A septic tank for a summer residence with off-season living - which one is better to choose. Septic tanks for summer cottages: which is better, prices, reviews Reliable septic tanks for individual houses

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


To save yourself from the need to inhale odors from cesspools, it makes sense to buy a septic tank for a private house, having previously studied its features and giving preference to a specific variety. The device will save the residents of the house from any troubles. With the permanent residence of a large number of people on the territory of a private house, the drainage pit simply will not cope with the task at hand and it will need an assistant, which a septic tank can become.

What is a septic tank

Private houses or country cottages differ from ordinary apartments in that there is no central sewerage system and the use of a special device will be required to remove domestic water. A septic tank is a sealed container in which liquid waste accumulates. The biological treatment function is available for some models, but they cannot be ranked as full-fledged treatment facilities.

What is it needed for

Owners of country houses, when arranging sewerage systems, must ensure that wastewater is cleaned taking into account sanitary standards and soil characteristics. A reliable option would be a septic tank, also called a septic tank, whose function is to accumulate and purify waste leaving the room. He allows impurities to pass through himself, not allowing them to penetrate into the soil. Before making a septic tank in a private house, it is worth understanding its structure and operation.


When building a cottage, it is necessary to pay special attention to the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system, since there is no central one for the project. The device of a septic tank in a private house allows you to solve problems with the removal of household waste and their cleaning. The work is carried out in three stages:

  • Sewage drains leaving a private house are collected in sealed plastic containers of a local treatment plant.
  • Inside the septic tank, the particles are separated into heavy and light particles. The former settle at the bottom of the well, and the latter enter the next compartment.
  • Aerobic purification is not always possible, therefore, anaerobic purification often occurs. The sewage is filtered, and the generated methane is discharged through the exhaust pipe.

Types of septic tanks for a private house

Local treatment facilities are divided into two large groups - old and new. The first group is represented by brick septic tanks and reinforced concrete structures. These types for private houses are used less often due to time, power and material costs. However, concrete structures are considered to be more durable. The new ones include ready-made plastic septic tanks for the home, which have several more subspecies. Of the undoubted advantages, one can single out the cheapness, practicality of plastic, and the lightness of the product.


Manufacturers of septic tanks installed in private houses understand that it is impossible to do without a sewerage system, therefore they offer a wide selection. The use of special tanks is often the solution to the problem. A storage septic tank is a container where domestic water flows through pipes, which are pumped out as it is filled. Calculations of the volume of liquid must be made independently and, based on this, a storage tank of the required size must be ordered. This option has a number of features:

  • Installation of drainage wells is not required, which has a positive effect on the cost of the system.
  • The tank itself for a private house will not be cheap, despite the simplicity of the device.
  • The owner of the house can independently decide where the septic tank will be installed. However, you need to think over everything so that the access of the sewage truck is unhindered.
  • It will be expensive to pump waste, therefore, if your household water accumulates quickly, then a storage single-chamber septic tank is not your option!


    It is impossible to provide yourself with a comfortable life for permanent residence in a private house without sewerage. Bioseptic with the help of special bacteria solves the problem of wastewater treatment, giving a kind of guarantee of soil safety. The process looks like this:

    1. Sewage enters the first chamber of a popular septic tank, undergoing primary treatment there. Large particles and fats are separated and settle to the bottom.
    2. The waste is sent to the second tank of the three-chamber septic tank, where cleaning continues more actively.
    3. The sediment enters the first chamber, and the treated effluent enters the third, where the final and main stage takes place.
    4. Fully treated water flows through the secondary clarifier into the well.

    With post-treatment

    Waste that has passed through a septic tank cannot be considered completely clean water that can be discharged into a body of water or soil. Sometimes it is impossible to do without additional soil treatment. The design of a treatment plant for a private house depends on various parameters: characteristics of wastewater and soil. Soil filtration is more costly, since you will need to install:

    • absorbent trench;
    • sand and gravel filter;
    • filter well;
    • filtering fields.

    Home septic tanks

    Choices are not easy to make from the assortment available on the market. Initially, the eye falls on those devices that are cheap:

    • Name: KNS Unipump Sanivort.
    • Price: 11328 rubles.
    • Characteristics: the device pumps out waste water, accumulating it in a tank.
    • Pros: low price.
    • Cons: small capacity.

