The term of operation of foam. The leader in the market of thermal insulation materials - polystyrene foam: characteristics and application

The Eurobud company TM in 2013 on the basis of the State Research Institute of Building Designs conducted tests of its own products. For verification, samples of foam polystyrene were provided EPS.- En13163- CS.(10) 100 EPS (PSB-C-25). During the studies, it was found that the thermal conductivity of products is practically not changed on the number of cyclic influences. In practice, this means that the foam of production "Eurobud" retains its properties after the exposure to cyclic climatic influences on it: heating - cooling (analogue - the change of seasons). The generalized test results of the deadline for the efficient operation of the material are presented in the table below:

The study itself took place in several stages - freezing, thawing, heating. Moistheld to the values \u200b\u200bof humidity under conditions of operation and hermetically sealed in special plastic bags samples were amenable to exposed different temperatures. So, at the first stage, the test samples were bred at temperatures -22 s °. The samples were then decomposed at a temperature of +20 s °, after which they were heated to a temperature of +60 ° C. After each tenth cycle, sampling was taken to determine their thermal conductivity under standard conditions and fixing the change in the appearance of the material.

It is important to note that the test results took into account the impact of the quality of installation work on the heat insulation of the building at the construction stage on the change in the thermal conductivity of the material.

Tests with full observance of DSTU b B.2.7-182-2009 lasted for more than four months. As a result, it was determined that the period for the effective exploitation of foam for the thermal insulation of the production of Eurobud TM is at least 50 years. This indicator not only fully complies with DBN standards B.2.6-31: 2006, but also exceeds it 2 times, and the Eurobud company TM is the only manufacturer of thermal insulation materials on the basis of expanded polystyrene, which has successfully passed such studies. Full test protocol is available on reference

One of the most important characteristics heat insulating material is the term of efficient operation. This indicator indicates a period during which the heat-insulating material is guaranteed not to lose its qualities in the building enclosing construction. This characteristic is derived based on long tests that mimic the aging of the material when simulating the change of season, the effect of temperature and humidity. According to the current regulatory documents of Ukraine, the service life thermal insulation materials Must be at least 25 years (DBN B.2.6-31: 2006). In this case, this material must have a confirmation indicating that time of use. The role of such evidence is the protocols of research from independent laboratories. Otherwise, there are no guarantees that the material does not lose its properties a year after the introduction of the house. Subsequently, this may be the reason for the failure of the thermal insulation layer and the emergence of a huge number of problems for residents of the house, which, in turn, will lead to significant material losses of the developer.

However, before choosing the material for heat insulation at homeMany owners are interested in his durability. After all, the repair, and even more so the construction, is held "on the century", and I really do not want to return to this issue in the next few decades. The service life of the foam and insulation made on its basis depends on two things:

  • conscientiousness of the manufacturer of material;
  • quality of work performed.

If the combustion of polystyrene can still be determined by the experienced way "on the eye", its durability falls on the conscience of the seller. The buyer can protect himself by requiring material testing protocols. The absence of such protocols should already become an alarm.

However, we note that the durability of your heat insulation The quality of its installation affects. Special works for this type glue for foam. In the theory, the tile glue will also hold the material on the spot, but not long. But he is cheaper when buying. Unfair builders often use it for their own profit. An important value has a facade mesh, stacked under the heat insulation coating. The resistance of the latter and strength of its mounting to the wall depends on its quality. Savings occurs and at the expense of the dowels. According to the technology per square meter, there should be 5-6 pieces, in practice 2-3 are often installed. Before installation heat insulating material Be sure to predict the walls. Failure to comply with all listed norms will reduce the life of your "warm" facade at times.

Deciding to do warming house foamtake care of the competent selection of the manufacturer insulation and builders who will mount this material. And then you are guaranteed many warm winters and cool summer periods.

Extruded polystyrene foam What is it? - nothing but some special dense foam. In our century, this synthetic thermal insulation material, most often orange, rapidly won universal popularity.

