Predict by hand. Video: “Divination by hand”

Hand shape. Certain character traits can be recognized by the shape of the hand. Palm length is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers. Main interpretations:

  • Earth- wide, square palms and fingers, thick or rough skin, ruddy color, the length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers.
    • Strong values ​​and energy, sometimes stubbornness.
    • Practicality and responsibility, sometimes materialism.
    • Loves to work with his hands.
  • Air- square or rectangular palms with long fingers, sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, dry skin; The length of the palm is less than the length of the fingers.
    • Sociable, talkative and witty.
    • Can be petty, spiteful and cold.
    • Loves to work both mentally and with his hands.
    • Has a versatile and radical approach to work.
  • Water- long, possibly oval-shaped palms, with long, flexible, conical fingers; The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers, but less than the width at the widest part of the palm.
    • Creative, insightful and responsive.
    • Can be moody, emotional and withdrawn.
    • Introvert.
    • Works quietly and intuitively.
  • Fire- square or rectangular palm with ruddy or pink skin, short fingers, palm length longer than fingers.
    • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic.
    • Sometimes selfish, impulsive and insensitive.
    • Extrovert.
    • Works boldly and instinctively.
  • Lumps and hills. These are the same “fleshy” places under the fingers that are located opposite the knuckles. To make them more visible, cup your palm into a fistful. Which of the tubercles turned out to be larger?

    • The high mount of Venus (under the thumb) is a tendency towards hedonism, promiscuous sexual relations and immediate gain. The absence of the Mount of Venus means disinterest in family affairs.
    • The Mount of Jupiter is located under the index finger. A developed mount of Jupiter indicates dominance, selfishness and aggressiveness of character, and its absence indicates a lack of self-confidence.
    • The Mount of Saturn is located under the middle finger. A developed hill indicates stubbornness, cynicism and a tendency to depression. If the Mount of Saturn is poorly developed, then this indicates superficiality and disorganization.
    • The Mount of the Sun is located under the ring finger. A developed hill indicates extravagance, pride, and irascibility. If the hill is low, it indicates problems with imagination.
    • Under the little finger is the Mount of Mercury. If he is clearly visible, then the person is talkative; if not, then he is modest.
      • Of course, there is no scientific evidence for this. Moreover, palms change over time! Don't take palmistry too seriously.
  • Among the many occult movements that allow you to look into the future and learn a lot about the personality of a person, palmistry is especially popular. It is the science of divination based on the lines and marks found on the palm. To carry out fortune telling, you need to know the meaning of the main and additional stripes on your hand.

    Palmistry predicts the future using the lines on the hand

    The meaning of right and left hand

    Fortune telling by palms should be carried out step by step. Determining the active and passive hand in palmistry is the first step. These concepts cannot be neglected, because there is a risk of getting a false picture of the prediction as a result. Using a passive hand:

    • determine innate qualities of character;
    • learn about important events from a person’s past;
    • reveal the secret of its hidden potential.

    An active hand allows a professional palmist to learn about the changes that have occurred to a person during his life’s journey. She will talk about changes in values, character traits and behavior, and life guidelines.

    Basic lines on the human palm

    In hand fortune telling for beginners, the main thing is to understand the meaning of the lines. There are four main arcs:

    • line of Life;
    • line of Heart (Emotions);
    • line of the Head (Mind);
    • line of Fate.

    It is important to pay attention to the fact that the stripe of Fate is not found in every person, so the presence of only three main traits is the norm. To find out detailed information about this or that area of ​​a person’s life, you need to be able to guess by appearance, location and signs on these stripes.

    A well-written fortune telling will help a person learn about his strengths and weaknesses, about the events awaiting him in the future, how to avoid this or that negative situation, and will also help to find the answer to a question of interest.

    For beginner palmists, online resources and pictures with descriptions, in which all lines are marked with numbers, are suitable.

    Life Line

    One of the most influential is the Life bar. There is a stereotype that it can be used to determine how many years a person will live, but this is an incorrect judgment. This band determines how much vital energy a person has and helps to find out basic things about his quality of life and state of physical health.

    This stripe begins slightly above the base of the thumb and, moving towards the center of the palm, goes around it and the Mount of Venus adjacent to the finger. All kinds of deviations and shifts in the location of this trait have their impact on its meaning in the life of the owner.

    1. A positive sign is if the stripe moves closer to the center of the palm. This is a sign that a person has an abundance of vital energy. Such individuals usually strive for constant self-development and moving forward, do not give up when defeated and always achieve their goals.
    2. A shift of the line towards the Mount of Venus means that the owner of this trait lacks energy. This usually entails attacks of apathy and exhaustion, lack of aspirations and desires, low self-esteem, etc.
    3. Sometimes it happens that the Life line originates too close to the Mind line or begins with it from the same point. In this case, it is believed that the owner of such a sign finds it difficult to cope with social pressure. He tries to be the center of attention and please others.

