Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: switching methods, malfunctions and their elimination. Preparing windows for winter Preparing plastic windows for winter how to adjust

Windows do not allow extraneous noise from the street to enter the apartment, provide the required air temperature in the room. After installation, plastic structures need periodic maintenance. First of all, you need to figure out how to transfer windows to winter mode, why is it necessary, when to carry out such procedures. In addition, it is important to study the principle of operation of locking mechanisms, which have a number of functional features.

Don't forget about this wonderful winter mode!

Window modes

In the absence of theoretical knowledge and practice, it is advisable to contact specialists. They can give professional advice on the accumulated issues and offer the best solutions to problems.

There are three modes on plastic windows, with the help of which the sash clamping force is regulated. Among them:

  1. Summer - the sash is pressed weakly. This position promotes air circulation in the room. The sealing rubber is subject to minimal wear.
  2. Winter - provides a fairly tight hold. There is no movement of air masses, due to this, heat is retained in the room. In this case, the maximum load on the seal is carried out.
  3. The standard is the middle position. Installers often leave structures in this form. The difference is that real professionals explain to the owners how to transfer windows to winter (or summer) mode, and unscrupulous ones do not consider it necessary to tell this. This position is intended for the off-season.

In this video you will learn how to adjust plastic windows

Pros and cons of switching

It is enough not to put plastic windows in winter mode for 2-3 years, so that even after adjusting it, it starts to blow from the windowsill or balcony door. There are a number of problems that may arise if the Euro window is incorrectly adjusted. The main one is violation of the microclimate in the room.

Excessive humidity causes condensation on the walls, frames and double-glazed windows. All this leads to the formation of mold. Summer mode in winter leads to significant heat losses, it becomes necessary to heat the room additionally, which is fraught with an increase in the cost of paying for electricity or gas.

If you use the winter position in the summer, it will lead to quick wear of the rubber seals. As a consequence, any subsequent adjustments will be useless. The way out of the situation is to replace the seals, which are expensive.

Do not use winter variations of using windows in summer

Disadvantages of window adjustment can appear with improper manipulations that the owner carries out on his own. If done correctly, changing modes will be beneficial. First of all, you need to figure out in what situations switching will be justified.

Timely change of position increases the service life of windows, even if such manipulations have not been carried out for a long time. Drafts in winter or dust in summer due to worn-out seal can be eliminated by rearranging the structures "for the winter". This will delay repairs by one to two years. Loop slack can be removed in the same way. Replacement of fittings is considered an extreme measure.

Types of eccentrics

Not all plastic windows can be converted to modes. To figure out whether there is such a system on specific double-glazed windows, you need to pay attention to the locking mechanism. The eccentric, located in the middle, may be oval. In addition, there are such parts in which there is a hole for a hexagon in the center. This indicates the presence of a winter regime in window structures.

The algorithm for adjusting plastic structures with different types of fittings is identical, only their position differs. Before starting work, you need to study all types of trunnions:

  1. Oval parts after installation are often located diagonally - this is the standard position, the middle between winter and summer mode. Horizontal position means "winter", vertical - "summer".
  2. On a round trunnion for a hexagon, you can determine the position as follows: if the part is extended in relation to the street, this is winter mode; centered - standard; recessed towards the premises - summer.
  3. The third option is a round hexagon eccentric, but it does not move when rotated. This type of hardware is equipped with a mark indicating the position of the windows. The meaning is similar to the previous variant: if the label is located towards the street - "winter", towards the room - "summer", in the middle - "standard".

There are several types of tools for regulating the winter mode.

Preparatory work

Before adjusting the fittings of plastic windows for winter mode, it is necessary to do a number of additional manipulations. First, remove the grease from the locking mechanisms with a rag. This is necessary so that dirt and dust do not get inside during the adjustment process. After the procedure, you need to restore the lubricant layer.

Then you need to find all the eccentrics, the number of which depends on the size of the window. If there is a mosquito net, you need to dismantle it, rinse it and set it aside until the heat arrives.

Before the onset of cold weather, the seal should be treated with silicone or glycerin grease. Experts recommend giving preference to silicone-based sprays, which can be purchased at automotive or household outlets.

