Utterance for contact. Wise and witty quotes for VKontakte status

On this page you will find quotes for the group in VK, you will definitely need this information for general development.

You really feel LONE when you are sitting on VKontakte like this, with your 200 friends. Nobody writes, and then a message comes from an old, forgotten friend: "Well, how is it?" And immediately the following: "Oh, this is not for you "

How is it to be "Actively Searching"? Run down the street, molesting men, asking "well, fall in love with me, please!"

If a person changes statuses every 15 minutes, it means that he simply has no one to talk to.


My life is just like "Santa Barbara" ... just about to be Happy End, when suddenly some new Julio appears.

I will live - see, live - find out, survive - take into account ...

Threat of the 21st century "Yes, I will remove you from my friends !!!"

Write this status: "I am deleting the profile. Add to Asya". It seems nothing special, but believe me, you really find out who needs you and who does not care about you.

Tired of being like everyone else? Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Delete your page in contact!

Those who are doing well do not write about it in their blogs ... Those who have disorder in their personal lives "marry" their friends "VKontakte"

If VKontakte interferes with work ... well, he nafig ... such work

Wherever you are, whoever you become, do not disgrace those who raised you.

Every morning I wake up with hope and go to bed with another disappointment ...

It's not about running fast, it's about running out early.

And recently I bought myself an iPhone! -Do you not complex that the phone is smarter than the owner ??

The measure of life is not in its duration, but in how you have used it.

Why can't you write a melody in the status that would start when you enter your page? After all, not all feelings can be explained by words ...

The Law of Contact: Until you comment on the photos of people, yours will not be commented on

The biology teacher argued throughout the lesson that the jaguar is an animal.

A normal person needs only 5 more minutes to get enough sleep!

All great people lived a little ... So something does not help me.

If a horse tells you that you are crazy, then you are.

Quiet Ukrainian night, but the bacon must be hidden.

If mom laughs at dad's jokes, then there are guests in the house.

Less Internet surfing - Children will be healthier

yesterday I go up to my mother, and I say mom give money and mom says, call Alyona Alyona will give \u003d))))

All talent is ultimately buried in the ground.

I have no desires on VKontakte ... because no one can give you to me ...

If you believe in Contact, then we really remained friends ...

You need to love with your soul, not with words ...

An idle life is a premature death.

If they laugh at you, then you bring joy to people.

i will never forgive this phrase: “You were a mistake.” I am not just a mistake. I am that great failure.

It is unpleasant to drown in his eyes; many drown there. There is a crush.

A well-fixed girl doesn't need foreplay ...

A genius sleeps in any of us. And every day it gets stronger ...

i don’t love him ... I don’t love him yet ... I just want to live next to him ...

I am an Angel ... But only the wings are in the wash, and the halo is recharged.

"Insults are the arguments of the wrong" (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Who has a penchant for mathematics? Take a shovel and take out the roots!

i apologize to everyone who received spam from Me. But now you definitely remembered What you have as your friends

It is very important to find someone who looks at this world the same way as you.

Honey, are hares really stupid animals? - Yes, my bunny, really!

With the right selection of literature in the toilet, you can get a good education)))

The heart asks for affection and warmth, but life slips Lenor and the battery ..

If you love, then a woman with whom you would not be ashamed to show yourself to your wife ..

A clean tidy apartment and a delicious dinner are two signs of a broken computer

[... The Past called, said that he missed ...]

I want to take salary increase courses!

Dear Santa Claus - this letter is not spam, but a real opportunity to earn ...

Life is a fool's story. There is a lot of noise, effects, and inside there is a senseless emptiness.

Lost the meaning of life? Try to do meaningful actions!

Only in the struggle, in the battle, you can find the meaning of life!

To do good deeds, to live for others, and not for yourself - this is the real meaning of life! - Aristotle

Best status:
Seeing pictures of the distant past, looking for the echo of the past - and there is the meaning of our mortal existence!

And only when a man does not care about a woman, he will never deceive her!

Yes, I was a disgusting bitch, but faithful to the end!

Lazy people simply don't exist. You just need to be able to choose a motivating goal.

Yes, a constant smile, good mood, optimism are by no means a panacea for success. But this will spoil the mood of others so much that just for the sake of this it will be worth living on the positive!

