What fertilizers to apply when planting rhododendrons. Seasonal feeding of rhododendron: how to fertilize an ornamental shrub in spring and autumn

Spring activities with rhododendrons are not as intense as with roses. However, rules must be followed when opening rhododendrons.

Rhododendron opening time

When the above zero temperature is established and in the absence of strong night frosts in the forecasts. The most important thing, as with roses, is not to expose overwintered rhododendrons to the bright sun. ... It is necessary to open them on a cloudy day, or in the late afternoon. For a while, it is worth leaving the shelter on the south side.

We must try to do everything for the roots of the plant to work..

To do this, we rake off the mulch so that the earth thaws.

Spill the rhododendron with warm water. During dry spring we try to water as often as possible.

If, on the contrary, the rhododendron is in a puddle of melt water, try to remove this water from the roots of the rhododendron as soon as possible. And in principle this should not be the case, it is necessary to plant the rhododendron so that it does not end up in the flood zone in the spring. If this is not possible, make a hummock for the rhododendron, on which to plant it. Rhododendrons are calm about transplanting, so feel free to correct mistakes, this will only benefit the plant.

Don't be afraid of the unsightly looking rhododendron in the spring. And most often it looks like this:

the leaves are rolled up and omitted. Some of the leaves may be brown.

This picture shows the Haag (The Hague) rhododendron after a good winter. The leaves are drooping and slightly curled.

If the leaves are very tightly twisted - urgent resuscitation of the rhododendron is needed

Twisted leaves within a week, two - it depends on the weather, will open and rise. In a warm spring with sufficient rainfall, you can see unfolded leaves even when the rhododendron opens. As in the photo at the end of the article

Leaves are brown, not regenerated. Remove them before summer.

Brown leaves are the result of frostbite or desiccation. If there are too many of these leaves, the rhododendron may not survive.

In the second photo, just such an unsuccessful wintering of the Katevba rhododendron, the upper shoots were badly damaged, and later they had to be completely cut off.

the record holder for survival, the Katevbin rhododendron usually recovers from an almost dead state. So even if you are not at all happy with the appearance of the rhododendron after removing the shelter, do not rush to destroy it. Water, water, and most often you will see new shoots by early summer.

The third photo shows the same rhododendron as the second one five years later. Nothing now reminds us of how he suffered during wintering in 2005. Then, in 2005, after pruning, he gave new shoots and by the fall almost completely recovered.

Having heard the name of a flower for the first time - rhododendron, it is hard to even imagine how delicate and quivering this plant is. In order to grow it in a summer cottage, you will have to create all the necessary conditions for its flowering. If rhododendrons are planted in the right area, in prepared soil and mulched, then caring for them becomes much easier. In today's article we will consider all the necessary conditions for growing rhododendrons, as well as get acquainted with the most popular types of these flowers.

Suitable lighting and temperature

Rhododendron reacts poorly to direct rays of the sun and strongly illuminated areas of the earth, their lot is shade and partial shade.

Advice: In order to understand whether the lighting is suitable for a given flower, it is enough to look at its leaves. With optimal lighting, the leaves of evergreen rhododendrons are healthy, dark green, they are very decorative not only in summer, but also in winter, but if there is too much light, then the flower petals become faded.

Rhododendron bushes in nature can be found, as a rule, in mountainous areas, therefore it is not surprising that it is there that the ideal ratio between temperature and humidity level is preserved for them.

Rhododendron bushes are practically insensitive to temperature changes - if you properly prepare for the winter season, then this plant will survive the most severe winter, without digging up. In the summer, the optimum temperature is 18-25 degrees, if the summer is hot, then you should be very careful about watering and additional spraying of the plant.

Optimal watering

A rhododendron plant should not lack moisture, especially in the first year after planting. Pouring the bushes is absolutely useless, an excess of moisture is also not suitable for this plant, it is better to water it a little, but constantly. A huge role for irrigation is played by the quality of the water with which the plant is watered, it must be soft, rainwater or water from a clean reservoir is also suitable.

In dry weather, the plant should be helped by regular spraying, especially during the period of active growth, if there is even the slightest suspicion that they are experiencing a water shortage.

Advice: In order to understand that the rhododendron flower does not have enough moisture, you need to pay attention to the leaves, they become dull and droop, brown spots appear at the edges, similar to fungal diseases.

Soil and planting site

When choosing a place for planting, you should pay attention to the shade of this area and to the trees that will be in the neighborhood. It should also be borne in mind that it must be protected from prevailing winds and direct sunlight. It is best for them in wooded areas, especially under pines and not very dense spruces. If there are no such trees on the site, then the sites directly adjacent to the northern walls of the house and other buildings are perfect.

As for the soil, it must be acidic, air and moisture permeable. Optimal composition: high moor peat (sour), garden soil (loam) and pine litter, taken in equal parts.

Feeding rhododendrons

The rhododendron plant needs feeding before flowering, immediately after it, and in late summer - early autumn. You don't need to invent anything special here, in any store for a gardener you can find ready-made soluble fertilizers for rhododendrons, 20-30 grams per 1 liter of water will be more than enough for one plant, you can add 5-10 grams of any nitrogen fertilizer to it.

Reproduction of rhododendrons

Rhododendrons can be propagated in different ways: by seeds, cuttings, layering, grafting. Amateur gardeners prefer the vegetative layering method. For this, young flexible shoots are rooted next to the mother plant. At the same time, the inclined shoot partially fits into a hole no shallower than 15 cm deep. Already in the next season, you can safely dig out this new bush and transplant it to a suitable place.

For grafting, take semi-lignified shoots, cut them into cuttings 5-8 cm long, remove the lower leaves, leave 2-3 upper leaves completely. Rhododendrons take root quite hard, so it is better to hold the cuttings in a solution of growth stimulants for 12-16 hours. After which the cuttings are ready for rooting.

Preparing the plant for winter

In winter, the rhododendron needs special care. Even in autumn, you should carefully monitor watering, it should not be less than 12-13 liters of water at a time, then, before the first frosts, the bushes should be wrapped with burlap and fixed with twine, such a simple method will not disturb the flow of air to the plant. You can remove this shelter only when the night frosts pass.

Advice: in spring, no less than frost should be wary of the lunch sun. So for this procedure, you should choose a cloudy day so as not to harm the immature plant.

Preparing the plant for winter

The most popular types of rhododendrons:

o Japanese rhododendron

o Schlippenbach's Rhododendron

o Rhododendron pink "Percy Weissman"

o Rhododendron white

My "wrong" feeding. And how I ruined Rhododendron

How and with what to fertilize rhododendrons? Tips for beginners

What kind of feeding is suitable for rhododendron? And why you shouldn't use chicken manure ...


Once upon a time ... I moved from the capital to a small village. I really wanted to be closer to the ground. I wanted to have my own big house, a garden rich in hundreds (not a piece of land!) And I had a great desire to plant a garden.

A garden in which everything will be - and fruit trees, ornamental bushes, flower beds. Having settled down a little in a new place, I decided that it was time to make my dreams come true.

And my first purchase was a rhododendron bush. It was a three-year-old sapling, an adult, already formed plant. I prepared a planting pit according to all the rules, planted it ... My first-born got a little sick (the change in climatic conditions affected) and began to gain strength little by little - new branches with pale green leaves appeared.

Of course, I was happy about this as a child - I watered the bush, loosened and mulched the soil, fed. I did everything to ensure that the plant was healthy, blooming. But, I still missed one important point. I did not bother to read about feeding for rhododendron and this fact led to sad consequences. Namely: For the main feeding, I used chicken manure. And this was absolutely impossible to do.

After the first, second feeding, the bush began to change the color of the foliage. At the beginning, single leaves turned pale, and then the whole shrub somehow wilted ... the edges of the leaves became brown, growth stopped. And then the bush died.

I have long sinned on invisible pests and diseases, but only now I understand that the reasons for the death of the plant were my improper feeding. Now I have become an experienced florist and I know many secrets of successfully growing ornamental shrubs. And then ...

I do not want newcomers to make my mistakes, and therefore I decided to share with everyone - important information. Read on! Get experience! Author's text Alyonamir So, by tradition, I give the floor to an experienced florist:

The most readily available and common organic fertilizers are old, semi-rotten manure, horn shavings and blood meal.

ATTENTION! Horse and pig manure, as well as bird droppings, are unsuitable as fertilizers, since they increase the alkalinity of the soil. Which leads to the "oppression" of the plant. And later it is possible for the death of the rhododendron.

Semi-ripe cow manure not only increases the nutritional value of the soil, but also improves its physical properties: the soil becomes looser, its moisture and air permeability, and its water retention capacity increase.

As organic fertilizers for rhododendrons, horn shavings and horn flour are of great value, which are characterized by a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus and have a long and mild effect, since the decomposition process takes longer than the decomposition of manure.

If organic fertilizers are available in sufficient quantities, then they should be preferred. Like mineral fertilizers, it is advisable to apply organic fertilizers in liquid form. If manure is used, it should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 15-20, left for several days until active microbiological processes begin, and only then used for feeding.

To fertilize rhododendrons, you can also use slurry, diluting it with water until it is light brown in color.

To increase the phosphorus content in diluted slurry, add 3-4 kg of superphosphate per 100 liters of liquid.

When fertilizing rhododendrons with slurry, it is necessary to strictly monitor the reaction of the soil, since this fertilizing can change the pH of the substrate. Before feeding, the rhododendrons should be well watered so that the root ball is soaked to the full depth.

If there is semi-rotten manure on the farm in spring or autumn, it can be poured on the soil surface around each plant in a layer about 5 cm thick.With melting snow or rain moisture, nutrients gradually penetrate into the soil, and the plants receive the necessary feeding.


If organic fertilizers are inaccessible or not available at all, then one should focus on inorganic fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers are essentially concentrates of nutrients, therefore, with a small amount of them, many nutrients necessary for plants are introduced into the soil.

Since rhododendrons grow well on acidic soils, physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, calcium sulfate, potassium phosphate, potassium nitrate, etc.) should be used for feeding, so as not to disturb the reaction of the environment.

The ratio of mineral fertilizers and water used for feeding rhododendrons should not exceed 1-2: 1000 (the solution of potash fertilizers should be even weaker).

Chlorine-containing fertilizers should not be used to feed rhododendrons. You need to start feeding the plants in early spring and stop at the end of July, otherwise in warm weather and sufficient humidity.

Soil and air can cause secondary shoot growth. Young shoots, which started to grow late, manage to finish their growth by the end of the growing season, and in the fall, even with the first light frosts, they freeze. In the climatic conditions of our republic, which is characterized by warm and humid summers and autumn, secondary growth of shoots in late August or early September is observed in many species of rhododendrons.


It can be suspended by spraying the plants with 1% solution of potassium sulfate K2SO4 or 1% solution of monosubstituted potassium phosphate KH2PO4.

Feeding rhododendrons with a potassium-phosphorus buffer solution is very effective.


For its preparation, 8 g of potassium nitrate KNO3 and 8 g of monosubstituted potassium phosphate KN2PO4 are taken for 10 liters of water. A solution is obtained that contains the main macroelements - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and maintains the pH of the medium within the required range (2-7).

Feeding rhododendrons with solutions of mineral salts is a very laborious work, therefore, in the mass cultivation of rhododendrons, dry mineral fertilizers are used.

This makes the work of gardeners easier. For 1m2 of area or for one plant with a height of 1 m, 80 g of mineral fertilizers of the following composition should be taken: 20 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of ammonium sulfate.

This mixture is sown in early spring, immediately after the snow melts and the soil thaws (in the climatic conditions of the Latvian SSR, approximately at the end of March and the first half of April).

During spring rains, mineral fertilizers dissolve and enter the substrate. Secondary feeding is carried out at the end of May - at the beginning of June, immediately after the flowering of rhododendrons. This time, the dose of mineral fertilizers is halved.

You can feed it a little differently:

In early spring, only nitrogenous fertilizers are applied, and phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied immediately after the flowering of rhododendrons.

In this case, in early spring, 100 g of a mixture is sown per 1 m2 of area, which includes 50 g of ammonium sulfate and 50 g of magnesium sulfate.

In late May - early June, after the flowering of rhododendrons, 80 g of a mixture is introduced per 1 m2 of area, which includes 20 g of potassium sulfate, 20 g of superphosphate and 40 g of ammonium sulfate.


Top dressing of open ground rhododendrons with solutions of mineral fertilizers is carried out 2-3 times a year - from April to July.

For feeding, you can use the same fertilizers and in the same concentration that we recommended for feeding indoor rhododendrons.

For 10 liters of water, 21.5 g of ammonium sulfate, 8.3 g of superphosphate and 6.3 g of potassium sulfate are taken. In addition, during this period, to maintain the necessary reaction of the substrate, it is advisable to water the plants with potassium-phosphorus buffer solution 1-2 times more.

Feeding young seedlings is somewhat different from feeding rhododendrons growing in a permanent place, therefore, fertilizing them is discussed in the section describing the reproduction of rhododendrons by seeds. Post author

To ensure good growth, beautiful flowering and resistance of rhododendron to unfavorable external factors (pests, diseases), it is necessary to carry out mandatory feeding of the plant. For this, it is recommended to use organic and mineral complexes, as well as various growth stimulants. Uncontrolled use of fertilizers will only harm the plant, so you must adhere to the basic rules.

Fertilization rules

There are a number of rules for fertilizing rhododendron (azalea) that must be followed:

  1. 1. Young shrubs should be fed only with products in the form of liquid solutions. They are better absorbed by the root system and absorbed by the plant.
  2. 2. Should not be used for azaleas growing in Russia, those compounds that are imported in granules. This is due to the fact that they are intended for other climatic conditions (for example, for those areas where there are much more hot days in spring and summer than in Russia). If you use such products, then at the end of August the green mass can begin to grow again. Because of this, the branches simply do not have time to prepare for the onset of frost. As a result, the bush will freeze.
  3. 3. Wood ash should not be used for feeding. It is not introduced into the soil around the rhododendron, because this product reduces the acidity of the soil. This can lead to various diseases in azaleas. In most cases, with such an error, chlorosis develops, which is difficult to cope with. The presence of an ailment can be determined by the appearance of yellowish streaks around the veins of foliage.
  4. 4. It is not recommended to use too much fertilizer containing phosphorus. They will interfere with the absorption of iron in the soil by the root system. A deficiency of this substance also leads to the development of chlorosis. This is especially true for young shoots.

In the first year, when the plant is just forming, it is imperative to fertilize the shrub. Otherwise, due to a deficiency of minerals, the leaves will turn pale and fall off.

Azalea must be fertilized 3 times. The first time the procedure should be carried out after winter. Azophoska is required to be applied to the soil around the trunk. It is a granular mineral fertilizer. It contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The product is considered universal, since it contains all the components necessary for the plant in spring. Nitrogen is required to maintain and accelerate the growth of green mass and root systems. Phosphorus and potassium affect the development of inflorescences and roots.

Azofosk has the following features:

  • does not wash out from the soil for a long time;
  • promotes high-quality nutrition of the azalea, as it is located near the roots of the flower for a long time.

The composition can be added to any type of soil. It should be used exclusively in the spring, when the azalea is still in the budding process. You need to act clearly according to the instructions for the drug. Do not exceed the dosage so as not to provoke a burn of the root system.

In spring, the bush can be fertilized with Rhodo and Azalea Azet. It contains fungal cultures and special microorganisms. It only takes half a glass of this granular fertilizer to fertilize one plant. This volume is sufficient to feed the flower for the next several months. The substance is required to be applied to the soil when the bud is still opening.

The next period when it is recommended to add fertilizers to the soil is the end of May or the beginning of June. At this time, the plant is already blooming. The formulations used should contribute to the laying of flower buds on the bush. They will be required for flowering next year.

  1. 1. Mix 2 tbsp. l ammonium sulfate with a spoonful of potassium salt and superphosphate. This amount is enough to process 1 sq. m plot.
  2. 2. Use the finished product Kemira universal or its analogues. The composition is suitable for shrubs of perennial flowering type. The product is supposed to be applied under the plant after watering has been carried out.
  3. 3. Use organic fertilizers. For feeding rhododendrons, compositions made on the basis of sour high-type peat are suitable. Manure must be handled very carefully. It must be diluted (1 kg of the product is diluted with 20 liters of water), and then wait 3 days for the product to infuse. Only then can the fertilizer be added to the soil.
  4. 4. Dilute horny flour with water. It contains a large amount of phosphorus, and the elements will decompose for several months.

The third feeding after winter is done at the end of July. During its implementation, nitrogen-containing products cannot be used, otherwise the shoots will begin to grow again. It is required to add a couple of tablespoons of compounds that include phosphorus to the soil, add a spoonful of potassium salt. Thanks to this, new shoots that have formed during the season will become stronger and more resistant to frost.

After the last fertilization, it is required to mulch the area around the trunk of the bush. To do this, you need to use rotted pine needles.

Mineral complexes

Both mineral and organic fertilizers are actively used for feeding azaleas. The following mineral compositions are commonly used:

  1. 1. Iron chelate. It is used on clay-type soils so that the azalea leaves do not turn yellow.
  2. 2. Nitrogen-containing compositions. They are required to be applied to the soil in the spring to stimulate growth.
  3. 3. Potassium sulfate, magnesium and ammonium. These types of fertilizers are great for rhododendron, as they affect the level of soil acidity in favor of reducing the indicator.
  4. 4. Phosphorus fats. Promote the acceleration of plant metabolic reactions.

Mineral fertilizer is a concentrated suspension. For introduction into the ground, a minimum volume of product is required. At the same time, the earth is saturated with useful substances as much as possible.

Also used for fertilizing rhododendrons:

  • potassium sulfate, calcium, magnesium and ammonium;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • potassium phosphate;
  • superphosphate.

One of the most effective options for feeding azaleas is the use of a buffer-type potassium-phosphorus solution. It contains substances that help maintain the level of soil acidity that is optimal for rhododendrons. When preparing a mixture for 10 liters of liquid, it is required to add 8 g of phosphate and potassium nitrate each.

If different varieties of azaleas are fertilized, located in one place, then the mineral solution must be replaced with dry fat. For their preparation, it is necessary to mix 20 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate, and then add 40 g of ammonium sulfate. One shrub up to 1 m high will require 80 g of such a composition. The mixture must be scattered over the soil in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. The fat will penetrate into the soil when watering.

Organic matter

Organic fertilizers are the cheapest and most readily available for feeding shrubs. Popular products that are used to process azaleas are:

  1. 1. Manure. It cannot be used fresh, it must be diluted. Add 15 parts of manure to 1 part of the liquid, mix thoroughly. After that, it is necessary to wait several days until microbiological processes take place in the mixture. At this time, air bubbles will appear on the surface of the future fertilizer.
  2. 2. Slurry. There are no exact proportions. During the preparation of the composition, it is necessary to focus on the shade of the liquid. The suspension should take on a light brownish color.
  3. 3. Semi-rotted manure. Such a composition should not be diluted in water. In the spring, it is simply spread over the surface of the ground around the bush. The layer thickness must be at least 5 cm.
  4. 4. Slurry and superphosphate. The composition includes both organic and mineral fertilizers. The combination is great for azaleas. Thanks to it, the concentration of phosphorus in the soil increases, which is required for the full development of the shrub. 4 kg of superphosphate is added to 100 liters of slurry.

When using slurry, it is necessary to monitor the acidity level of the soil. If the color of the foliage begins to change (evergreen shrubs can shed foliage), then urgent measures are required to apply acidic fertilizers. As for the manure itself, poultry, and cow, and pork, and horse droppings can be used for fertilization.

Horny waste is the most valuable organic fertilizer. This applies to shavings and flour. They contain large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen. The decomposition period of these products is quite long, so the amount of formulations applied will be minimal.

You can use vinegar to feed the azalea. This will be needed if ordinary water from a well is used to water the bushes. It needs to be slightly acidified. For this, vinegar is used. It will take only 2 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of liquid. Vinegar can be substituted with citric acid. In this case, 4 g of the substance will be needed for 10 liters of water. Sometimes shrubs are treated with urea.

Growth and flowering stimulants

Many drugs have been developed that are used to stimulate the growth and flowering of azaleas. The most effective of these are:

  1. 1. Zircon. It helps the shrub to adapt faster, stimulates the beginning of flowering, promotes the growth of the root system. Sold in ampoules. Add 2 drops of liquid to a watering can with water for irrigation. Overdose should not be allowed. Zircon is also used to spray azaleas. The procedure is carried out once every 4 days.
  2. 2. Epin. This is an antricess remedy that is perfect for rhododendron. Its difference from Zircon is that the drug is used only for spraying, and once every 2 weeks. If you use the product more often, it will not give any accelerated effect. It is considered no less useful than the previous substance. Sold in ampoules that should not be exposed to light. It is prohibited to spray azaleas during flowering.
  3. 3. NV-101. A popular remedy that helps azaleas cope with any stress. The advantage is the economy of the product. Only 1 drop of the substance is added to the watering can. It is allowed to use both for watering and irrigation.
  4. 4. Eco-gel antistress. Available in bottles. Suitable for both watering and spraying with a spray bottle. Considered to be more effective than Epin.
  5. 5. Ferovit. This azalea food contains iron chelate. Usually used when chlorosis develops on a shrub. Helps to build green mass, improves appearance. Used for watering and spraying. In the latter case, it is considered more effective.
  6. 6. Emerald. It is usually used when azalea leaves turn brown, faded. Helps build green mass.
  7. 7. Fitosporin-M. Prevents decay of roots, the development of various diseases. You will need 10 drops of the product per cup of water.

Feeding rhododendron shrubs is a necessary step in plant care. It is especially needed in the spring after the snow melts. You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers. They stimulate the growth of green mass, accelerate the growth of the bush. Top dressing has a beneficial effect on flowering.