The plastic door is larger than the opening. Installation of plastic doors - all the tricks of the procedure

An analysis of the price lists of specialized organizations shows that the installation of a PVC block by professionals costs about half of its cost. If you delve into the meaning of technological operations, take into account individual nuances, then in practice it turns out that installing plastic doors with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems to an ignorant person. Moreover, an approximate algorithm of actions is detailed in the manufacturer's instructions.

Preparatory activities

All technological operations are performed in two stages. If you think over everything to the smallest detail, then the installation of PVC doors will not take much time.

Tidying up the opening

What has to be done from the recommended list of works is decided on the spot. If the interior (balcony) door was made to order, the range of tasks is significantly narrowed. In the case of purchasing a model in a furniture showroom, items will most likely be added.

Dismantling the old door

Opening preparation

It is advisable to literally bare the end parts of the wall and its adjacent sections along the perimeter of the opening, that is, not only remove pieces of plaster, but also thoroughly clean to the base.

Condition monitoring

At this stage, you should determine the need for:

  • additional alignment of the opening, changing its geometry (expansion / narrowing) for a plastic door with specific dimensions;
  • strengthening the passage in the wall. Much depends on its material and the degree of deterioration of the structure. The perimeter opening may need to be reinforced. There are enough techniques practiced in everyday life, and they are all easy to implement on your own.

Process the opening

This primarily applies to the ground. It is advisable to use a deep penetration compound. Firstly, it will firmly "grab" the remaining dust, which will not interfere with the work in the process of leveling and fastening the box. Secondly, it will increase the adhesion of the wall. It is especially important if a plastic entrance door is installed, which will have to be insulated and foamed around the perimeter.

Disassembling the block

With rare exceptions, PVC doors are supplied completely ready for installation. But given the total weight of the structure, dimensions, it is advisable to disassemble it into its component parts, that is, to disconnect the sash from the box. This will greatly simplify the installation. Dismantling the canvas is easy; just unscrew a number of fasteners.

Frame preparation

Installation of plastic doors differs in the way they are fastened in the opening.

Option 1 - for anchor. If such a decision is made, then it is necessary to drill 3 holes in the frame for their installation on each side. Many are embarrassed that this method of fastening will ruin the look of the door. But if we are talking about the passage to the balcony, then this technique is most often implemented. It is much simpler, moreover, the outer walls are thicker, therefore, the reliability of fixing the PVC block is beyond doubt.

Option 2 - for brackets. In a set of some plastic doors, these elements are available. It is more convenient to fix blocks mounted in interior openings with them. The thickness of the wall, like its material, does not play a special role in this case. The brackets are placed in the same way as the anchors - 3 pieces on each side.

Knowing the specifics of your home, it is easy to determine how to install a plastic door and how to fix it in the opening.

Installation of stops

Their task is to prevent possible displacement of the box. The fact is that its installation is carried out in an opening, the dimensions of which are slightly larger than its dimensions. A one-to-one setup is never done. Firstly, it is impossible to literally press in the PVC door - it will skew, and it will not be possible to straighten it without damage. Secondly, the gaps are sealed with soft materials that do not provide rigid fixation. Thirdly, regular opening / closing of the sash is a dynamic load on the door, initiating its shift.

How to proceed?

Recommendations for driving nails into the ends of the opening are dubious. Their position in height cannot be changed. It is much more practical to use dowels at the top and bottom of the opening, as well as on the sides, into which screws or bolts are screwed. This will align the door and fit tightly. A different option is being implemented in the new building.

Block assembly

Installation of the box

  • The door frame is placed in the opening and placed on stops with a slight slope.
  • The building level is laid on the sill, and the correspondence of the box to the horizontal is controlled. If alignment is necessary, the screws are tightened, after which the wedges are installed.
  • The jamb fits completely into the opening and is fixed at the top; similarly with spacers.
  • Checking the position of the plastic door. Correction if necessary.
  • Installation of side wedges.
  • Secondary control of the correct orientation of the door in the opening.

