Gkl - what is it? gvl, gklv, gklo and other types. Knauf Sheets The history of drywall

Gypsum plasterboards (GKL, KNAUF sheets) are a gypsum core, all planes of which, except for the end edges, are lined with cardboard. To form the core, gypsum G-4 is used, which has exceptional physical and technical properties as a building material. To achieve the required density and strength, special components are added to it. Another important component of drywall is facing cardboard. Adhesion to the gypsum core is ensured through the use of adhesive additives. Cardboard plays the role of a reinforcing frame and is an excellent basis for applying any finishing material (plaster, wallpaper, paint, ceramic tiles, etc.). In terms of its physical and hygienic properties, cardboard is ideal for living quarters. Knauf sheets are used for interior wall cladding, interior partitions, suspended ceilings.

GKL are subdivided into:

  • conventional (gypsum plasterboard)
  • moisture resistant (GKLV)
  • with increased resistance to open flame (GKLO)
  • moisture resistant with increased resistance to open flame (GKLVO)

Drywall feature

It is known that GCR, along with the listed characteristics, has another remarkable ability - acquiring plasticity in a wet state and restoring its original quality after drying, while maintaining the shape given to it. This significantly expands the design and architectural possibilities of gypsum board as a building material, by the possibility of forming almost any curved surfaces, be it a ceiling or a wall. In the manufacture of curved forms, gypsum plasterboards with a width of 600 mm are used. It should be borne in mind that the minimum bending radius of a sheet with a thickness of 12.5 mm will be approximately 1000 mm, and with a decrease in the thickness of the gypsum board, the radius also decreases. So, for sheets with a thickness of 9 mm, the minimum bending radius is approximately 500 mm.

GVL (gypsum fiber sheet)

Gypsum-fiber sheets (GVL, KNAUF-superlists) are used for interior decoration, especially those where there are increased requirements for fire safety. They are made of gypsum not lower than G-4, with loose cellulose waste paper as a filler. Gypsum-fiber sheets are a homogeneous environmentally friendly building material used for the construction of interior partitions, suspended ceilings and interior wall cladding in residential premises, industrial buildings, premises of social facilities and medical institutions, schools, kindergartens and sanatoriums. Produced by semi-dry pressing. GVL is used for the installation of partitions and wall cladding with increased requirements for protection against impact, for the installation of prefabricated foundations (dry screeds) of the floor for coatings or in the presence of increased requirements for the fire-technical characteristics of the structures used.

GVL are subdivided into:

  • conventional (GVL)
  • moisture resistant (GVLV) (GVLV, in contrast to GVL, is treated with a special hydrophobic liquid, which increases the resistance of its surface to high humidity)
  • moisture resistant small format (DIY)
  • KNAUF-superpol (GVLV EP)

Differences between GVL and GCR. What is the best choice?

So, having considered the GCR and GVL, we will dwell separately on the differences. What should you choose after all? GVL is used for the construction of partitions and wall cladding with increased requirements for protection against impact, that is, it is harder than GKL. GVL tolerates sawing more easily in any direction, as it is homogeneous in composition. GCR is less durable and is cut across so as not to disturb the reinforcement made of cardboard (although in some cases it is allowed), but it is capable of acquiring plasticity when soaked, and restoring its original strength when dried. Drywall is the best base for wallpaper. They can be glued without any preliminary treatment, the only thing that needs to be done is to cover the nail heads with nitro enamel or alcohol varnish to avoid corrosion. And you can not paste over the walls, but, for example, whitewash or paint with glue or oil paint, like ordinary plastered surfaces. It is not recommended to use only lime paints, as they do not adhere well to cardboard. The answer is unequivocal that it is impossible to better GVL or GKL. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on the task and the operating conditions of the premises.

The main brands of a profile for gypsum board or gypsum plasterboard

Metal profiles are used in all categories of buildings: residential, public, industrial and agricultural. They serve to form frames of various designs and purposes, including partitions, claddings and suspended ceilings. Frames, in turn, are a rigid base for fastening drywall and gypsum plasterboard.

The main brands of profiles for fixing gypsum boards or gypsum plasterboards:

How to properly cut drywall sheets

When installing drywall, use solid sheets wherever possible. Cut a sheet of drywall to length so that the end of the sheet rests on support beams, beams, posts, or jambs. In order to properly cut the sheet to length, first set it so that the end protrudes beyond the edge to which you plan to lay the plasterboard. Measure the required length with a tape measure. Then use a special tool for drywall - a rail and mark with a knife on a sheet of drywall the place of the beginning and end of the cut. Make a cut along the length of the drywall sheet with a special knife. To get the most straight line during the first cut, you can also attach an impromptu ruler to the drywall. For these purposes, you can use a wide metal profile, level, etc. Slap one side of the sheet. The drywall should break exactly where the cut you made. If the end edge resulting from cutting is not even enough, then it should be corrected with a special float. Do not allow the paper to peel off from the plaster. this can negatively affect quality. If a paper "fringe" has formed at the end, it should be cut off with a knife. You can also use a drywall disk cutter to cut. This will not tear the paper covering the bottom of the plasterboard core. Therefore, in order to completely separate the pieces of the sheet, run the blade of the knife along the cut to separate the back cover as well. A different technology for installing drywall is used when you need to cut a sheet of drywall in places where there are internal corners. To make such cuts, use a special tool - a drywall knife. Make an incision in the place where you want to cut the sheet and bend one edge sharply back, as described above. After that, you will again have to cut the paper covering the back of the drywall core. Another way to cut the inner corner is to first secure a sheet of drywall where you are making the overlap, and then use a knife, a drywall tool, to make the desired hole.

Cutting curly parts from drywall

To get a part with uneven edges (arc, wave, zigzag, etc.), you can use a special file for working with drywall, but when using it, the sheet may crumble and the edge of the part will turn out to be uneven. If you try to align the edge, the dimensions of the part may change. In such cases, it is much easier and more convenient to use a jigsaw to work with drywall.

Drilling drywall

Often for the installation of built-in lighting fixtures, etc. drywall holes required. Small holes are drilled with ordinary drills, and larger ones (for halogen lamps, various pipes, etc.) - with special files for working on drywall or drilled with crowns.

Bending drywall

To create arches, curved ceilings and some other structures, you need to get curved parts. There are several ways to work with drywall to bend a part.

The first way. Wet the part and, when it becomes flexible, give it the required shape. After drying, the part can be mounted. This method of working with drywall, of course, makes it possible to obtain a curved part, but it will require a significant investment of time, which will not please customers very much.

Second way. Use a special spiked roller (needle roller). It pierces the paper from the outside of the intended bend of the drywall, and then bends the part by applying physical force. As a result, the paper tears due to punctures and makes it possible to bend the part. The method is quite effective, but it will require special skills, and the part can be problematic to screw on, and before the putty it will look completely unaesthetic.

The third way working with drywall to bend a part consists in notching the outside of the intended bend with an interval of about 5 cm. Depending on the steepness of the bend, the interval may vary. Then the part is cracked at the cuts and bent to the required degree. The part prepared in this way is easy to assemble, and it will take a minimum amount of time to manufacture it.

