Connection of a carbonate veranda with a summer cottage. Polycarbonate veranda: photo, how to attach to the house

How to attach a veranda to the house with your own hands

The veranda attached to the house, or as they say today, the terrace is a great place to relax with friends or in solitude. A correctly drawn up construction project and a thoughtful original design will create a real decoration for the facade of any house. In addition, a well-designed construction project will allow you to build such an extension to the house with your own hands.

We can say that the veranda is that part of the structure that provides each home with a look of completeness and aesthetics. In some cases, the construction of a veranda is foreseen in advance and occurs along with the construction of the main part of the house. But there are times when the owners of their cottage or country house did not think about this building element in advance, and therefore, during the operation of the building, it becomes necessary to add a veranda. Attaching a veranda to a wooden house with your own hands will be more economical than hiring specialists for this.

Location features

To a greater extent, the veranda is attached near the main entrance to the house, that is, in front of the main facade of the building. However, this is not essential. In some cases, it is attached near the side facade. Even with this location, it will be clearly visible from the main entrance to the courtyard. When choosing a location for a veranda, it is important that a passage to the house is provided from it..

As for the size of the veranda, they are easy to determine. Its length directly depends on the length of the facade to which it is planned to make an extension. The width of the terrace is determined directly by the owner of the house. As a rule, verandas are made with a width of two and a half meters. Before starting any work on the extension, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the territory, that is, to put the site in order: clean it, dismantle the porch and, if necessary, get rid of the visor over the entrance to the house.

Project planning and development

The design of the veranda in a private house photo must be developed even at the planning stage of construction. Construction planning and project design is an important construction phase that should be given special attention. First of all, you should decide on the type of veranda. It can be open and closed. An unglazed veranda will be a great place to relax in the summer, however, in winter it will be unusable. In addition, it is necessary to determine how this room will be used. The veranda can act as a simple resting place, it can serve as a living room or even a summer kitchen.

After that, you need to start preparing the construction project. Veranda to the house photo projects are the most important part. You can draw up a project yourself. To do this, you need to draw a future extension, indicate in the figure all sizes, places for windows and doors. The project can also be ordered from a construction company, however, as a rule, it will take quite a long time. You can also choose a ready-made project from the proposed options. Below are options for what a veranda to a house can be with your own hands photo projects.

Construction of a polycarbonate veranda

In order to understand how to attach a veranda to a polycarbonate house with your own hands, you must first of all familiarize yourself with the basic properties of this material. Cellular polycarbonate can be called a relatively new building material that has become quite popular in a short time. This material is transparent and has good thermal insulation properties, which can vary depending on the presence of layers or the thickness of the material. Due to its plasticity, it is possible to create any necessary shape from its sheets, which, of course, is more than convenient for construction. This material is used to create not only walls, but also a roof.

As with the construction of any other building, a foundation is needed for the veranda. A polycarbonate veranda will be considered a light structure, so a foundation can be made for it using a simpler scheme. A strip foundation is well suited, which is performed as follows:

  • it is necessary to dig a trench fifty centimeters deep along the entire perimeter of the future veranda. The width of the trench should be approximately 30 centimeters;
  • at the bottom of the trench, you need to lay a sand pillow twenty centimeters thick and fill it with a small amount of water;
  • further, on top of the sand, it is necessary to pour concrete and lay it with reinforcement;
  • after that, you need to let the foundation dry completely. This can take about two months. If the weather is hot, then periodically the foundation must be moistened with water and covered with a film so that it does not crack.


After the foundation is completely dry, you can start assembling the veranda frame. To do this, a basement is laid on the foundation, which must be covered with roofing material and then a beam for the base should be laid horizontally on it. In the corners, four supports must be attached vertically to the timber. At the top of the supports, they need to be fastened to a bar in a horizontal position. After the upper and lower bases are fastened together, you need to screw vertical posts between them with a distance of 650 millimeters from each other. Thus, the frame is designed, which should then be sheathed with polycarbonate. In the same way, you can make a frame from a shaped pipe.

An important point: all wooden frame elements must first be treated with a special antiseptic to make it resistant to moisture and pest damage.


In order for the polycarbonate veranda attached to the photo house to be durable, it is necessary to provide the building with a good roof and its waterproofing. To do this, you need to put the rafters on the 2 upper beams, which lie parallel to each other. Rafters can be made independently from boards with a thickness of forty millimeters. The distance between the rafters must be done depending on the dimensions of the polycarbonate. The transverse crate can be made from boards with dimensions of 20 by 10 millimeters.


