I dreamed of a jumping spider. Dream Interpretation: Why does the Spider dream?

Not only those who suffer from arachnophobia, but also people who are not afraid of these arthropods can see a spider in a dream. What do spiders mean in a dream and why do spiders dream? The interpretation of dreams “spider” can be different. A lot also depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a spider in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or contempt. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after seeing a “Spider” dream.

Miller's Dream Book

  • What does Miller’s dream book say: what do spiders mean in dreams? A dream about spiders suggests that you are active and diligent in your work, and this will definitely have a positive effect on your activities.
  • Why do you dream of a spider weaving a web? To the fact that there will be peace in your family. Why dream of killing a spider in a dream - a quarrel with loved ones. Poisoning spiders in a dream means think about your behavior in relationships with loved ones.
  • spider - possible betrayal or failure in business. If you are bitten by a large spider in a dream, it means that the scale of the impending failure will correspond to its size. Dream Interpretation: spiders and the web on which they hang means there will be support from your friends or people close to you.
  • Miller's dream book: a big spider means a lot of work lies ahead.
  • Seeing a huge spider in a dream means quick success or a dangerous relationship. Seeing a lot of big spiders in a dream or seeing a lot of small spiders crawling towards you in a dream is good luck in business. But if a spider bites in a dream and crawled towards you, then this means that luck will quickly turn away from you.
  • Small spiders in a dream biting you speak of trifles that you should not pay attention to.
  • Why does a woman dream about a spider - friends. Dream: running away from a spider portends humiliating circumstances.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga's dream book: spider - warning. If you dreamed about a spider, it means there will be an unpleasant conversation. If you dreamed that you were bitten by a spider, you need to beware of gossip that could harm your work or even your career.
  • If you dreamed about a tarantula spider, there is a person who is unkind to you. Dream Interpretation: a spider that attacked - someone will try to hit you on your pride.
  • A dream about spiders on Saturday speaks of an impending victory over enemies. Catching a big spider in a dream means luck will turn your way.

Loff's Dream Book

  • The meaning of the dream “spider” found its interpretation in Loff’s dream book. If you dreamed about spiders, it means changes for the better are possible in your work. Two spiders in a dream - there will be good luck in business or business.
  • If you had a dream that you were bitten by a spider, envious people will make claims against you. Why do you dream of running away from a spider? This dream suggests that success can turn into humiliation.
  • Seeing a tarantula spider in a dream means respect in the service. Dream Interpretation: a tarantula spider that you killed - respect at work will be ensured thanks to your efforts.
  • Seeing a large spider in a dream is serious work. Seeing a large black spider in a dream means difficulties in business.
  • The dream of “a big spider in your mouth” predicts gossip for you. Why do you dream about a lot of black spiders - trouble. Why do you dream of a light spider – news or change. (cm. )

Freud's Dream Book

  • Freud's dream book: spider - subconscious fears. Freud gives his explanation of why spiders appear in dreams. Seeing a spider in a dream means you should think about your relationships and the fears associated with them.
  • Why does a woman dream about a big spider? Most likely, it means that there is a fear of being abandoned by your lover.
  • If a woman often dreams of spiders, it means she underestimates her abilities. Such ladies should overcome their fears and look at themselves from a different perspective. A black spider in a dream means hidden resentment or fear.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • What does it mean to dream about a spider? If you dreamed about spiders and beetles, you need to seriously think about your behavior. Aesop's dream book: interpretation of dreams “spiders” - they dream when a person is confused in his affairs. Seeing spiders and cobwebs in a dream - most likely you have met in life a greedy and despotic person who has to obey as a matter of duty.
  • What does a big spider mean in a dream? You will have to face an insidious and cruel person. There is also a possibility that something bad is being planned against you. Why do you dream of small spiders - to numerous minor troubles. Many small spiders in a dream can also foretell an easy victory.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of spiders and cobwebs - this dream suggests that your boss personifies an evil person. A spider weaves a web - Aesop’s dream book warns that circumstances are not in your favor. Dream: spiders and cobwebs that you brush away foreshadow efforts on your part to extricate yourself from a difficult matter. You dream of a lot of cobwebs and spiders, you are entangled in it - these are your affairs in which you are as entangled as in the cobweb. You need to concentrate and be patient in order to correctly resolve all complex issues.
  • Why do you dream of killing a spider? Dream Interpretation: kill a spider in a dream - you will win or refute all the gossip.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider crawling over your body is a warning that someone close to you is plotting against you. To see a lot of spiders in a dream means you have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Tsvetkov's dream book: spider - loss. Beetles and spiders in a dream, according to esotericist Tsvetkov, dream of the loss of a friend or good luck. But if you dream that a spider is weaving a web, then this means profit. Why do you dream of spiders on the walls? To success in any endeavor. Killing a spider in a dream is news of what seemed impossible.
  • Russian folk dream book: I dreamed of a spider
  • Why do spiders dream? A spider attacks in a dream - you have become involved with a cruel and oppressive person. Being afraid of a spider in a dream means fear of your superiors.
  • Seeing small spiders crawling along a wall in a dream means a lot of minor troubles. Why do you dream of spiders on your head? You are confusing your own affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • The meaning of a spider dream, according to Hasse, can be different. As her dream book says, spiders in a dream represent your enemies who are preparing to attack you. Killing a black spider in a dream means defeating your enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: A large spider is a serious enemy.
  • The dream “a spider hangs on a web” screams: be careful.
  • Why do you dream about different spiders? To troubles or money.
  • Seeing a black spider in a dream is an evil enemy.
  • Why do you dream of a big yellow-black spider – problems related to money.
  • I dreamed of a red spider - a cunning enemy.
  • and spiders - gossip, rumors, slander. Why do you dream of a giant spider - a serious enemy. Why do you dream of big and many spiders - a conspiracy. Why do you dream of small and many spiders - unpleasant news, conversations. Why do you dream of small black spiders - minor troubles.