Don't strive for money, success. Finding the meaning is much more important! - Albert Einstein

A person's spiritual vocation does not contain any complex, grandiose goals. Everything is very simple. The main thing is to find the meaning of your life!

Love cannot be appreciated, nor can it be bought.

I'm tired of everyone and of myself, because everyone always disappoints me, and I put too much hope in them.

Everything is in our hands, never put them down!

There is no better way to win someone's love than to give yours.

Even if I knew what to do, I still would not know what to do.

Do not believe what your lips whisper, but believe what your eyes say

As soon as a person decides to move mountains, someone immediately appears, ready to break his neck.

The telescopic sight on your forehead is also someone's point of view. (Lee Harvey Oswald)

as brought up, so I do

The whole world is a theater, and we are actors in it. (William Shakespeare)

Do what you can with what you have, where you are.

Love is out there, just look around.

Not life, but a fairy tale, not a fairy tale, but paradise.

Some people argue that they made it to the top, when in fact they just surfaced there.

I do not talk about life, I live.

Love, dream, suffer, fall in love, but never be humiliated!

Having studied the Kama Sutra, she came to the conclusion that the most suitable position for her is “Come on tomorrow”.

Love forgives everything except dislike.

You throw words, and then people remember them and do not sleep ..

Intuition is the ability of our head to smell the booty.

Tell the mirror how bad you are and you will find out the value of your whining.

Life is a dream, I wish I could sleep!

Say only good things about yourself, whoever said they will forget, but what they said will remain!

A confession, once not said, may remain unsaid forever.

Our heart is a treasure, waste it at once - become a beggar.

In love, but I will consider options.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but almost no one has seen it.

If life has turned its back to you, do not be upset - get attached.

You need to love while you can. For who knows whether tomorrow will come or not!

Love gives us the strength to wake up, always breathe and constantly smile.

The worst thing is to wait for everyone and then catch up ...

Never believe what they say behind your back. Sometimes it is a porst of gossip and slander.

If you can talk, you can sing, and if you can walk, you can dance.

New love will never heal the wounds from the old one, it will only pain relief.

They say that holding your breath for a long time is very difficult, but it is even more difficult to see a loved one and not hug him.

You need to appreciate those who love you, and not chase after those who are happy without you.

If you have a person to whom you can run with dirty hair tied in a ponytail, a madly aching heart and tears in your eyes, then appreciate it. Appreciate how life

It is very painful to be friends with the one you love ...

Better a terrible end than endless fear.

Seconds without loved ones last for hours, and hours with loved ones fly by in seconds ...

After the black stripe, a white one always begins, if you don't follow it along ...

Everyone has enemies, but God save us from friends ...

Smart are not those who talk a lot, but those who say a lot.

Still, it is better to do something and regret than to do nothing and then regret.

Life cannot be changed overnight. But overnight, you can change thoughts that will change your life forever.

My character provides me with high-quality natural selection: the unworthy do not stand up and are eliminated.

If you cannot live as you want, live as you can.

Real friends are those who saw you without makeup and you were able to be yourself.

Never tell people about your troubles, most are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!

In love, even too much is not enough.

Men want to be the first love for women, and women want to be the last for them.

They meet in ICQ, communicate in contact, and love in classmates.

Love carefully, but for real!

Never reject the opportunity to learn something.

I set a status about love, I'm waiting for love.

Each of us has our own world, which only YOU know about!

If you want to ride red - have a lot of green ...

Life is a dream, when we die we wake up ...

You need to be able to forgive people for their mistakes, because one day, you will be wrong yourself ...

You cannot win in love, you can only leave.

These eyes don't mind ...

Justice is when the weak gives way to the strong, stupidity gives way to the mind, and evil gives way to good.

You cannot keep the rain, the girl and life by force.

The main enemy of love is not a lie, not betrayal or treason, the main enemy of love is indifference!

And I'm smart, though they beat me often ...

You cannot go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish!

Love is not bought, but it is hard to pay for it.

Not he is wise who knows a lot, but he who knows what is needed.

Love is like a rare flower growing on the very top of a mountain, and it takes a lot of courage to get it.

Life is steps forward, steps back, and while I am dancing!

Never offend, and do not try to lie to the person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them ...

Something happens today, something happens tomorrow - this is life.

Just one step forward, and behind there are already a lot of problems and people you hate.

Before you start speaking, make sure someone is listening to you.

Get your own opinion. It is difficult to maintain, demanding, but worth it.