Cut the polycarbonate sheets in such a way that, as a result, its internal channels point down to the ground. This will make it much easier to remove dust. The UV-protected side of the material should be facing outward. The end part of the material should be closed with a profile and sealed with a special tape. If this is not done, the condensation will make the plastic cloudy. Next, you need to make holes for self-tapping screws, with which the cut sheets are attached to the frame of the building. The joints between the material should be connected using a split profile. Below are the finished verandas and terraces for the house photo.

Features of the addition of a veranda to a wooden house

Attaching a veranda to a wooden house with your own hands means making an excellent place to relax and giving the overall appearance of the house aesthetics and originality. A feature of building a terrace or veranda to a wooden house is that it must also be built from the same material.


When building a wooden veranda, a strip foundation design is perfect. At the same time, it is important to observe the technology of the device of this type of base:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the site. To do this, you need to clear the area for the building from debris and grass;
  2. Further, it is necessary to make markings along the perimeter of the future terrace;
  3. Then you should start creating a trench, which for a wooden veranda should be at least 1.2 meters deep and at least 30 centimeters wide;
  4. After that, the dug trench should be covered with sand and well tamped;
  5. Next, you need to lay reinforcement at the bottom of the trench and make the formwork, which should be several centimeters higher than the ground level;
  6. Then concrete is poured. It is necessary to give it time to dry completely and only after that you can proceed to waterproofing the foundation and the next stage of construction.

Installing the frame

The addition of a veranda to a wooden house requires the installation of a timber frame. When installing the frame, install the lower strapping. With the help of anchors, the timber can be attached to the concrete with a distance of 60 centimeters. In the places of the corners, you need to make a connection like a straight lock. Also, in the corners of the frame, you need to install logs on which the floor covering will directly fit. To make the lags more rigid, they should be stapled together. Further, in the corners, vertical posts should also be installed with a distance of 1, 2 meters. Upon completion of the installation of all racks, strapping should be made on top using nails and screws.

An important point: when working with wood, to create a stronger fastening, it is best to use screws as a fastening element.

Roofing device

Roofing in a wooden veranda is carried out using the same technology as in the construction of a roof for a polycarbonate terrace. However, the distance between the rafters should be 70 centimeters. The roof design for the veranda should assume the presence of a crate into which insulation can be laid. On top of it, plywood is attached and roofing material and tiles are laid. Such a simple roof structure allows you to build a veranda to the house with your own hands.

An important point: ventilation holes should be left in the roof structure, which are best done on the sides. This is necessary for free air circulation.


There are several ways to fasten the walls with the main structure, however, to carry out the construction with your own hands, the simplest way will be to fasten it by means of special anchors with spacers. In this case, additional strength can be provided by fastening the structure with staples.

For sheathing a veranda for a wooden house, you can use either a beam that matches the size of the beam when building a house, or plywood. Plywood is an easier option, so we will consider it. In order to sheathe the veranda frame with plywood, you will need only three tools:

  • long tape measure;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver.

Plywood should be pre-cut into the required sheets and then attached to the vertically positioned racks. First, you should trim one side with plywood and insert insulation into the distance between the posts, after which the other side is sheathed. Despite the fact that this version of veranda cladding is quite simple, the terrace will ultimately turn out to be a very warm and functional room.

An important point: do not forget about the construction of the floor, on which you can pour expanded clay and tamp it well. Expanded clay is an excellent material that will provide good thermal insulation and help make the wooden extension as warm and suitable for use in the winter as possible.

The arrangement of windows in such a building is one of the most difficult stages of work, since it is rather difficult and extremely expensive to independently make windows from wood. The best options are PVC windows, which can be made to order. The installation of such windows can be carried out independently or entrusted to specialists.

Video how to build a veranda to the house with your own hands

Modern outbuildings that increase the comfort of living in a house include not only utility buildings, but also recreation areas. In conditions of high cost and, as a consequence, a lack of free space for construction, the best option for organizing a place of rest and relaxation is considered to be terraces attached to a residential building or detached. Experienced craftsmen consider polycarbonate plastic to be the best material for arranging a roof for them, which makes it possible to create light, translucent structures that create an openwork shadow. A terrace with a polycarbonate roof can be made with your own hands. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right material, build a frame and independently install polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate plastic is a modern polymer material that is an ester of bisphenol A and carbonic acid. It has light transmittance up to 92%, high impact resistance, load-bearing capacity and resistance to atmospheric moisture. The advantage of polycarbonate is its ultra-light weight, which is 0.8-4.3 kg, which makes it easier to assemble the structure with your own hands. Experienced roofing masters recommend using this material if the roof slope exceeds 5-10 degrees. The following are produced:

Note! Do-it-yourself translucent roofs for a terrace are made of any type of polycarbonate, the thickness of which is 6-8 mm. For overlapping recreation and eating areas, it is recommended to use material of warm shades (yellow, red, orange, which contribute to relaxation and improve appetite.