Designed in the distant 50s of the last century by the American company "The Dow Chemical Company" The extruded polystyrene foam was widely used as thermal insulation foundations, basements, and probably not enough paper to list all places where this bright modern material can be laid.

Material is manufactured according to the perfect method of foaming of polymer compositions in the extrusion process. That is why we can hear the name of the material as an extrusion polystyrene foam. After pressing the material through a special high-strength form, a very durable reliable material with practically unique thermal insulation properties is obtained.

Before it was found that gas Freon destructively affects the ozone layer of the planet, it was used as a foaming agent.

Starting from the current 21 century, the so-called "imprection" method of manufacturing thermal insulation material is used throughout the world.

Extruded polystyrene foam, or rather the technical characteristics of which it possesses, not the same and differ depending on manufacturers. In the Russian market on hearing brands, who have the largest sales:

If there are no above-mentioned brands on the market, expire to the technical instructions. Records of the EPP begins with two digits. Refuse to purchase if the marking value is less than index 28, such a polymer is not suitable for construction and insulation work. The seller does not benefit about it, and most likely, he modestly prolitic. With facade works on thermal insulation, the brand PSB-C-40 is perfect, in addition, it is self-fading material.

Quick quality check can be held a small piece of polystyrene foam. A smooth fence indicates that before you EPP. Otherwise, if the line is uneven, there are many small balls, most likely, in your hands the usual foam, which is suitable only as a packaging of home utensils.

It should be understood that the manufacture of EPS is a complex process, and different manufacturers make it in different technologies. Some of them are completely safe to health, others are not harmful to man.

By stopping the choice on extruded polystyrene foaming, see large firms that have long proven themselves as decent manufacturers. In this case, it is safe to talk about the undoubtedly high-quality product. Not well-known brands with loud names are possible and will be originally more profitable, but the risks associated with the subsequent alteration will cost you much more expensive!

Remember that the weak quality of polystyrene foam not only will not serve as a good heat insulator, but also will affect not the best on the health of your loved ones.

Heat insulating plates from extruded polystyrene foam

During the construction and repair of the building, the question of its insulation necessarily arises. A warm house is a guarantee of your family health, as well as the opportunity to save on utility bills. As soon as you wondered by this question, the need for solving: and what material is better to choose as insulation? Currently, the market offers several insulation options: glasswater, stone wool, extruded polystyrene foam or foam.

You need to choose one of these materials, depending on the features of your home and a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork: Paul, Balcony, Walls, etc. There are certain rules that need to follow when choosing a heater.

Practically universal material for insulation of the room and building outside are plates from extruded polystyrene foam. It has the following positive qualities: moisture resistance, durability, high heat protection, durability and safety for the health of residents at home. Why these properties of the material are important, we will understand more.

Moisture resistance.

The material for insulation of the building should be resistant to the flow of moisture from the environment, as well as to prevent the accumulation of condensate inside the insulated surface. If the insulation will scatter water during operation, it will lose its heat shielding properties, and your home will be cold in winter and hot summer.

In addition, the mold will begin to accumulate in the wet insulation; She will gradually destroy it and harm the health of the residents who will have to inhale spores of the mold fungus. The polystyrene foam is resistant to moisture and is ideal for insulation of walls, foundation, roofing, floor.


With floor insulation, the foundation or base is needed especially durable material capable of withstanding a large pressure. Such material and are plates from extruded polystyrene foam, because They do not settle over time, do not destroy long, not known. The same qualities are useful and when the walls are insulation, which will increase their strength and prevent shrinkage.

Heat shield.

Heat shield is the main property that we wanted to get when the material is selected. Heat shield is determined by the thermal conductivity coefficient. This component is always indicated by the manufacturer's factory in the accompanying documents for the product. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the higher the heat insulating properties of the insulation. The coefficient of thermal conductivity in expanded polystyrene varies in the range of 0.030. This is a good indicator that will allow you to save on the amount of material when calculating the thickness of the heat insulating layer.