Plasterboard installation

First of all, it should be noted that there are many systems and methods for installing drywall in the world. Let's consider the most popular ones:

The first way. Installation is carried out using the so-called adhesives. This can be said to be the simplest installation method: an adhesive composition is applied to the previously prepared (cleaned of old wallpaper, plaster, etc. and properly primed) wall surface (installation of plasterboard ceilings in this way, for natural reasons, is not carried out), prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. The glue should be applied with "cakes" at a distance of no more than 35 cm from each other, with the exception of the corners of the room, and the joints of the sheets, where the glue is applied in a continuous layer. Also, when applying glue, individual slope, curvature, deformation of the wall should be taken into account, i.e. less glue should be applied in convex areas, and vice versa. In places where the depressions are too large, you should first stick a strip of drywall, as if leveling the surface. You can check these characteristics using a level and a thread stretched along the wall. After applying the adhesive, a pre-cut drywall sheet is pressed against the wall. Further, with the help of a level and skillful hands, the sheet is exposed in the plane we need. Sometimes, when installing drywall on an adhesive composition, first strips of drywall (so-called "beacons") about 15 cm wide are glued to the wall, and the sheet itself is glued directly to them. In this case, do not forget to let the glue dry. The advantages of this method are simplicity, high speed of installation and no need for a special set of tools. The disadvantages include the impossibility of creating new partitions and niches: in addition, this method does not allow laying sheets on a wooden base.

Second way. Installation of drywall is carried out on a frame made of wooden blocks. The installation of drywall on a frame made of bars was popular about ten years ago, due to the shortage of metal profiles that existed at that time. This method consists of two stages: the assembly of the frame from the bars and the actual installation of the drywall sheets on the wooden frame. The assembly of the frame from the bars begins with the exposure and subsequent fixation of the guides. Depending on the material to which the timber is attached, an appropriate fastening is selected, most often it is a dowel nail (if the base is concrete, brick, etc.) or a self-tapping screw with a large pitch (if the base is wooden). To expose the guides, like the entire frame, a level and veneer strips are used, which, if necessary, are placed under the bars. After installing the guides, the main bars are exposed and fixed. They should be installed no more than sixty centimeters apart, i.e. so that each sheet of drywall is attached at least along the edges and in the center, and the edges of adjacent sheets are attached to one bar. Before installing pre-cut drywall sheets, you should make sure that the assembled frame forms one plane, and, if there are any deficiencies, eliminate them. Drywall is attached to the wooden frame with wood screws. In this case, the distance between the screws should not exceed thirty centimeters, and the screws themselves should be screwed into the drywall in such a way that their caps are slightly recessed, but without allowing paper breaks. Compared with the previous method of installing drywall, this method has a number of significant advantages. These include, first of all, the possibility of creating new structures, such as arches, partitions, niches, etc .; in addition, we get the ability to change the shape of existing walls and partitions. However, this method is more laborious and requires a special tool. It should also not be forgotten that with changes in temperature and humidity, wood tends to deform, which cannot but affect the quality of the entire structure.

Third way. Installation of drywall using a metal frame. A metal profile is used to create the frame. The assembly of the metal frame, as in the previous case, begins with the exposure and subsequent fixation of the guides. To set the guides, like the entire frame, a level is used. The difference lies in the fact that the fixing of the main profile is carried out by means of special fittings, called "suspension", and self-tapping screws for metal. The use of suspensions allows you to simultaneously attach the metal profile to the wall and set it in the desired plane, which greatly facilitates the process of installing drywall. Suspensions should be located at a distance of no more than seventy centimeters from each other, and the main profile should be installed no more than sixty centimeters from each other, i.e. so that each sheet of drywall is attached at least along the edges and in the center, and the edges of adjacent sheets are attached to one profile. Drywall is attached to the metal frame using self-tapping screws for metal. In this case, the distance between the screws should not exceed thirty centimeters. Installation of drywall on a metal frame is the most relevant method today, because he, while retaining almost all the advantages of other methods, is not burdened with their disadvantages. In addition to all the advantages, when using a metal frame, it is also possible to hide electrical wiring, heating radiators, pipes, etc. under drywall, and install built-in lighting devices - halogen lamps, etc. The disadvantages of this method include the need for a special tool and qualified specialists.

Security measures

Gypsum dust can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, care should be taken in advance to protect the eyes and lungs. To do this, you must use protective goggles and a mask or respirator, and ensure proper ventilation of the repair site. Study the purpose of each tool carefully and only use these tools for the operations for which they are specifically designed. Untreated tools are dangerous and can interfere or even harm your work. Always work with sharp blades. Keep an eye on your drywall tools and keep them in a safe place. Always turn off the electricity in the room when working in a potentially fire hazardous area. Be careful when working on trestles, scaffolding and ladders. We must not forget that when installing a construction ladder, all its legs must be firmly on the ground. Never try to reach to the side or upward while working on a ladder. Keep children away from the construction site and keep them away from power tools and construction materials, solvents, etc., which may be hazardous to their health. Keep the work area clean and free of debris and waste from accumulating on the construction site.

Plasterboard is used in repair and finishing work in the construction of office buildings and premises, residential buildings, suburban real estate, private houses and cottages. For construction, drywall is produced in sheets of a sufficiently large size, which speeds up the implementation of work on the construction of partitions, wall cladding and the construction of structures.

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Drywall Lites

Giscardon is produced in sheets. A drywall sheet has a certain length and width, and different thicknesses. Plasterboard sheets differ not only in size, but also in properties. Distinctive properties of a drywall sheet are moisture resistance (moisture resistance), open flame resistance (fire resistance), increased impact resistance. Also, the drywall sheet has differently made end edges on the long side of the sheet.

Drywall sheet has a rectangular shape. Technologically, a drywall sheet has a front and an inner side. On the inside of the drywall sheet, all the factory marking of the sheet (company name, size, batch number) is applied. The outside is clean. Also on the outside of some types of sheets, a thinned edge is made.

Drywall sheet dimensions

Speaking about the dimensions of the drywall sheet, I want to note the following. Sheet dimensions are regulated by GOST 6266-97 "Gypsum plasterboards". This GOST was developed with the participation of JV "Tigi Knauf" and, as a result, all sheets of drywall produced by Knauf exactly meet the requirements set out in GOST 6266-97 (link at the bottom of the article).

Drywall sheet Knauf produced in lengths from 2000 mm (2 meters) to 4000 mm, with a step of 500 mm, That is, you can find on sale drywall sheets with a length of 2000; 2500; 3000; 3500; 4000 mm.

  • The width of the Knauf drywall sheet is 600 or 1200 mm.
  • Thickness of sheets of drywall Knauf 6.5; 8.0; 9.5; 12.5; 14.0; 16.0; 18.0; 20.0; 24.0 mm.

Unlike Knauf sheets, Giprok gypsum plasterboard sheets are produced in other sizes, which does not prevent them from having a Certificate of Conformity (Nq PoCC El.AI09.H004, validity period 09/26/2014) allowing them to be used in Russia. By the way, the certificate of conformity was issued on the basis of the same GOST 6266-97.

Drywall sheet Giprok produced in lengths 2500, 2550, 2600, 2700, 2750, 3000, 3300, 3600 mm.

  • The width of Giprok sheets is generally 1200 mm. Less often 900 mm.
  • Thickness of sheets Giprok 6.5; 9.5; 12.5; 15.4 mm. The thickness of the sheets varies depending on their properties.

Drywall sheet properties

The most important properties of a drywall sheet that you need to know when buying them are moisture resistance and fire resistance. These and some other properties of the drywall sheet are "coded" in the sheet markings.

Knauf drywall sheet marking

  • GKL - Plasterboard ordinary sheet (GSP-A, edge PLUK);
  • GKLV - moisture resistant drywall sheet (GSP-H2);
  • GKLO - Fire-resistant drywall sheet (GSP-DF);
  • GKLVO - Moisture-resistant drywall sheet with increased resistance to open flame (GSP-DFH3IR).

Note: Since 2017, the labeling of Knauf gypsum boards, which are correctly called Knauf super-sheet), has changed. In brackets, the new marking of the sheets is shown. Basic production of all sheets with PLUK edging.