Mounting the box

  • The holes have already been drilled, and therefore all that remains is to make them in the wall. Having at hand a hammer drill and a set of drills (drills), all the work will take a few minutes. If fastening is done with brackets, grooves are arranged. Although this can be done in advance, by correctly performing the markup.
  • Installation of fasteners. Order: first on one side, then on the other. But without tightening, otherwise the door will warp.
  • Final fixing. Even if a solid metal-plastic door is installed, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the profile will be deformed. Therefore, the fastener parts are tightened gradually, and the position of the box (in terms of level) is constantly monitored.

Sash hanging

With regard to the interior door, there are no difficulties. But if it is installed in the opening to the balcony, then the hinges of such models have a number of features. And therefore, the installation is carried out in a certain sequence.

  • Hanging the canvas on the lower loop.
  • Sash closing.
  • When aligning the halves of the upper canopy, the center pin is inserted. But this applies only to models in which the ventilation function is provided.

Functional check

In case of difficulties with opening / closing the door, its regulation is performed. In most models, there is a corresponding element for this, located in the upper hinge. What needs to be done in relation to a specific unit is indicated in the instructions for the product.

Opening sealing

Usually, a polyurethane-based composition is used, better known as polyurethane foam.

Processing the door around the perimeter is not difficult; it is worth noting just a few points:

  • you need to work with foam extremely carefully. First, observe the "dosage", since after application it increases in volume, and significantly. Secondly, the composition is sticky, and it is advisable to remove the excess immediately, before hardening;
  • the surface to be treated (gap) is pre-wetted. This accelerates the polymerization of the sealant and ensures its reliable contact with the base;
  • the door remains in the closed position. You can use it only after the foam dries.

If we analyze all the nuances of the work, then the conclusion suggests itself unequivocally - the services of a professional will not be needed to install a plastic door.

Installation of plastic doors can protect the room from cold and dust due to its tightness. They are easy to care for, have an attractive appearance, and can be made in different designs and colors. Their main advantages are low cost and long service life.

When installing a plastic door, all requirements must be observed. You will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Construction level; if there is a laser one, then you can use it.
  2. A door with a set of all necessary parts.
  3. Measuring tools - tape measure, corner, ruler.
  4. Marker, construction pencil.
  5. Screwdriver, electric drill, hammer drill.
  6. Sealant, polymer glue, polyurethane foam.
  7. Special guns for foam and glue.
  8. To fix the plastic to the tree, you need nails, screws, dowels. You can also put a plastic door in a wooden house, only the type of fasteners should be different.
  9. Chisels, hammers, knives, screwdrivers.

After preparing all the tools and materials, you can proceed to the removal of old structures and the installation of plastic doors.

Features of PVC products

The installation of plastic doors is carried out strictly according to the instructions, if it is carried out correctly, then no adjustments are required afterwards. The material from which the doors are made has a long service life and high quality. It is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the material:

  • Density is a unit of gram per square meter. Doors made of polyvinyl chloride are popular. Before installing a plastic structure, it is important to pay attention to this parameter.
  • Strength indicates how susceptible a material is to stretching. There are three standards: international ISO, European EN and German DIN.
  • Among the important parameters, one can single out the thickness of the thread. In high-quality door models, it is 110 tex.
  • Flammability and fire resistance.
  • The temperature range at which the doors are allowed to be used. Some models can be used at temperatures of 70 degrees.

The material is better than wood, when installing PVC doors, the home owner will receive many advantages:

  1. High degree of elasticity.
  2. Resistant to moisture and water.
  3. High strength and density of the material.
  4. Low cost.
  5. Long service life - from 5 to 15 years, depending on the characteristics and type of product.
  6. High degree of tightness.

Disadvantages of PVC:

  • Do not incinerate material as this will generate hazardous hydrogen chloride.
  • PVC production is harmful to the environment.
  • The decomposition product of the material is toxic.
  • The material does not completely decompose.