Family dream book

  • What does a spider mean in a dream? Dream Interpretation: spiders in a dream - there will be changes in the family.
  • Why do you dream about a spider on your face? Good news.
  • The dream of “a spider crawling on your hand” is a sign of profit.
  • The dream “spiders crawling on the body” tells you: expect a new addition to the house, a baby will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider crawls up in a dream - to recovery. What does it mean when you dream of a spider from Monday to Tuesday? This dream foreshadows torment due to committed actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white spider in a dream is good news.
  • Why do you dream about multi-colored spiders - empty talk.
  • Why do you dream of big spiders in the apartment - be careful.
  • Why do you dream of a spider in the bathroom - gossip.
  • I dreamed of a tarantula spider - a rival or rival.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a big spider in a dream - a big change.
  • Why do you dream about a big hairy spider - comfort in the house. A toy spider in a dream is a lie from the other half.
  • Dream: there are a lot of spiders in the house - they will try to disturb your comfort. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a huge black spider - treason, betrayal.
  • Why do you dream of a spider going down - surprise, news.
  • Why do average spiders dream - a change of scenery.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  • What does a spider mean in a dream? Psychologist Meneghetti offers a unique interpretation of what it means to see a spider in a dream. He claims that if you dreamed of spiders, then this is a sign of the presence of a person in your life who programs you for specific actions.
  • Why dream of a web without a spider? She points to a dark past.
  • Why do you dream about big spiders? A dream about a big spider speaks of large energy losses.
  • Why do you dream about a big black spider?
  • I dreamed of a huge black spider - there is a hidden fear in you that needs to be overcome.
  • If you dreamed of a spider that bites, you are suffering from the influence of another person.
  • The dream of a “spider bite in the hand” says: they are trying to manipulate you.
  • A big spider bite in a dream means you are dependent on a powerful person.
  • Why do you dream about so many spiders?
  • If you dream about a lot of spiders, your negative thoughts are preventing you from moving forward.

French dream book

  • Why do you dream about spiders? Dream Interpretation: seeing a spider is a harbinger of treason or betrayal, but the color and actions of the arthropod matter.
  • Dream Interpretation: killing a spider in a dream means financial losses are possible.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching a spider in a dream means your money problems will soon be resolved.
  • Spiders attacked in a dream - they are plotting against you.
  • Why do you dream about spiders and cobwebs? If you dreamed about spiders and cobwebs, there is a risk of getting into legal trouble. I dreamed of a big spider and a web - your affairs require urgent review. I dreamed of a lot of spiders and cobwebs - expect trouble, be on your guard.

Modern dream book

  • Dream book about spiders: you dreamed of a big spider - you are too indecisive. A spider in a dream is a sign that it is time to seriously reconsider your positions and stop avoiding difficult situations. If you constantly dream about spiders, perhaps you have feminine or maternal power over you.
  • The dream “a spider crawls along your hand” is a good sign, perhaps the speedy fulfillment of desires or success at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: There are a lot of spiders - it all depends on their color and actions. Dream Interpretation: small spiders - receive dividends or business offers. Dream Interpretation: cockroaches, spiders - profit. If there are a lot of black spiders, the dream book warns that this is a sign of gossip or envious people. Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of spiders around - they are planning something against you or you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  • Red spiders in a dream mean good luck in business. Dream: yellow spider – news. Seeing a big green spider in a dream means your hopes are in vain. Why do you dream about a brown spider? A loved one dominates you. Why do you dream about a pink spider? If you dreamed of a pink spider, it means pleasant chores await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a large spider - eliminate an enemy or solve a problem. Dream interpretation: a spider attacks - beware of enemies. Squashing a spider in a dream means the problem can be easily resolved. I was bitten by a spider in a dream, what does this mean? Expect trouble. A dead spider in a dream is a waste of time.
  • The dream “spiders in the house” says: take a closer look at your surroundings. Spiders in your mouth in a dream - you slander too much and may have to answer for it. In a dream there is a spider on your leg - beware of hasty conclusions and actions. Why do you dream of spiders on your body - think about your health.
  • Why do you dream of running spiders? If they run towards you: blacks mean problems, whites mean news. If from you, you are too indecisive on important issues. Dream interpretation: a flying spider is an enemy that should not be taken seriously.
  • Dream Interpretation: hairy spider - expect profit. Dream interpretation spider tarantula - you have a powerful friend. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a black spider? If you dreamed of a black spider, people envy you. If you dreamed of 2 spiders, you are faced with a difficult choice. If you dreamed of a poisonous spider, beware of evil tongues.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • What does it mean if you dream about a spider? Spider, dream book, meaning - to see a huge spider in a dream - to feel an influence from someone else or to try to influence someone yourself. In a dream I dreamed of a large spider on a web - deception.
  • Why dream of crushing a spider - conflict situations at work or in your personal life.
  • Dream Interpretation: spider on your hand - receive a gift. Why do you dream of a cobweb with spiders in the house? Towards family comfort. Dream Interpretation: a spider descends on a web - perhaps they are building a trap for you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Why do you dream of a spider descending on a web? This is a sign of illusions, which are expressed in the symbolic meaning of the web. Dream: a big spider on a web - they are building a trap for you.
  • Dream: a spider climbed along the stomach - maternal origin. Perhaps there will be an addition or concerns about children are coming. Flies and spiders in a dream mean profit. Dream: a big spider is deceit. (cm. )

