How to open a money channel with runes? Rituals to strengthen the money channel and attract good luck.

The money channel is the most vulnerable egregor of the human biofield. Both ill-wishers and envious people, as well as the carrier himself, can harm material well-being and block cash flow.

A broken money channel looks like a pipe in which holes and holes alternate with blockages. No matter how much the pressure of monetary energy increases, it will still flow out through the gaps and become stuck in blocks, giving only a small trickle of income at the exit. Water should be run through whole pipes, only then the efforts expended will bring results. The opening of a money channel must be preceded by diagnostics. Card or rune layouts cope with this task quite well.

The most common reasons for violating the integrity of the cash flow are damage, other people’s imposed attitudes about the dangers of wealth, influences aimed at taking away good luck and success (the so-called suckers) and one’s own negative programs, for example, severe envy or dependence on money. If damage is detected, it is necessary to do a cleaning, preferably not only of cash flows, but also of the person as a whole. Damage, the evil eye, a curse - this is all that breaks through the energy channel of money, forming a leak.

In rune magic, the main operating tool is intention, a clear statement of the task for the runes. The more precise the formulation of the activation formula, the faster and more correctly the runes will work. If the reason is outside influence, for example, those around you constantly say that being rich is bad and indecent, then these are blocks that clog the money channel. To remove extraneous influences, personality correction is carried out and imposed destructive programs are removed. It is imperative to remove other people's channels that suck energy from the cash flow, otherwise efforts to restore your own well-being will bring more benefit to an outsider.

The rune Thurisaz (Turs) will help cut off the bindings; it acts like an ax, cutting off everything foreign; if you combine Turs in one ligature with Vunyo, the resulting formula will gently and quickly get rid of even an energy vampire. You can deal with your own “cockroaches” about the inadmissibility of wealth on your own, without the help of runes. It is enough to inspire yourself that work should always bear fruit, being poor while working hard is not right, just allow yourself to be successful, happy and rich. You need to love money and then it will reciprocate.

However, you should avoid strong dependence on wealth; frugality helps strengthen the flow of monetary energy, but stinginess and envy of other people's money will destroy the money channel. Runes are a universal magical system that destroys and creates, allowing you to achieve almost any goal. After the money “pipe” has been cleaned and patched, it’s time to use special formulas and runes. Runic script consisting of Thurisaz (cuts the road), Raidho (movement), Fehu (prosperity, wealth, money), Ansuz (blessing of the gods, inspiration), Sowilo (constant flow of energy for the formula to work) will help to open the money channel in full force.

Before making a permanent amulet on wood or leather, it is advisable to check the formula for compatibility. Sometimes a perfectly working ligature may not be suitable for a particular person. A formula drawn on paper, which is best carried in your wallet, should already show results within a month. If they make you happy, you can safely make a permanent amulet, observing the ritual and offerings (optional).

It is not enough to know how to open a money channel; you also need to be able to protect your work so that the flow remains strong and intact. A universal protective shield is quite suitable: Thurisaz-Tiwaz-Thurisaz.

Every person needs money; without it, a comfortable existence is impossible. In this article we will tell you how open a money channel.

Negative dating and parenting

Often we are poor and complex because in childhood we perceived our parents as the only source of information, and if our parents had the wrong life attitudes, incl. and money, then we grew up poor and deprived of fate.

The same can be said about our friends. The saying “tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are” is always true, that is, we surround ourselves with people who have negative financial mental limitations, and if we want to become richer, we will have to get rid of people first. who limit us with their perception.

Old things

The next step, which will lead you to wealth, will be the complete removal of old things from the apartment, free up a lot of space, and if possible, make repairs.

The simplest method opening a money channel

You can carry out rituals, you can call on various egregors for help, however, the most effective method of changing the surrounding reality is runes, and the simplest way that can, albeit temporarily, open a money channel is the method of applying a runic stave. Moreover, it is worth noting that runes do not work for everyone, however, as practice shows, they work for most people.