Basis of construction

The design of each terrace consists of 3 main elements: bearing supports, rafters, and the roofing material itself, which is polycarbonate. So that it does not warp or deform during operation, the frame is assembled in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. For the manufacture of roof truss, natural wood, aluminum, steel are suitable. To make a roof for a terrace with your own hands, use a profile with a section thickness of 60x60 mm or 60x40 mm.
  2. To last longer, wooden frame elements are covered with an antiseptic compound and varnish, and metal ones with paint to protect against moisture.
  3. When creating a roof for a polycarbonate terrace, it must be borne in mind that the structure must have a slope of at least 5 degrees. The optimal slope for removing atmospheric moisture is considered to be an angle of 10 degrees.
  4. The distance between the rafters should not exceed 100 cm. If the roof is mounted from thick monolithic polycarbonate, the step between the rafters should be kept to 50-70 cm.

Important! In the process of installing a roof for a polycarbonate terrace, the rafters are placed in such a way that the joint of the sheets is above the supporting element on which the connecting strip is fixed. This technology makes it possible to make the joints between the elements more tight.

Installation sequence

The service life of polycarbonate structures for one half depends on the quality of the material, and for the second - on the quality of installation. A roof made of polycarbonate plastic has the property of thermal expansion, that is, it changes in size with increasing temperature, which must be taken into account when installing it yourself. So that the material does not deform in the process, it cannot be rigidly fixed to the frame. The assembly of the structure is carried out as follows:

Please note that when installing the roof of the terrace, polycarbonate must be placed so that the stiffeners are located along the slope. This allows condensation that forms inside the cells to drain off and evaporate gradually.

Design advantages

When creating a terrace project, professional craftsmen recommend paying attention to polycarbonate structures, which are easy to assemble with your own hands. This material is easy to process, no special tools are required for its installation, however, with the help of it complex design ideas are successfully implemented. The following advantages of polycarbonate roofs are distinguished:

  1. A light weight. Since 1 square meter of polycarbonate plastic weighs only 0.8-4.3 kg, its installation does not require a massive frame and capital foundation, which reduces the time and money spent on construction.
  2. Transparency. The transparency of the material is a huge plus for the terrace, since the roof turns out to be light, delicate, letting in sunlight.
  3. Flexibility. Due to the flexibility of the material, craftsmen create complex arched, domed and hipped-roof structures without the use of special equipment.

Video instruction

A rare country house does without a recreation area - a free-standing gazebo in the garden, a picnic shed, a terrace or a veranda attached to the building. Light, mostly open buildings are used, as a rule, only in the warm season. And therefore they are constructed from relatively light materials.


Even in the simplest case, the veranda is fundamentally different from the usual canopy in that it stands on the foundation, even if it is one with the porch. By the type of foundation, the extension can be of two different types.

  • Built-in - designed together with the main building, its foundation is one whole with the building foundation.
  • Attached - in this case, it is erected after the end of construction, which means that it is necessary to build a base for it and dock with the foundation of the house. These works are not so difficult that it would be impossible to do them with your own hands, but they will take more time.

Wood, brick, metal pipes, glass and polymer glass can be used as building materials.

  • Brick extensions have walls, their only difference from an ordinary room is the lack of insulation, and even then not always. Such structures are called closed.
  • Wooden and frame metal structures are of the open type. However, if full glazing is made, then the veranda becomes closed. Such light, graceful structures made of metal and polymer plates - a real house made of polycarbonate, are becoming very popular, since their construction takes a minimum of time, and the original look can give individuality to any building.

For glazing closed terraces, more and more often, not silicate, rather fragile glass is used, but polycarbonate. The photo shows a sample.

Translucent materials

The desire to make this kind of extension very light and light is understandable: rarely does anyone associate summer vacations with semi-darkness. But at the same time, it would also be nice to protect yourself from too hot the sun. To meet the needs of consumers, the modern market offers polycarbonate - a translucent material based on polyesters of carbonic acid.

The polymer for construction works is produced in the form of panels - monolithic or honeycomb. The latter differ in structure - the presence of cavities between the stiffeners connecting two or more sheets. The material is very widely used as a replacement for glass, since it has a number of very attractive qualities.