    Location of the Life line on the hand

    For all people, the same lines and signs on the hand look different, which determines the difference in their characters and destinies. It is important to pay attention to what changes the stripe on the palm undergoes. The following factors are considered the most influential:

    1. The length of the strip reflects the state of a person’s physical and mental health, the presence of vital energy. The longer it is, the better the owner feels.
    2. How difficult and thorny a person’s life path will be can be judged by the tortuosity of his Life line. Straight arcs are awarded to the lucky ones who will have a calm and serene life. Everything comes easy to such people. A winding and broken line indicates difficulties awaiting the owner of this sign ahead.
    3. If the stripe is clear and clearly visible on the palm, then it can be noted that its owner is a successful and cheerful person who is popular and has gained respect in his environment. A dim line is characteristic of people with low self-esteem and lack of interest in life.
    4. One of the rarest and most positive marks is considered to be the “sister line”, which runs parallel to the main one. She says that the owner of such a sign will be lucky enough to meet a soul mate and spend the rest of his life in a strong union.
    5. Palmists consider the absence of the Life line in the palm to be an extremely negative sign. A person should prepare for difficult trials and losses.

    Signs on the Life Line

    In palmistry there are many small signs and symbols located on the planetary hills, stripes and other parts of the palm. They also carry information and influence certain areas of human life.

    Negative signs include a cross and a crossing line. They are harbingers of strong emotional upheavals, difficulties and stress that the owner will be forced to endure. It may also be a warning of mortal danger.

    Symbols in the form of a small island on the strip represent human health problems. If there is a triangle on the Life line, then this is a characteristic feature of a sociable person with high communication skills. It is easy for such people to find a common language with others, smooth out conflict situations and negotiate effectively.

    Breaks in the line represent illness, injury and other problems related to the physical condition of the owner.

    This band is responsible for the emotional component of human existence. With its help, palmists note the behavioral characteristics of an individual, how she perceives the world around her, and how she behaves in relationships. The trait can also tell you what important changes await the owner on the love front.

    Characteristics by location

    The stripe begins at the base of the little finger and stretches horizontally across the entire palm. The ending of this line may vary. It is also worth paying attention to some features of the location of the Heart line. If the stripe ends at the base of the index finger, then its owner is characterized by emotional instability, excessive romanticism and impetuosity in feelings. If its ending is at the middle finger, then such a person is distinguished by a reverent attitude towards traditional family values. He prefers a calm and stable life, takes care of his partner.

    Those whose stripe of feelings and emotions horizontally crosses the entire palm of a person are distinguished by kindness and responsiveness. They are always ready to listen, support and help in any situation, even to a stranger. In relationships, they give of themselves and prefer to “burn out” for the sake of their other half.

    It is a rare case when the Emotions line is located extremely close to the Head line. This suggests that logic and intelligence play a dominant role in all choices made by a person. He prefers the voice of reason to the call of the heart. Such people may be cold and detached in their relationships with their partners.

    Location of the Heart line on the hand

    Characteristics by appearance

    An important factor is the appearance of this trait. Particular attention should be paid to the following factors:

    1. The length of the Heart line indicates a person’s sensitivity and emotional sensitivity. People with a short streak are self-centered and see only their own desires in relationships. A person with a long line surrounds his partner with care and tenderness, giving all of himself.
    2. The curvature of the strip, as in the case of the Life line, indicates the number of potential difficulties on the path of the owner of this sign. The more curved the line looks, the more difficulties a person expects with individuals of the opposite sex. It may also indicate possible heart problems.
    3. A clear and pronounced stripe is characteristic of people with a tendency towards empathy. Closed and cold-blooded people are the owners of a thin and dull trait.
    4. The absence of this trait characterizes the owner as an extremely cruel and despotic person.

    Signs on the Heart line

    There are many symbols and signs that, by their appearance on the strip, can radically change a person’s destiny.

    1. The triangle sign on the line indicates that its owner is able to completely control and suppress his emotions, feelings and desires.
    2. Palmists consider the sign of the cross to be one of the most negative, because its appearance on this line indicates possible problems in relationships.
    3. The symbol of a circle or island is a harbinger of a strong quarrel and feelings of guilt that have haunted the owner of this sign for a long time. It will also greatly affect a person’s physical and mental health.
    4. A star on the line of feelings is considered a symbol of success and luck in love affairs and other relationships.
    5. The square sign is a harbinger of severe emotional shock and severe stress.
    6. Also a symbol of difficulties and obstacles on the path to happiness in your personal life are breaks and intersecting lines. Such obstacles can be conflicts in a couple, the appearance of a rival, etc.

    The Head (Mind) Strip is a line responsible for a person’s intellectual abilities, way of thinking and perception of the world around him.

    Characteristics by location

    This line originates just above the Life bar. When making fortune telling based on the lines on the palm, you should pay attention to how it is located in relation to other features. If it originates in the same place where the Life line begins, then the owner of such a sign can be said to be a balanced person who respects family values ​​and prefers a familiar, established way of life.

    Distant lines of the Head and Life indicate a person’s weak intellectual abilities and an almost complete lack of ability to analyze the situation. Such people act instinctively and often become victims of manipulation and deception by swindlers.

    The owners of the Head stripe, located a short distance from the Life line, are distinguished by their strong character and confidence in their actions.