Many craftsmen believe that to switch accessories from "summer" to "winter" should be when drafts are felt. But this option is optimal for those areas of the country where a warm climate prevails. The most suitable time is the beginning of the heating season. In addition, misted glass or frozen ice on the inside of PVC windows indicates the need for adjustment.

Before changing the regime in plastic structures, you need to carefully examine the rubber parts. There are situations when the fittings are adjusted correctly, but the seal has become unusable (torn or cracked). In such a situation, it is imperative to replace it. You can buy cheap products for one season, but they won't last more than a year.

After a detailed study of the fittings and methods of its translation, you can proceed to the adjustment itself. For example, over time, a window frame can skew, causing one side to fit more tightly than the other. This situation is unacceptable, because an additional load is created on all components and drafts appear, so it is important to set it up correctly.

You need to start adjusting the sash horizontally or vertically from the bottom hinge. To do this, it is necessary to remove the protective plastic strip and find a screw with a special hex hole, which is located on top.

Turning the part clockwise will raise the frame, while turning counterclockwise it will lower. To move the sash closer to the frame or, conversely, place it further, turn the screw located at the bottom of the hinge.

Step-by-step instruction

Having understood the theory, you can proceed to the practical setting of window structures. A step-by-step guide on how to transfer plastic windows for the winter:

  1. After opening the sash, find all the pins, there are three of them on standard windows. If the marker is closer to the street, it must be translated in the opposite direction so that it is located towards the room.
  2. For work, you will need a suitable hexagon, often a 4 or 6 mm tool is used. It is advisable that during the manipulation there is a set of different keys at hand, because thin products will be needed for vertical and horizontal adjustment.
  3. Having picked up the tool, proceed to turn the trunnion. Carry out similar manipulations for the remaining eccentrics. Then check the tightness of the sash to the frame.

Regardless of the frame design, setting up is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to follow certain rules and follow step by step instructions. If the windows were installed not so long ago and are still under warranty, it is better to call a specialist from the company that was engaged in the installation. This procedure is free, but you cannot hope that everything will be done perfectly, you should not exclude the possibility of self-finishing the structures. After adjusting at least one sash, subsequent maintenance can be done by hand.

Many modern models of plastic windows have an undeniable advantage - the ability to transfer to winter and summer mode. This is a very useful function for our latitudes, where temperature changes are very noticeable during the seasons. Today we will talk about the features of such windows and how to use them correctly.

Do I need such a function on plastic windows

With the onset of cold weather, even from the sealed construction of a plastic window, you can feel the blowing. It is very important to keep the room warm in winter. Therefore, the transfer of the window to winter mode must be carried out without waiting for frost. But if you do not feel discomfort and blowing from a window in summer mode, then you should not translate it: winter mode can greatly wear out the structure.

A properly adjusted mode will help you maintain a comfortable indoor climate

In summer, on the contrary, constant ventilation and access of fresh air from outside to the premises are required. The transfer of the plastic window to summer mode ensures the above, without letting dust, dirt and heat from the street, unlike a regular window.

How to determine if it is possible to transfer windows to winter / summer

Fittings for PVC windows can be budgetary, standard and specialized. The cost of such double-glazed windows increases accordingly. Upon entering a new building, you will most likely find windows of the first type - budget. Their fittings provide only two positions: open and closed. If you want to install other windows, please note: designs with standard and specialized fittings do not always have the function of converting to winter and summer modes.

Carefully inspect the ends of the window sashes near the locking fittings. In a frame equipped with a winter mode, the trunnion is visible - a protruding mode lever. It can be in the form of a hexagon, an asterisk or a washer with a horizontal groove for a screwdriver.

An example of a trunnion that allows you to switch the window to winter and summer modes

On some models of trunnion profiles (eccentric), it first extends above the surface, and after adjustment is pressed back. But on most modern windows, eccentrics look like small hexagons with a key recess, or like comfortable ovals.

There are 5 eccentrics in windows of standard size: three near the handle, from the end of the sash, and one each near the top edge, top and bottom. These pins ensure that the sash is held down without letting it sag. The larger the window size, the more eccentrics are located around the perimeter. Correct load distribution between the locks ensures maximum tightness in winter and good ventilation in summer.