The estimated service life of plates from extruded polystyrene is from 40 to 50 years.

Health Cases.

The extruded polystyrene foam for heat-insulating plates is mainly used by the same brands as children's toys, disposable dishes, medical supplies. When the temperature drops, this insulation does not distinguish any dangerous substances into the external environment.

But there are polystyrene foam slabs and its drawbacks. Some consider such a lack of low vapor permeability, as the walls do not breathe. But the same "disadvantage" is a great advantage in the insulation of the foundation and gender, as it ensures reliable waterproofing. But the flammability of extrusion polystyrene is really somewhat limiting the scope of its use.

And although some manufacturers have learned to add special substances that increase the material resistance to the effect of fire, but it is yet rare. More often on sale there are extruded polystyrene foam in the form of a plate of the combustible group G3-G4. In any case, you will not use such plates without a protective coating, they will be inside the design. With high fire safety requirements, it is allowed to use the heat insulating material of the flammability group not lower than g3.

The largest manufacturer of plates from extruded polystyrene foam in Russia is Penoplex. The company's factories are equipped with modern European equipment and produce high quality materials. The choice of goods for the purpose is also great. You can pick up the plates: for roof, for walls, for foundation, etc.

When you choose the insulation, pay attention to its purpose, specifications, appearance. If the insulation is high quality, it will have a homogeneous structure, smooth and smooth edge and resistance to mechanical pressure.

Polyfoam is a modern universal material, widely used for insulation of industrial and residential buildings. It is manufactured in thermal foaming of polystyrene cellular pellets under the influence of gas inverters.

Varieties of foams

The initial raw materials for the production are various polymers, the main types:

  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyethylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • phenol formaldehyde;
  • carbamide-formaldehyde.

All types of thermal insulator can be divided into 3 types:

  • prestors;
  • presses;
  • extrusive.

According to the basic chemical composition, they are the same, the difference in the chemical composition of various additives (pores, plasticizers, antipyren and others).

Gas occupies the main volume of foam plastic, so its density is significantly less than that of polymer raw materials, and this causes the presence of high thermal insulation characteristics. When using various raw materials and processing technology, foam plants of different mechanical strength, density and resistance to external influences are obtained, which allows the use of heat-insulator in a wide variety of areas depending on the density. An increase in density leads to a decrease within the structure of gas volumes and a decrease in thermal insulation indicators. But at the same time, resistance to exposure to mechanical effects increases.

By density in kg / m3, the following varieties distinguish:

  • PSB-C-15, the main use in building houses and trays, as well as on other objects, where there is no permanent residence of people;
  • PSB-C-25 - for roofing thermal insulation and foam as insulation of walls outside;
  • PSB-C-35 - foam as a skeleton house insulation, for non-reinforcing formwork of reinforced concrete structures and foam as a heater of the floor;
  • PSB-C-50, used in road construction and other areas.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plus characteristics of foam as insulation:

  • high thermal insulation indicators;
  • not hygroscopic;
  • mold and fungus on the surface is not formed;
  • odorless and does not forms dust;
  • no radiation or evaporation is released during operation;
  • the operating temperature range from -200 to +80 degrees is not subject to deformations to a sharp temperature difference;
  • plates are lungs and do not create additional loads on constructs;
  • low cost;
  • stable dimension;
  • ease of cutting and editing;
  • the term of foam service as insulation ≥ 20 years.

The negative side of the insulation includes:

  • limited mechanical strength, which determines the need for additional protection;
  • light destruction under the action of paintwork compositions for nitro-based;
  • practically zero vapor permeability;
  • displacement with internal insulation inside the walls or in the intervals between the heat insulator and the wall, which leads to the need for good insulation and regular ventilating;
  • insufficient sound insulation;
  • flammable, destroyed at a temperature of ≥ plus 80 °, harmful gases are distinguished during combustion;
  • attractiveness for rodents moves.

Almost all of these shortcomings can be eliminated by special events. The main question arising from consumers is the foam harmful as the insulation indoor? Many believe that yes, leading to the argument of the tragedy in the Perm club "Chrome Losprek".