Noble dream book

  • What a spider means in a dream is a good event that will require preliminary work. A spider climbing down a web in a dream is a gift. I dreamed of beautiful cross spiders - despair in matters of the heart.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders in a dream - your soul is closed from the environment. Dream Interpretation: running away from a spider is a humiliating passion. Interpretation of the dream of a spider on the body - your body is fighting the disease. Why do you dream about a spider on your hand? To betrayal or profit. Why dream of crushing a spider - a nuisance.
  • Why do you dream about a big red spider or why do you dream about a big red spider? You harbor sadistic desires or have circulatory problems. Why do you dream of a blue spider - hopes for a quick profit. Why do you dream of big light golden spiders - good news and good luck in business.
  • I dreamed about spiders and cockroaches - good luck in business, profit. If you dreamed of a dead spider, beware of laziness. A lot of black spiders in a dream - you are surrounded by envious people. Killing a big black spider in a dream means victory over the enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider on your head - your bad thoughts can cause harm. If you dreamed of a spider on your head, rummage through your mind.
  • Why does a woman dream of a black spider - it means gossip or melancholy. Why does a woman dream of white spiders - pleasant family chores. Why does a pregnant woman dream of spiders? You need to be careful, this is a sign of warning. Why do men dream about spiders? It means a woman dominates him.
  • Why do you dream of a big spider descending on a web - well-being. Seeing a spider and a web in a dream means close family ties.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about a spider - there will be good luck. Why do you dream of a big spider with a web - prosperity of business and satisfaction of ambitions. Why do you dream of spiders sitting on a web - profit from various sources.
  • Dream Interpretation: black spider - you are striving for success along the “dark” road. Dream Interpretation big white spider - changes for the better await you. Dream about spider tarantula - your work will be appreciated.
  • Worms, maggots and spiders in your hair in a dream are a dangerous love affair. Why do you dream of snakes and spiders - patience in business will lead you to victory.
  • Dream book colored spider - bright moments of life await you. Dream interpretation of a big green spider is a signal to pay attention to your health. Dream interpretation of a big yellow spider - success in your endeavors. Why do you dream about a big brown spider - work will bear fruit. Why do you dream of a red spider - strong passion. Why do red spiders dream - about money?
  • Why does a girl dream about a big spider – good luck or a new relationship. If you dreamed about a lot of black spiders, people are spreading gossip about you.
  • Dream interpretation of black widow spider - you are too dependent on your mother or another woman.
  • Dream interpretation is afraid of a spider - miss your chance. Killing a large spider in a dream means victory over your enemies. A spider bite in a dream is a betrayal.

Muslim dream book

  • A spider in a dream - the Muslim dream book interprets this in its own way. Muslim dream book: black spider - miss some opportunity. Why do you dream of a crawling spider - your wish may come true.
  • Why dream of killing a big spider - a quarrel with a loved one. Why do you dream about a spider bite in your hand? It means betrayal. Why dream of killing a black spider - you will take an advantageous position.
  • Why do you dream of spiders in food - expect problems. Islamic dream book: a spider on the wall of a house - wait for news. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: A giant spider is a profitable business. Dream: a big hairy spider is a gift.

English dream book

  • Seeing a spider in a dream is a nuisance. Dream interpretation of a big black spider – betrayal or failure. If you dream of a red spider, the dream book warns that you are facing some kind of dangerous encounter. Dream Interpretation: a lot of big spiders - they want to harm you.
  • If you dream of a golden spider, the dream book says that it is good luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: multi-colored spiders are troubles that will be associated with different areas of your life.
  • Dream interpretation: a big brown spider is hard work.
  • Seeing black spiders in a dream is a bad sign.
  • A green spider in a dream means empty talk.
  • and spiders - they spread gossip about you.
  • Dream: there are a lot of spiders - be careful when communicating with people around you.
  • A person eats spiders in a dream - health problems.
  • Catching spiders in a dream means you are creating problems for yourself.
  • Squashing spiders in a dream means victory over your enemies.
  • Catching a spider in a dream is a good deal. What does it mean when a spider bites you in a dream - defeat, failure.
  • If a spider bites your hand in a dream, it means failure in business.
  • The dream of a “spider on the head” symbolizes melancholy and depression.
  • The dream of a "spider on your hand" indicates that you will be burdened with a difficult task.
  • The dream “spider in hair” warns: they are feeding on your energy. (cm. )

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a large spider in a dream means troubles, tears, drunkenness.
  • The dream "beautiful spider" warns you: beware of deception.
  • The dream of “seeing spiders being killed” says that you will be able to overcome problems.
  • Feeding a spider in a dream means you are surrounded by envious people.
  • Seeing a lot of small spiders in a dream means trouble.
  • Why do you dream about spiders and cockroaches - unpleasant events.
  • Why do you dream about black spiders? A lot of them are gossip.
  • Why do you dream of a big white spider - good news.
  • Why do you dream of a yellow spider - illness.