Hardware translation technology

This process is quite simple, but do not forget that an incorrect translation can damage the hardware up to breakage. Therefore, be extremely careful when transferring a plastic window to winter mode.

Transfer of accessories to winter mode

  1. Find all pins on the window sash. You need to translate each of them.
  2. Use a suitable tool such as a screwdriver, hex wrench or pliers. Turn each eccentric clockwise to the maximum possible position.
  3. Some types of fittings have a peculiarity: before adjustment, the eccentrics must be pulled towards you (like a winding mechanism in a wristwatch), and after the fittings are transferred, they must be drowned back. Specify such features when buying a window so that you do not have to call specialists at the wrong time.
  4. Check the result of the work done. To do this, you need to close the window and pay attention to how tightly the handle turns. Since in the winter mode the fittings press the sash especially tightly, the window handle should also close tightly.

Note! There is a simple way to check the clamping force of the sash. Place a piece of paper between the frame and the sash before closing the window. Then pull the sheet towards you. If it comes out freely, then the window remains in summer mode. If the paper is tightly jammed and torn when trying to pull it out - congratulations, the procedure for switching to winter mode was successful!

To switch the window to summer mode, you need to turn the locking pin in the opposite direction, counterclockwise.

Change the windows to seasonal mode every six months. However, do not forget that metal plates may require adjustment due to frequent use. To protect windows from damage, regularly clean the sashes and fittings from contamination and lubricate according to the instructions.

When installing plastic windows, the master can set any mode. Experts are guided by the season, but it is still recommended to find out information regarding the clamping force, because this is reflected in the degree of wear of the structure.

Table 1. Modes of adjustment of plastic windows.

A typeDescription
SummerThe polymer seal is not under pressure. The sash adheres tightly to the surface without gaps, but does not strongly press the rubber. The advantage of this method of operation is the possibility of using the seal for many years. So, even a plastic structure can shrink and expand depending on weather conditions, while the welded joints are not subjected to heavy loads.
StandardThis method assumes the minimum pressure of the sealant, due to which there will be no drafts or noise in the room. In some regions of our country, such a regime is set all year round. However, the rubber will wear out much faster.
WinterIn this case, the rubber is under great pressure. This can be recognized by the characteristic (tight) turn of the handle to the side. If you use this mode constantly, then the seal will quickly lose its shape and will have to be replaced. So, if, after pressing, the windows are switched to summer or standard mode, then drafts will appear.

Of all the possible, only the “summer” mode is considered sparing - this means that it does not contribute to rubber wear. Therefore, if residents do not encounter discomfort, then it can be used all year round - this way it will be possible to extend the life of the seal.

Nevertheless, there are reasons why it is recommended to constantly change the seal pressure:

  • draft - residents are unlikely to like the appearance of cold air from the window in winter and dust in the summer;
  • problems when opening and closing the sash - in the case of an incorrectly set mode, the sash sometimes jams;
  • sagging window sash - occurs as a result of wear of the hinges, this problem can be solved by switching to the strong clamping mode;
  • loss of warm air - windows are regulated in order to save money on heating;
  • mold on the window frame and slopes - this problem is associated with excessive dampness due to poor tightness.

There are some rules for using the modes:

Types of adjusting mechanisms

The adjustment of one mode or another can be done using special mechanisms, which are called pins (eccentrics). They are located on the sidewalls and upper extreme parts of the sash. Nevertheless, they can have a different appearance, location, shape - it depends on the manufacturer of the glass unit and its cost.

Common types of eccentric mechanisms:

It should be borne in mind that not in all cases, mechanisms for adjustment are installed in double-glazed windows. Most often they are absent in the most budgetary options.

In addition, eccentrics differ from each other depending on the manufacturer. Let's consider the most famous options.

Table 2. Types of mechanisms from different manufacturers.

Stamp, illustrationDescription

The eccentric mechanisms on such windows are quite massive and have an oval shape. Therefore, you can use a wrench or pliers to adjust them.

This manufacturer produces the most durable fittings according to the opinion of both experts and users. You can adjust it with a hexagon or a screwdriver.

In this case, the locking mechanism is convex, and in order to adjust it, a large key is required.