It is indisputable that the use of foam in residential premises is not recommended. But, subject to technology, permissible.

Polystyrene foam extruded What is it? Extrusion (extruded) polystyrene was synthetic material for thermal insulation, developed by the American construction company in the 50s of the twentieth century. It is manufactured using foaming technology, polymer compositions are used. The material is pushed through a special form and is connected to a solid element.

Released in the form of plates, substrate. It occurs on the market as a decorative element. Standard plate size is 600x1200 or 600x2400 mm. Standard sizes are installed by gtostas, but many companies change the dimensions, making plates of another width. Size is 580 mm. The thickness of the elements varies from 20 mm to 10 cm, depending on the manufacturer.

In the outlets, the material is covered by packages for several elements. The number of units in one package depends on the thickness of the products. For example, if the stove thickness is 5 cm, the packaging is usually 8 units of goods. With a thickness of 10 cm, 4 plates are packaged.

Additional Information: Possible release of polystyrene as an outdoor coating. The modern market offers materials for laminate, parquet, linoleum. Production is possible based on the material of decorative elements. They look exactly like from the gypsum.

Like any other material, extruded polystyrene foam has advantages and some disadvantages. Before acquiring and use, it is worth familiar with them.

Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam:

  • Moisture absorption within 0.2%. This indicator means almost complete waterproof.
  • Minimum thermal conductivity indicator. With a standard temperature, 25 ° C is about 0.032 W / m * to. If we compare the conductivity of heat, according to the indicators, the following is obtained: 55 cm of bricks are 3 cm of polystyrene.
  • Well withstands deformation. You can use for masonry under the slate, lay after the foundation.
  • Does not react with inorganic chemical reagents.
  • Withstands significant temperature differences, the indicators do not change at air temperature from -50 to +75 o C.
  • By documentation, it is possible to use the material for at least half a century. During this time, the characteristics will not change.
  • Environmentally friendly substance. Used not only as insulation, but, for example, for the production of light disposable plates or other types of cheap dishes. From it produced children's toys.
  • It has a minimum weight. A small thickness is enough for good insulation.

In addition to numerous positive characteristics, some disadvantages can be distinguished:

  • comparison with other types of insulation shows that the price of the material is high;
  • strong flammable. In the process of burning, harmful substances are highlighted, black smoke;
  • under the influence of IR rays is destroyed. To preserve operational characteristics, it is necessary to hide from direct sunlight;
  • manufacturers assure that rodents do not come inside insulation. Indeed, they do not live inside, but often do channels for movement;
  • solvents destroy the structure.

In addition to the listed deficiencies, you can add low permeability of steam. Sometimes it is a plus, but if possible, mold. As a result, there is an unpleasant smell in the dwelling, dampness is constantly felt.

Application area

Extruded gray polystyrene foam has a wide range of applications. Mostly used for insulation. The scope of use is limited only by temperature indicators (not higher than 75 ° C). The material can be laid in wet places in the ground.

Usually the scope of use is limited only by financial capabilities. Horification makes an inappropriate application in many places. In places where there is no need for high technical characteristics, instead of PPS is used, the reviews about which are also positive to save money.

Used for insulation:

  • concrete or wooden;
  • indoors or outside the building. Compatible with any material;
  • . Often concrete rings are covered with material for additional protection;
  • earth surfaces. In order not to have the destruction of the structure, paint is applied. Even a thin layer will not allow damage.

In addition to the listed areas, the material is applied in road construction. It is part of many refrigeration plants as an extrusion insulation. Used in agriculture. The polystyrene is insulated roofing, underground floors. One of the promising directions is the production of sandwich panels.

Specifications of extruded polystyrene foam

The material has one of the highest technical characteristics on the market for insulation. Any gas thermal conductivity is much lower than that of solid bodies. For air, the indicator is 0.026 W / m * o C. Extruded expanded polystyrene is an air mixture by about 90%. It has a thermal conductivity of 0.03 W / m * o C. Almost like air, and therefore heat is kept perfect.