    Location of the Head line on the hand

    Characteristics by appearance

    Variations in the appearance of this trait also play a fateful role in the life of its owner.

    1. The length of the mental band characterizes a person’s ability to think critically and analyze situations. The longer the line, the more pronounced this quality is. Owners of short lines have difficulty making decisions and do not have a strategic vision of developments, but have no difficulty concentrating on completing a specific task.
    2. A curved and broken strip means that such a person makes all important decisions under the influence of impulses. If the line is straight, it is a sign of dominance of the mind.
    3. The quality of memory can be easily determined by how pronounced the Mind band is. The brighter this line, the better the memory of its owner works.
    4. If the line has branches or bifurcates towards the end, then this is a sign of the “scanner” syndrome. It is difficult for such a person to devote himself to one thing for a long time; he prefers changes in his field of activity and the constant discovery of new opportunities for development.
    5. The complete absence of such a line entails negative consequences. People without this trait face the potential for head injury or mental illness.

    Signs on the Head line

    Palmists pay special attention to the symbols and signs located on this strip. The most negative is the appearance of the star symbol. This is a potential depressive disorder that can lead the owner of the symbol to suicidal thoughts. Usually such a deviation is the result of severe shock or loss.

    The triangle is the personification of courage and sometimes thoughtless determination, which can lead to negative consequences. If there are breaks, crosses or intersecting lines on the line, then these are warnings of financial difficulties. Also, these signs are typical for people with limited horizons.

    Not every person has the Line of Fate. It reflects the personality and unique lifestyle of an individual. It can be single or a combination of several lines crossing the palm vertically in the center.

    Characteristics by appearance

    This strip also has distinctive features in its appearance. They can positively or negatively influence a person's destiny.

    1. A torn and curved line is characteristic of a person with big dreams. He will have to overcome many obstacles on his way, and his road will be thorny.
    2. A chain-shaped stripe is a symbol of frequent changes and impermanence in life.
    3. The clarity of the line determines the strength of spirit and determination of its owner.

    Signs on the line of Fate

    One of the most common signs on this trait is the triangle sign, which says that the owner of the symbol prefers to turn to the voice of his mind and make balanced, thoughtful decisions.

    The star is considered a sign of difficulties in career growth, pressure from colleagues and physical exhaustion. The square predicts changes for the better.

    Line of Fate divided into years of a person’s life

    Secondary lines

    The third stage of making a prediction based on stripes and symbols on the hand is identifying the minor lines and interpreting their meanings. For beginner palmists, knowledge of these lines will also be useful. They resort to their help if you need to create a more specific, in-depth picture of fortune telling. There are a large number of such arcs in the human palm. The most influential lines are considered to be:

    • Marriage and Children;
    • Health;
    • Intuition;
    • Glory.

    Lines of Marriage and Children

    First you need to find a small strip under the base of the little finger - this is the Marriage line. If a person enters into such a union two or more times in his life, then the number of such lines will be appropriate. The appearance of such a trait indicates the nature of relationships in the family. A straight, long stripe is a symbol of family happiness and a strong union. A steep, short line indicates that the marriage will be short-lived and will end in a strong conflict.

    The appearance of signs such as a star, cross or island on the Marriage line means that their owner will have to endure many difficulties in this union. He may face betrayal, lack of interest on the part of his partner.

    The number of children and their gender can be determined by small lines that extend from the main stripe of the Marriage. They indicate the maximum possible number of children. If there are five lines, then there can be two, three, four children, but no more than five. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

    1. A faint line means a girl will be born.
    2. You should expect a boy if the stripe is clear and expressive.
    3. A fork at the end of such a line portends twins.
    4. Breaks and other deviations in the appearance of the line indicate a miscarriage.

    The appearance of such a feature on the palm indicates that a person has problems with his state of body and psyche. In this case, you should consult a doctor to avoid complications. A healthy person does not have such a stripe on his arm. It begins on the Mount of Mercury and crosses the palm vertically. With its help, you can identify the problem of concern:

    1. Dots and circles on the strip are a sign of disruption of the autonomic nervous system, which leads to an unstable emotional state, chronic migraines and severe fatigue.
    2. The appearance of the island sign, which indicates the incurability of the disease, is considered dangerous. This is often due to disruption of the internal organs.
    3. Ruptures indicate problems in the liver.
    4. The star sign is a disruption of the owner's reproductive system. In advanced cases, they can lead to infertility.
    5. A positive outcome and complete healing is indicated by the appearance of a square symbol.

    Health Line and the signs on it

    Line of Intuition

    At the base of the thumb is the hill of the goddess of love, Venus. If there is a small stripe on this hillock, then this is a sign that its owner has hidden extrasensory abilities or a tendency towards clairvoyance. The deeper and stronger it is expressed, the better a person controls his unusual skills.

    If there is a triangle sign on the line, this is a sign of skillful use of your capabilities. People with a stripe that resembles a chain in shape are prone to all sorts of mental disorders. By the presence of an island or circle on the line, one can judge the developed intelligence of a person.