Moisture-resistant sheets are used for walls and ceilings in damp rooms, such as bathrooms, bathrooms, showers, provided that they are protected with finishing materials (tiles, paint) or waterproofing impregnations.

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Ordinary drywall sheets in damp rooms begin to swell over time, disrupting the integrity of the finishing coating.

Nomenclature of gypsum plasterboard sheets Giprok

  • GKL - Gypsum plasterboard standard
  • GKLV - moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard;
  • GKLU - Reinforced gypsum plasterboard;
  • GKLVU - Reinforced moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard;
  • GKLO - Fire-resistant gypsum plasterboard;
  • GKLZ - Windproof gypsum plasterboard;
  • GKLD - Design gypsum plasterboard.

Drywall sheet edge

When installing drywall sheets (figure), seams remain between the drywall sheets. The seams between the sheets must be repaired (putty) if they are painted or pasted over with wallpaper. If the plasterboard surface will be finished with tiles or other covering material, then you can do without sealing the seams. Depending on whether you need to putty the seams between the drywall sheets or not, make different edges of the drywall sheet.

Knauf plasterboard edge

For filling the seams between drywall sheets, sheets are produced with thinned front edge (UK) or semicircular front edge (PLC).

  • Drywall that does not require puttying, available with straight edge (pc).
  • Also found drywall with thinned and semicircular edge (PLUK).

Note: From January 01, 2013, all Knauf enterprises located in Russia are switching to the production of gypsum board sheets with a semicircular thinned edge (PLUK), instead of a thinned edge (UK).

Drywall SheetsGiprokproduced only withthinned edge (UK) and straight edges (PC) .

Sealing the joints of drywall sheets depending on the edge

  • PC (straight edge) - For dry installation, without sealing the joint
  • UK (Thinned edge) - For installation, taking into account the subsequent sealing of the joint with putty with reinforcing tape
  • PLC (semicircular from the front side) - For installation, taking into account the subsequent sealing of the joint with putty
    without reinforcing tape
  • PLUK (semicircular and thinned on the front side) - Universal edge for installation, taking into account the subsequent filling of the joint with putty
  • ZK (Rounded edge) - For installation, taking into account the subsequent plastering.

Examples of drywall sheet designations

  • GKL-A-UK-3000 × 1200 × 9.5 GOST 6266-97 .Simple drywall sheet, with a thinned edge, 3000mm long, 1200mm wide, 9.5mm thick
  • GKLV-A-PK-3500 × 1200 × 12.5 GOST 6266-97 ... Moisture-resistant drywall sheet with a straight edge, 3500 mm long, 1200 mm wide, 12.5 mm thick.

Drywall sheet marking is applied to the inner (not front) side of the sheet.

As well as its required dimensions (length, width, thickness), you should understand what this material is. Drywall is a composite material made in the form of sheets having a length of 2.5 to 4.8 m, a width (which is determined by the end edge located on it) from 1.2 to 1.3 m and a thickness of 8 to 24 mm, respectively ...

The material for such a sheet is gypsum covered with a layer of cardboard. Since gypsum is the most important component of a material, it determines its basic properties (strength, density, etc.). To improve them, additional components are introduced into the composition. The role of cardboard is also an important part. drywall sheet... It is used not only as a frame for the sheet, but also performs a protective function, protecting the gypsum core from various kinds of damage. Cardboard is also great for exterior wall decoration with various materials: tiles, plaster, paints, etc. Calculation of drywall, online calculator.

Together, both of these materials show very good properties, making drywall so hard and flexible at the same time, for which it is especially appreciated. But this is not the end of its advantages, do not forget about the following positive drywall properties:

  • good sound insulation properties for walls, ceilings and floors made of plasterboard;
  • increased fire resistance, non-flammability and lightness of the material itself, which, by the way, contributes to simple and convenient installation drywall sheets.

It should be noted that the production does not require special costs and the drywall itself is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, has a low level of acidity (approximately like human skin) and radiation background. All this, as well as the ability to maintain a certain microclimate, creates a very wide area of ​​possible application for drywall, from leveling walls, erecting partitions and finishing ceilings and ending with the creation of relief, repairing various ready-made structures, filling cavities and openings, erecting various kinds of compositions ( shelves, columns, baseboards, etc.) and more. Especially when you consider that with additional processing with special means, it will become even more durable, fire and moisture resistant.

At choosing drywall it is necessary to take into account the place and method of its application. In accordance with this, drywall is divided into several types.

4) Fire and moisture resistant drywall (GKLVO).

Let's consider the above types in more detail:

1) Plasterboard(GKL) which consists of gypsum dough, lined with thick cardboard. Suitable for interior decoration (walls, floors and ceilings) with normal moisture levels. Gypsum plasterboard made of this material, it is economical in production, easy to assemble and easy to transport.

2) Fireproof drywall(GKLO). This type of drywall, with increased fire resistance, is suitable for finishing non-residential summer and utility rooms, for the construction of partitions. As the name suggests, it provides a high enough level of fire safety that it can be used near stoves and fireplaces, for the construction of communication shafts, in which later a plumbing, duct system or one of the various types of cables must be installed.

3) Moisture resistant drywall(GKLV). Most often, this type of drywall is used in rooms where the humidity level is high. Such rooms include a kitchen, a bathroom, a country house (in country houses, the humidity is on average higher than in a city apartment), as well as for decorating bathrooms and similar systems. It is important to note that if the bathroom is used too often (for example, if too many people live) then from using drywall it is better to refuse and give preference to materials with higher moisture resistance.

4) Fire and moisture resistant drywall(GKLVO) This type of drywall has both moisture-resistant and fire-resistant properties. Basically this special type of drywall designed to repair and repair minor damage in finished structures made of plasterboard.

Also, drywall is divided according to purpose in accordance with the finished coating and has the following types and sizes, respectively:

1) Arched drywall, used to create stylish interior arches and various interior openings, 6.5 mm thick. It is the thinnest, due to which it is able to bend to almost any radius.

2) Wall drywall, thickness 12.5 mm. Its thickness is optimal and is suitable not only for decorating walls and creating various kinds of partitions, niches and other similar structures, it is also suitable for leveling walls.

3) Ceiling plasterboard, for cladding ceilings, thickness 8-9.5 mm. In fact, it is a lightweight version of conventional drywall and is able to reduce the weight of the false ceiling, which will significantly save on the profile as a result of using a wider pitch in the false ceiling frame system and reduce the cost compared to others. types of drywall.

So, let's move on to the size of the drywall. Standard plasterboard size is 2500 mm long, 1200 mm wide and 12.5 mm thick. The area of ​​such a sheet reaches three square meters, and the weight is about 29 kg, but there are other options for these values. So, the length of the gypsum plasterboard can vary from 2 to 3.6 m, and the thickness ranges from 6.5 to 12.5 mm, but the width of the gypsum plasterboard is always 1.2 meters.

Drywall Size Chart.

Drywall sheet size, m

Sheet thickness, mm

Sheet weight, kg

Quantity in a pallet, pcs


Sheet price, $

Wall drywall

Moisture resistant drywall

Ceiling plasterboard

Arched drywall

Fireproof drywall

These sizes are suitable for choosing gypsum plasterboards for all types of needs, whether it is moisture resistant drywall or regular. The most commonly used options for the size of plasterboard sheets are 1) 3000x1200 mm; 2) 2500 × 1200 mm; 3) 2000 × 1200 mm;

GOST 6266-97

Group W16



Technical conditions

Gypsum plasterboards. Specifications

ISS 91.100.99 *
OKSTU 5742
* In the index "National Standards" 2013 ISS 91.100.10. -
Database manufacturer's note.