How to install a plastic door

Installation of a plastic door is carried out in the same way as similar structures from any other material. Immediately decide which door you need - interior or entrance. They have different designs and purposes. The material must be of high quality and certified.

The most rational option is to choose a door frame made of a metal frame. Experts recommend using a five-chamber profile. It is desirable that longitudinal or transverse stiffeners are present. It is recommended to consider the following design features when choosing:

  1. When installing plastic doors with your own hands, it is advisable to use hinges that have a multi-layer structure.
  2. The degree of tightness.
  3. The presence of insulation.
  4. Glass unit quality - it is recommended to use armored or triplex.
  5. The quality of the lock and handle.

Before starting the installation of a plastic door, read the instructions. With a high quality installation, it is not necessary to adjust the door. You can start operating immediately.

Preliminary preparation of a wooden and regular opening

When installing a plastic door in a wooden house, it is necessary to thoroughly process all surfaces. First you need to completely clean the opening. Dismantling the old structure consists in removing the canvas from the hinges. Then, using a crowbar and a grinder, you need to disassemble the box and completely dismantle it.

It is necessary to get rid of the plaster, remove all dust with a brush, apply soil to the slopes. If the structure is made according to your project, then it will fully correspond to the size of the opening. After that, you need to install the mounts yourself. The installation process is carried out in two ways:

  • With anchors. If you choose this option, holes must be drilled.
  • With the help of special brackets. They must be installed on the back of the box in a special groove.

If you decide to do the installation using anchors, then the appearance of the block will suffer. But this method is used in practice more often. If you decide to use brackets, then the appearance will not deteriorate, since all fasteners will be masked by slopes. Both methods are not difficult to implement.

Some important points

When installing plastic entrance or interior doors, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not make a door sill yourself - the best option would be to purchase a finished product.
  2. Install wedges to secure the box on both sides. It is not recommended to use nails, as it is possible to deform the wall.
  3. After fixing, it is necessary to make holes for fastening the door frame. It is advisable that the holes are made during the production phase. Three holes must be drilled on the left and right: in the center and along the edges at a distance of 20-30 cm. Two holes are made in the upper and lower crossbars at the same distance from the edges. Dowels must be installed in all holes.
  4. Screw the screws into the dowels. It is necessary to start from the side from which the hinges are installed. Screw in the bolts 2/3 of the length, then carefully check the level of the position of the box relative to the vertical and horizontal.
  5. After leveling the box, all bolts can be tightened all the way.
  6. It is impossible to install a plastic door in a wooden house using anchors; therefore, other fasteners must be used. The door frame must be in the opening and secured with nails or self-tapping screws.
  7. After putting the canvas on the hinges of the box, it should be pressed against the base evenly. Pay attention to how the lock and handle works.
  8. If adjustment is not needed, the entire space is abundantly wetted with water and filled with polyurethane foam.
  9. A few hours after the foam hardens, the wedges are removed and the doors are closed for a day.

Features of correct installation

Before inserting the plastic structure, it is necessary to measure the opening. Only then will you achieve a quality installation. In order for all the work to be done correctly, you need to know three parameters:

  • The thickness of the opening.
  • Height.
  • Width.

But before taking measurements, you need to completely dismantle the old canvas and box. Only in this case will all these parameters be accurate. The width should be measured along the bottom edge, the height along the side slope. Try that there are no protruding elements on the opening, the surface should be flat. Remove any irregularities as necessary.

The final stage

Before you put a plastic door in the house, you need to properly mount the box in the opening. At the initial stage, a slight deviation of the surface of the box from the vertical is allowed. Wedges are installed under the threshold to achieve a horizontal position. Then, using the level, they achieve a vertical position.

When tightening the bolts, it is important to pay attention to the force so as not to deform the structural elements. After fixing the box, you can hang a canvas on it and check if it functions correctly. No effort is required when opening and closing the sash. When fully open, the sash should not slam shut.

After making sure that all mechanisms and fittings are in good working order, you can proceed to sealing the door structure. Fill the joints evenly, do not allow voids to form. It is recommended to fill the spaces by 2/3 of the volume. This is the optimal value, since too much foam can deform the surface of the door frame.