    Glory Line

    Your position in society and career advancement can be judged by the appearance of the Glory line. This line runs vertically across the entire palm of the owner. Important factors are considered:

    1. If the end of the stripe is located under the Mount of Apollo, then its owner will achieve success in the field of creativity.
    2. Difficulties and obstacles on the way to the cherished goal are evidenced by bends, breaks and other damage on the line.
    3. If there is no line, palmists believe that such a person will not have great success in life.

    One of the most exciting activities and entertainment. The first mention of palmistry dates back to 2000 BC. e. Palmistry is a Greek word translated as fortune telling or prediction by hand. In the Middle Ages, palmistry was considered a science, and today interest in palmistry has not faded away. Each person has his own destiny, which is encrypted on the palm in the form of lines.

    Richard Webster believes that the ability to read human destiny from the palm of your hand is just knowledge, experience and logical thinking, and not some otherworldly phenomena.

    It is a developing science, accessible to those who know how to think and analyze. Fortune telling by hand does not require knowledge in medicine or any other sciences, so it can be practiced by anyone.


    The longer the life line is clearly expressed in the palm, the more resilient and energetic the person is. The life line is the main line, an indicator of our vital activity. It’s good when it’s strong and healthy, clearly defined. When the life line begins at the edge of the palm, this indicates decisiveness of character; if it begins in the form of a chain, it is too dependent on others.

    When at the very beginning the life line connects with the head line, the longer the combined segment, the more cautious, sensitive and unconfident the person is. Such people achieve little in life.

    If people have a short life span, they may well live to old age, they just do not have physical endurance.

    If a thin parallel line runs with the life line, this sister line is a favorable sign.

    She is considered the line's guardian angel. For especially lucky people, it runs along the entire length of the life line. Breaks in the life line often indicate changes in life. Lines running from the base of the thumb to the line of life and intersecting it are lines of anxiety and stress.

    There can be serious trouble if the life line connects with the line of the head and heart, in which case a fatal outcome is possible. A life line not connected to the head line speaks of early development and determination; these are often very gifted people.


    The heart line governs our emotions. The line of the heart shows how a person sympathizes with loved ones and people in general. The character and temperament, the state of the cardiovascular system are examined. The more tortuous the heart line, the more emotional the person is. A weak heart line indicates a sensitive nature.

    If the heart line is low, then the person is capable of deep feelings. The shorter the heart line and the higher it is located, the less ability a person has to express his feelings physically.

    People differ in their spiritual and physical heart lines. The physical line of the heart ends between the middle and index fingers, or at the base of one of them. The spiritual line of the heart runs parallel to the base of the fingers. People with a physical heart line know how to love and express their feelings, easily endure the blows of fate and do not become depressed. People with a spiritual heart line have increased sensitivity. Such people always strive for communication and always try to maintain inner freedom. People whose heart line ends at the base of the index finger are very demanding about their personal lives. The higher the line of the heart rises on the hill of Jupiter, the more branches, the better for a person, this means wealth, success, recognition.

    If the heart line connects with the head line and the life line, a fatal outcome is possible, murder out of jealousy. A heart line running high indicates an impetuous, jealous person.

    The heart line is clear, red - nobility, generosity. Deep red – passionate love, sensuality. Without branches - dry heart. Intersection of secondary lines is deception in love. If there is a double line, then this indicates that this person will be very devoted in marriage.


    The head line is the most important line on the hand. The head line indicates the strength of our thinking, the degree of development of intelligence. It starts between the bases of the thumb and index fingers, then crosses the palm and ends approximately under the ring finger. The longer the line of the mind, the broader and more complex a person thinks, the more developed the intellect. The line of the head, crossing the palm all the way to the edge of the palm, speaks of the ability to foresee events and insight. With a short line of mind, a person is little inclined to analysis.

    The branched end of the line of the mind speaks of a person’s creativity and ability to come up with original ideas. Often the branching line of the mind is called a writer's fork. An independent way of thinking is in a person who has a line of mind far from the line of life. If the line of mind and the line of life merge, this person is not able to make decisions independently.

    The contact of the head line with the life line indicates caution. The line of mind and the line of life, located nearby, indicate the independence of a person’s thinking. If the line of the mind begins at the index finger, then such a person is very dependent in his thoughts and actions. A weak and unstable line means nervousness and slowness.

    A broken head line indicates poor memory and poor attention, as a rule, weak intellectual abilities. A thin long line - infidelity, frivolity. A wide, colorless line means imprudence, hot temper, bitterness. A head line consisting of small lines means poor memory and headaches. Deep line – intelligence, power, concentration. The deep red line is obsession, the ability to commit cruelty. Pink line - the person is intelligent


    The line of fate is one of the main lines on the hand. It provides information about a person’s work activity and career growth, and speaks of upcoming success.

    In general, the presence of a fate line allows you to make the right decisions.

    The line above the wrist line, rising up to the middle finger is the line of fate. The line of fate can be pronounced or weakly expressed. It may be located on a small area of ​​the palm, or may be absent altogether. A long line of fate stretching towards the middle finger speaks of a person’s independence and determination.