Material is issued with different density indicators. Manufacturers offer from 25 to 47 kg / m 3. The higher the figure, the greater the strength. As the density increases, the strength increases from 20,000 to 50,000 kg / m 2.

Water absorbed polystyrene foam badly. For about a month, one tile is capable of absorbing about 0.4% of its own volume if it is completely immersed in water. Further, the percentage of fitting fluid does not increase, but stops. Parry permeability is minimal. It is 0.0128 mg / (m * h * pa). Often, companies specializing in the performance of repair work propose not to use vapor barrier, limiting the use of only polystyrene.

The insulation is able to withstand the temperature ranging from -50 to +75 o C. Its use is possible almost in any climate. Flavoring high, the class varies depending on the addition of additional substances, from G1 to G4.

Some models have done a special notch at the edges. Made to increase the density of the plates adjacent due to the insulation of the seams. This innovation does not give to form the strokes of the cold between the elements, ensuring the complete conservation of heat.

Tests were conducted with expanded polystyrene. The meaning of them is a multiple freezing, defrosting the wet tile. It is determined by experimentally that, without changing the technical characteristics, the material withstands 80 cycles. For users, this information is useful: about so many years is able to withstand the composition during operation.

Additional Information: Compared to foam, polystyrene foam wins heat conservation by about 2 times. Increased strength, reduced thickness. Compared to other insulation, sound permeability is not very high. The lack of simplicity of laying is compensated. Health is completely safe.

Terms of choice of material

The demand for expanded polystyrene foam is increasing annually. So that the insulation served as long as possible, performed without fails all the required functions, it is necessary to make a purchase. Each manufacturer claims that its product is the best in the market, but it is not always true.

Selection Rules:

  • Denotes polystyrene with two digits. If the marking is below the index 28, it is necessary to refuse to buy. The verification is required, some products of the product are not suitable for facade work, will not cope with the insulation of the house. Select the material with the index 40 and above. A brand PSB-C-40, self-fighting composition proven not bad.
  • Before you buy, see the standards on the basis of which production was carried out. Many manufacturers perform plates not by gestures, but their own specifications. Possible low-quality goods. The density usually decreases, due to which the cost is reduced. Do not focus on the number of brands, be sure to get acquainted with the characteristics.
  • To make sure there are high quality products, you can break a small piece from the edge. If small balls, polystyrene foam, probably low-grade will be noticeable on site. At the break there must be polyhedra of the right form. Broken piece smooth. The test shows the production method: extrusion, performed on professional equipment, or a handicraft method, like a simple foam.
  • Acquire the goods from the proven manufacturers. Such are the "Penoplex" of Urs, Knauf and Tehtonikol - Russians. "BASF" or "NOVAHIMICALS" - overseas.

Do not forget that the production of polystyrene foam is a complex technological process. Methods of production differ in many manufacturers. Some are safe, others are able to harm human health.

Brand manufacturer

Each brand manufacturer of expanded polystyrene is different from competitors with some features. To understand the variety of the proposed selection, it is worth considering the products of each manufacturer more details.


Manufacturer from Germany. Production is represented by numerous polystyrene options.

Insulated insulation:

  • Knauf Therm Compack. Universal, used for any kind of household heat insulation. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.032 W / MK, high sound insulation properties. The index of reduction of air noise 47 dB, shock noise is quenched if the indicator does not exceed 24 dB. Thanks to the indicators, it is well suited for the insulation of small rooms.

Supplied with plates with a length of 1x0.6 m. Thickness 5 cm. Park permeability 0.033 mg / MCP

  • KNAUF THERM ROOF LIGHT. Low density, 10-15 kg / m³. It is used to hold heat on the rafter framework of houses. Characteristics: heat conductivity 0.034 W / MK, steam conductivity - 0.035 W / MK.
  • Knauf Therm Wall - for the insulation of the walls. Indicators coincide with past structures, an increased mechanical strength is distinguished. 60 kPa is an indicator of compression resistance. Selection of plates wide size. Heat conductivity: 0.033 W / MK, Steel conductivity: 0.032 mg / MCP. G3 is a combustibility class.