How to adjust a plastic door

The adjustment is made before attaching the plastic sheet. After tightening the fastening, a check is carried out. If the plastic door does not close well, the hinges may loosen. To get rid of this, it is necessary to make an adjustment - the screw located at the bottom of the hinge is tightened.

If the door leaf does not fit well in one part of the frame, it is necessary to adjust it vertically. The work is carried out after removing the decorative strip.

Not every owner can do the installation of plastic doors with his own hands without errors. In order to avoid mistakes, it is advisable to call a measurer at least once, in a conversation with whom you can learn about the key features of this work, which can predetermine the end result of self-installation.

However, it is by no means enough to know all the nuances of door installation work. In addition, the owner will have to find out what tools and materials he should have in stock. If he planned to install an entrance door, then the structure should be equipped with elements such as reinforced fittings, mortise locks etc. In the case of installing a door to the room and to the balcony, he will not have to buy too many additional accessories, which will help save money.

We do the installation ourselves

The decision to install plastic doors with your own hands will be advisable if you already have some experience in this matter and you have the necessary tools at your disposal. Solving the problem of installing the input block on your own, you will be able to save on repairs, since often the owners pay too large amounts for work, which may cost less than the price indicated by the repair specialist. As a result of savings, the owner has money that can be used to perform other operations necessary during the elimination of serious door faults.

Features of correct installation

An important condition, the fulfillment of which allows you to ensure a high-quality result during the installation of a plastic door, is precise adherence all directions of technology... The installation process of such products is carried out using materials, the installation of which does not arise difficulties, as well as the need for additional refinement.

But here you should remember one important point - the profile must have the same dimensions as the doorway in which the door is planned to be installed. A fairly common method of solving the problem of box space deficit is to use polyurethane foam, but it should only be used when other options are not available. It should be remembered that the main purpose of the foam is to eliminate cracks, but it is unsuitable for large-scale imperfections.

Preparing for installation

When starting the installation of plastic doors with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that in the selected room, as well as in where the door to be installed will be provided access, the floor must meet all the necessary requirements - to be leveled, cleaned from dirt and dried... Also, the installation of a PVC profile door is always performed upon completion of most of the finishing work.

Assembly and installation of the door

The door installation process is very important, since it is these works that determine whether the entrance block will be able to cope with its function.

  1. Before placing the entrance block in the opening, it should be assembled, for which the structure is laid in a horizontal position. Sometimes it is not necessary to perform this operation if the owner bought the door already with the assembled frame. If these elements are purchased separately, the assembly of the top is carried out in such a way that ultimately it acquires a configuration resembling the letter P. This problem is solved by creating holes in the joints, into which self-tapping screws will be inserted. It is worth noting that when determining the size of the holes, one should proceed from the diameter of the existing self-tapping screws, where the latter should be 1 mm larger than the holes being created.
  2. The next operation is to place the stand, which is fixed from the hinge side. The rack on the reverse side is located where the lock is located, ensuring that it matches the location of the vestibule. In other words, this is done already at the moment when the door leaf is already in its place.

Use of polyurethane foam

A popular solution when installing PVC doors with your own hands is to use foam, the purpose of which in this case is protecting the protruding parts of the box and door leafs.


At the last stage of installing plastic doors with your own hands install platbands... The task of these elements is to mask all parts, with the exception of the door and individual parts of the box and threshold.

It should be remembered that you should start finishing the entrance block after the foam has set well. This usually takes about 6-24 hours. For more precise data, refer to the instructions for use of the polyurethane foam.

Some important points

When starting to mount cashing on the door structure, you should always take into account the features of the block, which determine exactly where these decorative elements should be located. This should be remembered in any case, regardless of who was installing the doors. It is also important that such details do not affect the final cost installation work. Such elements should be created if, without them, the door will not have a complete look. Therefore, in this matter, one should proceed from the position of common sense.