    If the fate line has breaks, then this indicates that the person will often change professions. For independent people, the fate line often begins in the middle of the palm. If the line of fate ends at the Mount of Jupiter, it means that a person will experience material success, wealth, and honors. If the line of fate ends at the ring finger, the Mount of Apollo, then a person will achieve his goal in everything, it is worth doing creativity. If the line of fate ends at the little finger, the Mount of Mercury, it is a bad sign. Ruin, failures, but these people are sociable; they need to have a profession with these inclinations.

    If the end of the fate line bifurcates or has a triple branch, this is a good sign.

    A person will receive joy and pleasure from life.

    The presence of a long line of fate indicates a person’s longevity.

    If the line runs from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, then its presence indicates parapsychological abilities and an increased interest in everything mystical.

    If the line of intuition is directed to the line of fate, this person has the ability to clairvoyance and prophecy. If the line of intuition is directed to the line of the mind - the ability to heal.


    They are located on the edge of the palm. Sometimes these lines determine the number of marriages or heartfelt affections in life.

    The lines of children are located under the little finger, they often indicate the possible number of children,

    since with modern medicine their number can be controlled.


    Travel lines are used by people seeking changes in life. These are several horizontal lines originating at the edge of the palm; the owners of these lines love to travel.


    The money line runs from the life line to the base of a hill. If the life line faces the Mount of Jupiter, then the person earns money as a result of career growth. If the money line appears on the Mount of Saturn, then hard work awaits. If the money line turns to the Mount of Apollo, the person will receive money easily, even possibly win it. If the money line is directed to the Mount of Mercury, then such a person earns money with his head. With the help of creativity and in business.

    Ring of Venus

    The line begins between the fingers of Jupiter - Saturn and ends between the fingers of the Sun and Mercury. The ring of Venus means the ring of love. People are sensitive, sublime. If the line breaks, they are hysterical. If the line is double, they are prone to intimate joys and wicked pleasures.


    The health line starts from the life line, goes to the little finger and ends at its base. If the health line is long, then this indicates that he is a long-liver

    If the health line is absent on the hand, then the person is interested in material values ​​and such a person is not subject to stress.


    The cross, which is located between the line of the heart and the line of the head, that is, in a large quadrangle, is called mystical. Holders of such a cross have abilities in mystical sciences.


    Often you can see various signs on the palm and lines of the hand. Somewhere we see crosses, somewhere islands, sometimes squares, stars, bars. Each of these signs, as has been noted, carries a semantic meaning.

    The lattice is an unfavorable sign. Indicates that the circumstances are not clear and things are confused

    Crosses on the main lines are unfavorable. They talk about upcoming problems, and the cross in the quadrangle speaks of a person’s superpowers.

    Squares are a sign of protection. Someone cares about you and helps you in difficult moments of life.

    A star, three intersecting lines are a good sign. A joyful event will appear in your life. The star lights the way.

    Islands are a line that splits into two and then joins again into one, thus forming an island. The sign is not good, it speaks of loneliness, problems, nervous breakdowns, depression. Small lines crossing the line of the mind indicate frequent headaches. Islands on the life line speak of depression and health problems.

    They believe that you can find out everything about a person, his future and past - anything, in different ways. One of these is reading the lines on your hands. A competent palmist will analyze each of them and draw up an overall picture. Today we will teach you how to read the lines on your hand: what they mean and show and how this can affect a person’s future.

    Lines on the hand, what do they mean? General information

    The most important thing you need to know to begin with is choosing a hand that will speak about our fate. To read the future and understand the present, you should choose the hand that is active.

    For example, left - for left-handers and right - for right-handers. The second hand will show the possibilities that are given from birth. They may already be implemented, or a person may not even be aware of them.

    It is believed that the lines on the hand can change dramatically, disappear completely or become slightly different. It all depends on the decisions and actions of a person.

    Some signs found on the hand warn of tragic or joyful events, some enhance existing qualities.

    You also need to know that any events in a person’s life cannot be judged on only one line. Everything that happens can be supplemented by information from others.

    Any negative event, if it is really destined to happen and nothing can be done about it, will be drawn on both hands. This also applies to a good, positive event.

    Main lines on the hand: life line

    This line is considered the main line on the hand. It starts between the thumb and index finger, outlining the tubercle of the thumb, and going down to the wrist.

    Of course, ideally it should be smooth and long, but this does not always happen. You should know that this line will not show how long you will live, but it will tell you about the quality of your life, your health, and your vitality.

    If the line on the hand is clear, there are no breaks, and it is deep enough, then the person has a good amount of energy, he is stable and self-confident.

    If the line is interrupted, insufficiently drawn or short, then there is weakness and uncertainty, vulnerability in the character, and there are some problems with health, sleep and digestion. Such people are not exactly sick, they are simply very vulnerable to illness.

    In a favorable scenario, the life line is located quite far from the hill of the thumb, almost in the center of the palm. Such people easily overcome difficulties and have sufficient vitality.

    If the line is located very close to the thumb, then the person has fear, weakness and uncertainty.

    The high beginning of the line (closer to the index finger) indicates energy and ambition.

    A break in the life line on the active hand (right) indicates any drastic changes in a person’s life. Further circumstances can be judged by how the line continues after the break.