Thanks to those who left me in difficult times. You have made me stronger. So much stronger that we better not cross

Do not be an idiot!

it is better to leave immediately than cling to the dead remnants of friendship later

people are not spoiled by cigarettes, not drugs, not alcohol and not a way of life .. these are all trifles compared to how people themselves spoil people ..

The less teeth a person has, the better he filters the bazaar.

1 perfect minute, just one, and you remember your whole life and your heart stops as then.

Here you call yourself free ... Tell me, free from something, or free for something?

Purpose in life is striving for purpose.

There are no lazy people. There are lousy goals - that is, goals that are not inspiring.

Love is easy to lose and hard to regain.

If you are afraid, don't do it, but if you started doing, then do it, and don't be afraid of anything!

many people do not even suspect that they are a constant topic of someone's conversation

nothing decorates the evening streets like the absence of people on them

What a person thinks about, so he becomes.

If you could express your love in words, then you love a little.

Love can kill time, and time can kill.

Sad people do not think about love, they already know about it ...

The appearance is like the first gear in a car ...

"Do what you can with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

Shoot my soul!

If you don't love - don't kiss!

Time does not beat, but slowly kills.

Life is a dream. I wish I could sleep!

Without love you disappear ... without love I disappear ...

And even if fate is not fair, life is a game, play beautifully!

"The existence of God is so obvious that not believing in Him is a sin, and it is so subtle that it is merit to believe in Him." Karl Jaspers

Life is cruel and not fair, but this is how we ourselves make it.

Silence and a smile are two powerful weapons. Smiling is a way to solve many problems, while silence helps to avoid them.

"After dropping your dignity, pretend it's not yours." Gennady Malkin

i have no bad habits, I have a habit of being bad

The stars are the tears of angels, scattered over the dark velvet of the firmament.

Lifestyle ... If music, then an alternative ... If you love, then ... with all your heart ... If you dissolve then ... without a trace ... If you leave, then ... beautifully in English ... If it's morning, then ... in tender embraces ... If you cry, then ... from happiness ... If it's time of day, then ... night ... If you live, then ... bright ... If feeling , then ... sincerity ... If a glance, then ... beloved eyes ... If you walk, then ... by the hand ... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF ...

People don't appreciate the morning. Through force they wake up to the ringing of an alarm clock, which breaks their sleep like a blow of an ax, and immediately indulge in sad vanity. They get used to violence day after day and wean themselves from pleasure day after day.

I'll make coffee. Stronger for you!
You will smile, taking me by the shoulders ... Do not leave, I do not taste good without you.
I will cling to you, desperately, to shiver. Again unshaven and slightly prickly.
You ask: "Am I good?" No, you're not good ... just the best.

When love dies, you will not understand this right away ... and you will sit for a long time near her remains, but not because you love, but because you remember how you loved ...

The day begins with happiness, happiness rose before everyone else! Happiness smiles at mom, turning a smile into laughter. Happiness slapped on the floor, barefoot and without pants, my happiness is barefoot, it is unintelligent, shabbat and not meek, here it breaks, there it breaks, Above my lip - a kefir mustache ... Here it runs to me!

I am silence. But not yours. Your madness is me and your rage. Gift I. But not for you. I'll get you dearly. The medicine is I. But not yours. For you I will become a drop of poison. I am someone's paradise. But for you I will be a flame from hell.

The worst thing is when you want to cry - but not why, I want to say - but there is nothing, I want to leave - but there is nowhere, you can stay - but there is no need ...

And it seemed like it was a stone's throw to heaven, but you stubbornly continued to fly into the fire, like a night moth burning in this flame, tell me how to live and I will build life anew ...

I want him to sit down on one knee and say: Will you marry me? I would answer: I don't even know, but he would take my hand, put on the ring, and say: Who will ask you!

Beautiful contact statuses - I don't love anyone, I don't need anyone. She whispered and quietly wiped away her tears.

I wish everyone to meet such eyes, looking into which you will see happiness!

I want happiness ... this little one ... with small arms and legs and with your eyes ...

But yesterday I learned to leave beautifully, proudly and loudly, slamming the door. And maybe I slipped in a terrible hysteria on the other side of it ... But I left wonderfully

They say that it hurts, feeling love, to watch her leave ... But it is even more painful, holding her hand, to let go ...