    More serious septic tanks installed in private homes are many times more expensive. However, they are often worth it:

    • Name: EcoProm Rostok.
    • Price: 55,900 rubles.
    • Characteristics: construction containing a biological filter for wastewater treatment.
    • Pros: high degree of purification.
    • Cons: large size.

    There are entire autonomous deep biological treatment plants. In a private house, they will be appropriate:

    • Name: Unilos Astra 3.
    • Price: 66,300 rubles.
    • Characteristics: a tank for collecting and filtering sewage, occurring in several stages.
    • Pros: easy to use, perfectly copes with the tasks.
    • Cons: no.

    Septic tank installation price

    Retail and online stores are full of sales, promotions and discounts. Before you install a septic tank for filtering waste in a private house, you need to purchase it. It is not recommended to order delivery by mail, it is better to use the services of a transport company. You can buy a septic tank for a home, depending on its type, at a price of 12,000 to 70,000 rubles. However, buying is half the battle. Installation costs may vary:

    How to choose a septic tank for a private house

    The market for devices for organizing the sewerage of a private house is wide and offers devices for every taste. The regions keep up with big cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, it is necessary to approach the choice of materials responsibly so as not to have problems in the future. It is necessary to initially calculate the amount of waste and the location for the installation of the structure. Which septic tank to choose for a private house will depend on the length of stay:

    • If your goal is to move to a private house on a permanent basis, then it is better to opt for biosepsis. This will provide better wastewater treatment.
    • Those who come to a private house for a weekend or for the summer period can be limited to a storage septic tank. The design is simple, does not require energy consumption, but it implies periodic emptying of the tanks.

Living in your own home will be comfortable if the owners have provided all the necessary conditions for this. Few people are already attracted by the options with the delivery of buckets of water from a well, with a boardwalk toilet on the site. All this is permissible for dacha conditions with periodic visits for the weekend, but it looks like a complete anachronism if the family lives in the house permanently. This means that normal housing must be equipped with water supply and sewerage. It is good if the village has the ability to connect to central highways and collectors. But such cases are quite rare, and more often it is necessary to create completely autonomous systems.

How to choose a septic tank - detailed instructions

Water supply is a separate multifaceted topic, and in this case we are interested in the creation of an independent sewerage system. Discharge of untreated waste water into the environment is strictly prohibited. This means that it is necessary to install special structures or devices for collecting, settling, cleaning, clarifying wastewater. In the practice of private housing construction, the optimal solution to this issue is the use of special containers - septic tanks. Such an element can be built on its own or purchased ready-made. This publication will consider how to choose a factory-made septic tank, that is, what criteria for evaluating a product should be paid special attention to.

What is a septic tank. The principle of its action

A septic tank is the most important element of an autonomous sewerage system or sewage treatment plant. And while it is not a complete wastewater treatment scheme in and of itself, its role is extremely important.

The main purpose of any septic tank is to collect all sewage from a house (group of houses), settle them and preliminary biological treatment of varying degrees of depth. The effluents that have gone through such a cycle are discharged into devices or structures of soil filtration, or are subject to regular pumping out using special equipment. In any case, it excludes the entry into the environment of polluted effluents that pose a chemical and bacteriological danger to it.

It is not so easy to purchase a suitable septic tank for a country house - what to choose depends on many factors, so it is important to determine the main priorities and criteria for evaluating the compared models. Of course, professional advice and help from neighbors can be of great help, but remember that the choice is individual in each case. It depends, first of all, on the needs of the residents of the house and the conditions at a particular facility. The right choice will ensure maximum comfort and avoid problems during the operation and maintenance of an autonomous sewage system.

When figuring out which septic tank to choose for a country house, you should understand that it is important not only to compare the models with each other, but also to correlate their characteristics with specific conditions.

Consider the following:

  • climatic conditions,
  • structure, density and other features of the soil on the site,
  • operating mode, which is determined by the nature of living in the house (permanent, seasonal, periodic),
  • the average daily volume of wastewater (this parameter can be calculated according to a more complex scheme, taking into account the type and number of plumbing fixtures and washing equipment, but more often they use a simplified scheme, considering that the average daily water consumption of one person is about 200 liters).

Recyclers models and their features

Any septic tank for the sewerage of a country house has its own characteristics.

Storage devices

Accumulators are the cheapest and easiest utilizers at the construction stage. It is advisable to choose them in the case when the house is not used too often or if the owners are ready to often use the services of sewers.