If the wall is trimmed with siding or wall panels, then, due to such elements, the area that will be covered with cashing will be insignificant. For this reason, it is impossible to give an unambiguous recommendation here, therefore, when installing plastic doors on his own, the owner himself must decide in what quantities to stack the cash elements and how best to combine them with the finishing materials.


You should not always refuse to self-install plastic door blocks, if there is a real opportunity to achieve savings on carrying out such works. It must be remembered that the door block must be carefully calibrated for its location, otherwise its normal operation cannot be guaranteed and rework will be required.

For this reason, each step should be carried out very carefully, exactly following the instructions of the technology. If you already have experience in this matter, then the owner is able to install PVC interior doors on his own, having achieved that they not only can effectively perform their functions, but also decorate the interior of the room, access to which will be provided.

Available PVC doors are installed on balconies, as interior and even entrance doors. The procedure is the same in all cases. Practical owners are in no hurry to look for craftsmen, but are interested in how to install a plastic door with their own hands. To do this, you need to remove the old door leaf together with the frame, perform precise installation of the new door and adjust it. Study the instructions for every possible option and get down to business.

Box installation

Preparing tools and dismantling the old door

Find tools to assist with the installation. You will need:

  • roulette;
  • screwdrivers;
  • marker or painter's pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • building level;
  • nail puller;
  • axe;
  • fasteners - screws, self-tapping screws, dowels 10-15 cm long;
  • wedges - plastic or wooden;
  • polyurethane foam and a gun.

Dismantling in the interior partition

If the old doors are still in place, dismantle them.

  1. Place a pry bar between the sash and the floor. Raise the door leaf with a pry bar by slightly moving the door. Gradually lift the fabric up until it slips off the hinge pins. At the same time, keep the door wide open, otherwise, when removing it, it will rest against the top of the box.
  2. Remove the trims. To do this, drive an ax between the platband and the door frame. In the gap that appears, you will see the fastening nail. Slip an ax under it, squeeze the platband to the maximum. Repeat this procedure along the entire length of the casing and remove it. Do these manipulations with all platbands.
  3. Dismantle the door frame - saw through the vertical post at a height of 700-800 mm from the floor. Now drive the ax or nailer between the sawn post and the opening above the cut and press down on the tool until the post moves away from the opening.
  4. Drive an ax between the wall and the horizontal strip of the door frame from above and press it down. Disassemble the remaining upright in the same way. Remove all elements, remaining parts of the fasteners and clean the walls.

Video: DIY dismantling in 15 minutes

Step-by-step installation instructions

Before installing the plastic door, check the opening. The size should be 10-20 mm larger than the box. This is taken into account by the measurer during preliminary measurements before making the door, but sometimes there are mistakes, so check the dimensions of the opening and the delivered door structure immediately before installation.

Prepare the passage before installing the frame, make sure the wall is free of dust and dry. Treat the ends of the opening with a deep penetrating primer.

Correct placement of the door frame

How to install the door frame

If delivered assembled, detach the frame from the blade, this will simplify the installation process.

  1. Stop the door frame. Take into account the thickness of the box, and, observing the vertical, mark two points at the top and bottom inside the opening.
  2. Screw the hardware into them. This will set the plane to further secure the frame in the aisle.
  3. Install the box by resting it on the screwed-in hardware. Place a pair of wooden wedges between the aisle and the frame on four sides. The gaps must be uniform.
  4. Place the building level on the bottom bar of the box. Add or remove wedges until the indicator in the level is exactly in the middle.
  5. Now fix the structure by slightly hammering the wedges on the sides of the box with a hammer. Start at the top, then work your way down.
  6. When you have secured the frame in the aisle, check the horizontal, vertical, and vertical orientation of the cut. Adjust the position of the box if necessary.
  7. To attach the frame directly to the doorway, use one of two possible methods:
  • mounting on brackets;
  • fastening with anchors.