Adjustment of plastic windows for winter mode

Switching windows from one mode to another is easy, but you have to pay attention to each stage. Some people are even afraid to perform this procedure, so they use the services of a company that installs windows. In the presence of high pressure, rubber quickly deteriorates, and you can unknowingly spoil an expensive one. But, if you approach the process thoughtfully, there will be no problems.

Adjusting the trunnions on metal-plastic windows: step by step instructions

Step one: first you need to find where the pins are located. Usually, their number depends on the dimensions of the structure. However, most often there are three of them on one side (where the handle is located) and one on the other.

Step three: now you need to wipe the lubrication elements with a cloth, and then apply it to the surface

Step four: now you should consider the condition of the pins, find marks on them and crank to the desired position.

Step five: upon completion of the installation, it is necessary to check the tightness again using a paper sheet, as we described above.

Note! Some companies make windows with recessed trunnions, so they will need to be pulled out with the same pliers before proceeding with the adjustment. Otherwise, this procedure resembles the transfer of hours.

If necessary, the eccentrics can be loosened in the same way, which means that the windows can be switched to summer or standard mode. It is enough to do this procedure several times, and you will definitely not mix up the modes.

Prices for plastic windows

Plastic windows

Video - Adjust windows by mode

Alternative ways to adjust windows

There are times when after the transition to the "winter" mode, drafts are still observed. Most often this happens when some parts of the sash are distorted. A similar problem occurs over time, when the glass unit wears out.

To establish the correct position for the sash, it is necessary to find the location of the adjustment screws.

From the tools, you will need a hexagon and a flat-end screwdriver. Only first you need to remove the caps that are located on top of the hinges - it is better to do this at the moment when the flap is slightly open.

Table 3. Alternative ways of adjusting plastic windows.

Method, illustrationDescription

It is necessary to turn the screw on the top of the lower hinge. To raise the sash, turn it to the right.

Adjustment is carried out by turning the last screw on the hinge from below. When turning to the right, the frame approaches the hinges a little. Since the fastener is located near the slope, it can be difficult to get to.

This adjustment is made by turning the lower screw of the lower hinge. It is not installed on all windows. Do not confuse it with the previous screw.

You will need to crank the upper trunnion. For this, the window is opened in several positions at once: tilt and swivel. If the mark on the eccentric is directed towards the sash, then the seal is pressed as much as possible.

In the process of using a double-glazed window, these structural elements unwind, so they should be adjusted.

You should not immediately make many turns, because it is necessary to constantly monitor the location of the sash so as not to overtighten or loosen. Experts do not recommend using such adjustment techniques for those users who do not have experience in this area - without calculating the force, you can easily spoil the window structure. Upon completion of this process, it is necessary to ensure that the sash does not cling to the plastic frame.

The handle does not turn to the desired position: repair features

A similar problem occurs for the following reasons:

  1. After long-term operation, the structure needs cleaning and lubrication, so it must be disassembled into small parts, remove dirt, and then lubricate with oil and a thin brush.
  2. If the handle turns only up to a certain point, and then jams, you should slightly loosen the sash clamp. In this case, the pins that are next to it are turned. On the other side are the hinges, in which it is also recommended to adjust the bolts.

Handle locked: adjustment method

Some users rush to replace it with a new handle in case of a lock, but this is not always necessary. At the same time, it does not even need to be unscrewed and disassembled into parts, because the problem is associated with the locking device, which does not allow the sash to change its position when open. You just need to turn the lever to the side.

There are two ways to fix this problem. So, in the first case, the lever is located at an angle to the rubber (in the form of a tongue). In the second case, it looks like a clamp that is located above the seal.

Broken handle

If the handle is broken, then it will not be possible to return it to its previous appearance - all that remains is to acquire a new one. Dismantling the previous one is not difficult, just unscrew the screws and pull it towards you. Then all that remains is to fix the new handle.

Prices for various types of plastic window handles

Handle for plastic window

Difficulties of adjustment

There are some mistakes that users often make when switching to "winter" mode:

  1. It is not recommended to move a completely new glass unit to this position, because with strong squeezing, the rubber can be irretrievably deformed.
  2. The pressure of the seal should be the same on each side, so this should be checked with the same sheet of paper - this is a common cause of rubber damage.