    If it becomes clear, then this event will lead to positive changes. With a further weak line, changes will lead to a deterioration in life. As the line approaches the center of the palm, one can talk about a new career or a more active life.

    If the gap is on the passive hand (left), then this indicates problems of growing up, a difficult emotional childhood.

    The life line may have branches directed up and down. The former indicate positive beginnings and changes, while the latter indicate anxiety and loss of energy. If there is a fork at the base of the line, then this person is very fond of travel and change.

    Also, using the life line, you can calculate the approximate age when the event will occur. To do this, divide the line into twelve segments, each of which will represent seven years. However, this will not be the limit of your life at all, since there are centenarians who live longer than the established period.

    Main lines on the hand: heart line

    This line speaks of a person’s feelings and emotions. It starts slightly below the little finger and ends between the middle and index fingers in the shape of an arc.

    This arrangement is considered ideal; if it is also clearly and evenly drawn, then this indicates that the emotional sphere is harmonious and balanced. Such a person is responsive, natural and practical.

    If the heart line is very low, almost near the line of the mind, then the person has restraint, caution and hidden emotions.

    If the heart line is short and ends under the ring or middle finger, then such a person has a poor emotional connection with other people, he is a little distant and stubborn.

    With a straight heart line, we can say that the person is sympathetic, caring and cares about other people.

    If the heart line has a greater curvature towards the middle finger, then it indicates constancy (in emotions, relationships). Such a person has a good family life and correct behavior.

    If the heart line ends under the index finger, then such a person can be said to be a romantic and an optimist.

    There may also be certain signs on the line that indicate a person’s emotional state. For example, breakups indicate strong experiences that limit and suppress a person.

    If there are chains of islands on the line, then the person is subject to mood swings and changeable emotions.

    Main lines on the hand: line of the head (mind)

    This line speaks about a person’s thoughts, but not about intellectual abilities. The line starts from the edge of the palm and ends under the ring finger.

    If the line of the mind is long (up to the little finger), it is considered that a person has philosophical and non-trivial thinking, he is quite capable of analyzing and comprehending the situation.

    A short line speaks of a narrow mind, its practicality, and also concentration on what is happening now. A line that is medium in size indicates a balanced and balanced mindset.

    You should also look at how the line is curved. If it is direct, then thinking is straightforward and logical. With a curved line, you need to talk about subjective thinking and perception of the world, developed intuition and artistry.

    If the line is very curved at the end and long, then this person has a completely different perception of the world, which is very different from others.

    If the line of mind and the line of life do not touch each other, then such a person is confident in himself, his consciousness is independent and open. There is also courage.

    When the lines of mind and life are connected at the starting point, it speaks of caution, stability, commitment to family and the desire to live a normal life. If such a connection has a long section, then such a person does not have enough confidence and is dependent on other people.

    You also need to pay attention to the line signs. If there are any discontinuities, islands, or dashes that cross the line, then this indicates doubt, timidity, inconsistency, and blurred thinking.

    The presence of islands indicates that a person takes the problem too close to heart.

    Fickleness of character and liveliness of mind can be judged by the presence of a fork at the end of the line.

    Main lines on the hand: line of fate

    This line is located vertically on the hand, running from the wrist to the middle finger. It is believed that it is responsible for a person’s individuality, his character, his way of life, his path.

    If this line is long and clear, then fate is already predetermined and is difficult to change. In the absence of this line, it is considered that there is no personal path.

    If the line is present (other options), but it is not too long, in fragments or short, then the life path is determined in this dependence, in those areas where it is present.

    If the line of fate is not clear, then we can talk about exposure to the influence of external factors, as a result of which the original path of a person is distorted.

    With a very clear line, there is a strong character, uncompromisingness, and self-confidence. A person opposes everyone else and disagrees with them.

    If we talk about the location of the line on the palm, then you should know that the line begins in the center at the base of the palm for responsible and balanced people.

    If its beginning comes from the Mount of the Moon, then a person’s life path is communication, sincerity, emotionality, and sensitivity. When it sets deeply on the hill of the Moon, it speaks of an unconventional lifestyle and eccentricity.

    It should be noted that this line is very changeable. With serious changes in a person’s character, she may also change. Even if it was not there initially, it can manifest itself.

    Main lines on the hand: health line

    This line starts from the Mount of Mercury and goes down to the end of the palm. Usually parallel to the line of the sun. Its structure almost always has small segments.

    This is the result of the fact that it shows possible or existing diseases, the state of organs and the psychosomatic system. However, it happens that this line is not on the hand at all. This is not a reason to panic, since its absence usually indicates excellent health.

    Touching this line with the life line is considered dangerous to health. Such people should pay close attention to their condition. The best option would be to freely pass the health line to the Mount of Mercury, perhaps only touching the head line.

    If the segments on the health line are layered on top of each other, then although the disease will exist, the fight against it will also be successful.

    A disappearing line between the lines of the heart and head means that illnesses will recede for a certain period of time. But then the health line should go all the way to the hill under the little finger.

    A good sign is a health line running separately from the life line. However, when interpreting it, you should always pay attention to the life line, as it corrects some signs.