Date of introduction 1999-04-01


1 DEVELOPED by JSC "VNIistrom named after P.P. Budnikov" and JV "TIGI KNAUF", JSC of the Russian Federation

INTRODUCED by Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTC) on December 10, 1997

Voted for adoption

State name

The name of the government building authority

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee on Housing and Construction Policy under the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Inspection for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and Communal Services of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

3 REPLACE GOST 6266-89

4 INTRODUCED INTO ACTION since April 1, 1999 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by the decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated November 24, 1998 N 14.

Amendments published in IUS N 7, 2002 have been made; IUS N 11, 2010

Corrections made by the manufacturer of the database.

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to gypsum plasterboard sheets (hereinafter referred to as sheets) intended for wall decoration, partitions, suspended ceilings, fire protection of structures, the manufacture of decorative and sound-absorbing products.

The standard establishes the mandatory requirements set out in sections 4, 5, 7, 8, paragraphs 9.3-9.8.

2 Normative references

Throughout this standard, references are made to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.044-89 SSBT. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods of their determination

GOST 166-89 Calipers. Technical conditions

GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Technical conditions

GOST 3560-73 Steel packing tape. Technical conditions

GOST 3749-77 Squares 90 °. Technical conditions

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Technical conditions

GOST 11358-89 Indicator thickness gauges and wall gauges with a graduation of 0.01 and 0.1 mm. Technical conditions

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 24104-88 * Laboratory balance for general use and exemplary. General specifications
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 53228-2008 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Note the manufacture of the database.

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Technical conditions

GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30244-94 Building materials. Flammability test methods

GOST 30402-96 Building materials. Flammability test method

3 Definitions

The terms with the corresponding definitions established by this standard are given in annex A.

4 Classification, basic parameters and dimensions

4.1 Depending on the properties and field of application, the sheets are divided into the following types:

- ordinary (GKL);

- moisture resistant (GKLV);

- with increased resistance to open flame (GKLO);

- moisture resistant with increased resistance to open flame (GKLVO).

4.2 In appearance and manufacturing accuracy, the sheets are divided into two groups: A and B.

4.3 In terms of shape, the longitudinal edges of the sheets are subdivided into the types shown in Figures 1-5.

Figure 1 - Straight edge (PC)


Figure 2 - Edge thinned from the front side (UK)

Figure 3 - Semicircular edge on the front side (PLC)

* Dimensions are for reference only and are not a defect.

Figure 4 - Semicircular and front-thinned edge (PLUK)

Figure 5 - Rounded edge (ZK)

4.4 Nominal dimensions of sheets are given in table 1. Limit deviations from nominal dimensions should not exceed those indicated in table 2.

Table 1

In millimeters

Indicator name


2000 - 4000 in 50 steps



6,5; 8,0; 9,5; 12,5; 14,0; 16,0; 18,0; 20,0; 24,0

Note - By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, sheets of other nominal sizes can be produced. Limit deviations should correspond to those given in table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

Thickness of sheets

Limit deviations from nominal dimensions for sheets of a group

by lenght

in width

by thickness

in width

by thickness

Up to 16 incl.

4.5 Sheets should be rectangular in plan. The deviation from squareness should not be more than 3 mm for sheets of group A and 8 mm for sheets of group B.

4.6 Symbols of sheets should consist of:

- letter designation of the type of sheets - according to 4.1;

- designation of a group of sheets - by 4.2;

- designations of the type of longitudinal edges of sheets - 4.3;

- numbers indicating the nominal length, width and thickness of the sheet in millimeters;

- designations of this standard.

An example of a conventional designation of a conventional gypsum plasterboard sheet of group A with edges thinned from the front side 3000 mm long, 1200 mm wide and 12.5 mm thick:

GKL-A-UK-3000120012.5 GOST 6266-97


GKL-A-UK-12.512003000 GOST 6266-97.

5 Technical requirements

Sheets must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for the technological regulations approved by the manufacturer.

5.1 Appearance

For sheets of group A, damage to the corners and longitudinal edges is not allowed.

For sheets of group B, damage to the corners and longitudinal edges (minor defects) is not allowed, the dimensions and number of which exceed the values ​​given in table 3.

Table 3

Indicator name

Value for one sheet, no more

Corner damage:

Length of the longest leg, mm

Number, pcs.

Damage to longitudinal edges:

Length, mm

Depth mm

Number, pcs.

The number of sheets with insignificant defects should not be more than two of the number of sheets selected for control.

5.2 Features

5.2.1 The mass of 1 m of sheets (areal density) must correspond to that indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

In kilograms per square meter

Weight of 1 m sheet type

No more than 1.00

Not less than 0.80 and not more than 1.06

The value of the nominal sheet thickness according to table 1

5.2.2 The adhesion of the gypsum core to the cardboard should be stronger than the adhesion of the layers of cardboard.

5.2.3 The breaking load when testing sheets for bending strength at a constant span (350 mm) should be not less than that specified in Table 5.

The deviation of the minimum value of the breaking load of an individual specimen from the requirements of Table 5 should not be more than 10%.

Table 5

Thickness of sheets, mm



Evaluation of the strength of sheets according to 5.2.3 is carried out if the manufacturer does not have means of control for assessing the breaking load and deflection according to 5.2.4.

5.2.4 Breaking load when testing sheets for flexural strength with a variable span (40, where is the nominal sheet thickness in millimeters) and deflection shall correspond to those specified in Table 6.

Table 6

Thickness of sheets, mm

Breaking load, N (kgf), not less for samples

Deflection, mm, no more for samples





Up to 10.0 incl.

Over 10.0 to 18.0 incl.

* The maximum deflection value for an individual specimen is indicated in parentheses.

The deviation of the minimum value of the breaking load of an individual specimen from the requirements of Table 6 should not be more than 10%.

5.2.5 Water absorption of sheets GKLV and GKLVO should not be more than 10%.

5.2.6 The resistance of sheets GKLO and GKLVO to open flame should be at least 20 minutes.

5.2.7 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in gypsum plasterboard sheets should not exceed 370 Bq / kg.

5.3 Marking

5.3.1 Marking of sheets is carried out on the back of each product with indelible paint using stencils, stamps or in another way that ensures the required quality of marking.

The marking must be distinct and contain:

- trademark and / or manufacturer's name;

- conventional designation of sheets, except for the designation of a group of sheets according to 4.2.

The inscriptions should be carried out on sheets:

- GKL and GKLV - in blue;

- GKLO and GKLVO - in red.

5.3.2 Marking of transport sheet packages is carried out using labels attached to the package in any way that ensures its safety during transportation.

The label should state:

- manufacturer's name and (or) its trademark;

- conventional designation of sheets;

- batch number and date of manufacture;

- the number of sheets in square meters and (or) in pieces;

- stamp of the technical control service.

5.3.3 Each package must have transport marking in accordance with GOST 14192, it must be marked with handling signs: "Fragile. Caution" and "Protect from moisture".

6 Fire technical characteristics

Plasterboard sheets GKL, GKLV, GKLO and GKLVO belong to the flammability group G1 in accordance with GOST 30244, to the flammability group V3 in accordance with GOST 30402, to the group of smoke-generating ability D1 in accordance with GOST 12.1.044, to the toxicity group T1 in accordance with GOST 12.1.044.

The assignment of gypsum plasterboard sheets to a higher (less fire hazardous) flammability group can be carried out on the basis of the test results of products of a particular manufacturer.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Each batch of sheets shall be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

7.2 Acceptance of sheets is carried out in batches. A batch should consist of sheets of the same type, group, type of longitudinal edges and dimensions, made using the same technology and from the same materials.