Sometimes, even with the correct window adjustment, the following problems arise:

  • drafts;
  • accumulation of condensate;
  • hypothermia of the room.

Such troubles are preceded by reasons:

  1. Factory design defects. This happens in exceptional cases, especially when ordering windows from suspicious companies.
  2. Installation errors. The installation of the window should be trusted only by a qualified technician, because you will need to properly observe the gaps, carefully connect all the elements, and also use foam.
  3. Lack of finishing slopes. After installing the windows, a finishing of the slopes will be required - the foam loses its strength when exposed to humid air or sunlight.
  4. The seal is worn out. Even if this is a relatively new window, rubber can lose its elasticity in just a couple of seasons (if used improperly).

Features of the restoration and replacement of the seal (rubber bands)

Unfortunately, over time, all the elements of the plastic window fail, and in particular the elastic polymer seals. This problem is caused by dirt, dampness, lack of regular lubrication.

If the rubber bands are not more than four to five years old, then you can try to revive them. To do this, you will need to dismantle the seals, then take a few rags and thoroughly soap them. Products are wrapped in these rags and left in this form for several hours. Sometimes such an experiment allows you to achieve stunning results, so it is allowed to conduct it for the purpose of "prevention".

The need to replace the sealing strips arises in such cases:

  • loss of color;
  • the appearance of "bumps" on the surface;
  • multiple cracks.

In this case, it remains only to buy a new one - usually its thickness is from 3 to 6.5 millimeters. Most often, manufacturers guarantee a service life of up to 10 years, but in practice, rubber dries up much earlier.

Note! A high-quality sealant should not become an obstacle to the circulation of oxygen, so you need to look at its composition - it must be breathable.

Prices for seals for plastic windows

Seal for plastic windows

Video - Replacing the seal

Summing up

Each person will cope with the adjustment of plastic windows for the season, because this process is not difficult. Moreover, you only need a minimal set of tools that can be found in the arsenal of any master.

Otherwise, changing the modes is a mandatory procedure that will avoid overcooling the room, rapid wear of the seal. In this case, it is recommended to use the window carefully - to avoid turning the handles and overloading the sashes.

To remove glazing beads from a plastic window, you do not need special skills, in you will learn simple ways to dismantle and install glazing beads, and you can also read step-by-step instructions.

Now almost every apartment or private house is. This greatly simplifies people's lives, because metal-plastic structures are very durable, they are more convenient to use, they are more reliable, and the service life is much longer than that of wooden ones. But these advantages do not negate the need for special care, which will extend the operating time... Structures, insulate, repair, etc. Preparing plastic windows for winter is an important point of operation.

When it gets colder outside, it is important to think about how to adjust the plastic windows for the winter. Proper preparation is not difficult at all, but very important. If you do not make a few simple manipulations, the euro windows will not perform the functions declared by the manufacturer.

How to prepare double-glazed windows for winter

To extend the life of the mechanism, need proper care for him,prevention of pollution. It is important to know how . Before each season change, the structure must be thoroughly washed with a regular sponge and a mild detergent.

The glass itself is cleaned, as well as slopes, profiles, sashes, a window sill - that is, all structural elements on both sides. The drainage channels must be cleaned, otherwise water will accumulate in them.

Leak test

To check the tightness, between the frame and the sash a sheet of paper is inserted. You need to pull on it, checking the tension. When the sheet comes out easily, regulation of the sash clamping mechanism is required.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the tension of the sheet depends on the material of the seal.

Rubber will hold it tighter than silicone since they have different coefficients of friction.

To conduct an additional check, you can smear around the perimeter of the glass unit soapy water.

Bubbles will appear on the problem area due to the passing air flow.

If the seal allows noise and cold to pass through, it is likely that it has deteriorated and needs to be replaced or treated with silicone grease.

Cleansing dirt and lubrication

Do-it-yourself insulation of plastic windows for the winter involves examining the condition of the fittings. It should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust mixed with old grease.

When all the mechanisms are clean, you need to reapply the lubricant composition - purchase a special one for metal-plastic structures or use grease.

Forbidden to apply edible oils for accessories - they dry quickly and become sticky, rendering the mechanism unusable.