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: spiders, insects in a dream are a sign about the state of your affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider bit your hand in a dream - unexpected expenses.
  • Dream Interpretation: being afraid of a spider in a dream means your fears are interfering with your business.
  • Dream interpretation: a big red spider in a dream is a disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: A large dead black spider is a waste of time.
  • Dream interpretation: a spider crawls along your leg - enemies will interfere with you.
  • Why do you dream of a biting spider - a bad sign. Dream Interpretation: a spider bite in the leg in a dream is a warning about danger on the road.
  • Dream Interpretation: killing a big black spider means solving an important problem.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider in a cocoon in a dream - your enemy is hiding under the mask of a friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: Catching a poisonous black spider is a dangerous relationship.
  • Swallowing a spider in a dream means health problems.
  • Seeing a lot of spiders in a dream means trouble.
  • The dream “light spider” is a good sign; your work will be justified.
  • The dream "red spider" prophesies good luck. A huge black spider in a dream is a disaster.
  • The dream “two big spiders” symbolizes a difficult choice.
  • Dreaming of a spider carrying its egg means they will try to set you up.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Why do you dream about spiders and insects? Spider and web are a sign of betrayal, deceit, confusion, long work.
  • Why do you dream of big spiders in the house - there will be trouble in the house.
  • Why do you dream of big spiders that bite - insidious enemies.
  • Why dream of driving away a black hairy spider - to avoid trouble.
  • A big spider in a dream means your enemy is strong. Dream: big black spider - expect trouble.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a huge spider - a very strong and dangerous enemy.
  • Why do you dream of 2 spiders - you have ill-wishers.
  • Why do you dream of a flying spider - your enemy is in doubt.
  • Why do you dream about so many spiders? Hard times await you.
  • spiders - you are surrounded by evil people.
  • Why do you dream of a beautiful spider - flattery, deception is possible.
  • Why do you dream of a golden spider? Sometimes such a spider dreams of pregnancy.
  • Why do you dream about spiders and bedbugs - bad news.
  • Why do you dream of a big poisonous spider - a cruel enemy.
  • A child dreamed of a spider - he was tormented by fears.
  • I dreamed of a spider bite - betrayal. If you dreamed of a black spider and bit you, you will be seriously harmed.
  • I dreamed of a spider on my leg - things were not turning for the better. I dreamed of a spider on my face - deception on the part of loved ones.
  • and spiders - many envy you with black envy.
  • Why do you dream of a spider on your back - an unexpected betrayal of a friend. Why do you dream of a big spider on the wall - a lie in the house.
  • Seeing a red spider in a dream is deceit.
  • The dream of “a spider crawling through your hair” says that you will get confused in business due to the influence of a bad person.

Slavic dream book

  • A huge spider in a dream is a missed opportunity.
  • Dream Interpretation: beetles, spiders, cobwebs - intrigues are being woven against you.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching a spider - searching for a new relationship.
  • Why do you dream about spiders and cockroaches? The dream book foretells a complicated relationship.
  • The bite of a small spider - the dream book foretells trouble, a minor failure.
  • Dream Interpretation: being scared of a spider in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one.
  • A large hairy spider running away in a dream is a hidden enemy.
  • Why dream of killing a spider in a dream - a quarrel with your other half.
  • Why do you dream of spiders crawling over your body? It means illness.
  • Why do you dream of spiders and rats - financial losses.
  • Why do you dream about spider attacks? Problems.
  • Why do you dream of two big spiders - a difficult choice in love.
  • Why do you dream of colored spiders - fun in the house.
  • Why do you dream about a big gray spider - separation.
  • Why do you dream of a big yellow spider - good news.
  • Why do you dream about a big blue spider - melancholy, despondency.
  • A big white spider in a dream is a good sign.
  • Why do you dream of a spider with long legs - intrigue, gossip.
  • If you dream of a black spider with a red cross, it means poor health.
  • Why do you dream of a spider in your mouth - slander that will harm you.
  • Why do you dream about tarantula spiders a lot - they are enemies.
  • Why do you dream about spider larvae - minor troubles.
  • If you see a spider on the road in a dream, you are starting a dangerous business.
  • Dream interpretation: a spider on your leg - they want to stop you on the way to your goal.
  • Dream Interpretation: spider in bed - breakup.

Indian dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream about a spider? I dreamed of a large spider - depending on the type and actions, it will tell you about the state of affairs or family relationships.
  • If you had a dream that you were bitten by a spider, this is a bad sign; you are under the influence of a powerful person.
  • I dreamed of a lot of small spiders - there are urgent matters.
  • Why do you dream of cockroaches and spiders together? They want to confuse you.
  • Why do you dream of a spider crawling over you - an approaching quarrel, a scandal.
  • Why do you dream about spider eggs - gossip.
  • Why do you dream of a green spider - wealth acquired through hard work.
  • Why do you dream of dead spiders - a very bad sign.
  • Why do you dream of a spider in your hair - you are an energy donor.
  • Why do you dream of an attacking spider - an enemy?
  • Why does a girl dream about a spider - the chosen one.
  • Why do you dream of a white spider - news of a wedding.
  • Why do you dream of a tarantula spider - there is a powerful woman nearby.
  • Why do you dream of a black spider - failure.
  • The dream "golden spider" prophesies a sign from above.
  • Dream interpretation: a spider crawls along your hand - they are trying to manipulate you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider bit your finger - harm in work from another person. (cm. )
  • Jumping spider - the dream book speaks of a sharp change in the state of your affairs.