Checking the level when installing the door frame

Fastening the door frame to the brackets

  1. Before starting the installation of the frame for plastic doors, mark three points on the frame for attaching the mounting plates.
  2. Take the length of the indents 25-30 cm from the edges of the frame. Draw a point at the center of the vertical bar.
  3. Drill holes from the inside of the frame. Align the holes on the mounting plates and frame and secure the brackets with self-tapping screws.
  4. Make shallow grooves in the end of the passage where you will attach the mounting brackets. In subsequent finishes, you will be able to apply a smaller layer of plaster.
  5. Screw the anchor plates to the wall with hardware.

Drilling holes for mounting brackets

Fastening the door frame with anchors

  1. Make holes for the fasteners. On uprights, measure 25-30 cm from the top and bottom of the box and find the center.
  2. On horizontal planks, step back 20 cm from each edge. Place marks at these points.
  3. Drill about 1 cm holes and insert the dowels into them.
  4. From the side where the hinges are located, screw the bolts into the dowels about 2/3 of their length. Do this all over the frame.
  5. When you have tightened all the bolts, re-check the door orientation for all levels. Then tighten the fasteners until they stop.

Fastening the frame to the end of the opening

Put the sash on the hinges of the box and check the movement, clearances of the locks and handles. The sash should adhere to the box equally tightly everywhere, and the lock mechanism should be closed without effort.

If you still have questions about the installation, watch the visual video.

Video: Installing plastic doors with your own hands

Self-adjustment of the plastic door after installation

Installation of plastic doors is completed. Go to the adjustment - this stage is important, since an unadjusted door will quickly fail.

Stages and nuances of adjustment

Adjustment is carried out by screwing in or loosening the screws that secure the hinges. Each screw is responsible for the tension of the door leaf. There are three such fasteners for each loop.

You can adjust the plastic door yourself. Arm yourself with tools to work. You will need:

  • set of hexagons;
  • screwdrivers of different shapes;
  • pliers.

Adjustment scheme

First of all, check if the fasteners on the hardware installed on the frame are equally tightened. Poor door contact can be explained by unevenly tightened fasteners. Correct the situation by tightening or loosening the hinge screws equally. Now check if there is any slack in the web.

How to fix possible problems

If the door is difficult to open or close, this happens either because the hinges are loosely tightened and the sash sagged, or the clamping vertical is broken.

  1. If the door leaf is not flat against the frame somewhere, remove the plastic covers from the hinge and adjust the position of the door with screws.
  2. If the gap between the canvas and the box is at the top, then tighten the fasteners at the top more strongly, if the door does not fit tightly at the bottom, then work with the hardware on the lower hinge.
  3. Open the flap to adjust the top hinge. Place the hex key in the slot in the hinge and rotate clockwise. This action will raise the edge of the door opposite the hinge. Rotate the hex counterclockwise to lower the corner. Adjust the lower hinge in the same way.
  4. To evenly raise or lower the door leaf, take the hexagon and twist the adjusting screw, which is placed in the hinge pin from below. By moving it clockwise, you raise the door, counterclockwise, you lower the sash down.
  5. If you find it difficult to turn the handle, move aside the decorative strip, there are two screws behind it. Tighten or loosen fasteners as needed.

Filling the voids between the floor and the frame with polyurethane foam

After adjustment, complete the installation of plastic doors. Stamp the empty space between the wall and the door frame. After a few hours, remove the wedges and blow out the holes that appear with foam. Close the door and do not use it for 24 hours.

Features of installing plastic doors in a wooden house

Structures built of wood tend to shrink. The dimensions of a wooden beam are changing all the time, most of all the dimensions of the house differ from the initial ones in the first year after the completion of construction.

Preparation for the installation of a window in the opening

So that during the shrinkage process the doorways do not deform and the doors serve for a long time, they must make a jamb. This is a construction of special shaped beams called sidewalls, apex and a threshold. They are attached around the perimeter of the doorway. Leave a margin of 15 cm between the window and the upper end of the opening.

The appearance of a plastic door in a wooden house after installation

When insulating the gap, do not foam it; when the house shrinks, the foam will crack and begin to let air through.