The volume of a batch of sheets is set in the amount of not more than the shift production of the technological line.

7.3 Acceptance control is carried out by carrying out acceptance tests according to the following indicators:

- appearance;

- shape and size;

- weight 1 m;

- breaking load when testing sheets for bending strength;

- adhesion of the gypsum core to the cardboard;

- water absorption (for sheets GKLV and GKLVO).

7.4 The manufacturer must conduct periodic tests of sheets of GKLO and GKLVO for resistance to open flame at least once a quarter and every time when the technological parameters of production and raw materials change. Three sheets are taken from the batch for testing.

In the event of unsatisfactory test results, you should switch to monitoring the resistance to open flame for each batch of products.

Upon receipt of positive test results of five consecutive batches, they switch again to periodic tests.

The test results apply to all delivered lots until the next periodic tests.

7.5 Fire-technical characteristics are determined when the product is put into production, as well as when changes in the composition of the product, which can lead to a change in fire-technical characteristics.

7.6 For the value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in gypsum plasterboards, the value in the gypsum binder (gypsum stone) used for the manufacture of sheets is taken. This value is established on the basis of the supplier's document on the quality of the gypsum binder (gypsum stone).

In the absence of data on the value in the applied gypsum binder (gypsum stone), tests of sheets for this indicator should be carried out at least once a year in accredited testing laboratories and every time the supplier of the binder (gypsum stone) is changed.

7.7 For inspection, sheets are selected by random selection from different places in the lot.

7.8 For the manufacturer's acceptance tests, five sheets are taken from the batch.

The selected sheets are checked for compliance with the requirements of the standard in terms of appearance, shape and size. In the case of positive control results, three sheets of the five tested are used for control for the rest of the indicators.

A lot is accepted if all sheets selected for control meet the requirements of this standard in terms of the indicators specified in 7.3.

If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators specified in 7.3, repeated tests are carried out for this indicator, for which a double number of sheets is taken from the same batch.

If the results of repeated tests satisfy the requirements of this standard, then the lot is accepted, if they do not satisfy, then the lot is not subject to acceptance.

7.9 If a batch of sheets does not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of appearance, shape and size, it is allowed to re-submit it for inspection after sorting.

7.10 A batch of GKLO (GKLVO) sheets that do not meet the requirements of this standard for resistance to open flame can be accepted as a batch of GKL (GKLV) sheets, if in all other indicators it meets the requirements of this standard for the specified sheets.

7.11 A batch of GKLV (GKLVO) sheets that does not meet the requirements of this standard for water absorption can be accepted as a batch of GKL (GKLO) sheets, if in all other indicators it meets the requirements of this standard for the specified sheets.

7.12 In the cases provided for in 7.10 and 7.11, products must be re-labeled for compliance with its requirements 5.3.1, this must be indicated in the accompanying document.

7.13 When testing sheets by the consumer, inspection control and certification tests, the sample size and assessment of the control results are carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 7.

7.14 The manufacturer must accompany each batch (part of a batch) of sheets with a quality document, which indicates:

- manufacturer's name and address;

- name and designation of sheets;

- batch number, date of manufacture;

- the number of sheets in pieces and (or) square meters;

- stamp and signature of the head of the technical control service.

8 Control methods

8.1 Appearance control

8.1.1 The presence (absence) of minor defects is checked visually.

Measurements of minor defects are made with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427, a caliper with a depth gauge in accordance with GOST 166 using a square in accordance with GOST 3749.

Damage to the corners of the sheet is measured along the length of the largest leg with a ruler using a square. A square is applied to each damaged corner of the product, restoring its shape, and the distance from the inner vertex of the square to the border of damage to the corresponding side of the sheet is measured.

The length of damage to the longitudinal edges of the sheet is measured with a ruler or caliper.

The depth of damage to the longitudinal edges of the sheet is measured with a caliper with a depth gauge using a ruler at the site of greatest damage.

8.1.2 Compliance of the marking with the requirements of the standard is checked visually.

A marking is considered to meet the requirements of this standard if it includes all the information specified in the standard and at the same time it is impossible to challenge its content.

8.2 Dimension and shape control

8.2.1 Controls

A metal tape measure with a graduation rate of no more than 1 mm in accordance with GOST 7502.

Metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427.

Thickness gauge according to GOST 11358 or vernier caliper according to GOST 166.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments, the error of which is not lower than the requirements of this standard.

The error of the measuring instruments should not be more than: ± 0.1 mm - when measuring the thickness, ± 1.0 mm - when measuring other dimensions of the sheet.

8.2.2 Carrying out measurements The length and width of the sheet are measured with a tape measure at a distance of (65 ± 5) mm from the corresponding edges and in the middle of the sheet; the place of measurement can be displaced from the middle of the corresponding side of the sheet by no more than 30 mm. The thickness of the sheet is measured with a thickness gauge (caliper) along each end edge in three places: at a distance (65 ± 5) mm from the longitudinal edges and in the middle of the end edge; the measuring point can be displaced from the middle of the end edge by no more than 30 mm. The deviation from squareness is determined by the difference in the lengths of the diagonals.

The length of each diagonal is measured once with a tape measure.

8.2.3 Expression of results When measuring the length, width and diagonals of the sheet, the indication of the measuring instrument shall be rounded up to 1 mm.

When measuring the sheet thickness, the reading of the measuring instrument shall be rounded off to 0.1 mm. When measuring the length, width and thickness of the sheet, the result of each measurement shall comply with the requirements of Section 4. The deviation from squareness is calculated from the difference in the lengths of the measured diagonals. The result obtained must meet the requirements of 4.5.

8.3 Determination of the mass of 1 m2 of a sheet (surface density)

8.3 Determination of the mass of 1 m of a sheet (areal density)

8.3.1 Controls

A laboratory drying cabinet with perforated shelves, allowing to automatically maintain the temperature within (40-45) ° С.

GOST 24104, average accuracy class.

The ruler is in accordance with GOST 427.

Roulette in accordance with GOST 7502.

8.3.2 Samples

The tests are carried out on specimens prepared according to or and intended to determine the breaking load after the test according to 8.3.3.

8.3.3 Test procedure

The samples are dried at a temperature of (41 ± 1) ° С for 24 h and weighed. Then the samples are continued to dry to constant weight. The mass is considered constant if the difference between the results of two successive weighings does not exceed 0.1%. The drying time between two successive weighings must be at least 2 hours.

When carrying out tests by the manufacturer, it is allowed to reduce the initial drying time to 2 hours, if the condition of constant mass of the samples is met.

Next, the samples are cooled under conditions excluding the effect of moisture on them, and weighed, the result is rounded to 0.01 kg. After weighing, measure the length and width of the sample, round off the result to 1 mm.

8.3.4 Expression of results

The mass of 1 m of a sheet, kg / m, is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the sample, dried to constant weight, kg;

- sample length, m;

- sample width, m.

The calculation result is rounded to the nearest 0.1 kg / m.

For the mass of 1 m of a batch of sheets, the arithmetic mean of the test results of all samples is taken.

8.4 Determination of breaking load and deflection of sheets

8.4.1 Determination of breaking load when testing specimens with a constant span The essence of the method lies in the destruction of the specimen by a concentrated load applied in the middle of the span according to a one-span scheme. Controls

A device of any design, providing the ability to apply a load according to the scheme shown in Figure 6, with a load rise rate of 15-20 N / s (1.5-2.0 kgf / s), and having a device that allows you to measure the breaking load with an error not more than 2%.