I really want to change ... But I just can't understand whether myself in this world, or the world in me ...

Lacks. Constantly and different. Words. Courage. Conscience. There are not enough brains. Not enough for a skirt. And strength. Often. People. You. And courage ...

Only the other half of my heart makes it beat joyfully and passionately, fills my existence with meaning and warms me at night ...

Happiness is falling asleep with a smile on your lips and waking up with love in your heart ...

When the spotlights go out, the audience simply leaves, and only those who are closest remain behind the scenes ...

In the silence of the night, words are not needed, he no longer needs me ... Tears in his eyes, in the chatter of dreams ... And a dumb question - what have you done?

I lost my happiness. We searched the whole house. Not behind the curtain, under the bed, not in the kitchen and under the table. Suddenly I looked - a couple of heels sticking out of the suitcase, There, curled up like a ball, my daughter is sleeping sweetly. I will not give my suitcase with happiness to anyone!

Solitude is the island that gives rise to our aspirations ...

Angels on earth are called "mama"

A cigarette in one hand ... coffee in the other ... eyes are looking at the phone ... a mess in my head ... again, everything is wrong ...

I want to be a dawn in your eyes, I want to be a sunset of your soul, I want to be a fire in your heart, burning with passion and love, I want to always be with you, I want to love you and be loved forever!

The gods decided to take revenge on us ... and gave us the opportunity to love ...

I just love autumn, children's orbits and I don't know how to be alone. I will definitely find the shoes of my dreams, the man of my life and myself ...

One talked a lot, the other wrote a lot. And the third came and put the ring on her hand. He took her home and made her happy!

Never let him break you. Never cry into the phone. Don't say you're bad. That he became cold. Hang up first. Goodbye first. And drop the first one if everything goes to the bottom. To fill this all-consuming chasm that is getting wider and wider between you.

Nothing can be forbidden to me! I am a contradictory creature.
The more categorical the prohibition, the more irresistible the desire.

The most beautiful eyes are those who look at you with tenderness. And you do not care at all whether they are brown, blue or green.

But they don't fall in love with beauty ... They fall in love with laughter, forever curly hair, dimples on the cheeks, a mole above the lip or even a scar above the eyebrow. But beauty - no. They just want beauty.

You can make up eyelashes, lips, apply blush ... But the shine in the eyes can only be "drawn" by a beloved man.

And what did you find in him? Happiness.

Close your eyes, tell me that it was fate, I let you go, enough tears, suffering, pain that we inflicted on each other, heart to lock, but the truth is not easy, but rather it is necessary, and not our fault ...

The worst thing is loneliness, whether you are rich or poor, a fool or a genius. Any of us can become lonely ...

It's just that my stupid hope always lives in me, even when there are no real chances.

The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses, and continues to think that you are totally amazing!
For you, it was a journey to the magical land of talking animals, crazy hatters, evil kings and the Jabberwock. It was Tuesday for Tim Burton.

Briefly about myself: an unbalanced mental state ... prone to aggressive inappropriate behavior ... in a word ... honey ...

Just be close to her ... She lives with your smiles, glances into emptiness ... She even likes your egoism ... She just needs to know that you are not indifferent to her ...

It contains the juice of wormwood, the sweetness of honey, Shine of gems, darkness of the night. She is torment and freedom ... But even a smart one is a fool with her! I dedicate poems to you, Excite my soul, you are mine, What will I do without you, I don't know! But I will never stop loving! I want to wear your shirts on my naked body and make you coffee in the morning ...

There is always a little truth behind each - "I'm kidding", a little knowledge behind each - "I don't know", a little emotion behind each - "I don't care" and a little pain behind each - "I'm fine."

And even if we are not near - I am with you.

You are my little lump. How long have I been waiting for you ... I walked for nine months, And took care of my tummy. Every day you give happiness, The meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and more than anyone else!

If every girl writes a book about her love, believe me, every book will be a bestseller.

Loving you is like breathing ... I just can't stop!

We are puppets in the theater of love, placed in the hands of the puppeteer !!

After rain, a rainbow always comes, after tears - happiness ...

Quotes in VK on status depend on the taste of a particular person. This collection contains the most worthy sayings for the status line.

