Natasha, and mother Olya with her daughter Sonya;
  • do not chase fashion when choosing a name, such names can prevent the child from feeling his own individuality;
  • a very common name over time can create psychological discomfort for a child, since a small child, surrounded by peers with the same names, is called by his last name;
  • When giving your daughters names derived from male ones (Alexandra, Valentina, Evgenia and others), remember that such girls very often develop a personality prone to leadership, obstinacy, and not always aimed at creation;
  • There is a belief that it is impossible to name people after grandparents, much less follow their advice when choosing a child’s name.

    Are you in trouble? Then, as a psychological game, numerology - the science of the magic of numbers - can come to the rescue when choosing a name.

    Calculate the name of the unborn child

    With the help of numerology, you can reveal the essence of any date, concept, name. It is enough to reduce the meaning of what you want to a single digit number. The number corresponding to the letter can be determined using the numerology table:


    For example, if we want to determine the number of the name Sophia, then to do this we look for the letters of the name in the table, look in the top line for the number corresponding to the letter and sum, bringing the result to a single digit number:

    The number of the name Sophia is 3.
    1+7+4+3+6 = 21 = 2+1 = 3

    But before you look at the meaning of this number, think about how often parents will address their child by his full name? Most likely, little Sophia will be called by diminutive names. And each such name will have its own number. For example, Sonya - 2, Sonechka - 4, Sonyushka - 4, Sofulya - 7. In this case, you need to take into account the most likely diminutive.

    Each name (full and incomplete) has its own number, which gives a certain vibration. On the one hand, it reflects your attitude towards the child and your wishes. On the other hand, the name will influence the child’s perception of the world around him. The name will help him develop in one direction or another and will emphasize or weaken certain qualities. The vibrations of the number work when the name is used, that is, pronounced. The name Sophia, written on the birth certificate and rarely used in everyday life, will have virtually no effect on the child.

    Name number meanings:

    • 1 - leader
    • 2 - peacemaker
    • 3 - creative destiny
    • 4 - manager, organizer
    • 5 – educator
    • 6 – successful
    • 7 – philosopher
    • 8 – lucky materialist
    • 9 – spiritualized intellectual

      Let's return to Sonya. In kindergarten they call her Sonya (number 2) and see in her gentleness, tact, and kindness. This name promotes the development of all these qualities. Dad and mom call them Sonechka (4) and Sonyushka (4). This is how they value their daughter for her organization, ingenuity, reliability, and hard work. That is why sometimes it happens that a child is an angel at home, but an imp on the playground, or vice versa. Check if there is a connection here with various derivatives of the name? If a grandmother calls her granddaughter nothing other than Sofulya (7), feeling in her wisdom, a philosophical attitude towards everything, insight, then she thereby supports the development of such qualities in her granddaughter. And little Sonya will behave completely differently with her grandmother.

      When choosing a name for a child, it is good if several diminutive names are formed from the full name, with different numbers. Such a choice will help influence the multifaceted development of personality or adjust the character by replacing the diminutive with a more appropriate number.

Have you found out that you will soon become parents? So, it’s time to think about what name to give your future baby, so that it is not only consonant with the last name and patronymic, but also brings him happiness and good luck. And for this you will need to make some calculations by turning to the science of numbers - numerology.

What is the connection between a child's name and numerology? To find the best combination for your baby, use this numerology method. Take the child's full name and refer to the chart below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

For example, you want to name your child Sofia, so we count: S - 1, O - 7, F - 4, I - 1, Z - 6. Now we add up: 1+7+4+1+6=19=1+9 =10=1. This means that the number of your child’s name is 1.

You can calculate the number of your child’s name online for free and find out its meaning in terms of numerology:

It will be impossible to scold this child after he, having misbehaved, looks at you with his angelic gaze and smiles with his gentle smile. This child is pure charm. But not only you, but also he himself knows about this, so be prepared - he will use his charm more than once to achieve his goal. Try not to follow his lead.

Single girls are always tomboys, they are not afraid of anything or anyone, boys are independent individuals.

They are leaders in life, so they are the ringleaders in a children's company.

This child is very affectionate by nature, so hug and kiss him as often as possible. Without this he will feel bad. These children are sensitive natures, they feel their mother’s mood especially keenly: if she feels bad, then he will be sad and moody, but if the mother is happy, then so will the child.

Twin girls are very similar in character to boys - persistent and strong, boys, on the contrary, are gentle and reverent.

It takes them a long time to choose a true friend, but if they find one, it will be for life.