Figure 6 - Scheme of testing specimens for flexural strength at constant span

The supports and the part transmitting the load, at the point of contact with the sample, must have a cylindrical shape with a radius of 5 to 10 mm; the length of the supports and parts must be at least the width of the sample. Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, cut one longitudinal and one transverse sample with a length of (450 ± 5) mm and a width of (150 ± 5) mm. Samples are cut at a distance of at least 100 mm from the edges of the sheet at opposite ends of any of its diagonals. The samples are marked (longitudinal or transverse) and dried according to 8.3.3.

The specimens are tested in accordance with 8.3.3 and then used for the tests in Test procedure

The longitudinal specimens are placed on the supports face down, and the transverse specimens are placed on the back. The load is increased at a rate of 15-20 N / s (1.5-2.0 kgf / s) until the sample is destroyed. Expression of results

The test result is rounded to the nearest 1 N (0.1 kgf).

The breaking load of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three longitudinal and three transverse specimens separately, while the test result of each individual specimen must comply with the requirements of 5.2.3.

8.4.2 Determination of breaking load and deflection when testing specimens with variable span The essence of the method is to create bending stresses in a specimen, tested according to a single-span scheme, by a load applied in the middle of a span, at specified loading levels, by measuring the specimen's deflection in the middle of a span, followed by bringing the specimen to failure. Controls

A device of any design, providing the ability to apply and measure a load according to a given scheme, with a load application rate of 15-20 N / s (1.5-2.0 kgf / s) to the required values, withstanding this load for a given time and having a device , which makes it possible to measure the breaking load with an error of no more than 2% and the sample deflection in the middle of the span at given loads with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

Supports and load-transmitting part - according to Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, cut one transverse and one longitudinal sample with a width of (400 ± 5) mm and a length of [(40 + 100) ± 5] mm, where is the nominal sheet thickness in millimeters. Samples are cut at a distance of at least 100 mm from the edges of the sheet at opposite ends of any of its diagonals. The samples are marked (longitudinal or transverse) and dried according to 8.3.3.

The specimens are tested in accordance with 8.3.3 and then used for the tests in Test procedure

Set the span - the distance between the supports - depending on the nominal thickness of the test specimen. Span = 40, where is the nominal sheet thickness in millimeters.

The longitudinal specimens are placed on the supports face down, and the transverse specimens are placed on the back.

An initial load of 50 N (5.0 kgf) is applied to the sample placed on the supports, it is held under this load for 1 min and the deflection is measured in the middle of the span. Then the load is increased at a rate of 15-20 N / s (1.5-2.0 kgf / s) to a value of 100 N (10 kgf). The sample is kept under this load for 1 min and the deflection in the middle of the span is measured. Then the load is increased at the same rate until the sample is destroyed. Expression of results

The result of load measurement is rounded up to 1 N (0.1 kgf), deflection - up to 0.1 mm.

The deflection of the sample, measured at a load of 50 N (5 kgf), is taken as zero.

Calculate the difference between the deflection value of the sample under a load of 100 N (10 kgf) and a load of 50 N (5 kgf), the resulting value is taken as the result of the deflection of the sample.

The breaking load of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three longitudinal and three transverse specimens separately, while the test result of each individual specimen must comply with the requirements of 5.2.4.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of three longitudinal and three transverse specimens separately is taken as the deflection of a batch of sheets, while the test result of each individual specimen must comply with the requirements of 5.2.4.

8.5 Determination of adhesion strength of gypsum core with cardboard

8.5.1 Controls

A knife with a pointed end.

8.5.2 Test procedure

At any place along the length of each sheet selected for control, make two intersecting cuts at an angle of approximately 30 ° in the cardboard with a length up to the intersection of at least 100 mm. The cuts of the cardboard are made from the front and back sides of the sheet to the gypsum core. At the intersection of the cuts, the acute-angled part of the cardboard is lifted with a knife and manually torn from the sheet in the vertical direction. By the nature of the tearing of the cardboard, the strength of its adhesion to the gypsum core is estimated.

The result of each test shall comply with the requirements of 5.2.2.

8.6 Determination of water absorption of sheets

8.6.1 Controls

Drying cabinet with perforated shelves, allowing to automatically maintain the temperature within (40-45) ° С.

Technical laboratory scales in accordance with GOST 24104.

Capacity for water.

8.6.2 Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, cut one sample-square with a side length of (300 ± 5) mm at a distance of at least 100 mm from the edges of the sheet.

8.6.3 Test procedure

To carry out the test, tap water should be used, the temperature of which should be (20 ± 2) ° C.

The sample is dried to constant weight at a temperature of (41 ± 1) ° С in accordance with 8.3.3. After cooling under conditions precluding exposure to moisture, dried samples are weighed and placed in water for 2 hours in a horizontal position on pads, while the water level must be at least 50 mm higher than the samples. Before weighing the samples saturated with water, remove the water droplets on its surface from each sample.

Weighing of each sample should be completed no later than 5 minutes after removing it from the water.

8.6.4 Expression of results

Weighing results are rounded to the nearest 10 g.

Water absorption,%, calculated by the formula

where is the mass of the sample, dried to constant weight, g;

Sample weight saturated with water, g.

The calculation result is rounded to the nearest 1%.

For the water absorption of a batch of sheets, the arithmetic mean of the test results of all samples is taken.

8.7 Determination of resistance of sheets to open flame

8.7.1 Controls

A schematic diagram of a setup for testing specimens for resistance to an open flame from both sides is shown in Figure 7 and includes two gas burners with a diameter of 30 mm, a frame with a pin for suspending the specimen, two thermocouples, and a device for suspending a weight from the specimen. The burners should be located coaxially in the center of the sample perpendicular to its surface at a distance of 45 mm from it. The thermocouples are positioned 5 mm from the sample surface and at the top of the burner outlet.

The installation must be equipped with shut-off valves to regulate the gas (propane) supply.

8.7.2 Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, cut out with a fine-toothed saw, taking into account the requirements of, two longitudinal specimens with a length of (300 ± 0.5) mm and a width of (50 ± 0.5) mm. Along the center line of the samples, at a distance of 25 mm from the transverse edges, two through holes with a diameter of 4 mm are drilled to suspend the sample on the frame of the test setup and the load.

1 - burner; 2 - frame; 3 - thermocouple; 4 - device for hanging cargo; 5 - sample

Figure 7 - Schematic of a setup for testing specimens for resistance to open flame from both sides

8.7.3 Test procedure

The sample is suspended from the frame pin. A weight is movably suspended from the bottom of the sample, the mass of which in grams corresponds to a value equal to 80, where is the value of the nominal thickness of the test sample according to Table 1. After installing the burners and thermocouples in the desired position, both burners are simultaneously ignited, while the temperature at which the test is carried out , must reach the value (800 ± 30) ° С no later than 3 minutes from the start of the test. The fire continues until the sample is destroyed. The resistance of the sample to an open flame on both sides is measured in minutes.

The result of each test shall comply with the requirements of 5.2.6.

8.8 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined in accordance with GOST 30108.

9 Transport and storage

9.1 Sheets are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods in force for this mode of transport and the requirements of other documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

9.2 Transportation of sheets is carried out in packaged form.

Transport packages are formed from sheets of one type, group, type of longitudinal edges and sizes using pallets or linings, which are made from wood, gypsum plasterboard and other materials. A steel tape according to GOST 3560 or a synthetic tape is used as strapping. Transport bags can also be packed in polyethylene shrink wrap in accordance with GOST 25951. The number of straps, their cross-section, the dimensions of the linings and pallets are set by the technological regulations.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to transport sheets in unpackaged form (without strapping or wrapping in film).

9.3 Dimensions of packages should not exceed 4100 mm in length, 1300 mm in width, 800 mm in height; package weight should not exceed 3000 kg.