  • Durability - almost 20 times higher than glass. At the same time, the damaged polycarbonate does not crumble into fragments, and is torn into fragments with non-sharp edges, which significantly reduces the risk of grass.
  • Light transmission - up to 86%. Some of the light is scattered, which creates real protection from direct sunlight. Polycarbonate is able to partially absorb ultraviolet light, which again testifies in its favor.
  • Flexibility - Polymer panels are very flexible. Designers willingly use the material to create curvilinear structures. Panels can be bent at the desired angle right on site without the use of special equipment. Verandas and terraces near the building of an unusual, original look can be built with your own hands. The photo shows an interesting version of the curvilinear shape.

  • Large temperature range - is between -40 and +120 degrees. The attached polycarbonate house is not afraid of either heat or severe winter.

Foundation construction

The type of the base of the extension depends on the mass of the building and its size.

  • Slab - is a solid concrete base. Typically used for heavy brick terraces and verandas, sometimes built with a porch.
  • Ribbon is more common. Here, the concrete base is fragmented and serves as a support for the walls of the future structure.
  • Columnar or support - the foundation looks like separate support pillars. This method is used for lightweight open structures, including a polycarbonate house.

  • Pile - the principle of construction is the same, but screw-in piles are used as pillars. This method has not received proper distribution, since special equipment is traditionally required to screw in the supports. In fact, piles for a light veranda can be installed with your own hands. The photo shows the moment of screwing in the pile support.

For the supporting foundation, you can use a lot of materials: bricks, logs, pipes, concrete .. Its great convenience is that it is independent of the foundation of the main building.

  1. Before installation, the support pillars should be pre-treated: the pipes should be covered with an anti-corrosion compound, the logs - with an antiseptic. The tree must be additionally waterproofed with coating or bitumen.
  2. Pits are dug along the perimeter of the future site - their number is determined by its area. The depth of the pit should ideally be equal to the depth of the building foundation.
  3. At the bottom, 20 cm of sand is laid and compacted.
  4. Supports are installed in pits and covered with earth and gravel or filled with concrete. If we are talking about a concrete base, then first the formwork for the post is built and poured with concrete.

Screw piles are interesting in that they allow you to adjust the height of the structure without any difficulty. If the site on which the construction of the veranda is proposed is uneven, with a large slope, then the pile foundation is an excellent solution, since it does not require leveling the site.

The installation principle is quite simple: the places are marked out in increments of 1 to 3 m, and then, using a special lever device, the piles are screwed into the ground to the required depth. The quality of the soil does not matter.

Polycarbonate sheathing

The material can be used for mounting both on vertical and horizontal planes, depending on which option is being implemented - an open or closed veranda. This requires the construction of a frame made of wooden beams or a metal profile.

  1. In the case of an open extension, only the roof lathing is mounted, which is installed on the support pillars. If a closed veranda is being erected, then the lathing is made for both the walls and the ceiling.
  2. The distance between the lathing beams is 60–80 cm, between the support posts - from 1 to 3 m.

Monolithic polycarbonate is attached directly to the beams - "wet" or "dry" method. Holes for fastening are pre-drilled in honeycomb panels - if installation on self-tapping screws is provided. The holes are made in increments of 30–40 cm, their diameter must be greater than the diameter of the bolt leg. Polycarbonate changes in volume under the influence of temperature, so the fastening must be made loose.

  1. Laying the panels starts from the left edge of the wall or roof. In this case, the sheets should be joined together, leaving a gap of 3-5 mm. The honeycomb panels are stacked in a specific order - the cavities must be oriented vertically so that the accumulated condensate can be easily removed.
  2. Each sheet is insulated before installation. The upper end part is sealed with a continuous tape or strip to prevent debris and moisture from entering the inside of the sheet, and the lower end - with perforated tape to ensure the drainage of condensation.
  3. If the material used has a protective film, then the sheet should be positioned so that the covering is on the outside of the wall or roof. The photo shows the fastening of the sheet.
  4. The honeycomb panels are fixed to the wood with stainless steel screws with ordinary washers. In the case of a metal frame, thermal washers should be used - transparent or in a suitable color. Monolithic slabs can be simply glued to the frame, or mounted using a profile.
  5. The joints between the sheets should be sealed. If desired, the joints are closed with decorative strips.

In the video, the process of installing a polycarbonate veranda is presented in more detail.

Who among the owners of a private house does not dream of a real terrace? This small extension can be an option for expanding the house, but to become functional and convenient, it needs to be done correctly. Often, options with a transparent roof are chosen for arranging an extension. A polycarbonate roof for a terrace can be a great option for making this wish come true.