    You should take a closer look at the edge of the palm, as there may be a completely unnoticeable duplicate line - the “Milky Way”, which promises a happy life to the owner.

    Main lines on the hand: line of happiness (Sun)

    This line has only positive connotations. Not always present on the hand. It starts at the wrist near the Mount of the Moon and goes to the ring finger. Sometimes it appears as a small line under the finger that comes from the heart line. It gives a person the ability to be and have happiness and success in life.

    It should be noted that this line has no influence on family relationships. It only shows success in a person's life. But in a family, relationships can be either completely bad or very strained.

    Secondary lines on the hand: line of intuition

    The line of intuition manifests itself in a person who has intuitive abilities and can also be a medium or psychic. This line does not always exist and is placed on the Mount of the Moon in the form of an arc.

    With a solid line, abilities are used or can be used. If the line is broken, then they still need to be developed.

    Secondary lines on the hand: line of love (marriage)

    These lines show heart attachments that have been or will be quite strong. It is not at all necessary that the person gets married. These lines are located under the little finger, on the Mount of Mercury, and go from the outside of the palm to the inside. There may also be several of them.

    It is believed that the depth of the lines can be judged on the duration of the relationship, as well as attachment to the partner.

    To determine the period of this relationship, you should divide the line from the upper border of the Mount of Mercury to the line of the heart into three segments, each twenty-five years long. This will give you an approximate estimate of the time.

    But when making calculations, you also need to take into account other lines on the hand that can affect the fate of the relationship.

    Secondary lines on the hand: children's lines

    These lines show the number of children there will be. This also includes miscarriages and abortions. The birth of twins is indicated by the sign V.

    These lines are located on the Mount of the Moon, they depart from the marriage lines. So, by the way, you can find out how many children there will be in this particular marriage.

    It is believed that clear lines represent boys and fuzzy lines represent girls. Most often, such lines occur in women. In men they happen if he strongly desires to have offspring.

    Rare lines on the hand: curse line

    This line is located near the thumb, which shows the curse on the person. If the line is clearly visible, or there are several of them, then there is a generational curse.

    Rare lines on the hand: divorce line

    This line is very small, extending down from the base of the thumb. It indicates the possibility of divorce if it appears on the right hand. On the left hand, this indicates that everything is in the past or the danger has passed.

    The divorce line can appear in moments of family distress, and it can also disappear when everything is fine. A more thorough forecast will be made after analyzing all the lines on the hand, especially the marriage lines.

    Rare lines on the hand: money triangle

    It is formed by the intersection of the line of fate, the line of the mind and the third line that closes it. Such a triangle is not formed often and indicates the possibility of accumulating money and earning it.

    It is believed that such a sign appears at an early age and subsequently practically does not change. Thus, wealth can be predetermined already from childhood.

    Rare lines on the hand: a grid on the Mount of Venus

    It is more typical for the fair half of our society, as it symbolizes anxiety and worry in various situations. If the horizontal lines from the hill reach the life line, then the person may become seriously ill or become depressed. By the way, this can be warned in advance.

    Color designation of lines

    It is also worth paying attention to the color of the line being examined.

    • A rich person is characterized by narrow, bright, clear lines.
    • If the lines are pale, then this person has a lack of energy and determination, as well as poor health.
    • If the lines are red, then the person is almost always in a good mood, he is very active and healthy.
    • If the lines are yellow, then this indicates that there is a lot of bile in the body, there is pride, restraint and selfishness.
    • If the lines have a dark shade, then the person is arrogant, vindictive, and finds it difficult to forgive.
    • If the lines are dry and barely noticeable, then this is an unfavorable sign.
    • A merciful and happy person will have deep lines.
    • If the line is thin, then this indicates the emergence of wealth in a person’s life.
    • The presence in the center of the palm indicates a favorable fate.
    • Those lines that have breaks indicate a lack of energy, vitality, and loss of goodness.
    • If the lines are short and branchy, then there is a lot of sorrow in a person’s life.
    • If the lines are short and uneven, going down, then they are considered unfavorable.
    • Lines that are out of place are also unfavorable.
    • Bright and clear lines that have the required length, depth and circumference are considered good and favorable.

    Any defects on the lines

    If we talk in general about the lines on the hand, then most defects or other signs on them are very unfavorable for the health and fate of a person. This is why it is believed that the line should be as clear as possible. Let's look at some defects.

    • A weakened body is characterized by a wavy, intermittent, mostly unclear line. It may have chains or islands.
    • If there is a break in the line, then this can promise trouble, illness. At best, there may be some obstacles or changes in life.
    • When finishing a line with a brush, one can say about the weakness and uselessness of a person, that he lacks good qualities.
    • There may also be stars on the line. This sign warns of an accident, mental or physical trouble. Even death is possible, but confirmation of this should be observed on other lines.
    • It is believed that only two lines can cross the hand - the heart and the head. In other cases it is unfavorable.
    • Those lines that intersect and stop opposite each other are also considered unfavorable. It doesn't have to be this way, the lines have to continue.
    • If there are splits on the line, then it is considered to be weakened and have an unfavorable color.
    • Also, lines after breaks should not turn back, this is very bad.
    • In case of violations and disorder, a dot appears on the line.
    • Capillary lines indicate their weakness.
    • If a cross is clearly visible on the line, then at this moment in a person’s life some obstacle arises. This could be a deterioration in health or some changes in life.
    • The crossbar line is also unfavorable - this could, again, be an obstacle or deterioration in health. The deeper and more clearly defined it is, the worse it is.