9.4 When transported in open rail and road vehicles, packages must be protected from moisture.

9.5 Sheets should be stored in rooms with dry and normal humidity conditions separately by type and size.

9.6 The storage of sheets by the manufacturer must be carried out in accordance with 9.5 and the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner, in compliance with the requirements of safety and product safety.

9.7 Transport packages of sheets during storage at the consumer can be stacked on top of each other in accordance with safety regulations. In this case, the total height of the stack should not exceed 3.5 m.

9.8 During loading and unloading, transport and storage and other works, strikes on sheets are not allowed.

10 Directions for use

10.1 When applying sheets, one should be guided by the design documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

10.2 GKL and GKLO gypsum plasterboard sheets are used in buildings and rooms with dry and normal humidity conditions in accordance with the current standards for construction heat engineering.

10.3 GKLV and GKLVO gypsum plasterboards are used in buildings and rooms with dry, normal, humid and wet humidity conditions in accordance with the current standards for building heat engineering.

When using sheets of GKLV and GKLVO in buildings and rooms with wet and wet conditions, they should be protected from the front surface with waterproof primers, putties, paints, ceramic tiles or PVC coatings. Exhaust ventilation should be provided in these rooms, providing standard air exchange in accordance with the current building codes for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, residential buildings, public buildings and structures, administrative and domestic buildings.

10.4 Sheets GKLO and GKLVO are advisable to use for facing structures in order to increase their fire resistance in rooms with increased fire hazard.

APPENDIX A (mandatory). Terms and Definitions


Plasterboard sheets- sheet products consisting of a fireproof gypsum core, all planes of which, except for the end edges, are lined with cardboard firmly glued to the core

Plasterboard ordinary sheets (gypsum plasterboard)- gypsum plasterboard, used mainly for interior decoration of buildings and premises with dry and normal humidity conditions

Plasterboard moisture resistant sheets (GKLV)- gypsum plasterboards with reduced water absorption (less than 10%) and with increased resistance to moisture penetration

Gypsum plasterboard sheets with increased resistance to open flame (GKLO)- gypsum plasterboards with greater fire resistance than conventional

Moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard sheets with increased resistance to open flame (GKLVO)- gypsum plasterboard sheets that simultaneously have the properties of sheets of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum plasterboard

Longitudinal edge of gypsum plasterboard- side edge lined with cardboard along the length of the sheet

Longitudinal sample of gypsum plasterboard- a specimen cut from a sheet, the direction of the length of which coincides with the length of the sheet

Cross sample of gypsum plasterboard- a specimen cut from a sheet, the direction of the length of which coincides with the width of the sheet

Damage to corners and edges of plasterboard- chipped (dents) corners and edges together with cardboard or only one gypsum core

Minor defect- a defect that does not significantly affect the use of the product for its intended purpose and its durability (GOST 15467) Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Residential buildings Public buildings and structures

Administrative and amenity buildings

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks CJSC and verified by:
official publication
M .: Gosstroy of Russia, GUP TsPP, 1999

Recently, “dry” construction and finishing technologies have become more and more popular. This is understandable. With less time, the result is very decent. You just need to choose the right materials. If you want to level walls, ceilings, make a floor or sheathe the frame, but do not want to use materials potentially hazardous to health, containing formaldehyde, you will have to choose from sheet materials made on the basis of gypsum. These are gypsum fiber (GVL) and drywall (GKL). But deciding which is better to use - GVL or GKL - is not so easy. Both materials have their pros and cons. And, the most reasonable, use both, but in those areas where their properties will be in demand.

GVL and GKL: what is it in construction

Drywall and gypsum fiber are relatively new building materials. They appeared a couple of decades ago, but they have confidently replaced traditional materials. To understand GVL or GCR you better use, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what kind of materials they are, what are their advantages and disadvantages. Based on this knowledge, you yourself will be able to make the best decisions. Because it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better - GVL or GKL. Somewhere one material is more suitable, somewhere it is better to use the second. So let's figure out what kind of materials they are and what types of gypsum board and gypsum plasterboard exist.

GKL: what is it and what types are there

GKL is an abbreviation for the name Gypsum Cardboard Sheet. This material consists of two cardboard sheets, between which there is a layer of gypsum. They are connected to each other using construction glue. It is often called "drywall", or the abbreviation GKL is used, sometimes you can hear "gypsum". The latter name is found zonal - it is more common in St. Petersburg and the surrounding area. In this region, drywall was supplied by the Finnish company Gyproc, which gradually became a household name.

GKL is used for "dry" leveling of walls or sheathing of frames in frame housing construction. Suitable for indoor use, too fragile for outdoor use. Use drywall for walls, partitions, ceilings.

In the production of gypsum board, dense and smooth cardboard is used. It serves as a reinforcing and shaping element. Gypsum layer gives strength, keeps its shape. In most cases, a drywall sheet has a thinner edge along the long side (there are even ones with right angles). This allows you to carefully putty the joints when joining. So it is not necessary to putty the entire area under some types of finishing materials.

GKL can have different edges. You need to choose it depending on the area of ​​use.

Plasterboard is produced for different operating conditions; for easy recognition, cardboard of different colors (gray, green, pink) is used:

  • For rooms with normal operating conditions - standard gypsum board. It is gray.
  • For rooms with a high level of humidity - moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard. It is colored green.
  • For fire hazardous premises / buildings - fire-resistant - GKLO. Has a pink color.
  • In rooms with increased fire hazard and high humidity, GKLVO is used - fireproof moisture-resistant gypsum board.
  • Recently, soundproof drywall (GKLZ) has become popular. It has a high density gypsum core and is reinforced with fiberglass. Designed to increase the sound insulation of frame sheathing structures of walls, ceilings and partitions. The leaf is purple or blue.

GKLZ - soundproof drywall. Knauf sheet (GSP-DFH3IR) has the following properties: increased density, moisture resistance, shock resistance, increased strength

Now you know what gypsum plasterboard is, what types of drywall are and where they are used. It is a popular material for interior decoration. It does not contain harmful substances, although gypsum dust, which may appear during operation, may pose some danger. To decide which is better than GVL or GVK, now let's talk about gypsum fiber.

GVL - what is it, what is it made of, what types are there

The name GVL is also an abbreviation from the technical name of sheet building material: Gypsum-Fibrous Sheet. This material is made from a mixture of gypsum with cellulose fibers (waste paper is fluffed). The mass is mixed with water, sheets are formed from it under the press, which are brought to normal humidity (dried).

Edge types - on the walls it is better with a chamfer, on the floor - even

GVL is also used for dry leveling of walls and ceilings, frame cladding, flooring. Unlike gypsum plasterboard, it has a "basic" incombustibility, since cellulose is covered with a layer of incombustible material - gypsum. GVL is produced with two types of edges - flat and folded. The seam edge is removed with a plane, the chamfer depth is about 2 mm, the width is about 30 mm. When installing on walls, this allows you to additionally strengthen the seam (lay a reinforcing mesh) and putty it.

With the help of special additives, gypsum fiber boards acquire special properties. On this basis, there are the following types:

  • Standard - GVL. For installation in rooms with normal humidity.
  • Moisture resistant - GVLV. Used in rooms with high humidity levels, for leveling the floor without screed.
  • Moisture resistant material of increased strength for flooring. GVLV EP (moisture resistant GVL Floor Element) is marked.

Externally, moisture-resistant sheets are no different from standard ones. If the manufacturer is normal, there is a marking on the sheet, in which, in addition to the size of the sheets, the type is affixed - GVL or GVLV. They also differ in the type of surface: GVL are polished and unpolished. Sanded ("Knauf") is significantly higher in price, but does not require the obligatory putty of the entire surface before finishing work.