Persian dream book

  • Dream interpretation: a huge spider is an insidious enemy.
  • Dream interpretation: spider eggs - the anger of your ill-wishers.
  • Dream interpretation: a spider on the body is a disease.
  • Dream interpretation: a spider on the face - you are being deceived.
  • A spider in the hair - the dream book warns of a cunning and evil enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider on the back is a blow from a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: two spiders - they want to betray you.
  • Dream Interpretation: crushing spiders means dispelling gossip.
  • Dream interpretation of spiders in the house – a family scandal.
  • Spiders in the water - the dream book warns that you are wasting your time.
  • Seeing a black spider in a dream is a bad sign, the deceit and cruelty of an evil person.
  • Seeing a dead spider in a dream means you will be able to defeat your enemies.
  • Why do you dream of big and small spiders - you have a lot of enemies surrounded.
  • Why dream of stroking a spider - you will pacify someone else’s anger.
  • Why do you dream about the bite of a large spider - an attack by a cruel enemy.
  • I dreamed of a big white spider - a powerful friend.
  • I dreamed of a yellow spider - flattery.
  • I dreamed of a red spider - a gift.
  • Why does a woman dream about a big black spider - betrayal.
  • Why do you dream of a spider with spiderlings - a misfortune that will lead to a series of unpleasant events.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a spider - the threat of miscarriage.

Love dream book

  • If you dreamed of spiders, be careful with the opposite sex. Why do you dream of spiders and worms - gossip about your personal life. Why dream of catching a spider - you dominate the relationship.
  • I dreamed of a big black spider - slander. I dreamed of a white spider - a pleasant date. Why do you dream about a lot of white spiders - good news from a loved one. Why does a girl dream of a big black spider - a domineering and cruel husband.
  • If you dreamed of two spiders, you have to make a choice in your relationship. I dreamed about small spiders - pleasant chores. Why do you dream of a spider on the bed - a dangerous passion. Why does a black widow spider dream - you are subservient to some woman.
  • Why do you dream about a toy spider - your relationship is fake. Why do you dream of an orange spider - fun in the house. Why dream of killing a big black spider - a quarrel with a loved one. If a spider bites your leg in a dream, you will be humiliated.
  • What does it mean for a pregnant woman to see a lot of spiders in a dream – a threat to health. Dream Interpretation: the cat ate a spider - your chosen one (chosen one) is tormented by doubts. Tearing off the legs of a spider - the dream book warns of possible failures for your half.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

  • Why do you dream of flies and spiders - a lawsuit, treason, betrayal. Why do you dream of a lot of spiders in the house - a family scandal. Why do spiders and mice dream about losses? Why do you dream of a small white spider - minor troubles.
  • There are many reasons why you dream of big black spiders - you will be betrayed more than once. Why dream of a spider crawling on the floor - you will be drawn into litigation. Why do you dream about killing a spider - the solution to the problem. Why do you dream of a big hairy spider - financial problems.
  • Why do you dream about spiders that bite? Dream Interpretation: a spider bites - enemies will bother you. I dreamed of two large spiders - a controversial matter. A pregnant woman dreamed of a spider - a threat to health.

Chinese dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a big spider - a profitable business. I dreamed of a huge spider - a good sign for business people. Dream interpretation: poisonous spider - difficulties in work. Dream Interpretation: a dead spider is a missed lucky chance. Dream interpretation: a lot of black spiders - bad news.
  • Dream interpretation: large spiders on the ceiling are gifts from guests. Dream Interpretation: a spider in the mouth is an unpleasant conversation. Why do you dream about a spider bite? Dream Interpretation: bitten by a large spider - an unexpected unpleasant incident. Bitten by a black spider in a dream - they feed on your energy.
  • Blue spider - the dream book says that this is a sign from above; a strong person you can trust will help you. Dream interpretation yellow spider is a good sign. Eating a spider in a dream means gaining strength. In a dream, a white spider means chaos in business. Why do you dream of a big green spider - a gift from a good friend.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of spiders? Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders in a dream - long work. Why do you dream of running spiders - a mess in business. Why do you dream of a spider in water - a period of harmony awaits you. Why do you dream of a black and white spider - confusion.
  • and spiders - your work will bear fruit. Why do you dream about a hairy spider - financial well-being. Why do you dream about small spiders - busy days will come. Cutting off a spider's paw - the dream book warns of senseless spending.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a big spider - missing out on a profitable business.
  • Dream Interpretation: bitten by a spider - betrayal.
  • Dream interpretation: big hairy spider - don’t miss the opportunity to make money.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream a lot about spiders – they are enemies.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of spiders, big and small - troubles.
  • Seeing a small spider in a dream is a waste of time.
  • Dream interpretation: there are a lot of small spiders - be more economical.
  • Dream Interpretation: spiders are crawling on me - they are spreading gossip about you.
  • Dream Interpretation: spiders on the ceiling - a quarrel in the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: crushing a spider is a nuisance.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating a spider is a bad sign, leading to failure.
  • Dream Interpretation: a red spider is a good patron.
  • Dream Interpretation: green spider – temporary difficulties.
  • Black spider in a dream, why do you dream? Dream interpretation: big black hairy spider - beware of a powerful person in your environment.
  • Dream Interpretation: friendship with a spider - there is an energy vampire in your environment.
  • Dream Interpretation: The tarantula spider is a cruel enemy.
  • Dream interpretation: a spider on the wall is a nuisance.
  • Why do you dream of a spider crawling along a wall - a bad sign.
  • Dream Interpretation: bitten by a black spider - treason.
  • Why do you dream: a spider bit you? Dream interpretation: spiders bite a lot - betrayal or intrigues of enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders on the floor - expect unpleasant guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: a beautiful spider - you are flattered.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a tarantula spider - overcome your fear.
  • Why do you dream about big spiders? Dream Interpretation: watching a big spider means you yourself missed your luck.
  • Spiders and cockroaches - a dream foretells money earned through hard work.
  • The dream "dead spider" is a bad sign.
  • The dream "poisonous spider" says that you will receive harm from an evil person.
  • Being afraid of spiders in a dream means problems with the opposite sex.
  • Why do you dream of spiders in the house or why do you dream of spiders in the apartment - a quarrel or scandal over people from outside.
  • Why do you dream of spiders on the ceiling - trouble.
  • Why do you dream of poisonous spiders - cruel and evil enemies. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of falling spiders - they are plotting something against you.
  • Why do you dream of two spiders - choosing a partner.
  • Why do you dream about a gray spider? It’s a thankless job.
  • Why do you dream of a spider crawling over your body - illness.
  • Why do you dream of a spider on your leg - a dangerous encounter.
  • Why do you dream of a spider in a jar - the powerlessness of the enemy.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say once again that a spider in a dream usually means bad things, but, like any rule, there is an exception here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does a dreamer dream about a spider in a dream?