First, a few words about what a terrace is. This is an extension that allows you to be at home and outdoors at the same time, allowing you to combine comfort and outdoor recreation. As a rule, these extensions turn out to be very light and visually spacious, since they have large glazing areas - walls, roof, etc.

The terrace has a lot of functions - it allows you to relax here, equip the summer version of the kitchen or make play rooms... Often on holidays, under the roof of the terrace, the whole family gathers with friends at a large festive table, and such gatherings become truly magical and homely cozy.

You can build a terrace from a variety of materials. Gas blocks, bricks, wood are used. But most homeowners want the veranda to be as light as possible. Then transparent materials come to the rescue - glass and polycarbonate. From the latter, a roof is often built for this room.

On a note! Regardless of what shape and type the veranda will be made, it is very simple in construction. You won't have to spend a lot of effort on its construction. Usually this structure has the simplest frame and uncomplicated roof.

Table. The main types of terraces.

Type ofDescription

It is located, as you might guess, right at the entrance to the house. The extension is carried out in such a way that, leaving the house, a person first goes to the terrace, and only then to the street.

Such a terrace will encircle the whole house in a circle. Very often it is performed open or has the simplest frame.

This terrace is located on the sunny side of the house on the second floor. It will allow you to build a cozy solarium there for sunbathing.

The types of roofs for terraces can also be different - for example, simple one-pitched, arched, resembling a greenhouse in shape. And there may not be walls at all - only supports. It is worth choosing a terrace configuration even at the design stage - the choice of types of materials will depend on this, as well as their quantity required to create a building.

On a note! The terrace can sometimes be called a veranda, but this is not entirely correct, although it is not prohibited. The fact is that the veranda differs from the terrace in the height of the floor. In the first, it will be located on the same level with the foundation, and in the second, it will lie on the ground. There are no other special differences between the two buildings.

Features of polycarbonate

Why is polycarbonate often chosen for transparent roofs? It's simple - this polymer material has a number of advantages that allow it to surpass in many characteristics the usual and familiar to many glass. This is good transparency, but at the same time there is no tendency to serious deformations during mechanical action on the coating, the ability to better retain heat, and a lower price.

Polycarbonate happens cellular and monolithic... The first consists of two thin sheets of transparent plastic connected by stiffening ribs. This is a fairly plastic and flexible material that bends easily and perfectly retains heat due to the air trapped between the two polymer sheets. There is transparency in the material, but not as good as in the monolithic version.

Monolithic polycarbonate looks more like glass in appearance. It is absolutely transparent and has higher strength characteristics. There are no voids inside it, which is why the material retains heat worse. This type of polycarbonate is actively used in construction, but it costs several times more than a cellular cover. Greenhouses are usually made from cellular polycarbonate.

On a note! Unfortunately, polycarbonate, especially cellular polycarbonate, is not without its drawbacks. It still remains a rather fragile material compared to other roofing coatings, it is easily scratched, and cavities inside it can become clogged and the coating ceases to look presentable.

But anyway polycarbonate is one of the most commonly used materials for creating terrace roofs... It is lightweight, but at the same time strong enough, due to which it is able to withstand certain snow loads, it can bend if necessary to design a sloping roof. It is also easy to install, even a beginner in construction can cope with the task of arranging a polycarbonate roof. At the same time, the material transmits light and makes it possible to obtain a sufficiently warm room due to its low thermal conductivity.

Attention! A closed terrace with a cellular polycarbonate roof must necessarily have windows that can be opened. In hot weather it will be very difficult to be under such a roof - the "greenhouse effect" will work. That is why it is often recommended to use not transparent, but colored polycarbonate, since it transmits less light and it is easier to create an optimal temperature regime.

Cellular polycarbonate prices

Why is a polycarbonate deck a great option?

A polycarbonate terrace has a number of advantages. That is why very often the roof is made of this material. It is different:

  • insignificant weight;
  • no need to use heavy equipment during construction;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • excellent durability and ability to withstand moderate snow and wind loads;
  • harmlessness from the point of view of ecology and human health;
  • long service life.

Most of the disadvantages of polycarbonate with proper maintenance of such a terrace can be circumvented, but it is worth knowing about them. This is the possibility of cracks in the places where the material is attached to the frame, the appearance of fragility of the coating when the protective film is damaged outside the material, as well as the possibility of clogging of channels (honeycombs), which will lead to a decrease in heat retention rates, as well as an impartial appearance of the roof.