Adjustment of plastic windows for the winter

Before the onset of the cold season, the plastic structures are inspected and the winter regime is adjusted.

After installation of a double-glazed window, they are exposed standard criterion for locking sashes, provisions are adjusted according to the seasons for increased functionality. Installers should explain to owners how to prepare PVC windows for winter and summer.

But it is the seasonal adjustment that is most often forgotten, the sash remains in neutral mode. The owners just don't know how to tighten plastic windows. Over time, this provokes the following consequences:

  • drafts around the sash perimeter;
  • summer mode in winter time does not provide the locking mechanism pressing, provoking heat lossin room;
  • constant exposure to the winter mode provokes rapid wearsash;
  • lack of seasonal adjustment makes the air dry, condensation and even mold can form.

Adjustment methods

Window models can vary in fittings, thickness and strength of glass units. But there are some general principles on how to tighten plastic windows.

Setting up the entire rule is not that difficult. Before changing the mode, it is required to check the glass unit so that it has a special adjusting device.

As a rule, these are eccentric pins, they set in accordance with the location the pressing force of the sash.

Trunnions differ in appearance from different companies of window designs. But everyone must have an adjustment function. The translation is carried out using a 4 mm hexagon or an asterisk.

There is a risk at the edge of the eccentric - it indicates set mode. By default, it is set up - neutral. It should be changed according to the season.

Vertical and horizontal adjustment

  1. To remove a slight bevel and frame shift, you need horizontal adjustment... It is done using the top and bottom hinges. It has holes for a hexagon. Bottom - allows you to customize the window from the outside and from the inside (that is, closed and open). As the key is turned to the right, the sash rises. If you rotate to the left, the lower part on the opposite side of the sash is lowered. The same actions are carried out with the hinge at the top, but manipulate only with the sash open. The shift should be no more than 2 mm.
  2. Plastic structures can be adjusted and vertically- using the lower hinge. First, remove the plug - so that the hexagon has free access to the hinge. The sash rises if turned to the right, lowers - if to the left. The range is no more than 2 mm.

Setting the position of the bottom corner

If the PVC does not close tightly from the bottom, then the sash should be moved with the lower loop

Also on the hinge there is a second screw for adjustment - for this, the sash is placed on airing, a decorative overlay is removed from it, under which there will be a recess for a 4 mm hexagon. When turned clockwise, the sash rises, and against it, it drops.

Regulation of the degree of pressing of the leaves

How to check the degree of pressing has already been described above. Now you need to properly adjust it. This is done with the help of eccentrics located along the perimeter of the fittings.

This is how PVC regulation is implemented in the winter. The setting can be done independently, it will not cause difficulties.

If the eccentric is moved clockwise, then the sash will press more against the frame. If on the contrary - then less.

There is a small strip on the eccentric, it will allow you to determine the pressing force. In summer, it is better to loosen the pressure, but setting plastic windows for the winter involves tightening to limit the supply of cold air.

How to seal plastic windows

Rubber seals help to obtain a tighter fit to the parts of the window structure. It is necessary to constantly maintain the cleanliness of the seal, make sure that it does not appear for me cracks or holes... Clean it easily with a regular dry sponge or cloth, then lubricate it to prevent cracking.

In the case when the seal has completely lost its elasticity, a large number of cracks have formed on it - in order to prepare plastic windows for winter, need a replacement... If this is not done, the structure will begin to let air through from the street and will not protect against cold, noise and dust.

Replace seal you can follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the doors, remove the old seal.
  2. Process grooves, clean out dirt, small debris.
  3. Insert a new seal starting at the top corner. It should be well established around the perimeter.
  4. No need to pull rubberotherwise the angles will not match.

In order to properly insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands, you do not need to turn the eccentrics to the maximum when replacing the seal. This will provoke a rapid loss of elasticity of the new rubber.

How to close plastic windows for the winter

If PVC is classified as adjustable, that is, there is hexagon entry - which means you can switch to winter mode. It's easy to close for the winter:

  1. Raise the hardware roller.
  2. Adjust the clamp with the hexagon.
  3. Lower the roller into place.
  4. Turn the roller with a notch towards the offset.
  5. This should be done with each video.