Seeing a spider in a dream means that you will miss a profitable business; kill him - to troubles, breakup of marriage. If in a dream a spider descends on you, it means a gift, renewal. Eating a spider means trouble.

Seeing a cobweb means prosperity, sweeping it up means anxiety, tearing a cobweb means that you will overcome all obstacles. Having difficulty getting out of the web means feeling bound by family duty.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Spider in a dream?

Seeing a spider in a dream is a harbinger that you will be attentive and active in your work and luck will thank you for this.

A spider weaving its web promises peace and happiness in the house.

A dream in which you kill a spider foreshadows quarrels with your wife or lover. If a spider bites you in a dream, then you will become a victim of betrayal, and your work will suffer due to the fault of your enemies.

If you see that you are surrounded by many spiders hanging on their webs, this promises you an unusually favorable combination of circumstances: good health, good luck, support from friends.

Stumbling upon a web with a huge spider means that, despite dangerous connections, you are guaranteed quick success in life.

A dream in which a very large and very small spider approaches you at the same time means that you will succeed in business and will more than once rejoice at your immense luck; however, if a huge spider bites you in a dream, then your enemies will steal your luck. If a small spider bites you, then minor attacks and envy will bother you.

Running away from a big spider in a dream means that luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances. If you kill this spider, you may achieve a worthy position. However, if he later comes to life and chases you again, then illness and changeability of fate will oppress you.

If a girl dreams that golden spiders are crawling around her, then her happiness is not far off and she will soon be surrounded by new friends.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Spider dreamed

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a spider?

Guest, wedding, friend, luck // cunning, danger, trial; weaves a web - money; crawling along the wall - success in your plan; to kill - to defeat an enemy // loss of money, empty news; catch - a son will be born.

Universal dream book for the whole family


The personification of evil, cruelty and hidden aggression; Perhaps the image of a spider in a dream is caused by the fact that you met a greedy and oppressive person (maybe this is your boss). If you dreamed of a small spider, then you have a lot of small, but not very troublesome things to do.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Spider

  • He is the personification of evil, cruelty and savagery. Everyone knows that a spider weaves a web, but not everyone knows that according to popular belief, it weaves a web in order to catch sinful people in it. The following expressions are well known among the people: “I got entangled in my affairs, like in a web” or “Weave a web” (in order to get out of some complex, very confusing matter).
  • Perhaps the image of a spider appeared in your dream because in real life you met a very greedy person or a powerful, despotic boss who “drinks blood” from his subordinates, like a spider from a fly caught in its web.
  • Seeing a giant spider in a dream is a sign that in reality you will fight the treachery of an evil authoritarian person. Perhaps such a dream warns that one of the people around you is planning great evil against you.
  • If you dreamed of a small spider, then soon you will have to solve many small, but at the same time very troublesome matters. Sometimes this dream says that you will easily defeat your ill-wisher.
  • Watching in a dream how a spider devours a fly caught in its web is a sign that in real life you are working under the authority of an evil person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He treats his employees inhumanely, and you either need to put up with it or start looking for a new job.
  • Watching a spider weave a web is a sign that the circumstances of your life are not going well. Such a dream suggests that, despite the fact that you are dissatisfied with your situation, you will not be able to change your life soon.
  • Sweeping away cobwebs in a dream is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not be able to emerge victorious from a complicated matter.
  • If you yourself are entangled in a web or feel its unpleasant stickiness on your body, then in real life you are very much confused in your affairs. You should be patient and wait for the right moment to resolve them, otherwise you will face complete financial ruin.
  • Killing a spider in a dream is evidence that you can easily cope with your enemy and refute the gossip that he spreads against you. If in a dream a spider crawls over your body, then such a dream warns you that in your close circle there is a person who wants to hinder you by any means.
  • Seeing a large number of spiders in a dream is a warning that in reality you have a lot of ill-wishers who are spreading evil gossip about you, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the Spider, how to unravel the symbolism

If it falls on your face, it’s a good sign: a baby will soon appear in your house. If a spider crawls towards you, you will recover from the disease. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you will feel remorse for what you do today.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Missed business or friend; luck; weaves a web - to money; crawling along the wall - success in the hidden; kill a spider - unrealistic news; see Tarantula.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did the Spider dream?