Factory septic tanks with additional post-treatment stages

Factory non-volatile septic tanks for a country house (for example, Tank, Triton, etc.) for effective operation are supplied with infiltrators or soil purification systems for them can be arranged independently. In the tanks of such products, settling and partial purification of effluents occurs, and the final biological decomposition of impurities with the help of bacteria is carried out in the soil. Many people know that for the installation of such septic tanks areas with a high groundwater table are not suitable, however, there is one more nuance - filtration fields cannot always be in one place, and their transfer is a rather laborious business, associated with a large amount of excavation work. The choice of a septic tank for a country house should take into account all the features of operation.

Advice: Instead of filtration fields, it is possible to use a drainage well with a filtration bottom.

Self-made septic tanks

Self-construction of a septic tank takes time and effort, but this is largely justified by the cost-effectiveness of the option. Building a septic tank is much cheaper than purchasing a factory model.

Consecutively connected sedimentation tanks, poured concrete or, as well as other materials, provide a stepwise clarification of effluents and can be quite effective with the correct choice of the volume and type of structure, as well as subject to the recommendations of specialists at the construction stage.

Deep cleaning stations

Local deep treatment plants for wastewater can only be purchased. The sedimentation of impurities in such models is combined with the decomposition of organic inclusions under the influence of and anaerobic and aerobic bacteria... The advantages of such facilities are a high degree of purification and minimal maintenance requirements - VOCs operate in an automatic mode. However, it should be remembered that deep cleaning stations volatile and need to be connected to the mains supply... In addition, for many country house owners, the high cost of VOCs is a limiting factor in purchasing.

Soil features

Before determining which septic tank is best for a country house, study in detail the geological conditions at your site. In addition to the type of soil, the level of occurrence of surface waters is important, as well as the height of their rise, for example, during a flood.

Models for light soils

If the soil in the country house or in the backyard of a country house is sandy or with a high content of sand (sandy loam), any type of septic tank can be chosen for arranging an autonomous sewage system. In particular, models with soil purification systems are effective under these conditions, since light soils pass and filter water well.

On light soils, both expensive bio-purification stations and simple budget storage devices work well.

The photo shows an example of the arrangement of filtration fields on the site

Heavy soil models

The high content of clay, which passes water only in a dry state, and, being saturated with moisture, becomes a waterproofing agent, imposes certain restrictions on the choice of a treatment facility. If the soil on the site is clay or loam, and you are looking for the best septic tank for a country house, the rating will be headed by sealed storage tanks and local treatment plants (VOCs). In this case, it is not rational to install a model with additional soil cleaning. Theoretically, this is possible, but for the normal functioning of the device, you will have to perform a huge amount of earthwork - remove clay soil, replacing it with rubble or sand.

Models for areas with high water levels

A high level of soil waters or their significant rise in floods can create certain problems in the operation of an autonomous sewage system. To avoid them, it is important to choose the right type of heat exchanger. Models that provide for the filtration of wastewater through the soil will not work in this case - the impurities in them will get into the groundwater.

Acceptable options are:

  • sealed storage devices,
  • VOCs, which provide for the forced removal of the purified liquid,
  • septic tanks with a post-treatment system located on the ground surface.

Obviously, under any conditions, you can find the best septic tank for a country house - decide what to choose for yourself.

Wastewater treatment plant performance

For trouble-free operation of the septic tank and to prevent overfilling of tanks, it is important to choose the right model performance. This parameter, in turn, is related to the volume of cameras and their number.

It has already been indicated above that the average daily volume of fluid consumption is about 200 liters per person. The septic tank, according to the accepted norms and rules, must contain the amount of drains in three days, so this figure should be tripled and multiplied by the number of residents. The result obtained will be the required performance of the utilizer, but experts do not recommend choosing “at a minimum”, a small margin should be made - 10-15% of the estimated volume, which is a kind of insurance and a way to reduce the risk of overflow of tanks.

Having decided on the volume of the product, you can decide on the number of cameras.

  • Single-chamber models are suitable with a minimum amount of wastewater (average daily volume is less than a cubic meter).
  • If the daily volume of wastewater is no more than ten cubic meters, a two-chamber septic tank will be the best option.
  • Three-chamber models will ensure trouble-free waste disposal, even if a family of 4 permanently lives in the house, they are designed to process wastewater in a volume of more than 10 cubic meters per day.