So to open a money channel You can use two methods of applying runes - directly on yourself and applying runes on a piece of paper and then put it under your head while sleeping. Both the first and second methods will bear fruit.

When applying runes to yourself, you should do it on your left hand if you want to change something inside, and on your right hand if you want to change something in the world around you, so you can duplicate the runes and write x on both hands. In addition, as mentioned above, you can put runes on paper and put them under the pillow while you sleep; this method is easier to understand and less energy-consuming.

So what to apply? To begin with, you can use the simplest runic formula, which consists of three Fehu runes; in general, this rune is responsible for creative energy and money.

For example, you take, apply three Fehu runes to your hand and go to bed, and repeat this for several days in a row before going to bed, in the end you will get a significant result. For a more effective and quick impact, you can also use an excellent bet called “opening a money channel” by Montana. This system starts working at lightning speed.

Why does the money channel open for a short period of time?

When you open a channel, you will notice that it will work for several days (may, of course, vary) and ask yourself the question “Why doesn’t this work on a permanent basis?” Let's go back to the beginning of the article and think again about our limitations, and they sit far and deep in our soul, if we can get rid of them, it means we will become more successful and happy and, of course, rich, until this moment everything will go as it should. and it goes on, the effect will be time, then there is a rollback to the previous state again.

What do we have to do? Of course, change your life, attitudes, eliminate the karmic causes of poverty. You can again resort to runes and cleanse yourself a little, but this is a completely different story.

Before the ceremony to attract money, it is important to clean the money channel. The fact is that things may not go up because of the negativity that you absorbed from the outside or created yourself. Any rituals for financial growth simply will not work if this is the case.

So don't be lazy. First, clear your cash flows, then attract money.

What kind of negativity can there be?

Every person has a money channel, which is initially pure, and flows of financial energy flow freely through it. If the channel is open and not contaminated with negativity, then the person is lucky in material matters. If there are accumulated negative programs, then the flow of money is closed and the person loses luck, financial income is weak.

Here are the main reasons:

Damage to money.

This is a targeted influence on you using magic. Often caused by criminals, it manifests itself in lack of money and problems in the financial sector. All was good. Money came freely into your life, and then something happened and the cash flows closed, your luck turned away. And any attempts to correct the situation lead to insignificant results.

This is also a negative impact, but not a targeted one. It is weaker and easier to remove. But life also spoils and leads to money congestion. Occurs with envy, bad wishes, resentment towards you, etc.

There is also the self-evil eye, which also works against you. For example, you boasted to someone about your income, and it fell.

It is a common occurrence when someone is very jealous of you, thereby breaking through your defense unconsciously or maybe even consciously and destroying your luck. If you are jealous, that is also not good. Financial flows are blocked with a bang.


This is a magical practice that is induced by ritual method with the goal of taking away luck or monetary success from a person.

For example, they took a coin from your wallet and whispered “magic words”. Well, that’s it, your luck has been lost, but for the one who made the steal, things have improved.


You could accidentally find money or other things for which the magician reset the negative. And the one who found it took everything for himself.

Love spells

Often, with love spells, a person loses material luck and begins to have problems in the area of ​​money. (And not only)

Birth problems

Some are born with a weak financial pipeline. It runs in line. And only an experienced magician can remove this.


Someone could wish you not very kind things. Curses work especially strongly in a fit of anger.

Negative Beliefs and Emotions

A common occurrence is when a person himself blocks his money channel with his thoughts, feelings, experiences, and negative attitudes. All this needs to be cleaned. And not only by magical methods. But also with the help of affirmations, ho'oponopono, etc.

How to diagnose

Before cleaning, it is important to carry out any available diagnostics. For example, using runes. Or tarot.

For beginners, I found this method on the net:

1. Using runes:

Take the runes. Concentrate on the question: “Am I negative about money problems?”

And pull out the rune. You can specify the questions: “Is there damage to my money”, “Do I have a money thief on me”? And so on.

See what kind of rune fell out. If Tours, Eyvaz, Perth is upright or inverted, Laguz, Laguz is inverted, Hagalaz, then there is a negative.