If a woman dreams of a spider, then the dream is a sign that in real life she is possessed by the fear of being abandoned by her partner. She underestimates her strengths and abilities, which is the reason for her fear.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

See Spider:

Treason, litigation, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Spider?

There will be a guest in the house; to marriage. Web: be careful not to get involved in a dangerous matter. Spider web: ambush, loss of freedom, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Spider from your dream

Good event. Unpleasant, black - a dangerous suitor; a person is an energy vampire. A spider weaves a web - family happiness; luck or a symbol of a spiritual trap (sects), in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about a spider, interpretation:

A harbinger of treason and betrayal of those you trust. If you killed a spider in a dream, in reality you will soon lose money. A dream in which you remove a spider's web warns of a possible lawsuit.

Semenova's lunar dream book

Why do you dream about a spider?

A lost cause.

Modern dream book

What does a spider mean to a dreamer?

Cheerful meeting, marriage.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did the Spider dream according to spiritual sources?

Strong, dangerous enemy

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Troubles, tears due to bad habits: drunkenness, drugs.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Dangerous enemy; kill a spider - defeat the enemy.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Spider, what does it mean?

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Spider?

  • Seeing a spider in a dream means good luck in business if you are attentive and active in your activities.
  • A spider weaving a web portends peace and happiness in your home.
  • If in a dream you are surrounded by many spiders hanging on their webs, this promises you an unusually favorable combination of circumstances, good health, good luck, and the support of your friends.
  • If a girl dreams that golden spiders are crawling around her, her happiness is not far off; soon she will be surrounded by new friends.
  • A cobweb in a dream foreshadows pleasant company and luck in business.
  • A web with a huge spider in it means quick success in life, despite some riskiness of your undertakings.
  • If in a dream you are running away from a huge spider, your luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances.
  • If you kill this spider, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor.
  • In general, killing a spider in a dream means quarrels with your wife or lover.
  • If a spider bites you, you will become a victim of betrayal, and your work will suffer due to the fault of your ill-wishers.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream of a Spider according to gypsy traditions?

Seeing in a dream means litigation; killing him means losing money or some precious thing; Removing cobwebs from your home means changing your home.

Folklore dream book

Why does the Spider dream:

Kill - Unfortunately. To see on the web - to a letter, news.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the Spider dream?

Good luck, but only if you put in a little effort. This animal is a symbol of great success in business. And the one who weaves a web is a sign of the emergence of new business partners on whom you can safely rely. However, killing him in a dream is a bad symbol, meaning the beginning of a series of quarrels and hardships with family and friends.

If a spider bites you in a dream, expect betrayal from the one from whom you least expect it. You will soon be pursued by incredible luck if in a dream you were surrounded by a flock hanging on a web.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Spiders

This is an animal that puts a lot of effort into capturing its prey. Did you dream about this insect? Probably in life you are already ready to turn your plans into reality. So, fighting an insect means conflicts with your superiors, picking up a spider means an unexpected gift, brushing an insect off your clothes means neglecting the opinions of your family, a bite means a minor illness, accidentally killing it means the beginning of a dark streak. If there is a cobweb in your dream, subconsciously you are afraid of falling into a trap, so be extremely careful and trust only trusted people.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about a spider?

A golden spider in a dream is a bright sign of an imminent meeting with a person who will become your life partner forever. Your marriage will be happy and successful. An unmarried woman's dream about an insect speaks of the imminent courtship of a respectable, wealthy man. Expect imminent family quarrels and a possible breakup with your loved one if you killed a spider in a dream. A huge black spider seen in a dream has the same meaning.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Someone is waiting in the wings, to triumph over you.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To dream of a spider descending on a web - you will soon learn amazing news.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see a spider crawling along a wall in a dream is unlucky.

Why do women and men dream about the Spider?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, so a Spider in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

How to learn to understand your dreams

No one will argue that dream- This is an integral and important part of every person’s life. Very often we dream of actions that reflect our life, aspirations, desires and interactions with other people.

However, most often this happens unconsciously. Since ancient times, people have used dream books that interpret the plot and decipher the hidden message.

Wherein played an important role the interaction of an object that occurs with other characters in your plot.

If you receive these insects in a web or dream of one big black spider, wait for news.

I dreamed about spiders, what does this mean?

These insects most often foreshadow good events.

If you dream about them in the house- to wealth and abundance.

Based on research, many people who saw bite These insects actually soon received the required amount of money, as well as good news.

If big black in the web dreamed about it pregnant- wait for the boy.

According to the dream bookMiller, an arthropod that lived in a dream on the ceiling and weaved a web, will bring abundance to the house, as well as unexpected guests.

Why do you dream about a big spider?

  • Huge spider Usually in a dream it is a harbinger of good luck in the life and home of the sleeper.
  • Big spider to a woman, such as tarantula, indicates the presence of an energy vampire in your life, which can contribute to the departure of important vital energy from your life.
  • If big black and furry pow to you in the web bitten, according to the dream book, expect bad news.

A lot of spiders in a dream, what is this for?

I dream about a lot of spiders in the web usually a person who is at a crossroads in life and is unable to make an important decision. The dream book explains the meaning of these insects as help in your life from a side where you don’t expect it. These could be friends, work colleagues or relatives who suddenly showed up.

If insects dreamed about it in action and are disturbing you in your apartment, then expect good luck, prosperity and material gain.

Vanga deciphered the dream about these insects as a certain sign that will soon appear in your life and change it.