Expressing your thoughts is more important than being just smart

  1. Time is not running out. Only you and I will leave. Time will be forever. Talmud
  2. There is nothing difficult in kindness. Just the ability to mentally put yourself in the place of another. M. Dietrich
  3. In order not to suffer from pain in front of the closed door, look away and look at the opened one. H. Keller

Choose the most relevant and smart VK statuses and quotes!

  1. The worse a person's memory is, the more likely they are to be happy. I. Bergman
  2. As a rule, mentally limited people are endowed with at least cunning. I. Kant
  3. In order to tune in to victory, you need to mentally accept defeat. A. Lincoln
  4. Even if your thoughts are filled with justice, it does not mean that you yourself are just. Aristotle

Vk quotes for status - for those looking for inspiration ahead of upcoming events.

  1. The less a person has reasons to be proud, the more he holds onto each of them. Omar Khayyam
  2. Old age is given in order to be aware, youth - in order to gain experience. M. Eschenbach
  3. There is one thing that changes people more than cancer. And this is money. S. Buscemi

Give yourself a chance for a new beginning

If you want to emphasize your education, choose the appropriate VK statuses and quotes.

  1. Some say, wait and wait for everything. Others, just stop waiting. Whom to believe? This is purely your business. S. Ionescu
  2. If you don't know what to do with your life, we know one thing: you need to change something in it. R. Levich-Montalcini
  3. You should definitely like the smell of a person. Otherwise, love will not work. T. Konkina

Vkontakte status quotes will not only be an interesting addition to your page, but will also teach you something new.

  1. You can use someone else's opinion, and constantly look for other people's ideas. Or you can just use your own head. G. Caroline
  2. Can you call your life poor quality? Then look for an explanation in your thoughts! R.Sharm
  3. You need to start the day with the most difficult task. And it's not about the path to success, it's just that it will free you from unnecessary thoughts. B. Gene King
  4. If you want to rest, I beg you, just rest. It is likely that it will not take too long. S. Kvolek

Explore only wise thoughts - choose quotes for Vkontakte status.

  1. The whole point of a great idea is that in the beginning it doesn't seem great at all. R.Sharm
  2. In order to move to a new stage, most often you need to pay attention to the little things. Leonardo da Vinci
  3. Whatever happens to you, the way out is to realize your place and try to move from it in the right direction.

Kindness is stronger than beauty, according to the strongest

Quotes on Vkontakte status are for those who are ready to defend strong ideas.

  1. In this life, it is important to know enough women to find one, and to know love with her. F. Nietzsche
  2. Let's wish others happiness. Perhaps someone will wish him and us. Z. Freud
  3. In this world, too few things matter. Remember this before you start worrying. E.M. Remark

Looking for meaning in what is happening? Perhaps quotes and Vkontakte statuses will help you.

  1. Your departure will not always be noticeable. And if not, then you definitely did the right thing in leaving ... Leo Tolstoy
  2. You can swear loyalty to anyone, just not a smart woman. P. Bouast
  3. Each of us should have shortcomings that it is interesting to correct for a spouse. Z. Freud
  4. True love is an act. E.M. Remark
  1. The girl destroying marriage is a sheep. Just because only a ram will go for such a ... F. Ranevskaya
  2. Here's the trouble - I went on a diet, lost weight, but my life did not improve. F.Ranevskaya
  3. Do not be sad if they laugh at you. Believe me, it will be much worse if they start crying. M. Zhvanetsky

It is always advisable to call things by their proper names.

If you want to touch the feelings of your friends on social networks, use beautiful quotes for your VK status.

  1. Want to know more about a person? Ask him to tell about himself as a friend, or better - an acquaintance. O. Wilde
  2. Just think, each person is a separate world in a separate head. G. Heine
  3. Before you start talking about what you didn't ask, remember that this is most often done by fools. Plato
  4. What do you need to be happy? Yes, just to be loved for who we are. V. Hugo
  5. Want to get taller than you are? Pay attention to your social circle. M. Twain

Beautiful quotes on the VK status - in order to better explain to those around you your position in life.

  1. Something does not work? So it's time to work on your thoughts! L. Tolstoy
  2. Don't be too happy if it suddenly becomes easy. Better check if you're not flying into the abyss ... G. Ford
  3. A husband is that person who does not remember when your birthday is, but remembers exactly how old you are. F.Ranevskaya
  4. Dream about something more than money for a second. This can be a surprisingly small thing. Confucius

Fill Vkontakte statuses with worthy and smart thoughts!