2. Using tarot:

Same procedure, using the major arcana. Cards indicating the nagative: Moon, Hanged Man, Magician, Devil, Tower, High Priestess, Strength, Death.

How to clean

Before cleaning the money channel, it is important to carry out routine general cleaning using any methods.

(naturally, also carry out a diagnostic procedure first).

The simplest and most effective are annealing, egg cleaning, wax casting, and spontaneous rituals.

After the general cleansing complex, move on to local problems, in our case, start working with the money channel.

Cleaning candles.

Do it 7 days in a row.

Take your photo (according to all magical traditions, it should be new and full-length) Write on it “Cleaning the money channel from negativity.”

Place a green tablecloth on the table (altar). Place a green wax candle on the photo and write the same note as in the photo. You can do this with a needle or a ritual knife. Light a candle and read the plot 21 times:

Wax casting

Place your image and place a bowl of water on it. Melt the wax in a water bath. Say the spell 1 time, while moving counterclockwise with a container of wax over the photo and a bowl of water.

Then pour the wax into a bowl of water, while saying the same spell 2 times.

When the wax begins to harden, use the following spell, which is important to say three times:

Do the ritual 3 times a day, 3 in a row. You should have 9 castings. Be sure to use new wax for each ritual.

Annealing with the Krada rune: cleaning the money channel!

On a wax candle (it should burn for 1.5 hours, so buy or make a larger candle) you need to cut out several Krad runes in a spiral shape (on top of the visas). This can be done with a ritual knife or needle.

At the same time, recite the spell:

Place a candle in a candlestick (choose one so that the wax does not get into the photo) on your image. Light it up and say

I light a candle, I turn everything I have spoken about it into reality! I, the witch (Name), said, let what was said come true! Let it be so!

Do the ritual for 7 days, new candles each time. During the ceremony, it is not necessary to sit near the altar for the entire 1.5 hours.

After cleaning the money channel, you can attract money through rituals and conspiracies.


Do you want to increase your monthly income? Or maybe you want to win the lottery? Then in this article you will learn about what cleaning the money channel with runes is and will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Enjoy reading!

Why do you need to clean your money channel with runes?

To ensure that you always have money in your wallet, you should take care of the correct state of your own energy field, or rather, the performance of all its channels responsible for health, success in the financial sphere, and personal relationships with people around you.

Note! Setting up a money channel is a very specific thing. When working, you should take into account karmic connections, a person’s temperament, his attitude to the situation and many other important factors.

The formula for cleaning the money channel directly depends on clearing the blocks and the presence/absence of energy stagnation in the financial sector. If there are ancestral problems (karma of the genus), a whole series of rituals should be carried out aimed at certain ancestors, for example, cleansing the person applying through prayers at the altar, etc.

Cleaning the money channel with runes is a proven method to increase the flow of funds. To do this, you need to visualize the end result - this will help charge you with the necessary energy.

Note. Any visualization is a “video” of the desired outcome of events, specified at the mental level. Your intention serves as a vector (impulse) for the required action - the clarity of the message plays a fundamental role in launching the desired program.

As an example, you can imagine the image of a wallet full of large denomination bills. To get a positive result, visualize the feeling of counting money, moving it from one compartment of your wallet to another. You can say to yourself words that enhance the effect of the conspiracy, which ones your intuition will tell you. This approach will help reinforce the importance of your thoughts and intentions during the ritual process.

The power of Scandinavian symbols with positive energy associated with the material world will help activate the cleaning of the money channel with runes. Most often, Soulu, Fehu, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Algiz, Vunyo, Odal, Eyvaz or Pert are used in such stavs. Below we will consider a more detailed interpretation of each of them.

  • Eyvaz, Soulu, Fehu are the personification of the money channel at the energy level.
  • The task of the Hagalaz rune is to destroy energy stagnation, blocks, and damage in the financial sector. The power of this symbol is used to make successful trading transactions.
  • Odal will help you get out of labor hemostasis in the financial sphere. You will begin to experience dramatic changes, a way out of the financial crisis, success, prosperity, and a breakthrough to new opportunities.
  • Turisaz - support in getting out of a difficult financial situation.
  • The combination of Perth and Fehu - cleansing, activation of the money channel.
  • Algiz and Fehu symbolize joy, protection, and a feeling of happiness from receiving finances.