To install a plastic door in a wooden house, you need tools:

  • electric drill;
  • chainsaw or hand saw;
  • hammer;
  • cutter;
  • chisel;
  • bit;
  • roulette;
  • construction square;
  • building level, plumb line;
  • sealant - jute, linen or tow;
  • hardware - nails, screws, anchors;

Methods for the device

Mark out the future passage, check the vertical and horizontal level of the planned hole with the level. Saw through the doorway so that 1/2 of the timber remains at the top and bottom.

Check the levels of the opening made with a plumb line or a building level. Clear debris from the opening. Then casing the doorway. For the device, use one of the options.

Execution of the casing by the "embedded block" method

If you are going to do additional decoration at home, then use this method of building a window.

  1. Take a router bit and make a 50x50 mm notch in the vertical cut of the opening. Adjust the exact dimensions with a chisel and chisel. Place insulation in the groove.
  2. Insert a block of exactly the right size into the resulting groove. If the wooden house has not yet defended a year, use a block 50 mm shorter than the doorway, if the house was built several years ago - 20 mm.
  3. If the house is made of cylinders or timber, there will be little such a box. To strengthen the structure, fix a board up to 50 mm thick and the same width as the wall to the bar inserted into the groove. For added strength, use an appropriately sized metal channel instead of a board.
  4. After strengthening the vertical parts of the doorway, nail the threshold. To do this, prepare a T-shaped beam with a thickness of 100 mm.
  5. Install the horizontal lintel on the vertical posts. There is no need to make a depression on the top. He is responsible for the strut spreader. Fill the space above the top with a special insulation material and seal it with tape for vapor and waterproofing.

Preparation of the opening for the casing by the "embedded block" method

Installation by the method "in the thorn-monolith"

  1. To make a jig using this method, make the same grooves in the alignment of the doorway as in the "embedded block" method. Saw out the vertical uprights with the letter T and cut through the bed for the top.
  2. Saw out the upper plank of the cutout in the same way as the racks. Seal the grooves with jute. Start assembling the casing from the threshold, insert the vertical parts into the prepared grooves with the protruding part.
  3. Place the tip in the slotted stock. Fill the remaining shrinkage gap with insulation.

Installation of casing by the method "in the thorn-monolith"

Execution of the casing by the method "in the log"

Use this type of window if you have a multi-storey building. This option minimizes the effects of building shrinkage.

  1. Saw a comb 50 mm wide and 35-38 mm high at the end of the doorway. Top and bottom, where it is difficult to reach with a saw, manually pick up with a chisel and chisel.
  2. On the resulting thorn along the entire perimeter, fasten the sealant - jute cloth.
  3. In a 100x100 mm bar, make a groove 50 mm wide and 40 mm deep with a milling cutter. Take the height of the timber with a low shrinkage of the house by 50 mm less than the height of the passage, if the house has stood for about 6 years - leave a gap of 20 mm.
  4. Fix the vertex. To do this, install a board with a profile of 50 mm by 200 mm and attach it with hardware to the side parts of the box.
  5. Drill holes in the bottom of the vertical casing posts and secure them with anchors.
  6. After installing the window, proceed to the installation of the door frame.

Installation of the box in the "in the deck" method

A house made of laminated veneer lumber does not sit down after construction, therefore, a window can be made with a smaller margin in height.

Further installation of plastic doors in a wooden house does not differ from installation in a brick, concrete or other structure. It consists in precise leveling of the door frame, fixing it to the wall with fastening hardware and hinging the sash.

Video: Installation of casing and PVC doors in a log house

If the installation of plastic doors with your own hands caused difficulties, order the installation from professional craftsmen. The company from which you will buy or have already bought the door leaf will usually offer installation as well.

Despite the fact that wood has always been considered the best option for making doors or windows into an apartment, it has been successfully replaced by metal-plastic structures, which have become part of our everyday life. And if earlier it was rare to see the plastic design of the doorway, today it is observed in 7 cases out of 10. There are many reasons for such changes in priorities, but the leading positions are taken by the reliability and quality of products, which, even with changing weather conditions, do not change their original shape. If you decide to install such doors in your apartment or on the balcony, but decide to save on this and do everything yourself, then you may have a number of questions that we will try to answer.