Why do you dream about a black spider?

Dreaming of a black spider? Don't panic, this is a very good symbol. Since ancient times, this insect has been endowed with magical powers that have not faded over time.

If in a dream you dreamed that you were crushing spider eggs, then according to the dream book this means victory over all failures and enemies, if any are present in your life.

If you dreamed big black in the web, also means changing your place of residence or moving to another country.

Dreaming black tarantula?Vanga interprets this dream as an unpleasant conversation that will happen soon.

Shaggy - according to the dream book means loss of material wealth if black arthropod woman dreams, then soon she will have a second half.

If you dreamed of small spiders

Little spiders dream of adding to the family. This is how this dream interprets Freud.

In case your dream is dominated by several big and small ones together then be prepared for a showdown in the family or discord.

Many small insects in a dream- you will be surrounded by gossip in your close circle, beware of random connections.

If you dream of a web with spiders

If I dream about cobwebs and spiders- hidden in your mind are some answers to questions that may bother you.

If there are a lot of cobwebs and it is dark– you are surrounded by bad people and you need to reconsider your social circle.

  • Many people believe in dreams and their secret meanings, if you are one of them, you need to perform a special ritual that involves the use of natural materials in the forest. You should light a fire and jump over it several times. Miller's Dream Book contains detailed information about the ritual.

What does a white spider mean in a dream?

Often people are faced with what they dreamed white spider. The dream book explains this as the appearance of a person in your life who will help you and bring good news into your life.

Crawling- portends good news.

If little one crawls- expect an addition to the family.

What does a spider bite mean in a dream?

Bite on the arm or leg According to the dream book, black arthropods foretell a well-fed life in the house, and if a woman dreams, pregnancy.

What does a dream mean if you dreamed of an animal and it bit you and you crushed him? In this case, you missed some important chance or sign in life. It happens that the action takes place on the ceiling in an apartment, which means you should reconsider your life and some principles in it.

Kill and crush spiders in a dream

Dreaming of killing in a dream insect means defeating a secret enemy.

Press- resolve all your problems and life difficulties.

If you dreamed that bitten- you have a long way to go, which will most likely be crowned with success.

The dream book contains a lot of information about the meaning of this insect, but the final conclusions must be made by the person himself, focusing on his intuition and recognizing the signs of fate

Sometimes in dreams, behind the image of a spider there is hidden an intriguer, a powerful, cruel or greedy person. On the other hand, such an unpleasant but persistent creature personifies creativity. Thus, the appearance of a spider in a dream may signal that the fruits of your activities directly depend on the efforts made. What does it mean to see a spider in a dream?

Number of spiders in a dream

You will succeed in business if in a dream two spiders approach you - a large one and a small one. A lot of black spiders portend a threat to the home. At the same time, if they weave a web, you have nothing to fear: security, prosperity and peace await you.

The interpretation of such a dream also depends on the dreamer’s degree of fear of spiders. Those who are very afraid of insects in reality dream about one spider before making an important decision. For a person suffering from arachnophobia, seeing a lot of spiders in a dream means experiencing confusion in search of a way out of the situation.

Spider color and size

Small insects dream of changes in life. Changes will come after you settle a number of troublesome matters. For a woman, a spider promises temporary inconvenience or news from distant relatives. For a man, spiders in a dream symbolize numerous fans who need his attention.

A large spider appearing in a vision to an unmarried girl foreshadows the beginning of a new relationship that can lead to marriage. For a woman who is already married, such a dream represents the fear of being abandoned. However, in this case, the ladies’ fears are in vain. A huge spider in a dream is a good sign if in reality your thoughts are busy with a project. This means that success awaits you in your professional field.

  • The spider is the personification of evil, cruelty and savagery. Everyone knows that a spider weaves a web, but not everyone knows that according to popular belief, it weaves a web in order to catch sinful people in it. The following expressions are well known among the people: “I got entangled in my affairs, like in a web” or “Weave a web” (in order to get out of some complex, very confusing matter). Perhaps the image of a spider appeared in your dream because in real life you met a very greedy person or a powerful, despotic boss who “drinks blood” from his subordinates, like a spider from a fly caught in its web.
  • Seeing a giant spider in a dream is a sign that in reality you will fight the treachery of an evil authoritarian person. Perhaps such a dream warns that one of the people around you is planning great evil against you.
  • If you dreamed of a small spider, then soon you will have to solve many small, but at the same time very troublesome matters. Sometimes this dream says that you will easily defeat your ill-wisher.
  • Watching in a dream how a spider devours a fly caught in its web is a sign that in real life you are working under the authority of an evil person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He treats his employees inhumanely, and you either need to put up with it or start looking for a new job.
  • Watching a spider weave a web is a sign that the circumstances of your life are not going well. Such a dream suggests that, despite the fact that you are dissatisfied with your situation, you will not be able to change your life soon.
  • Sweeping away cobwebs in a dream is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not be able to emerge victorious from a complicated matter.
  • If you yourself are entangled in a web or feel its unpleasant stickiness on your body, then in real life you are very much confused in your affairs. You should be patient and wait for the right moment to resolve them, otherwise you will face complete financial ruin.
  • Killing a spider in a dream is evidence that you can easily cope with your enemy and refute the gossip that he spreads against you.
  • If in a dream a spider crawls over your body, then such a dream warns you that in your close circle there is a person who wants to hinder you by any means.
  • Seeing a large number of spiders in a dream is a warning that in reality you have a lot of ill-wishers who are spreading evil gossip about you.