Important point! When working with runes, unpleasant (sometimes painful) sensations may occur - this is due to the presence of negativity and the closure of the money channel. Before you try out any kind of money betting, take this point into account by preparing for it in advance.

Runic formulas for cleaning the money channel

Below I will give the most common examples of bets on financial well-being and opening a money channel.

Runic becoming “Swan”

Aimed at opening a financial channel. See the drawing and detailed interpretation of the symbols below.

  • Eyvaz: Symbolizes the money channel. To open it, one must agree with the fate of the fortuneteller, anticipate/prevent ambiguous everyday situations
  • Fehu: Financial earnings in the future
  • Perth: Will help to open up hidden opportunities necessary to attract material resources, cuts off the stereotypical ring, providing additional finance to the money channel
  • Raido: Opens up opportunities, shows the way to get additional profit
  • Kenaz: Allows you to create protection for existing capital. Promotes the free movement of financial flows into your money channel
  • Dagaz: The most important thing is a focused desire, leading to positive changes in the financial sector
  • Yera: Acts as a magnet around the money channel, personifies the results of the work done. It will increase the work of the staff, bring the person the necessary amount of luck, providing him with an effective outcome

Important! To achieve the best effect, you should sprinkle the drawing with your own blood. Can be applied both to body parts and to a regular white sheet. Carry with you, away from prying eyes.

Becoming to clear the money channel

The main function is to restore proper energy exchange. A diagram with a detailed interpretation is given below.

The basis of this stav is two runes. They are responsible for the air element, proper energy exchange with space. The first symbol is what was laid down from birth, the second is what has been developed over the years.

The second branch is Teyvaz. Protection of the channel from extraneous influences.

Raido. Movement, maintaining balance of power.

Two Dagaz. Coupling, cleaning between two Gebo. The main function is speed (the period of time depends on the individual).

Note! The stav is used for short-term use, it clears out everything unnecessary that interferes with the flow of money. Can be applied to yourself or to a photo. Wear for 3-5 days.

As part of the stipulation for cleaning the money channel with runes in case of increased sensitivity, Algiz should also be drawn on the hands (healing effect).

Cleaning the money channel with runes on a candle using the Krada rune

Carve several Krad runes into a spiral shape on a large wax candle. It can be done using any available means, but a needle or ritual knife is welcome. Place a candle in a candlestick on your own photo and light it. During the ritual, imagine that everything you planned has already come true, say out loud the phrase “So be it!”, and then put out the candle.

Attention! The ritual must be performed over seven days. Its duration is one and a half hours.

When is the best time to clean your money duct?

Opening, cleaning, protection after cleaning with runes should be carried out during the waning moon. Filling, activating the money channel - only on a growing one.

Basic conditions for the ceremony

To unlock cash flow, there are several key factors to consider.

  • The time of the ritual is dawn and sunset. The waxing phase of the moon and an “empty stomach” are prerequisites.
  • Be sure to wash your face and comb your hair. If you are a woman, you need to cover your head with a white scarf.
  • Turn your face to the east. Concentrate on getting what you want, cross yourself during the ceremony.
  • Strictly adhere to the basic rules of the ritual, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.

List of favorable months

It is best to carry out the above ritual in November, October and May. Not recommended in April, March, July, June, December, August. The remaining months are neutral. Select days in accordance with the above recommendations - the best days are 5, 7, 6, 2, 13, 10 days of the full moon.

Let this information help increase the flow of cash into your family, but in the meantime, stay tuned for updates on the site. All the best!

How to independently open your own money channel - Golden Flow ritual

Many people have their money channel blocked. Some people are born with a program of beggary, others acquire it in the course of their lives. Such people live from paycheck to paycheck, and even borrow money. Bad luck with money is often accompanied by health problems, which does not help matters at all.