Before you go to order plastic doors, you need to measure the doorway so that the structure does not turn out to be large or small. For this job you will need a piece of paper, a tape measure, and a pen. To install a door, you only need three indicators:

  • height;
  • width;
  • opening thickness.

To take measurements, you need to dismantle the old door and the wooden frame. Then all values ​​will be as accurate as possible. Record all the indicators on a sheet of paper.

The first thing to measure is the width of the opening, it is better if you do this along its lower edge, attaching a tape measure to it. The height is measured along the side of the slope, but with the exact touch of the tape measure to it. There should be no protruding elements on the jambs of the opening, otherwise it will not work out the exact dimensions. To avoid this, flatten the surface and remove any bumps or bumps before measuring all metrics.

After measuring these values, you will need to measure the horizontal and vertical deflections. For these purposes, a water level is suitable. With such measurements, a small error of about 5 mm is allowed.

  • To measure the verticality of the wall, you can use not only a level, but also a plumb line, then the installed door will not touch the floor when opened;
  • When measuring the thickness of the opening, you can use a vernier caliper, but keep in mind that at several points of measurement, the thickness can change, so you need to select the largest result.

Preparatory work

Any construction or installation process begins with preparation. Therefore, it is very important to properly plan the workflow and organize your work. To make it easier for you, we suggest using a pre-developed work plan.

Fastening of plastic doors can be carried out in two ways, using brackets or on anchor bolts. If we compare these methods with each other, then the labor intensity of both processes is approximately the same, therefore, the aesthetic side of the issue can play a decisive role. In the first method, the brackets on which the door structure is attached are hidden under the slopes, so the appearance will not be affected. Therefore, most people who install doors on their own prefer this particular method of fastening.

The installation process consists of several steps, each of which must be followed in the sequence below.

After installing the box on the balcony or anywhere else, you can consider that the bulk of the work is done. To see the process of installing the door frame on the balcony in more detail, you can watch the proposed video.

Door unit assembly and sealing

After installing the door frame, you just have to hang the door on it. This process can be as complex or very simple, depending on which door was installed. Balcony doors, interior or exterior, have different hinges for hanging the door.

If this is a balcony door, then due to the ventilation function, more complex awnings are installed there. To attach the canvas to such awnings, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations: first hang the canvas on the lower awning, set the doors to a closed position, combine the two upper halves of the hinge and insert a pin into them.

If these are standard hinges, but hanging the door will not cause problems. It is simply put on the buttonholes and the job is finished.

The last stage of work is sealing the gaps between the wall with the door frame. It is performed using polyurethane foam. But here, too, you need to take into account several points:

Types of plastic doors

As mentioned above, plastic doors very quickly burst into our everyday life and successfully replaced environmentally friendly wooden door structures. They are used for installation in rooms for different purposes, based on which, the doors are divided into several categories. Depending on the place of installation, the doors can be:

Depending on the way the door is opened, they are:

  • folding;
  • arched;
  • rectangular.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic doors

If we compare metal-plastic doors with their predecessors, then the first category of doors has a number of advantages over them.

These advantages include:

  • Low weight of the structure, which is good when installing the door with your own hands;
  • High strength indicators, which confirm their ability to withstand heavy loads. This is mainly due to the aluminum-plastic profile;
  • Absolute tightness in a closed form, which is achieved by special locking mechanisms and a high quality seal;
  • High performance of heat and sound insulation, which is achieved by good tightness. This advantage is inherent only in plastic doors;
  • Functionality;
  • Excellent maintainability;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • High performance.

Summing up the article, we can say with confidence that the process of installing plastic doors on a balcony or in another room is not a very complicated process. Subject to the proposed sequence of work and following the advice of specialists, you can easily install such a structure in your home, even without the help of another person. Which is very difficult to do with wooden doors.