When designing a terrace, it is important to take into account a lot of aspects, including its size - it should not be too small. The minimum size is 12 m 2. This will provide ample resting space.

On a note! The shape of the roof also matters. But the simplest option, which does not require hassle either when creating a frame or when installing a roof covering, is a single-pitched flat roof.

It is important to first draw up the most accurate drawing that will allow you not only to imagine how the extension will look like, but also to calculate the amount of materials needed for construction. The frame itself is easiest to make of metal or wood. Sometimes block supports or brick bases are used.

Only after this is the purchase of the necessary materials and fasteners made. When buying polycarbonate, do not forget about special profiles and accessories. In some cases, you can do without them, but then the roof can lose its appearance and collapse faster.

Table. Polycarbonate profiles.

UPThe end profile has dimensions 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25 mm x 2010 mm. It is necessary to protect the ends of the material from debris and insects.
TORidge, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 mm x 6 m. Allows you to connect individual sheets of polycarbonate at the top, leaving no gaps between them. Allows to exclude roof leakage.
HCPDetachable docking, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 mm x 6 m. Needed to connect two adjacent polycarbonate sheets. The lower and upper profile parts are separated to facilitate installation.
HPDocking one-piece, 4, 6, 8, 10 mm x 6 m. Needed to connect two adjacent polycarbonate sheets. The profile is not parsed, unlike the previous version.

HaveCorner, 4, 6, 8, 10 mm x 6 m. Allows you to connect sheets that are at right angles to each other.

FWall-mounted, 4, 6, 8, 10 mm x 6 m. It will eliminate the ingress of water between the roof and the wall. Provides thermal insulation for this area.

A strong foundation for such a terrace is not needed, since most of the materials used are very light. It is enough to form a concrete screed with a thickness of up to 10 cm.For support posts, there will be enough indentations up to 50 cm.

Attention! When buying polycarbonate and calculating its amount, it is important to remember that the sheet has standard dimensions - 305 x 205 cm. The thickness of polycarbonate can be different (the best option is 4-6 mm). To reduce the amount of waste generated, it is better to take the length of the roof slope the same as the length of the sheet.

Prices for polycarbonate profiles

Polycarbonate profiles

Creation of the foundation and installation of supports

Let's consider how the process of building a terrace takes place. Let's start with the foundation. In this case, it will be the economy option.

Step 1. A bayonet shovel marks the future contour of the trench in the place selected on the site.

Step 2. A ditch is created for the strip foundation. Formwork can also be made from wooden planks.

Step 3. Broken brick and fittings are placed in the ditch. In this case, the reinforcement must also be installed vertically at the places of installation of future supports for the roof.

Step 4. The ditch is poured with concrete and the strip foundation is dried.

Step 6. Polyethylene is laid along the perimeter of the basement. It can be crushed by pieces of bricks.

Step 7. The base is covered with sand, the sand is well rammed.

Step 8. The plinth can be finished with decorative borders.

Step 10. The support is put on the previously installed reinforcement protruding from the base in the area where the supports are installed. The base of the base and the lower part of the support are coated with cement mortar. The support is leveled.

Step 11. The internal cavity left between the reinforcement and the support wall is filled with concrete.

Step 13. The wooden columns are already prepared - in the lower part there are holes for reinforcement. The underside of the columns is also coated with mastic.

Step 14. Further, each column is installed on a plinth - they are put on the protruding reinforcement and installed on small concrete supports. To prevent the columns from overturning, they can be fixed with wooden slopes.

Step 15. A beam is installed on top of two columns from the end of the extension, connecting them to each other. Further, all the columns are connected by strapping beams. Thus, a ready-made frame for the terrace is obtained, and the simplest rafter system for the roof is also mounted.

Installation of polycarbonate roofing

Step 1. Polycarbonate sheets are cut to size if necessary. Any wood cutting tool can be used for this.

Step 2. The edges of the protective film covering the sheets are turned around the entire perimeter of the material. Next, a special tape is glued to the ends to protect it from dust. Also, all ends of the installed sheets must be covered with protective end profiles.

Attention! When cutting connecting profiles when installing on a curved structure, it is important to take into account that their bending radius is greater than that of the sheets themselves. Therefore, they should be slightly longer than the polycarbonate sheet itself. The easiest way to trim them is after installation.

Step 3. Polycarbonate is laid up with the side that has UV protection. As a rule, there is a protective film on this side. The direction of the air ducts should be oriented along the roof slope. This will allow moisture to escape naturally.