There are models KNAUF THERM FLOR, suitable for insulation of floors, with low thermal conductivity of 0.03 W / MK and KNAUF THERM 5 IN 1. The latter is highlighted with maximum strength among all company models. Withstands up to 17 t / m 2.

The producer of polystyrene foam of Urs from Russia represents several options for products.

Thermal conductivity0,032 W / MK0,032 W / MK0,033 W / MK
Temperature applicationfrom -50 to +75from -50 to +75from -50 to +75
Water absorption0.3% of the volume in 24 hours0.3% of the volume in 24 hours0.3% of the volume in 24 hours
Parry permeability coefficient0.004 mg / Mchpa0.004 mg / Mchpa0.004 mg / Mchpa
Compressive strength25 t / m²25 t / m²50 t / m²

From other manufacturers, products are distinguished by increased strength indicators. The material is indispensable for professional construction. One of the most durable options withsting significant loads.


Domestic manufacturer of expanded polystyrene. It has a wide model nearby. Plates can be used for various insulation options.

Allocate the following types of products:

  • Pleeping Wall
  • Penoplex Fundam
  • Pleeping roofing
  • Penoplex Comfort.
  • Penoplex 45.

It is considered a leader in insulating materials. Every year the volume of products has increased rapidly. Now insulation is a little more expensive than competitors in the Russian market, but the quality of the goods is the highest. Specializes in the release of numerous items of various insulation. Polystyrene foam is presented by several models.

Characteristics / model Technoplex Carbon Eco. XPS 35-300. Prof.
Thermal conductivity 0,032 W / MK0,029 W / MK0,028 W / MK0,028 W / MK
Densityfrom 26 to 35 kg / m³26-32 kg / m³35 kg / m³30 kg / m³
Compressive strength 200 kPa250 kPa400 kPa300 kPa
Water absorption0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
Fire resistanceG4G4G4G4
Temperature range-50 ... +75 ° С-50 ... +75 ° С-50 ... +75 ° С-50 ... +75 ° С
Parp permeability0.01 mg / MCHPA0,011 mg / Mchpa0.01 mg / MCHPA0.01 mg / MCHPA

Frequently asked Questions

- What is better under the tie clayzit or polystyrene foam?

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the ceramisite on average 0.12, and Polyeplex 0.03 W / m * p. Those. Almost an order. Thus, to ensure the required heat insulation of the floors, the cooling of Kermasite will be much thicker than to lay sheets of Penoplax and them like. And as a result, the entire design of the floors with the clamzite will be much thicker than the design of floors with penplex.

- Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam what is better?

After conducting a comparative analysis of both insulation, we can say the following: polyurethane foam has higher characteristics for noise insulation, moisture resistance, heat resistance. Has a higher fire safety class. However, its thermal conductivity is an order of magnitude lower.

Given that it is about choosing a material for insulation, expanded polystyrene foam. Although, if you take into account the experience of users, there is no need to use the material with as high as a polystyrene. Therefore, preference when buying is worth paying polyurethane foam.

- Is heated for human health expanded polystyrene?

No, material when used. The only moment - when burning there is a caustic smoke.

- What surfaces can not be insulated with polystyrene foam?

It is impossible to insulate the surface, the temperature of which exceeds the specified limits: -50 ... +75 ° C. Another limitation: in wooden houses where good vaporizolation is required, the material is undesirable. It is possible to form mold, fungus between the wall and insulation. From the house there will be no wet air. Indoors will have a constant high humidity.

What is extruded polystyrene foam? Universal insulation. It is considered one of the modern samples of materials of this class. When using it, it is necessary to observe the set temperature standards and other important requirements. If the EPPS insulation is performed correctly, the manufacturers provide a guarantee for the service life of a polystyrene at least 50 years.