Many manufacturers produce various types of septic tanks for a country house. The presence in the model lines of products with different parameters allows you to make a rational choice for each house. At the same time, there are also specific features for each brand.

All parameters affect the cost of the utilizer, including:

  • septic tank volume,
  • the number of tanks connected in series (chambers, cleaning stages),
  • technology used for wastewater treatment,
  • availability of additional equipment (float level meters, automatic control systems, filters, drainage pumps, airlifts, compressors),
  • body material,
  • company manufacturer.

You can learn from another article as a soil purification system.

If you decide to use it as a sewer, then our article will help in their selection and installation.

About the features of an independent outdoor toilet device here.

Popular models

In order to make it easier to navigate in the variety of models, we offer a brief overview of septic tanks for a country house from the most famous manufacturers.


Non-volatile septic tanks, one of the advantages of which is the presence of a monolithic body, which excludes the possibility of waste getting into groundwater. To increase the strength of the case, they are equipped with stiffening ribs. The model range of septic tanks of this brand includes compact models for a small summer cottage (productivity - 600 l / day) and high-performance (from 1200 l / day) products designed for permanent residence of a family of 5-6 people.


Septic tanks Triton are compact single-chamber models of the "mini" class (Triton-Mini, Triton-Micro) and models for a large amount of wastewater (from 1000 l / day) with three chambers connected in series (Triton-T). All structures are characterized by increased strength, capable of withstanding loads from soil pressure.


Models of this brand are energy-dependent (refer to deep biological treatment plants - they purify wastewater by 98%), but differ from their counterparts in low energy consumption. Reviews of septic tanks for a country house brand "Topas" prove their reliability. In addition, users note a large selection of products that differ in technical characteristics (performance, the degree of burial of the sewer pipe, the method of drainage, etc.).

Living in a dacha allows you not only to take a break from the bustle of the city, but also to enjoy nature, clean air, and find peace. But so that nothing interferes with a good rest, you have to take care of the arrangement of the benefits of civilization - water supply, electricity and sewerage, right?

Are you trying to figure out how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence, so as not to overpay and not miscalculate? We will help you in this matter - our article discusses the types of septic tanks, their structural and functional differences. Indeed, in order to choose the optimal utilizer, it is advisable to get acquainted with the existing options.

Sewer equipment manufacturers offer a variety of options designed to facilitate suburban life.

Among the equipment options there are both simple and inexpensive models, and rather complex biological wastewater treatment plants.

It is rather difficult to choose one thing, especially if the owner of the cottage is faced with this issue for the first time.

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The septic tank has long gained popularity among the owners of country houses. This is a much more practical and safe treatment plant than a cesspool, to which many summer residents are so accustomed. The design of septic tanks includes chambers where waste water is settled, purified and processed. Thus, the water becomes environmentally friendly. And the principle of operation of septic tanks is that sewer pipes are laid from the house and connected to the device.

A septic tank for a summer residence periodically requires cleaning. Depending on the type of construction, cleaning is carried out every one to five years. A septic tank will be a suitable option for sewerage in a suburban area. For detailed information on installing, conducting and connecting the sewage system in a private house, you can find the link http://marisrub.ru/uslugi/inzhenernye-sistemy/kanalizatsiya.

Today, various types of septic tanks are produced for a country house, which differ in performance and volume, material of manufacture and other parameters. Let's find out the selection rules and consider the rating of septic tanks for a country house.

Types of septic tanks

They produce volatile and autonomous septic tanks, horizontal and vertical models, devices that differ in the type of work. In the latter case, accumulative models, devices with soil filtration and deep cleaning are distinguished.

A storage septic tank is the most affordable option, representing an improved cesspool. Waste water enters the tank and is divided into the accumulators into fractions. The septic tank is cleaned as it fills.

This model is characterized by availability, easy installation and low cost. However, they are not very easy to use and require frequent cleaning. The storage structure is suitable for a summer residence, which is used for seasonal living and housing.

Septic tanks with soil filtration and post-treatment are suitable for those who constantly live outside the city. In such a device, wastewater is cleaned, and not only accumulates and is divided into fractions. Post-treatment facilities can be cleaned once every two to three years. By the way, to increase the time between cleanings, special bacteria additives are used for septic tanks.

The structure with soil post-treatment consists of two chambers. Such models are characterized by ease of use and maintenance, but they are not suitable for installation in areas with clay soil and elevated water table.