This child loves to explore the world, from the cradle he will study the objects around him and put everything in his mouth; current and fire will also become interesting for him, so you should always monitor your knowledge.

Three girls are smart and well-read ladies from a young age, boys spend a lot of time playing with construction sets and solving puzzles.

They are sociable, so they always have many friends with similar interests.

These kids are careful in life, so they rarely get into trouble - they usually don’t have broken legs and arms, and bruises are a rare occurrence on their knees.

Four-year girls spend a lot of time making things with their hands, and boys are usually good students and role models.

They are calm and balanced individuals who love solitude.

This child is constantly on the move; once he starts crawling, he can no longer be caught. They are athletic and active.

The A-grade girls are excellent gymnasts and ballerinas, and the boys are football players and hockey players.

They are always the center of attention and will never let themselves be offended.

Mother's children were born under this number, they are constantly attached to it, without making contact with other family members. They are affectionate and gentle, but only with their mother.

Six-year-old girls constantly imitate their mothers in everything, and boys remain mama’s boys for a long time.

They love communication, are not greedy and peaceful.

Independent individuals are already from the cradle, they do not take criticism well from family members, they do the opposite.

Seven-year-old girls love to spend time with older friends, seeking their support in everything, boys are loners in life.

They don't like being told what to do, but they are rarely right in their decisions.

These children are like sunshine, they are constantly exploring positive energy, but if someone starts criticizing them, they will be very offended and may even stop communicating.

Eight-year-old girls are cheerful, laughing people, it’s easy to be with them, but boys, alas, have a hard time making contact with people who are not emotionally suitable for them.

They will never show their character until they are very offended.

Energy children. They constantly drain everyone's energy - they swear, cry, squeak, scream. It’s very difficult with them, but until they find out that punishment is coming for all this.

Nine girls are capricious individuals, and boys are brawlers and brawlers.

They rarely give in to requests; force is what can pacify them.

Margarita Safrina

Hello, girls, who applied for alimony for a man who did his best to disown his child and did not help at all? Didn’t this daddy play nasty things on you later in revenge? Is there any point in catching such an eccentric? Did he pay?

We weren’t officially married, we were in a relationship for several years, and when I heard about the pregnancy, I blocked everything and disappeared in an unknown direction, as if I were having a random affair. I decided to keep the child, processed all the payments, and didn’t run after him first, there was no time for that. The child will soon be 1.5 years old, the benefits will end, I want to apply for alimony, but I’m afraid that I’ll deprive myself of a quiet life. On the other hand, we really need money, we don’t show off.


Polina Novikova

Then my dog ​​and a small Scottish terrier met on the street. We got interested. I ask, is the (small) dog adequate? Yes, they say, I’ll let you in. The little idiot instantly happily tries to grab my dog’s throat. A common reaction among small, angry people to big and kind people. My old man walked away, even lay down out of frustration. I say, the guys are somehow not ice. It’s clear why we don’t know you, don’t go to common walking areas. Here, of course, I’m probably in vain, but I advised you to wean the dog off aggression...
And I received the answer: (I omit the swearing) I have a friend with a fighting dog, we will find you and bite your labrum...
And this, of course, is the culmination! Here you are standing here now, dissatisfied with me, well, hit me in the face, explain that you had my advice! A reference to a fantastic friend from an adult man is harsh...And he was with a woman. How can you live with this? A coward and a liar...And no brains.


Lydia Krivitskaya

Girls, where should I go to work (in what field) or organize something to earn money for an apartment or at least collect for a down payment.. I live with relatives.. I can’t.. I’m going crazy.. my sister has three children and a husband who He constantly yells and swears, and I’m with my son..


Hedgehog in the fog of the forum

Good morning)))
Can I also follow the tracks, so to speak)))
In the topic about leadership, the author constantly asked - who made the decision is responsible...
How can responsibility be divided in a family???
Well, at work it’s logical - (for example, a sales director) - he sold it to the wrong person, the company lost money, he was deprived of his bonus, he was fired. So he bore responsibility.
And in the family??? My husband chose the wrong hotel for his vacation. And what??? They laughed together, either moved, or spat and rested.
Or a mortgage... how come we are responsible for it together... no? If I know that the payment is 30, I will not run on 29 to buy shoes for myself with my last money. And I won’t demand them from my husband.
Or am I saying, you’ve decided, you’ll suffer there... but in the end, it’s a no-brainer to move out onto the street together?
In general, how are you with responsibility?))))