    In any case, we should not forget that one should not judge one unfavorable line without taking into account the others.

    Favorable symbols on the lines

    There are also favorable symbols in all respects:

    • Trident. It is usually found at the end of the line of fate, health or the Sun - any line that runs in a vertical position. The positive impact of the sign in that it shows success in finance is also just a good omen. But it must be clearly highlighted.
    • Square. This is a generally auspicious and protective symbol. Located on any line, it protects against negative influences on it. For example, if there is a gap on the fate line and a square nearby, then it is a talisman against the event that is about to happen. It either simply won’t happen, or it will be a very soft blow.

    Thus, by reading the lines on your hand, you can predict certain events and take measures to mitigate or neutralize them. Each line can tell a lot, so if you are interested in this type of prediction, then you should carefully study every line of your hand, what it means, how it affects fate, health, relationships.

    It should be remembered that the picture needs to be looked at as a whole, since one favorable sign can neutralize several bad ones.

    How? You haven't read yet:

    Palmistry is a fascinating science that captivates everyone with new discoveries and possibilities. The only immutable rule of palmistry is selflessness: you cannot study the lines of fate for mercantile purposes.

    What a novice palmist needs to know

    Both palms should be studied - only generalized information will give an idea of ​​a person’s fate. If a palmist casts spells on one hand, he is undoubtedly a fraudster.

    Fate lines reflect only what concerns the person himself. It is impossible to determine from them how other people treat him. Based on the palms, a palmist can only predict the probable (!) number of children and serious relationships in life.

    Based on the strokes drawn on the hand, events can be predicted with an accuracy of several years. For example, “between the ages of 25 and 30, you can expect serious health problems.” A palmist cannot name the date of any event or predict a broken leg.

    The lines on the palm do not determine the date (or year) of death.

    Palmists do not talk about “bad” signs read on the palm. An impressionable person may fall into despair, considering a simple warning to be a final sentence.

    Which hand reflects a person's fate

    In palmistry there is the concept of an active and passive hand. In most cases, the active hand is the right (the one that a person confidently uses), the passive hand is the left. For left-handed people the rule is the opposite.

    What does the passive hand (left) tell you?

    In the homeland of palmistry - in India - they believe that the left hand carries a karmic trace, that is, information that is embedded in the fate of a person in a given life cycle. On the passive hand is written everything that fate intends to invest in a person’s life: life expectancy, health, intelligence, ability to love, abilities and inclinations. It also reflects everything that is invested in a child at an early age: home education, education, skills and abilities.

    Active (right) hand

    The right palm reflects the path that a person builds himself. Here you can read all the important life events and significant actions.

    Which hand should you use to guess?

    And yet, which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes?

    Both hands are always studied. By the left hand (passive) you can determine a person’s past and his character. The right (active) hand is used to judge the future, which follows from actions committed throughout life.

    The more different the features on different palms are, the more control a person has over his life. In some cases, the differences between the right and left hands are about 90%. Such a person is the true master of his life, independent of the instructions from above.

    If the lines on both hands are very similar, it means that the person is not using the potential inherent in him. Perhaps he lives in favorable conditions that do not stimulate his personal growth.

    It is important to know that the lines on the hands (usually the active one) can change; the appearance of moles or new strokes on the palms is important.

    How to study a hand

    Study the lines slowly and carefully. In order not to tire a person or to have some time to spare, you can make an imprint of the fate lines for meticulous research.

    What can be done?

    1. Scan your hand. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap and dried. Place your palm on the scanner glass, press it gently and start scanning. Important! The hand is held motionless. The image is saved with a resolution of 300 dpi. Work with the resulting drawing.
    2. Drawing with stamp paint. Stamp ink is applied to the palm using a roller or pad. Place your palm on a white sheet, press it tightly and trace the outline with a pencil. The hand is carefully removed straight up.

    It doesn’t matter which hand is used to tell fortunes, there are 4 main lines that provide basic information about a person.

    1. Life line. It reflects life expectancy, main events (alarming or joyful). A smooth, deep life line is a good sign. A long line foretells a long life. A broken line may indicate a radical change in lifestyle.
    2. Line of fate. Not all people have this trait. It is believed that a clear line of fate on the left palm marks the darling of fortune, who will be able to live a full, interesting life.
    3. Heart line. Reflects emotional life: the ability to love and empathize, as well as to grieve and suffer. The absence of this trait can warn of emotional coldness and callousness.
    4. Line of the mind. Reflects intellectual potential, ability to learn, ability to act guided by the dictates of reason. If the features of life and mind converge in their origins, a person builds his destiny without succumbing to emotional impulses.

    Even if a person is forced to go through his karmic path, he has the opportunity to change his destiny by performing significant actions.