If this sounds like your situation, learn how to clear your money channel.

You can open and activate a money channel in different ways. In practical magic there is always an alternative. You choose exactly how to make the money channel active, and how to get in touch with the money egregor. This egregor is strong, but he lives separately from us, regardless of our will and desires. Therefore, our task is to make the egregor manifest itself in our lives more often and more willingly.

Try to do the Golden Flow ritual - independent cleaning of the money channel and its activation. The ritual is performed on Sunday, during the lunar rise, on a clear sunny day. Cleanse yourself, give up your unsuccessful past, take a shower. Forget:

1. about your troubles,,
4.delay of salary
5. and other financial hardships.

Place 7 wax candles on the table. Take thin candles that burn out quickly.
Light these candles and open your money channel.

Stretch your hands in front of you, palms up, and read the words of the spell for good luck and prosperity three times: “As the sun moves across the sky to the west, so from this hour I (name) will be lucky in everything. It will be the way I want it. Whatever I want, I will get. Amen".

Then, without giving up, close your eyes and visualize money raining down on you. Gold and silver coins are falling with a ringing sound, smoothly, like leaves, large denomination bills are falling - the currencies of different countries, and your national currency, of course, too. Hold this vision for as long as you can, do not allow extraneous vain thoughts, and do not doubt. Right now you are doing magic, opening a money channel yourself. Experience the joy of feeling your wealth. Do not extinguish the candles, they must burn out.

Hold this picture in your mind. When you fall asleep, on the border between sleep and wakefulness, bring it back and relive the wonderful moments of communicating with money. Money is a visible and familiar manifestation of monetary energy to us. But first of all, money is energy. Activate it in yourself, and sources of enrichment will open to you. In this way, you can open a money channel yourself. It may look simple, but in fact, visualization is not fragmentary slides, but the intention of the magician, which is read by the Forces.

I want to continue this topic not with rituals of black magic and not with advice on visualization, it’s time to pay attention to runes, to opening a money channel with their help. But, before we move on to rune bets to attract money, let’s look at the visualizations. I know that its essence is not entirely clear to beginners. So visualization is intention.

About visualization and cleaning the money channel with runes

Visualization differs from phantom fantasies in that it is emotionally neutral. To achieve the desired effect, you need to put intention into your visualization. But, without emotions, since emotions tend to distort the canvas of reality.

Emotional explosions create energy gaps, which is very undesirable for magical performance, if not disastrous. When you do a rune stave to cleanse the money channel, you also visualize the result, and this is exactly what gives the stave energy.

The magician's intention can be compared to the properties of the energy put into visualization. Visualization is a mental video of the result obtained, while intention is the impulse that triggers it. To a certain extent, intention can be commensurate with emotions towards something or someone. But while emotion is chaotic, intention has a clear message: what the sorcerer puts into the visualization and the outcome he expects.

Money channels can be polluted, blocked or closed by negative magical influences; The magician’s task, using a certain runic pattern, is to clear and activate the channel, allowing monetary energy to circulate.

How to put intention into visualization?

This is the question that worries beginners. In simple terms, the picture is as follows. During magical cleansing, for example, you keep an image in your head: how a dark veil goes away or black suction cups fall off. When setting a love spell, it is also important what you hold in your imagination. The task is formed depending on what is required from the object: intimacy, cohabitation or marriage. When performing rituals to obtain magical power, visualize a cloud, thick and dense, which penetrates you, making you powerful, capable of influencing reality. The same visualization can be done by setting runes for successful trading, or for another purpose. When setting up protection, images may come as if you are being covered by a dome. This is just an example of images. Everyone has their own when performing magical practices.

The same thing happens when you use a rune stave to open a money channel. Hold the image, and use a magical spell or spell to give the desired message. Visualization is important because the Forces you work with read your mental messages. This happens at any time, which is why positive thinking is so important. But especially when conducting witchcraft rituals, since at this time the magician comes into direct contact with the Forces.