Step 4. Each sheet is aligned to the ridge of the roof. The bottom edge of the sheet should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the entire structure.

Step 5. The base profile is attached to the end edge of the roof. Fixation is carried out with special self-tapping screws located on the center line of the profile.

Step 6. The sheet is fixed along the eaves of the roof. The first and last self-tapping screws will be screwed in at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the sheet. The rest are at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Holes of slightly larger diameter are drilled in the material at the attachment points than the screws themselves.

Attention! Fastening of polycarbonate should be done only with suitable fastening material - self-tapping screws with seals.

Step 7. After fixing the outermost sheet and installing the base profile, a clamping profile-cover is attached to the end edge of the roof.

Step 8. To connect separate polycarbonate sheets in a row, it is recommended to use detachable connecting profiles. In this case, first, the lower part of the profile is fixed on the roof frame, then polycarbonate sheets are laid, and only then the upper part of the profile is put on.

Step 9. At the end of the installation, the protective film is removed from the polycarbonate surface. The work has been completed.

If polycarbonate is mounted on a curved structure, it is important to remember about the maximum bending radius of the material. You cannot bend it, otherwise it will break.

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Video - Terrace 6x3 made of timber and polycarbonate

Video - Terrace with polycarbonate roof

Here, perhaps, is all the information you need to know to close your terrace with polycarbonate on your own. If you use all the necessary components, then the work will go quickly, and the result will be excellent!

Any owner who has a country house strives to arrange it with maximum comfort. Therefore, the construction of a house often includes a different, complex-shaped glazed facade with a canopy, veranda or terrace.

Such extensions have their own functional purpose and create additional space for living and recreation.

Polycarbonate is often used for the construction of these rooms. Verandas with walls and roofs made of this material are the most economical and convenient option for creating an additional area of ​​the house, where you can organize not only a place for summer holidays, but also a winter garden, a well-ventilated bedroom or kitchen.

Types of polycarbonate verandas

The veranda is a fenced area of ​​a house structure, the walls of which are various building materials, in this case, polycarbonate. She, like a house, has a foundation and a roof.

Structurally, the veranda can be of two types:

  1. It can have a common foundation with the house and then it is considered built-in, representing a single architectural structure with the house.
  2. It can also be made in the form of an extension to a house with a foundation separate from the house. This type of structure may not necessarily be built at the same time as the house. Polycarbonate extensions to the house can be made after several years of its operation by joining the structure on a separate base to the foundation of the house during the repair or modernization of the building, as shown in the photo:

The outer shape of the veranda can have a different look. Its architectural design significantly influences the facade of the house, giving it a special appeal.

An extension after warming can be used not only in summer, but in winter.

Polycarbonate terrace

On the personal plot, terraces are often erected for relaxation. It is a platform slightly raised above the ground and can be either with a roof or without it. The roof structure is an open extension to the house, visually increasing the size of the house and serving to protect its walls and base from precipitation.

Such terraces with a polycarbonate roof attached to the house are shown in the photo (like a gazebo):

Small fences are sometimes made from the sides of the terrace to the height of a person's waist.

Two-storey terrace - beautiful and practical

Recently, patios, attached to the house, are often arranged, which represent raised cobbled areas, sometimes fenced along the perimeter half the height. You can also fence such a site with polycarbonate.

Why is polycarbonate suitable for the construction of verandas and terraces

Polycarbonate for terraces and verandas is the most suitable material. It is a synthetic polymer sheet produced by extrusion from special granules.

The internal structure of the sheets resembles the structure of a honeycomb. It is produced mainly transparent, the color of the sheets can also be with different shades of red, blue, yellow and other colors.

Polycarbonate with honeycomb is available in single-layer and multi-layer with stiffening ribs. Modern material can have a protective coating that protects the surface from external influences, and some types of products are protected from condensation.

The glazing of the veranda with polycarbonate is widely used in construction due to the fact that this material:

  • not exposed to moisture and decay;
  • withstands temperatures in the range from - 45 ° C to + 90 ° C;
  • has a low weight;
  • goes out when ignited;
  • transmits daylight well and does not lose color when exposed to the rays of the sun;
  • it is produced in different colors and has different sizes in thickness and structure;
  • has sufficient strength while remaining flexible. Therefore, interesting designs of a streamlined shape can be created from it.

A monolithic type of polycarbonate is also produced, which has no cells and is highly durable. The thickness of sheets of such material can be up to 12 mm. Its strength is 50 times higher than glass, which has the same thickness. Therefore, such panels are well suited for the roof of the veranda.