GVL and GKL: properties and comparison

So far, no particular difference between GVL and GCR is noticeable. Both are sheet material that can be used for wall and ceiling sheathing. Only gypsum fiber is suitable for flooring, but drywall is not. This is just the beginning. Let's figure it out further.

Density, strength

If we compare GVL and gypsum plasterboard, then gypsum fiber has a high density, and, accordingly, with the same thickness, greater strength and mass. Great strength - it seems to be good. In any case, the GVL is not so easy to break through with a blow. Plus, you can safely hang shelves on a frame wall sheathed with gypsum fiber board.

On the other hand, high density - more difficult installation. Not every self-tapping screw can be screwed into a gypsum fiber board without pre-drilled holes. You can do without drilling, but only if you use self-tapping screws and a powerful screwdriver. Moreover, without preliminary countersinking (drilling a hole with a larger diameter), it will not be possible to "drown" the cap in gypsum fiber. When sheathing gypsum fiber board in two layers without preliminary drilling of holes, it may turn out that the screw screwed into the second sheet "tries" to squeeze the lower one.

Drywall has less strength, it can be punched through with a fist. But ordinary self-tapping screws easily "enter" it. When installing the gypsum board, the most important thing is not to overtighten or break the cardboard with the screw head. Otherwise, it falls into the gypsum layer, which bursts. We have to twist in another place. If you "screw up" several times in a row, you will have to change the sheet, as it simply will not hold.

And, by the way, on a wall sheathed in one sheet of gypsum fiber board, a properly installed special dowel (butterfly or also called chamomile) can withstand a weight of 80 kg for a long time. The question is that the technology must be followed.

GKL and GVL weight

Now what is bad about high density. The first minus has already been described: it is more difficult to install fasteners. Second, high density means high mass. That is, for the installation of GVL under the same conditions, a more powerful frame is required. When transporting, you will have to take into account the tonnage, it is more difficult to work with heavy sheets. The weight of one sheet of GVL is calculated in tens of kilograms. For example, Knauf gypsum fiber boards have the following parameters:

  • a sheet with dimensions of 2500 * 1200 * 10 mm weighs about 36 kg;
  • GVL 2500 * 1200 * 12.5 mm has a mass of 42 kg;
  • the floor element 1550 * 550 * 20 mm has a mass of about 18 kg.

Plasterboard sheets are much lighter (see table).

If we talk about the mass per square meter of gypsum fiber sheet, it can be calculated by the formula:

  • The mass of the GVL square cannot be less than 1.08 * S,
  • but it cannot be more than 1.25 * S.

Where S is the nominal sheet thickness in millimeters. So the range of values ​​is easy to determine. At the same time, manufacturers for some reason do not indicate the mass of one sheet. This data can only be found from Knauf. According to their information, the following picture is obtained:

  • GVL 10 mm thick - 12 kg / m²;
  • GVL 12.5 mm thick - 14 kg / m²;
  • EP 20 mm thick - 21.5 kg / m².

Compared with the average mass of gypsum boards, fiber gypsum boards are 3.5-4 times heavier. To lift even one sheet alone is already a problem. Even if you figure out how to do it and not break it. Naturally, they must be fixed on a more powerful base.

Flexibility and fragility

Drywall, due to the fact that gypsum is located between two layers of cardboard, is more flexible. Cardboard performs the task of reinforcement, taking a significant part of the load on itself. Especially under bending loads. For example, a plasterboard sheet can be lifted from one side by grasping the short side. It will bend, but not crack. If you try to carry out the same operation with a gypsum fiber sheet, it will crack.

Another plus of the gypsum board is that it can be used to trim curved surfaces. There are several technologies thanks to which you can make arches, columns, smoothly curved reliefs on walls and ceilings. GVL does not provide such an opportunity. It takes bending loads very poorly both along and across the sheet: the cellulose fibers are very short and the board simply breaks. So if you need to finish curved surfaces, the choice between GVL or gypsum board is simply made in favor of the latter.

Sound insulation and thermal conductivity

When choosing a material for cladding, indicators such as thermal conductivity and sound insulation are important. As you know, they depend on the density, since GOSTs allow a wide enough fork in the density of gypsum fiber board, these characteristics must be looked at for each specific manufacturer. So that you can at least roughly navigate, there is the following data:

  • Thermal conductivity of GVL with a density from 1000 kg / m3 to 1200 kg / m3 has a thermal conductivity from 0.22 W / m ° C to 0.36 W / m ° C.
  • The thermal conductivity of the gypsum board is approximately in the same range - from 0.21 to 0.34 W / (m × K).

If we talk about sound insulation, the same picture is observed: the characteristics are approximately equal. GVL gives only 2 dB better protection compared to GCR. It is also worth remembering that you can find acoustic drywall if you wish. It has special characteristics, it is used for cladding shops, concert halls, studios. If we talk about private housing construction, it should be used in bedrooms.

If you look at the characteristics, there is no difference in sound insulation between GKL and GVL. But this parameter takes into account the "conduction" of the sound. Here, indeed, there is no big difference. It feels like it is. And significant. A room lined with gypsum fiber boards is much quieter. It's not so booming. Sounds from the smooth cardboard are reflected, and in the inhomogeneous surface of the fiber boards "stick". So if silence in the house is important to you, choosing between gypsum fiber board and gypsum board, opt for gypsum fiber.

GVL or GKL: which is better?

Both the one and the other material have admirers and opponents. You will have to decide what is better for GVL or GCR on your own. In this section, we will try to compare them according to the most significant parameters. Let's go over the dimensions right away. Drywall is produced in a wider range, both in sheet sizes and in thickness:

  • GKL sheet thickness: 6.5 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12.5 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm. The last three are very rare.
  • The height of the gypsum board sheet can be from 2000 mm to 4000 mm with a step of 50 mm.
  • GKL width - 600 mm or 1200 mm.

As you can see, the assortment is more than wide. Another thing is that there are usually two or three types on sale. But, with a strong desire, everything can be found / ordered. Although, it is usually easier (and cheaper) to buy what is available.

The dimensions of the GVL were less fortunate. We have only two options for gypsum fiber boards: 2500 * 1200 mm (standard) and 1500 * 1000 mm (small format). Both options are available in 10mm and 12.5mm thicknesses. Everything. There are no other sizes by standards. There is also GVL for the floor. Its dimensions are 1200 * 600 mm, thickness is 20 mm. Can be chamfered or not.

Cost per squarefrom 70 rubles / sq.m.from 180 rubles / sq. m.
Shock loadscrumblestolerates normally
Bending loadstolerates normally, bendsbreaks down
Cut openeasy to cut with a stationery knifeyou need a serious tool with a special disc
Installing fastenersspecial screws can be easily tightenedit is difficult to twist, it is necessary to pre-drill holes or use screws with a self-tapping head
Resizing with increasing humidity / temperature1 mm per meter0.3 mm per meter
Fire resistancehigh - G1non-flammable - NG
Curved surface mountingavailableNo

As a result, it is possible to say that it is better than GVL or gypsum board only specifically for the field of application and operating conditions. In short, here's how you can subdivide the areas of use:

  • GVL for walls and ceilings is better if fire resistance is required or it is necessary to increase the rigidity of the structure (in frame frames).
  • It is better to lay GVL on the floor, since it reacts less to moisture and does not change its properties.
  • GKL is indispensable if you need smooth lines or complex multi-tiered structures. , arches, columns, rounded walls and corners are just drywall.
  • If you need to achieve good sound insulation of the second floor, it is better to hem the ceiling with GVL.

As you understand, there is no way to definitively say that it is better than GVL or GKL. In some conditions, one material is better for performing one task, the characteristics of another are more suitable for another.