Septic tanks with deep cleaning purify and disinfect water by 90-100%, therefore, wastewater is disposed of into the ground without the risk of environmental pollution. The system is distinguished by its versatility and high level of wastewater treatment, odorlessness and easy installation.

The septic tank with deep biological cleaning does not require regular cleaning and constant monitoring of the device. Cleaning is carried out no more than once every five years. This is a suitable option for a country cottage where people live permanently. Among the minuses, we note the high cost of equipment and installation, however, there are practically no additional costs for subsequent operation.

In addition, septic tanks are also divided according to the type of material. The equipment is made from plastic, metal, brick and other raw materials. The most affordable and popular are plastic models, which are characterized by high strength and tightness, light weight and installation, corrosion resistance. But when installing such a structure, there is a risk that the capacity will suffer when the soil moves.

Brick septic tanks will not give proper sealing, therefore, during installation, additional waterproofing is required. But reinforced concrete septic tanks will become a reliable device that will last a long time. Experts do not recommend installing metal models, as they are susceptible to corrosion, which reduces the service life.

How to choose the right septic tank for a summer residence

  • If a suburban area is located in warm regions or in central Russia, choose plastic products. For northern and cold regions, it is better to choose reinforced concrete structures that can withstand frost, temperature changes and humidity;
  • For year-round living in a country house, a septic tank with deep biological treatment is well suited; for seasonal residence in the country, standard accumulative models are often used;
  • Each model is characterized by a certain performance. You can easily calculate the required performance by multiplying 200 liters by the number of people who constantly live in the house. Where 200 liters is the approximate volume of water that one person uses per day;
  • If the house has two or more bathrooms, then the volume of the tank should be larger. Consider how many people constantly live in the room. So, for a one-story house with one bathroom and with 3-5 people living all year round, a septic tank with a volume of 2-3 m3 is suitable;
  • Explore the characteristics and opinions of the model. Next, we list the best septic tanks for a country house: a rating based on reviews from buyers and experts.

Top 10 septic tanks for summer cottages

Brand Description Volume (L) Productivity (l / day)
Tank Stand-alone, durable and reliable septic tank made of plastic for any type of soil, easy installation and affordable price, will last more than 50 years. Requires cleaning only once every 4-5 years. Suitable for both seasonal and permanent residence 1200; 600;
Triton Self-contained plastic device with a service life of about 50 years, high tightness and affordable price, easy installation and compact size. The best option for a country house, requires cleaning once every 1-2 years 750; 250;
Tver Plastic septic tank, simple design, easy installation, suitable for any soil, but depends on electricity, affordable price. Ideal for country cottages 3000; 750;
Poplar A durable plastic model that can withstand frost down to -30 degrees and will easily last 50 years, works without pumping out and smell, depends on electricity. Suitable for large cottages and industrial premises 2500; 650;
Topas Compact and unpretentious device works without pumping out, easy installation and service life of about 50 years, simple maintenance 2300; 800;
Ecopan Stable and reliable septic tank, suitable for problem soil, cleaning with a pump, works autonomously. Service life over 50 years, high corrosion resistance. Suitable for country houses and small cottages 4200; 500;
Aqua-bio Easy to set up and easy to maintain device for country houses and seasonal living, sealed and durable, low price, but not suitable for soil with high groundwater levels 2000; 700;
Unilos An efficient plastic septic tank without pumping out, operates on electricity, but the process of operation is provided for in case of power outages 1700; 1000;
Leader Stable and robust design, easily tolerates overloads due to contaminated drains, does not require the use of dietary supplements, works on electricity 3600; 500;
Yubas Monolithic body, requires frequent cleaning, easy operation and maximum purification of the most polluted wastewater, too expensive for small country houses 2400; 1000;

Experts call the Tank the best autonomous septic tank. Among devices that depend on electricity, Poplar received the largest number of positive reviews. But remember that the choice is influenced by the amount of water consumed and the number of bathrooms, the type of residence in a country house and the characteristics of the soil.

Experienced masters will tell you "MariSrub" will tell you which septic tank to choose for your summer residence. We will select a solid and sealed model, perform the installation reliably and quickly, connect the sewage system and other engineering systems in a private house.

Already at the first stages of creating a project for a wooden house, we carry out the necessary calculations for the installation of each engineering system, including water supply and sewerage, ventilation and electrical wiring, heating. As a result, you get a reliable system that will work for many years without problems!