Stages of self-construction of a polycarbonate extension

Consider how a do-it-yourself polycarbonate extension to the house is performed. To successfully complete the construction, you need to follow a certain order:

First you need to decide what the veranda is for, what functions it will perform, and also in what period of time during the year it will be operated.

Then you should draw up a construction project. You can draw a diagram yourself and designate all the necessary dimensions on it, starting from the foundation, the frame of the side walls, etc.

Look at the photo - projects of a veranda to a polycarbonate house:

When the project is ready, you need to equip the foundation. It can be tape, columnar (pile) or in the form of a platform.

After preparing the foundation, the veranda and roof frame is built. Then they start facing the veranda with polycarbonate.

Video: a selection of photos of ideas for verandas attached to a polycarbonate house.

Foundation construction

Despite the fact that a polycarbonate veranda is a light construction, it needs a high-quality foundation. Let's consider.

When installing it, you need:

  1. First, prepare a trench 50 cm deep, which is dug along the perimeter line of the future building. The width of the trench depends on the material of the frame and the size of the veranda and on average should be 30 - 40 cm.
  2. About 20 cm of sand is poured into the bottom of the foundation trench, which will act as a pillow, and some water is poured in.
  3. With the help of moisture-resistant plywood or boards, formwork is constructed in order to raise the foundation 15 - 20 cm above the ground level.
  4. Then the reinforcing mesh is laid and the cement mortar is poured. The poured foundation must dry well before performing the following work.

Construction of the veranda and roof frame

The frame can be made from a metal channel, corners or pipes, you can also use a wooden beam. The dimensions of the timber must correspond to the load that the veranda structure will bear.

If metal materials are used for the frame, then after installation, the metal surface must be protected from corrosion by using a primer and subsequent painting. The wooden beams should be covered with an antiseptic.

The roof of the veranda made of polycarbonate can have different shapes. It can be arched or vaulted. The streamlined arch and dome shapes are especially well suited to polycarbonate, as it is a flexible material. But for such forms, a specific frame in the form of metal arcs will be required.

The most common one is a pitched roof, which is in harmony with the overall appearance of the house and is easy to install. The slope of such a roof should have an angle of about 30 °. It is calculated based on local conditions (annual rainfall), roof dimensions and roofing material.

The ends of the rafters at the top are attached under the slope of the roof of the house, and at the bottom they rest on the upper horizontal beams of the veranda wall frame.

Depending on the type of roofing material, the lathing of the roof frame is made solid or with even intervals between beams or bars.

Facing the frame with polycarbonate

If the veranda is intended for use only in the summer, then polycarbonate with a sheet thickness of 8-10 mm can be used. For the construction of the fundamental building of the veranda, intended for year-round use, material with a thickness of 14 - 16 mm should be used.

The work should be carried out sequentially:

  1. Before installation, polycarbonate sheets must be cut to size using a jigsaw or a circular saw with fine teeth.
  2. When fixing sheets, it is necessary to provide for temperature slots up to 4 mm wide. The prepared sheets are fixed to the frame with screws and washers.
  3. Previously, holes are drilled in the designated places of the sheet for fastening the screws. They should be 2 mm larger than the screw diameter. This is to prevent the polycarbonate from deforming during thermal expansion from sun heating in summer and shrinkage at low temperatures in winter. Such temperature fluctuations can weaken the fasteners.

It is imperative to install a rubber gasket under each washer in order to soften the stress when fixing the fasteners!

Roof cladding

Usually the roof of the gable roof of the veranda and terrace is the same material as that of the main building. If it matches in texture and color, then such a veranda looks like a single composition with the house and looks spectacular.

For pitched roofs, polycarbonate roofing can also be used. For these purposes, it is better to use monolithic polycarbonate, but for lightweight designs, a cellular material with a thickness of 16 mm is also suitable.

Having become familiar with how to make a polycarbonate veranda, you need to remember when performing work about the features of this material. In order for it to serve for a long time, it is necessary from the moment of design to think over all the subtleties and follow certain rules during its installation:

  • with an arched roof, it is necessary to ensure that the bending radius is not less than that specified by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation;
  • when installing polycarbonate sheets, it is not necessary to remove the protective film to prevent damage to them, the film should be removed only after the end of the work;
  • the edges of the sheets should not be left open, this can lead to the ingress of moisture and dirt into the honeycomb and damage to the material;
  • when fastening the sheets, you need to use special washers complete with rubber gaskets.

P.S. Having correctly designed the polycarbonate veranda or terrace extension to the house and following all the installation recommendations, you can use this building for many years for recreation and other purposes.