Sometimes, after carrying out manipulations, the fastening of the handle of the structure weakens. To eliminate this problem, turn the plastic plate next to the handle 90 degrees, then tighten the screws.

If the handle is difficult to turn, you need lubricate the mechanism special oil.

Do-it-yourself window insulation

Setting up plastic windows in the winter involves replacing elements that have stopped working correctly.

Bead replacement

When an air leak is localized near the glazing bead, it should be changed... Do it like this:

  • With a narrow spatula or a thin knife, the glazing bead is pushed on and pulled out.
  • The new one is matched to the size.
  • A new glazing bead is put into place, with a rubber hammer, and is driven into the groove with a light tap.

The new glazing bead is inexpensive: only 100 - 200 rubles. but this detail is very important, it is she who is responsible for the entry of street air into the room.

Replacing the retaining pad

During operation, the pad loses elasticity due to frequent and sudden temperature changes. You can replace it like this:

  1. Remove the glazing beads.
  2. Pull out the pads.
  3. Dismantle the glass unit.
  4. Remove the old tape and cut in the new one.
  5. Re-assemble all structural elements.

Sealing joints with heat-insulating materials

Another effective method of insulating window structures is sealing seams, special joints.

If installed incorrectly, this is the only way to keep warm in the room in winter.

The main thing is to choose the right way to insulate plastic structures.

In the future, this can play a decisive role in the question of whether it will blow from the windows in winter.

You can insulate the structure to prepare plastic windows for winter such materials:

  • - affordable, differs in speed of application, but begins to deteriorate due to temperature changes and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • mineral wool is a refractory material, it is environmentally friendly, it is good for them to insulate a window sill or large gaps.
  • silicone sealant is a reliable material and affordable, but it does not have very good thermal insulation;
  • a special film is transparent, a double-glazed window is glued to us and helps to effectively retain heat;
  • styrofoam is the most affordable material, it is closed up seams on slopes;
  • construction tape - glued on top of a sealant, foam to increase the properties of thermal insulation;
  • warm mixtures - used to seal joints and seams outside.

Note!If there are even small cracks, it is better to insulate plastic windows for the winter in any specified way.

Video: preparing windows for winter


The problems described in the article appear if installed incorrectly metal-plastic construction or with too long operation - more than 10 years. During installation, installers must explain the properties of the PVC structure and teach the owners to use it in different modes.

When buying plastic windows, always pay attention to the presence of a winter mode in the structure. Window systems from Rehau have long been using this function in production.

It should be noted that not all windows can be switched to summer-autumn modes. This is typical for more expensive models that have more than just opening and closing functions. Rehau windows just belong to this category of these products.

What are the modes for?

In winter, the windows must fulfill the function of keeping the room warm. This is very important, because not all models are resistant to a strong drop in temperature. In summer, it is important that dust and dirt from the street does not get into the room, as well as there is access to fresh air.

To find out if your window structure is equipped with such functions, you need to inspect it. There should be a hole on the side of the sash, it is located on the pin.

Windows must be switched to winter mode in such cases:

  • if air begins to flow through the window, or the window is normally unstable to cold temperatures;
  • if the tightness of the window cannot contain the ingress of air;
  • the room temperature has become too low.

Windows from the manufacturer Rehau are easy enough to switch to winter mode, you just need to follow the instructions. First, you need to completely clean the window from dirt, especially the fittings. Cleaning can be done with a special brush.

If the lubricant on structural parts is outdated, replace it. This will significantly speed up the process and help to adjust the mode as accurately as possible. Then, deal with adjusting the required flaps. Find all the necessary pins on it (their number depends on the size of the window).

In order for the seal to be pressed correctly, it is necessary to move all the levers. It is worth carefully examining all the pins, as the modes can be marked on them. Use a screwdriver and pliers or a hexagon to turn the pins. Turn each of the levers as far as possible.

Close the window to check if the operations are correct. If the closing becomes tight, then the function is set. Try to insert a piece of paper between the sash and frame. If then the sheet was pulled out without much effort, something was wrong.

It is best to check the availability of modes immediately before purchasing windows. Then they will advise you on all issues and give you a couple of tips for setting up functions.

Adjustment of windows. Transfer of accessories to winter mode: